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Luh Putu Ria Minorita, S. Pd.




Puji syukur kehadapan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas terselesaikannya modul ini
yaitu Modul untuk mata kuliah English for Business.

Modul ini disusun dengan tujuan untuk menyediakan bahan ajar dan latihan
untuk mata kuliah English for Business semester 1. Modul ini dirancang sesuai
dengan penggunaan Bahasa Inggris di dunia kerja. Bahan ajar serta latihan yang
terdapat di dalam modul ini ditujukan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan
melatih para siswa meningkatkan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris serta
mempersiapkan diri mereka mengaplikasikan Bahasa Inggris di dunia kerja.

Sehubungan dengan terselesaikannya penulisan modul ini, penulis mengucapkan

terima kasih kepada berbagai pihak yang telah memberikan dukungannya
selama proses penyusunannya.

Penulis menyadari bahwa modul ini masih jauh dari sempura. Untuk itu, saran
dan kritik senantiasa diharapkan untuk perbaikan modul ini. Penulis berharap
modul ini dapat memberikan maanfaat berupa pengetahuan dan keterampilan
berbahasa Inggris bagi pembelajaran mata kuliah English for Business semester
1 di Kampus Alfa Prima.

Denpasar, 15 September 2021



Kata Pengantar …………………………………………………………………………………. i

Daftar Isi……………………………………………………………………………………………. ii
Unit 1 : Introduction …………………………………………………………………………. 1
Unit 2 : Jobs ………………………………………………………………………..…………….. 10
Unit 3 : Company History …………………………………………………………………. 22
Unit 4 : Work Atmosphere ……………………………………………………………..… 30
Unit 5 : Company Profile ………………………………………………………………..… 38
Unit 6 : Passive Voice ……………………………………………………………………..... 44
Unit 7 : Asking and Giving Direction ……………………………………………..….. 51
Unit 8 : Product Promotion …………………………………………………………..….. 62
Unit 9 : Customer Service ……………………………………………………………….... 73
Unit 10 : Applying for a Job ………………………………………………………………... 87
Daftar Pustaka ……………………………………………………………………………………. 105


Menyusun teks tulis dan lisan terkait memberi dan meminta
informasi tentang jati diri sesuai konteks penggunaannya di dunia kerja.


Peserta latih mampu:

1. membedakan jenis kata dan fungsinya

2. menyebutkan jam, hari, tanggal, bulan dan tahun dalam bahasa


3. memperkenalkan diri sendiri

4. memperkenalkan orang lain


1. Uraian dan contoh

Word classes are also called parts of speech.

There are four major word classes, such as, nouns, verbs, adjectives,

and adverb. And, there are five other word classes, such as,

determiners, preposotions, pronouns, conjuctions, and interjections.


Noun A word that indentifies a Student, Diana, book,

person, a thing, a place, an horse, happiness,

idea, or a quality bravery, etc.

Verb A word that states an Go, study, watch, etc.


Adjective A word that modifies a Happy, good, big,

noun or pronoun expresive, etc.

Adverb A word that modifies a Quickly, angrily, here,

verb, an adjective, or tomorrow, etc.

another adverb

Determiner  a word that introduces a a/an, the, this, those,

noun many, much, little,


Preposition A word that relates words After, before, in, on,

to each other. It usually at, of, etc.

comes in front of a noun or


Pronoun A word that takes place of I, you, her, us, his, my,

a noun yours, mine, itself,

themselves, etc.

Conjuction A word that links words, And, but, or, since,

phrases, or sentences because, etc.

Interjection A word that has no Ah, hey, um, oh, ouch!,

grammatical value yeah… etc.

2. Latihan

Answer the following questions.

1. Do you know word classes (parts of speech) in English? Find

out 2 (two) examples for each word class.

2. Pay attention to the sentences and determine the word


 My manager always leads our weekly meeting.

 Our instructur give the students a new

assignment and an exercise.

 Oh, I forgot to turn off the computer after using it.

3. Rangkuman

In english there are nine word classes such as;

 Four major word classes: noun, verb, adjective, adverb.

Examples: student (noun), go (verb), happy (adjective),

adverb (quickly).

 The five other word clasess: determiners, preposotions,

pronouns, conjuctions, and interjections. Examples: this

(determiner), on (preposition), you (pronoun), because

(conjuction), oh! (interjection).

D. INTRODUCTION - Let me introduce myself.

1. Uraian dan contoh

Introduction is a way to tell about yourself or oneself. In introduction,

there are some points that are generally mentions, such as; name,

origin, address, hobby, occupation, etc.

Furthermore, the following are the language expressions that are

commonly used in introduction.


What’s your name? My name is ……….

What is your complete name? I’m ……….

What’s your nick name? My complete name is ……….

How should I call you? My nick name is ……….

You can call me ……….

Where are you from? I’m from ……….

Where do you come from? I come from ……….

Where do you live/stay? I live/stay at/on/in ……….

What’s your address? My address is ……….

What’s your phone number? My phone number is ……….

What’s your hobby? My hobby is ………. (one hobby)

My hobbies are ………., ………. And

………. (more than one hobby)

What’s your job? I’m a/an ……….

What’s your occuption? I work as a/an ……….

What do you do for living?

Where do you study? I study at/on/in ………

Where do you work? I work at/on/in ………

Where were you born? I was born at/on/in ………

When were you born? I was born at/on/in ………

How old are you? I’m ………. years old.

How many people are there in There are ………. People in your

your family? family.

How many sibling do you I have ………. Sibling (s).

have? I have ………. brothers and ……….


With whom do you live/stay? I live/stay with ……….

Who do you live/stay with?

In some cases, telling time, day, month, and year is needed

in an introduction


Type 1 10.00 :

It’s ten o’clock in the morning


It’s ten o’clock in the evenening


It’s one o’clock in the morning

It’s one o’clock in the afternoon

Type 2 10.00 AM

10.00 PM

Type 3 10.25 : It’s twenty five past ten.

10.52 : It’s eight to eleventh.

Use “at” to tell the time


She was calling her close friend at half past six

We have will submit the proposal at three o’clock


There are seven days of the week, as follows;

Sunday Thursday

Monday Friday
Tuesday Saturday

Use “on” to tell the date and day


I always watch a movie on Sunday,

We met on 1st January 2021


Use “in” to tell the month and the year.

Example : in 2021, in 1999, in January 2000

The competition will be held in January.

The following example shows how to introduce yourself

Let me introduce myself.

My complete name is Thomas Ron Smith. You can call me Thom

I’m from London.

I was born on 23rd May 2002

I’m a student of a university in London.

My hobby is reading books.

Nice to meet you.

2. Latihan

Introduce yourself in front of the class by telling the following things.

- Complete name

- Nick name

- Place and date of birth

- Age

- Occupation

- Hobby

- Origin

- Address

- Phone number

- Family

3. Rangkuman

To introduce yourself to someone, you can say;

Let me introduce myself. My name is ………. You can call me ………. I

was born at/onin ………., I’m ………. years old. I’m a/an ………. I

study/work at/on/in ………., My hobby is ………. I live at/on/in ……….

My phone number is ………. I live/stay with ………. Nice to meet you.

E. INTRODUCTION (How to introduce someone)

1. Uraian dan contoh

To intoduce someone to someone else, we use the same language

expression like what we use in introducing ourself. However, we need

to change the pronoun “I” into the third person “She” or “He”.

Look at the conversation below as the example

Kim : Hi, Lusy! How are you?

Lusy : Hi, Kim! I’m fine, thank you. And you?

Kim : I’m not so bad. By the way, I want to intoduce you to our

new classmate.

Lusy : Oh, yeah?

Kim : Sure. Lusy, this is Mark.

Mark, she is Lusy.

Mark : HI, Lusy! Nice to meet you.

Lusy : Nice to meet you too, Lusy.

Kim : Mark is from America. He has just moved here. Now he stays

with his grandparents.

Lusy : Oh, I see.

Kim : Mark, Lusy is my close friend. She is originally from Jakarta,

and now she lives here in Bali with her family. And her

hobby is reading books, like you.

Mark : Really?

2. Latihan

Make a group that consists of atnleast 3 (three) students, Then create

a conversation about introducing someone to someone else. and,

perform it in front of the class.

3. Rangkuman

To introduce someone to someone else, we can say

- “I want to intoduce you to …………”

- “This is………”

- “She is ………..”

The third person is used to intoduce someone to

someone else. Example:

- She is Lusy

- Now he stays with his grandparents.

- She is originally from Jakarta

- She lives here in Bali with her family.

- Her hobby is reading books, like you.


Mendeskripsikan profesi secara lisan dan tulis sesuai dengan



Perseta didik mampu:

1. Memahami penggunaan Simple Present Tense pada kalimat

dan dapat mengaplikasikannya dengan tepat.

2. Mendeskripsikan sebuah profesi.


1. Uraian dan contoh

Simple Present Tense is used to tell general truths, the activities in the

present time, daily activities, routines, and habbits.

The time signals that are used in Simple Present Tense:

Every day Always

Every Sunday Usually

Every month Often

Once a week Seldom

Twice a year Never

Three times a day Sometimes

The formulas of Simple Present Tense

Nominal Sentence Verbal Sentence

Positive Sentence Positive Sentence

S + is/am/are + C… S + V1/V1(s/es)……….

Example: Example:

- I’m happy. - We study English.

- She is happy. - He studies English.

- They are happy. - You study English.

Negative Sentence Negative Sentence

S + is/am/are + not + C… S + do/does + not + V1….

Example: Example:

- I’m not happy. - We don’t study English.

- She is not happy. - He doesn’t study

- They aren’t happy. English.

- You do not study


Interrogative Sentence Interrogative Sentence

Is/Am/Are + S + C..? Do/Does + S + V1….?

Example: Example:

- Are you happy? - Do we study English?

- Is she happy? - Does he study English?

- Are they happy? - Do you study English.

2. Latihan

Change the sentences below into negative and interrogative


1. The secretary types a letter.

2. My classmates always come to campus on time.

3. Their lecturer starts the first meeting.

4. He drinks a cup of coffee every morning.

5. Her friends help her do the assignment.

3. Rangkuman

There are two types of Simple Present Tense

A. Verbal Sentence

(+) S + V1/V1(s/es)……….

(-) S + do/does + not + V1….

(?) Do/Does + S + V1….?

B. Nominal Sentence

(+) S + is/am/are + C…

(-) S + is/am/are + not + C…

(?) Is/Am/Are + S + C..?


1. Uraian dan Contoh

Based on The Cambridge Dictionary, job is the regular work that a

person does to earn money. Jobs are categorized in accordance with

the career fields or job fields.

Career fields are ways of categorizing different types of

jobs based on common similarities. These categories help people to
narrow down their career choices so they can choose a specific path
that suits them. Career fields help people to easily organize the
different types of labor for easier understanding. Each career field has
unique requirements and duties associated with their professions.
When looking for a new job, you should consider what career path you
would like to follow.

Below are some common career fields and examples of jobs that belong
to each category:
1. Architecture and engineering
People in the architecture and planning fields are responsible for
designing new structures or creating aesthetically pleasing, practical
and structurally sound environments. Many positions require an
undergraduate or graduate degree. Jobs in this field include:
 Architect
 Civil engineer
 Landscape architect
 Sustainable designer
 Biomedical engineer

2. Arts, culture and entertainment

This career field is dedicated to enriching people's lives through
culture and the sharing of arts and self-expression. There are formal
educational programs for these fields, but these careers also include

self-taught people who have natural talent. Some jobs in this field
 Singer/songwriter
 Music producer
 Art curator
 Animator/video game designer
 Filmmaker
 Graphic designer
 Fashion designer
 Photographer

3. Business, management and administration

The business, management and administration career fields are best
for business-minded individuals with a penchant for communication.
They work to execute various processes necessary for the functioning
of businesses. It usually involves working in an office environment.
Here are some of the positions in this field:
 Human resources manager
 Marketing assistant
 Accountants
 Secretary
 Entrepreneur/small business owner
 Real estate agent
 Business development manager

4. Communications
The communications career field is about mastering the art of
delivering a targeted message to diverse groups of people. Some
positions in this field include:
 Journalist
 Copywriter
 Communications manager
 Public relations specialist

 Meeting/event planner
 Social media manager
 Brand manager

5. Community and social services

The community and social services career field include jobs that offer
tangible support to people and communities to enrich the lives of
Based in ideals of social justice and equality, this career path is for
people who want to improve social systems and services. Often, people
go in this field because there is a specific group of people they wish to
advocate for or help.
Some jobs in this field include:
 School counselor
 Speech pathologist
 Rehabilitation counselor
 Licensed clinical social worker
 Child welfare social worker
 Palliative and hospice care worker

6. Education
The education field is dedicated to the art of skillfully disseminating
knowledge and information to people. The most obvious job in this
field are teachers, but it is not just limited to teaching. There are also
management, administrative and board member jobs, for example.
Here are some jobs you can find in this field:
 Special education teacher
 School principal
 Superintendent
 College professor
 School librarian
 Substitute teacher

7. Science and technology
Science and technology is a diverse career field that generally involves
scientific research and the development of innovative technologies that
benefit humanity.
Scientific professions often involved some degree of mathematics or
computer science knowledge.
These professions all belong to this career field:
 Archeologist
 Software engineer
 Laboratory technician
 Microbiologist
 Physicist

8. Installation, repair and maintenance

The installation, repair and maintenance career field is dedicated to
helping customers operate specialized machinery. Workers in this field
have a vast knowledge of their trade. They help to install, maintain,
troubleshoot and repair a variety of different objects in the modern
Jobs in this career field include:
 Auto mechanic
 Landscaper and groundskeeper
 Bicycle repairer
 Wind turbine technician
 Plumber

9. Farming, fishing and forestry

The farming, fishing and forestry career fields are ideal for people who
enjoy the outdoors. Providing food for people, this career field is an
essential part of society. These professions work directly with

ecosystems and manage them in various ways. People get the
opportunity to be close to wildlife and nature. It includes the growing
and harvesting of plants and animals for human consumption.
Jobs in this career field include:
 Agricultural worker
 Animal breeder
 Nursery worker
 Forest and conservation worker
 Fisher

10. Government
The government career-field comprises jobs where you work directly
with government institutions on a federal, state or local level. It is a
diverse career-field with a variety of different occupations. Sometimes,
people who seek to advance in this profession pursue an education in
political sciences.
Jobs in government can include:
 School cafeteria worker
 Congressional staff
 National park ranger
 Mail carrier
 Elementary school teacher

11. Health and medicine

This career profession involves healthcare services that provide care
for people. They are an essential part of our society. This professional
field often requires specialized training and certification.
Here are some examples of professions in health and medicine:
 Anesthesiologist
 Dental assistant
 Nurse
 Veterinarian
 Physical therapist

12. Law and public policy
Within the law and public policy field, the variety of occupations
include criminal justice, public policy advocacy and political lobbying.
This career field comprises all the employment sectors. You can find a
job in government, nonprofit, thinktanks and large for-profit
Here are some jobs in this career field:
 Lobbyist
 Public administrator
 Paralegal
 Lawyer
 Labor relations specialist

13. Sales
Choosing a career path in sales involves working to sell items or
services to individuals and businesses. People require in-depth
knowledge of what they are selling. This field is customer service
oriented and it often helps to have good interpersonal skills.
Jobs in this career field include:
 Sales associate
 sales development rep
 Account executive
 Regional sales manager
 VP of sales

2. Latihan

Find out 5 jobs for each workplace below and tell the career

fields of the jobs.

1. Hospital

2. Bank

3. Hotel

3. Rangkuman

The people work to earn money for their life. There are various jobs.

They categorized based on the following career fields.

1. Architecture and engineering

 Architect
 Civil engineer
2. Arts, culture and entertainment
 Singer/songwriter
 Music producer
3. Business, management and administration
 Human resources manager
 Marketing assistant
4. Communications
 Journalist
 Copywriter
5. Community and social services
 School counselor
 Speech pathologist
6. Education
 Special education teacher
 School principal
7. Science and technology
 Archeologist
 Software engineer
8. Installation, repair and maintenance
 Auto mechanic
 Landscaper and groundskeeper
9. Farming, fishing and forestry

 Agricultural worker
 Nursery worker
10. Government
 Congressional staff
 National park ranger
11. Health and medicine
 Nurse
 Veterinarian
12. Law and public policy
 Lawyer
 Labor relations specialist
13. Sales
 Sales associate
 sales development rep


1. Uraian dan contoh

Job descriptions show the details of the duties and

responsibilities of someone in doing the job. In describing a job, use

the simpe present tense



A Payroll Accountant

Payroll accountants are in charge of payroll operations in

organizations. They usually report to the Director of Finance. They
prepare employee salary statements and process paychecks. They
maintain payroll files and create reports. They ensure all payroll
procedures are in line with governmental laws and policies.
Most payroll accountants have a degree in Finance,
Accounting, or similar field. They usually hold a payroll
certification as well, such as Certified Payroll Professional.

2. Latihan

Find out a job/profession. Describe it using Simple Present Tense.

3. Rangkuman

Job descriptions show the details of the duties and responsibilities

in doing the job.

Simple Present Tense is used in desribing a job/profession.

Example: Payroll accountants are in charge of payroll operations in




Memaparkan dan menangkap makna dari sebuah teks tulis dan

lisan tentang company history


Peserta latih mampu;

1. Membedakan Simple Past Tense, Present Perfect Tense dan

Past Perfect Tense, dan dapat mengaplikasikannya dengan


2. Menceritakan sebuah company history



1. Uraian dan contoh

Simple Past Tense is used to tell something happened in the past.

The time signals that are used in Simple Past Tense:

Yesterday Last Sunday

Two days ago Last week

Four years ago Last yeaar

The formulas of Simple Past Tense

Nominal Sentence Verbal Sentence

Positive Sentence Positive Sentence

S + was/were + C… S + V2……….

Example: Example:

- I was very proud of you. - Barbara called her close

- They were here friend two hours ago.

yesterday. - He wrote a letter to


Negative Sentence Negative Sentence

S + was/were + not + C… S + did + not + V1….

Example: Example:

- I was not very proud of - Barbara didn’t call her

you. close friend two hours

- They weren’t here ago.

yesterday. - He didn’t write a letter

to someone.

Interrogative Sentence Interrogative Sentence

Was/Were + S + C..? Did + S + V1….?

Example: Example:

- Was she a secretary of an - Did he write a letter to

international company? someone?

- Were they happy? - Did Barbara call her

close friend two hours


To tell something in the past, we also can use Present Perfect Tense

and Past Perfet Tense.

The present perfect tense is performed by using have or has whereas

past perfect tense uses had.

The present perfect tense is used when we are talking about an event

that started in the past and the event still has some influence in the


The past perfect is very similar to the present perfect because the

event also started in the past. However, the difference between the

events is that the past perfect event also ended in the past. This can be

used with a specified time. For example, “I had studied in China last

year”. This also implies the event happened a long time ago.

Present Perfect Tense Past Perfect Tense

(+) S + has/have + V3/been …….. (+) S + had + V3/been ……..

(-) S + have/has + not + (-) S + had+ not + V3/been..

V3/been.. (?) Have/has + S + V3/been ….

(?) Have/has + S + V3/been ….


 We have learnt how to speak English well.

 She had moved the box when I came.

 They haven’t known the truth yet.

 My father has fixed the bicycle.

 Had he checked the files when you met him?

 Why have you been there?

2. Latihan

Change the verbs in the brackets to make correct sentences.

1. Last week I (not, go) to campus because I was sick.

2. The house (build) since five days ago.

3. Had the girl (finish) the proposal when you (call) her?

4. My friends and I (join) the English club for three months.

5. The kids (take) the candies yesterday.

3. Rangkuman

Simple Past Tense Verbal Sentence

(+) S + V2 ………..

(-) S + didn’t + V1 ………..

(?) Did + S + V1………..?

Nominal Sentence

(+) S + was/were ………..

(-) S + was/were + not + C ………..

(?) Was/Were + S + C ………..?

Present Perfect Tense Verbal Sentence

(+) S + have/has + V3 ………..

(-) S + have/has + not + V3 ………..

(?) Have/Has + S + V3………..?

Nominal Sentence

(+) S + have/has + been + C ………..

(-) S + have/has + not + been + C ………..

(?) Have/Has + S + been + C………..?

Past Perfect Tense Verbal Sentence

(+) S + had + V3 ………..

(-) S + had + not + V3 ………..

(?) Had + S + V3………..?

Nominal Sentence

(+) S + had + been + C ………..

(-) S + had + not + been + C ………..

(?) Had + S + been + C………..?


1. Uraian dan contoh

Past event is something experienced or happened in the past. The

past tenses are used to tell the past event or experience.


Last week my parents and I went to the village to visit

my grandparents. When we arrived, my grandparents had

prepared rooms for us to stay. They were really happy to see us.

We stayed there for two days.

At night I walked around the backyard to enjoy the

beautiful night full of sparkling stars in the sky. when I

approached the backyard, my parents had prepared things we

needed to do barbeque.

I loved to stay there because we did many things to have


2. Latihan

Tell one of your unforgetable experieces by using past tenses.

3. Rangkuman

Past Tenses are used to tell something happened in the past. The

following sentences are the examples

- Last week my parents and I went to the village to visit my


- When we arrived, my grandparents had prepared rooms for us to


- They were really happy to see us.


1. Uraian dan contoh

A company's history is the founding bedrock upon which it stands

and continues to grow.

Here is the example.

Company History

Peter Dornau co-founded the Company in 1973
around a single product, Star brite® Auto Polish. This polish
revolutionized the industry through its advertising programs
such as the now famous Star brite® commercials which
included the "Junkyard Test" where an automobile selected
from a junk yard was transformed into a vehicle of beauty in
minutes utilizing Star brite® Polish. Over time a greatly
expanded line of products were developed around the polish
to maintain the appearance of vehicles.
Despite its early success, in the mid-80's the
Company began shifting its product line focus into the wide
open boat care and appearance market. Now, nearly twenty
years later, the Star brite® brand is the nationally known
standard for boat appearance and care. The Company has also
established solid niches in the recreational vehicle, aircraft,
home care, aviation, outdoor power
equipment powersports and motorcycle markets.

The two following sentences are taken from the text.

 Peter Dornau co-founded the Company in 1973 around a single

product, Star brite® Auto Polish.

 This polish revolutionized the industry through its advertising

programs such as the now famous Star brite® commercials which

included the "Junkyard Test" where an automobile selected from a

junk yard was transformed into a vehicle of beauty in minutes

utilizing Star brite® Polish.

2. Latihan

A. Answer the following questions based on the information in the

text (Star Brite) above.
1. When did Peter Dornau co-found the Star brite?
2. What did the company do in its early success in the mid-80’s?
3. What was the name of the company’s first product?
4. How did it revolutionize the industry?
5. Write 3 sentences (Simple Past Tense) that you found in the text.
B. Find out a company history on the internet, and retell it.

3. Rangkuman

A company's history is the founding bedrock upon which it

stands and continues to grow. In addition, the history is told in past


For instance; This polish revolutionized the industry through its

advertising programs such as the now famous Star brite® commercials

which included the "Junkyard Test" where an automobile selected from

a junk yard was transformed into a vehicle of beauty in minutes

utilizing Star brite® Polish.




Menceritakan kegiatan yang sedang dilakukan dalam suatu

suasana tertentu di tempat kerja.


Peserta latih mampu:

1. Memahami perbedaan Present Continuous Tense dan Past

Continuous Tense serta penggunaannya

2. Menceritakan kegiatan yang sedang dilakukan saat ini dan di

masa lampau



1. Uraian dan contoh

Present continuous tense is used to tell about the action or

something that is happening now whereas past continuous tense

shows the action or something that was happening in the past.

To be “is”, “am”, and “are” are used in present continuous tense.

To be “was” and “were” are used in past continuous tense.


(+) S + is/am/are + V1(ing) …….. (+) S + was/were + V1(ing) ……..

(-) S + is/am/are + V1(ing) …….. (-) S + was/were + V1(ing) ……..

(?) Is/Am/Are + S + V1(ing) …….? (?) Was/Were + S + V1(ing) …….?

Examples Examples

1. The students of Alfa Prima are 1. The students of Alfa Prima

having a test now. were having a test yesterday

2. The students of Alfa Prima when the technician fixed the

aren’t having a test now. equipment.

3. Are the students of Alfa Prima 2. Yesterday, the students of Alfa

having a test now? Prima were not having a test

4. Where are the students of Alfa when the technician fixed the

Prima having a test now? equipment.

3. Were the students of Alfa

Prima having a test when the

technician fixed the


4. Where were the students of

Alfa Prima having a test when

the technician fixed the


2. Latihan

Insert a correct to be into the sentences below.

1. Our instructure _________ explaining the new topic when Dodi


2. _________ they practicing the dialog now?

3. Why _________ she crying while the others _________ laughing?

4. I _________ not composing a poetry.

5. The receptionist _________ greeting the guest.

3. Rangkuman

Present Continuous Tense Past Continuous Tense

The action happening now The action happening in the

To be: is/am/are past

(+) S + is/am/are + V1(ing) …….. To be: was/were

(-) S + is/am/are + V1(ing) …….. (+) S + was/were + V1(ing) ….

(?) Is/Am/Are + S + V1(ing) …….? (-) S + was/were + V1(ing) ….

(?) Was/Were + S + V1(ing) ….?


1. Uraian dan contoh

Previously it’s been discuss how to form sentences present continuos

tense and past continuous tense.

To tell the activities that you are doing now, use present

continuous tense.

For instance:

I am doing my EB assignment with my classmates

in Juana’s house now.

To tell the activities that you were doing in the past, use past

continuouse tense.

For instance:

Last month, I was listening to my favourite song

when my cousin visited me.

These following examples show how to describe pictures with

present continuous tense and past continuous tense.

Q : What is she doing?

A : She is reading a book.

Q : What were they doing?

A : They were cleaning the room.

2. Latihan

Make a sentence to describe the picture below.


Q : What is he doing?

A : _________________________________________________________

Q : What was he doing?

A : _________________________________________________________

Q : What are they doing?

A : _________________________________________________________

Q : What were they doing?

A : _________________________________________________________

Q : What is she doing?

A : _________________________________________________________

3. Rangkuman

Present Continuous Tense is used to tell activities that the subjects

are doing in now whereas Past Continuous Tense is used to tell

activities that the subject were doing in the past.

Both tenses can be applied to decribe the activities shown in the


E. Work Atmosphere

1. Uraian dan contoh

The work atmospheres of workplaces are different. To describe a

work atmosphere, present continuous tense, past cotinuous tense and

the other tenses can be applied.

Example: Describing a picture

In the picture, there are four people. They are two men and two

women who are working together. The first man is wearing a light blue

shirt and a tie. He is sitting on the left side. Beside him, there is a woman

who is wearing a white shirt and has curly hair. She is standing up.

Another woman is sitting next to her. She is wearing a dark green blouse.

She has straight short hair. And, the second man is stting down beside

her. He is wearing a light blue shirt.

Furthermore, there is a table and the things on it that help them

work. The things are two laptops, a glass with water, a cup or coffee, and

the other things that support them to work.

The first man is showing a paper to his officemates. They are

smiling and look very happy to read it.

2. Latihan

Describe the picture below.

3. Rangkuman

In describing a picture, various tenses can be used depending on

the situatoin shown in the picture. The pictures must be described in

details, so the readers or listeners can imagine the situation, the

position, the people and the things without looking at the picture.



Memaparkan sebuah company profile secara lisan maupun tulis

sesuai dengan konteksny


Peserta latih mampu:

1. Memahami penggunaan Simple Future Tense dan Modals

2. Menjelaskan apa yang akan dan bisa dilakukan di masa depan

3. Melakukan presentasi tentang Company Profile


1. Uraian dan contoh

Simple future tense is used to tell the situation that happens in the

future. It uses the modal auxiliary “will” or “shall”. In addition, the

other modal axuliaries such as, can, may, must, could, and might have

the same formulas with the future tenses.

Nominal Sentence Verbal Sentence

S + modal + be + C… Positive Sentence

S + modal + V1……….


 She will be at the office by Example:

this afternoon.  The director will lead

 The staff should be the next meeting.

patient.  They can speak English


Negative Sentence Negative Sentence

S + modal + be + not + C… S + will + not + V1….

Example: Example:

 She will not (won’t) be at  The director will not

the office by this lead the next meeting.

afternoon.  They can’t speak

 The staff shouldn’t be English fluently.


Interrogative Sentence Interrogative Sentence

Modal + S + be + C..? Modal/ + S + V1….?

Example: Example:

 Will she be at the office by  Will the director lead

this afternoon? the next meeting?

 Should the staff be  Cant th/ey speak

pateint? English fluently

2. Latihan

Make sentenses with modals below:

- will - can

- shall - could

- may - must

- might

3. Rangkuman

Modals are applied in sentences as the following formulas

A. Verbal Sentence

(+) S + modal + V1……….

(-) S + modal + not + V1….

(?) Modal + S + V1….?

B. Nominal Sentence

(+) S + modal + be + C…

(-) S + modal + not ++ be + C…

(?) Modal + S + be + C..?


1. Uraian dan contoh

To tell something in the future, future tenses are applied. In this part,

It’s time to tell what will be done in the future.


In the future, I want to be a professional chef. In order to

achieve my dream, I will improve my cooking skills. Actually I can

make some Asian and European foods; however, I will keep learning

to know more about it. I will learn cooking another foods from

another countries too. I think, the skills of cooking various foods are

the ways to be successful to become a professional chef. To support

my dream, I will also take an English course to improve my English

skills because mastering English skills is really important for a

professional chef to go to international world. Someday, I will also

open my own restaurant. That’s another reason why developing my

skills is indeed needed.

2. Latihan

Tell your future dream. Explain what will you do in the future.

3. Rangkuman

Future tenses are applied in telling what will be done in the future. It

is also can be combined with the other modals and simple present


Example :

o In the future, I want to be a professional chef. (Simple Present


o In order to achieve my dream, I will improve my cooking

skills. (Simple Future Tense)

o Actually I can make some Asian and European foods; however,

I will keep learning to know more about it. (modals : can and



1. Uraian dan contoh

A company profile is a written introduction to a company that

tells the reader about its activities, mission, goals and

strengths. Often, a company profile includes the story of the

company's founding and describes its products or services.


Adopted from

2. Latihan

Imagine that you have a company, then create your own company

profile. Then present it in front of the class.

3. Rangkuman

A company profile tells the reader about the activities, mission,

goals and strengths of a company. It may include the story of the

company's founding and describe its products or services.

As the example: Starbucks Company Profile. There are few things

is the Company Profile, such as: the story, folklore, missions, coffee, and





Menyusun teks tulis dan lisan yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan

meminta informasi terkait keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian tanpa perlu

menyebutkan pelakunya sesuai dengan konteksnya


Peserta latih mampu:

1. Menyusun kalimat pasif (passive voice)

2. Mengubah kalimat aktif ke pasif dan sebaliknya

3. Menyusun teks tentang kegiatan tertentu dengan

mengaplikasikan kalimat - kalimat dalam bentuk passive voice


1. Uraian dan contoh

Passive voice is a verbal sentence that uses be and past


“be” : is/am/are/was/were/have/has”

“past participle : V3”

Therefore, the furmula is ‘…be + V3…’.

In a passive voice, the subject is not acting (isn’t doing anything)

but something is happening to the subject. Moreover, the object is not

always mentioned.


- The room is cleaned every morning.

- The room was cleaned yesterday.

- The room is being cleaned by her.

- The room was being cleaned by her.

- The room has been cleaned by her.

- The room will be cleaned by her tomorrow.

2. Latihan

Correct the verb in the bracket.

1. We’re (invite) by them last week.

2. Is the letter (write) by your close friend?

3. The product is being (promote).

4. The files haven’t been (send) yet.

5. Why was the document (print)?

3. Rangkuman

Passive voice is a verbal sentence with the form “…be + V3”.

The subject doesn’t act but something happens to the subject. And,

the object is not always mentioned.


- The room is cleaned every morning.

- The room was cleaned yesterday.

- The room is being cleaned by her.

- The room was being cleaned by her.

- The room has been cleaned by her.


1. Uraian dan contoh

A sentence can be changed “active – passive” or “passive – active if

it has a transitive verb as the predicate.

A transitive verb can be followed by an object.

Examples of transitive verbs: cook, write, take, …etc.

Active: He wrote the letter.

Passive: The letter was written by him.


Simple Present She cleans the room The room is cleaned by

Tense every morning her every morning.

Simple She cleaned the room The room was cleaned

Past Tense yesterday. by her yesterday.

Present She is cleaning the The room is being

Continuous Tense room. cleaned by her.

Past Continuous She was cleaning the The room was being

Tense room yesterday. cleaned by her yesterday

Present Perfect She has cleaned the The room has been

Tense room. cleaned by her.

Past Perfect Tense She had cleaned the The room had been

room before we cleaned by her before we

visited her last week visited her last week

Sentences with She can clean the The room can be

Modals room. cleaned by her

2. Latihan

Change the sentences below into passive.

1. The students of Alfa Prima are creating a wall magazine.

2. Their director approved the new proposal.

3. They haven’t submitted the assignment yet.

4. Does she open the windows every morningt?

5. The receptionist will call the guest

3. Rangkuman

The sentences can be changed from active to passive, and

from passive to active if they have a transitive verb (cook, write, take,

…etc. Examples

Active: He wrote the letter.

Passive: The letter was written by him.


1. Uraian dan contoh

Passive voice can be used for formal writing, research report

and another kinds of written texts.

Here is an example of applying passive voice in a text.

How Towns Have Arisen

From the text, there are some sentences writen in passive, such as:
Most villages and towns on the British Isles came into being
because of their favourable situation for trade. Rather more than a
hundred years ago, a great change came over the land. Many
machines were invented about that time. Spinning and weaving, for
example, which had previously been done by hand, were done by
machinery that were driven by water or steam-power.
The work which usually was done in the houses of the people
began to be carried on in large mills or factories, and workers found
it convenient to live near them. More and more factories were
built and men and women left the country districts in great numbers
and crowded into towns. Since then the movement of people into
towns has been going on until now.
England is dotted with great cities. All over Britain, and
especially in those parts were the coal needed for power is to be
found, there are mining and manufacturing areas, such as the
Lancashire cotton district, the Black county of Midland, and others.
A great many towns are found close together in those districts, and a
great many people live within a small area, so that the population is
very dense.

1. Many machines were invented about that time.

2. Spinning and weaving, for example, which had previously been
done by hand, were done by machinery that were driven by water
or steam-power.

3. The work which usually was done in the houses of the people began
to be carried on in large mills or factories, and workers found it
convenient to live near them.
4. More and more factories were built and men and women left the
country districts in great numbers and crowded into towns.
5. England is dotted with great cities.
6. A great many towns are found close together in those districts, and
a great many people live within a small area, so that the population
is very dense.

2. Latihan

A. Find out passive voice in the text below.

A Skillful Piece of Work

Once Birmingham and Sheffield, two of the largest towns in

England, began to quarrel. The quarrel started as each of them claimed
to be able to produce the most skillful piece of work.
A special jury was chosen to decide which city would show the
greatest skill.
The day arrived. A steel spider with long thin legs was
produced by representatives of Sheffield. The spider was made by the
best workers. It was as small as a pea. It ran about on the table as if it
were alive. A wonderful mechanism had been put in that little body.
Everybody was sure that the first place would be given to Sheffield.
Then a sewing needle was laid on the table by representatives of
Birmingham. A smile appeared on the lips of the jury when the
needle was noticed. Then the top of the needle was screwed off and 4
needles were drawn out, one from another. The first needle, as it was,
had been the case of the four other needles. The needles were
handed over to each member and examined with great interest. In

whose favour did the jury decide?

B. Write down a short paragraph about something you have

done or experienced in at least five sentence.

3. Rangkuman

Passive voice can be used for formal writing, research report

and another kinds of written texts. Passive voice is often used for

formal writing, research report and another kinds of written texts.

As the example, in the text entitled How Towns Have Arisen,

there are some sentences written in passive voice, the two of them


- Many machines were invented about that time.

- Spinning and weaving, for example,

which had previously been done by hand, were done by

machinery that were driven by water or steam-power.




Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis terkait tindakan menanyakan dan

menyatakan harga produk - produk tertentu, serta memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait petunjuk arah


Peserta latih mampu:

1. Menyebutkan angka dalam bahasa Inggris

2. Menanyakan dan menyatakan harga

3. Menanyakan dan memberi petunjuk arah


1. Uraian dan contoh

Numbers are classified into two;

 Cardinal Numbers

 Ordinal Numbers

A Cardinal Number is a number that says how

many of something there are, such as one, two, three, four, five.

An Ordinal Number is a number that tells the position of

something in a list, such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th etc.

Most ordinal numbers end in "th" except for:

 one ⇒ first (1st)

 two ⇒ second (2nd)

 three ⇒ third (3rd)

List of Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers


- They have three puppies.

- Two students are walking to the second classroom.

- The first dictionary is mine.

- He will stay there for five days.

- There are ten candies in the pocket but she doesn’t find the

tenth one.

2. Latihan

Make your own sentences with cardinal and ordinal numbers

3. Rangkuman

A Cardinal Number is a number that says how many of

something there are, such as one, two, three, four, five.

An Ordinal Number is a number that tells the position of

something in a list, such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th etc.


- They have three puppies.

- Two students are walking to the second classroom.


1. Uraian dan contoh

How many is used to ask about countable nouns.

How much is used to ask about uncountable nouns. In addition,

how much is also used to ask about prices.


 How many laptops do you have?

 How much money do you need?

 How many books are on the table?

 How much is the shirt?

 How much is it?

Andra : Look! That watch is very nice.

Andre : Yeah.. but the price is expensive.

Andra : How much is it?

Andre : I’ve seen the price tag. And the price of the watch is $


Andra : Wow. I’ll choose another one.

Andre : This is good, too. It looks ellegant.

Andra : How much is it?

Andre : It’s Rp. 850.250.

Andra : Well, I’ll take it.

Andre : How many watches will you buy? They’ll give you 10%

discount is you take more than one item.

Andra : Hmm… one is enough. But…, wait! I’ll buy two watches.

One is for me and One is for you.

Andre : Ah, I see, Love it brother. Thanks.

2. Latihan

Compose a dialog about asking and telling prices and numbers. Use

the question words How much and How many.

3. Rangkuman

How many is used to ask about countable nouns.

How much is used to ask about uncountable nouns. In addition,

how much is also used to ask about prices.


 How many laptops do you have?

 How much money do you need?


1.Uraian dan contoh
Besides using a map, when you get lost in a new place, city or
country, you can ask for directions. On the other hand, when you meet
someone asking for direction, you can give directions.
Related to directions, there are terms that are often used as follow;

Other terms that you can use are;

Go past = continue past something so that is now

behind you
Go across = cross something, like a road or
Go along = continue down a road
Go straight on = don’t turn left or right
Go up = walk / drive up a hill
Go down = walk or drive down a hill or a road
Go through = pass through something, such as a
tunnel or a town
Go out of = exit (i.e. a railway station)
It’s in front of you = you can see it facing you
It’s opposite the bank = it faces the bank
It’s on the corner = it’s where two roads meet at a
90° angle

We often make reference to landmarks, such as;
taxi rank = a place where taxis queue for passengers
level crossing = where the road and railway meet.
There are barriers that go up and down to signal
when a train is coming
underpass = a walkway that goes under a busy road
so pedestrians can get to the other side safely
overpass / flyover = a road that goes over another
road (or railway)
zebra crossing = black and white markings in the
road for pedestrians to cross the road (the markings
look like a zebra’s stripes)
pedestrian crossing = a place in the road where
pedestrians can cross. Often there are traffic lights.
tunnel = a road under (or through) mountains
crossroads = where two roads cross each other
junction = where one road meets another, and you
can either go left or right
fork in the road = where the road divides, and you
decide to go left or right
turning = a road off to your left or right
main road = a big road where there is lots of traffic
lane = a small road, or a part of a road (the left-hand
lane / the right-hand lane; the bus lane)


Here are some common phrases you can use to ask for directions.
 “Excuse me. How do I get to (the railway station) please?”
 “Excuse me. Where’s the nearest (post office) please?”
 “Excuse me. I’m looking for the Number 6 bus stop.”
 Could you tell me how to get to the bank?

 Do you know where the museum is?
 We can’t find the subway station. Is it near here?
 Where can we find a park near here?
 Are we on the right road to the city centre?
 Is this the right way to the mall?
 What’s the best way to get to the airport?
 Can you please tell me how I can get to Oxford Street?
 Where is the nearest supermarket?
 How can I get to the local market?
 I'm trying to get to Downing Street.
 How do I get to the office?

Here are some common phrases you can use to give directions.
 Go past the cinema. (Pass the cinema.)
 Go along this road.
 Go straight on/ahead. (Stay on this road – don’t turn.)
 Go through the tunnel.
 At the roundabout, take the first exit.
 Turn left at the crossroads.
 Take the second right.
 It’s on your left.
 You’ll see it in front of you.
 It’s on the other side of the road.
 “Turn left / right.”
 “Go straight on at the lights (traffic lights)
 “Go across the roundabout.”
 “Take the first turning / road / street on your left / right.” (Turning = road
that goes left or right)
 “You’ll see / You’ll come to a (bank). Then …”
 “Go on for about (2 minutes / 100 metres).”
 Go straight on till you see the hospital then turn left.
 Turn back, you have gone past the turning.

 Turn left when you see a roundabout.
 Turn right at the end of the road and my house is number 67.
 Cross the junction and keep going for about 1 mile.
 Take the third road on the right and you will see the office on the right
 Take the second road on the left and you will see the hospital straight
 The hospital is opposite the railway station.
 The house is next to the local cricket ground.
 The shop is in between the chemist and KFC.
 At the end of the road you will see a roundabout.
 At the corner of the road you will see red building.
 Follow the signposts for Manchester.


Listen to the audio while looking at the map provided, and then
answer the questions based on the information you get from the

A. The speaker gives directions to the ………………………………
B. The speaker gives directions to the ………………………………
C. The speaker gives directions to the ………………………………
D. The speaker gives directions to the ………………………………


To avoid getting lost, asking direction is needed.

Here are some common phrases you can use to ask for directions.
 “Excuse me. How do I get to (the railway station) please?”
 “Excuse me. Where’s the nearest (post office) please?”
 “Excuse me. I’m looking for the Number 6 bus stop.”
 Could you tell me how to get to the bank?
 Do you know where the museum is?
Here are some common phrases you can use to give directions.
 Go past the cinema. (Pass the cinema.)
 Go along this road.
 Go straight on/ahead. (Stay on this road – don’t turn.)
 Go through the tunnel.
 At the roundabout, take the first exit
 Turn left at the crossroads.



Mendeskripsikan sebuah produk dalam bentuk text tulis dan lisan.

Dan mempresentasikan/mempromosikan sebuah produk.


Peserta latih mampu;

1. Memahami hal-hal yang diperlukan dalam mempromosikan

sebuah produk

2. Mempresentasikan/mempromosikan sebuah produk

3. Bertanya tentang sebuah produk yang sedang dipromosikan

atau dipresentasikan

4. Menjelaskan detail sebuah produk kepada calon pelanggan


1. Uraian dan contoh

Products promotion is the process of marketing a new or featured

item or service to consumers. It is a group of techniques used to bring
attention to a brand and a specific product when it is first released into
the market or once a company decides to feature this item after it's been
Promoting a product is any important way to drive sales and
increase revenue to cover costs for initial research and development,
manufacturing costs and product trials. However, a carefully planned

promotional campaign can bring large profits once the product gains
attention in the consumer marketplace.

How to promote products

1. Address the four main points of the promotion process
Consider the product, sales price of the item, how the item will be
placed in stores (either brick and mortar or online) and what techniques
are best to promote the item. Here are the ways you can work through
this process:
 Product:  to determining key features, identifying the target audience
for the product and creating product descriptions are all part of the
first step to selling an item or service.
 Price: to determine how much the item will cost consumers. The price
of an item is determined by many factors including manufacturing
costs, market value and making the item competitive with other
 Placement:  where the product can best be placed or sold to reach the
maximum number of consumers.
 Promotion:  to strategize how and where to promote a product.

2. Prepare your advertising

Work with design staff to create product packaging and labels that
match your marketing strategy. For example, if you plan to reach an
audience by promoting an eco-friendly product, consider how the
graphic design elements can complement this approach. Make digital
and print advertisements that are ready to publish as soon as the
product is released.

3. Launch or relaunch a product

Once you've created or refreshed a product, priced the item and
placed it for sale, it's time to release the product to consumers using
your promotional strategy. Involve loyal customers and the press by
generating information ahead of the launch through direct marketing.

4. Get the attention of your customers
As you launch your product to the consumer marketplace, gain
interest and attention by marketing to your existing customer base.
Encourage loyal customers to try your product through a variety of
promotional techniques. Reward them by offering exclusive pricing and
other incentives.

2. Latihan

Answer the following questions.

1. What is products promotion?

2. Why is promoting a product important?

3. What are the four main points of promoting a product?

4. Why do we need to make advertisement?

3. Rangkuman

Products promotion is the process of marketing a new or featured item

or service to consumers.

Promoting a product is to drive sales and increase revenue to cover

costs for initial research and development, manufacturing costs and

product trials.

In promoting a product, there are four things that you should pay


- Product

- Price

- Placement

- Promotion


1. Uraian dan contoh

In promoting a new product, consider these ways:

1. Offer a discount
Consumer choices are often affected by price. Offering a discount for a
product can encourage customers to try the product when they know
they are getting a discount. It's best to make the price break a limited
time offer to also create a sense of urgency to purchase the product
before the discount expires.
2. Sponsor a contest
Promoting your product through a contest generates excitement. You
can give away the product or offer another prize that is attached to
your brand. Either way, make the contest clearly connected to the
product through social media, email marketing or direct mail.
Many businesses that choose to utilize social media for the contest
require participants to follow a product page, repost and tag other
users to directly reach new consumers.
3. Use email marketing
Email marketing is an effective way to encourage consumers to sign up
for a rewards program or email newsletter. You can also use an email
to invite customers to visit a product website to find out more
A piece of email marketing should include a brief product pitch and
share the product's value for your customers. Include a call to action as
a closing to increase the immediacy of the need for your item.
4. Blog about it
Blogs allow you to create an informative yet conversational pitch for
your product. Long-form content through a blog post can help establish
a source of information about a product. You can also utilize voices
from outside your company to create trust with your audience. Guest
blogs from an industry thought leader or influencer that review or

discuss your product can reach a wider customer base since you
combine your brand with theirs.
5. Encourage reviews
Reviews allow your customers to speak for your brand as ambassadors
to other consumers. Many customers use reviews to evaluate and
research a product before making a purchase. A positive review can act
as a personal endorsement or recommendation from a trusted source.
Positive reviews can work to effectively promote your product through
consumer-to-consumer marketing.
You can encourage customers to leave a review by offering discounts
or other product specials. Some of your best customers may even want
to do this without any incentive because they are so fond of your
6. Collaborate with an influencer
Endorsements or positive reviews from an online influencer can have a
big impact on promoting your brand to consumers. This is especially
helpful for smaller companies that don't have a large following online.
Using an influencer as a brand spokesperson automatically expands
your audience.
Identify an influencer in your market and reach out for a product
review or endorsement. You'll need to offer some form of payment
either in free product or monetary payment.
7. Submit a press release
Crafting an attention-grabbing press release can be a smart tool to
reach out to journalists and influencers. A press release announcing the
launch of a new product or a special promotion for an existing item can
help generate news about your brand. With lots of products vying for
market space, it may be more helpful to personally reach out to certain
media outlets to increase your chances of getting your product
8. Promote pre-ordering
Allowing consumers to preorder a product can generate interest from
existing and new customers. Using social media channels to promote

the pre-order campaign can even bring more attention if you link a
special offer to the pre-sale. Consider adding additional merchandise,
product discounts and other bonuses to customers who chose to
purchase ahead of a product launch.
9. Reward loyal customers
One way to get consumers excited for a product release is by offering
incentives to loyal customers. You can use your email contact list to
share exclusive updates about new offerings and offer discounts to
customers who enjoy your brand.
Use rewards that are already in place for your brand like extra points
in a rewards program or early alerts for email subscribers.
10. Give a free sample
Another way to promote a product is by giving products away for free.
You can do this at trade shows, through online contests or by reaching
out to specific audiences. Depending on the type of product, you'll need
to decide how many items you plan to give away. If your item is too
large or expensive to just give out to consumers, consider using
promotional products with the item's logo.
11. Host an event
You can highlight your product or business by hosting a virtual or live
event and inviting consumers to take part.
Virtual events can include:
 Interviews with product designers, industry professionals or
company leaders
 Question and answer sessions regarding the product
 Live product demonstrations through social media
 Behind the scenes tours of product facilities via live video feed
 In-person events can include:
 Open houses for certain businesses
 Live product demonstrations at trade shows or other events
 Sponsored festivals
 Sidewalk markets and sales

Tips for effective product promotion
Here are some ideas to help you effectively promote your product:
 Be timely: Promoting a product near the time of its launch is essential.
Marketing a product before and after it's released makes an item
relevant to consumers.
 Use multiple techniques: To successfully promote a product,
businesses often use multiple methods. Accessing different resources
as you market an item can help you reach different consumer groups
and gain a wider sales audience.
 Know your audience: Before you create a marketing campaign, it's
important to perform research to determine the key demographics of
your customers. This can help you decide how to promote your
product. For example, if your product is more appealing to a younger
audience, you may choose to promote it through social channels and
influencers instead of direct mail.
 Leverage social media: Promoting a product through social media
platforms can gain a wide amount of attention through user actions.
Shares and likes on social posts work to promote an item organically
(without the use of paid advertisements). You may need to customize
and tweak your promotional plans for each unique social media
 Consider global promotion: If you plan to promote your product
across foreign markets, it's important to research your global
audience. Marketing strategies may differ in regions outside your
domestic market. Consider how the tone, images and language choices
in your promotional materials will be received by citizens of other

2. Latihan

Create a new product, then promote it in front of the class.

In the promotion, mention:

- The name of your product

- The price

- The function

- The ways of how to use it

- And the other information related to your new product

3. Rangkuman

In promoting a new product, consider these ways:

1. Offer a discount
2. Sponsor a contest
3. Use email marketing
4. Blog about it
5. Encourage reviews
6. Collaborate with an influencer
7. Submit a press release
8. Promote pre-ordering
9. Reward loyal customers
10. Give a free sample
11. Host an event
Here are some ideas to help you effectively promote your product:
 Be timely
 Use multiple techniques: 
 Know your audience: 
 Leverage social media
 Consider global promotion: 


1. Uraian dan contoh

These are useful expression that can be used to ask and give

description about a product.

Asking About a Product

 What can you tell us about this model/product?
 What are the specifications of the product?
 What features does it have?
 How does it work?
 What is the difference between the previous model and this
 Can you give us some details about this?
 How much does it cost?

Describing a Product
 This is our newest product.
 This is one of our latest designs.
 This particular model is ...
 It is made of ...
 This is equipped with ...
 This one features ...
 It can be used for ...
 It contains ...
 This costs $500.
 This is priced at $500.
 This comes with ...
 It comes in a variety of colors/sizes.


Adopted from

2. Latihan

Role-play the following situation.

Your company has released a smart-watch. Try to describe its

features. You may get as creative as possible (example
features: GPS, heart-rate monitor or fitness monitor, water
resistance, payment application, calendar reminders, step
tracking, weather forecast, battery life).  Your teacher will act
as a potential client and will ask you questions about the

3. Rangkuman

Asking About a Product

 What can you tell us about this model/product?

 What are the specifications of the product?
 What features does it have?
 How does it work?
 What is the difference between the previous model and
this one?
 Can you give us some details about this?
 How much does it cost?

Describing a Product
 This is our newest product.
 This particular model is ...
 It is made of ...
 This is equipped with ...
 This one features ...
 It can be used for ...
 It contains ...
 This costs $500.
 This is priced at $500.

 This comes with ...




 Menerapkan language expressions dalam customer service sesuai

dengan konteks dunia kerja.

 Menyusun teks terkait melakukan komunikasi lisan dengan

pelanggan sesuai dengan konteks dunia kerja.


Peserta latih mampu:

- Mengeja nama dengan menggunakan international spelling forms

dengan benar

- Menggunakan language expressions dalam telephoning

- Menangkap makna dan mencatat pesan sederhana lewat telepon

sesuai dengan konteks dunia kerjaMenangani pelanggan yang

sedang melakukan reservasi

- Menanggapi keluhan pelanggan


1. Uraian dan contoh

1. Making Phone Calls

Introducing yourself
Good morning/afternoon/evening. This is Mike at (company name)/Mike
from (department name).  Could I speak to (person you’re calling for)?

Good morning/afternoon/evening. This is Mike at (company name)/Mike
from (department name). I’m calling about/because…
When the person you want to speak to is unavailable
Can I leave a message for him/her?
Could you tell him/her that I called, please?
Could you ask him/her to call me back, please?
Okay, thanks. I’ll call back later.
Dealing with bad connections
I think we have a bad connection. Can I call you back?
I’m sorry, we have a bad connection. Could you speak a little louder,
I’m sorry, could you repeat that please?
Ending the call
Thank you very much. Have a good day.
Thanks for your help. Have a good day.
 Receiving Phone Calls
Answering the phone
Company ABC, this is Mike. How may I help you?
Good morning/afternoon, Company ABC. How may I help you?
Purchasing department, Frank speaking.   
Note: If we are taking an external call and talking to a customer, “How
may I help you?” is common. If we are taking an internal call, we normally
do not say “How may I help you?” For internal calls, saying your name and
your department is usually sufficient.
Getting the name of the caller if he/she doesn’t give it to you
May I have your name please?
Who am I speaking with?
May I ask who’s calling?
Responding to a caller’s request
Sure, let me check on that.
Let me see if she’s available.
Sure, one moment please. 

Asking someone to wait on the line
Can I put you on hold for a minute?
Do you mind holding while I check on that? (or “handle that for you,”
“check to see if he’s available,” etc.)
Taking a message
He’s/she’s not available at the moment. Would you like to leave a
He’s/she’s out of the office right now. Can I take a message?
Dealing with bad connections/wrong numbers
I’m sorry, we have a bad connection. Could you give me your number and
I’ll call you right back?
I think we have a bad connection. Could you speak a little louder, please?
I’m sorry, could you repeat that?
I’m sorry, you have the wrong number.
Ending the call
Is there anything else I can help you with?… Okay, thanks for calling. Have
a great day.
Is there anything else I can do for you?… Okay, have a good day.
2. Spelling Names
To make sure our names or company names are written correctly,
sometimes we need to spell them because there are several names are
pronounced similarly but written differently or unfamiliar names.

A Alpha
B Bravo
C Charlie
D Delta
E Echo
F Foxtrot
G Golf
H Hotel
I India
J Juliet
K Kilo
L Lima
M Mike
N November
O Oscar
P Papa
Q Quebec
R Romeo

S Sierra
T Tango
U Uniform
V Victor
W White
X X-ray
Y Yankee
Z Zulu

Look at these examples of spelling names.

- Cassandra is spelt Charlie-Alpha-Sierra-Sierra-Alpha-November-
You can also say;
C for Charlie, A for Alpha, S for Sierra, S for Sierra, A for Alpha, N for
November, D for Delta, R for Romeo, and A for Alpha.
- Kadek Bagus is spelt Kilo-Alpha-Delta-Echo-Kilo, Bravo-Alpha-Golf-
You can also say;
K for Kilo, A for Alpha, D for Delta, E for Echo, K for Kilo, B for Bravo,
A for Alpha, G for Golf, U for Uniform, and S for Sierra.

3. Reading Phone/Fax Numbers

The rules of mentioning, reading, or spelling for phone or fax numbers;
1. The numbers are usually pronounced individually (one by one). It is
incorrect to pronounce the number in two.
Examples: 24 is pronounced two-four, not twenty four.
2. The number “0” is usually pronounced with “oh” or “zero”.
3. The identical two numbers are usually pronounced “double”.
Example: 66 (double six)
4. The identical three numbers are usually pronounced “triple”
Example: 555 (triple five)

Look at the examples of spelling the phone or fax numbers below.

oh-eight-one, seven-three-seven,
double five-six, four-oh-nine
oh-eight-one, seven-three-seven,
081-737-556- five-five-six, four-oh-nine
409 (or)
zero-eight-one, seven-three-seven,
double five-six, four-zero-nine
zero-eight-one, seven-three-seven,
five-five-six, four-zero-nine

two-one-triple four-six-three-double

4. Procedures for telephoning in English

In a telephone conversation with the English language that need to be
considered in general, is politeness and civility caller. Briefly some
ordinances make phone calls well in English is as follows:
1. Speak Clearly
2. Use the company’s preferred greeting, if there is one. If not, state the
name of the business
3. Be polite and responsive, giving the caller your full attention.
Remember that at that moment, you’re the company’s
4. Be as helpful as possible, even if it’s not exactly your job to answer the

5. Learn how to use the phone’s features smoothly.
6. Ask permission first if you must put the caller on hold: “Would you
mind holding for one minute?”
7. Do not forget the caller is waiting. Periodically ask them if they’d like
to continue to hold, call back or leave a message.
8. Transfer the caller to someone who can help, if you can not.
9. Take a good message, if applicable, and pass it on to the recipient.
10. Thank the caller.

2. Latihan

A. Listening

Adopted from British Council

B. Speaking

Make a dialog about making an appointment via phone.

3. Rangkuman

Making Phone Calls

- Introducing yourself
- Leaving a message
- Dealing with bad connection
- Ending the call
Receiving Phone Calls
- Answering the phone
- Getting the name of the caller if he/she doesn’t give it to you
- Responding to a caller’s request
- Asking someone to wait on the line
- Taking a message
- Dealing with bad connections/wrong numbers
- Ending the call
To make sure our names or company names are written correctly,
sometimes we need to spell them because there are several names
are pronounced similarly but written differently or unfamiliar
Pay attention to the rules of mentioning, reading, or spelling for
phone or fax numbers


1. Uraian dan contoh

If you have to travel to another country in which English is spoken, you

need to know how to make a reservation in English.
To make a reservation, you have to be familiar with:
 The alphabet so you can spell your name if necessary.
 Numbers to give your credit card information.
 Basic questions and commons answers used when making a

Make a Reservation in English
These are some key questions that will help you make a reservation in
 How can I help you?
 I would like to make a reservation
 How much is a single room?
 A single room cost around $20 a night
 Is there a pool?
 Yes, there are three swimming pools
 What time is the checkout?
 The checkout is before noon
 Do you accept VISA/Mastercard?
 We accept all major credit cards
 Can I have your name please?
 I am Joseph Smith
 How do you spell that?
 Brigham – B.R.I.G.H.A.M
 Would you like a single or a double?
 I would like a single room
 How many people are you traveling with?
 I am traveling with my wife and my two daughters
 How many nights will you be staying?
 We will stay for 3 nights
 How will you be paying?
 I will be paying in cash
 Would you like a wake-up call?
 Sure
 Is there anything else you would like to know?
 Yes, Do the rooms have cable and air conditioning?

Restaurant Reservation

These are some questions that can help you make a restaurant
 How can I help you?
 I would like to make a reservation for two
 How many people is the booking for?
 It is for two small families
 How would you like to pay?
 I will pay with credit card
 What day would you like the reservation?
 For tomorrow at night
 For which day and for what time?
 It’s for Friday, the 24th, at 7 o’clock.
 Can we have a table by the window?
 I am afraid we can’t?
 Can we have a table in a non-smoking section?
 Sure
 Can I have your telephone number?
 Yes, it is 5698-5474

Type of Hotel Rooms

These are some types of hotel rooms that can help you understand more
about reservation conversations
 Single: A room assigned to one person. May have one or more beds.
 Double: A room assigned to two people. May have one or more beds.
 Triple: A room assigned to three people. May have two or more
 Quad: A room assigned to four people. May have two or more beds

A: Shogun Restaurant.
B: Hi, I would like to make a dinner reservation.
A: Of course, what evening will you be joining us on?
B: We will need the reservation for Tuesday night.

A: What time would you like the reservation for?
B: We would prefer 7:00 or 7:30.
A: How many people will you need the reservation for?
B: There will be 4 of us.
A: Fine, I can seat you at 7:00 on Tuesday, if you would kindly give me
your name.
B: Thank you. The last name is Foster.
A: See you at 7:00 this Tuesday, Mr. Foster.
B: Thank you so much. I appreciate your help.
Adopted from

2. Latihan

Make a dialog about making a reservation. Then, perform it in front of

the class.

3. Rangkuman

To make a reservation, you have to be familiar with:

 The alphabet so you can spell your name if necessary.
 Numbers to give your credit card information.
 Basic questions and commons answers used when making a


1. Uraian dan contoh

Handling customer complaints is a crucial element of customer service


The following steps may be taken to handle it.

1. Listen to the complaint

Thank the customer for bringing the matter to your attention.
Apologize and accept ownership, don’t blame others and remain

2. Record details of the complaint
Go through the complaint in detail so you can understand exactly
what the problem is. Keep records of all complaints in one central
place or register. This will help you identify any trends or issues.
3. Get all the facts
Check that you have understood and recorded the details of the
complaint correctly. Ask questions if necessary.
4. Discuss options for fixing the problem
Ask the customer what response they are seeking; it could be a
repair, replacement, refund or apology. Decide if the request is
5. Act quickly
Aim to resolve the complaint quickly. If you take a long time they
tend to escalate.
6. Keep your promises
Keep the customer informed if there are any delays in resolving
their request. Don’t promise things that you can’t deliver.
7. Follow up
Contact the customer to find out if they were satisfied with how
their complaint was handled. Let them know what you are doing to
avoid the problem in the future.

The dialog below shows how to handle a customer complaint.


2. Latihan

Make a dialog about handling a complaint. Then, perform it in front of

the class

3. Rangkuman

There are several things that may be applied in handling a customer

complaint, as follows;

1. Listen to the complaint.

2. Record details of the complaint.

3. Get all the facts.

4. Discuss options for fixing the problem.

5. Act quickly

6. Keep your promises

7. Follow up




Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis terkait wawancara pekerjaan dan

membuat surat lamaran kerja.


Peserta latih mampu:

1. Membuat surat lamaran kerja

2. Melakukan wawancara pekerjaan


1. Uraian dan contoh

Application letter is a letter that you write to a company when you are
applying for a job. This is a letter that you submit to a potential employer
to express your interest in an open position. It is also known as a cover
letter that is a document sent with your resume or CV.

An application letter is arranged based on the following formats.

The First Format

The Second Format

Your name
Your address
Your email address
Your phone number


Name of hiring manager or supervisor

Title of hiring manager or supervisor
Company name
Company address

Salutation [Dear Mr./Ms.],

Outline where you saw the job posting and express your interest in
working in this role.

Discuss some of your qualifications that would make you a good fit for
the job.

Describe your past experience in a way that emphasizes your

personality and skills, while also showcasing how you align with the
goals of the company.

Express your appreciation to the hiring manager for reviewing your

letter. Include any follow-up information, if applicable.

Closing [Sincerely, Best]
Your signature
Your name (printed)

The Third Format

Applicant’s Address
Your name
Your address
Your telephone number
Your e-mail address


Employer’s address
Employer’s name
Job title
Company’s name
Company’s address


Opening Paragraph
- Explain the basic reason for the application letter.
- Which job are you applying for?
- When and where did you see the position advertised?
- State how you got the information about the position (if it isn’t

Body of Letter
- Demonstrate that your skills, background and experiences are
suitable with the desired job requirements.
- Mention specific qualifications that make you a good fit for the
employee’s needs.
- Mention how your personal skills enhance and support your

technical abilities.
- State that you would highly regard an opportunity to work for
the company.

Closing Paragraph
- State your availability for an interview or test and include your
contact number or e-mail.

Your sincerely/Yours faithfully

Your name

The Examples of Application Letters

The First Example

1450 Vanguard Rd.

Apt. 2550
Bulverde TX 78163

November 20, 20xx

Mr. Frank Hopkins
Director, Sales and Marketing
Mountain Electronics Inc.
Denver, CO 80222

Dear Frank Hopkins:

Please regard this as an application for the position of District Sales Manager
that was recently advertised on

Based on the requirements stated in the ad, I believe that I possess a unique mix
of experience, knowledge, and skills that can definitely help your company in the
critical customer service area.

Experience, skills, and abilities that I can offer your company include:
 20 years of experience in the sales and marketing field, 6 of those in sales
 Selling services to commercial, institutional, and consumer markets;
 A record of consistently meeting or exceeding sales quotas;
 Extensive team management and team building experience;
 Excellent grasp of "one to one" customer relationship management
concepts and techniques;
 Ability to work effectively in a dynamic, multi-tasking environment.
The enclosed resume provides more details on the above, as well as on the other
experience, skills, and abilities that I possess.

I am confident that my ability to develop and maintain strong relationships with

customers will benefit Mountain Electronics Inc. as it has my previous
employers. I believe that my excellent record of success in closing sales, winning
back customers from competitors, and increasing market share, clearly
demonstrates my proven ability to meet and resolve customer challenges and
add to a company's bottom-line.

After you have reviewed my resume, I would welcome an opportunity to discuss

your company's goals and talk to you about the value that I can bring to MEI.
Let's talk soon!

If I haven't heard from you by early December I will contact your office to see if
we can set up an appointment at your convenience.

Alan Gustafson


The Second Example

Lee Jimenez
483 Apple Street
New York, NY 10001
(212) 555-8965

September 15, 2019

Sarah Jenkins
Rogers Consulting
901 Main Street
New York, NY 10001

Dear Ms. Jenkins,

I am reaching out to you regarding the posting for the human resources
consultant position I found on I have a great interest in this

position and would appreciate your consideration as a candidate for the role.
In my previous experience, I worked in human resources departments to
provide support across several different industries. I have worked in my
current role as a human resources generalist for the past four years. Prior to
this job, I worked as a human resources assistant for two years, which shows
my ability to advance in my career.

I have a strong passion for helping others, which is why I have found such
fulfillment in human resources, providing support to my fellow employees and
assisting them in ways that benefit them both personally and professionally. I
also enjoy looking for solutions to common HR problems, which I feel would be
a great asset in the position with your company. Since this consultant position
works directly with multiple clients, assisting them in their human resources
needs, I believe my innovative nature and strong skill set will help me succeed.
I have strong communication skills, which are vital to success in the HR field. I
also have a bachelor’s degree in human resources from Arizona State
University. Throughout my education, I worked with skilled human resources
professionals who have shared their insights and experience with me. Some of
my strongest skills include my ability to increase employee retention through
the improvement of company culture and to develop training and education
programs to ensure all employees have access to the information they need to
succeed and comply with legal requirements.

I appreciate your time in reviewing this letter and hope to hear from you in
regard to the next steps in the hiring process. If you have any questions or
need any additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Lee Jimenez

The Third Example


Salutation/Opening/Greeting Closing

Dear sir,
Dear Madam, Yours faithfully,
Dear Sir/Madam,
Dear Mr. Alexander.
Dear Mrs. Naomi Frans, Yours sincerely,
Dear Miss Margaretta Barbara,
2. Latihan

Write an application letter based on a job vacancy on a newspaper or


3. Rangkuman

Application letter is used to apply for a job. The parts of an

application letter are;

- Applicant’s address

- Date

- Employer’s address

- Salutation/ greeting

- Opening paragraph

- Body/main paragraph

- Closing paragraph

- Signature.


1. Uraian dan contoh

Besides an application letter, curriculum vitae (CV) and resume are

used by applicant to apply for a job that contain the applicant’s personal
identity, education background, work experiences, skills, and etc.
Curriculum Vitae (CV) is Latin for "course of life." In contrast, resume
is French for "summary."
A curriculum vitae (CV) is a comprehensive document that lists your
qualifications for employment. It's primarily used for academic positions.
A resume is a summary of your background and experience. Its emphasis
is on your work experience.
CVs are used for academic positions, and the format can vary as long
as it includes all the information your prospective employer requires.
Resumes are used for most other positions and follow a few standard
A CV is much more comprehensive, providing details about your
academic background. A CV can be longer than a resume. A CV can be 2
(two) pages or more, whereas resume is only 1 (one) page (for some case,
a resume is not more than 2 (two pages). There's no limit to how long a
CV can be, but it must be focused on academic and professional
experience. A lengthy CV isn't any better than a short one if it contains
fluff or irrelevant data.
These are the examples.

Adopted from

2. Latihan
Write a CV based on a job vacancy on a newspaper or magazine.

3. Rangkuman
Curriculum Vitae is used to apply for a job to inform the
employer about the applicant’s personal identity, education
background, work experiences, skills, and etc. A curriculum vitae may
be written in various styles.
The curriculum vitae can be a consideration for the employer or
company to accept the applicant for the job available.


1. Uraian dan contoh

In Applying for a job, an applicant usually faces a job interview
before being accepted to work as an employee of a company.
There are two points that should be paid attention to;
- Preparations for a Job Interview
- Common Questions in a Job Interview
A. Preparations for a Job Interview
There are several things that can be prepared for a job
interviews, as follows;
 Do a research for the job.
Find out the job descriptions that you will apply, and make a list
of the skills, knowledge, and personal and professional qualities
that are required.
 Match your skills to the job requirement.
If there are some requirements that are not fit with your skills,
give the logical reasons.
 Discover the company.
Find out the information about the history, future goals and the
culture of the company. You can read them on the company
 Practice the interview.
Before doing the real interview, practice with your partner
(friend or others) to avoid feeling nervous. Ask your partner
about your performance, gestures, and etiquettes; therefore, you
can do the best.
 Prepare your interview clothes.
Start preparing the clothes at least the night before, so you won’t
be in a hurry.
 Groom your hair.
Pay attention to your hair style, because the interviewer will
notice your appearance.

 Prepare the things you need to bring in a job interview.
Don’t forget to bring your resume, lists of references, required
documents and the other things as you need.
 Get the direction.
It’s better to know the location of the interview. So, you can
calculate the time you start going to avoid running late to the
B. Common Questions in a Job Interview
The following questions are the common questions in a job
 Can you tell me a little about yourself?
Give an answer that shows you are the right person for the
position. Never give information about yourself when the
interviewer is not asking for it. The key is don’t give complete
employment (or personal) history to the interviewer.
 How did you know about the job vacancy?
It’s about where you got the information about the job vacancy.
For instance, if you knew from a friend in that company, state the
name and tell why you were excited for the position.
 Why should we hire you?
You can answer this question with these statements, “ I cannot
only do the work, but also I can deliver a great result.’, “I will
really fit in the culture and the team in this company.”, and “I’m
the best candidate ever.”
 Where do you see yourself in five years?
An interviewer wants to know if you have set a realistic
expectation for your career if you have ambition and if the
position that you apply to align with your goals and growth.
 What do you consider to be your weakness?
Rather than answering like “I can’t meet a deadline to safe my
life.”, or “Nothing, I’m perfect.”, it’s better to answer that you still
struggle to achieve it. For example, maybe you have a problem in
speaking in front of audiences, but you are still trying to eliminate

that feeling by joining a voluntary meeting to improve your
confidence in speaking in front of audiences.
 What are your salary requirements?
Before answering this question, do a research on what you should
get paid. Browse on the internet or ask you colleagues. Then,
negotiate it with the interviewer about the skill that you have to
contribute to the company.

Sometimes an applicant has to face a phone interview. A

phone interview is an interview that is done via phone.
How to Handle a phone interview properly
 Answer the phone professionally
Make sure that your phone is easy to reach and is fully charged to
avoid missing your call from running out of battery power. And,
state your name clearly and pleasantly.
 Address the interviewer
Address the interviewer with their title and last name. then,
follow the interviewer’s cues.
 Thank the interviewer
Thank the interviewer at the start of the telephonic interview
conversation and at the end.
 Build a good connection with the interviewer
Make a good communication with the interviewer to show your
interest. It can be the questions directed to the interviewer. Make
clear questions.
 Let the interviewer guide the conversation
Don’t interrupt when the interview asking questions and answer
all the questions clearly.

2. Latihan
Make a dialog between an interviewer and an
applicant/interwiewee in job interview (Choose one of your friends to be
your partner in the dialog).

3. Rangkuman
To face a job interview, do preparations and know common
questions in a job interview.
 Do a research for the job.
 Match your skills to the job requirement.
 Discover the company.
 Practice the interview.
 Prepare your interview clothes.
 Groom your hair.
 Prepare the things you need to bring in a job interview.
 Get the direction.
Common questions:
 Can you tell me a little about yourself?
 How did you know about the job vacancy?
 Why should we hire you?
 Where do you see yourself in five years?
 What do you consider to be your weakness?
 What are your salary requirements?
How to Handle a phone interview properly:
 Answer the phone professionally
 Address the interviewer
 Thank the interviewer
 Build a good connection with the interviewer
 Let the interviewer guide the conversation


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Azar, B. S., Fundamentals of English Grammar Third Edition, (New York: Pearson
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Chris, F. Job Search and Job Interview Dialogues, (Fab Chris, 2020)
Eastwood, J., A Basic English Grammar Exercises, (Oxford: Oxford University
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Eastwood, J., Oxford Practice Grammar Exercises, (Oxford: Oxford University
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Lawrence, Everyday English for Hospitality (Compass Publishing Inc., 2007)
McCarthy, M., English Vocabulary in Use for Elementary, (Cambridge: Cambridge
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Nwankwo, A., How to Succeed at Job Interviews, (Akoka: University of Lagos Press
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O’hara, F. Be My Guest, English for the Hotel Industry. (Cambridge University
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Richards, J. C., Interchange Fourth Edition. (Cambridge: Cambridge University
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Workable Technology. Payroll Accountant Job Description. Diakses pada 25
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