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SMKN 1 DONGGO 2022-2023

Capaian Elemen Materi Indikator Soal BOBOT

Pembelajaran SOAL
Pada akhir Fase F, Membaca – Procedure text tentang “ Disajikan sebuah teks 1. What is procedure text?
peserta didik membaca Memirsa How to make a cup of procedure, siswa 2. What is the Generic Structure of 5/Soal
dan merespon berbagai coffee. menjelaskan makna dan procedure text?
macam teks seperti Generic Structure dari
narasi, deskripsi, teks prosedur
eksposisi, prosedur, Membaca – Procedure text tentang “ Disajikan sebuah teks How to Make a Cup of Coffee
argumentasi, dan Memirsa How to make a cup of procedure, siswa
diskusi secara mandiri. coffee. menentukan Materials and Ingredients : 
Mereka membaca inoformasitertentu dari
untuk mempelajari teks prosedur  1 tablespoon of coffee powder.
sesuatu dan membaca  2 tablespoons of sugar.
untuk kesenangan.  Hot water
Mereka mencari,  Cup
membuat sintesis dan  Stove
mengevaluasi detil  Spoon
spesifik dan inti dari
berbagai macam jenis Steps :  5/Soal
teks. Teks ini dapat
berbentuk cetak atau 1. Prepare the ingredients.
digital, termasuk di 2. Put one spoon of coffee powder into
antaranya teks visual, the cup.
multimodal atau 3. Pour some hot water into the cup.
interaktif. Mereka 4. Add 2 spoons of sugar into a cup of
menunjukkan coffee.
pemahaman terhadap 5. Stir it well and the hot coffee is ready
ide pokok, isu-isu atau to drink.
pengembangan plot
dalam berbagai macam
teks. Mereka
SMKN 1 DONGGO 2022-2023

mengidentifikasi 3. What is the purpose of the text

tujuan penulis dan above?
melakukan inferensi 4. How many steps to make a cup of
untuk memahami coffee?
informasi tersirat 5. What is the first step to make a cup of
dalam teks. coffee?
6. What is the flast step to make a cup of
7. How much sugar that we need to
make a cup of coffee?
8. How much coffee powder that we
need to make a cup coffee powder?
9. What should we do before “Pour
some hot water into the cup”?
10. What should we do after “Add 2
spoons of sugar into a cup of coffee”?

Membaca – Passive Sentences Disajikan sebuah Change the sentences below into the passive
Memirsa kalimat, siswa merubah sentence.
bentuk kalimat active
menjadi kalimat passive. 11. Maya eats rice.
12. Nadia cooks rice.
13. Abi plants the flower
14. Winda cleans the classroom. 5/Soal
15. Agim wash the clothes.
16. Riska is writing a love letter.
17. Suci is reading an English book.
18. Mariam is playing the game.
19. Resha is driving a car.
20. Sahrul is Drinking a cup of coffee.
SMKN 1 DONGGO 2022-2023

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