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Segala puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT atas

limpahan rahmat dan karunianya sehingga Buku
English Learning Activities edisi tahun ini dapat
diselesaikan. Buku ini merupakan penyempurnaan dari
Penyusun :
edisi sebelumnya. Buku ini hadir sebagai teman peserta
didik dalam memahami pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.
Buku English Learning Activities ini merupakan
Bahasa Inggris SMP
buku pendamping bagi para peserta didik maupun guru
Kabupaten Jepara
dalam melaksanakan proses belajar mengajar.
Berdasarkan Permendikbud RI Nomor 20 tahun
2016, maka kurikulum pendidikan di Indonesia
dikembangkan berdasarkan prinsip bahwa peserta didik
memiliki posisi sentral untuk mengembangkan
posisinya menjadi generasi yang lebih baik. Untuk itu
Untuk SMP
dalam Buku English Learning Activities edisi tahun ini
Kelas IX
disesuaikan dengan Kurikulum 2013. Hal tersebut
Semester Ganjil merupakan wujud nyata untuk mengantar peserta didik
Dan menjadi generasi penerus yang lebih berkualitas.
Semester Genap Buku English Learning Activities edisi tahun ini
menyajikan rangkuman materi pokok yang lebih padat
dan lengkap, tugas untuk peserta didik secara kelompok
maupu mandiri serta uji kompetensi yang lebih variatif.
Kami menyadari Buku English Learning Activites
ini masih ada kekurangan, untuk itu kami senantiasa
mengharapkan saran dan kritik yang bersifat
membangun dari para guru dan peserta didik agar edisi
tahun mendatang lebih baik lagi.
Semoga upaya yang sungguh-sungguh belajar
keras dan cerdas yang kita lakukan menjadi sebab
hadirnya kesuksesan bagi kita semua. Selamat
MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMP
Kabupaten Jepara Penyusun


3.1. Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi interpersonal
lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan menyatakan harapan, doa, dan ucapan selamat
atas suatu kebahagiaan dan prestasi, serta menanggapinya, sesuai dengan konteks
4.1. Menyusun teks interaksi Interpersonal lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana yang
melibatkan tindakan menyatakan harapan,doa, dan ucapan selamat atas suatu kebahagiaan
dan Prestasi, dan menanggapinya, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

Observe these pictures and answer the questions orally.

1. What are the boys holding?

2. Why do they get the trophies?
3. What do their friends say to them?

1. What kind of party is it?

2. What do the friends say to the girl?

1. What is the occasion?

2. Why do they look happy?
3. What do they say to one another?

1. What kind of party is it?

2. What do the guests say to the couple?

Match the expressions below with the occasions. Some expressions can be used more
than once.

Expressions Occasions
1. Congratulations. a. any time.
2. Best wishes. b. someone has died
3. Happy … c. Christmas/Easter
4. Good luck. d. birthday/anniversary/new year
5. Get well soon. e. someone has got a new job
6. Bon Voyage. f. someone has just passed an exam
7. With sympathy. g. someone is going to take the exam
8. Marry Christmas h. someone is getting married

Practice these dialogues with your partner. Pay attention to the underlined utterances.
1. Beni : “Udin, I heard you won the English Speech Contest at our school.
Udin : “Thank you so much.”
Beni : “It means that you will represent our school in our regency, will you?”
Udin : “Sure. It’s a great challenge for me. I will do my best. Wish me luck!”
Beni: : “Of course. We hope you will win the contest.”
Udin : “I hope so, too. Thanks.”

2. Siti : “Dayu, I will get a scholarship from the government to continue my study to
senior high school if I get the first rank on National Examination.”
Dayu : “I wish you’ll be the best student this year.”
Siti : “Thanks. The scholarship is very important for me to support my study.”
Dayu : “With hard effort, I’m sure you’ll get it.”
Siti : “I hope so, too.”

3. Edo : “Happy birthday, Lia.”

Lia : “Thank you Edo. You are the first who congratulate me.”
Edo : “Oh really? Here is a little present for you. I hope you like it.”
Lia : “Thank you very much. You are really my best friend.”

4. Yola : “Happy birthday, En. Wow, what a cool watch you have! Is that a present?
Eny : “Thanks. Yes, it’s from my aunt. She bought it in Singapore.
Yola : “ Lucky you! I wish I had a watch like that.
Eny : “ I hope you’ll get a watch like this on your next birthday.”

Complete this table based on the dialogues above.

Expressing Hopes and Wishes Congratulating

Match the expressions with the suitable situations.

A. Lina’s sister is hospitalized now.

B. Someone has just finished his/ her study.
C. Your best friend will go on a picnic to aboard.
D. Your father is celebrating his birthday.
E. Your friends become the best student in your class.

Congratulations on your graduation. I’m happy for you.

3. I wish you all the best, Dad.

2. Have a great journey!

4. Fantastic! I’m proud of your achievement. 5. Get well soon, my sister


1. On some social occasions people celebrate special events.

2. Here are some examples of phrases of congratulations appropriate to these
I’d like to offer my congratulations on your winning the English speech contest.
Congratulations on your new baby brother.
You must be really happy about your new motorcycle.
I am very happy for you. I hope you enjoy your new house.
Happy birthday/anniversary.
3. When we congratulate others on their success or achievements, we may also give
him some compliment (pujian), for examples:
I’m proud of you.
Good girl!
Good work!
What a lovely cat!
4. The common respond is “Thank you/ Thanks”
Fill in these dialogues with suitable expressions provided in the box.
1. Dayu : ”Who won the football match yesterday?”
Udin : ”Our team did. We won two to one.”
Dayu : ”Well done. _________________________.”
Udin : ”Thank you.”

2. Dika : “I won the competition yesterday.”

Hendri : “Really? That's very great. _________________________.”
Dika : “Thanks.”
Hendri : “You are welcome.”

3. Diah : “How is your work?”

Ana : “I have finished my first novel”
Diah : “Wow, _________________________”
Ana : “Thank you.”

4. Dayu : “The tofu looks delicious. I’m sure our friends will like it.”
Siti : “______________________________.”

5. Lina : “I have mopped the floor.”

Mother : ” _____________________, it looks clean now.”
Lina : “Thanks, Mam.”

a. Thank you, I hope so, too.
b. Good girl!
c. I’m glad to hear that
d. Please accept my warmest congratulation.
e. amazing! You’ll be the best author then.

In pairs, construct your own dialogue based on this guidance.

1. Situation:
Your partner has a new bike. You see it and begin to talk with him/ her.
You Your Partner
Greet him/her Return greeting
Compliment him/ her on the new bike Accept compliments; tells when the bike
was bought
Ask to try the bike Agree or refuse and give reasons
Express thanks or express disappointment Answer thanking or ask for apology

2. Situation:
Your cousin tells you that she was awarded the first prize in the English competition in
her school. Congratulate her.
You cousin You
Greet you Return greeting
Tell you about her achievement Congratulate her
Express thanks Respond and express wish
Express thanks

3. Situation:
You tell your best friend that your English poem is published in the newspaper.
He/She congratulates you.

4. Situation:
Your friend has just won the provincial debate contest. Congratulate him/ her. Wish him/
her for his/ her success on the national debate contest.

5. Situation:
Your little sister has just helped you to make up your bed. Express your complimenting to



This dialogueis for questions number 1 – 2
Nadia : “Hey, Riza, you know what? My painting will be published in Hello magazine
next month!
Riza : “Wow, that’s great, Nadia. Congratulations!
Nadia : “Thank you. I really worked hard for that.”
Riza : “I know you did, and I’m sure it’s a great painting. I can’t wait to see it.”

1. Why does Riza congratulate Nadia? Because …

a. She won a painting contest. c. Her painting will be sold.
b. She has worked hard. d. Her painting will be published.

2. The word “it” in the dialogue refers to … .

a. Hello Magazine c. Riza’s painting
b. Nadia’s painting d. Nadia’s work hard.

3. Nuri has just finished practicing singing. She will sing in the celebration of the
Indonesia Independence Day. Shinta praises her that she sings like a real singer, and she
will get a big applause for that.
Shinta : “You sings like a singer. . . . .?
Nuri : “Thank you. That’s very nice of you.”
a. I’m sure you will get a very big applause c. I’m sorry
b. You are a good student d. Congratulate to Nuri

4. Situation : Ade has just finished drawing a picture of Tinta, his best friend. He will present it to
her on her birthday. Nida praises the picture and she’s sure that Tinta will like it.
Nida : “Ade, that’s a beautiful picture. I’m sure Tinta will like it.”
Ade : “ . . . “.
a. Wish me luck c. Good luck
b. Happy birthday Thanks. d. I hope so too

This dialogue is for questions number 5 and 6.

Gena : Excuse me, I am just admiring your bag. It’s really nice.
Lia : Oh, thank you.
Gena : Could you tell me where you got it? I have been looking for one like that for a long time.
Lia : It’s from the Luggage Store in Plaza Indonesia.
Gena : Oh, thanks

5. What is the dialogue about?

a. Congratulating c. Thanking
b. Expressing hope d. Complimenting

6. How does Gena express her compliment?

a. Oh, thank you.
b. Could you tell me where you got it?
c. I was just admiring your bag. It’s really nice.
d. I have been looking for one like that for a long time.

7. Keila, one of your best friend, will join a poetry reading contest. What is the best
expression to pray for her good fortune?
a. Wish me luck. c. Awesome, I like it.
b. Congratulations d. I wish you luck.

8. Hanna : Congratulations on your great achievement in the National Exam, Lia.

Lia : Thanks, Han.
Hanna : By the way, where will you continue your study?
Lia : SMA Taruna Bangsa of course.
Hanna : Really? I wish you’ll pass the selection process.
Lia : Thanks, I hope so, too. How about you?
Hanna : I don’t know, I’m still confused. My parents will move to Surabaya.
Lia : I hope you’ll get the best school there.
Hanna : I hope so.
Who is Lia based on the dialogue?
a. Hanna’s sister c. Hanna’s teacher
b. Hanna’s schoolmate d. Hanna’s cousin

9. Where does the dialogue probably take place?

a. In Lia’s house c. In a birthday party
b. In a graduation party d. In Hanna’s house

10. Which statement is correct based on the dialogue?

a. Lia will study in Surabaya. c. Hanna will study in SMA Taruna Bangsa
b. Lia has passed the selection process. d. Hanna got the best result in the National Exam.



Let’s live a healthy life!
3.2 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait maksud, tujuan, persetujuan melakukan suatu tindakan/ kegiatan, sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan to, in order to, so that dan
ungkapan persetujuan.)
4.2 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana yang
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait maksud, tujuan,
persetujuan melakukan suatu tindakan/kegiatan, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.


Task 1. Observe the dialog below, then underline the expressions of stating the purpose
or intention to do something in the dialog. Do in pairs.

Udin : Good afternoon, Dayu. How are you?

Dayu : Good afternoon, Udin. I’m pretty well. Thanks.
Udin : What are you eating here?
Dayu : I am eating oranges.
Udin : Why are you eating oranges?
Dayu : I am eating enough oranges so that I will be healthy. What is your favourite fruit?
Udin : Well, I usually eat mango in order to have strong body.
Dayu : Good. By the way, what is your favourite sport?
Udin : I like swimming. I always swim to stay in shape.
Dayu : Dont forget, you must have breakfast before swimming.
Udin : Thanks. I always have my breakfast to have energy to do my activities during the day.
Dayu : That’s very good.

Task 2. Answer the following questions based on the dialog orally.

1. Why does Dayu eat oranges?
2. What does Udin usually do to have strong body?
3. What for does Udin always swim?
4. What should Udin have breakfast for?
5. “I always swim to stay in shape.” What is Udin’s intention by saying this utterance?
From the task above we know that to state the purpose or intention to do something we can use
conjunction (kata hubung):
……………………………, ………………………………., and …………………

Here are some common ways of expressing purpose:
1. So that + Subject You must get some rest so that you will get well soon.
(Kamu harus beristirahat sehingga kamu akan cepat sembuh)
Sinta must often swim so that she can be taller.
2. In order to + be/V1 You must take some rest in order to get well soon.
(Kamu harus beristirahat agar cepat sembuh)
Sinta must often swim in order to be taller.
In order to be taller, Sinta must often swim
In order not to + be/ V1 She worked hard in order not to fail her exams again.
3. To + be/V1 You must take a rest to get well soon.
(Kamu harus beristirahat untuk cepat sembuh)
Sinta must often swim to be taller.
To be taller, Sinta must often swim.
4. So as to + be/ V1 We left early so as to avoid the traffic jam.
So as not to + be/ V1 She worked hard so as not to fail her exams again.

Task 3. Match the beginnings and endings from the two boxes then combine them using
an expression of purpose to make a correct sentence. You may discuss with your friends.

* I should eat well  his father couldn’t see him

1. I’m doing exercises  have strong muscles.
2. He hid behind the door  lose some weight
3. I also like swim  I don’t get wet
4. I will take my raincoat  get sick easily
5. We should eat enough fruit  be healthy
* I should eat well in order to be healthy.
1. ___________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________

Task 4. Read the texts below then discuss and decide the questions of what we should do
the advice for. The first one has been done for you. Work in your group.
We need to have proper food to keep our body healthy. We need to have vegetable, fruit, rice, meat,
fish, egg, tofu and tempe. Don’t skip breakfast so that you have energy to do your activities
during the day. Remember, you should not eat too much fatty food.

Lina : “What for do we need to eat various kinds of healthy food?”

Siti : “To stay healthy.”
Udin : “What should we have breakfast for?”
Siti : “So that we have energy to do your activities during the day.”

Regular exercise is good for your health, too. We can jog to have 10
A stronger lungs. We can also swim in order to have strong muscles. Swimming is also
good to stay in shape. Remember, always do a warm up before doing any exercise to
avoid muscle injury.
Dayu : “_______________________________________________________________?”(1)
Udin : “To have stronger lungs.”
Beni : “_______________________________________________________________?”(2)
Udin : “So that we have stronger muscles.”
Siti : “_______________________________________________________________?”(3)
Udin : “In order to avoid muscle injury.”

Many kinds of instant foods are not good for your health. They may contain dangerous
chemicals, like MSG, preservatives, and artificial colours. We should not eat too much
BB instant food so that we will not get serious diseases. In order to stay healthy, we should
eat a lot more healthy home-made foods.

Siti : “_______________________________________________________________?”(4)
Lina : “In order not to get serious deseases.”
Edo : “_______________________________________________________________?”(5)
Lina : “So that we will stay healthy.”
From the task above we know that to ask the purpose or intention to do something we can use :
- “______________ …?”, for example: …………………………………………………………..
- “________ … ____?”, for example: ……………….…………………………………………….

Task 5. Continue writing the text below. Use some sentences which express purpose to
do something then present it in front of the class.

Maintaining body hygiene is very important for our health.



I think we the dialog below then answer the following questions orally.
Task 1. Observe
should I don’t think we can start now.
start our We should plan it carefully.
wall We should go to people
magazine who know how to make a
now so wallwith
I agree magazine.
Dayu. We
that we should think before
will finish we leap.
1. What is Beni’s idea for doing their wall magazine?
it earlier.
2. Did Dayu agree with Beni’s idea? What did Dayu say?
3. What is Dayu’s suggestion for doing their wall magazine?
4. Did Siti agree with Dayu’s suggestion? What did Siti say?

Task 2. Read the dialogue carefully. Discuss and identify the expressions by filling them
in the table like the example.

Dayu :
You look very pale, Lina. Are you okay?
Lina :
I am not feeling well. I’m catching a cold.
Udin :
I think you should go to the doctor.
Siti :
That’s exactly. You look so bad, Lina. You should consult your doctor immediately.
Beni :
I don’t think that’s a good idea. What you need is just take a good rest.
Siti :
I can’t agree with you Beni. Udin is right. You should meet the doctor to get the right
medicine, Lina.
Edo : I don’t agree, Siti. You must not take too much medicine. You just need a good rest,
much fresh water and fruit. Eat only healthy food.
Beni : I think so, Edo. I think Edo’s advice will make you get well soon, Lina.
Dayu : I doubt with that. I think the best way to do is go home, Lina. Your mom and dad
know better what you should do.

No Advice/suggestion Agreement Disagreement

1 I think you should go to That’s exactly. You
the doctor. look so bad, Lina


Here are some common expressions to say agree or disagree with a suggestion or an idea
Expressions of Agreement Expressions of Disagreement
I agree (with you) I disagree
That’s a good idea I don’t think that’s a good idea
I think so I don’t think so
I That’s exactly I don’t agree
t No doubt about it I doubt with that
That/You may/might be true I can’t agree
n You’re right I am not sure (about that)
k That’s/It’s true That’s not always true
I know I don’t know (about that)
… You have a point (there) I wouldn’t say that
I hate to admit/say it, but you true That’s not always true
Absolutely I hate to disagree (with you), but..
Definitely I don’t mean to disagree (with you), but …
I feel the same way I wouldn’t go so far as to say that …
I’m afraid you are right I wish, I could agree (with you), but …

Task 3. Complete the following dialog with the suitable expression in the box.

Tiara : There is a music concert tonight in Batang square. a. I agree

Ricko : Oh really? (1)_______________we go there tonight? b. I disagree
Gina : May I join with you? c. Why don’t
Tiara : (2)_________. Don’t worry. d. I think
Ricko : So, How can we get there? e. Of course
Gina : (3)___________ we can ride our own motorcycles.
Ricko : That’s a good idea but (4)____________ with you. I am afraid it will rain.
Tiara : How about driving my own car?
Gina : (5)____________with you. And Ricko is the driver.
Ricko : All right.

Task 4. In pairs, make a conversation following the chart below. Then practice it.
Dialog Student A Student B
1 Smoking should be permitted in public disagree
2 agree Teachers should not give homework to
the students.

Dialog 1
A ( ………….): __________________________________________________________
B (…………..): __________________________________________________________

Dialog 2
A ( ….………): __________________________________________________________
B (…………...): __________________________________________________________

I. Answer the questions by crossing a, b, c, or d!
The text is for questions no 1-5.
We need to have proper food to keep our body healthy. We need to have vegetable, fruit, rice, meat,
fish, egg, tofu, and tempe. Don’t skip breakfast so that you have energy to do your activities during the day.
Remember, you should not eat too much fatty food.
Regular exercise is good for your health. We can jog to have stronger lungs. We can also swim in order
to have strong muscles. Swimming is also good to stay in shape. Remember, always do a warm up before
doing any exercise to avoid muscle injury.
Many kinds of instant foods are not good for your health. They may contain dangerous chemicals like
MSG, preservatives and artificial colors. We should not eat too much instant food so that we will not get serious
diseases. In order to stay healthy, we should have a lot of more healthy homemade food.

1. “Don’t skip breakfast so that you have energy to do your activities”.

The underlined word has the closest meaning to ….
a. get b. avoid c. leave d. have

2. “We should not eat too much instant food so that …” (prg 3).
The underlined words means ….
a. to disagree with the idea c. to state or ask other to do it
b. to agree with the suggestion d. to state the purpose or intention to do it

3. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

a. We should not eat too much instant food.
b. Instant foods may contain dangerous chemicals.
c. We should have a lot of more healthy homemade food.
d. Many kinds of instant foods are not good for your health.

4. This is not one of the ways to keep healthy …

a. We need to have proper food.
b. Consume many kinds of instant food.
c. Regular exercise is good for your health.
d. We should not consume many kind of instant food.

5. Dayu : “…?
Udin : To have stronger lung.
a. What is the purpose of jogging regularly c. What is the goal of fishing
b. What is the aim of swimming regularly d. What is the intention of warming up

6. Beni: “Remember! Dayu got diarrhea because she did not wash the fruit before she ate it.”
Luna: “So, I should always wash my fruit before I eat it ... I will not get diarrhea.”
a. so that b. in order to c. so as to d. to

7. Vina : Do you think browsing on the internet is difficult?
Dea : Mm… I don’t think so. We just need more practice.
The underlined sentence expresses …
a. agreement c. asking for opinion
b. disagreement d. purpose to do something

8. Siti: “….”
Edo: “I don’t agree. We can use used paper. We can also use used wood for the frame.”
Lina: “Yes we can, so we can save money to make it. What we need is hard work
a. I think we need much money to buy a wall magazine
b. I think we need a lot of wood to use a wall magazine
c. I think we can use used paper to make a wall magazine
d. I think we need a lot of money to make a wall magazine

9. Ita : “There is a rule for girl in a certain culture in South America.

Girls must have long hair.
Dayu: “…” Anybody is free to choose what style of hair they would like to have.
a. I think, that’ s a good idea, Siti. c. I think so, Siti.
b. I don’t think that’s a good idea, Siti. d. I agree with the rule, Siti.

10. Your friend says, ” Let us go out tonight” and you think that it is a good idea. You say …
a. Yes, I am agreeing b. No, I am no c. Yes, I agree d. I doubt so

II. Complete the dialogue below with the suitable expression in the box.
1. Rina : ________________________________________?
Nurul : In order to pass the final exam.

2. Dina : What should we drink a lot of water for?

Elsa : ________________________________________.

3. Mita : I think English is a very difficult language to learn.

Bayu : ___________________.You just need practice every day and it will be very easy.

4. Chen : _________________________________________.
Chan : I agree with you. Drinking a lot of water is good for our health.

5. Mother : I think we should limit our children’s time for watching TV.
Father : ______________________________. Television has a bad influence on children.

a. I think we should consume a lot of water d. I don’t think so

b. So that we will not get dehydrated e. That’s a good idea
c. What for should we study hard f. Why do you pass the exam




3.3 Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks
khusus dalam bentuk label , dengan meminta dan memberi informasi terkait obat /
makanan/ minuman, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
4.3 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait dengan fungsiosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan teks khusus dalam bentuk label pendek dan sederhana , terkait
obat / makanan / minuman.

Observe this label !

Fill in the table baesd on the label!
1. Name of the drug
2. Description
3. Content/Amount

4. Use(s)

5. Directions to use &

6. Directions to store

7. Expiration date

1. What does the text tell us about?
2. What is the writer`s intention to write the text?
3. What is the medicine for?
4. What are the side effect of this medicine?
5. Where do we have to store this medicine?
6. What is the dosage 6 to 12 years and children?
Do in group!
With your classmate , find some drug lables, discuss and analyzea label of drug . Write the
report of your analysis and present it in front of the class!

Observe and collect the information! Discuss in pairs!


Complete the table based on your discussion!

1. Brand of product
2. Name of product
3. Content/Amount
4. Description
5. Ingredients

6. Direction to use

7. Direction to store

8. Expiration date


Answer these question based on the text!

1. Does the product contain dietary fiber?

2. How much protein does the product contain?
3. Do you find the cholesterol in the product?
4. What is the expiration date of the product?
5. What is the aim of the text?
6. What is the text about?
7. How much is the product?

TASK 3 ( Homework )
Find 2 wraps of drink which have nutrition facts. Hand-write them on a piece of paper then
submit it to your teacher!

Observe and collect the information!

1. Brand of product
2. Name of product
3. Content/Amount
4. Description
5. Ingredients

6. Direction to use

7. Direction to store

8. Expiration date


1. Medicine, food and beverage labels are usually put on the back of most products.
2. They are used to give information about the products.
3. The social function of medicine, food and drink labels are :
a. To choose food/beverage/medicine which is suitable and safe,
b. To avoid negative effects of food/beverage/nedicine,
c. To get the best results of medication.
4. A label contains :
Name of the product, name of the brand, description,ingredients/contents,the nutrition
facts, suggested uses, storage and expiry date.
5. Language feature:
a. Imperatives ( keep the syrup in a dry palce ...)
b. Noun phrases


Choose the best answer!

The text is for no 1-3

1. The label of the product is important for the readers so that they will ....
A. have an understanding about how to use the product correctly
B. get right information about the product that will be consumed
C. know the places or the stores that sells the product they need
D. have a better information how and where the product is made

2. Based on the nutrion fact, which substance has the highest percentage of all?
A. Dietary fiber C. Calsium
B. Vitamin C D. Sodium
3. “Servings per container 6” (from the text)
The underlined word can best be replaced with ....
A. Package C. drink
B. Sample D. Place

The text is for no 4 –6

4. From the text we can get information about the … of the product
A. expired date C. benefit
B. nutrition D. Price

5. How much carbohydrate does the product have?

A. 1 g C. 7g
B. 2g D. 18 g

6. The word “ingredients” in the label above

is closest in meaning to … .
A. Equipments C. compositions
B. Components D. requirements

The text is for no 7 – 10

• Temporarily relives nasal congestion due to the common cold, hay fever or other upper respiratory
allergies, or associated with sinusitis
• Temporarily relieves these symptoms due to hay fever (allergic rhinitis):

- runny nose
- sneezing
- itching of the nose or throat
- itchy, watery eyes
• Temporarily restores freer breathing through the nose
Do not take more than 4 doses in any 24- hour period
Age Dose adults and children over 12 years 4 tsp every 4 hours
Children 6 to under 12 years 2 tsp every 4 hours
Children under 6 years ask a doctor
7. From the label above we know that ...
A. This medicine is only for adult. C. Stomachache can be cured with this medicine
B. This medicine is in the form of syrup D. Children under 12 cannot take this medicine

8. Who must be consulted to the doctor before taking this medicine?

A. Children 6 to under 12 years C. Children under 6 years
B. Children 12 years and over D. Adult

9. "Temporarily restores freer breathing through the nose" The underlined word has similar
meaning with ....
A. Recall C. Damage
B. Provide D. Rehabilitate

10. What is the aim of the label?

A.To persuade the reader to buythe product
B. To give detailed information of the product
C. To ask the reader to read the ingredients
D. To tell how to use it




This dialog is for questions number 1 and 2.

Deny : “Bibah, I heard you have just moved to a new house, right?Congratulations!
May you and your family find peace, love and much happiness to create
countlessmemories in your new house.”
Habibah : “Yes, that’s right. I’m happy that I can live with my family in the village.
1. Based on the text, we know that ….
a. Deny gives his wishes for Habibah to dwell her new home
b. Deny and his family moved to their new home
c. Habibah’s family didn’t have a house before
d. Habibah and Deny are sister and brother

2. “... to create countless memory in your new house.”

The underlined word is closest in meaning with the word ....
a. Numerable c. specific
b. numerous d. valuable

3. You heard that your classmate, Danang, got an accident and his arm was injured when he
rode his bicycle yesterday.
Which of the following statements would you say to express your hope about Danang’s

a. Good Job! c. I have to visit him in the hospital

b. I hope he gets well soon d. He should not ride bicycle carelessly`

4. The following are the expressions of hope, except ….

a. Let’s hope we will pass the examination c. I hope you will be successful
b. I hope your father will be okay soon d. I have to go to airport

This dialog is for questions number 5 and 6.

Silvi : “What do you think we should give to Dena for her birthday?”
Ana : “I think we should give her a jacket, because she often rides a motorcycle.”
Silvi : “I disagree. She already has so many jackets. How about a bag? She wears the same
bag everyday to go to school. So I think it would be great if we give her one.”
Ana : “Okay then. I agree. Let’s buy her one today after school.”
Silvi : “Okay.”

5. What is Silvi’s purpose to give a new bag to Dena as her birthday gift?
a. In order to make Dena use the same bag. c. To make Dena have the same bag
b. To make Dena use the different bag. d. To help Dena have the bag.

6. “So I think it would be great if we give her one.”

What does the word “one” in the dialog refer to?
a. Motorcycle c. jacket
b. Birthday d. bag

This dialog is for questions no. 7 and 8.

Sapta : “Excuse me, Eka. Do you want me to hang the picture of panorama over there?”
Eka : “No. I don’t think it’s a good idea. It’s not a good spot.”
Sapta : “So?”
Eka : “How about over there, above the book shelves?”
Sapta : “Alright. I’ll do it.”

7. Sapta and Eka are asking and giving ….

a. Agreement c. offering
b. Certainty d. advice

8. “Do you want me to hang the picture of panorama over there?”

The underlined word has similar meaning as the word ….
a. Mountain c. scene
b. Valley d. hill

9. Reaarrange the following utterances into the best order.

1. Febri : “Sorry. I’d better stay at home.”
2. Febri : “I don’t think it’s a good idea. I’m broke.”
3. Della : “It’s okay. I understand.”
4. Della : “Febri, do you want to go to Saudara Department Store with me this
5. Della : “No problem. We go there just for window shopping. Isn’t that interesting?”
a. 4 – 2 – 5 – 1 – 3 c. 2 – 1 – 3 – 5 – 4
b. 4 – 5 – 2 – 3 – 1 d. 2 – 1 – 4 – 5 – 3

For questions 10 and 11, complete the following dialog with the suitable expressions.
Suci : “Weni, you look so pale. I think you need to see the doctor soon … (20) get
some medical treatment. Let me take you to the hospital.”
Weni : “…. (21) Actually, my father is on his way from his office to take me to the hospital.”

10. a. so c. in order to
b. so that d. in order that

11. a. Yes, please c. My pleasure

b. That’s right d. No, Thank you

For questions no. 12 – 14, complete the following dialog with the suitable expressions.
Yusril : “I feel very tired. Let’s stop working and take some rest.”
Hakim : “…. (23) We don’t have much time. We have to finish the assignment right away.”
Shinta : “…. (24) I need to buy some drink because I’m very thirsty.”
Hakim : “Don’t worry. We … (25) finish it now. After that we can have some rest.”

12. a. I’m all for you c. I think that’s a good idea

b. I agree with you d. I think that’s not a good idea

13 a. I don’t agree with Yusril c. I agree with Yusril

b. I think Yusril isn’t right d. I don’t think so

14 a. cannot c. may not

b. will not d. are going to

The text is for questions 15 to 17.

15. What is the text about? It is a … label.

a. beverage c. food
b. drug d. snack

16. The brand of the product is … .

a. Aloe Vera Drink c. Citric Acid
b. Caribbean Joy d. Natural Flavor

17. The product is likely addressed to people who want to … health.

a. decrease c. help
b. gain d. maintain

The text is for questions 18 to 20.

18. What is the brand of drug above?

a. Acid Reducer c. Desiccant
b. Antidine d. Wockhardt

19. What is the writer’s intention to write the product label? To …the product.
a. advertise how to buy c. give detailed information of
b. compare among other products d. report the content of

20. What will happen if we do not keep the product in a cool dry place? It may … .
a. be more healthy

b. be unsafe to consume
c. pass the expiration date
d. taste better

21. Complete the dialogue with suitable expressions.
Aji : I heard you won the sack race commemorating the 73rd Indonesia
independence day in your class. (a) ………………., Bagus.
Bagus : (b)…………………………, Aji. I will represent my class for the sack race of
our school tomorrow. Wish me luck!
Aji : (c) …………………………, Bagus.

22. Complete the dialogue below based on the situation given.

Santi has just finished cleaning her bedroom and the living room. Her mother praises
her and thanks her for that.
Mother : “(a)___________________(b) ___________________”
Santi : “ You’re welcome, Mom.

23. Match the questions in the left column with the answers in the right column.

a. What should we eat healthy home- 1. in order not to get harmful bacteria
made food for? 2. to have energy to do activities during
the school hours
b. What should we wash our hands 3. to stay healthy
before eating for? 4. in order to keep our body strong

24. Complete the table below with agreement or disagreement and the reasons!
Agreement or
No. Advice Reason
a. You should go to the
school library when you
have no class.
b. You should go home
earlier when you feel

The text below is for question 25.

25. Observe the drug label above, then complete the table below.

No. Facts Statements

1. Brand of drug
2. Name of drug
3. Description
4. Content/Amount
5. Use(s)
6. Directions to use and dosage
7. Directions to store
8. Expiration date


3.4 Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks
prosedur lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait resep
makanan/ minuman dan manual, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks

4.4 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks prosedur lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan sederhana, dalam
bentuk resep dan manual.
In this chapter, we will learn to read manuals, in order to know:
- How to get the best results and,
- How to avoid an accident, damage, or unnecesarry waste.

Task 1.
Pay attention to the following recipe. Read the text and answer the questions.

1. What is the text about?

2. What is the writer’s intention writing the text?
3. What ingredients do you need to make Novel Apple Pudding?
4. What should you do with the apples?
5. Write down the action verbs mentioned in the text.
6. What will happen if you bake the pudding more than a hour?
7. What will you probably do after you get this recipe?
8. Do you think it is easy or not to make Novel Apple Pudding? Give your reason!

Task 2
A. Listen and repeat the conversation after the teacher. Then, play the roles of the
speakers. Say the sentences loudly.
Dayu : “Hi Lina, you look so busy. What are you doing?”
Lina : “Hi Dayu, I’m going to make Choco Milk Avocado.”
Dayu : “Wow, it sounds yummy. Can you teach me how to make it?”
Lina : “Sure. First of all, you have to prepare all the ingredients. You will need one ripe
avocado, one sachet of chocolate condensed milk, 250 ml cold water, 100 grams
sugar and some ice cubes.”
Dayu : “Alright, then how do you make it?”
Lina : “First, cut the avocado and remove the seed. Then, put the pulp of the avocado
along with the sugar in a blender and blend well.”
Dayu : “What will you do after you blend the avocado?”
Lina : “Add the milk, cold water and blend them for 1 minute. After that decorate the
glass with the remaining chocolate milk and pour the blended avocado into it. Add
some ice cubes. Finally, the Choco Milk Avocado is ready to serve.”
Dayu : “Wow, what fresh and tasty beverage!”

B. Write down the recipe of Choco Milk Avocado based on the above conversation.

A. Goal/Title :
B. Ingredients :

C. Methods :

Task 3
 4 red potatoes, peeled
 1 tablespoon olive oil
 1 onion, chopped
 1 green bell pepper, seeded and chopped
 2 tablespoons olive oil
 1 teaspoon salt
 3/4 teaspoon paprika powder
 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
 Large skillet
 Plate
 Pot
1. First, bring to a boil a large pot of salted water. Add
potatoes and cook until tender but still firm, about
15 minutes.
2. Then, drain the potatoes and cut them into 1/2 inch
cubes when they are already cool.
3. After that, in a large skillet, heat 1 tablesp oon olive
oil over medium high heat. Add onion and green
bell pepper. Cook about 5 minutes stirring often,
until soft. Transfer to a plate and set aside.
4. Next, pour remaining 2 tablespoons of oil into the
skillet and turn heat to medium-high.
5. Add potato cubes, salt, paprika and black pepper.
Cook, stirring occasionally, until potatoes are
browned about 10 minutes.
6. Stir in the onions, green peppers and parsley and
cook for another minute. Finally, serve hot.

A. Fill in the following table with the information based on the recipe above to rewrite the
ingredients of how to make fried potatoes. .

Amount/ Kind Thing Action applied

4 Red Potatoes Peeled

Amount/ Kind Thing Action applied

B. Fill in the following table with the information based on the recipe above to rewrite
the steps of making fried potatoes.

No. Conjunction Actions Ingredients Place, Time,

Manner, etc.
1. First, bring to boil a large pot of
salted water

Now, I know that ...

A recipe consists of three parts:
Goal (title) of the recipes.

The INGREDIENTS stating the materials

The METHOD stating the steps to make the food or drink.

Language features:
Use simple present tense mostly in the form of imperative sentences.

Use temporal conjuction (first, then, next, after that, finally) or ordinal numbers
(First, second, third, fourth, fifth,... etc)

Use action verbs.

Task 4

Read the text carefully then answer the following questions.

1. What is the goal of the text?
Answer : ..................................................................................................................
2. What should you do to the rice before you put them in the pan?
Answer : ..................................................................................................................
3. What will happen after you plug in and press the switch?
Answer : ..................................................................................................................
4. When will the light indicating warm will be on?
Answer : ...................................................................................................................
5. Why you have to leave the lid closed for at least 15 minutes after the switch moves up?
Answer : ..................................................................................................................
6. What benefits can you get after reading the text?
Answer : ......................................................................................................................

Task 5.

Below are the steps how to operate a toaster. But they are not in a good order so please
rewrite them to make a good text.

How to operate a toaster

Take food out of the toaster and put jam, honey, or anything else you
may want to add onto it.

Enjoy the delicious meal you made.

Insert two pieces of bread into the slot.

Lower the lever to start the toasting cycle.

Plug in the toaster to an electrical plug.

Select the darkness of afford in toaster using the adjustment knob. It

is located on the front of toaster.

It will take a minute or two, depending on how dark you select the
Answerin the
: toaster to be.







Choose A, B, C or D as the most appropriate answer!

The following text is for question 1 to 4.
Fluffy American Pancake

 135 g / 43/4 oz plain flour

 1 tsp baking powder
 ½ salt
 2 tsb caster sugar
 130 ml / 4 ½ fl oz milk
 1 large egg, lightly beaten
 2 tbsp melted butter ( allowed to cool slightly) or olive oil, plus extra for
Method :
1. Shift the flour, baking powder, salt and caster sugar into a large bowl. In a
separate bowl or jug, lightly whisk together the milk and egg, then whisk in
the melted butter.
2. Pour the milk mixture into the flour mixture and using a fork, beat until you
have smooth batter. Any lumps will soon disappear with a little mixing. Let
the batter stand for few minutes.
3. Heat a non-stick frying pan over a medium heat and add a knob of butter.
When it’s melted add a laddle of batter (or two if your frying pan is big
enough to cook two pancakes at the same time). It will seem very thick, but
this is how it should be. Wait until the top of the pancake begins to bubble,
then turn it over and cook until both sides are golden brown and the pancake
has risen to about 1 cm (1/2 in) thick.
4. Repeat until all the batter is used up. You can keep the pancakes warm in a
low oven, but they taste best fresh out of the pan.
5. Serve with lashings of real maple syrup and extra butter if you like.

1. The writer’s purpose of writing the text is ....

A. To describe the materials to make a pancake.
B. To explain things to do to make a pancake.
C. To inform a better way to serve a pancake.
D. To tell us the procedure to make good batter.
2. What should be done after adding the milk mixture into the flour mixture?
A. Beat the mixture,
B. Leave the mixture.
C. Add the butter.
D. Pour the batter into the pan.
3. “... lightly whisk together the milk and the egg, ....” (Step 1)
What does the underlined word mean?
A. Gently
B. Quickly
C. Gradually
D. Completely

4. “ it will seem very thick, but this how it should be.” (step 3) The underlined word
refers to....
A. Butter
B. Batter
C. A pancake
D. A frying pan
The following text is for questions 5 to 7.

To ensure clean clothes, make the most of your washing machine. Selecting the correct
wash cycle saves energy, save water, and saves unnecessary wear and tear on your
clothes. Above all, you can maintain the machine work well.
1. Select a wash temperature that’s as close as possible to the maximum wash
temperature on the care label.
2. Choose the proper spin programme. If you plan to hang out your nylon and
synthetic clothes, then choose a lighter spin, so that the clothes don’t pick up
creases in a long spin.
3. Put detergent in the machine. If you use liquid detergent, put them in before the
clothes. However, powder detergent need to sit on the top of the washing.
4. Put the dirty items in the machine. Don’t overload the machine to agitate the dirt
out of your washing. The best way to get a correct load is to weigh it to fit in with
your machine’s capacity.

5. Why is it important to know the proper steps of using a washing machine?

A. To save energy and water.
B. To save water and detergent.
C. To avoid from tearing clothes.
D. To keep the machine durable.
6. When should you pour powder detergent to the washing dispenser?
A. Before putting the washing into the machine
B. After adding the clothes into the machine.
C. After pouring water into the machine.
D. After selecting the spin programme.
7. We should choose a lighter spin for synthetic clothes so that....
A. It will save energy.
B. It won’t tear the clothes.
C. The clothes won’t wrinkle.
D. The clothes’colors won’t fade.
The following text is for questions 8 to 10.


 3 tablespoons all purpose flour

 6 tablespoons cold water
 2/3 cup unseasoned dry bread crumbs
 1 teaspoon salt
 Dash of ground red pepper (cayenne)
 1 package (12 oz) extra-firm tofu packed in water, drained, cut into 1-inch cubes
 Vegetable oil
 2/3 cup barbeque sauce, sweet-and-sour sauce salsa or ketchup.
Steps :
1. In a small bowl, beat the flour and water with a wire whisk or hand beater until
smooth. In a shallow dish or pie plate, toss bread crumbs, salt and red pepper.
2. Dip the tofu cubes into the batter, then roll in the bread crumb mixture to coat.
3. In 10-inch skillet, heat oil (1/2 inch) over medium-high heat. Cook 15 nuggets at
a time in oil for about 1 minute, turning once, until golden brown. Drain the
nuggets on paper towels. Serve hot with the barbecue sauce.

8. After reading the text, the readers will be able to ....
A. Serve a tofu nugget well.
B. Know what a tofu nugget is.
C. Practice making a tofu nugget.
D. Understand the taste of a tofu nugget.
9. Where can you read such a text? In a ....
A. daily newspaper.
B. fashion magazine
C. cooking recipe book.
D. biology encyclopedia.
10. First, the flour and water ... with a wire whisk until smooth.
A. is beaten
B. are beaten
C. were beaten
D. had been beaten



Chapter V
3.5. Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait keadaan/indakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang sedang dilakukan/terjadi
pada saat ini, waktu lampau, dan waktu yang akan datang, sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaannya (perhatikan unsur kebahasaan present continuous, past continuous,
will + continuous)
4.5. Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana
yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang sedang dilakukan/terjadi pada saat ini,
waktu lampau, dan waktu yang akan datang, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

(Stating actions in progress now at the moment of speaking)
In pairs, observe the following pictures and analyse the expressions with bold typed
words in the dialogues. Then practice the dialogs with your partner.

Work in pairs again. Pay more attention to the above dialogues. Write down the result of your
analysis to fill in the following form. Do like the example. Then, read the expressions clearly and

1 Lina Maybe she’s turning on the music loudly

Edo Everybody is staying outside.

Udin I’m studying History for the test tomorrow.

(Stating actions in progress at a certain point of time in the past)

Work in pairs. Observe the following pictures and study the sentences, then pronounce
them clearly and correctly. Look up your dictionary if it is necessary.

Keep working in pairs. Observe the other pictures below, then complete the sentences
with the correct verbal phrase. Write down your sentences in the space provided!

1. ......................................................................................................................................

2. ......................................................................................................................................

3. ......................................................................................................................................

a. Study the following pictures. Discuss with your partner what the people in the pictures were
doing. Change the verbs in brackets into the correct form!

1 2 3

1. My parents were watching TV when I arrived at home last night.

2. The boys (play) football when it suddenly rained yesterday.
3. When Nancy (peel) an apple, she cut her finger.

b. It’s 3:00 pm last Sunday. What were the people doing? Write down your sentences in
the space provided! Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets!

Grandfather was reading the newspaper while

grandmother was knitting.
Cindy (listen) to the Hi-fi while Nicky (draw) a picture.
Father (sleep) while mother (drink) some water.

a. The verb for an action in progress consists of BE (in the right form for the subject)
and V-ing (present participle)
b. To state an action in progress now, at the moment of speaking, the verb BE is in the
form of is, am, or are.
c. To state an action in progress at a certain point of time in the past, the verb BE is in
the form of was or were.
d. We often use the past continuous and past simple tenses in the same sentence.
We do this when we want to talk about a shorter activity that happened during a longer
activity in the past. We usually use conjunction when.
e. Sometimes we use the past continuous tense to talk about two or more actions which
were taking place at the same time in the past. We usually use conjunction while.
Examples :
I was playing TV games when my mother came home.
We were studying while the baby was crying.
(Stating actions in progress at a certain point of time in the future)
Work with your partner. Observe the following statements. Pay good attention to the
expressions with bold typed words. Say each of them clearly and correctly.

Now I know that reading is Siti’s hobby. When I saw her

in the canteen, sha was reading a novel, now she is
reading a novel. And, I’m sure when I meet her next
time, she will be reading a novel, too.

There may be something wrong with the baby. He has

been crying the whole night. When I went to bed at 10
pm, he was crying. It’s early morning now, and he is
still crying. I hope he will not be crying again when I
get home this afternoon.

Udin is very busy with his homework. When I told him to

go to the shop, he said he was finishing his homework.
Now he is still doing his homework. Will he still be
working on his homework when everybody is ready to
go to bed?

Since I got to Manado three days ago, I have never seen

the sun. It was raining hard when I got here. Now it is
still raining hard. May be when I leave the town
tomorrow afternoon it will be raining again.

In pairs, analyse the expressions with bold typed verbs, then fill in the form. Give a
check (√) in the right coloumn!

STATEMENT Positive Negative Interrogative

1. To state an action in progress at a certain point of time in the future, we use will + be +
V-ing (present participle).
2. We use the following patterns:
f. For positive statement : Subject + will + be + V-ing
g. For negative statement : Subject + will + not + be + V-ing
h. For interrogative statement : Will + subject + be + V-ing + ?
3. Examples:
a. My father will be having his breakfast when I leave for school tomorrow morning.
b. I hope you won’t be doing anything when I come to your house this afternoon.
c. Will you be finishing your homework when your father come home tonight?

Discuss the following conversations with your partner! Do the exercises like the

1. Mother : “Dinda, can you come and help me to lift the table, please?”
Dinda : “I’m sorry, I can't, Mom. I (do) my Math assignment now.”
Mother : “Dinda, can you come and help me to lift the table, please?”
Dinda : “I’m sorry, I can't, Mom. I’m doing my Math assignment now.”

2. Hendra : “Look, the girls are very busy. They (clean) their classroom now.”
Wawan : “Good girls. They also (mop) the floor.”

One of the happiest moments in my life is having a

3. family gathering in my grandma’s house once a year
during the school holidays. Everybody keeps talking
and laughing. My aunts and uncles (still, talk)
happily when I (wake) up at one last night. At this
moment, while they (prepare) the lunch, they (talk)
noisily in the kitchen. And, I’m sure they (talk) until
they go to bed late tonight.


A. Choose the best answer by crossing a, b, c, or d.

1. Dayu : “What are you doing, Lina?”

Lina : “....”
a. I’m washing my shoes.
b. I was helping my mother.
c. I’m sorry, I’m very busy right now.
d. I will be cooking some food this afternoon.

2. Udin : “...”
Beni : “I was reading a sport magazine.”
a. What are you doing now, Udin?
b. Were you doing something, Udin?
c. What will you do this afternoon, Udin?
d. What were you doing when I called you last night, Udin?

3. Dayu : “Siti, would you come to my house to have dinner with my family at seven
this evening?”
Siti :”I’m so sorry I can’t. ....”
a. I’m finishing my Biology project right now.
b. I was helping my mother preparing our dinner too.
c. I will be joining a meeting with my friends in my neighbourhood.
d. My father will not allow me to go to your house alone in the evening.

4. Mother : “Listen. Annisa ... a new song.”

Yuni : “Wow, how beautiful the song is!”
a. will sing c. was singing
b. is singing d. will be singing

5. Mr. Andi : “I’m sorry about the noise you are hearing, Sir. The students ... for a
Headmaster : “It’s okay.”
a. are practising c. were practising
b. was practising d. will be practising

6. Edo : “I saw you in the shop last night. Didn’t you see me?”
Dayu : “Really? I didn’t see you.”
Edo : “When I saw you, you ... your glasses.”
a. are not wearing c. don’t wear
b. weren’t wearing d. haven’t worn

7. Edo : “What were you doing at nine o’clock this morning, Siti?”
Siti : “We were doing the test ...”
a. while the headmaster was giving an announcement in our class
b. when the headmaster has inspected our class.
c. while it is raining heavily.
d. since nine o’clock.

8. Beni : “When were you having your lunch, Lina?”
Lina : “We were having our lunch when someone ... this afternoon.”
a. has knocked c. was knocking
b. is knocking d. knocked

Complete the following dialogues with the suitable expressions for no. 9 and 10.

Hilda : “Hi, Maya. What are your plans for Friday?”

Maya : “Hi, Hilda. I will go to buy my sister a present on Friday. How about you?”
Hilda : “I .... (9) on my science report and my English essay.”
Maya : “... (10) the new mission impossible movie out on Saturday?”
Hievda : “No, I won’t since I have so much work to do.”

9. a. am working c. will be working

b. was working d. have worked

10. a. Do you watch c. Are you watching

b. Did you watch d. Will you be watching

B. Essay

For questions no. 11 to 13 complete the following dialog with the correct forms of
verbal phrase! Rewrite the dialog in the space provided!

Mrs. Ratna : “Andi, I didn’t see your friends when I passed your classroom. Where are
Andi : “We (do) (11) an experiment in the laboratory right now, Mam. We (start)
(12) the biology class at 09.00 this morning and we (discuss) (13) the report
of the result at the first period tomorrow.”






Kompetensi Dasar

3.6 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait keadaan/ tindakan/kegiatan/ kejadian yang sudah/ telah
dilakukan/terjadi di waktu lampau dikaitkan dengan keadaan sekarang, tanpa
menyebutkan waktu terjadinya secara spesifik, sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaannya (perhatikan unsur kebahasaan present perfect tense)

4.6 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana
yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait dengan
keadaan/tindakan/ kegiatan/ kejadian yang sudah/telah dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu
lampau dikaitkan dengan keadaan sekarang, tanpa menyebutkan waktu terjadinya
secara spesifik, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

In this chapter we will learn to communicate past happening which is related to the present
moment, in order:
- To share the information with others,
- To report the past happening to others, and
- To give an explanation.

Observe the picture below, and then answer the questions orally.

1. What do you think the children are doing?

2. Do they look very happy? Why are they happy?
3. In fact, the children are in an orphan home. What do you know about orphan home?
4. Have you ever visited an orphan home?

5. In your opinion, is it a good idea to visit an orphan home?

Work in groups. Find the meaning of the words in column A with the ones in column C. Then, write
down the meanings you find in column B.
share(v) memberi
report(v) menyatakan
give(v) berkata
relate(v) menikmati
state(v) melaporkan
repeat(v) membagi
say(v) menghubungkan
enjoy(v) berbicara
visit(v) mengulangi
celebrate(v) merencanakan
talk (v) mengunjungi
meet(v) merayakan
plan(v) menunggu
chip in(v) meninggal dunia
wait(v) mendapatkan
bring(v) menyumbang
listen(v) bertemu
die(v) suka
get(v) mendengarkan
like(v) membawa
take care of(v) membantu
promise(v) lupa
forget(v) memelihara
help(v) berjanji
hear(v) mewakili
find(v) percaya
believe(v) mendengar
handwrite(v) menemukan
contain(v) peristiwa khusus
drill(v) menulis (dengan) tangan
represent(v) berisi
past happening(n) penjelasan
present moment(n) kejadian, peristiwa
particular moment(n) berlatih
explanation(n) peristiwa masa lalu
event(n) peristiwa masa kini
role(n) izin
permission(n) peran

scavenger(n) lingkungan (tempat tinggal)
neighbourhood(n) pemulung
needy children(n) rumah yatim/piatu
orphanage(n) anak-anak yang membutuhkan
orphan home(n) kesempatan
chance(n) panti asuhan
punctuation mark(n) keluarga miskin
handicraft(n) tanda baca
profit(n) sanak, famili
poor family(n) hadiah, pemberian
relative(n) tempat kosong
gift(n) keuntungan, laba
blank spaces(n) hasta karya
cheerful(adj) tidak lengkap
gloomy(adj) hilang
bolded(adj) perhatian
incomplete(adj) sesuai
missing(adj) murung
suitable(adj) riang
caring(adj) ditebalkan
completely(adv) (dengan) benar
meaningfully(adv) (dengan) keras
routinely(adv) (dengan) jelas
personally(adv) (dengan) teliti, dekat
closely(adv) akhir-akhir ini
lately(adv) (dengan) lengkap
loudly(adv) (secara) rutin
clearly(adv) (secara) pribadi
correctly(adv) (dengan) bermakna

Observe the conversation below, and then answer the questions.
Sinta: “What do you think of visiting the orphan home yesterday?”
Doni: “I haven’t been to an orphanage even once. Please, tell me your visit there.”
Dinda: “It was really fun. We have been there for three hours to have fun together.”
Andi: “I really enjoyed it. It was really a good idea to visit the orphans.”
Sinta: “Sure. Although I have been there once, I was really happy.”
Doni: “It seems interesting. Why don’t we plan a visit to the orphanage again?”
Dinda: “Our OSIS has planned a program for children in orphanages since five years ago.”

1. What are the children talking about?

2. When did the children visit the orphanage?

3. Who has never been to an orphanage?

4. What might make the orphans very happy?

5. What probably will you do when visiting an orphanage?

Observe an incomplete paragraph, and then fill in the blank spaces with suitable words
given below.
Sania has been an orphan for five years. She Mulia orphanage since three years
ago. She ...there because she doesn’t have any relatives to take care of her. Sania is very
caring. She ...the charity group of the orphanage. She and the other members of the
group ...many activities. The group ...funds for the street children. The group ...the street
children to go to schools for better life.

has helped – has been – has lived – has joined – have done – has collected

Complete the blanks of the table below with suitable verbs and meanings.
No. To- Present Past Meaning
(Past Participle)
1. To be am/is/are was/were (have/has) been
2. To join joined (have/has) joined
3. To live live (have/has) lived
4. To drill drilled (have/has) drilled
5. To say say (have/has) said
6. To see saw (have/has) seen
7. To do do (have/has) done
8. To spell spelled (have/has) spelled
9. To have have/has (have/has) had
10. To use used (have/has) used
11. To die die (have/has) died
12. To pass away passed away (have/has) passed away
13. To read read (have/has) read
14. To copy copied (have/has) copied
15. To need need (have/has) needed

Complete the blank spaces with the questions or the answers accordingly. Then, practice
the conversations in pairs.
Conversation 1
Dandi: : “Ratna, How long have you lived in Jepara?”
Ratna: : “________________________________________.”

Conversation 2
Rinda: : “Mutia, __________________________________?”
Mutia: : “I have studied English for five years ago.

Conversation 3
Arman: : “Andi, Why do you go to school on foot?”
Andi: : “________________________________________.”

Conversation 4
Dinda: : “________________________________________?”
Rita: : “Never. Going to Bali takes much money.”

Conversation 5
Ardi: : “How long has Santi studied at our school?”
Melly: : “________________________________________.”

Put the correct verbs in the brackets to create meaningful sentences. Then, practice the
conversations in groups.
Dedi: : “We will visit Mulia Orphanage. We (plan) it last week.”
Asri: : “Have we (prepare) the gifts we bring there with us?”
Dedi: : “Yes, we have. We (wrap) and (put) them into a big box yesterday.”
Andin: : “Let’s go there then.”
Andra: : “Just wait for a minute. Some students have already (collect) donation for the
Dedi: : “OK. We have just (finish) preparing everything we need to bring there.”
Asri: : “Sooner better. I miss Fani much. ”
Antika: : “I think everybody miss her too. She is very kind and caring.”
Andin: : “I (hear) that Fani has (become) an orphan since she was child.”
Dedi: : “Thank God. We still have our parents.”

Work in
groups to
reflect on
your learning

To state an action that we have done or we have not done in the past whose time is not
definite, we use the pattern:
(+) Subject + have/has + Past Participle (V3)
(- ) Subject + have/has + not + Past Participle (V3)
(? ) Have/has + Subject + Past Participle (V3)

(+) Naura has studied at SMP Nusantara for three years.
(- ) Naura hasn’t studied at SMP Nusantara for three years.
(? ) Has Naura studied at SMP Nusantara for three years?
We can add some adverbs of time below to state our sentences.
- just : baru saja - once : sekali
- already : sudah - twice : dua kali
- for : selama - three times : tiga kali
- since : sejak - for a year : selama setahun
- recently : baru-baru ini - for a month : selama sebulan
- lately : akhir-akhir ini - for a week : selama sepekan

- We may find ‘yet’ in sentences. ‘yet’ is used in negative and interrogative sentences.
Example: I haven’t met her yet.
Has he come yet?
- We may find ‘ever’ and ‘never’ in sentences too. ‘ever’ is used in positive sentences.
‘never’ means ‘not ever’ that is used to sign the sentence is in negative definition.
Example: - Rifqa has ever been to jakarta.
- Arza has never lived in Sumatera.


A. Choose the best answers.

1. Paijo : “________________in Jakarta?”
Jaja : Never. I haven’t lived in Jakarta.”
a. How long have you lived c. Have you ever lived
b. How long have you been d. Have you lived for three years

2. Sinta : “Have you had your breakfast?”

Dandi : “________________________.”
a. Yes, I had c. No, I didn’t
b. Yes, I have d. No, I wasn’t

3. The orphan children the charity program for five years.
a. has participate c. have participate
b. has participated d. have participated

4. Rifqa : “__________________?”
Arza : “I’ve been in the school library.”
Rifqa : “__________________?”
Arza : “I read a novel.”
a. Where have you been – what did you do there c. Where have you been – what have you done
b. Where are you – what do you do there d. Where were you – what did you do there

5. Fahmi ...a kind and cheerful orphan. He ... an orphan since five years ago. His
parents ...because of the traffic accident. He ... any relatives so that people ...him in the
a. is – became – passed away – did not – has put
b. was – has became – pass away – has not – has put
c. is – has become – passed away – doesn’t have – has put
d. was – become – has passed away – has not – has put

B. Change the sentences into positive, negative, or interrogative forms accordingly.

1. ( + ) Cindi has ever been to Singapore.
( - ) ________________________________
( ? ) __________________________________

2. ( + ) ________________________________
( - ) The people haven’t seen the phenomena yet.
( ? ) __________________________________

3. ( + ) ________________________________
( - ) __________________________________
( ? ) Have the students learned English in classroom?

4. ( + ) He has already finished his home assignment.

( - ) ________________________________
( ? ) __________________________________

5. ( + ) ________________________________
( - ) __________________________________
( ? ) Have you ever fallen off a bike?




I. Pilihan Ganda
This dialogue is for questions 1 and 2.

Situation: Rifqa has been selected from the school to participate in a scholarship
program from the government to continue to senior high school.
Rifqa : “Han, I will get a scholarship from the government to continue my study to
senior high school if I pass the selection test next week.”
Hanna : “I wish you luck on the selection, Rif. You are the best among us.”
Rifqa : “Thanks Han. The scholarship is very important for me to support my study at
senior high school.”
Hanna : “I hope you will get it.
Rifqa : “I hope so, too, thanks.”

1. The underlined utterance means that Hanna give … for her friend.
a. Admiration c. gratitude
b. Congratulation d. prayer

2. From the dialogue above we know that... .

a. Hanna gets a scholarship from the government
b. Hanna is the best student in her school
c. Rifqa really hopes for the scholarship
d. Rifqa wanst to continue her study

This dialogue is for questions 3 and 4.

Situation: Arzais fond of singing. He is going to participate in a Moslem singing contest. He
has practiced hard with his parents at home. Umar shows his hope that Arza will
win the contest.
3. The best expression of Umar to show his hope is … .
a. Congratulations on your success, Arza c. I hope you will be the best player, Umar
b. Good luck, Arza. I wish you win d. Wish me luck, Umar

4. The underlined word has the closest in meaning with... .

a. Like b. hate c. expert d. dislike

This dialogue is for questions 5 and 6.

Situation: Aisyah has just made some delicious ball cakes with colourful topping on them.
Anisa tastes them and praises that they are very delicious.
5. What does Anisa say to express her praise?
a. Amazing, Ais. c. What very delicious cakes!
b. Congratulations, Ais. d. Wow…they’re cool!

6. From the dialog above, we can conclude that … .

a. Aisyah likes eating ball cakes c. Anisa likes making cakes
b. Aisyah is expert in making cakes d. Anisa learns how to make cakes
The dialogue is for questions 7 and 8.

Rifqa : “Have you had breakfast, Dayu?”

Dayu : “No, I haven’t yet. I usually have breakfast at school.”
Rifqa : “My mom makes me have breakfast before I go to school.”
Udin : “(7)_________, Rifqa You need much energy to study at school.”
Rifqa : “(8)_________, Udin. Having breakfast is very important for us as students.”
Dayu : “OK then. I will try to have breakfast at home.”

7. What does Udin probably say?

a. I disagree with her. c. I think you should.
b. I don’t think you should. d. I think your mom is strict.

8. What may Rifqa say to Udin?

a. I agree with you c. I don’t think so
b. I disagree with her d. I think your mom is strict

This dialogue is for questions 9 and 10.

Siti : “What is the matter with Ida?”
Dinda : “She’s got diarrhea. She’s now taking a rest at home”
Hilda : “I hope she will get well soon.”
Dinda : “I hope so, too.”
Siti : “Why has she got diarrhea? She looked fine yesterday.”
Dinda : “I heard it happened after school. When she went home, she dropped in one of the
street vendors to buy some foods and drinks.”\
Hilda : “Yeah…She got home and sick, then.”
Siti : “This is a good lesson for us. We should notice that we should not buy foods from
the street vendor.”
Dinda : “I agree with you, Siti. The foods are not always covered properly, and the dishes
to serve them are not always clean.”

9. Why did Ida get diarrhea? Because she ... .

a. brings healthy foods from home c. never cover the foods properly
b. eats foods from the street vendor d. uses dirty plates and bowls to eat

10. What will likely we do after knowing Ida’s case? We … .

a. may bring our lunch from home c. should beware of foods we eat
b. must cover our foods properly d. will cook our foods at homes

This text is for questions 11to13.

11. The text is written to … instant foods.
a. ask people to consume c. tell people about benefits of
b. remind people to eat d. warn people about dangers of

12. “… like MSG, preservatives, and artificial colours.”

The underlined word means a chemical compound added to protect against … .
a. Decay c. freezing
b. Emulsion d.heat

13. The text is likely addressed to … .

a. street vendor c. shopkeeper
b. students d. seller

This picture is for questions 14 to 16.

14. From the picture, we know that the brand of

product is … .
a. fiber enriched c. N-Snow
b. guava flavor d. sport energy drink

15. How do we consume the product at best?

a. We must drink it using ice cubes.
b. We should chill it before drinking
c. We just drink it the way we like
d. We may drink it after shaking it well

16. Which following facts may exactly describe the product?

a. It has grape flavor. c. It is the best sport energy drink.
b. It is drunk after having sports. d. It is enriched with fiber.

This text is for questions 17 to 19.

17. The product above is in … .
a. capsule c. solid
b. liquid d. tablet
18. The product is mainly intended to a person who … .
a. gets cough cold and flu c. suffers from headache
b. has special aches d. wants to maintain their health

19. What fact may describe the product clearly?

a. It contains coloring agent. c. It is available in some flavors.
b. It consists of gluten and alcohol. d. It is used by age of twelve and more.

This text is for questions 20 to 23.

Cassava Pudding
- 500 g of cassava, grated - 200 ml of coconut milk
- 1 packet of white gelatin - 100 grams of jackfruit, diced
- 100 grams of sugar - Cooking oil for greasing the mold
- 1/4 teaspoon of salt - 100 grams of grated coconut
How to make:
 Topping material: Mix the grated coconut and salt, mix well. Steam for about 15
minutes, remove, and set aside.
 Mix cassava, gelatin, sugar, and salt. Stir them well.
 Pour the coconut milk, stir until well blended.
 Enter jackfruit and stir.
 Rub mold with cooking oil, pour the batter into the mold.
 Heat the steamer, steam over medium heat for 30 minutes until cooked.
 Lift, remove it from the mold.
 Serve with a sprinkling of grated coconut on it.

20. “500 g of cassava, grated.” (Ingredients)

When the ingredient is presented orally, it will be as shown below … .
a. fifty gram of cassava. Grated. c. fifteen thousand of cassava. Grate them.
b. five hundred gram of cassava. Grate it. d. five hundred gram of cassava. Grate them.

21. “Stir them well.”
The underlined word refers to … .
a. cassava, gelatin, sugar, and salt c. grated coconut, cooking oil and salt
b. cooking oil, gelatin, and cassava d. jackfruit, cassava, and sugar

22. What should we do before pouring the batter into the mold?
a. Mix cassava, gelatin, sugar, and salt. c. Rub mold with cooking oil.
b. Pour the coconut milk. d. Steam over medium heat.

23. ”pour the batter into the mold.”

The bold-typed word means a mixture which is … .
a. acid c. solid
b. liquid d. thick

This text is for questions 24 to 26.

“Yummy” Fried Rice
- A spoonful of oyster sauce - Two eggs
- 4 spoonful of cooking oil - ¼ tsp of ground pepper
- 250 grams chicken fillet, cut up into small cubes - Leeks, chopped up
- 100 grams carrots, chopped up into very small pieces - 2 cloves of garlic, ground with salt
- 2 plates of rice - 50 grams of shallots, sliced and
1. First, fry the chicken fillet and the carrots in the cooking oil.
2. Then, pour in the eggs, sauté for a minute
3. After that, pour in the ground garlic, salt, and pepper.
4. Add a spoonful of oyster sauce.
5. Next, add in the leek and the rice. Mix well.
6. Sprinkle fried shallot on it.
7. Finally, serve the “Yummy” fried rice in the plates.
24. Why is the text written?
a. To give guidance on how to make “Yummy” fried rice.
b. To make people interested in eating “Yummy” fried rice.
c. To teach us how to serve “Yummy” fried chicken fillet.
d. To explain the steps in preparing a special receipt.
25. What must we do to the carrots?
a. Sauté for a while. c. Cut up into small cubes
b. Fry in the cooking oil. d. Chop up into very small pieces.
26. What do you need to sauté the eggs on the frying pan?
a. A spoon A knife c. A fork d. A spatula

This text is for questions number 27 and 28.
Serve 4 Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time : 15 minutes
- 100 g (3 ½) bean sprout
- 100 g (3 ½) cabbage, shredded
- 50 g (1.8 oz) green beans, cut into 2 cm long parts
- 200 g fresh/ dry grated coconut
- A bunch of spinach
Spice Paste
- 4 cloves of garlics - 50 grams palm sugar
- 3 red chilies, seeded - 4 fresh kaffir lime leaves, very finely shredded
- 2 cm kencur, pelled and sliced - Salt to taste
1. Grind or blend all spice paste ingredients.
2. Heat oil and sauté the spice paste until fragrant.
3. Add the grated coconut, mix it well for few minutes, then set aside.
4. Cook all the vegetables, set aside and cool them off.
5. Serve: combine the vegetables with the spiced grated coconut

27. The word “shredded” in the text has the closest in meaning with….
a. chop b. grind c. torn d. slice

28. From the text we know that….

a. Vegetables and coconut are the main ingredients of the cuisine.
b. It needs twenty five minutes to prepare the food.
c. The spices must be steamed before being served.
d. The food can be enjoyed by six persons.

This text is for questions number 29 and 30.

You need:
 A digital camera (DSLR camera or pocket camera or the others camera that you have)
 The object (find something that interesting to you like animals, buildings or the others)
 Handle the camera and turn on it.
 Center the object in the LCD and manage the zoom control until you get the best view.
 When you are ready to take the picture, hold the shutter speed, and various other calculations.
 Then, a light should appear that let you know the camera is set to go.
 After that, press shutter all the way down.

29. What is the best title of the text?

a. How to operate a digital camera. c. The steps of drawing interesting objects.
b. How to center the object in the LCD. d. The ways to take pictures with a manual camera.

30. How do you know that the camera is set to go?

a. When it turns on. c. When we press the shutter
b. When a light appear. d. When the LCD works well.

This text is for questions number 31 and 32.

Edo : Udin, do you know how to clean a blender?
Udin : Sure. First, fill the jug half full with warm water. Then, add one or two drops of
dishing liquid. Put in half a lemon to eliminate odours. Next, plug in the power cord
after place the lid properly. Allow to blend for up to 30 seconds. After that, pour the
liquid down the sink. Rinse under the faucet and finally place upside down on a dish
rack to dry.

31. What will probably happen if we don’t put a half of lemon into the blender?
a. The blender will be seriously damage. c. The jug will smell unpleasant
b. The machine will automatically stop. d. The liquid will get thicker.

32. What must we do before turning on the blender?

a. Add one or two drops of dishing liquids. c. Pour the liquid down the sink.
b. Put in half a lemon to eliminate odors. d. Place the lid properly.

This text is for questions number 33 and 34.

33. The best arrangement of the following steps is…
1) Unplug.
2) Place the pan into the body and add food.
3) Plug in and press the switch. The light indicating “COOK” will be on. The steaming will
start immediately.
4) Close the lid firmly.
5) Time the steaming manually. The unit will automatically switch to “WARM” when the
water in the pan has evaporated completely.
6) Add water into the pan and place the steaming basket on it properly.

a. 6 – 2 – 4 – 3 – 5 – 1 c. 6 – 2 - 4 – 3 – 1 – 5
b. 3 – 5 – 1 – 6 – 2 – 4 d. 2 – 6 – 4 – 3 – 5 – 1

34. The word “firmly” has the similar in meaning with…

a. correctly c. tightly
b. properly d. strongly

35. The correct step to fill in the blank is….

How to Use a Correction Pen

a. First, shake well the correction pen.
b. Then, open the cap.
c. Press the tip of the pen on the misprinted word.
d. ….

a. Correct the word. c. Cover the word with the liquid

b. Let the liquid dry. d. Close the cap.

36. Dayu : How much sugar do you need to make the syrup, Lina?
Lina : I need 1 ½ kg sugar, diluted with 3 cups water

The best statement to tell the ingredients orally is …

a. a half kilogram of sugar, dilute it with three cups of water.
b. a quarter kilogram of sugar, dilute it with three cups of water.
c. one and a half kilogram of sugar, dilute them with three cups of water.
d. one and a half kilogram of sugar, dilute it with three cups of water.

The dialogue is for questions 37 to 38.

Mother: Key, it’s ten now. Go brush your teeth and go to bed
Key : But I’m still reading my novel, Mum.
Mother: You can do it tomorrow evening, can’t you?
Key : I’ll be watching my favourite film tomorrow evening, Mum.
Mother: But, it’s late darling.
Key : It’s Friday, Mum. There will be no class tomorrow. Ten more minutes, please.
Mother: Alright.

37. Based on the text, we know that…

a. Key will go to school tomorrow morning.
b. Key is watching her favorite film now.
c. Key will be reading her novel tomorrow evening.
d. Key’s mother is asking her to brush her teeth and sleep.

38. What will Key do after she is talking with her Mum?
a. She’ll go to bed. c. She’ll read the novel.
b. She’ll watch a film. d. She’ll come late to school.

For number 39 - 41, fill in the blanks with suitable words.

Udin : Did you see an accident on Pemuda Street this morning?
Edo : Yes, I saw it.
Udin : Did you? What (39)…you … when the accident happened?
Edo : I was cycling on the street when the car (40)… into the street.
Udin : I was there, too. I was jogging when (41)… were brought to the ambulance.
39. a. are – doing b. were – doing c. did – do d. do – do

40. a. crashed b. crashing c. crashes d. crash

41. a. cars . b. polices c. victims d. spectators

This dialogue is for questions number 42 and 43.

Ririn : How long have you lived in this orphanage home, Fanya?
Fanya : I have been here for six years, after my mother passed away.
Ririn : How about your father? Why didn’t you live with him?
Fanya : He died when I was a baby.
Ririn : I’m sorry to hear that.
Fanya : No problem. I’m happy staying here. I have a new big family now. All friends who
are living here are my relatives.
Ririn : I’m really proud of you. I’ve learned many things from you and your friends.
Fanya : That’s great!

42. From the text we can conclude that…

a. Fanya is an orphan since she was six years old.
b. Her father passed away six years ago.
c. She is gloomy living in the orphanage home.
d. Fanya has stayed in the orphanage home for six years.

43. How is Fanya’s personality according to the text? She is …

a. cheerful. b. helpful. c. horrible. d. awkward.

44. Dayu : Amazing! You are really a talented pianist.

Lina : Thanks, Dayu. I … playing a pianist since I was five years old.
The best word to fill in the blank is…
a. practiced b. am practicing c. have practiced d. was practicing

45. before – been – have – Bali – you – to - ? – ever

The best sentence of the jumbled words above is …

a. Have you before been ever to Bali? c. Before to Bali have you ever been?
b. Have you ever been to Bali before? d. To Bali have you before ever been?

II. Uraian

46. Observe the dialogue, then fill in the blanks with the most suitable expressions. .
Anisa : “You look pale, Dinda. Are you sick?”
Dinda : “I’m not sure. But, I feel rather dizzy.”
Anisa : “Oh, Gosh. I think you should go to the doctor.”
Arza : “(a)________________. I think Dinda just needs to take a good rest.
Dinda : “Well, I think I should go home (b)__________be better. My parents know
better what to do.”

The text below is for question 47.

47. Observe the product label above, then complete the table below.
No. Facts Statements
1. Brand of drug
2. Name of drug
3. Description
4. Content/Amount
5. Ingredients
6. Directions to use

No. Facts Statements
7. Directions to store
8. Expiration date

48. Below are the ingredients to make “Soup Fruit”. State them orally. The first ingredient
has been done for example.

Written Oral

150 g (1 1/2 cups) sugar One hundred and fifty grams or one and a half
cups of sugar.
3 ¼ tbsp (50 ml) water
400 g ripe jackfruit, deseeded
2 green apples, peeled and

49. Change the underlined verbs into the correct forms.

Dayu : Lina, I called you when you (a) walk out of the post office yesterday, but you
didn’t hear me.
Lina : Really? I’m sorry, I (b) listen to music with my earphones.
Dayu : I see. How about discussing our project now?
Lina : Sorry, Dayu. I (c) write my paper now. I have to submit it today.
50. Write a text telling about “How to use a blender.” This picture can be a guidance to
write your text.


3.7. Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks
naratif lisan dantulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait fairy tales,
pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
4.8. Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks naratif, lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan sederhana, terkait fairy

Observe these pictures and answer the questions orally.

1. When you were still a child, did your parents tell you stories?
2. What kind of stories do you like most?
3. What titles of stories are related to the pictures?
4. Mention the main characters of the stories?
5. Do you know other stories from foreign countries? Mention them.

Find the meaning of these words.
1. Once upon a time: 6. Setting:
2. Long time ago: 7. Moral value:
3. Fortunately: 8. Resolution:
4. Orientation: 9. Complication:
5. Finally: 10. Main Characters:

Match the words in column A with the correct statements stated in column B.
No Title
1. Snow White a. Samosir island, North Sumatera
2. The Fox and the Crow b. Respect our mother.
3. The Mouse deer and the Farmer c. Never give up on the bad situation.
4. The Legend of Lake Toba d. A pretty girl with very long hair.
5. Beauty and the Beast e. Don’t steal other’s belongings.
6. Sangkuriang f. Don’t judge a book by its cover
7. Malin Kundang g. A step mother who felt jealousy to her
8. Sleeping Beauty daughter’s beauty.
9. The Golden Snail h. A girl who was cursed into a snail.
10. Rapunzel i. Love is the most powerful force in the
j. Don’t be tricked easily

Read this story well and answer the questions.

Once upon a time, there lived an old lady crow who was mean and ugly. One day, Miss
Crow had stolen a big piece of cheese. And then, she flew on to a branch to enjoy it.
On the other place, under the three, a sly creature, Mr. Fox, who wanted the cheese for
himself, came up and spoke politely to her.
“Oh. Miss Crow, how beautiful you are! What a lovely beak, what lovely feathers you
have! What pretty eyes! If only you could sing, you would be the most beautiful bird in the
Very pleased to hear all of this about herself, Miss Crow gave a loud croak to show that
she could sing. Of course, the moment she opened her beak, the cheese fell down, and Mr.
Fox ran away with it, laughing loudly.

1. What was the story about?

2. Where was the setting of the story?
3. Mention the characters of the story?
4. How was Miss Crow based on the story?
5. How was Mr. Fox on the story?
6. The word “mean” (paragraph 1) has the closest in meaning with…
7. What does the word “it” on this sentence “…she flew on to a branch to enjoy it) refers
8. Did Mr. Fox actually praise on Miss Crow’ beautiful voice?
9. Why did Mr. Fox do so?
10. What can you learn from the story?


When we tell a story, we use a narrative text.

The examples of narrative texts are: fables, legends, folktales, folklores, myths.
The main purpose of this text is to entertain or amuse the readers. However, it is
also used to give a lesson or to convey a moral value.
A narrative text consists of the parts:
1. Orientation
It tells about the characters and the setting (time and place) of the story.
2. Complication (s)
Here, the main character faces situations, events or activities that arise from a
problem or crisis.
3. Resolution (s)
This part tells how the problem is resolved. It presents the ending of the story, a
happy or sad ending.
4. Example

Orientation Long time ago, there was a very bad king who was
hated by all his people. One day, he was talking a walk
by the river and decided to go for a swim. When he got
into the water, he suddenly got a cramp and started to
Complication Fortunately, there were two farmers working in the field
nearby, saw him drowning. They jumped into the river
and rescued him. He was so grateful and thanked them
by giving each farmer one wish.
Resolution The first farmer asked for a pair of water buffaloes. The
king gladly agreed to this request. Meanwhile, the
second farmer, a wise man said “Do not tell anyone that
I helped to save your life.”
Identify each part of these texts.
1. Long time ago, there was a smart mouse deer. He lived near a river. The mouse deer used
to go to the river to drink. (……………………….)
2. Finally, the king and the queen lived happily ever after. (…………………)
3. One day, Lody looked impatient. He could not wait for his turn to come. Tody, his
brother didn’t like his attitude. Suddenly, they quarreled. (……………….)
4. The following year, the prince asked the princes to marry him. Eventually, they became
the happiest couple in the kingdom. (…………………)
5. The King of Daha was angry. He thought Candra Kirana was a bad girl. So, he sent her
away from the palace. (…………………..)

In pairs, continue this story based on the picture.
You can search the text on the internet.

Once there were three bears that lived in a house in the woods: a
papa bear, a mama bear, and a baby bear. One morning they decided to
take a walk before breakfast to let their porridge cool.

Analyze the story above based on this table.

Orientation Setting:


Complication (s)


Find a video of fable/ folktale/ legend from Indonesia or other countries.
Analyze them based on this table provided. Present it in front of the class using PPT.

Orientation Setting:


Complication (s)


This text is for questions number 1 to 4.
Cat, the Rooster, and the Young Mouse

A very young mouse made his first trip out of the hole and into the world. He
returned to tell his mother of the wonderful creatures he saw.
"Oh, Mother," said the mouse, "I saw some curious animals. There was one beautiful
animal with fluffy fur and a long winding tail. She made such a tender vibrating noise. I
saw another animal, a terrible looking monster. He had raw meat on his head and on his
chin that wiggled and shook as he walked. He spread out his sides and cried with such a
powerful and frightening wail, that I scurried away in fear, without even talking to the
kind beautiful animal.
Mother Mouse smiled, "My dear, that horrible creature was a harmless bird, but
that beautiful animal with the fluffy fur was a mouse-eating cat. You are lucky she did
not have you for dinner.

1. The text above is written to ….

A. expose the experience C. share someone’s experience
B. give tips to the readers D. make the readers entertained

2. What would happen to the young mouse if it came closer to the beautiful fluffy animal?
A. It will become the cat’s prey. C. It will be a good friend for the bird
B. It will make friend with the cat. D. It will be caught by the butcher.

3. How was the young mouse in the story? It was …

A. smart B. stupid C. arrogant D. innocent

4. What can we learn from the story?

A. Don’t be afraid to face life. C. Don’t trust outside appearance.
B. Don’t be envious to others’ luck. D. Don’t complaint for our own nature.

This text is for questions number 5 – 7.

Once upon a time in Japan, there was an old man and his wife. One day he went to a
bamboo grove to collect bamboo shoots, where he found a bamboo tree illuminated in the
middle part. He wondered why and then became curious about what was inside. He carefully
cut the bamboo and was astonished to find a pretty baby inside. He decided to pick her up and
bring her back to his home. He consulted with his wife how to handle this baby, and they
made up their minds to raise this baby as a gift from God.
After several years had passed, the baby grew up and was a young and beautiful lady
in the town. Everyone knew her because she was graceful and beautiful. Hearing about her
reputation, there were so many gentlemen who proposed marriage to her that the old parents
were now very proud of her and tried to make her choose a candidates. She, however,
declined any proposal. She became very sad and was crying everyday. The old parents
couldn't understand why and couldn't get the daughter to answer.
On a full moon night, she decided to tell why she was crying and to say she had to
leave home and go back to the moon. She was frustrated for a long time because the time for
her departure had come. The moon beams arrived to transport her back to the moon. She said
good-bye to her old parents and gave them an elixir of life as a good-bye gift. The old parents
lived a long life after that.

5. What is being discussed in the text above?
A. A pretty girl who didn’t want to get married
B. An old man and his wife who had no children
C. A beautiful lady who was found in a bamboo grove
D. An old couple who found a baby in a bamboo grove

6. What did the old man do after finding the baby inside the bamboo?
A. He asked his wife about taking care of the baby
B. He made up his mind to raise the baby himself
C. He continued collecting all the bamboo shoots
D. He cut all the bamboo down and left the baby

7. What happened to the old man and his wife after their daughter came back to the moon?
A. They felt very sad C. They lived eternally
B. They got longevity D. They cried all day long

8. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A. The girl had to go back to the moon. C. Many gentlemen wanted to marry her.
B. The baby girl became a beautiful lady. D. The old parents felt very happy.

9. Rearrange the jumbled words into a meaningful sentence.

sad– the – girl –leave –very –she –soon –had to –because –was
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

A. 6 – 8 – 4 – 7 – 9 – 2 – 3 – 10 – 5 – 1 C. 6 – 10 – 5 – 1 – 9 – 2 – 3 – 8 – 4 – 7
B. 2 – 3 – 8 – 4 – 7 – 9 – 6 – 10 – 5 – 1 D. 2 – 3 – 10 – 5 – 1 – 9 – 6 – 8 – 4 – 7

10. “She said good-bye to her old parents and gave them an elixir of life….”
What does the underlined word refer to?
A. The candidates C. The parents
B. The gentlemen D. The beams



Kompetensi Dasar
3.8 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional
lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian tanpa perlu menyebutkan pelakunya sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya. (perhatikan unsur kebahasaan passive voice).
4.8 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana yang
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian tanpa perlu menyebutkan pelakunya dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai
konteks (perhatikan unsur kebahasaan passive voice).
In this chapter we will learn :
- To use sentences in the passive voice to describe objects.

Task 1.
Observe this picture, and answer the following questions.
1. What do you call this Indonesian traditional food?
2. What does it taste?
3. What is it made of?
4. Do you know how to make it?
5. How long does it take to make this traditional food?
Task 2.
Match the Indonesian traditional foods in column A with their short descriptions in column B.
1. Pempek a. is made of chicken, beef or lamb
2. kerupuk b. is made of steamed glutinous rice
3. satay c. is made of Indonesian vegetables in peanut sauce.
4. Lemper d. is made of steamed rice cake filled with palm sugar.
5. pecel e. is made of fish and tapioca starch
6. Nagasari f. is made of rice flour, sago, coconut milk, sugar, salt, and
food colouring, layered and steamed.
7. Lapis g. Is made of rice flour and coconut milk batter with slices
of banana are wrapped in banana leaves and then steamed
8. Klepon h. is made of tapioca starch and various flavours, sliced in
thin pieces, dried.
Task 3.
Listen and repeat this conversation after the teacher. Then play the roles of the speakers. Say
the sentences loudly, clearly, and correctly!
A tourist : “Excuse me, can you tell me the name of this food?”
Food seller : “We call this food “lemper”, Sir”.
A tourist :” Lemper... Alright, can you tell me what “lemper” is?”
Food seller : “Sure. Lemper is made of a handful lump of steamed glutinuous rice. It is filled
with chicken or beaf filling. Each piece is wrapped in a banana leaf, and the
wrapping is secured on both ends with tooth picks or “lidi”.
A tourist : “Then, what will you do after you wrap them in banana leaves?”
Food seller : “Then we steam or cook them for about 30 to 60 minutes.” It also can be
served straight away with the banana leaves still green and fresh.
A tourist : “Oh I see. Thank you for your nice explanation about lemper. I think it is really
a delicious food.” I want to buy some.”

Answer the questions based on the dialogue.
1. Who is curious to know about “lemper”?
2. What ingredients do we need to make lemper?
3. What is the function of the toothpick or “lidi”?
4. Can you make a short discription about lemper?
5. After reading the text, can you tell us the steps of making “lemper”?

Task 4.
Fill in the colums with the appropriate answers according to the origin, the materials and the
No. Indonesian Arts Made in Made of Used to

1. Anglung West Java bamboo play traditional music

2. Noken
3. Ulos
4. Keris
5. Payung geulies
6. Wayang
7. Batik
8. Wood carving
9. Songket
10. Bamboo craft

Now I know that the verb in the passive voice consists of two words, Be and the main verb in the
form of past participle (Verb 3) for example:

Be Past Participle (Verb 3)

is marinated
is called
are mixed
was cooked
were fried


1. The verb “is” and “are” are the variations of the verb BE in the simple present tense.
2. The verb “was” and “were” are the variations of the verb BE in the simple past tense.
3. The passive voice verb is very useful to describe objects.
Here are more examples of BE:

+ to be + past
Subjek + sisa kalimat
(disesuaikan) participle
Simple present
The noken is worn
every day.
The nokens are
Present continuous
The rice is being steamed at the moment.
Simple past
The cat fish was fried yesterday.
Past continuous
The banana leaf was being cleaned
last week.
The layer cakes were being steamed
Present perfect
The food has been cooked since you left.
Past perfect
The beverage had been Prepared before they arrived.
The anglung festival will be performed next week.
Future continuous
The fashion show will be being performed tomorrow.
Present conditional
The house would be cleaned if they had visitors.
Past conditional
The house would have been cleaned if it had been dirty.
The house must be cleaned before we arrive.

Task 5.
A. Find verbs from your dictionary then change them according to the appropriate form in the

No. To- Present Past For the passive voice meaning

1. To boil Boil boiled is boiled direbus
2. To fry Fry fried is fried digoreng

B. Makes your own sentences in the passive voice.

1. .............................................................................................................................
2. .............................................................................................................................
3. .............................................................................................................................
4. .............................................................................................................................
5. .............................................................................................................................
6. .............................................................................................................................
7. .............................................................................................................................
8. .............................................................................................................................
9. .............................................................................................................................
10. .............................................................................................................................
11. .............................................................................................................................
12. .............................................................................................................................
13. .............................................................................................................................
14. .............................................................................................................................
15. .............................................................................................................................
Task 6.
Read the text carefully.
Mobile Phone

A mobile phone is also known as a wireless phone, or cellular telephone. It is a very

small portable radio telephone.
The mobile phone can be used to communicate over long distances without wires. It
works by communicating with a nearby base station (also called a "cell site") which connects
it to the main phone network. As the mobile phone moves around, if the mobile phone gets
too far away from the cell it is connected to, that cell sends a message to another cell to tell
the new cell to take over the call. This is called a "hand off," and the call continues with the
new cell the phone is connected to. The hand-off is done so well and carefully that the user
will usually never even know that the call was transferred to another cell.

Find out the sentences in the passive voice based on the text then rewrite in the colomn provided.
No Sentences in the passive voice Title of the text
1. A mobile phone is also known as a wireless phone, or
cellular telephone
The following text is for questions 1 to 3.

Anne : “I just got this awesome souvenir when I was working in Lombok last year. I
love it so much.”
Brian : “What is it? Is it a hand bag or a pair of shoes?”
Anne : “ No it is not. It is a bracelet.”
Brian : “Wow, it looks so beautiful.” What is it made of?”
Anne : “ It is made of pearls.”
Brian : “Pearls? From the oysters? How can they form pearls?
Anne : “Pearls are formed with the chemicals released by the oyster when it feels
irritation due to any foreign body inside it.
1. Who was working in Lombok last year?
A. Anne B. Brian C. Pearl D. Oyster

2. What souvenir did Anne get from Lombok?

A. A hand bag C. Some oysters
B. A pair of shoes D. A pearl bracelet

3. How can a pearl be formed by an oyster?

A. An oyster lays a pearl. C. The oyster feels irritated
B. From foreign body inside it. D. From the chemicals released by an oyster.

The following text is for questions 4 to 7.

The word duck comes from Old English duce "diver". A male duck is called a drake
and the female duck is called a duck or hen. Ducks are kept as farm animals all over the
world. They are related to wild birds that were tamed by human beings. They have many
economic uses, for meat, feathers, eggs, and their droppings. Farmed ducks are descended
from the wild Mallard duck (Anas Platyrhyncos).
Ducks have wings and feathers. The function of wings is to fly. Its fur is not easy wet
and useful as a duck body warmers. Its beak is used to peck food. Ducks also have the
membranous feet, is used to swim. The overall body plan of ducks is elongated and broad, and

the ducks are also relatively long-necked, albeit not as long-necked as the geese and swans.
Ducks have a lot of color but,ducks mostly colored gray or black. Ducks live in groups,live in
a place that has a lot of water,foraging in the mud.

4. What is the text about?

A. Ducks B. Swans C. Geese D. Wild birds

5. What is the function of duck’s beak? It is used to....

A. Fly B. Swim C. Peck food D. Body warmer

6. The overall body plan of ducks is elongated and broad,... . (paragraph 2). The underlined
word is closest in meaning to ... .
A. Big B. Wide C. Long D. Strong

7. What body part of a duck can be used to warm its body?

A. Fur B. Beak C. wings D. Membranous feet

For questions 8 to 10, complete the sentences with the appropriate words.
The gorgeous souvenirs from Muyoharjo, Jepara is called wood statues. It .... (8) of teak
or mahogany wood. It ....(9) by the local carvers to form animals, plants or other
ornaments. These crafts ... (10) to some foreign countries for examples, Japan,
Australia, United Kingdom,Europe, and many other countries.
8. A. is called B. is made C. is used D. Is needed
9. A. is shaped B. is produced C. is carved D. is designed
10. A. are exported B. are imported C. are produced D. are bought

II. Read the following text carefully and then answer the questions.
Gold is a precious metal. Gold is used as ornaments or as money.
Gold is found in many places, but in a small supply. It is often found on the surface of
the earth. Since gold is a heavy substance, it is sometimes found loose on bottom of rivers. The
gold is found together with sand and rocks, and must be separated from them. It is simple to
search for this type of gold.
It is not usually necessary to drill for gold, but when a layer of gold is located deep
below the surface of the earth, it is possible to drill a hole into the ground. Engineers have
developed modern process for removing gold from rocks.
Since gold is not very hard, it is sometimes melted and added to other substances for
making rings, coins, and art objects. It will be priced forever because it is beautiful, rare, and
1. What is the text about?
2. Gold is often found in ....
3. What must you do if you found gold together with sand or rocks?
4. When do you think a gold seeker need to drill a hole into the ground?
5. Write down some sentences in the passive voice form.



Kompetensi Dasar
3.9 Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks

information report lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait mata
pelajaran lain di Kelas IX, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya
4.1. Teks Information Report
4.9.1 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks information report lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan sederhana, terkait
topik yang tercakup dalam mata pelajaran lain di Kelas IX
4.9.2 Menyusun teks information report lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan sederhana, terkait
topik yang tercakup dalam mata pelajaran lain di Kelas IX, dengan memperhatikan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks

Task 1
Answer the following questions orally
Do you know a pigeons?
What is a pigeons?
We read many texts about many things. We learn from books the knowledge about animals,
plants, cultures, and so on.
When people say that you have good knowledge about a cat, what kind of information about it
do you have?
When people say that you have good knowledge about a school, what kind of information
about it do you have?
Why do we need to read texts about animals?
Yes, here you will learn to read, talk about, listen to, and write texts about different objects in
order to get the general knowledge about them.
What kinds of information you need to know .....

Task 2
Read the text clearly and loudly.

This highly variable city pigeon is familiar to all urban
dwellers. Multicolored birds were developed over centuries of near
domestication. Polytypic (12 ssp.; nominate in North America.).
Length 12.5" (32 cm).
A medium-size compact pigeon with long wings and a short tail. Birds most closely
resembling their wild ancestors are gray with head and neck darker than back, and a
prominent white rump. Black tips on the greater coverts and secondaries form bold black
bars on inner wing, and there is a broad black terminal band on the tail. Adult male: metallic
green and purple iridescence on the neck and breast; iris orange to red; orbital skin blue-
gray; bill grayish black; and feet dark red. Adult female: like male, but iridescence on neck
and breast more restricted and subdued. Juvenile: generally browner, lacks iridescence;
orbital skin and feet gray.

Task 3
Work in your group. Let’s look more closely into the text by using a table of analysis below.
The analysis of the text about the buffalo has been done for you at the book text (for




Physical characteristics

Emotional characteristics


From the table above, make a report about the ants. and present in front of your class.
Ants are a type of insect with the family Formicidae. Ants have more than 12,000
species, most of which live in the tropics. But some types of ants that are well known to
humans are black ants, Carpenter ants, red ants, fire ants, and Weaver ants.
Most ants are known as social insects, because they form colonies and their regular
Activity have4 thousands of ants per colony. One colony can control a large area to support their
Read Colony
the text members
clearly and areloudly.
divided into worker ants, male ants and queen ant. It is also
possible to have guard ant group. The queen ant is in charge of reproducing (producing eggs)
and is highly upheld by the members. The queen ant can live up to 20 years old. All worker
ants are females, but they do not produce eggs. They devote themselves to taking care of the
eggs of the queen. The most important thing workers ant job is to serve the queen and ensure
that the queen and her “babies” are safe. In contrast to the Queen with her long age to live, 78
male ants have shorter life. Their only duty when they are adults is to marry the young ant
queen. Male ants usually die 2 weeks after marrying the ant queen.



Physical characteristics

Emotional characteristics


From the table above, make a report about the Ants. and present in front of your class.


Task 5
Read the text carefully
Sumatran Rhinoceros

The Sumatran Rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus Sumatrensis) is the smallest rhino species. It is

also the most distinctive rhinoceros. It has been hunted a lot that almost extinct. There are less
than 300 Sumatran Rhinoceroses surviving in Malaysia and Indonesia. Between 1985 and
1995, the number of Sumatran Rhinoceros declined by 50% because of poaching and habitat
The Sumatran Rhinoceros has a unique gray or reddish-brown coat. It is believed to be
the only survivor of the lineage that included the wooly rhinoceros. Sumatran Rhinos stand up
to 1.4 m (4.6 ft) at the shoulder and weight up to 1,000 kg (2,200 lb). They have folded skin,
like the other Asian rhinos, except that is covered with coarse, bristly hair. The Sumatran
Rhinoceros is the only rhino in Asian with 2 horns. The front horn is usually the longest,
reaching a length of 90 cm (36 in) and the rear one is sometimes so small that the animal looks
as if it is single-horned.
They live mainly in forest-covered hills near water and are known to be good at climbing
slopes and swimming. They move mainly at night and spend most of the day wallowing in the
mud-holes and pools. Sumatran Rhinoceroses usually feed on leaves, twigs, and fruits.
Female Rhinos reach sexual maturity at about the age of five or six. The males mature
between the ages of seven or eight. However, they do not father calves until they have claimed
a territory, which may take them three or four years.
Rhinos always have a single calf, born after a gestation period of 15 to 18 months. The
calf may feed on its mother’s milk for up to two years and it usually remains with its mother
until she is about to give birth once more. The calf is only raised by its mother.

Answer the following questions!

1. What is the text about?
2. How do you define them?
3. Why are they endangered?
4. How do they look like?

5. How big and how much do they weight?
6. Where do they live?
7. What are their diets?
8. When do they reproduce?
9. How long is the gestation period?
10. How long does the calf stay with its mother?

Task 6
I. Look at the picture and answer the question!
1. What plant do you see in the picture?
2. Where can you find the plant?
3. Can the plant produce fruit?
4. What is the use of coconut fruit?
5. What is the use of coconut trunk?

II. Read the text carefully!


Coconut is a common name for the fruit of a tree in the palm family. It is classified as
Cocos Nucifera. People usually call the tree as coconut palm. Coconut palm trees grow well in
tropical countries. They grow especially on san soil.
The trees can grow up to 30 m high. They have a cylindrical trunk. At the top of the
trunk, there is a crown of leaves. The leaves are long, about 3 to 4,5 m long.
The fruit grows in clusters. In one cluster, there about 5 to 20 coconuts. The fruit is oval
and about 30 cm long. It has a thick husk and hard shell. Inside the shell there white oily fresh.
Inside the shell, there is also sweet fluid.
Coconut is high in sugar. It also contains a lot of fat, protein, and vitamin. The young
coconut water can be a very refreshing drink which contains a lot of minerals.
The coconut palm is very useful plants. People can use every single inch of the tree.
They dry the coconut meat into copra. After that, they can get oil from it and use it for daily
cooking or make it into soaps or candles. People also use the trunks to build houses. For the
roof, they dry the leaves. People can also make rope and doormats from the coconut’s husk.
Coconuts are usually propagated by seeds. But experts have been trying to clone
coconuts or propagate them by tissue culture.
III. Answer the following questions based on the text!
1. What is the scientific name for coconut?
2. Where do the coconuts grow well?
3. How long are the coconut’s leaves?
4. What is inside the coconut’s shell?
5. How many coconuts are there in one cluster?
6. What does coconut contain?
7. What is copra?
8. What can people get from copra?
9. What do people use coconut’s trunk for?

10. How are the coconuts propagated?

Informational Report is a piece of information about an event or situation that given after
investigation or consideration.
Generic Structure Report Text.
1. General Clasification; Pernyataan umum yang menerangkan subjek laporan, keterangan,
dan klasifikasinya.
2. Description: tells what the phenomenon under discussion ; in terms of parts, qualities,
habits or behaviors;
Its social purpose is presenting information about something.
Pola Tata Bahasa dalam Report Text
 Use of general nouns, eg hunting dogs, rather than particular nouns, eg our dog;
 Use of relating verbs to describe features, eg Molecules are tiny particles;
 Some use of action verbs when describing behaviour, eg Emus cannot fly;
 Use of timeless present tense to indicate usualness, eg Tropical cyclones always begin
over the sea;
 Use of technical terms, eg Isobars are lines drawn on a weather map;
 Use of paragraphs with topic sentences to organise bundles of information; repeated
naming of the topic as the beginning focus of the clause.
Keterangan :
1. General nouns, maksudnya adalah, suatu benda (baik itu hidup atau mati) yang bersifat
umum. Coba bandingkan : Hunting dogs >< My dog. Hunting dogs bersifat umum;
sedangkan my dog bersifat khusus.
2. Relating verbs, dalam grammar disebut juga dengan linking verbs. Seperti to be [is, am,
are: present], seem, look, taste dan lain sebagainya.
3. Timeless present tense adalah salah satu penanda waktu dalam simple present seperti
"often, usually, always" dan lain-lain.
4. Technical terms, maksudnya adalah istilah-istilah yang meliputi teks report tersebut.
Misalnya tentang "music" maka, istilah-istilah musik harus ada.

Read the following text to answer questions number 1 to 3.

An eclipse is an astronomical event that occurs when one celestial object moves into
the shadow of another. The term is most often used to describe either a solar eclipse, when the
Moon's shadow crosses the Earth's surface, or a lunar eclipse, when the Moon moves into the
shadow of Earth.
Eclipses may occur when the Earth and Moon are aligned with the Sun, and the
shadow of one body cast by the Sun falls on the other. So at New Moon (or rather Dark
Moon), when the Moon is in conjunction with the Sun, the Moon may pass in front of the Sun
as seen from a narrow region on the surface of the Earth and cause a solar eclipse.
At Full Moon, when the Moon is in opposition to the Sun, the Moon may pass through
the shadow of the Earth, and a lunar eclipse is visible from the night half of the Earth.

An eclipse does not happen at every New or Full Moon, because the plane of the orbit
of the Moon around the Earth is tilted with respect to the plane of the orbit of the Earth
around the Sun, so as seen from the Earth, when the Moon is nearest to the Sun (New Moon)
or at largest distance (Full Moon), the three bodies usually are not exactly on the same line.

1. When does lunar eclipse happen?

A. In the morning B. In the midday C. In the afternoon D. In the evening

2. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

A. We can see the surface of the Moon from the Earth
B. The Sun is the biggest planet in our solar system
C. An eclipse never happens at New or Full Moon
D. The Sun and the Moon rotate on the same line

3. What will happen if the Moon's shadow crosses the Earth's surface? There will be …
A. A lunar eclipse B. Solar eclipse C. New moon D. Full moon

Read the following text to answer questions number 4 to 7.

Jasmine is a native flower to some tropical areas in South Asia, Africa and Australia.
In India, some varieties of Jasmine are used for religious purposes.
The flower can grow up to 3 meters high and 2 meters wide. It releases its fragrance
mostly after the sun sets especially nearing the full moon. Therefore, it is often associated
with soothing night- time moods.
The planting of Jasmine is started by putting some cuttings in 3 inch posts within 4
weeks. After the roots grow, they are put into 6 inch pots. The soil in the pots should be kept
moist but possible for the water to go through it for optimum growth.
Its extract is also widely used
4. When does Jasmine release the most fragrance?
A. In the morning B. In the evening. C. In the afternoon D. At dawn

5. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A. Jasmine is grown worldwide C. Jasmine can cause headache
B. Jasmine has various benefits D. There are some varieties of Jasmine

6. The underlined word in " ... it is often associated with ...", is closest in meaning to ....
A. Attached B. Connected C. Compared D. Propagated

7. In planting Jasmine, the soil should be kept moist to make it ....

A. Go through the water easily C. Produce optimum fragrance
B. Grow up to 6 inch in length D. Grow optimally

Read the following text to answer questions number 8 to 10.

Butterflies are a type of insect with large and often colorful wings. They start out as
eggs. They lay their eggs on leaves. The eggs hatch into caterpillars with tabular body. The
caterpillar eats leaves, beds, or flowers of plants.

When a caterpillar is full sized, it goes into another stage called chrysalis. Caterpillars
attach themselves to something solid before becoming a chrysalis. The caterpillar inside the
chrysalis changes into a butterfly. Some butterflies make the change in one week. Some
others take years to change.
When the change is complete, the adult butterfly splits the chrysalis. The insect unfolds
its wings and pumps blood and air into then. It spreads out the wings until they become dry
and harder. The beautiful butterfly then flies to get nectar from flowers. Most butterflies live
only for one or two weeks.

8. What is the text mostly about?

A. Butterflies' life stages C. How butterflies lay their eggs
B. How a caterpillar lives D. Physical characteristics of butterflies

9. Why do butterflies fly to some flowers?

A. To get nectar C. To get some food
B. To pump blood D. To dry their wings

10. Where does a caterpillar change into a butterfly?

A. On the flower C. Inside the chrysalis
B. On the leaves D. Inside the nectar

Complete the following text.

The flightless ostrich is the world's (11) ........ bird. They roam African savanna and desert
lands and (12) ........ most of their water from the (13) ......... they eat. Though they cannot
(14) ........, ostriches are fleet, (15) ......... runners. They can sprint up to 43 miles (70
kilometers) an hour and run over distance at 31 miles (50 kilometers) an hour.

a. plants b. fly c. largest d. strong e. get



Kompetensi Dasar: CHAPTER X

3.10 Membandingkan fungsi sosial, andteks,
struktur visitdan
us!unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks
khusus dalam bentuk iklan dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait produk
dan jasa, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
4.10 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur 84
kebahasaan teks khusus dalam bentuk iklan, pendek dan sederhana, terkait produk
dan jasa.
TASK 1 Observe and identify the following texts by completing the following table
with the correct information. Do in pairs!
Text A
The most beautiful bike

Win Cycle
It’s the best
The price is Rp. 3.000.000,-
Get the free school bag from “Dunia Sepeda Dealer”
Imam Bonjol Street number 5 Jepara
Telp. 0291597777

Text B Holiday classes at learning center for primary and secondary

school children.
Supervised reading program, Creative writing, Poetry
appreciation, Art in action, Speech training.
Qualified teachers and friendly atmosphere
Two-hour class twice a week
Call Mr. Andis ~ 08123860505

No Information Text A Text B

1. Goods or Service

2. Varieties

3. Price

4. Time/Place

5. Contact number/email
6. Selling points/promoting

No Information Text A Text B

TASK 2 Answer the questions based on the texts in task 1. Do in pairs!

1. What are the texts about?

2. What are being advertised?
3. What are the purposes of the texts above?
4. What does “Free” mean?
5. Can the five years children join the holiday classes? Give the reason!

TASK 3 Make a group of 4 students and read the following texts. Then do task 4,5,6,7!

TASK 4 Write true or false according to the texts above!

1. The waiter job is full – time. (……………)

2. The cleaner job is part – time. (……………)
3. The delivery driver job is full – time. (……………)
4. You need the experience for the delivery driver job. (……………)
5. You don’t need the experience for the waiter job. (……………)

TASK 5 Answer the questions based on the texts above!

1. How much is the salary per week for the cleaner job?
2. Which job pays £6.90 per hour?
3. The cleaner job advert says “Experienced preferred”. What does it mean?
4. The delivery driver spends ………. hours in a week.
5. How do you apply for the waiter job?

TASK 6 Match the sentences below with the suitable words in the boxes!

part - time apply for a job full - time experience

1. Work before now. …………………….

2. The money you get from working. …………………….
3. Fill in a form because you want a job. …………………….
4. A job for the whole week ( 5 days or 40 hours ). …………………….
5. A job for some of the week ( 2/3 days or 20 hours ). …………………….

TASK 7 Classify these kinds of advertisements into the correct column!

Career Opportunity An Encyclopedia Travel Agent Computer Service

Badminton Lesson Crispy Banana Language Courses Urgently Required

The Most Wanted Trainer Luxurious Houses A Story Telling Competition

Motorcycles An Antique Cupboard Looking for Fresh Graduate Needed

No Goods/Product Service Job Vacancy






TASK 8 Let’s study about Advertisement!

1. Definition
a) Advertisement is a public announcement commonly found in a newspaper,
television, or internet advertising. Sometimes it is about a product / goods,
service, or an event for sale.
b) Advertising is a promotional activity which aims to sell a product or service
to a target audience.
c) Advertisement is usually abbreviated by the word Ad / Advert.
2. Text Structure
a) Visual
b) Logo/Picture
c) Headline
d) Sub-headline (more detail than headline)
e) Body copy (more detail than Sub-headline)
3. Functions/Purposes
a) To advertise product/goods or service.
b) To promote something.
c) To attract people to ….
d) To persuade people to ….
e) To make people interested in ….
4. Kinds of Advertisement
a) Goods/Product
b) Service
c) Job Vacancy


Read the text below to answer number 1-3!

Find the correct spelling and pronunciation

more than 80.000 words
in this
Electronic Dictionary
Made of strong plastic
Comes in two colors
Dark grey and light blue
$ 104.50
1. From the advertisement above, we know that …
a. the item comes in many colors c. one of the item's colors is dark blue.
b. the price of the item is Rp104.500 d. there are more than 80,000 words in the item

2. From the text we know that the writer wants to ....

a. give information about a new complete dictionary
b. inform the cheap price of a strong plastic dictionary
c. persuade the readers to buy an electronic dictionary
d. explain how to use a complete electronic dictionary

3. Which one is incorrect according to the text?

a. It has more than 80,000 words. c. The price of the item is $ 104.50.
b. The dictionary is made of plastic. d. One of the item's colors is dark blue.

Read the text below to answer number 4-5!


Whitens your teeth safely and effectively, helping to remove plague and
tartar too. Just use daily instead of your normal toothpaste and you will
see and feel the difference within days.
Available at pharmacies and department store

4. What is being advertised? …

a. Dental Clinic c. Shampoo
b. Tooth paste d. Soap

5. The word “to remove” means…..

a. to wash b. to rinse to repair d. to clean up

Read the text below to answer number 6-10!
A Unique entertainment
A Unique entertainment awaits you!
A special show starts at 3.30 p.m.
For an hour you will witness:
-Crocodiles cleaned up, pacified and persuaded to dance to
-A phyton grappling with a man calling round, trying to crush
him, but defeated and help up high!
Come all, come and see it now. Gather at poolside
You can visit our Ghost House later.
DON’T MISS THIS Wonderful opportunity

6. At what time will the show end?

a. A quarter past three c. Half past three
b. A quarter past four d. Half past four

7. What do you think the crowd will react when the snake grapes with a man calling round,
trying to crush him?
a. Cry loudly c. Clap their hands
b. Leave the snake d. Laugh very loudly

8. “Come all, come and see it now…..” The word it refers to…
a. entertainment b. ghost house c. poolside d. phyton

9. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity. “Opportunity” has the same meaning with ….
a. time b. show c. chance d. change

10. What should the people do if they want to see the show? They should ….
a. go to the ghost house
b. gather at poolside
c. visit to the zoo
d. watch on TV




Kompetensi Dasar:
3.11 Menafsirkan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan dalam lirik lagu
terkait kehidupan remaja SMP.
4.11 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait dengan fungsi
sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja

TASK 1. Listen to the next song.

93 Million Milles Song By

Jason Mraz
TASK 2. Complete The lyrics based on the song.

“ 93 Million Miles ”
By Jason Mraz

93 million…………………..( 1 ) from the sun

Peaple get ready, get ready
Cause here it …………….…( 2 ) it’s a light
A beautiful light, over the……………….( 3 ) into our……………………( 4 )
Oh my my how beautiful, oh my beautiful……………………( 5 )
She told me, son in life you’re……………………( 6 ) go far
Just ………………………( 7 ), wherevere you go
You can always come home

240………………………( 8 ) miles from the…………………….( 9 )

We’ve come a long way to……………………( 10 ) here
To share this view of the night, a…………………….( 11 ) night
Over horizon is another…………………..( 12 ) sky
Oh, my my how beautiful, oh my……………………….( 13 ) father
He told me, son sometimes it may seem………………………( 14 )
But the absence of the light is a………………………( 15 ) part
Just know, you’re never……………………( 16 )
You can always come back home
Ohhh, ohhhh
You can always come back

Every road is a slippery……………………( 17 )

But there is always a hand that you can…………………………( 18 ) on to
Looking deeper……………………( 19 ) the telescope

You can see that your home’s……………….( 20 ) of you

Just know, that wherever you go

No you’re never alone
You will always get back home

Ohhh, ohhh
Ohhh, ohhh

93 million miles from the sun

People get ready, get ready
Cause here it comes, it’s a light
A beautiful light, over the horizon
Into our eyes

TASK 3. Find the meaning of the following words !

No Words Meaning
1 Ready
2 Light
3 Horizon
4 Gonna
5 Wherever
6 glorious
7 Bright
8 Irrefutable
9 Slippery
10 Deeper

TASK 4. Match the lyrics with the Indonesian meaning in a group !

Lirics answer Indonesian Meaning
1. Peaple get ready, get ready (……..) a. Cahaya yang indah diufuk sana
2. A beautiful light, over the b. Jalan panjang telah kita tempuh tuk
horizon sampai disini
3. You can always come home (……..) c. Malam yang agung
4. We’ve come a long way to d. Semuanya bersiaplah
belong here
5. To share this view of the e. Tetapi selalu ada tangan yang bisa
night kau pegangi
6. A glorious night (……..) f. Kau boleh senantiasa pulang
7. Over horizon is another g. Tuk berbagai pemandangan malam
bright sky ini

8. But there is a hand that you h. Di ufuk sana langit yang cerah
hold on to

TASK 5. Make a group ( 3-4 students each group )

Work and discuss with your group to describe what the song talk about ? and the message
which you get from the song

Write your group work :

TASK 6. Present your work in front of the class !

TASK 7. Look at the following lyric and then answer the following questions!

“ Song For A Dying Planet “

Song by : Joe Walsh

Is anyone out there?

Does anybody listen or care anymore?
We are living on a dying planet
We’re killing everything that’s alive
And anyone who tries to deny it
Wears a tie

And get paid to lie

So I wrote there songs for a dying planet,
I’m sorry but I’m telling the truth,
And for everybody trying to save it
These songs are for you, too.
Is anyone out there?

1. What kind of planet we living now ?
2. Who are people who deny that they have killed living things?
3. Who is the singer of the song above ?
4. For whom does the singer wrote that song ?
5. Why does the singer feel sorry ?

TASK 8. Listen to the song and fill in the blanks.
“I Believe I Can Fly “

I Used to think that I could not go on

And life was nothing but an……………………(1) song
But now I know the ( 2 )……………………of true love
I’m ( 3 )…………………on the everlasting arms
If I can see it, then I can do it
If I just believe it, there’s ( 4 )………………….to it

( chorus )
I believe I can fly
I believe I can ( 5 )………………………..the sky
I think about it every night and day
( 6 )………………… wings and fly away
I belive I can fly, I believe I can fly
Oh, I ( 8 )…………………….I can fly
See I was on the verge of ( 9 )…………………………..down
Some times the ( 10 )…………………. can seem to loud
There are ( 11 )………………………in life I must achieve
But first I know it starts ( 12 )……………………….of me
If I can see it, then I can be it
If I just believe it, there’s ( 13 )………………….to it

( chorus )
Chould I believe in it ?
If I can see it, then I can do it
If I just believe it, there’s nothing to it

( chorus )
If I just ( 14 )…………………….my wings
I can fly, I can fly , I can fly
If I just spread my ( 15 )………………………...
I can fly

TASK 9. Answer the following questions according to the song above.

1. Who is the singer of the song ?
2. What is kind of the music ?
3. According to you what is the theme of the song ?
4. How many singers do the song ?
5. Which words best describe the singer’s condition at the beginning of the song ?
optimism, remorse, faith, bravery or watchfulness.

6. What did the writer he was think he was similar to ?
7. Which words best describe the writer’s efforts to reach his dream ?
8. What main idea of the song ?
9. What are the messages of the song ?
10. What is your opinion about the song ? please give your comment !


A. Looking at the following lyrics and then fill in the blank with the word provided

Text 1.
“Children of the sea “
Song by : Black Sabbath

In the misty morning, on the………………...…..(1) of time

We’ve lost the……………………….( 2 ) Sun, a final sign
As the misty morning ……………………( 3 ) away to die
Reaching for the stars, we…………………( 4 ) the sky

We …………………….( 5 ) across the air befpre we learned to fly

We thought that it ……………………..( 6 ) never end
We’d glide above the ground before we learned
To run, run
Now, it………………( 7 ) our world has come undone

Oh they ……………………( 8 ) that it,s over

And it………………………( 9 ) had to be
We’re ………………………..( 10 ) children of the sea, oh

a. Rising b. Sailed c. Rolls d. Say e. Lost

f. Edge g. Could h. Just i. Seems j. Blind

Text 2.
“ Unwell “
Song by : Rob Thomas

All day………………( 11 ) at the celling

Making friends with shadows on my wall
All night hearing voice telling me
That I should ……………………..( 12 ) some sleep
Because tomorrow might be good for something
Hold on …………………( 13 ) like I’m headed for a breakdown
And I don’t know why
But I’m not crazy . I’m just a little………………..( 14 )
I know right now you can’t ………………..( 15 )
But stay awhile and maybe then you’ll see
A different side of me

I’m not …………………..( 16 ) I’m just a little impaired

I know right now yaou don’t …………………….( 17 )
But soon enough you’re gonna………………….( 18 ) of me
And how I ………………………( 19 ) be me
I’m talking to myself in public
Dodging glances…………………….( 20 ) the train
And I know . I know they’ve all been talking about me.

a. Get b. Felling c. Think d. Care e. Crazy

f. In g. Staring h. Used to i. Tell j. Unwell

B. Read the following lyric and then answer the questions !

“ Viva forever “
Song by: Spice Girls

Do you still remember

How we use to be
Felling together , belive in whatever
My love has said to me
Both of us were dreamers
Young love in the sun
Felt like my savior, my spirit I gave you
We’d only just begun

Hasta Manana,
Always be mine

( chorus )
Viva forever , I’ll be waiting
Everlasting, like the sun
Live forefer
For the moment
Ever searching for the one
Yes I still remember,
Every whispered word
The touch of your skin, giving life from within
Like a love song that I’d heard
Slipping through out fingers,

Like the sands of time
Promises made, every memory saved
Has reflection in my mind

Hasta Manana,
Always be mine

( chorus )
Back where I belong now,
Was it just a deam
Feelings unfold,they will never be sold
And the secret’s safe with me

Hasta manana,
Always be mine
( chorus x2)

Questions :
1. What is theme of the song above ?
2. What does “ Hasta Manana” means ?
3. What was still remembered by the singer ?
4. Does the writer think that the feeling is a dream ?
5. What is represented by the sand of time ?

C. Translate the following sentences into Indonesian !

1. Do yo still remember.
2. Felling together, belive in whatever.
3. Both of us were dreamers.
4. Felt like my savior, my spirit gave you .
5. Promises made, every memory saved .
6. Like a love song that I’d heard.
7. Young love in the sun.
8. Everlasting,like the sun.
9. Always be mine.
10. And the secret’s safe with me.




III. Pilihan Ganda

This text is for questions 1 to 5.

A long time ago, people of Sepang village, Central Kalimantan lived in poverty. Among
the people, there was a widow with her only daughter named Tumbai. Tumbai was famous
among the villagers for her beauty and kindness. Many young men fell in love with her and
proposed her to be her wife.
Due to the many proposals, Tumbai prayed to God to give her guidance. Finally, she got an
answer. In her dream, an old man asked her to marry a man who could change the water in the
nearby well into salt water. When she woke up, Tumbai told about her strange dream to her
mother. Her mom trusted her.
She then made an announcement that Tumbai would marry a man who was able to change
the fresh water of the well near her house into salt water. At first, people at the village got
confused, but after the widow told them about the dream, they understood.
A lot of young man tried their fortune by doing the challenge. However, no one was
successful. Until one day, a young man who lived on riverside of Barito river came and joined
the challenge. The man then sat down next to the well. He was meditating and praying to God.
After a while, he stood up and asked the villagers to taste the water from the well. It worked! He
succeeded in changing the water. Tumbai was happy.
After the water was salty, the villagers were not poor anymore. They changed the salty
water into salt. They sold it and they earned money. The salted water flowed from the well into
the Kahayan River. That is why the water in this river is salty until now.

1. Why is the text written?

a. To make us learn something from the story.
b. To tell a happy life of people in Sepang Village.
c. To describe Tumbai as a beautiful and kind girl.
d. To explain the change of fresh water into salty one.

2. What happened after the young man from Barito river succeeded in the challenge?
a. Tumbai refused the proposal. c. The villagers got better lives.
b. The challenge was cancelled. d. The well overflowed into the sea.

3. What is the story about?

a. The process of finding a husband. c. The legend of Barito River
b. The legend of Kahayan River. d. The beauty of Tumbai.

4. Tumbai finally got married to the young man … he won the challenge.
a. although b. however c. because d. but

5. “…the water in the nearby well into salt water.” (second paragraph)
The bold word means…
a. fountain b. waterhole c. lake d. river
This text is for questions 6 – 9.
Once upon a time, on a beautiful morning, a hen and her children searched for food in
the backyard. Suddenly, she saw a butterfly stuck under a tree branch.
“Oh, hen, can you help me? Please, lift this branch. It fell on my right wing so I can’t
move anywhere,” begged the butterfly to the hen. “Okay, I’ll help you to remove this branch.
Get ready, butterfly! Then, she helped the butterfly and succeeded.
Unluckily, the butterfly’s right wing was broken and flying was impossible. The nice
hen offered the butterfly shelter in her cage until it was ready to fly again. Time passed by
and finally the butterfly could fly freely. “Thanks, hen, we will be best friend forever from
now on,” the butterfly shouted while flying away.
The butterfly and hen are still best friends until today. Whenever a hen is searching for
some food, there will always be a butterfly around nearby.

6. What character can be learned after reading the story?

a. Responsibility b. Friendship c. Bravery d. Loyalty

7. The butterfly would be died of … if the hen did not help it.
a. poverty b. bleeding c. starvation d. depression

8. “…shelter in her cage until it was ready to fly again.” (3rd paragraph)
The underlined word refers to…
a. the cage b. the wing c. the hen d. the butterfly

9. The best character of the hen in the story is…

a. irresponsible b. unfriendly c. impatient d. obliging

This text is for questions no. 10-13.

A long time ago there lived a husband and a wife. They were poor and they did not
have any children yet. Days and nights they prayed to God. They really wanted to have a
Their dream came true! The wife was pregnant. However they were surprised when
they saw the baby. He was so small. He was as big as a little finger so his parents called him
Little Finger.
Time passed by and Little Finger did not grow much. His body was still physically
small compared to other kids. Though he was so small, Little Finger ate like adults. He ate
much foodthat made his parents really worried. They were poor and sometimes they could
not eat because they had to give their food to Little Finger. That’s why his father then
planned to send him away.
In the morning, Little Finger and his father went to the jungle. When they arrived, the
father asked Little Finger to cut down a very big tree. WhenLittle Finger was busy cutting
down thetree, his father silently went home. The father thought that Little Finger could not
cut down the big tree. The father was sure that Little Finger would be lost in the jungle. But
he was wrong! Inthe morning Little Finger suddenly showed up in front of the house. And he
brought the big tree also!
The father was surprised. Little Finger then went inside the house. As always he ate all
the food and that made his father got angry. He thenhad another idea. He asked Little Finger
to go to the mountain. Little Finger was an obedient kid. He followed his father to go to the
mountain. When they arrived,his father pointed a big stone. The stone was as big as their
house! "I want you to bring that big stone to our house," asked the father. When Little Finger
was trying to bring the stone, thefather immediately ran home.
At night, when the father was sleeping, Suddenly he heard Little Finger's voice. This
time Little Finger's father realized his mistake. It was true that Little Finger's body was small
and he ate much food. But he was a nice kid and he had great power. With that power,
theycould get a job and had a lot of money. The father then apologized to Little Finger.
Since then they always worked together.

10. What is the story about?

a. The wish of a poor family. c. The greedy child "Little Finger".
b. "Little Finger"an obedient son. d. The great power of "Little Finger."

11. How was Little Finger according to the story?

a. A good child. c. A rebellious child.
b. A naughty boy. d. A powerless boy.

12. What made Little Finger's father feel very angry to LittleFinger at the beginning?
a. He ate much food although he had a small body.
b. He often went to the jungle without permission.
c. He never obeyed of what his father wanted to do.
d. He went to the mountain to bring the stone home.

13. Little Finger’s father wouldn’t send him away if…

a. he didn’t have super power. c. he helped his father in the forest.
b. he could cut down the big tree. d. he ate little food as normal boys did.

Read this text to answer the questions no. 14 -16

Seven worms had just finished their breakfast under a big tree. They were about to return
to their house. The mother was walking happily in the front of herchildren. On their way
home, a cricket shouted after them, “Good Heavens! Your last child is terribly ugly!”
Then she looked at her last child. She was not the same as her sisters. “Hey, ugly!”
shouted Mama Worm. “You are not my child. Go away!”The ugly little worm bent her head
down and walked away. She was very sad then she came near the lake, she looked down into
the water and saw her face. She realized that she was ugly so she cried.
Suddenly, the ugly little worm heard a voice.“You are not ugly. No one is ugly,” said the
voice.She looked around. Then she saw a big caterpillar and her children which all look the
same as her.“Thanks God, I find you, my dearest child. I have been looking for you
everywhere. Listen to me, honey. People may call you ugly,” says the mother of caterpillar,
“But for me, you are the most beautiful child”“Can you see those beautiful butterflies?”
asked the mother of caterpillar.“Yes, I can. They are really beautiful,” answered the ugly
little worm.“One day, dear, you will turn into a beautiful butterfly, just like one of those,”
explained the mother of caterpillar. The ugly little worm finally knew that she was a
caterpillar and was so delighted to know that.

14. From the story, we know that the last child felt very … when she realized that she was
not the same as her sisters.
a. glum b. pleased c. clumsy d. delighted

15. Based on the story, a caterpillar’s mother … her last child everywhere.
a. looked at b. searched for c. found out d. set about

16. “a butterfly – was – because – turn - a caterpillar – it – into – happy – will –into”
The best arrangement of the jumbled word is…
a. A caterpillar was happy because it will turn into a butterfly.
b. A butterfly was a caterpillar will turn into because it happy.
c. A butterfly was happy because it will turn into a caterpillar.
d. Because it will turn into a butterfly was a caterpillar happy.

17. The best arrangement of the following story is…

a) They lived in a hole in a big house.
b) She opened her mouth and shouted “Woof! Woof! Bark! Bark!
c) One day, the mother decided to take her baby outside of their house.
d) Unfortunetely, there was a big Tom cat.
e) The mother mouse had taught to her baby how to protect themselves from a dangers.
f) Once upon a time, there were a baby mouse and a mother mouse.
g) The mother wasn’t scared because she knew how to deal with the cat.
h) The cat ran away as fast as he could.

The best arrangement of the jumbled sentences is...

a. c-g-a-b-d-f-h-e c. f-a-c-d-g-b-h-e
b. f-a-c-d-b-g-h-e d. c-d-g-b-h-e-f-a

This text is for questions no. 18 and 19

Udin : This awesome gift was given to me by my friend.What do you think, Edo?
Edo : Wow, that looks nice! What is it called? Is it made in Indonesia?
Udin : Sure, It is a musical instrument from the Sundanese culture of West Java. It is made of
bamboo. It is used to play not only traditional but also modern music.

18. “It is used to play not only traditional but also modern music.”
The sentence is used to state the object’s ….
a. identity. b. materials. c. function. d. original.

19. Siti : What is that, Lina?

Lina : It is called an Ulos.
Siti : Where is it made in?
Lina : It’s from North Sumatera.
Siti :…
Lina : It’s made of cotton.

The correct utterance to complete the dialogue is…

a. What is it used to? c. Where is it found?
b. What is it made of? d. Is it made of cotton?

This text is for questions no. 20 and 21

20. What does the text emphasized?

a. Describing Fossil of animals. c. Telling Valuable rocks.
b. Explaining Rocks in general. d. Describing Sandstone.

21. Diamond is very expensive because…

a. it is made of sandstone c. it is very scarce
b. it contains metals d. it is beautiful.

22. Noken is a bag from Papua. It is very strong because people use wood fibre or leave
fibre to make it.

The underlined sentence can be written as…

a. Noken is very strong because it is made of wood fibre or leave fibre.
b. Noken is used to wood fibre or leave fibre to make it.
c. People can find Noken in Central Java.
d. Wood fibre or leave fibre is not strong.

23. Keyla : I’m sorry, Sir. I haven’t finished my homework?

Teacher : Why?
Keyla : The electricity was off last night.
Teacher : Listen! The homework … straight away after school.
Keyla : Yes, Sir. I promise will do it on time.

The best phrase to fill in the blank is….

a. must be done b. is done c. is doing d. will do

This text is for questions no. 24 and 26

Penguins are birds that cannot fly, they are more like aquatic animals, because
they spend half of their time in the oceans and the other half on the land. Generally, they
live in the Southern Hemisphere, but it doesn’t mean that they can live only in a cold
place, because Penguins are also found in Galapagos Island, which consider to be a
tropical area. There are 16 species of Penguin in the world, one of them
is Emperor Penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) which known as the largest Penguin.
Penguins have various body size depending on their species. The largest
Penguin, The Emperor Penguin, can reach the size of 1,1 m with the weight of 35 kg or
more. The smallest Penguin, the Little Blue Penguin, can reach the size of 40 cm and the
weight of 1 kg. Some others species such as King Penguin, Gentoo Penguin, Magellanic
Penguin and Yellow-eyed Penguin are vary between those sizes.

The head of a Penguin resemble the head of a bird with a beak in front of it and
eyes on each side of the head. They have two wings that function as flippers which help
them to swim. Their foot is similar to duck’s foot, this also support them in the water.
They have a wide and short tail. The tail and wings help them to keep their balance
when they are walking on the ground. The color of their inner body is white and the
color of their back is dark (usually black). This turns out to be a camouflage that
protects them from predator when they are underwater.
Source :

24. The text describes the Penguins related to their ....

a. habitat, life cycle, and physical characteristics
b. emotional characteristics, bahaviour, and life cycle
c. habitat, diets, emotional characteristics, and behaviour
d. species, habitat, performance, and function of their organs

25. What does the third paragraph talk about?

a. A true story of penguins’ life. c. The physical appearance of penguins
b. The penguins’ habitual action. d. The types of penguin based on the size.

26. … “This turns out to be a camouflage that protects them from predator when they are
underwater”. (the last paragraph).
What is the underlined word closest in meaning to?
a. Disguise b. Discovery c. Curiosity d. Pretending

This text is for questions no. 27 and 29

Desert Tarantulas are a common sight in the southwestern states and Mexico.
They generally hide during the day, under rock collections or in protective burrows
abandoned by desert rodents.
As with most arachnids, the male is smaller than the female though Desert
Tarantulas in general are large than other spiders. Leg span of females can reach up to 4
inches. Making it possible for the cover the hand of an adult. Their bodies are also
covered in an abundance of bristly hair, the hallmark of identifying Tarantulas. In general
Males are generally dark in color, whereas females tend to have light brown (blonde)
hairs on the carapace (shoulders) and legs.
These spiders usually avoid contact with people, but they will strike if disturbed
or threatened. The Desert Tarantula bite is poisonous, though not deadly. Seeking medical
assistance is advisable if bitten. In general, Desert Tarantula venom is as dangerous as bee
venom, but a deadly allergic reaction may result in sensitive individuals.
Given their size, Desert Tarantulas are able to take down and consume small
reptiles in addition to insects. Spider lings hatch from eggs laid by the female and young
male spiders eventually develop the large hairy pedipalps at the front of the face. Females
can have great longevity and several have been known to live for up to 20 years.

27. What is the main point of the text above?

a. Mexico. b. A desert. c. Spiders. d. Desert Tarantulas.

28. How do Desert Tarantulas usually spend their time during the day?
a. Search for food. c. Stay in their secured holes
b. Hide among bushes. d. Gather with their community outside.

29. “Suppose you accidentally step on a Desert Tarantula’s leg.” What will happen ?
a. The spider will run away. c. The spider will stay still
b. The spider will bite you. d. The spider will chase after you.

This text is for questions no. 30 and 32

Agar wood scientifically known as Agallochum malaccense referred to as fragrance
wood that’s utilized for producing perfumes, oil, incense or costly herbal medicine. It is also
known as Agar Wood, Eaglewood, Ales Wood, Oodh or Agar. The Agar wood Plant is
extensively available in Malaysia, Thailand as well as other country in South East Asia.
Lately, more Agar wood is cultivated to meet international demands.
From the historical viewpoint, more than 10 countries and regions are still growing or
ever grew some certain species of Aquilaria tree. These countries are India, Vietnam,
Thailand, Laos, Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Cambodia, and China. In China, it
is mainly found in areas such as Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Hainan, Taiwan, and Hong
Kong. It is most expensive wood and used for a several things. Its resin and oil is used in
Ayurvedic medicines and cosmetic products.
The heart of the tree wood produces this dark aromatic resin as part of its natural
defense mechanism when infected with fungus (Phialophora Parasitica). This resin can be
produced either through natural causes of the wild or through the artificial means of
inoculating it with resin-inducing substances. It is also broadly put into use as incense
ingredients for cultural offerings or spiritual prayers. The heartwood of Agar tree has
economic and medicinal significance.

30. In the text, the writer wants to tell Agar wood related to ....
a. its advantages and the countries which grow this plant
b. the countries which usually export this kind of tree
c. the procedure of using it in the medical field
d. the places where people can find this plant

31. In what school subject do the students can find this kind of the text?
a. Science. b. Religion. c. Citizenship. d. Art and culture.

32. The Agarwood Plant is extensively available ... some countries in Asia.
a. on b. at c. in d. to

This text is for questions no. 33 and 34

The Dragon's-Blood Tree or Dracaena Cinnabari is one of the coolest-looking
trees ever native to the Socotra archipelago, part of Yemen, located in the Arabian Sea.
It is so called because of the red sap that the trees produce which resembles dragons'
Like other monocotyledons, such as palms, the dragon’s blood tree grows from
the tip of the stem. It branches at maturity to produce a unique appearance, with an
"upturned, densely packed crown having the shape of an uprightly held umbrella". Its
leaves are found only at the end of its youngest branches; its leaves are all shed every 3
or 4 years before new leaves simultaneously mature. Branching tends to occur when the
growth of the terminal bud is stopped, due to either flowering or traumatic events.
Its fruits are small fleshy berries which contain between 1 and 3 seeds. As they
develop they turn from green to black, and then become orange when ripe. The berries
are eaten by birds and thereby dispersed. The seeds are 4–5 mm in diameter and weigh
on average 68 mg. The berries exude a deep red resin, known as dragon’s blood.
33. In what school subject can we find such kind of text?
a. Biology b. Geology c. Sociology d. Zoology
34. It is so called because of the red sap that the trees produce which resembles dragons'
blood. (Par. 1)
The underlined word refers to....
a. Arabian sea c. The Dragon’s Blood tree
b. b. Socotra archipelago. d. The Dragon’s Blood fruit

This text is for questions no. 35 and 38

Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) is the only Asian rhinoceros
which has 2 horns. It is known as “hairy rhinoceros”, due to its hairy skin. Sumatran
rhinoceros are easier to be studied than Javan Rhinoceros.
On the other hand, in the past, Sumatran rhinoceros ever lived in India,
Bangladesh, Bhutan, Southern China, and South-east Asia. But now it faces extinction
in many of those places, leaving only 6 populations of this rhinoceros: 4 in Sumatra, 1 in
Malayan peninsula, and 1 in Kalimantan.
Moreover, both of rhinoceroses are critically endangered, since there are many
poaching and habitat destruction for making palm fields. Poachers are killing this
rhinoceros because of its horn, since traditional medicine experts believes that the horn
can cure diseases. So, Most of them aim its horn for their own needs in order to maintain
their health without taking concern about Rhinoceros existence.

35. The text mainly inform the readers about ....

a. Sumatran rhinoceros and their thread
b. The number of Rhinoceros in the world
c. The benefits of Rhinoceros in medical field
d. The importance of Rhinoceros horns for human beings

36. People hunt the Rhinoceros because they....

a. like to take their horns for curing their disease
b. want to save the rhinoceros as domestic animals
c. believe that Rhinoceros will maintain their health
d. need Rhinoceros strength to help cultivate the field

37. Which information can describe the Rhinoceros based on the text?
a. Rhinoceros are critically endangered since there are some natural factors.
b. The government has banned the illegal poaching of Sumatran Rhinoceros.
c. Sumatran rhinoceros is one of the Asian rhinoceros which has 2 horns.
d. Sumatran rhinoceros ever lived in some countries in Asia continent.

38. The author states “But now it faces extinction in many of those places,...” (the second
paragraph). The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....
a. Death b. Strength c. Decreasing d. Destruction

This text is for questions no. 39 and 41

CP: 0814567908

39. The text above is written to ....

a. persuade the readers to buy the menu in Subway
b. offer the free sandwich and drink in Subway
c. promote the new taste of sandwich and drink
d. inform the new location of Subway restaurant

40. Which of following information is stated in the text?

a. The kinds of sandwiches c. The complete address
b. The time of opening d. The contact person

41. The text is likely attract the attention of the person who…
a. really enjoys sandwich c. wants to eat freely
b. has limited time to eat d. lives in Subway

This text is for questions no. 42 and 43


Chocolate and ice cream house

JU It’s special day for you friends!

If you’re STUDENTS any grades
Show your students’ card
Come TODAY and bring this brocure

42. Based on the text, we know that the discount is for....
a. male b. female c. students d. all customers

43. “If you’re STUDENTSYany grades”. What is the closest in meaning of the underlined word?
a. Class b. Glass c. Gender d. School
U 106
This following is for question number 44 and 45


You have a slow computer?
You want to boost your computer capacity?
Your computer is broken and you want to repair it?
We have the solution with a great advantage in our grand opening 50 % off sale.
We only offer this special discount once. Don’t miss this opportunity!
Besides, we also offer technology solutions and support for home users, home offices, and small mid sized
Discount 50 % to all services for home users: anti-virus/spy ware removal, backup, wireless networks,
hardware upgrades, vista, etc.
Free consultation for small mid sized business: network setup, new office setup, web design, web
development, servers, etc.
Contact us:
Twitter : @SparkleID_Solutions
Facebook : Sparkle Solution Indonesia
Phone : (021) 7892-57830
Location of our office:
Head office : Kalimantan street no. 78, Durian Payung, Central Jakarta.
Branch office 1 : Panggung Kelana street no. 673, Jagasurya, South Jakarta.
Branch office 2 : Temanggung Bukit street no. 9, Penggagan, East Jakarta.
Branch office 3 : Setiabudhi street no. 23, Bandung.

44. What does the advertisement focus on?

a. Sell new computers and laptops
b. Sell many kind broken of computer/laptop
c. Provide a virus and malware on computer/laptop
d. Help people to fix computer problems and technology solution

45. “...backup, wireless networks, hardware upgrades...”. The word “upgrades” is closest
in meaning to....
a. Increase b. Decrease c. Up to date d. Powerless

IV. Uraian

46. Change these sentences into passive voice.
a. Mrs. Melati prepares the breakfast at 7 every morning.
b. The farmer sold his cows in the market yesterday.

47. Fill in the blank with suitable “Verb”

Keris is originally from Java, and has been used since the 9 and 14thcentury. It is
usually (a)… of metal. Keris (b)… into three part: blade (bilah or wilah), hilt (hulu)
and sheath (warangka).In Java, keris (c)… in wedding costume.

48. Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph!

1. The garden covers more than 80 hectares.
2. The bats can be known by the noise they make while competing for space.
3. There are 400 types of palms.
4. It was built by Java's Dutch Governor-General Baron van Imhoff who was governor
of Java at the time.
5. These plants help the garden creates a refuge for more than 50 different varieties of
birds and bats.
6. The Bogor Botanical Garden is located 60 in the city center of Bogor.
7. The garden officially opened in 1817.
8. Today the garden contains more than 15,000 species of trees and plants.
9. It was used to research and develop plants and seeds from other parts of the
Indonesian archipelago.

49. Complete this paragraph with the suitable word!

An iceberg is a great piece of ice.... (a) in the sea. “Berg” is the German word for
“mountain”. In the coldest parts of the earth, around the North and South Poles, land and
sea are both ... (b) by layers of ice, more than 300 meters deep at the center.
Tongues of ice, called ... (c), stretch out into the open sea. The sea water melts
the bottom parts of these glaciers, then the top part moves into the water with a great noise.
The great piece of ice sinks for a short time under the surface, then it rises again, and floats
away as a new ice. Some iceberg are many miles long, and travel for thousands of miles and
several years before they finally melt. The part of an iceberg which can be seen above the
water is only about one – ninth of the total size. The rest is .... (d) under the waves.
One of the world’s worst ... (e) at sea was in 1912 when the liner “Titanic” hit an
iceberg and sank on his first journey, killing hundreds of passengers.

- disasters - hidden
- floating - covered
- glaciers

50. Create an advertisement based on the data below:

 Virus and malware removal

 Computer/laptop repair
 Backup and restore
 Computer/laptop upgrades
 Install

Setiabudi Road 11th Semarang, Central Java
PHONE: (085) 999 -727-333


I. Pilihan Ganda
This text is for questions 1 and 2.
Dayu : “Siti, let’s take our friends at the orphanageSunu Ngesti this weekend.”
Siti : “That sounds a good idea. I have never been there before. Have you?”
Dayu : “Yes, I have. I went there last year, but I would love to go again with you guys.
Lina : “Did you learn something there?”
Dayu : “Absolutely! I’m proud of the orphans there. They have taught me to be an
independent and aware child.”
Siti : “It sounds great. I hope we’ll be better children after visiting the place.”
Lina : “I hope so, too.”

1. What is Dayu and her friends’ intention to visit the orphanage?

a. to get new friends. c. to spend the weekend
b. to be a better child. d. to be better children.

2. From the dialogue we know that....

a. Dayu visited the orphanage last year. c. Dayu and Siti live in an orphan home
b. Siti has been to the orphanage before. d. The orphans learned something from Dayu.

3. Lina : “How long have you been a volunteer of a Charity Group?”

Beni : “….about three years. I’ve joined it in 2015 until now“
a. since b. last c. just d. for

4. Mona : “Why did you look upset?”

Syafa : “I … badminton for two hours this afternoon but I lost every game.”
Mona : “Poor you are. But don’t worry, by practicing a lot, next time you’ll win the
Syafa : “I hope so, too. Thanks”
a. has played c. had played
b. have played d. played

5. Beni : “Edo, ....?”

Edo : “I have joined the competition four time so far. Luckily, I got the first position last
a. How many times have you ever joined the competition
b. Have you ever gotten the first position in the competition
c. How long have you joined the competition
d. Why have you joined the competition

This text is for questions 6 – 8.

Farah has been an orphan for three years. She lived there since she has not had relatives
to take care of her. Her grandparents have died. Her only relative is her aunt, her mother’s
sister. Unfortunately, She is a widower and very poor. Her house is very small. She works as
a servant in a rich family. She has three children. She has put her in the orphanage because
she wants her to get better care and a good school.
Her aunt and her family love her because they have visited her routinely once a month.
Farah is very cheerful and caring. She is an active member of the charity group in the
orphanage. She has participated very actively in the group’s activities. She and the other
members of the group have made handicrafts and sold them. They have used the profit to help
street children and poor families. The charity group have done useful things for needy street
children and the poor families in the neighborhood. On the orphanage’s 15 th birthday, they
gave each child fifty thousand rupiahs. They also gave each poor family a gift containing
sugar, cooking oil, and rice.

6. “He works as a servant in a factory.”

The underlined word means someone who ….
a. works in another person’s house c. sells food in the street
b. looks among rubbish for food d. has no occupation

7. “She has three children.”. The word ‘she’ refers to….

a. Farah’s father c. Farah’s parents
b. Farah’s grandparent d. Farah’s aunt

8. What has the charity group done to get the money for the needy?
a. They celebrated the orphanage’s 15th birthday.
b. They have made handicraft and sold them.
c. They gave each child of street children fifty thousand rupiahs.
d. They send each family a gift containing sugar, cooking oil, and rice.

This text is for questions 9 – 12.

One day, a farmer found a giant egg and decided to cook and eat it. After eating the egg,
he gradually changed into a giant dragon.
The giant dragon decided to live in a deep river near his village because he realized that
he could not live with human anymore. The dragon lived there peacefully. He also ate fish
which he could find easily in the river.
However, big fish in the river felt threatened by him because they were afraid someday
the dragon would eat them too. So, one of the big fish came to see the dragon and told him

that there was another dragon coming to challage him to fight. The dragon was furious about
the challange, so he agreed to wait for the other dragon coming to fight.
While he waited for his rival impatiently, he was swiming here and there to calm down
himself. The water moved fiercely as he moved. The dragon thought that the water movement
was because of the other dragon coming. Wo when he saw a tail, he bit and pulled the tail
fiercely until he bit it off. He soon realized that it was his own tail, but that was just too late.
The dragon died because of loosing too much blood.

9. The farmer changed into a giant dragon because ....

a. He killed a dragon’s baby in his farm. c. He liked eating dragon’s eggs
b. He found a huge egg, cooked and ate it. d. He bit a dragon’s tail off.

10. The second paragraph tells us about....

a. the river the dragon giant lived in
b. the friend the dragon giant had in the river
c. the kind of the fish the dragon giant consumed
d. the peaceful life the giant dragon had in the river

11. What can we learn from the story?

a. Don’t fight with others. c. Don’t get angry easily
b. Don’t eat a giant egg. d. Don’t be greedy.

12. “The dragon was furious about the challange.” (paragraph 3)

The inderlined word has the closest in meaning to...
a. enraged b. delighted c. very happy d. uncomfortable

This text is for questions 13 – 16.

A long time ago there lived a husband and a wife. They were poor and they did not have
any children yet. Days and nights they prayed to God. They really wanted to have a
child."God, please give us a child, even though he is only as big as a little finger," prayed the
Their dream came true! The wife was pregnant. However they were surprised when they
saw the baby. He was so small. He was as big as a little finger. "You prayed to God to give us
a child, although he is as big as a little finger right? Be thankful to God. Let's love him. How
will you name him then?" asked the wife."You are right. We have to be grateful. Well, I will
name himLittle Finger.
Time passed by and Little Finger did not grow much. His body was still physically
small compared to other kids. Though he was so small, Little Finger ate like adults. He ate
much food.And that made his parents really worried. They were poor and sometimes they
could not eat because they had to give their food to Little Finger. "I cannot hold it anymore. I
want to put Little Finger in the jungle. Let him live there. I think he can survive," said the
In the morning, Little Finger and his father went to the jungle. When they arrived, the
father asked Little Finger to cut down a very big tree. WhenLittle Finger was busy cutting
down thetree, his father silently went home. The father thought that Little Finger could not cut

down the big tree. The father was sure that Little Finger would be lost in the jungle. But he
was wrong! Inthe morning Little Finger suddenly showed up in front of the house. And he
brought the big tree also!
"Father, where do you want me to put this big tree?" asked Little Finger. The father was
surprised. He asked Little Finger to put the tree in the backyard. Little Finger then went inside
the house. As always he ate all the food and that made his father got angry. He thenhad
another idea. "Little Finger, let's go to the mountain. I need a big stone from there." Little
Finger was an obedient kid. He followed his father to go to the mountain. When they
arrived,his father pointed a big stone. The stone was as big as their house! "I want you to
bring that big stone to our house," asked the father. When Little Finger was trying to bring the
stone, thefather immediately ran home.
At night, when the father was sleeping, Suddenly he heard Little Finger's voice. "Father,
I'm home. Where do you want me to put this big stone?" This time Little Finger's father
realized his mistake. It was true that Little Finger's body was small and he ate much food. But
he was a nice kid and he had great power. With that power, theycould get a job and had a lot
of money. The father then apologized to Little Finger. Since then they always worked

13. What is the story about?

a. The wish of a poor family c. The greedy child "Little Finger"
b. "Little Finger"an obedient son d. The great power of "Little Finger"

14. What made Little Finger's father feel very angry to LittleFinger at the beginning?
a. He ate much food although he had a small body.
b. He often went to the jungle without permission.
c. He never obeyed of what his father wanted to do.
d. He went to the mountain to bring the stone home.

15. From the text we know that?

a. Little finger's parents went to the mountain to get big trees.
b. Little finger's parents never gave food due to theirbad poverty.
c. Little finger can’t live in the jungle alone without hisparents' help.
d. Little finger' body was still physically small compared to the other kids.

16. What can we learn from the story above?

a. Don't cheat someone for a winner.
b. Don't ignore the smallest suggestions.
c. Don't judge someone just from the cover.
d. Don't easily underestimate the poor man.

This text is for questions 17 – 20.

There was once a crow who did not like his feathers. "I wish I were a peacock!" he
would say. "You are beautiful as you are!" the other crows insisted. "How plain and dull you
seem to me!" he'd complain, and fly off to admire peacocks.

The peacocks walked around with their colourful tail feathers outstretched. To the
delight of the crow, some of the peacock feathers lay on the ground when the peacocks left.
Crow flew down to the ground and stuck the feathers into his wings and tail. He attached a
few sticking up from his head. "Now I am as beautiful as a peacock," he said. But, when he
went to join them in their walking, the peacocks punched him and hit him. What a fuss!
"You are not a peacock," they said, "Don't imitate us!" Bruised and still dragging some
broken peacock feathers in his tail, he returned home.
After all his insults, no one wanted his company! As he sat alone, the other crows said,
"It's foolish to try and be what you're not. Learn to love the feathers you've got.

17. The story is written to make the readers….

a. feel upset c. careful with their life
b. learn something d. think of the animals’ life

18. What happened when the crow imitated the peacocks?

a. The peacocks got angry c. The other crows laughed at him
b. Everybody admired him d. He became the nicest bird in the forest

19. How is the crow in the story above?

a. Over confidence b. Less confidence c. Irritated d. Impatient

20. The story teaches us to ….

a. appreciate our life c. help each other
b. enjoy to be ourselves d. be a best person

This text is for questions 21 – 22

21. The text is written to....
A. inform ten story books for the children
B. announce the special prize for the winner
C. tell how to register in the competition
D. give information about Story Telling Competition
22. What may the Grade 7 and 8 probably do after reading the text?
A. Buy a set of story books.
B. Call Pak Imam in the Administration Office.
C. Join the Story Telling Competition.
D. Register at the Administration Office on weekend.

This text is for questions 23 – 25

This week only (5 – 11 March 2018)
SAVE 40%
Men’s and women’s clothing
Shoes, coats, sweaters, swimsuits, jeans
Jewelry: watches, earings, necklaces, rings
SAVE 50 %
Furniture: leather sofas, dining tables and chairs, bookcase
Luggage: bags and briefcase
23. The readers are not able to buy... in the shop.
a. stationaries b. long dress c. slippers d. pants

24. The sale lasts on?

a. 1st March 2018 c. 11th March 2018
b. 5th March 2018 d. 17th March 2018

25. Which word is the meaning of “annual”?

a. Once everyday c. Once every year
b. Once every month d. Once in a life

The text is for questions 26 to 28.

26. The text mostly tells about … .

a. grilling satay over very hot charcoal c. marinating small pieces of meat
b. making satay or ‘sate’ d. skewering pieces of marinated meat

27. After reading the text above, the readers may …information about satay.
a. get b. like c. search d. share

28. “…,satay is grilled over very hot charcoal.”

The underlined word is closest in meaning to … .
a. baked b. cooked c. fried d. served

The text is for questions 29 to 32.

This cloth (29) … a Troso Batik. It (30) … in Jepara. It is made of cotton thread
which (31) … by hand and traditional tool. It (32) … by many people from different

29. a. are – knew b. is – known c. is – called d. are – called

30. a. are – made b. is – make c. are – make d. is – made

31. are – wove b. is – wove c. is – woven d. are - woven

32. a. are – wore b. is – worn c. are – worn d. is - wore

Read the text and answer questions 33 to 36.

The gharial is a large-sized reptile found in the murky waters of Northern India and
the surrounding countries. The gharial is closely related to other large reptiles including
caimans and alligators, although the salt-water crocodile is believed to be the gharials
closest relative.
The gharial is most commonly found in the calmer areas of the deep, fast-flowing
rivers of the North Indian subcontinent. The gharial spends most of its time in the water as it
is not well suited for a life on the land, due to its short legs.
The gharial (along with the larger adult salt-water crocodiles) is the longest of this
group of large reptiles, with there having been reports of adult male gharials reaching more
than six meters in length. The elongated snout of the gharial is ideal for catching fish in the
water, and contains more than 50 sharp teeth.
The gharial is a generally solitary predator. It does not have the same terrifying
reputation for eating humans as crocodiles do. Although the gharial has been known to show
aggressive behavior towards humans at times, the shape of the gharial's snout makes it
difficult for the gharial to consume anything too big.

33. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To warn people about gharial's snout. c. To remind the readers of large-sized reptile
b. To inform the diet of gharial. d. To explain the habit of gharial.

34. “The gharial is a large-sized reptile found in the murky waters…” (Paragraph 1).
The underlined word means … .
a. bright b. clean c. dark d. dirty

35. How does the writer describe gharial?

a. easily catch fish with the long snout c. grows up to six meters in length
b. commonly found in water d. is more famous than crocodile as human eater

36. "The gharial is a generally solitary predator." (The last paragraph)

From the statement, we can say that gharial … .
a. likes to live in group c. kills their prey for its community
b. enjoys being alone d. is lonely in the murky waters

This following text is for questions number 37 to 40.

Lightning is one of Nature's most dangerous phenomenon. The average lightning flash
could light a 100 watt light bulb for more than three months. The temperature of a lightning
bolt may reach 27.760°C which is hotter than the surface of the sun.
Lightning is not only an outdoor hazard. In houses without adequate lightning
protection. It can be dangerous to take a bath or shower. The electric shock could be
delivered along the water pipes. There is also the risk of lightning shocks being transmitted
via telephone or plugged in electronics in houses without protection. Thus, people who live in
these houses should unplug telephones, computers, and televisions during storms, protecting
them from damage in case of lightning strike. If that is too much work, it's much safer to at
least install special socket inserts that protect against surges.

37. What is the text mainly about?

a. The power of lightning. c. The definition of lightning.
b. The process of lightning. d. The danger of lightning.

38. How can the lightning be dangerous while we are taking a bath?
a. The electric shock could be delivered along the water pipes.
b. The lightening can be transmitted via electronics.
c. The lightning strike can protect them from damage.
d. Electronic in houses can deliver telephone and televisions.

39. Which of the following is prohibited to do when there is lightning in a house without
lightning protection?
a. Sweep the floor. c. Vacuum the carpet.
b. Turn on the torch. d. Boil water.

40. The information text above mainly is important for ... .

a. the teacher b. the housewife c. the scientist d. the student

41. Arrange the words into a good sentence.

Lemper – of – handful – made of – lump – rice – steamed – glutinuous – is – a
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

a. 1 – 9 – 2 – 10 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 7 – 8 – 6 c. 1 – 9 – 10 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 2 – 7 – 8 – 6
b. 1 – 9 – 3 – 4 – 10 – 5 – 2 – 7 – 8 – 6 d. 1 – 9 – 4 – 10 – 3 – 5 – 2 – 7 – 8 – 6

42. Arrange the sentences into a good and meaningful paragraph.

1. Fabrics have different properties.
2. There are different kinds of fabrics.
3. For example, some are tough, while others wear away quickly.
4. Fabrics such as cotton, linen, wool and silk are made of natural fibres which come
from plants and animals.
5. Fabrics are used around the house to make clothes, curtains, towels and furniture
6. Fabrics can also be made of plastic, or a mixture of plastic and natural fibres.

a. 2 – 4 – 6 – 1 – 3 – 5 c. 2 – 3 – 4 – 6 – 1 – 5
b. 1 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 2 – 5 d. 1 – 3 – 4 – 2 – 6 – 5

For question number 43 to 45, pay attention to the lyric of a song below, and then
answer the question.

If I can see it
then I can do it
If I just believe it
there's nothing to it

I believe I can fly

I believe I can touch the sky
I think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and fly away

I believe I can soar

I see me running through that open door
I believe I can fly, I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly

43. Based on the lyric above, what does the singer probably feel?
a. desperate
b. happy
c. optimistic
d. sad

44. From the first stanza, we can conclude that the singer … .
a. convinces himself
b. faces a problem in his life
c. gets afraid of something
d. has a self-confidence
45. The first and second stanzas have the same rhyme of … .
a. abab
b. aaaa
c. aabb
d. abcd

V. Uraian
46. Observe the dialogue below, and then change the verbs in the brackets into correct
Budi : Edi, how long have you been in Jepara?
Edi : I have ( live) in Jepara for five years, Budi.
Budi : Have you (hear) about Manik cave beach tourist destination?
Edi : No, I haven’t. But I have ever (go) to Bondo beach.

47. Complete a cut of the story of The Golden Star-Fruit Tree with suitable words.
Once upon a time, there … a rich old man living in Vietnam. He … two sons. They
both … like an earth and a sky. The older brother was very greedy, and the younger one
was very kind.

48. Observe the dialogue below, and then fill in the blanks with suitable words.
Joko : Wow, what an awesome musical instrument!
What …………….?
Bambang : This is an Angklung. It ……………of bamboo.
Joko : Can you play it?
Bambang : Sure. It ……….to play not only traditional but also modern music.
Joko : Wow, amazing! I am anxious to listen to it.
Bambang : Ok. Just listen. Here I play it.

49. Analyze the text below, and then fill the table to identify kinds of the information.

The Analysis Table of Information



50. Create a Factual Report text about Price land
animal. You can use some following ………………… clues.
- carnivor/herbivor Time/Place
- find
- wild/tame - eat Number
Contact …………………
- give birth/lay eggs - useAddress
Points/Promoting …………………


I. Pilihan Ganda
This text is for questions 1 – 3.

Udin : “Dayu, did you enjoy our visit to the orphanage last week?”
Dayu : “Yes, I did. It was really fun. I was very impressed by the orphans. You know? I
have visited there seven times with my family.
Lina : “Wow. Really?You seemed to know them very well.”
Dayu : “Not really. Although I have been there five times, I haven’t met each one of
themquite closely.
Edo : ”What do you think if our class plan a visit to the orphanage again at the end of
nextmonth? Our class has never had a program for children in an orphanage.
Udin : “That’s a good idea! We can collect fund for the orphans. We can also make a music
performance to entertain them. Or we can also read them a short story in English.”
Dayu : “Good ideas! Let’s talk about it more seriously soonbecause we need to meet the
head of the orphanage for permission before the visit. Now, let’s go to the class.

1. Who has ever visited the orphanage seven times?

a. Dayu b. Edo c. Lina d. Udin

2. Where does the dialogue take place?

a. In the orphanage b. In the party c. At home d. At school

3. “We can collect fund for the orphans.” The bold-typed word means … .
a. a reserve of money set aside for some purposes
b. a lot of money to pay to a debt collector
c. a large amount of money to pay for things bought
d. a collection of money owned by someone

4. ” We can also make a music performance to entertain them”

The underlined word refers to ….
a. the children b. the students c. the orphans d. the kids

This text is for questions 5 – 8.

Raisa has been an orphan for five years. She has lived in the orphanage three years. She
has lived there since she has not had relatives to take care of her. Her grandparents have died.
Her only relative is an uncle, her mother’s brother. Unfortunately, He is very poor and his
house is very small. He works as a manual laborer in a factory. He has five children. He has
put her in the orphanage because he wants her to get better care and a good school.
Her uncle andhis family love her because they have visited her routinely once a month.
Raisa is very cheerful and caring. She is an active member of the charity group inthe
orphanage. She has participated very actively in the group’s activities. She and the other
members of the group have made handicrafts and sold them. They have used the profit to help
street children and poor families. The charity group have done useful things for needy street
children and the poor families in the neighborhood. On the orphanage’s 17th birthday, they
gave each child twenty thousand rupiahs. They also gave each poor family a gift containing
sugar, cooking oil, and rice.

5. “He works as a manual laborer in a factory.”

The underlined words means someone who ….
a. has no occupation c. sells food in the street

b. looks among rubbish for food, etc. d. works with their hands

6. “He has five children.” The word ‘he’ refers to….

a. Raisa’s father c. Raisa’s parent

b. Raisa’s grandparent d. Raisa’s uncle

7. What has the charity group done to get the money for the needy?
a. They celebrated the orphanage’s 17th birthday.
b. They have made handicraft and sold them.
c. They gave each child of street children twenty thousand rupiahs.
d. They send each family a gift containing sugar, cooking oil, and rice.

8. What have they used the profit of their handicrafts for?

a. to give the street children twenty thousands rupiahs.
b. to make handicrafts and sell them.
c. to help street children and poor families.
d. to send each family a gift containing sugar, cooking oil, and rice.

9. Dayu : “Raisa, ____________?”

Raisa : “For three years now.
a. how longhave you lived in the orphanage c. how long have you joined the charity
b. how long have you been an orphan d. how long has your father died

10. Beni : “Hi Edo. I heard that you __________ to the orphanage three times.
What have you done there?”
Edo : “Yes, I have. My family and I ___________ a lot of money and gifts to the
orphans there.”
Siti : “Wow. You did a good job.”

a. donated – visited c. have visited – have donated

b. has visited – donated d. have visited – donated

11. Lina : “Siti, let’s visit our friends at the orphanage. I _____ them I would visit them
Siti : “Let’s go next Sunday. I ________ from them since the social gathering last
Lina : “I think so.

a. tell – has ever heard c. told –has never heard

b. tell – have ever heard told – have never heard

This text is for questions 12– 17.

Dayang Sumbi was a beautiful and kind-hearted princess, but sometimes she was very
lazy. Her hobby was weaving cloth. One day her weaving tool fell. Tumang, a male dog,
came to bring her tool back to her. As she had promised, she married him. Tumang was
actually a man who had been cursed by a witch to become a dog. But sometimes he could turn
back to a normal man. Dayang Sumbi and Tumang got one son named Sangkuriang. He did
not know that Tumang was his father because he was a dog whenever he was with him.
Tumang always accompanied Sangkuriang whenever he went hunting in the woods.
When he was twelve years old, Dayang Sumbi asked Sangkuriang to bring her a deer’s
heart. But after many days in the woods, he could not find a deer. He did not want to
disappoint his mother, so he killed Tumang and brought his heart home and gave it to his
mother. Because of her love to Tumang, Dayang Sumbi knew it was his heart,not a deer’s
heart. She got very angry at Sangkuriang. She hit him with a piece of wood on his forehead,
and told him to go away. Badly wounded, Sangkuriang left her and the village.
One day Sangkuriang went back to his village. He met a beautiful young woman andfell
in love with her at the first sight. He did not know that she was Dayang Sumbi. She could
never get older because she was granted eternal youth by the gods.Sangkuriang approached
Dayang Sumbi to propose her. She soon realized that he was her own son from his bad scar on
his forehead. She told him the truth again and again but he would not believe her. She was
thinking hard to find a way not to marry him. Then she got an idea. She gave him a task
which she thought was impossible for him to do. She asked him to make her a lake and a boat
in one night. She did not know Sangkuriang had genies to help him to do the task.
By dawn both the lake and the boat were almost done. Dayang Sumbi got very worried.
Then she had an idea. She asked the people in the village to burn the woods in the east, so that
the light made all the cocks in the village crow. The genies thought that the morning was
almost broken. They ran away as fast they could, leaving the boat unfinished. Knowing
Dayang Sumbi cheated him, Sangkuriang got very angry. He kicked the boat so hard that it
went upside down. It is now known as Mount Tangkuban Perahu.

12. The text is written to … .

a. describe about Mount Tangkuban Perahu
b. entertain readers and give moral value
c. explain about Dayang Sumbi, Tumang and Sangkuriang
d. inform the legend of TangkubanPerahu

13. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

a. Sangkuriang did not believe that DayangSumbi was his mother
b. Sangkuriang had a bad scar on his forehead
c. Sangkuriang had genies to help him to make a lake and a boat
d. Sangkuriang went back to his village and fell in love with his mother

14. How did Dayang Sumbi know that Sangkuriang was her own son?
a. She asked him to make her a lake and a boat in one night.
b. She found a bad scar on Sangkuriang’s forehead.
c. She was granted eternal youth by the gods.
d. She was worried about his own son.

15. What did Dayang Sumbi do to foil Sangkuriang’s attempt to marry her?
a. She asked him to make her a lake and a boat in one night.
b. She told him the truth again and again.
c. she was granted eternal youth by the gods.
d. She was thinking hard to run away from him.

16. “They ran away as fast they could, …” The underlined word refers to … .
a. Dayang Sumbi c. the genies
b. Dayang Sumbi, Sangkuriang, and Tumang d. the people of village

17. From the text we know that ….

a. DayangSumbi had a good son
b. Dayang Sumbi was a bad mother
c. Sangkuriang fulfilled Dayang Sumbi’s request by himself
d. Sangkuriang finally failed to marry DayangSumbi

This text is for questions 18– 20.

Once a lion sat thinking by himself. He had sharp, strong claws and teeth and was a beast
with immense strength. Yet, whenever he heard a cock crowing, he would extremely scared.
The lion, thus, complained, “Can a life like this be worth living? I am one of the strongest
and the bravest and yet, a lowly creature, such as a cock has the power to rob my life of its
charm by simply crowing!”
Just then, a huge elephant came along, flapping his ears to and fro, with an air of great
concern. “What troubles you so?” asked the elephant.
The lion thought of sharing his grief with the elephant and asked him,”Can anything harm
a beast like you who has tremendous bulk and strength?” The elephant replied, “Do you see this
little gnat? If he ever stings the innermost parts of my ear, I will go mad with pain.”
The lion understood that even the strongest creatures have weak points. He gained self-
confidence and decided never to let troubles overshadow his joys in life.

18. What was the lion’s problem?

a. He hated the elephant. c. He was scared to see the elephant
b. He scared of the cock’s crowing. d. He was a fierce creature.

19. What did the lion learn from the elephant?

a. The elephant should look for the cock. c. The elephant also had weak points.
b. The gnat likes the elephant. d. The lion had to catch a gnat.

20. From the story, we can learn that ….

a. Do not let your troubles overshadow your joy
b. Helping each other is the best way in our life
c. We must be patient to face our problems
d. When there is a will there is a way

The text is for questions 21 and 22.

21. The text is mostly about . … .

a. drying krupuk under the sun c. frying krupuk in hot oil
b. finding krupuk in Indonesia d. making krupuk

22. After reading the text above, the readers may …information about krupuk.
a. look b. get c. search d. share

The text is for questions 23 – 25.

Jepara (23) … for its beautiful wood carving. It (23)….the wood carving city.
These wood carvings (22) …of hard wood, such as teak wood and mahogany.

23. a. is – knew b. are – known c. is – known d. are – know

24. a. is – called b. is – call c. was – called d. were – called

25. a. are – make b. is – made c. is – make d. are - made

Read the text to answer questions number 26 to 30.

There are about 5,000 different species of ladybugs in the world. These much loved critters are
also known as lady beetles or ladybird beetles. They come in many different colors and patterns, but the
most familiar in North America is the seven-spotted ladybug, with its shiny, red-and-black body.
The name "ladybug" was created by European farmers who prayed to the Virgin Mary when pests
began eating their crops. After ladybugs came and wiped out the invading insects, the farmers named them
"beetle of Our Lady." This eventually was shortened to "lady beetle" and "ladybug."
In many cultures, ladybugs are considered good luck. Most people like them because they are
pretty, graceful, and harmless to humans. But farmers love them because they eat aphids and other plant-
eating pests. One ladybug can eat up to 5,000 insects in its lifetime!
Most ladybugs have oval, dome-shaped bodies with six short legs. Depending on the species, they
can have spots, stripes, or no markings at all. Seven-spotted ladybugs are red or orange with three spots on
each side and one in the middle. They have a black head with white patches on either side.
Ladybugs are colorful for a reason. Their markings tell predators: "Eat something else! I taste
terrible." When threatened, the bugs will secrete an oily, foul-tasting fluid from joints in their legs. They
may also play dead. Birds are ladybugs' main predators, but they also fall victim to frogs, wasps, spiders,
and dragonflies.
Ladybugs are happy in many different habitats, including grasslands, forests, cities, suburbs, and
along rivers. Seven-spotted ladybugs are native to Europe but were brought to North America in the mid-
1900s to control aphid populations.
Ladybugs are most active from spring until fall. When the weather turns cold, they look for a
warm, secluded place to hibernate, such as in rotting logs, under rocks, or even inside houses. These
hibernating colonies can contain thousands of ladybugs.

26. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

a. Many cultures have ladybugs symbols c. People love ladybugs colors
b. Ladybugs are symbols of good luck d. Farmers love ladybugs for eating insects

27. Which animal does not eat ladybugs?

a. Aphids b. Dragonflies c. Frogs d. Birds

28. What is not one of the characteristics of ladybugs?
a. Dome-shaped body c. Six short legs
b. Seven spots d. Red-black heads

29. What do ladybugs do in winter?

a. Eating aphids c. Hibernating
b. Laying eggs d. Looking for food

30. What does “they” in Birds are ladybugs' main predators, but they also fall victim to frogs,
wasps, spiders, and dragonflies.” refer to?
a. Ladybugs b. Birds c. Frogs d. Wasps

Read the text to answer questions number 31 to 33


For tips on exercising, feeding, and grooming your pet, please come
to the free one-hour “pet parenting”.

Classes will be offered at the Jogja Society Animal Shelter and held every Saturday
from 2 to 3 p.m. at 50 Sudirman Street in Jogjakarta.

Attendees receive a certificate of participation at the end of the class.

Space is limited, so it is important to register early.

For more information, call (0274) 21321.

31. What is the class about?

a. Exercising, feeding, and grooming pet. c. Giving tips to attendees
b. Offering an animal shelter. d. Being a pet trainer

32. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To show people how to take care of the pet. c. To persuade people to groom their pet
b. To invite people to the pet training classes. d.To inform about the pet parenting

33. According to the text, how should the readers involved in the training?
a. Browsing in the website c. Coming directly to the address.
b. Calling the phone number d. Sending a message to the e-mail address.

Read the text to answer questions number 34 to 36.

Trains are very important to transportation. Trains carry

freight and people in places all over the world. Freight trains
haul goods. Passenger trains carry people. All trains run on
A train is made up of railroad cars hooked together and
pulled by a locomotive. Locomotives are sometimes called
engines. Locomotives push or pull railroad cars. They have
powerful motors. The motors turn locomotive wheels that
run on railroad tracks. Sometimes you will see three or four locomotives hooked together
since they have to pull a long freight train up a steep mountain.
Some locomotives get their power from electricity. The electricity comes from wires above
the track or from a special third rail next to the track. Other locomotives get their power
from diesel fuel, which is similar to the gasoline that most cars use. The kind of locomotive
engines most used today are diesel-electrics. Engines that burn diesel fuel drive generators
that make electricity. Powerful electric motors turn the wheels of a diesel-electric

34. Why did three or four locomotives hook together?

a. They carry freight and passenger train.
b. They turn wheels that run on railroad tracks.
c. They have to pull a long freight train up a steep mountain.
d. They burn diesel fuel to drive generators that make electricity.

35. “Trains carry freight and people…” (Paragraph 1)

The underlined word means….
a. people who travel by train all over the world
b. goods that are carried from one place to another
c. containers kept in the train for the passenger baggage.
d. boxes which are loaded onto the train in the railway station

36. “They have powerful motors.” (Paragraph 2). What does the underlined word refer to?
a. Passenger trains.
b. Railroad tracks.
c. Freight trains.
d. Locomotives.

Read the text to answer questions number 37 to 39.

Plants are one of the five main groups of living things. These groups are called
kingdoms. The plant kingdom includes such living things as grasses, trees, ferns, bushes, and
flowers. Botanists, the scientists that study plants, have counted more than 260,000 species
(kinds) of plants.
Plants vary greatly in size and shape. Some plants are so small they can hardly be seen.
Other plants tower above the land. The giant sequoia trees of California are one of the largest
living things on Earth. They can grow to heights of nearly 300 feet (90 meters)!
Just like animals, plants are made up of tiny structures called cells. But unlike animal
cells, plant cells are surrounded by a stiff material called cellulose. Most animals move around
and eat other things. Plants are different. Plants that grow on land usually stay in one place and
make their own food.

37. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

a. Some plants are very small.
b. Plants vary greatly in size and shape.
c. Plants can grow to heights of 90 meters.
d. The largest plant is the giant sequoia tree.
38. Most plants are green because of . . . .
a. the chlorophyll
b. the cellulose
c. the fungi
d. the cell

39. “…the scientists that study plants…” (Paragraph 1)

What does the underlined word refer to?
a. The living things.
b. The kingdoms.
c. The scientists.
d. The plants.

For questions 40 to 42, complete the text with appropriate words.

. A canoe is a lightweight narrow (40) …, typically pointed at both ends and open on top,
propelled by one or more seated or kneeling paddlers facing the direction of travel using a
single-bladed paddle.

Canoes are used for racing, whitewater canoeing, touring and camping, freestyle, and (41)
… recreation. The intended use of the canoe dictates its hull shape and construction
material. (42) …, canoes were dugouts or made of bark on a wood frame, but construction
materials evolved to canvas on a wood frame, then to aluminum.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

40. a. car
b. rod
c. tent
d. boat

41. a. general
b. specific
c. precise
d. definite

42. a. firstly
b. Lastly
c. Finally
d. Lately

43. Arrange the sentences into a good order

1. Therefore rainforests are found near the equator
2. The trees grow up to thirty meters tall.
3. They need not only lots of rain but also a high temperature.
4. Their branches and leaves form an umbrella
5. Rainforest grow in tropical parts of Indonesia
6. The tropical rainforest is a warm, wet and silent place.

a. 3 – 6 – 1 – 2 – 5 – 4
b. p2 – 5 – 4 – 6 – 1 – 3
c. 5 – 3 – 1 – 6 – 2 – 4
d. 4 – 1 – 6 – 5 – 2 – 3

44. Unscrambled the sentences below!

1. Listen music
2. Choose the CD from the shelf
3. Pick up the remote
4. Take it out of the case
5. Punch in the number of the wanted track
6. Load the disc into the tray
7. Eject the CD

a. 2–1–3–5–4–6–7
b. 4–6–1–2–3–4–7
c. 4–2–1–3–5–6–7
d. 2–4–6–3–5–1–7

45. Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph

1. It is often paired with onion, tomato, or ginger

2. The parchment-like skin is much like the skin of an onion.
3. An alternative is to cut the top off the bulb, coat cloves of garlic by dribbling olive oil
(or other oil based seasoning) over them and roast them in the oven.
4. The flavour varies in intensity and aroma with cooking methods.
5. Its skin is typically removed before using in raw or cooked form.
6. Garlic is widely used around the world for its pungent flavour, as a seasoning or
7. The garlic softens and can be extracted from the cloves by squeezing the (root) end of
the bulb or individually by squeezing one end of the clove
a. 6-2-4-1-5-3-7
b. 1-2-5-3-7-6-4
c. 6-4-1-2-5-3-7
d. 7-6-4-1-2-5-3

46. Complete the text below the the right verbs.
When I was in the first semester, I …(a) to Solo alone to visit my friend. I built my strength to go
there without knowing anything. Firstly, I went to Jepara Terminal to find bus to Semarang. There,
I … (b) no bus but an old man told me to wait for a while. After waiting for some minutes, I got the
bus which then … (c) me to Kaligawe Terminal. I got asleep along the way to Solo

47. Read the chorus of a song entitled “Thousand Years” by Christina Perry.
What do you think about the chorus?
I have died every day waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid.
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you

Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

48. Write a report text about animals (rabbit, cat, cow, or horse), not more than 9 sentences.

49. Change this sentence into negative and interrogative form!

(+) Jones put his hat off to make sure that the bandits have gone.
( -) ……………………………………………………………….
(? ) ………………………………………………………………

50. Arrange these sentences into a good paragrpah.

1. At the middle of the bridge he met another goat.
2. So, they passed each other, and went on their ways.
3. One day a goat was crossing this bridge.
4. The first goat put down his horns to fight.
5. I shall lie down, and you may walk over me.”
6. The other goat walked lightly over him.
7. Once there was a very narrow bridge over a river.
8. There was no room for them to pass.
9. “Stop” said the second goat.
10. Then the wise goat laid down on the bridge.
11. “If we fight, we will both fall into the river.

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