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Catch up the point,

Practice it.

English for Nutrition Students


Defy Gustianing, S.Pd., M.Pd.

English for Nutrition | 1

Alhamdulillah, segala puji bagi Allah SWT berkat kudrat dan iradahnya bahan ajar
Bahasa Inggris I “Catch up the Point, Practice it” ini dapat diselesaikan penulisannya.

Bahasa adalah komunikasi, Bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa paling banyak digunakan
dalam berkomunikasi secara Internasional. Paling tidak hal itu yang terjadi saat ini. Bahasa
Inggris digunakan dalam berbagai bidang seperti pendidikan, kesehatan, ekonomi, bisnis, politik,
pemerintahan, dll.

Bahan ajar ini merupakan bentuk kumpulan bahan yang digunakan untuk membantu
dosen atau instruktur pemebelajaran dalam melaksanakan kegiatan belajar mengajar dikelas.
Bahan ajar ini didesain sebagai rujukan mata kuliah bahasa Inggris 1 bagi mahasiswa/i Gizi.

Isi buku ini disusun berdasarkan RPS (rencana pembelajaran semester) yang dipaparkan
pada SAP (satuan acara perkuliahan). Dengan adanya bahan ajar ini diharapkan mahasiswa dapat
memahami materi dengan mudah dan dapat melalui bebrapa langkah untuk dapat berkomunikasi
menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan baik dan benar sesuai dengan konteks yang dibutuhkan.

Bahan ajar ini masih jauh dari kesempurnaan, oleh karena itu kritik dan saran yang
bersifat konstruktif dari semua pihak sangat diharapkan untuk penyempurnaan bahan ajar ini.

Pringsewu, 31 Juli 2019


Defy Gustianing

English for Nutrition | 2


Cover ............................................................................................................................................................ 1
Kata Pengantar ............................................................................................................................................ 2
Daftar Isi ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
Pertemuan 1 Introduction of English for Pharmacy ............................................................. 5
Pertemuan 2 Word Level : Contents Words .......................................................................... 6
Pertemuan 3 Word Level : Functional Words ....................................................................... 7
Pertemuan 4 Simple Sentence ............................................................................................... 12
Pertemuan 5 Compound Sentence ........................................................................................ 14
Pertemuan 6 Complex Sentence............................................................................................. 16
Pertemuan 7 Active & Passive Voice .................................................................................... 18
Pertemuan 8 MID TERM TEST
Pertemuan 9 Reading Skill : WH Questions ....................................................................... 24
Pertemuan 10 Writing Skill : Description Text ...................................................................... 28
Pertemuan 11 Listening Skill : Video of An Introduction to Britain .................................. 32
Pertemuan 12 Vocabulary of Nutrition ................................................................................... 36
Pertemuan 13 Speaking Skill : Simulation of real practice at Nutrition Field Part I ........ 38
Pertemuan 14 Speaking Skill : Simulation of real practice at Nutrition Field Part II ....... 38
Pertemuan 15 Let’s Resources Together ................................................................................ 40


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Meeting : 1st
Learning Activities :
Introduction to English for Nutrition

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Meeting : 2nd & 3rd
Learning Activities : WORD LEVEL
Verbs Adjective Pronoun Preposition

Noun Adverb Conjunction


Content : Information, meaning

Function : Necessary words for grammar

In other words, content words give us the most important information while function words are
used to stitch those words together.

Content Word Types

Content words are usually nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. A noun tells us which object,
a verb tells us about the action happening, or the state. Adjectives give us details about objects
and people and adverbs tell us how, when or where something is done. Nouns, verbs,
adjectives and adverbs give us important information required for understanding.

Noun : person, place or thing

Verb : action, state
Adjective : describes an object, person, place or thing
Adverb : tells us how, where or when something happens

Other Content Words

While nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are the most important content words, there are a
few other words that are also key to understanding.

These include negatives like no, not and never; demonstrative pronouns including this, that,
these and those; and question words like what, where, when, how and why.

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Kata kerja pada dasarnya merupakan kata kata yang menyatakan keadaan, tingkah laku,
tindakan, perbuatan atau gerak kegiatan. Contoh :

- My father is sitting on the chair.

- The book is lying on the table.

Pola perubahan kata kerja;

1. Regular verbs (kata kerja beraturan)

Pada umumnya untuk membentuk Past Tense dan Past Participle menambahkan “ed”
pada infinitif.
Infinitive past tense past partciple meaning
Act acted acted bertindak
Help helped helped membantu
Gab gabbed gabbed mengobrol
2. Irregular verb (kata kerja tak beraturan)
Suatu bentuk dari kata kerja yang bentuk past tense dan past participle mengalami
suatu perubahan yang tidak teratur dan mempunyai perturan tersendiri.
Infinitive past tense past participle meaning
Bring brought brought membawa
Drive drove driven mengemudi
Cut cut cut memotong

Kata yang digunakan untuk mendefinisikan orang, hewan, benda hidup atau mati, konkrit atau
abstrak dan tempat.

Contoh :
Take your book, please!
Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia.

Countable and uncountable noun

- Countable noun; kata benda yang bisa dihitung (car, child, pencil, box, etc)
- Uncountable noun; kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung (air, water, coffee, sugar, etc)

Singular and plural

- Singular, yaitu benda yang menunjukkan satu benda
- Plural, kata benda yang menunjukkan jumlah lebih dari satu benda
Ex; apple - apples

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Adjective adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menerangkan noun atau pronoun yang dapat
berupa orang (person), tempat (place), binatang (animal), dan benda baik kongkrit maupun
abstrak. Contohnya adalah beautiful, lazy, smart, sleepy, late, tired, delicious, tall, short, white,
busy, red, dan sebagainya.
- I was so busy last night
- I love smart girl.
- He is angry with me.

Adverb adalah kata yang berfungsi menerangkan kata kerja (verb), kata sifat (adjective), atau
kata keterangan lainnya. Contohnya adalah always, often, very, quickly, beautifully, completely,
well, enough, really, now, today, yesterday, likely, maybe, probably, dan sebagainya.
Examples :
- They often wear flat shoes.
- The room was good enough for me.
- I completely agree with you.
- She speaks really fast.

Function Word Types

Function words help us connect important information. Function words are important for
understanding, but they add little meaning beyond defining the relationship between two words.

Pronoun : refer to other nouns

Conjunction : words that connect:
Preposition : show relationships in time and space

Pronoun adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menggantikan benda.

Noun Pronoun
Subjective Objective
I Me
You You
They them, their Example:
We Us - My sister usually wakes me up every morning.
She Her - God always blesses us.
He Him - I saw you on my way home.
It It

Kata atau kelompok kata yang berfungsi menghubungkan antar kata, frasa, klausa, atau antar
paragraf. Contohnya; and, but, or, so, while, when, where, after, before, because, although.
- Budi play music well, but he can’t sing.
- I will pick you up after I finish my job.
- Nobody knows where she lives now

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Ada banyak sekali yang termasuk preposition, beberapa di antaranya adalah of, to, from, in,
on, with, behind, because of, in spite of, despite, in front of, dan masih banyak lagi.

Contoh dalam kalimat:

- She comes from America.
- My house is in front of Budi’s house.
- Put it on the table, please!

Make two sentences in every part;

1. Verb
a) ______________________________________________________________
b) ______________________________________________________________

2. Noun
a) ______________________________________________________________
b) ______________________________________________________________

3. Adjective
a) ______________________________________________________________
b) ______________________________________________________________

4. Adverb
a) ______________________________________________________________
b) ______________________________________________________________

5. Pronoun
a) ______________________________________________________________
b) ______________________________________________________________

6. Conjunction
a) ______________________________________________________________
b) ______________________________________________________________

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7. Preposition
a) ______________________________________________________________
b) ______________________________________________________________


Note :

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Meeting : 4th
Learning Activities : SIMPLE SENTENCE

 A simple sentence is a complete unit of meaning which contains a subject and a verb,
followed, if necessary, by other words which make up the meaning.

 Made in Germany is correct English but it is not a sentence because it doesn’t have a

 My car was made in Germany is a complete sentence with a subject and verb.

 The form of sentences;

A statement : The shops close

A question : Do the shops close at 7 tonight?
A command : Shut the door./ Don’t shut the door.
An exclamation : What a slow train this is!

 Sentence word order;

 Put the subject before verb and the object after verb
e.g Tono buys mango
 Averbials (How?, Where?, When?) usually come after the verb or after the object:
e.g He reads the book quickly. (how) I waited at the corner (where) till 10.30
The basic word order of a sentence that is not a quetsion or command is usually:
Subjects Verbs Objects Adverbials
I bought a hat yesterday (when)
The children have gone home (where)
We ate our meal in silence (how)
We can also put the time reference at the beginning : Yesterday, I bought a hat

English for Nutrition | 12

Make and Analyse the simple sentence about pharmacy field.

1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________________________


Note :

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Meeting : 5th
Learning Activities : COMPOUND SENTENCE

Compound sentence is a sentence that has at least two independent clauses joined by a comma,
semicolon or conjunction. An independent clause is a clause that has a subject and verb and
forms a complete thought.
An example of a compound sentence is, 'This house is too expensive, and that house is too
small.' This sentence is a compound sentence because it has two independent clauses, 'This house
is too expensive' and 'that house is too small' separated by a comma and the conjunction 'and.'

Compound Sentences and Meaning

When independent clauses are joined with coordinators (also called coordinating conjunctions)
commas and semicolons, they do more than just join the clauses. They add meaning and flow to
your writing. First let's look at the coordinators you can use to join independent clauses. They

 For
 And
 Nor
 But
 Or
 Yet
 So

Secara umum, rumus atau pola kalimat dari compound sentence adalah sebagai berikut:
 Subject + Predikat + Subordinate Conjuction + Subject + Predikat

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1. Anne wants to go to the beach, but her little sister insist to go to amusement park
(Anne ingin pergi ke pantai, tetapi adiknya bersikeras untuk pergi ke taman huburan)
2. Jhon could not play basketball, nor could he play badminton.
(Jhon tak bisa bermain basket, juga tidak bisa bermain badminton.)
3. She does not want to learn how to play piano, yet, she does not want to disobey her
(dia tidak ingin belajar piano, tapi dy juga tak ingin tak mematuhi perintah ibunya
4. I have an important meeting on Monday, so, I cannot attend your graduation ceremony
(aku ada rapat penting hari senin, sehingga aku tidak bisa datang pada upacara
5. My little brother wakes up at 5.30 AM and he goes to school at 6.30 AM
(adik ku bangun pukul 5.30 pagi dan ia berangkat ke sekolah pukul 6.30)

Make and Analyse the compound sentence about pharmacy field.
1. __________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________


Note :
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Meeting : 6th
Learning Activities : COMPLEX SENTENCE

Definition of Complex Sentence

Independent Clause  An independent clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a
verb, expresses a complete thought, and can stand alone as a sentence.
Dependent Clause  A dependent clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb,
does not express a complete thought, and cannot stand alone as a sentence.
Complex Sentence  A complex sentence is a sentence that contains one independent clause and
at least one dependent clause.
Subordinate Clause  A dependent clause that begins with a subordinating conjunction. Since
subordinate clauses are adverbial, they may appear at the beginning or end of a complex sentence

Table of subordinating conjunction

English for Nutrition | 16

Make and Analyse the complex sentence about pharmacy field.

1. __________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________________


Note :

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Meeting : 7th
Learning Activities : POSSIVE VOICE

A. Definisi
Passive voice adalah suatu kalimat yang subjeknya dikenai pekerjaan, baik dari orang
atau benda lain, dalam kalimat bahsa Indonesia menggunakan kata kerja berawalan
di/ter seperti (dipanggil, dipikul, terbunuh).

B. Pola Kalimat

Tobe + Past Participle (V3)

Contoh :
She is invited by the lecturer to come to his room.

C. Peraturan perubahan kalimat dari active ke passive

1. Kata kerja harus berupa kata kerja transitive.
Contoh :
The rubbish is thrown by my father.
I go to my office (tidak bisa dipasifkan)

2. Kata kerjanya harus (V3) dan selalu didahului (to be)

Contoh :
My book is being borrowed by Andi.
Be cont V3

3. Subjek kalimat active menjadi objek kalimat passive. Objek kalimat active menjadi
sebuah kalimat.
Contoh :
She reads her book (Active)
Her book is read by her (Passive)

4. Objek kalimat active menjadi subjek kalimat passive.

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Contoh :
Aini reads a magazine (Active Sentences)
A magazine is read by Aini (Passive Sentences)

Note :
Untuk menyusun passive sentence penggunaan tenses naik satu tingkat, dan khusus
untuk continuous dengan ditambahi “being”
Contoh :
The car is driven by my father (simple present)
The car is being driven by my father (present continuous)


1 Simple Present Do/Does Is/am/are + V3
2 Present continuous Is/am/are+Ving Is/am/are+Being+V3
3 Present Perfect Have/Has + V3 Have/Has+been+V3
4 Present perfect continuous Have/Has+been+Ving -
5 Simple past Did Was/were+V3
6 Past continuous Was/were+Ving Was/were+being+V3
7 Past Perfect Had + V3 Had+been+V3
8 Past perfect continuous Had+been+ving -
9 Simple future Will + V1 Will+be+V3
10 Future Continuous Will + be + Ving -
11 Future perfect Will + have + V3 Will + have+ been+V3
12 Future perfect continuous Will+have+been+Ving -
13 Simple Past Future Would + V1 -
14 Past future continuous Would + be + Ving -
15 Past future perfect Would + have + V3 -
16 Past future perfect Would + have + been + -
continuous Ving

D. Modal Passive Voice

Pola kalimat :
S+Modal+Be+V3+O Note :
Contoh :
She can visit Anton (Active Sentence) Kata “By” digunakan apabila
Anton can be visited by her (Passive sentence) pelaku tidak diketahui dan
pelaku sangat penting untuk
I must invite her diinformasikan.
She must be invited by me

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Instruction :
Move theses sentences into 8 tenses.

1. They throw the rubbish to the garbage can.

Simple present :
Present continuous :
Present Perfect :
Simple past :
Past Continuous :
Past Perfect :
Simple future :
Future Perfect :

2. I bring my book to school.

Simple present :
Present continuous :
Present Perfect :
Simple past :
Past Continuous :
Past Perfect :

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Simple future :
Future Perfect :

3. I am calling your mother right now.

Simple present :
Present continuous :
Present Perfect :
Simple past :
Past Continuous :
Past Perfect :
Simple future :
Future Perfect :

4. My aunt has cooked the vegetables in the kitchen.

Simple present :
Present continuous :
Present Perfect :
Simple past :
Past Continuous :
Past Perfect :
Simple future :

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Future Perfect :

5. My elder brother has studied English.

Simple present :
Present continuous :
Present Perfect :
Simple past :
Past Continuous :
Past Perfect :
Simple future :
Future Perfect :


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Meeting : 9th
Learning Activities : READING SKILL

Materi : WH Questions

WH Questions
Terdapat 6 tipe pertanyaan dengan WH (Wh – questions). Kata Tanya ini akan
menanyakan detail tentang manusia , benda , kejadian dan sebagainya.


When Who Why

What Where How

When digunakan untuk bertanya waktu, tanggal, atau waktu kejadian.
Example :
 When is she going to be promoted as a nutrition manager ?
She is going to be promoted as nutrition manager this month.
 When did you fracture your left leg ?
I fractured my left leg when I was a child.
 When did the doctor examine the hypertensive pregnant woman ?
The doctor examined the hypertensive pregnant woman
yesterday morning.

What digunakan untuk menanyakan objek, aktifitas atau opini.
Example :
 The talk given today is on pre-eclampsia woman.
What is the title of the talk ?
 Erna as pharmacist loves to read medical pharmacy journals during her free time.
What does Erna love to do during his free time?
 My patient is a civil and structural engineer.
What is your patient‟s occupation ?

WHO digunakan untuk menanyakan orang.
Example :
 I was just informed by Anna that I had to work on afternoon shift.
Who informed you that you had to work on the afternoon shift?

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 dr. Rita gave us a verbal order just now. 
Who gave you the verbal order just now?

 The pharmacist failed to detect the toxic on the pill. 

Who failed to detect the toxic on the pill?

WHY digunakan untuk menanyakan tentang alasan atau penyebab dari suatu kejadian / event.
Example :
 The hospital was sued due to the negligence of its staff.
Why was the hospital sued?

 We cannot operate on the patient, as we have not received any consent from his
relatives yet.
Why can‟t we operate on he patient?

 Ratna left for Lampung to further her studies in master degree of pharmacy.
Why did Ratna leave for Lampung ?


WHERE digunakan untuk menanyakan tempat kejadian atau tempat kegiatan.

Example :
 My niece was admitted to Harapan Kita Specialist Mother and Child
Where was your niece admitted to ?

 I keep the medicine in the first-aid kit

Where do you keep the medicine?


HOW digunakan untuk menanyakan tentang kondisi , keadaan, kejadian atau aktifitas
Example :

 She lost her 3 months pregnancy in an accident.

How did she lose her 3 months pregnancy?

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- Look for the text or article about Nutrition

- The topics are :
a. Public Health Nutrition
b. Nutrient
c. Food Safety
d. Functional Food
- Analyse the text based on WH Questions.
- Excavating the information about the field.


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Note :

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Meeting : 10th
Learning Activities : WRITING SKILL

Materi : Description Text

(Nutrition Facts of Product)

Writing skills are an important part of communication.

Good writing skills allow you to communicate your message with clarity and ease.

The communication takes place to a far larger audience than through face-to-face or telephone

Descriptive Text; berasal dari kata description yang berarti mendeskripsikan atau
menggambarkan sesuatu objek yang akan dideskripsikan. Jadi descriptive text merupakan salah
satu teks bahasa inggris yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan atau menjelaskan suatu objek
tertentu seperti tempat, manusia, atau benda.

Generic Structure Descriptive Text, untuk generic structurenya sendiri ada dua yaitu
identification dan description.

1. Identification atau identifikasi: Berisi tentang identifikasi sesuatu hal yang akan di
2. Description atau deskripsi : Berisi tentang penjelasan, ciri-ciri khusus dan juga
penggambaran yang dimiliki oleh sesuatu hal yang akan dideskripsikan.

Ciri-Ciri Descriptive Text, kita bisa mengenali suatu text descriptive dari beberapa hal berikut
1. Menggunakan simple present tense

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2. Menggunakan attribute verb, seperti be (am, is, are)
3. Mudah dipahami
4. Menggambarkan
5. Komunikatif
6. Dapat membuat pembaca tertarik
7. Mengambarkan objek secara spesifik

Example of the text:

Keep healthy with Drinking “Indomilk Chocolate”

Identification :
Indomilk Chocolate Flavor is a nutritious drink that is good for growth and bone health,
this UHT milk will work better if consumed by children who are in their infancy. Indomilk
comes with a variant of liquid milk that is rich in benefits with a delicious chocolate flavor
to support child's growth.

Description :
The nutrition of Indomilk Chocolate are complied
and balanced. The nutritional composition is in the form of
Energy, Fat, Protein, Carbohydrates, Sodium / Sodium and
various Vitamins and Minerals.
Indomilk Chocolate contains a total energy of 170
kcal, total fat 8%, protein and carbohydrates totaling 9%,
sodium / sodium 5%. 30% vitamin A, 55% vitamin B1,
75% vitamin D, 50% vitamin E, 25% calcium, and 30%
Phosphorus (in every 1000 ml of Indomilk milk).
The ingredients are fresh milk, water, sugar, skim
milk powder, cocoa powder, plant origin stabilizer, milk

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fat, nature identical flavour, Vitamin A and D3 (contain antioxidant tocopherol), Vitamin
E, BI, B6.
From the information on the nutritional value and composition of the milk above, I think
that Indomilk milk is quite potential for improving nutrition.

As for the privilege of consuming the milk;

- Derived from quality fresh cow's milk at affordable prices,
- Contains complete and balanced nutrition needed by the body,
- There is no addition of preservatives,
- Processed with UHT (Ultra High Temperature) technology,
- The production process is not long and packaged aseptically so that its natural quality
is guaranteed,
- Drinking a glass regularly for women can improve skin smoothness, because of the
high vitamin E content of 50%,
- Low Fat, Hi Calcium (low fat, high calcium).

Name :

Instruction :
Write down the description of how to keep life cycle in healthy condition by knowing about
the nutritional in some product. Present and bring the product to inform the people arround

Title :

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Identification :


Description :



Note :

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Meeting : 11st
Learning Activities : VOCABULARY

Vocabulary Description

Calorie A unit of heat used to measure the energy

value of food.

Nutrition act or process in which living organisms

utilize food substances

Proteins Build tissues and repairs body cells.

essential amino acids These must be obtained from foods

because our bodies can't produce this.

Complete proteins Contain all the essential amino acids in

both quanity and correct proportion
required to promote normal growth.

Incomplete proteins Lacks one or more of the essential amino


RDA of protein 12%

Fats A highly concentrated source of energy in

the body.

Saturated fat Solid at room temperature.

Unsaturated fat Liquid at room temperature.

Endogenous cholesterol Manufactured in your body. Genetically


Exogenous cholesterol Form of cholesterol that we take in from

the foods we eat.

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Lipoproteins Fat and protein: constitute main form of
transportation for fat in the blood.

HDLP High Density Lipoprotein (pacman of the


LDLP Low Density Lipoprotein. More fat than


RDA of fat 30% mostly from unsaturated fat is


Carbohydrates Includes sugars and starches.

Glucose Is the broken down form that our body

can use for energy.

Fructose This is fruit sugar and honey, which is the

sweetest of the simple sugars.

Galactose This is produced in mammary glands of

lactating animals.

Monsaccharides This contains one 6-carbon group; simple


Disaccharides Joins two simple sugar molecules to form

a double bond.

Sucrose Table sugar; disaccharide

Complex Sugars/Polysaccharides Starch that is found in corn, grains, bread,

cereal, spaghetti, pastries, legumes,

Glycogen Animal starch.

Fiber Not a nutrient but adds bulk to the diet, it

helps lower cholesterol.

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Minerals Fulfil an impressive variety of metabolic
functions such as building, activating,
regulating, transmitting, and controlling.

Anemia Lack of iron

Osteomalacia Lack of calcium.

Water Primary transporter of nutrients

throughout the body and is necessary for
all bodily functions.

RDA of Water 6-8 cups/glasses per day.

Vitamins Are organic compounds that are present

in varying amounts in natural foods. They
act as regulators or catalysts in the body's

RDA Recommended Dietary Allowances.

Basal Metabolic Rate The rate at which you use energy when
you are completely at rest.

Essential fat Stored in the bone marrow, organs,

spleen and muscles.

Storage fat (in adipose tissue) (below skin) around

vital organs.

Trans Fats Also called Hydrogenated fats

F.I.T.T. Principle Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type of


Maximum Heart Rate 220-Age

2000 calorie diet % Daily Values is based on this

Cholesterol Blood test Should be below 200 Mg/Dl

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Saturated fats are solid at room temperature

Unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature

Other sugar names corn syrup, dextrose, sucrose,, etc..

eggs are considered a protein food

Choose My Plate Guidelines Largest area should be Vegetables and


Fad diets Bad/ people eventually go back to old

eating habits

Type of processed fat increases likelihood Trans Fat

of CHD

Organic Foods grown without pesticides,

additives, or other chemicals

Sources of Proteins Poultry & Fish

Eggs should be in this group Protein

US Nutritional Guideline Site

Extra sodium we take in every day processed foods

Main fuction is to provide energy Carbohydrates

First ingredient listed on package what ingredient is present in largest


Healthy and effective weight control Caloric reduction and increase activity
methods level

antioxidents compounds that clear the blood of

potentially dangerous molecules of

English for Nutrition | 35

Meeting : 12nd
Learning Activities : LISTENING SKILL

Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication

Listening is key to all effective communication. Without the ability to listen effectively,
messages are easily misunderstood. As a result, communication breaks down and the sender of
the message can easily become frustrated or irritated.

Listening is Not the Same as Hearing;

Hearing refers to the sounds that enter your ears. It is a physical process that, provided you do
not have any hearing problems, happens automatically.

Listening, however, requires more than that: it requires focus and concentrated effort, both
mental and sometimes physical as well.

- The students will watch the video,
- Then they answers the questions;

Video :

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Based on the video, what do the British really eat?

What are the menu their lunch time?

When they buy some food?


What is main menu in the evening?

What do British teenager’s really like or dislike?



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Meeting : 13rd & 14th
Learning Activities : SPEAKING SKILL
“Simulation of Speaking English for Nutrition”

Speaking is an act of making vocal sounds. We can say that speaking means to converse, or
expressing one's thoughts and feelings in spoken language. To speak often implies conveying
information. It may be from an informal remark to a scholarly presentation to a formal address.

What Are Speaking Skills?

• Verbal (words spoken)
• Vocal (tone, range, appeal, credibility of voice)
• Visual (physical appearance, gestures, eye contact)

Speaking skills are the skills that give us the ability to communicate effectively.
• These skills allow the speaker, to convey his message in a passionate, thoughtful, and
convincing manner.
• Speaking skills also help to assure that one won't be misunderstood by those who are listening.

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1. Students make a manuscript about “How to keep healthy
life style”.
2. Students have to take place based on the topic.
3. Documented into a video.



English for Nutrition | 39

Meeting : 15th
- feedback or review the materials

- preparation of final examination

“Everyone needs encouragement

when trying to reach a goal.
We shine light on possibilities at connecting
youth and many resources
through learning”

English for Nutrition | 40


English for Nutrition | 41


Dahl, Eystein. 2010. Time, Tense and Aspect in Grammar. Netherland: IDC Publisher.

Gibney, Michael. 2009. Introduction to Human Nutrition. United Kingdom:Wiley-Blackwell.

Junaida, Suryadi. 2008. Complete English Grammar. Yogyakarta : Pustaka Belajar.

Modul Part of Speech by Prof Marissa Del Rosario, USANT Philippines

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