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Di Susun Untuk Memenuhi Tugas Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris

Dosen Pengampu Ubaidillah, M.Pd.

Di Susun Oleh

Kelompok 3

Meilawati (211130203)

Khaila nurmalia (211130200)

Rizky aulia putri (211130195)






Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Segala puji bagi Allah SWT yang telah memberikan kami kemudahan
sehingga kami dapat menyelesaikan makalah ini dengan tepat waktu. Tanpa
pertolongan-nya tentunya kami tidak akan sanggup untuk menyelesaikan makalah
ini dengan baik. Shalawat serta salam semoga terlimpah curahkan kepada baginda
tercinta kita yaitu Nabi Muhammad SAW.yang kita nanti-nantikan syafa’atnya di
akhirat nanti.
Adapun tujuan dari penulisan dari makalah ini adalah untuk memenuhi
tugas (dosen/guru) pada bidang/mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris. Selain itu makalah ini
juga bertujuan untuk menambah wawasan tentang Bahasa inggris sebagai sarana
informasi bagi para pembaca dan juga bagi penulis.
Kami sadar bahwasannya makalah yang kami susun ini jauh dari
sempurna, maka dari itu dengan hati terbuka kami sangat menanti tanggapan
kritik dan saran yang membangun dari segenap pembaca,baik para dosen maupun
dari mahasiswa demi kesempurnaan makalah ini.
Dengan mengharapkan Ridho Allah SWT. Mudah-mudahan makalah
yang sangat sederhana ini mudah di mengerti dan di pahami serta bisa bermanfaat
bagi penulis khususnya. dan serta para mahasiswa UIN Sultan Masulana
Hasanuddin Banten. Amin ya rabbal alamin.
Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Serang, September 2021



KATA PENGANTAR……………………………..2

DAFTAR ISI……………………………………….3

BAB I PREMINILARY...………………………………………………….4

A. Background of Study….…………………………………………….4
B. Statements of Problem………………………………………………4
C. Objective of Study……….………………………………………….4

BAB II DISCUSSION………………………………………………………..5

A. Adverb……………………………………………………………9

BAB III CLOSING.………………………………………………………….10

A. Conclusion…………………………………………………………..11




A. Background of Study
English is an International language that can be used by many people in
many countries to do communication. They communicate to each other in
order to convey their meaning to others. Generally, to have interaction to
each other from different countries, people all around the world mostly
speak in English in their daily activities. Therefore, learning English is
very important. In Indonesia, English is a foreign language that can be
learnt from kindergarten to university. There are many topics and
materials of English which can be learnt at school to university. One of the
most interesting materials is about comparison.Comparison is the process
for comparing thing, person or places through the level of quantity, quality
or relation. When we start to learn about comparison, we have to know
about adjective and adverb. In grammar, adjective is used to modify a
noun or pronoun, in order to give more information about the noun or
pronoun's referent such as its material, color, dimensions, position, state
and other characteristics both permanent and temporary. Its position is
before the noun modifies, but it also fills other positions (1972: 109).
Besides that, Paul Roberts says that adjective is a word that modifies a
noun or pronoun (1954: 91). Many words in English function as both
adjectives and adverbs. The best way to tell whether a particular word is
an adjective or an adverb in a given sentence is to determine what its
function in the sentence. In this case we have to remember the
fundamental distinction between an adjective and an adverb; adjectives
modify noun and pronoun: adverbs modify everything else
B. Statements of Problem
1. What is an Adverb
C. Objective of Study
1. To find out Adverb



A. Adverb

The definition of adverbs are used to explain or provide additional information about
verbs, adjectives, or even the adverb itself.
Adverbs can be juxtaposed by nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Usually we use it to clarify
the word in front of it OR clarify the description itself.
 Adverb of time
The following are auxiliary words used to provide additional information about time.
this adverb is used to answer all questions that begin with "when." What are some
1. I rarely go to the cinema because ticket prices go up.
2. I can finish all my assignments and go home early.
3. visited Grandpa recently because I wanted to give him my wedding invitation.
 Adverb of how
The following are auxiliary words that provide additional information about the
condition or how an event occurred.
In simple terms, this adverb is used to answer the question of 'how.'
Included in this adverb are bad, beautiful, better, brave, cheerful, fast, hard, fast,
slow, inadequate, healthy, good, and so on.
Let's look at the example below if it is applied in a sentence.

- Whatever you can do, I can do better.

- My sister and I are always late because she drives very slowly.
- He painted the whole scene beautifully.
- I think I did the test well.
- He accidentally lost his dog.
 Adverb of frequency

If the adverb of degree is used to describe an intensity, the adverb of frequency is
used to answer how often the frequency of activities carried out by someone.
1. Dad usually doesn’t drink alcohol, but occasionally he does.
2. I rarely participate in family occasions because I don’t have any peers I
can talk to.
3. My parents frequently check up on their health at the hospital.
4. She makes sure that I always finish my breakfast before I go to school.

 nterrogative adverb
If you think that an adverb is an explanatory word for a verb,
you are very wrong. Adverbs can also be in the form of
question words, such as how, when, why, and where. Example:
Why are you here? When will it stop? Where did the money
come from? How long do we have to follow this training? How
much time should I set aside each week? Conjunctive adverb
This adverb functions as a transition word to combine and is
associated with independent clauses. These adverbs include
words such as appropriate, also, instead, of course,
consequently, finally, moreover, before, therefore, and so on.
Example: I couldn't leave the house today, so I delegated the
meeting to the vice president. She definitely has what it takes to
be an actress. According to GPS, there is busy traffic ahead of
us. We can bet and move on, or take a different route.



A. Conclusion
Adverb of frequency is an adverb used to indicate the frequency (how
often) a job is done or occurs. Adverb of affirmation is one type of adverb
to explain the affirmation, emphasis or approval of a job, action, deed or
quality done or an event occurs or is done. Adverb of degree is an adverb
used to describe the degree of an event. Adverb of degree can provide an
explanation of how much and how many questions (how much). Adverb of
probability is one type of adverb that describes a possibility or
permissibility of a job, action, deed or quality of an action happening or
being done. Adverb degree of comparison is a form of expression used to
compare a person or thing.


Academia. edu. Makalah Bahasa Indonesia Artikel Ilmiah

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