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Lydia of Philippi Believes in Pertobatan Lidia

Suatu hari, Paulus dan
One day, Paul and his friend temannya Silas pergi ke
Silas went to the town of kota Filipi untuk
Philippi to proclaim the good memberitakan Kabar Baik
news about Jesus. tentang Yesus.
They went to a place by the Mereka pergi ke suatu tempat di
river outside the city where tepi sungai di luar kota di mana
people gathered to pray. orang-orang berkumpul untuk
There they met a woman berdoa. Di situ mereka bertemu
named Lydia who was a dengan seorang wanita bernama
merchant. Lydia yang menjual kain ungu.

Lydia believed their Lydia memercayai pesan tentang

message about Jesus. She Yesus. Dia mengundang Paulus
invited Paul and Silas to dan Silas tinggal di rumahnya,
stay at her house, so they maka tinggallah mereka bersama
stayed there. Lydia dan keluarganya.

Art by Didier Martin. Text from Featured on

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