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untuk SMP/MTs Kelas

IX Semester Gasal

Preface Table of Contenst

Puji dan syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat Tuhan Yang
Maha Esa atas selesainya penerbitan buku ajar ini. Berkat
limpahan rahmat dan anugerah Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah,
kami dapat kembali menerbitkan dan menghadirkan buku ajar
ini di tengah para siswa dan guru. Partisipasi dan kontribusi
para siswa dan guru telah mendorong kami masih tetap dapat
menerbitkan buku ini.
Buku ajar ini diterbitkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan
para siswa dan guru akan buku-buku referensi, pendamping,
atau pelengkap untuk mendukung kegiatan belajar- mengajar.
Sebagaimana diketahui, kegiatan belajar- mengajar seringkali
dianggap dan dirasa kurang cukup jika sepenuhnya hanya
mengandalkan buku teks yang sudah distandarisasi. Dengan
demikian, perlu pula diadakan buku- buku lain yang dapat
berperan menjadi pendamping dan pelengkap. Nah, buku ajar
inilah salah satu alternatif yang dapat berfungsi menjadi
pendamping dan pelengkap buku teks yang selama ini sudah
Sebagai buku ajar, buku ini kami susun berdasarkan
kurikulum yang berlaku dalam dunia pendidikan kita, yakni
Kurikulum 2013. Berdasarkan kurikulum ini proses belajar-
mengajar difokuskan pada pembelajaran saintifik untuk
membentuk kompetensi pengetahuan, kompetensi
keterampilan, dan kompetensi sikap. Pembelajaran saintifik
merupakan pembelajaran yang terdiri atas aktivitas
mengamati, menanya, menalar (mengeksplorasi), mencoba
(mengasosiasi), dan membentuk jejaring
Kami berharap, buku ajar ini dapat membantu siswa
dalam menguasai kompetensi seperti yang disyaratkan
Kurikulum 2013. Sungguh merupakan kegembiraan dan
kepuasan bagi kami apabila hal itu dapat terwujud. Guna
membuat harapan itu menjadi kenyataan, kami akan terus
berupaya untuk memperbaiki dan meningkatkan kualitas
buku ajar ini.

1 Fantastic Job!

Kompetensi Dasar
3.1. Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan menyatakan
4.1. Menyusun teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan menyatakan harapan, do’a, dan ucap

Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah melakukan serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran, peserta didik mampu :
Mengidentifikasi fungsi social teks tentang teks interpersonal (ungkapan selamat dan harapan pada orang lain) dan responnya berdasar kehidupan se
Membedakan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang digunakan untuk teks interpersonal (ungkapan selamat dan harapan pada orang lain) dan resp
Menyusun teks interpersonal (ungkapan selamat dan responnya berdasar kehidupan sehari-hari.
Menggunakan dan merespon secara tertulis teks interpersonal (ungkapan orang lain) yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa dengan baik dan benar.

Material Summary

A.Expressing Congratulation
Congratulation is the expression to congratulate others for their fortune and achievement, in order to keep good
personal relationship with them. (Congratulation adalah ungkapan untuk mengucapkan selamat pada orang
lain atas kebahagiaan / keberuntungan dan prestasi orang tersebut).
• Social function :
a. To congratulate someone for her fortune and achievement. (Untuk mengucapkan selamat pada
seseorang atas kebahagiaan / keberuntungan dan prestasinya).
b. To keep good personal relationship to someone. (Untuk menjaga hubungan interpersonal dengan

2 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab.


Here are some examples of how to express congratulations and the responses;

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Expression of Congratulations;
• Congratulations! • I’d like to congratulate you on your accomplishment!
• I’m very happy of you! • Please accept my warmest congratulation
• That’s wonderful! • I must congratulate you on your success!
• Good for you! • Happy Birthday
• Best of luck! • Happy New Year
• Well done! • Happy Eid Mubarak
• Fantastic job! • Happy Anniversary
• You must be very happy with your achievement.

Responds to Expression of Congratulations;

• It’s very good of you to say so • Oh, actually it’s nothing special
• Thank you, I can’t forget your help to me • Oh, I have a lot to learn yet
• How nice of you to say so • Oh, not really
• Thank you very much for saying so • Oh, nothing to it, actually
• I’m glad you think so • Oh thanks

Contoh Penggunaan Ekspresi/Ungkapan “Congratulations”:

Example 1:
- Congratulations, George!
(Selamat, George!)
- Congratulations on winning the English speech contest!
(Selamat telah memenangkan lomba pidato Bahasa Inggris!)
- Congratulation Finns on being the champion!
(Selamat Finns telah menjadi juara!)
- I’m happy for you. Congratulations!
(Aku ikut bahagia, selamat!)
- Congratulations Kurt, you become the winner!
(Selamat Kurt, kamu menjadi pemenang!)

Example 2:
1. Congratulations! You deserved it, man!
Response : Thank you very much. Your support means a lot.
2. I am very happy for you.
Response : Thank you. I cannot forget your help, and I will still need your help.
3. That’s wonderful. Response
: Oh, thanks.
4. Good for you.
Response : Thank you very much
5. Well done.
Response : Thank you for saying so.
6. That was great. You must be very proud of your achievement.
Response : Thanks. I am glad you think so.
7. Please accept my warmest congratulations.
Response : It’s very kind of you to say so. Thank you.
8. I must congratulate you on your success. Response
: Thank you very much for saying so.
9. Excellent! You really did it well. Response
: Thanks for mentioning that.

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Activity 1
Observe the dialogues below.
Read and practise the conversations below , then pay attention to the bold sentences / phrases.
Dialogue 1
Alya : I heard that you got a new job Danish.
Danish : Yes, that’s true.
Alya : Congratulations on getting a new job ! I hope you succeed in your new job.
Danish : Thanks a lot, Alya.

Dialogue 2
Arkhan : Fakhri, I got a scholarship.
Fakhri : Congratulations Arkhan, you deserve it. Your Mom and Dad must be proud of you.
Arkhan : Yes, thank you.

Dialogue 3
Mutia : Congratulations on your graduation, Ulfa.
Ulfa : Thanks Mutia.
Mutia : By the way, what is the kind of gift that you want ?
Ulfa : Will you buy me something ?
Mutia : Certainly.
Ulfa : Okay , please give me a bucket of flower.

Dialogue 4
Bariq : I heard you got 10 in mathematics
Danish : Yes, that’s right.
Bariq : You are great in mathematics. Congratulations !
Danish : Thank you very much, Bariq.

Dialogue 5
Dava : Congratulations on your 17th birthday. You look charming in that white gown.
Haikal : Thank you for saying so.
Dava : Congratulations on being the first winner of story telling competition!
Haikal : Thank you for saying so.

Dialogue 6
Dina : Hi, Yuni. What’s your daughter doing these days?
Yuni : Oh, she’s in college. In fact, she plans to graduate this June. Dina
: That’s wonderful! You must be very proud of her.

Dialogue 7
Rani : Hi Anisa.
Anisa : Hi, you look great in that pink head scarf. What a nice scarf! Rani
: How nice of you to say that.
Anisa : I’ve never seen you in that hat. Where did you buy it? Rani
: My mom bought it for me when she went to the market.
Anisa : I see
Rani : Look. The teacher is coming!
Anisa : Pak Sultoni!
Mr. Sultoni : Hi, how are you?
Rani : We’re good, thanks.How about you?
Mr.Sultoni : Excellent!
Rani : I love your hair cut, Pak Sultoni.
Anisa : Yes, you are looking good with your hairstyle.
Mr. Sultoni : Thanks a lot. Rani, I heard you won the Math Olympiad. Is it true?

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Rani : Yes, I won the second prize last week.
Anisa : She is good at it.
Mr. Sulton : I’m glad to hear that.
Rani : Thank you very much for saying so.

Dialogue 8
Rudi : Hi Ben. How are you?
Ben : Hi, you look great in that black jacket.
Rudi : Thank you for saying so.
Ben : I’ve never seen you in that outfit. Is it new?
Rudi : My sister bought it for me when she went to Singapore. Ben
: Oh, I see.
Rudi : Look. What a nice new hair style! Who did your haircut! I like it a lot.
Ben : Oh, Yes I think that way too. My brother did it. I can ask him to do yours if you want to. Rudi
: Yes, please. Look! Andi is coming.
Ben : Hi Andi, I heard you won the speech contest last month. Congratulations! You deserved it.
Rudi : Fantastic! It’s a great job, bro!
Andi : Oh, thanks. It’s nothing actually.

Activity 2
I. Read the expressions below loudly.
a. You look great!
b. Appreciate for your compliment.
c. What a nice dress!
d. Congratulation!
e. You are looking glamorous.
f. Well done!

Activity 3
Complete the sentence the following conversations with your own words.
Biah : I heard you won the Math Olympiad. Is it true?
Ana : Yes, I win the second prize.
Ayu : (1)
Biah : (2) to hear that.
Ana : (3). How about a music festival, Biah. Your band was the first winner, wasn’t
Biah : Yup. You’re right.
Ana : Wow! (4)
Ayu : (5)
Biah : Thanks, guys!

B.Expressing Wish and Hope

The expressions of hope and wish are used to convey our hopes or wishes to others. (Ungkapan hope dan wish
digunakan untuk menyampaikan harapan dan keinginan / do’a kita kepada orang lain).
Contoh ekspresi/ungkapan hope & wish:
- I hope you will win the competition
- I hope you pass the examination
- Wish you luck
- Wish me luck
- Wish you all the best
- Wish us luc)
- Good luck

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Activity 4
Observe the dialogues below.
Read and practise the conversations below , then pay attention to the bold sentences / phrases.
Dialogue 1
Cici : What happens ? You look so happy.
Ulfa : Yeah. I passed the final round for the speechcontest.
Cici : Wow , amazing. I wish you will be the winner.
Ulfa : Thankyou . Wish me luck .

Dialogue 2
Andini : I heard you are going to participate in the cooking contest.
Susan : Yes, I am.
Andini : Nice ! I hope you will win the contest.
Susan : Thanks, I hope so too.

Competence Test Chapter 1

A. Choose the best answer by crossing the letter A, B, C or D!
1. Situation:
The following text is for questions 4 and 5.
Siti has just gotten the first prize in the “Bakiak
race” to celebrate Indonesia Independence day. Dear Esther
Beni congratulates her. CONGRATULATIONS
What does Beni say to congratulate Siti? Ever since I heard about your success as the first
Beni : ”.....” winner of singing contest of FLS2N.
Siti : ”Thank you.” I know how long and how hard you practiced. We are
A. Sure, Good luck. all very proud of you. We wish you all the best in
pursuing your dream to be a popular singer some day.
B. Congratulate to Siti
C. Congratulations, Siti.
D. Thanks, I will do my best
Chair person of Class 9 A
2. Dayu : ”Who won the football match
yesterday?” 4. The text above shows that ....
Udin : ”Our team did. We won two to one.” A. the writer is one of the contestants
Dayu ”Well done.......” B. Esther is the best student
Udin : ”Thank you.” C. Esther is the best singer
A. I’m glad to hear that. D. Rudy is Esther’s special friend
B. That’s too bad
C. I’m sorry. 5. The text is for.......of FL2SN.
D. You’re welcome A. the best student
B. the best teacher
3. Edo : ”Happy birthday, Lia.” C. the best singer
Lia : ”Thank you Edo. You are the first who D. the best graduate student
congratulate me.”
Edo : ”Oh really? Here is a little present for 6. Situation :
you. I hope you like it.” Rania has just made a very beautiful handicraft
Lia : ”Thank you very much. You are really from coconut leaf. Chandra praises her craft and
my best friend.” hope that she will win the national competition.
Why does Edo give Lia a present? Chandra : “ ”
A. Because Lia likes present. I’m sure you will win the national
B. Because today Dayu’s birthday. competition.”
Rani : “Thank you. I hope so too.”
C. Because Edo has a lot of money.
A. What is that
D. Because Lia is celebrating her birthday today.
B. That’s a very beautiful handicraft
C. I’m glad to hear that
D. You are the winner

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7. Nuri has just finished practicing singing. She will 11. Tessa : Have you visited Sandra? She was hit by a
sing in the celebration of the Indonesia motorcycle last night
Independence Day. Shinta praises her that she sings Diva : Not yet. Oh my God, I’m sorry to hear
like a real singer, and she will get a big applause that. I hope she get well very soon
for that. Tessa : Yes, me too.
Shinta : “You sings like a singer ” According to the above dialogue, we know that
Nuri : “Thank you. That’s very nice of ….
you.” A. Both Tessa and Diva didn’t know Sandra’s
A. I’m sure you will get a very big applause condition.
B. You are a good student B. Tessa had visited Sandra last night.
C. I’m sorry C. Sandra was crashed by a car last night.
D. Congratulate to Nuri D. Tessa knew Sandra’s condition.
8. Situation : 12. Dila : How was our class trip yesterday?
Fadel is going to participate in the story telling Febri : Wow. Lombok Island is a beautiful
competition. island I’ve ever visited
Dara shows her hope that Fadel will get a prize. The Dila : It might be a cool trip, right. I hope I
conversation: … join the trip next semester
Fadel : “Dara, wish me luck. I will take part in The correct word to complete the above dialogue is
the story telling competition.” ….
Dara : “......I hope you will win the competition.” A. can C. will
A. Thank you very much B. could D. would
B. I hope so
Read the text answer question no. 13.
C. I’m sorry
D. Sure, Good luck Ristya : What did you read?
9. Situation : Daniel : I read a brochure of tourism destination.
Ade has just finished drawing a picture of Tinta, Ristya : Are you planning to go somewhere?
his best friend. Daniel : No, but I wish I … go to Paris.
He will present it to her on her birthday. Nida Ristya : Amen for your wish.
praises the picture and she is sure that Tinta will 13. The correct word to complete the above dialogue is
like it. ….
Nida : “Ade, that’s a beautiful picture. I’m sure A. could C. would
Tinta will like it.” B. can D. will
Ade : “..........................................................” 14. Joshua : Oh my God, it is raining
A. Wish me luck Gohan : What’s the matter?
B. Happy birthday Joshua : I didn’t bring any raincoat or umbrella.
C. Good luck I hope the rain stop
D. Thanks. I hope so too Gohan : Yes, I think it won’t last longer According
10. Situation : to the above dialogue, we know that
Rahma’s father has given her permission to walk to ….
the mountain. Gibran is happy for her and A. It is still raining and Joshua hopes the rain
expresses his hope that she will have a safe trip. stop in a couple minutes later.
The conversation: B. Gohan can predict when the rain will stop.
Rahma : “Thank God. Finally my father lets me C. Joshua borrowed Gohan’s raincoat.
go to the mountain walk.” D. It is still raining and Joshua guesses it won’t
Gibran : “...................................................Have a last longer.
safe trip.” Read the text and answer question no. 15
A. I’m happy for you
Dear Shinta,
B. Wish me happy
I do sorry I can’t accompany you to the airport. My
C. Thank you very much
mother got sick. I hope we can meet up again next
D. I hope so
Warm regards,

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15. From the above text we know that …. 18. The correct word to complete the above greeting
A. Nuri didn’t accompany Shinta to the airport card is ….
B. Nuri’s mother went to airport A. wish C. hope
C. Shinta will come again next year B. celebrate D. give
D. Shinta and Nuri are neighborhood
19. Reno : The service is really slow here. I’ve
16. Deny : Will you attend the meeting tomorrow, been trying to get the waiter’s attention
Edi? for the last ten minutes.
Edi : It seems that I have many agendas for Mia : You know we have a class at two
tomorrow, but I … so o’clock
The correct word to complete the above dialogue is Reno : ....
…. A. I hope he serves us soon
A. hope C. might be B. I expect him not to come
B. wish D. will be C. How come he’s so lazy?
17. Timothy : I applied in the best private Bank in D. Hopefully he ignores us
this country as managerial position 20. Dian : This traffic jam is terrible. I can’t even
Jehoash : Oh really? That’s good move my car any inch.
Timothy : yeah, and I am … for an interview next Rina : Remember, we have an English
week examination in the next an hour.
Jehoash : Good luck then Tim Dian : ....
The correct word to complete the above dialogue A. Hopefully the jam will never end
is…. B. I wish the jam is going to be worse
A. hoping C. wish C. I hope the jam end
B. hope D. wishing D. Don’t worry, just let it flow
Read the text below and answer the question
no. 18
Dear Nia,
I am writing this card to … you a happy birthday.
Good luck for everything you do!


B. Essay
1. Complete the dialog below!
Rossa : ”I finally received the letter of acceptance to go to Oxford University.”
Nadya : ” ”
2. Look at the picture and make a suitable expression of congratulation or wish.

3. Look at the picture and make a suitable expression of congratulation or wish.

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4. Look at the picture and make a suitable expression of congratulation or wish.

5. Look at the picture and make a suitable expression of congratulation or wish.

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2 Healthy Habits

Kompetensi Dasar
3.2. Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi da
4.2. Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi ter

Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah melakukan serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran, peserta didik mampu :
Mengidentifikasi teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi
Memahami penggunaan unsur kebahasaan to, so that, in order to, agreement, dan disagreement.
Menulis teks pendek sederhana terkait maksud, tujuan, persetujuan melakukan suatu kegiatan.
Mengaplikasikan penggunaan unsur kebahasaan to, so that, in order to, agreement, dan disagreement.

Material Summary
Expressing Purpose
To state the purpose or intention to do something we can use conjuctions to, in order to, and so that.

To (Untuk/Supaya)
“To” menyatakan “untuk/supaya”, biasanya diikuti dengan Verb bentuk pertama atau be. Contoh
penggunaan “to” dalam kalimat;
We should eat enough vegetables, fruit, rice, meat, fish, tofu, and tempeto be healthy.
We can jog to have stronger lungs.
Swimming is also good to stay in shape.
We should sweep and mop the floor to get rit of dirt.
Drink a cup of tea in the morning to be healthy.

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In order to (Agar/Supaya)
“In order to” menyatakan supaya/agar, biasanya setelah frasa ini kemudian diikuti dengan
Verb atau be untuk nominal sentence.

Contoh penggunaan “in order to” dalam kalimat;

Maybe you have to take some rest in order to get well soon. I
think you need to see the doctor soon in order to get help. We
should eat well in order to get sick easily.
We can also swim in order to have strong muscles.
In order to stay healthy we should eat a lot more healthy home-made foods. In
order to be healthy we should keep our home and school clean.
We should wash the dishes right away after meals in order not to get harmful bacteria. Drink a
glass of tomato juice in order tokeep our eyes health.

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So / So that (Sehingga)
“So that” berarti sehingga, biasanya setelah frasa ini diikuti oleh subjek.

Contoh penggunaan “So / So that” dalam kalimat:

You need to drink a lot of water so that you will not get dehydrated.
Don’t forget to wash your fruits and vegetables before you eat them so that you will not take any germs
into your tummy.
We should not eat too much instant food so that we will not get serious diseases.
We have to clean up our bathtub regularly so that mosquitoes don’t lay their eggs there. We
have to brush our teeth twice a day so that we will not get a toothache.

Activity 1
Pay attention to the dialogues
below. Dialogue 1
Shidqi : What for do we need to eat various kinds of healthy food?
Zahra : To be healthy.

Dialogue 2
Fatimah : What should we sweep and mop the floors for?
Rizqi : In order to get rid of dirt.

Dialogue 3
Ali : What for do we have to wash our bath tub regularly?
Najma : So that There are no mosquitos in our house.

Dialogue 4
Lina : What happened with you, Tiara?
Tiara : I’ve got a toothace. It really hurts me a lot.
Lina : You should check it to the near dentist in order to get well soon.
Tiara : Ups, I’m sorry I don’t agree with you. I’m afraid that the dentist will pull out my teeth using sharp
Lina : What about buying medicine.
Tiara : That’s a good idea.

Activity 2
Pay attention to the text below
Eating breakfast in the morning is very important. It can produce energy in our body so that we can do our
activities smoothly. Before working, it is suggested for us to have it. Eating breakfast can not be ignored,
otherwise, we will be weak and have no power to complete such heavy works of the days.
Starting from drinking pure water, we can eat for example rice, corn, porridge, bread, cake, etc. Those kinds
of food are good because they contain good carbohydrate that produces energy for our bodies. To end our
breakfast, we can close it with fruit, candies, small food, or maybe hot tea or coffee.
Do you agree if we do not eat breakfast before going to work? The answer is no, we don’t. Without eating it,
we will be powerless or we will be ill, and the worst is that we will get stomachace. Last but not least, never
ignore having breakfast again.

Based on the text above, put T in the bracket if the statement is TRUE, and put F in the bracket if the statement is
No Statements T/F
1. The suitable title for the text above is the important of having breakfast (…)
2. Eating breakfast in the morning can make us powerless. (…)
3. Rice, corn and bread mostly contain lots of protein. (…)

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4. We should eat breakfast in order not to get stomachache. (…)
5. Everybody should drink too much coffee so that he or she will be healthy. (…)

Expressing Agreement and Disagreement

Expression of Agreement
Merupakan ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyatakan persetujuan. Contoh
ungkapan Agreement yang biasa digunakan;
• I agree with Udin • I feel the same way about …

• I agree with Dayu • That’s exactly how I feel

• I agree with Siti and Edo • That’s for sure
• That’s a smart idea • I couldn’t agree with you more
• I agree … • Absolutely
• You are right • Exactly
• That’s the point • That’s so true
• I will say that • I guess so

Expression of Disagreement
Merupakan ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyatakan tidak setuju.
Contoh ungkapan tidak setuju yang biasa digunakan;
• I don’t think that’s a good idea. • I’m afraid I disagree.
• I don’t agree with you. • I totally disagree.
• I don’t agree. • I beg to differ.
• I don’t think so. • Not necessarily.
• That’s not what I think. • That’s not always true.
• I couldn’t agree with you less. • That’s not always the case.
• I’m not sure. • I’m not sure about that.
• Probably not.

Activity 3 sleeping lately to solve her problems.

Choose the correct answer.
Edo : The government plans to raise the water bill
next month.
Rita : It will increase the number of poor
1. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is
A. I agree with you
B. I totally disagree
C. I don’t disagree
D. I agree
Ratna :
Dian, I think Riri is responsible for this
Dian : Well, I don’t know.
2. From the dialogue, we may assume that ….
A. Dian agrees with Ratna
B. Dian disagrees with Ratna
C. Dian has no idea about the case
D. Dian cannot accept the fact
3. The underlined expression expresses … Mother :
You know that Mira always takes

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Father : That’s wrong. It can be dangerous for her
life if she doesn’t change her bad
A. Sympathy C. Agreement
B. Possibility D. Disagreement
4. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is

Windy : Is Bandung Mall near here?
Mia : Yes, it is.
Jack : ... it’s about 100 kilometers from here.
Windy : Oh, really?
A. I disagree with you
B. I quite agree
C. I think so too
D. It certainly is
5. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is

Maya : So, where will we go?
Nury : How about the beach?
Jane :........We have visited a lot of beaches
this year.
June : Kuta? Kuta beach sounds interesting,

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A. That’s so true A. Fatih totally disagrees with Azka
B. I quite agree B. Fatih doesn’t understand Azka’s opinion
C. I think so too C. Fatih is confused with Azka’s opinion
D. I don’t think so D. Fatih doesn’t like Azka’s opinion
6. Some monkeys, use their tails in a way 12. Clark : Dan Brown’s books are masterpieces.
similar to a hand. John : ... He must have gotten many awards for
A. like the spider monkey what he has written.
B. spider monkey likes A. I’m not sure
C. to the spider monkey B. I have no idea
D. the monkey likes the spider C. That must be true

7. Your friend says, ” Let us go out tonight” and you D. I am doubtful about it
think it’s a good idea. You say: 13. Chandra : I’m sure the end of the world will be in
A. Yes, I agree 2020.
B. Yes, I am agreeing
Satya : Well, I really disagree with you. God knows
C. No, I am not
the best.
D. I doubt so
From the dialog above we can assume that …
8. Someone says, ”It’s hot today” and you disagree. A. Satya is doubtful about it
You say: B. Satya has the same opinion with Chandra
A. Yes, I agree C. Satya totally cannot accept Chandra’s
B. Yes, I am not opinion
C. No, I do not agree D. Satya doesn’t know what to say
D. I think so
14. Soni : Doni, I think the one who is responsible
9. Your friend is talking about a movie you both saw for this case is Michael
and she says it was fantastic. You agree and you say Doni : Hmmm ... I don’t know.
…. From the dialog above we can assume that …
A. Yes, I absolutely agree A. Doni agrees with Soni
B. Yes, I completely agree B. Doni disagrees with Soni
C. No, I do not agree C. Doni has idea about the case
D. I think so D. Doni cannot accept the fact
10. You won’t go to work tomorrow, will you? … ( 15. Yoel : ...
Disagree ) Awan : I don’t think so. Every country must
A. Yes, I want take part in reducing gas emissions.
B. Yes, I will A. Advanced countries are the ones who must be
C. No, I will not responsible for the gas emissions they have
D. No. I won’t been producing.
11. Azka : “Taken”is the best movie ever. B. Developing countries must take part in
Fatih : I don’t think so. It is totally an irrational reducing gas emmissions.
movie. C. There must be no difference in burden between
From the conversation above, we can assume advanced and developing countries.
that ... D. Advanced countries are not the only ones
who must be responsible.
Activity 4
Look at the questionaire and put tick( V ) in the boxes as your best answer.
No Statement Totally Agree Agree Disagree
1. Internet is not important for education.
2. Visiting library is worthless.
3. We had better arrive at school early everyday.
4. Our school perform flag ceremony on Mondays.
5. By practicing, your English will be perfect.
6. Playing game online while having class is alright.

Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. 1

7. Having sport everyday is good for our health.

1 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab.

Competence Test Chapter 2
A. Choose the best answer by crossing the letter A, B, C or D!
1. You need to drink a lot of water so that .... A. frogs
A. You will not get hungry. B. mosquitoes
B. You will not get upset. C. mice
C. You will not get dehydrated. D. ants
D. You will not get angry.
10. Complete the dialogue!
2. We should eat breakfast in order to .... A: What for should we not eat much instant food?
A. get energy B: In order not to get ….
B. be lazy A. serious diseases
C. get happiness B. fat
D. avoid thirst C. bored
3. Everybody needs to drink clean pure water in so D. healthy body
that .... 11. Complete the dialogue!
A. he will be strong Ana : ….
B. he will not get stomachace Ani : In order not to get harmful bacteria.
C. she will not get sore eye A. What should we turn off the stove for?
D. she will not get toothache B. What should we wash the dishes after meals
4. We should not eat rujak too much because it can for?
make us get .... C. What should we drink pure water for?
A. earache D. What should we eat nutritious food for?
B. sorethroat 12. Rearrange the following jumbled words! The
C. fever dentist – our toothache – we – should –
D. diarrhea 1 2 3 4
5. Before doing exercise or sport, we should do to cure – go to
warm up so that we will not get .... 5 6
A. muscle injury A. 3-4-6-1-5-2
B. broken bone B. 3-4-6-5-1-2
C. tired C. 3-6-4-1-5-2
D. sad D. 3-1-6-4-5-2
6. We should jog to .... The dialogue is for number 13 -15
A. have a good memory Sara :We should give money to the beggars.
B. have stronger lungs Jennie : I’m sorry. I don’t agree with you. They
C. have energy are still young and strong. Why don’t
D. have lots of money they work. It’s better to get a job than to
7. We should sweep the yard in order ... ask for money.
A. to be beautiful Sara : You’re right. But, I feel so sorry if they
B. to get clean environment don’t eat for a day.
C. to be diligent Look, they have their children with them.
D. to get much money 13. What are they talking about? They are talking
8. To get rid of dirt we should........the floor. about....
A. paint A. future life C. money grant
B. ignore B. a dream D. a gift
C. colour 14. From the dialog above we may assume that
D. mop beggars are those who ….
9. Read the dialogue below and complete it. A. are rich
X : What do we have to wash our bathtub B. work successfully
regularly for? C. live happily
Y : So that there are no … in our house. D. ask for money

Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. 1

15. Who disagrees to give money to the beggars? C.
A. Sara
B. Jennie
C. Beggars
D. None D.
16. Complete the dialogue below!
Soni : Don, let’s stop working and take a rest. Doni
: …. We can drink water, too.
Soni : That’s right. 18. You should brush your teeth twice a day . . . avoid
A. That’s a good idea getting toothache.
B. I don’t agree A. from
C. I disagree B. to
D. I don’t think so. C. of
17. We should eat nutritious food to keep our body D. on
healthy. 19. Ana should not eat hot food and drink . . . she
A. does not get a diarrhea.
A. in order to
B. to
C. so that
D. of
20. make our body healthy, we should exercise
B. regularly and drink a big glass of water.
A. so that
B. to
C. therefore
D. in order to
B. Essay
Read the dialogue and answer the questions below.
Rani : I am so bored always wearing facemask everyday. I can’t breathe freely. Ana :
I disagree with you. Wearing facemask can protect us from Covid 19.
Rani : What do you think about washing hands with soap? Ana
: I think it is one of our efforts to reduce the risk.
Rani : That’s good. I agree with you.
Ana : Let’s go to Luwes to buy some face mask and hand sanitizer. Rani
: Yes, okay let’s go.
1. Who are involved in the dialogue above?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
2. What do they talk about?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
3. Why is Rena so bored wearing mask?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
4. What will they buy in Luwes?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
5. Does Rani agree to go to Luwes with Ana?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................

1 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab.

3 Be healthy, be happy

Kompetensi Dasar
3.3 Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam bentuk label, dengan meminta dan memberi info
4.3 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait dengan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks khusus dalam bentuk label pendek d

Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah melakukan serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran, peserta didik mampu :
Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam bentuk label, dengan meminta dan memberi informa
Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait dengan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks khusus dalam bentuk label pendek dan s
Memilih produk-produk yang sehat dan aman.
Menghindari dampak yang berbahaya.
Mendapatkan hasil terbaik.

Material Summary


Label is a piece of paper, etc. that is attached to something and that gives information about it. By reading the
label, people will know detailed information about the product. The information make us know the benefits and
losses of using the product.
Labels are usually found on a product, whether it’s clothing, food and beverage products, medicines, cosmetics,
body care products, and etc.

Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. 1

The purpose of a label is To give detailed information about the product.
Social Functions
To give detailed information of the product. To
choose healthy and safe product.
To avoid harmful effects. (Provide a ‘feel of security’ for consumers)
To get the best result. (Provide appropriate instructions to consumers to obtain optimum product function) As a
means of communication between producers and consumers about things that consumers need to know about
the product
Advertising tools for producers

2 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab.

Kinds of Label
A. Drug/Medicine Label

Activity 1
Pay attention to the examples below:

No Fact Available (Y/N) Statement

1 Brand of product Y Anidan
2 Name of Medication Y Paracetamol Tablets
3 Active ingredients and purpose Y Paracetamol
4 Uses/Indication Y For relief from:
Cold and flu symptoms
Aches & pains
Period pain
Rheumatic pain
Neuralgia Shore
5 Warning Y Do not take with any other paracetamol
product, Do not take more than 4 tablets in
24 hours (children) or 8 tablets (adult) Do not
give to children aged under 6 years.
6 Content/amount Y Paracetamol Ph Eur 500 mg
7 Direction to use and dosage Y Take 2 tablets with a drink of water (adult)
Take ½ to 1 tablet with a drink of water
Repeat every 4 hours as required
8 Expiration date N
9 Direction to store Y Keep all medicines out of the sight * reach of

Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. 2

Parts of Drug/Medicine label
a. Brand of product (merk)
b. Name of Medication (nama obat)
c. Active ingredients and purpose
Kandungan aktif merupakan bahan-bahan kimia di dalam obat yang berfungsi mengobati gejala sakit sesuai
tujuan (purpose) obat tersebut. Misalnya acetaminophen 500 mg berfungsi sebagai pain reliever/ fever reducer
(Pereda nyeri/penurun demam)
d. Uses/Indication (kegunaan)
Informasi tentang gejala atau penyakit yang dapat disembuhkan oleh obat tersebut.
e. Warning
Berisi peringatan tentang efek samping yang mungkin timbul akibat dari mengkonsumsi obat tersebut.
f. Content/amount (isi/berat bersih)
g. Direction to use and dosage (petunjuk penggunaan dan dosis)
h. Expiration date (tanggal kadaluwarsa)
i. Direction to store (petunjuk penyimpanan)

Activity 2
Fill in the table with the facts stated on the label like the example!

No Fact Available (Y/N) Statement

1 Brand of product
2 Name of Medication
3 Active ingredients and purpose
4 Uses/Indication
5 Warning
6 Content/amount
7 Direction to use and dosage
8 Expiration date
9 Direction to store

2 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab.

B. Food/Beverage (Drink) Label
Pay attention to the examples of food/drink labels below!

Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. 2

Activity 3
Fill in the table with the facts stated on the example of food label!
No Fact Available (Y/N) Statement
1 Brand of product
2 Name of product
3 Content/amount
4 Description
5 Warning
6 Direction to use
7 Direction to store
8 Expiration date

Activity 4
Fill in the table with the facts stated on the example of drink label!
No Fact Available (Y/N) Statement
1 Brand of product
2 Name of product
3 Content/amount
4 Description
5 Warning
6 Direction to use
7 Direction to store
8 Expiration date

2 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab.

What to read in a food or beverage’s label?

Activity 5
Pay attention to these labels and decide which product is healthier!
Product 1 Product 2

Which product do you think is healthier?

Why do you think is healthier?

Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. 2

Based on the labels above, we think that product no … is healthier because

C. Other product labels

Examples of other product labels

22 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen

Language Features

1. Imperative Sentence (instruction and prohibition)

An imperative sentence is used to issued a command, instruction or request. In these cases, the
subject is geerally implied (“you”) and not actually named.
Jadi Imperative Sentence adalah kalimat perintah (dalam Bahasa Indonesia) yang digunakan untuk
mengeluarkan perintah, instruksi, atau permintaan. Dimana subjek “you” tersirat atau tidak tertulis.
Penggunaan Imperative Sentence pada label umumnya adalah merupakan petunjuk/instruksi (kalimat
positif) dan larangan/peringatan (kalimat negatif) atau Instruction and Prohibition. Beberapa peraturan umum
dalam imperative sentence adalah sebagai berikut:
• Menggunakan bare invinitive sebagai verbnya.
• Tidak memerlukan subjek.
• Menggunakan do not/don’t dalam bentuk negative (larangan)
• Menggunakan kata ‘please’ untuk memperhalus atau membuat lebih sopan.
a. Instruction
Beberapa contoh ungkapan instruction pada label:
• Keep tightly closed.
• Shake well before using.
• Please keep me cold.
• Discard after 10 days.
b. Prohibition
Beberapa contoh ungkapan prohibition pada label:
• Do not drink soft drink while taking this medication.
• Do not keep it below the direct sunlight.
• Don’t accept the product if the seal is broken.
2. Noun Phrase
Beberapa contoh frasa kata benda yang digunakan pada label:
• pain reliever • low fat
• fever reducer • dietary fibre
• oral suspension • saturated fat
• alchohol free

Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. 2

Activity 6
Now you will learn how to present the information on the label. Read the label and use the
presentation guide! Work in group. You may choose one of the examples above.
Presentation Guide
Facts Start by saying
Brand of product The brand is … .
Name of product The product is … .
Content/amount The package contains … .
Description The product is … .
Direction to use The direction to use is … .
Direction to store These are the direction to store the product … .
Expiration date The product mustn’t be used from … .

Competence Test Chapter 3

A. Choose the best answer by crossing the letter A, B, C or D!

The text is for questions number 1 – 3 The text is for questions number 4 – 7
============== FRESH C 1000
Nutrition Facts
Serving size 1/2 (20 g)
Serving Per Container 2
Amount Per Serving
Calories : 370 calories from fat 170 Vitamin Lemon
Healthy and Fresh
% Daily Value * Under license by SMART Food Indonesia
Total Fat : 15 g 29%
Saturated Fat : 12 g 60% In a bottle (140 ml) contains :
Cholesterol : 15 mg 5% Vitamin C 1000 mg
Sodium : 25 mg 10% Energy 65 cal
Total Charbohidrat : 45 g 15% Protein 0 g
Dietary fiber :2g 8% Fat 0 g
Carbohydrate 16 g
1. The product contains … % of the suggested
Sugar 6g
cholesterol we should consume daily.
Natrium 99 g
A. 8 %
Vitamin B 1 1.0 g
B. 5 %
Vitamin E 2.3 g
C. 15 %
Niacin 2.3 g
D. 10 %
Exp. Date : July 25
2. The product contains … saturated fat.
4. The followings are the vitamins in FRESH C
A. high C. little
1000, except … .
B. low D. much
A. Vitamin B1 C. Vitamin A
3. What is the name of the product? B. Vitamin C D. Vitamin E
A. Nutrition Facts
5. What is the flavour of the drink?
B. Sweet Candy
A. Lemon C. Orange
C. Daily values
B. Guava D. Apple
D. Total Fat

2 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab.

6.The product does not contain … . The following labels are for questions number
A. Protein C. Niacin 13 – 15
B. Energy D. Sugar
7. Exp. Date : July 25 Paracetamol 250 mg
Means that the product is best to consume … July To relieve fever and headache
25 Dosage:
A. On C. Before Children 6 – 12 years 1 tablet twice a day
Adult and children over 12 years 1 tablet every 8 hours
B. After D. During
Store in cool and dry place exp. date 2025
The label is for questions number 8 – 12
Cough Syrup
Children’s Cold & Allergy Medicine Indications:
Indications Relieve fever, flu, and coughs
Temporarily relieves nasal congestion due to the common cold, high Dosage:
fever or other upper respiratory allergies, or associated with Children 6 – 12 years 1 tsp three times a day
sinusitis. Adult and children over 12 years 2 tsp three times a day
Temporarily relieves these symptoms due to high fever (allergic Consume after meal
rhinitis): Shake well before use
Runny nose
Sneezing Store in cool and dry place exp. date 2025
Itchy, watery eyes
Itching of the nose or throat
13. Rahmat is a 15 years old boy. How many tablets
should he consume when he suffer from headache?
A. 1 tablet three times a day
Do not take more than 4 doses in any 24-hour period
B. 1 tablet two times a day
Age Dose
Adult and children over 12 years 4 tsp every 4 hours
C. 2 tablets three times a day
Children 6 to under 12 years 2 tsp every 4 hours D. 2 tablets two times a day
Children under 6 years ask doctor 14. My mother has got a headache. She has taken
Keep in cool and dry place Patmadon for three days. How many tablets has she
Best before: Dec 2024 consumed?
8. Andika is a 7 years old child. How many A. 3 C. 9
tablespoons (tsp) should he take the medicine in a B. 6 D. 12
day? 15. Which statement is incorrect based on the labels
A. 2 tsp C. 8 tsp above?
B. 4 tsp D. 12 tsp A. Both medicines are in the form of liquid
9. Keep in cool and dry place. The underlined word B. Padmadril should be taken after meal
has the closest meaning with ... . C. Both medicines can relieve fever
A. hide C. make D. Patmadon is not for adult only
B. store D. use This label is for questions number 16 – 17
10. From the text we know that the medicine… .
A. can be taken more than 4 doses in a day
B. is not for children under 12
C. is in the form of syrup
D. is only for adult
11. Which information can’t be found in the label?
A. Expired date
B. Contains
C. Storage
D. Dosage
16. What is the name of the product?
12. Who must consult to the doctor before taking this
A. Colgate
B. Cavity protection
A. children 6 to under 12 years
C. Colgate-Palmolive
B. children 12 years and over
C. children under 6 years D. Anticavity Toothpaste
D. adult

Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. 2

17. This product mostly contains … . 18. Which information is not found on the label?
A. Chonburi A. Storage
B. Anticavity B. Directions
C. Fluoride ion C. Ingredients
D. Sodium monofluorophosphate D. Expired date
This label is for questions number 18 – 20 19. Based on the text, the product is suitable for …
A. Bathing only
B. Washing face
C. Washing hands only
D. Bathing and washing hands
20. This product is produced in … .
A. Switzerland
B. Indonesia
C. Canada
D. America

B. Read the text label and answer the


2 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab.

1. What is the purpose of the text?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
2. How to store this product?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
3. What are the active and inactive ingredients?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
4. What is this product for?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
5. How to use this product?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................................
C. Create a label of your own product! You may choose food, drink, medicine, or other product

Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. 2

Mid Semester Test
A. Choose the best answer by crossing the letter A, B, C or D!
B. Dita
Break a leg, Anita. MayNisa.
: “Congratulations, you get
Youwhat youmade our
need thoughschool
it is difficult.
famous by winning the rock climbing
competition.” C. Wishing you all the luck, Anita. National
Nisa : ” …, Dita. I appreciate it.” exam is very hard to do.
D. Have a nice day, Anita! You are the
1. Complete the dialog with the suitable expression! champion in the competition.
A. Never mind
Text for questions number 7 to 9.
B. Thank you
C. Of course Dear, Alison
D. No problem You have made us all proud, with your sincere
Mariana : “I knew you could do it! ….” determination and serious efforts. Well done and
Akifa :”No, it’s nothing.” Congratulations on getting the highest score for your
final exam.
2. Complete the dialog with the suitable expression!
A. Be kind
B. Good job
C. Stay cool 7. Why does Mia write the text?
D. Be careful A. To describe Alison’s success.
B. To ask Alison always success.
Text for questions number 3 to 5.
C. To encourage Alison to be success.
D. To congratulate on Alison’s success.
8. From the text we can infer that ....
A. Mia and Alison are classmates
B. Alison got the best result in the final exam
C. Alison will get a lot of prizes from the school
D. Mia and Alison will continue their study
9.with your sincere determination and serious
3. What is the purpose of the card above? efforts.
A. To congratulate someone on his graduation. The underlined word has closest meaning to ....
B. To show happiness for someone’s limit. A. solution C. bravery
C. To wish someone luck for his graduation. B. purpose D. perseverance
D. To warm wish someone on his birthday. Complete the dialogue!
4. Who probably sent the card?
Maya :” That is a very beautiful sweater, Angela.
A. A teacher

B. A mother
Angela :”Thank you, Maya. I knitted this for my
C. A father
mom’s birthday. I hope my mother will
D. A sibling
like it.”
5. “Many congratulations to you..” the word “you” Maya :”I am sure … (10) will love the sweater.
refers to the…. It is …(11).”
A. sender 10. Complete the dialog with the correct word!
B. reader A. she C. it
C. receiver B. he D. I
D. reviewer
11. Complete the dialog with the correct word!
6. Anita is having her national exam next Monday. As A. important
a friend, what would you say to her to give her B. gorgeous
C. good
A. Good luck with your national exam, Anita. I
D. fine
know you can beat them!

2 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab.

Malia : “Why do we have to wear mask and 19. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
wash our hands with soap?” A. We can jog to have stronger lungs.
Sasha : ”We have to wear mask and wash our hands B. Regular exercise is good for your health.
with soap … get infected with serious C. Swimming is also good to stay in shape.
disease.” D. We should eat well in order not to get sick
12. Complete the dialog above with the suitable
expression! 20. “We should eat well in order not to get sick easily.”
A. in order to The word “sick” is similar to ….
B. in order not to A. ill
C. so that B. bad
D. so that not C. poor
D. nasty
13. They got up early. … they didn’t miss the bus.
A. in order to C. so that Text for questions number 21 to 23
B. in order not to D. so that not
14. I’m going to Ireland … visit my family.
A. to
B. in order
C. so that
D. so
15. I am saving money … I can buy a new car.
A. to
B. in order
C. so that
D. that
16. I bought a dictionary … help with my vocabulary.
A. so to C. so that
B. in order to D. that
Text for questions number 17 to 20
21. The text above is important for the readers because
We should eat enough vegetables, fruits, rice, it ....
meat, fish, tofu and tempeh to be healthy. We should A. measures the contents of Breakfast Cereal
eat well in order not to get sick easily. Don’t skip B. tells us the dosage to consume Breakfast
breakfast. We should eat breakfast to have energy to Cereal
do our activities during the day. C. gives the detail information of Breakfast
Regular exercise is good for your health. We can Cereal
jog to have stronger lungs. We can also swim in order D. informs the ingredients for making Breakfast
to have strong muscles. Swimming is also good to Cereal.
stay in shape. Remember, always do a warmup before 22. Some disease sufferers are forbidden to
doing any exercise so that you will not get muscle consume this meal. The information can be found in
injury. ....
17. What is the text about? A. warning
A. Tips to be safe B. ingredients
B. How to be strong C. nutrition facts
C. Ways to stay healthy D. expiration date
D. Advice on how to swim 23. What is not mention in the ingredients?
18. Why should we eat breakfast? A. corn
A. We need energy during the day. B. rolled oat
B. Breakfast supports our activities at night. C. butter
C. We have to be energetic every day. D. vitamin
D. Breakfast plays important roles in our lives.

Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. 2

Text for questions number 24 to 26 Text for questions number 27 to 30

27. What kind of food product is this label attached?

A. Noodles
B. Crisp
C. bread
D. Spaghetti
28. Person who is allergic to milk powder and eggs
should …
A. serve the product correctly
24. What advantage will the readers get by reading the
B. avoid consuming this product
C. consult the doctor before consuming the
A. The factory that produces the product.
B. The side effect of using hand sanitizer
D. follow the direction to consume the product
C. The detailed information of a hand sanitizer
D. The information of when to stop using the 29. “Use by 12/03/2014”. It means that ….
product. A. the product should be thrown at that date
B. on that date the product should be sold out
25. The information of how to use the product can be
C. the limit date when the product is safe to
found at ....
A. uses C. warning
D. it is dangerous to consume the product on that
B. content D. direction
26. What does flammable in the text mean?
30. What information is not mention in the label?
A. Capable of being filled with air
A. Ingredients
B. Able to be trusted
B. Warning
C. Easily left behind
C. Allergens
D. Easily set on fire
D. Expiry date

B. Match the statement in left side with the right answer in the right side.
No. A B
1. Ms. Meta : “ …. Adrian! You just scored a perfect A in your math A. I don’t think so
exam.” B. in order not
Adrian : ” Thank you, Ms. Meta.” C. disagree
2. Rani : ” Good luck with your competition, Dina. I hope you can D. supplement
win the first champion” E. hope
Dina : ”Thanks, Rani. I … so too.” F. so that
G. soft gels
3. Mia : ” I hate to see people taking off their masks in a bus. Don’t
H. wish
they know that it’s still an obligation to wear mask in
I. Good job
public transportation?”
Arnaud : ” Yes, I … with you. People think that they now can take
off their masks anywhere.”

3 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab.

4. Tasya : ”Don’t you think we should repaint our studio? the wall is J. power
gloomy.” K. agree
Lala : ”…. It’s fine. Besides we don’t have enough money to L. in order to
it.” M. pills
5. Everyday Nani wakes up early … she can help her mother doing
her household chores.
6. Sonia decides to stop drinking soda … stay healthy.
7. Dana sets her alarm three times … to be late.

8. What product is the label for?

9. The product is in the form of …
10. The word “strength” in the label is similar to …

C. Essay
1. Make a dialog based on the situation below!
Dita has been chosen to participate in a singing competition in her school representing her class. Daisy wishes
her good luck and hopes Dita will win the competition.
Daisy :” .”
Dita :” ”
2. Make a dialog based on the situation below!
Ismail has fulfilled all the requirements needed to get a scholarship. Ikhsan is feeling happy for him and
congratulates Ismail for the scholarship.
Ismail :” .”
Ikhsan :” .”
3. Make a dialog based on the situation below!
Yossy is having a stomachache. She ate too much spicy rujak yesterday. Nina advises her to go to the doctor if
Yossy :” .”
Nina :” .”

Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. 3

Text for questions number 4 and 5

4. What advantage can you get by reading the label above?

Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
5. What substance does the product contain the most?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................

3 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab.

4 This is how you do it!

Kompetensi Dasar
3.4 Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks prosedur lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informa
4.4 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait dengan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks prosedur sangat pendek dan sederha

Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah melakukan serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran, peserta didik mampu :
meminta dan memberi informasi terkait resep makanan/ minuman dan manual.
mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan prosedur terkait resep makanan/minuman dan manual.
menyusun teks prosedur terkait resep makanan/minuman dan manual dengan benar.

Material Summary

A.Expressing Congratulation
Activity 1
Study the dialogue below and practice with your friend!
Chantika : “Mmm…, the smell is very delicious. What do we have for dinner mom?” Mommy :
“Chicken soup, dear.”
Chantika : “Wow, I like it. What are the ingredients, mom?”
Mommy : “We need carrots, caullyflower, garlic, salt, sugar, chicken.”
Chantika : “What else mom? I want to practice cooking chicken soup.”
Mommy : “Okay dear, let’s have dinner first. I’ll tell you how to cook chicken soup and practice it.” Chantika :
“Okay, thanks mom.”

A. Asking and Telling Ingredients

Asking ingredients is to get the information by asking what ingredients needed before you want to make

Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. 3

To ask about ingredients you need to cook, you can use the following expressions:
• What ingredients do we need?
• What are the ingredients?
• What ingredients do we need to make it?
Telling Ingredients is to tell how to make something using ingredients needed.
To tell ingredients you can say:
• The ingredients we need are …
• What we need are …
• The ingredients are …
• We need …

3 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab.

To tell the measurement of ingredients you can say:
• a/two/three …
• a/two/three slice/slices of bread
• a/two/three clove(s) of garlic
• a/two/three stalk(s) of celery
• a/two/three gram(s) of …
• a/two/three kilogram(s) of …
• a/two/three spoonful(s) of …
• etc.

Activity 2
Pay attention to the receipe bellow!
How to Make Fried Banana
Ingredients (and tools) :
right amount of oil
100 grams of wheat flour
50 grams of cornstarch
50 grams of rice flour
2 tablespoons melted margarine
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
enough water
Frying pan
First, prepare the banana kepok, then peel and slice thinly.
Then, prepare the dough ingredients. Prepare a bowl/container, add flour, cornstarch, rice flour, melted
margarine, salt, and sugar. Stir everything until evenly mixed.
Next add water little by little and stir until the mixture thickens.
After that put the banana slices into the dough.
Prepare a frying pan, put it on the stove, pour oil, turn on the heat, and heat it.
Put the floured banana mixture into the hot oil. Fry until cooked and brown/golden in color.
If it is cooked, then lift and drain.
Finally, fried Bananas are ready to be served while warm.

Now answer the questions based on the text!

1. What is the title?
2. What do we need for making fried banana?
3. What should we do after putting the banana slices into the dough?

Activity 3
Complete the dialogue!
Rahma : “What is your favorite food?”
Aisha : “I like fried banana.”
Rahma : “What do we need to make fried banana?”
Aisha : “We need

Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. 3

Activity 4
Make a dialogue as the example in activity 3 about your favorite drink!

B. Procedure Text
1. Definitions
It is a text that explains how people make or do something step by step. This text uses simple present
tense, often imperative sentences. It also uses the temporal conjunction such as first, second, then, next, finally,
2. Social Function
The social function of procedure text is to show how something is done through sequence of steps which
enable the reader to achieve the goal.
3. Generic Structure
Title/Goal A brief description of what will be done or the finished product
Materials needed A list of what are needed (ingredients, utensils, materials, tools)
Steps The actions that must be taken
4. Language features
The language features of procedure texts use the following: ways,
a. Imperative sentence such as, cut, put, stir, don’t add, etc.
b. Action verbs such as turn, put, don’t, etc.
c. Connectives to order actions such as first, next, then, after that, etc.
d. Adverbial to state detailed time, place, accurate such as for five minutes, etc.
5. Examples
Text 1 (receipe)
How To Make A Cup Of Coffee Milk Goal/Title
• Coffee
• Milk Materials needed
• Sugar
• Hot water
• A cup
• A teaspoon
• First, prepare a cup
• Then put coffee and milk into the cup Steps
• Add sugar as you like
• After that pour hot water and stir well.
• Wait a moment and finally, a cup of coffee milk is ready to be served.

3 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab.

Text 2 and 3 (manual)
How To Wash Your Hands Correctly Goal/Title
You need:
• Hand soap Materials needed
• Clean water
• A towel or tissue
• Wet hands, rub soap on palms then wipe and rub both palms gently in a
circular direction
• Wipe and rub also the backs of the hands alternately
• Rub between fingers until clean Steps
• Clean the fingertips alternately with interlocking positions
• Rub and rotate both thumbs alternately
• Place your fingertips into your palms and rub gently. Rinse with clean
water and dry with a towel/tissue

How To Use Washing Machine Goal/Title

You need: Materials needed

• A washing machine
• Detergent
• water
• Put the dirty clothes and detergent into the washing machine tube
• Fill the tube with water at the required temperature.
• run the wash cycle
• After the water cycle is complete, drain the water through the provided Steps
• According to the rinsing cycle, your clothes are temporarily clean
• Immediately remove your clothes, then dry in the sun

Activity 5
Study the procedure text and complete the table!
How To Make Avocado Juice
Avocado big size @400 gram - 1 piece Sugar - 2 tbsp
Sweetened condensed milk - 2 tbsp Boiled water - 100 ml
Ice cubes - 200 grams
Sweet condensed chocolate, for glass decoration - to taste Sweet white condensed, for glass decoration - to taste Steps:
First, cut the avocado in half, remove the seeds. Scrape the meat with a spoon and then cut into pieces. Then, put the avocado in
Prepare a glass, decorate the rim of the glass with sweetened condensed chocolate and white according to taste, then pour the av
Finally, your avocado juice is ready to be served.

Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. 3


Materials needed


Activity 6
Answer the question based on the text in activity 5!
1. What kind of text is it?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
2. What is the writer’s intention in writing the text?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
3. What do we need to make avocado juice?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
4. What should we do after decorating the rim of the glass with sweetened condensed chocolate and white
according to taste?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
5. What will probably happen if we don’t add sugar?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................

Activity 7
Read the procedure texts bellow then compare them and complete the table!
Text 1
How To Make A Glass Of Tea
Materials and tools:
- A bag of tea
- Hot water
- Sugar
- A glass
- A tea spoon
1. First of all prepare all the materials.
2. Then put a bag of tea and sugar as you like into the glass.
3. After that pour hot water and stir well.
4. Wait a moment and a glass of tea is ready to be served.

Text 2
How To Charge A Car
Materials and tools:
- A batery
- A charger
1. Remove the battery from the car
2. Open Battery Cover
3. Plug the Charger Cable into the Battery
4. Turn on the charger and set the switch to the right position
5. Wait until the battery charging process is complete
6. Turn off the charger and remove the cable
7. Put the Battery Cover Back

3 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab.

Text 1 Text 2
Kinds of procedure text
Materials and tools

Competence Test Chapter 4

A. Choose the best answer by crossing the letter A, B, C or D!

The text is for questions number 1 – 5

2.What should we do after adding the flour?
How To Make Sponge A. Pour into the previously prepared tin
Cake Materials and tools B. Pour in the melted butter.
• 200 grams of flour, C. Bake for about 30 minutes.
• 250 grams of sugar, D. Stir gently until smooth.
• 8 eggs,
• 1 teaspoon vanilla, 3. How much butter do you need to make the
• 1 teaspoon emulsifier (developer), sponge cake?
• 400 grams of butter. A. 200 grams
• baking sheet, B. 400 grams
• Ovens, C. 250 grams
• Mixers, D. 450 grams
• Basin, 4. How long should we bake the cake in the oven?
• Spoon, A. 3 hours
• Polisher. B. 3 minutes
Steps: C. 30 minutes
• First, prepare a baking sheet, butter and other D. 35 minutes
tools and materials. 5. After that let it cool. The word “it” refers to … .
• Second, grease the entire surface of the baking A. The oven
sheet with enough butter. Then, sprinkle with a B. The cake
little flour. C. The basin
• Third, add eggs, emulsifier (developer), sugar D. The baking sheet
and vanilla in a bowl. Then beat all ingredients The text if for questions number 6 – 8
until fluffy.
• Fourth, add the flour. Stir gently until smooth.
• Then, slowly pour in the melted butter. Stir
again until smooth.
• After that, pour the sponge cake batter into the
previously prepared tin
• Then, put the baking sheet in the oven and
bake for about ± 30 minutes until cooked.
• Remove the cake from the oven. After that let it
• Sponge is ready to be served.
1. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To tell how to make sponge cake.
B. To get the best result of cooking sponge
C. To prepare materials for cooking sponge
D. To give detailed information about sponge

Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. 3

How To Upload Videos To You tube Via
Your Computer Or Laptop
• First, sign in to YouTube.
• Second, on the top of the page, click Upload .
• Select Upload videos.
• Before you start uploading videos, you can
choose the privacy settings of the videos.
• Then, select the video you want to upload from
your computer.
• When a video is uploaded, you can edit the basic
information and advanced settings for the video.
• After that, create a video title up to 100
characters long and a description up to 5,000
characters long.
• Click Publish to complete the process of
uploading the public video to YouTube.

4 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab.

6. What does the text tell us about? 12. Make the filling by combining all the ingredients
A. How to upload videos to you tube except the toasted bread. The underlined word is
B. How to create video from you tube
similar in meaning with … .
C. How to download video from you tube
A. mayonnaise
D. How to import video from you tube
B. white bread
7. What should we do first if we want to upload
C. lettuce
video to you tube?
A. Select upload video D. materials
B. Create video title The text is for question number 13 – 16
C. Click upload How To Make Oreo Milkshake
D. Sign in to you tube
8. How many characters you can use for the video Ingredients:
title? UHT milk
A. Up to 100 characters
Oreo variant according to taste
B. Up to 500 characters
Ice cubes as needed
C. Up to 1000 characters
D. Up to 5000 characters Steps:
Prepare the ingredients, then put two glasses of UHT
The following text is for questions number 9 –
milk in a blender.
Then add 8 oreos, and ice cubes.
How To Make Egg Blend until smooth.
Sandwich Ingredients:
Prepare a glass, then add Oreo crumbs as a
• White bread
• Onions, chopped
• Lettuce Oreo milkshake is ready to be enjoyed.
• Tomatoes, chopped 13. How much UHT milk do we need to make oreo
• Boiled eggs, smashed milkshake?
• Mayonnaise A. 1 glass
• Cheese B. 8 glasses
Steps: C. 2 glasses
• Toast the bread on the skilled until brownish D. 4 glasses
• Make the filling by combining all the ingredients
except the toasted bread 14. What is the purpose of the text?
• Take bread and layer it with lettuce and cheese on A. To show how to make oreo milkshake
top. Spread the filling. Cover with lettuce and B. To show how to blend oreo milkshake
another bread. C. To show how to garnish oreo milkshake
• Ready to be served D. To show the ingredients of oreo milkshake
9. What is the goal of the text? 15. What should we do after adding oreo and ice
A. To show how to eat sandwich cubes?
B. To show how to make sandwich A. Give topping
C. To show how to toast bread B. Prepare a glass
D. To show how to served bread C. Add oreo crumbs
10. How do we make the sandwich filling? D. Blend until smooth
A. By toasting the ingredients
16. Can we use oreo chocolate cream?
B. By covering the ingredients
C. By spreading the ingredients A. Yes, we can’t.
D. By combining the ingredients B. No, we can’t.
11. What should we do with the boiled egg? C. Yes, we can.
A. Baked D. No, we can.
B. Cooked
C. Smashed
D. Chopped

Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. 4

The text is for questions number 17 – 20 • At the end of the installation process, (make sure
How To Install Printer To Your Computer the printer is on) we need to plug the printer’s
or laptop USB cable into the USB socket on your
• Insert the CD into the CD Room on your computer so that the software can synchronize
computer with the device.
• Wait until the CD Room finishes reading the • The installation process is complete and your
CD printer is ready to use.
• A dialog box will appear on your computer 17. I live in Malaysia. Which region should I choose?
screen, giving you the option to install the A. Asia C. America
software, select “Yes” to continue the installation B. Africa D. Australia
18. How long is the installing time? It’s about … .
• Next, a dialog box will let you select your
A. 15 minutes C. 10 minutes
“Country Region”. Select a region, then click the
B. 20 minutes D. 25 minutes
“Next” button
• After that, select your country, then click the 19. … so that the software can synchronize with the
“Next” button device. The underlined word refers to … .
• Next, select the type of installation. A. The computer
• After that click the “Install” button, wait about B. The hardware
10 minutes. C. The printer
• While the installation process is running, plug the D. The socket
power cable into an electrical outlet, then turn on 20. What will happen if the installation failed?
the printer by pressing the power button A. We can’t use the computer
B. We can’t use the printer
C. We can’t use the device
D. We can’t use the laptop

B. Read the text and answer the questions!

How To Make Sausage Egg Omelette
- 4 eggs
- 2 pieces of chopped sausage
- 2 spring onions
- 1 chopped carrot
- 2 cloves of garlic
- Onion
- Mushroom broth or flavoring to taste
- Salt to taste
- First, saute garlic and onions until fragrant, set aside.
- Then, beat eggs, mix with vegetables, sauteed onions, salt and seasonings.
- Heat the pan, pour in the eggs to taste, after a little cooked, fold the eggs while still in the pan.
- Finally, omelette is ready to be served.
Answer the questions based on the procedure text above!
1. What is the writer’s intention in writing the text?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
2. What are the ingredients of sausage egg omelette?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
3. Who will probably interested in reading the text?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
4. What should we do after beating the egg?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................

4 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab.

5. How many eggs do we need for two serving size?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................

C. Complete the table with the above text! (How To Make Sausage Egg Omelette)


Materials needed


Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. 4

5 What Are You Doing?

Kompetensi Dasar
3.5 menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan
4.5 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkai

Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah melakukan serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran, peserta didik mampu :
Mendeskripsikan dan mengidentifikasi kegiatan yang
sedang terjadi
Mendeskripsikan dan mengidentifikasi kegiatan lampau
yang sedang terjadi
Mendeskripsikan dan mengidentifikasi kegiatan yang
sedang terjadi di waktu yang akan datang
Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis kegiatan yang sedang terjadi

Material Summary

A.Present continous tense

Dilansir dari Grammarly, present continuous tense merupakan bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan
bahwa suatu aksi sedang berlangsung selama waktu tertentu pada waktu sekarang (present). Bentuk ini
menunjukkan bahwa aksi tersebut terjadi sebelum (begins before), selama (is in progress at the present), dan
berlanjut setelah (continues after) waktu atau aksi lainnya.
• They are eating at Scott’s favorite restaurant today.

4 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab.

• They are sitting at Scott’s favorite booth seats.
• The waiter is standing behind the counter right now
• Are you waiting to open your presents after you eat your pancakes?
Rumus Present Continuous Tense
Dalam penerapannya dalam kalimat, kamu perlu mengingat rumus di bawah ini.
• Bentuk positif: Subjek + be (am/is/are) + verb (-ing) + …
• Bentuk negatif: Subjek +be (am/is/are) + not + verb (-ing) + …
• Bentuk interogatif: Be (am/is/are) + subjek + verb (-ing) + …?
Penggunaan Tense
Sesuai yang sudah kita ketahui bahwa present continuous tense ini merupakan tense yang digunakan untuk
menggambarkan suatu keadaan yang sedang berlangsung. Namun, pada penggunaannya ada beberapa kondisi yang
perlu kamu ketahui.

Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. 4

Untuk menunjukkan suatu aksi yang sedang berlangsung dan terjadi sekarang. Contoh: It is
raining and I am waiting for my mother to pick me up.
I am writing this letter to express my feelings to you. She
is dancing in the rain.
Untuk membicarakan rencana yang sudah pasti akan terjadi dalam waktu dekat. Contoh: She is
spending her holiday in Bangkok next week.
He is renting a whole theatre for his anniversary tonight.
My boss is promoting Stacey to be the new manager next month.
Mengingat present continuous tense tidak hanya digunakan untuk menunjukkan kejadian yang berlangsung
sekarang tetapi juga masa depan yang dekat, maka penggunaan keterangan waktu sangatlah penting untuk
diperhatikan. Umumnya, keterangan waktu berikut digunakan pada kalimat present continuous tense adalah:
• Right now • This month
• At the moment • This year
• Today • This week
• At present • This semester

B.Past continous tense

Definisi Past Continuous Tense
Past continuous tense adalah bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu aksi sedang
berlangsung selama waktu tertentu pada waktu lampau (past).
Bentuk ini menunjukkan bahwa aksi tersebut terjadi sebelum (began before), selama (was in progress during),
dan mungkin berlanjut setelah (continued after) waktu atau aksi lainnya yang terjadi pada masa lampau.
Kalimat positif
S + be (was/were) + present participle (-ing). Contoh kalimat: He
was sleeping
The people were waiting
Kalimat negatif
S + be (was/were) + not + present participle (-ing). Contoh kalimat: He
wasn’t sleeping
The people weren’t waiting
Kalimat interogatif
be (was/were) + S + present participle (-ing)? Contoh kalimat: Was
he sleeping?
Were the people waiting?
Fungsi dan Pengunaan
Untuk mengindikasikan suatu aksi yang terjadi selama momen tertentu di masa lampau. Adapun keterangan
waktu atau time expression yang dapat digunakan adalah: at this time yesterday, at 5 am this morning, all day
yesterday, in July. Bagaimana jika kita ingin mengaplikasikannya dalam kalimat?
I was having dinner at this time yesterday. (Saya sedang makan malam pada jam ini kemarin.) What was she
doing at 7 am this morning? (Apa yang sedang dia lakukan jam tujuh pagi ini?)
They were making a toast at this time last night. (Mereka sedang membuat roti panggang pada jam ini kemarin
I was doing physically exercises all day yesterday. (Saya sedang melakukan latihan-latihan fisik sepanjang
hari kemarin.)
In July she was working as a waitress in a well-known restaurant. (Di bulan Juli dia bekerja sebagai pelayan di
sebuah restoran terkenal.)

4 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab.

Untuk menunjukkan bahwa ada aksi berdurasi pendek (simple past tense) yang terjadi ketika suatu aksi
berdurasi panjang (past continuous tense) sedang berlangsung. Subordinate conjunction while dan when dapat
digunakan dengan formulasi simple past tense + while + past continuous tense dan past continuous tense + when +
simple past tense. Bagaimana contoh kalimatnya?
The door was knocked while I was reading a book. (Pintu diketuk ketika saya sedang membaca buku.) My
mother was cleaning the carpet when I got home. (Ibu saya sedang membersihkan karpet ketika saya tiba di
She was sleeping when you called her. (Dia sedang tidur ketika kamu meneleponnya.)
Past continuous tense juga bisa berfungsi untuk membahas sesuatu yang terjadi berulang-ulang. Interval
kejadiannya acak namun sesungguhnya merupakan kebiasaan alami. Tense ini terkadang digunakan untuk
mengkritik suatu aksi. Contoh:
• I was repeatedly checking things. (Saya dulu berulang kali memeriksa sesuatu.)
• The girl was always yelling out loud. (Anak itu selalu menjerit keras-keras.)
• My neighbor was always chasing stray cats off with his broom. (Tetangga saya selalu mengusir kucing- kucing
liar dengan sapunya.)
• Terakhir, tense ini juga bisa digunakan bersamaan dengan verb yang menunjukkan perubahan (change) atau
perkembangan (growth), seperti: grow up, improve, go, dan change. Contoh kalimat:
• His hair was going so thin. (Rambutnya menjadi sangat tipis.)
• My life was changing rapidly. (Hidup saya berubah dengan cepat.)

C.Future continous tense

Definisi Future Continuous Tense
Future continuous tense adalah suatu bentuk tense dalam bahasa Inggris yang biasanya disebut juga dengan
future progressive tense. Penggunaaan tense ini menunjukkan bahwa suatu kejadian akan terjadi di masa depan dan
terus berlanjut untuk beberapa waktu. Hal yang penting untuk diingat adalah bahwa suatu kejadian yang
digambarkan dengan tense ini memiliki durasi waktu.
Fungsi Future Continuous Tense
Adapun fungsi Future Continuous Tense adalah:
• Menyatakan sebuah kegiatan yang akan atau sedang dilakukan pada suatu waktu di masa yang akan datang atau
di masa depan dengan keterangan waktu yang spesifik. Contoh: Henry will call you at 8 o’clock tomorrow
• Menunjukkan kejadian mana yang sedang berlangsung di masa depan ketika ada kejadian lain yang juga terjadi
di masa depan. Contoh: I will be playing games when you come tonight
• Mengajukan sebuah pertanyaan dengan sopan dan formal yang bertujuan untuk menyampaikan niat seseorang.
Contoh: Will you be coming home?
• Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan future continuous tense sama dengan past continuous. Pembedanya
adalah bahwa kejadiannya terjadi di masa depan sehingga kita harus menggunakan keterangan waktu masa
depan atau kalimat kedua dengan simple present tense.
Rumus kalimat positif
Rumus yang digunakan dalam kalimat future continuous tense adalah: subject + will/shall + be +verb- ing.
Penggunaan will digunakan untk objek seperti I, you, they, we, he, she, it. Sedangkan penggunaan shall digunakan
untuk objek I dan we. Contoh kalimatnya, antara lain:
• Mikaela will be running in a marathon race this Sunday morning.
• I will be staying with my sister for a week.
• I will be eating at 7 o’clock tonight.
• I shall be returning the book to the library this evening.
• He will be coming to my birthday party tomorrow.
Rumus kalimat negatif
Selain kalimat positif, ada juga kalimat negatif yang digunakan dalam kalimat future continuous tense.
Pembedanya hanyalah tambahan not atau tidak setelah will atau shall. Rumus yang digunakan adalah: subject +
will/shall + not + be + verb ing + complement. Adapun contoh kalimatnya adalah:

Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. 4

• I will not be staying with my sister for a week.
• Erika will not be competing against Mikaela in the race when the race starts.
• Due to the new regulations of our office, we shall not be eating in our room starts from tomorrow morning.
• She will not be coming to your farewell party next week.
• He will not be playing games for a month.
Rumus kalimat interogatif
Tidak hanya berlaku untuk kalimat pernyataan, ada juga rumus future continuous tense untuk kalimat tanya
atau yang bersifat interogatif. Rumus yang digunakan adalah will /shall+ subject + be + verb-ing + complement.
Jika dalam kalimat pernyataan will dan shall diletakkan setelah objek, dalam kalimat tanya will dan shall diletakkan
di paling depan. Contoh kalimatnya adalah:
• Will Sunny and Rain be watching Mikaela race this Sunday evening?
• Will I be sleeping in this room?
• Will you be coming to Susi’s farewell party?
• Shall you be returning this tray to that counter, please?
• Will James be exercising at the gym?
Penggunaan Keterangan Waktu
Dalam menggunakan future continuous tense, ada keterangan waktu yang perlu ditulis untuk menjelaskan masa
depan. Maka dari itu, kamu bisa menggunakan keterangan waktu di bawah ini sebagai referensi.
• Tomorrow night: Besok malam
• Next year on April: Tahun depan pada bulan April
• Tonight at seven o’clock: Nanti malam jam 07.00
• At this time tomorrow: Pada waktu ini besok
• At six o’clock tomorrow morning: Pada jam 6 besok pagi
• At this time next year: Pada saat ini tahun depan

Avtivity 1
Complete the sentences with the corrrect present to be!
1. It is now 11.00 pm. Iriana ….. sleeping in her bedroom.
2. I need an umbrella because it ... raining right now.
3. Susan and Susanna.................writing poems for an English subject.
4. Please be quiet. I …… trying to concentrate.
5. doing?
6.Mary reading a book in her classroom?
7. They …… not drinking a cup of coffee, but chocolate.
8. Why...........your sister crying so loud? Please give her candies or something.
9. Is he bringing my laptop? Yes, He .... .
10. they working in a good company? Yes, they are.

Avtivity 2
Complete the sentences with the correct present to be and verb ing!
1. They …. lazily today, do you see it? (work)
2. I .. her a flower now, (give)
3. Ani …. the examination today, pray for her success (do)
4. You …. a lot of noise. Could you be quieter? (make)
5. What …. you.......In this place, (Do)
6. Is Sabrina,,,, today?( , work)
7. Why ,,, me like that? (look)
8. What …. You.......In this kitchen? (eat)
9. What time … I.......? (go)
10. Toldo and Rudi … football in the yard (Play)

4 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab.

Avtivity 3
Change the sentences into negative and introgrative form!
Jack is boxing on TV now
(-). Jack is not boxing on TV now
(?). Is Jack boxing on TV now.
1. I am coming home.
(-). ...................................................................................................................................
(?). ..................................................................................................................................
2. Chris is writing a letter.
(-). ...................................................................................................................................
(?). ..................................................................................................................................
3. The children are playing volleyball.
(-). ...................................................................................................................................
(?). ..................................................................................................................................
4. She is wearing a new hat.
(-). ...................................................................................................................................
(?). ..................................................................................................................................
5. I am eating a cake.
(-). ...................................................................................................................................
(?). ..................................................................................................................................
6. We are dancing together.
(-). ...................................................................................................................................
(?). ..................................................................................................................................
7. Emily is drinking mineral water.
(-). ...................................................................................................................................
(?). ..................................................................................................................................
8. My brother and my sister are cleaning their rooms.
(-). ...................................................................................................................................
(?). ..................................................................................................................................
9. We are going to the school.
(-). ...................................................................................................................................
(?). ..................................................................................................................................
10. They are swimming in the swimming pool.
(-). ...................................................................................................................................
(?). ..................................................................................................................................

Avtivity 4
Complete the sentences with the corrrect past to be!
1. ... you painting this picture at 8 o’clock yesterday?
2. At this morning Yesterday, The rain … getting harder and harder.
3. My mother … giving this fruit to Farikha at eight o’clock last night.
4. We … catching the chicken in front of bridge at seven o’clock last night.
5.Salisa visiting my house at this time yesterday?
6. I … buying a new car at this time last month.
7. Tamara and Silvia … going to Malang at this time last month.
8. Sabrina … learning English at 8 o’clock last night.
9. Yesterday morning, They … helping me in this market.
10. Yesterday, my mother … cooking rice when I bought banana.

Avtivity 5
Complete the sentences with the correct past tobe and verb ing!
1. Tamara … a letter to his boy friend at 7 o’clock yesterday. (write)
2. Was Usman … in this store at 10 o’clock last night ? (eat)

Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. 4

3. Were they … this recipe at this time yesterday? . (make)
4. I invited Sabrina at this event last night, but Sabrina … to us. (come)
5. At this time last month, Farida … a new clothes in this meeting (use)
6. Was she … John at this time last week?. (recognize)
7. This time last year, I … in bali (live)
8. At 4 o’clock yesterday, I … a train on my way to Malang. (take)
9. Reza Pahlevi … this flower at 7 o’clock yesterday.(water)
10. John … me when you arrived. (call)

Avtivity 6
Change the sentences into negative and introgrative form!
My brother was watching TV last night.
(-). My brother was not watching TV last night.
(?). Was my brother watching TV last night.
1. At 9.30 yesterday morning, my mother was making a cake.
2. The children were having their lunch at 1.30 yesterday afternoon.
3. In 1999, we were living in Australia.
4. My brothers were drawing a picture.
5. I was sleeping at 10.30 last night.
6. At 5.30 yesterday, Emily was swimming in the swimming pool.
7. Yesterday at the church, she was wearing a skirt.
8. We were cleaning our room at three o’clock.
9. My brother and my father were reading some books at 8 o’clock.
10. He was writing a letter at 9.30 last night.

Avtivity 7
Complete the sentences with the corrrect future to be (will be)!
1. Hary and Susie …… falling in love each other.
2. I together with my friend will … walking on Carita beach tomorrow.
3. They … joining a marathon next week.
4. He … bringing many books next day
5. I will … eating soto when my mom will come tomorrow.
6. You … reparing this computer when I will come.
7. She will … cooking the food for her husband next morning.
8. My parents will.............watching a movie tonight.
9. at nine tomorrow morning.
10. Manda and Kiki will the meal when you arrive at home.

Avtivity 8
Complete the sentences with the correct future tobe (will be) and verb ing!
1. Bobby … (not, work) on Saturday at 2 p.m.
2. I … (wait) on the train station by this time tomorrow morning.
3.(you, read) the book tonight?
4. They … (snorkel) around the small island tomorrow.
5. At 8 o’clock tomorrow, we … (sit) here to talk about the issues.
6. She … (sleep) when her husband comes home.
7. They … (not, watch) the match this evening.
8.(you, work out) at the gym this afternoon?
9. The people … (stay) at home during hurricane season.
10. (you, wake up) at the middle of night?

4 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab.

Avtivity 9
Change the sentences into negative (-), introgrative (?) or affirmative (+) form!
1. (+) I will be going to the lake at this time tomorrow.
(-) ………………………………………………………….……......................................................................
(?) ………………………………………………………………......................................................................
2. (+) Alisa will be celebrating his birthday tonight at seven o’clock.
(-) ………………………………………………………….……......................................................................
(?) ………………………………………………………………......................................................................
3. (+) ………………………………………………………………....................................................................
(-) Rani will not be coming to the office tomorrow morning.
(?) ……………………………………………………………….................................................................
4. (+) ………………………………………………………………..................................................................
(-) ………………………………………………………………..................................................................
(?) Will Cassandra be sunbathing at the beach at ten o’clock tomorrow?
5. (+) ………………………………………………………………..................................................................
(-) ………………………………………………………………...................................................................
(?) Will Sarah be coming to the party at 8 o’clock tonight?
6. (+) ………………………………………………………………................................................................
(-) I will not be staying with my brother for a week.
(?) ………………………………………………………………....................................................................
7. (+) ………………………………………………………………..................................................................
(-) I shall not be learning Javanese culture at this time tomorrow.
(?) ……………………………………………………………….................................................................
8. (+) ……………………………………………………………….................................................................
(-) They will not be watching my favorite TV show.
(?) ………………………………………………………………...................................................................
9. (+) ………………………………………………………………...................................................................
(-) John will not be selling her car tomorrow morning.
(?) ………………………………………………………………....................................................................
10. (+) ……………………………………………………………….................................................................
(-) ………………………………………………………………..................................................................
(?) Will you be jogging at the park at this time next week?

Avtivity 10
Answer the questions based on the text!
Hi! My name is Janet Curious. I live on the top of an apartment building in a small town. I’m a very curious woman and I alway
West Street is busy today. Tina and Victoria are going into a clothes shop and Mr. Thompson is buying some biscuits and a new
Let me have a look at the park on Pole Street. Oh, it’s so crowded with children as usual. Kathryn is skipping rope and Grace

48 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen

Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. 4
1. What is Mrs. Curious doing at the moment?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
2. What is Mr. Thompson buying from the kiosk?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
3. Why is the baker sitting out and drinking tea?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
4. What is the florist preparing for the man?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
5. Who are waiting for a bus at the bus stop?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
6. Is Grace skipping rope with Kathryn?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
7. Why isn’t George riding his bicycle now?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
8. Who is running and trying to fly a kite?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
9. Is Shirley playing volleyball well or badly ?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
10. Where are the teens sitting and singing now?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................

Avtivity 11
Answer the questions based on the text!
Last Tuesday I went to my hometown to spend the day as usual. It’s a small quiet seaside town close to the
city that I work and live in. I always look forward to Tuesdays because it’s my day off so I can rest and have a
good time. Last Tuesday I woke up early, drove about 30 km and reached my parents’ cottage at about 7 o’clock in
the morning. When I opened the gate of the garden, my father was picking some tomatoes and cucumbers for
breakfast. Their dog, Princess was jumping up and down and waving her tail as she was overjoyed to see me. I
petted her on her head and then hugged my father. Then we went into the house. My mum was cooking my
favourite cheese omelette and setting the table when I entered the kitchen. She was happy to see me. We sat at the
table and had a family breakfast. Then I went out for a stroll around the town. The sun was shining brightly and it
was quite warm.
I decided to visit the town centre first. As I was walking down Rose Street, I saw my old friend, George. He
was trying to change one of his car tyres because it blew out. I stopped to help him. Mr. and Mrs. Davies were
passing by and approached us to ask what had happened. I think they were coming from the supermarket because
they were carrying a few bags in their hands. After we finished replacing the new tyre with the spare one, George
thanked me and drove off. So, I went on walking. When I reached the town center, I went directly into the
florist’s. The only florist in our town, Mrs. Evans was preparing a huge wreath for a funeral and her assistant was
spraying some plants with water. I said good day to them and ordered a nice bouquet of lilies for my mum. I sat
on a chair and waited. I was drinking a glass of tea which they offered when Mrs. Evans finished my bouquet. I
took it and left. Then I went into the souvenir shop next to the post office to buy gifts for my mum and dad. I was
thinking and looking at the items when the shop owner came and asked if I needed any help. He showed me a
beautiful tea set for mum and a silver pocket watch for dad. They were gorgeous and their prices were reasonable
so I bought them and left the shop. I walked to the town park to sit on a bench and rest for a while. The park was
very crowded as usual and I started watching people around me. Sue and her sister, Ann were rollerblading while
their parents were doing yoga on their mats. Little Edward was holding an empty ice cream cone and crying as he
had dropped his ice cream on the ground. Mr. Lee was sitting under a tree and reading his newspaper. Some boys
were playing soccer on the grass. Mrs. Taylor was feeding the birds with crumbs of bread and her husband, Larry
was taking photographs. Diane was talking to her son, William angrily as he had pulled a cat’s tail. Peter and his
sister were running around the park to keep healthy and fit. While I was watching people, I realised that I was
missing my hometown more and more each day. I thought I could move back one day. After a short time, I went
back home. When I arrived my dad was taking a nap on the sofa and my mum was watching a documentary about
polar bears on TV.

Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. 4

1. What was Mr. Walker’s father doing when he opened the gate of the garden?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
2. Who was cooking cheese omelette and setting the table in the kitchen?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
3. Was Princess sleeping in her bed when Mr. Walker arrived at the cottage?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
4. Whom did Mr. Walker’s see while he was walking down Rose Street?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
5. What was George doing when Mr. Walker stopped to help him?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
6. Why did Mr. Walker’s think Mr. and Mrs. Davies were coming from the supermarket?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
7. What was Mrs. Evans doing when Mr. Walker went into the shop?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
8. Who were doing yoga in the park?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
9. Why was little Edward crying?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
10. What was Mrs. Taylor doing while her husband was taking photographs?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................

Competence Test Chapter 5

A. Choose the best answer by crossing the letter A, B, C or D!
1. My brother ... the table for dinner now. (set)
A. Is setting 8. They ...their dogs at the moment. (feed)
B. Are setting A. Are feeding
C. Was setting B. Were feeding
D. Were setting C. Is feeding
D. Was feeding
2. Our grandparents ... to see us this week . (come)
A. Is coming C. Are coming 9. I and my parents ... London this week. (visit)
B. Was coming D. Were coming A. Are visiting
B. Is visiting
3. This lady her favourite show. (watch)
C. Were visiting
A. Is watching C. Are watching
D. Was visiting
B. Was watching D. Were watching
10. Susie ... in High Tatras in this picture. (ski)
4. We ... baseball at the moment. (play) A. Is skying
A. Was playing B. Was skying
B. Is playing C. Are skying
C. Are playing D. Were skying
D. Were playing 11. This time last year, I ... in bali (live)
5. The teacher ... us the test today. (give) A. Was living C. Were living
A. Was giving B. Am living D. Are living
B. Is giving 12. At 4 o’clock yesterday, I ..._a train on my way to
C. Were giving Malang. (to be)
D. Are giving A. Were on C. Was on
6. I ... a present for my best friend Amy. (buy) B. Am on D. Is on
A. Am buying C. Is buying 13. Reza PahlevI ... this flower at 7 o’clock yesterday.
B. Are buying D. Was buying (water)
A. Is watering C. Are watering
7. She ... a birthday today. (have) B. Was watering D. Were watering
A. Was having C. Is having
14. John ... me when you arrived. (call)
B. Were having D. Are having
A. Is calling C. Was calling

5 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab.

B. Were calling D. Are calling

Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. 5

15. Tamara opened her hijab when she ... in the 18. My sister will not ... at holiday.
kitchen (cook) A. Studies C. Be studying
A. Is cooking C. Are cooking B. Studying D. Studied
B. Was cooking D. Were cooking
19. I will with my friends tomorrow.
16. Reny ... at the office when you arrive. A. Watching C. Be watching
A. Have working C. Will work B. Watch D. Be watch
B. Has working D. Will be working
20. Kiki........Nita tomorrow.
17. My father ...teaching at 10 a.m tomorrow. A. Will helps C. Will be helping
A. Will C. Is B. Am helping D. Help
B. Will be D . Will

B. Answer the questions based on the text!

Hi. my name is Nick. Yesterday was terrible for me because I stayed at home all day. I wanted to go out but
it was raining outside. I was feeling tired of being trapped inside the house.
I tried to play with my sister but she was doing her homework. My father was reading his book and my
mother was watching TV.
After lunch, I decided to sit by the window and watch the street. Some people was waiting at the bus stop.
While I was watching the street I witnessed an accident. A car couldn’t stop at the traffic lights and hit another
car. Luckily nobody injured.
Now I am waiting for my friend. We will go to the park to play football together. I injured my knee while I
was playing last week but it is okay now. My team needs me!
1. What is the text about?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
2. How was the writer’s feeling?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
3. What were the parents doing?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
4. Where was the accident?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
5. Where were the children playing football?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................

5 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab.

6 Have You Ever Gone to ..?

Kompetensi Dasar
3.6 menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan
4.6 menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terka

Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah melakukan serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran, peserta didik mampu :
Mendeskripsikan dan mengidentifikasi kegiatan lampau
Mendeskripsikan dan mengidentifikasi kegiatan yang telah terjadi di waktu lampau dan masih terjadi di saat sekarang.
Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis tentang kegiatan lampau dan masih terjadi saat ini.

Material Summary

A.Verb Forms
Kata kerja dalam Bahasa Inggris mayoritas bersifat regular. Regular Verbs dalam Bahasa Inggris dapat
mengubah past simple dan past participle dengan menambahkan imbuhan –ed pada kata kerja awal. Namun,
terkadang kita perlu memodifikasi beberapa bagiannya Ketika ingin menambahkan -ed.

5 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab.

Kategori 1: Kata Kerja dengan Satu Suku Kata (Syllable)
Base Form (Verb 1) Past Simple (Verb 2) Past Participle (Verb 3)
Call Called Called
Help Helped Helped
Follow Followed Followed
Contoh dalam penggunaan kalimat:
• Yesterday I called your number.
• I helped Lina carry her stuff to her vehicle.
• He followed her to the kitchen.
Kategori 2: Menambahkan -d untuk regular verbs yang berakhiran -e
Base Form (Verb 1) Past Simple (Verb 2) Past Participle (Verb 3)
Agree Agreed Agreed
Survive Survived Survived
Die Died Died

Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. 5

Contoh dalam penggunaan kalimat
• We all agreed on those rules
• She wouldn’t have survived.
• He died when he was twelve.
Kategori 3: Menggandakan konsonan terakhir untuk kata kerja yang berakhiran dengan consonant
+ vowel + consonant (C+V+C) atau konsonan + huruf vokal/hidup + konsonan.
Base Form (Verb 1) Past Simple (Verb 2) Past Participle (Verb 3)
• Fan Fanned Fanned
• Grab Grabbed Grabbed
• Rip Ripped Ripped
Contoh dalam penggunaan kalimat:
• She fanned the air with her hand
• He grabbed her arm
• His clothing was ripped
Kategori 4: Manghapus -y untuk kata kerja dengan akhiran -y dan menggantinya dengan
Base Form (Verb 1) Past Simple (Verb 2) Past Participle (Verb 3)
Carry Carried Carried
Try Tried Tried
Cry Cried Cried
Contoh dalam penggunaan kalimat:
• She carried a package
• Alex tried to pay, but she wouldn’t let him
• He almost cried in relief
Selanjutnya memasuki irregular verbs, perlu diketahui bahwa banyak bentuk kata kerja irregular (irregular verbs)
dalam Bahasa Inggris. Secara garis besar, irregular verbs dapat dibagi menjadi:
• Kata kerja yang memiliki bentuk v1, v2 dan v3 yang sama
• Kata kerja yang memiliki bentuk v2 dan v3 yang sama
• Kata kerja yang memiliki v1 dan v3 yang sama
• Kata kerja yang memiliki v1, v2, dan v3 yang berbeda.
Kategori 1: Kata kerja yang tidak berubah bentuknya
Base Form (Verb 1) Past Simple (Verb 2) Past Participle (Verb 3)
Put Put Put
Cost Cost Cost
Hit Hit Hit
Cut Cut Cut
Kategori 2: Kata kerja yang memiliki akhiran yang mirip, maka d diubah menjadi t.
Base Form (Verb 1) Past Simple (Verb 2) Past Participle (Verb 3)
Send Sent Sent
Spend Spent Spent
Build Built Built
Kategori 3: Kata kerja dengan akhiran “ought” yang sama.
Base Form (Verb 1) Past Simple (Verb 2) Past Participle (Verb 3)
Bring Brought Brought
Buy Bought Bought
Fight Fought Fought
Kategori 4: Kata kerja dengan akhiran -en pada bentuk past participle
Base Form (Verb 1) Past Simple (Verb 2) Past Participle (Verb 3)
Beat Beat Beaten
Eat Ate Eaten
Forget Forgot Forgotten
5 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab.
Kategori 5: Kata kerja yang huruf vokalnya berubah secara konsisten menjadi a pada bentuk past
dan menjadi u pada bentuk past participle.
Base Form (Verb 1) Past Simple (Verb 2) Past Participle (Verb 3)
Swim Swam Swum
Begin Began Begun
Ring Rang Rung
Kategori 6: Kata kerja yang berubah secara konsisten menjadi -ew pada bentuk past dan menjadi
-own pada bentuk past participle
Base Form (Verb 1) Past Simple (Verb 2) Past Participle (Verb 3)
Blow Blew Blown
Grow Grew Grown
Fly Flew Flown

B.Present perfect tense

Definisi Present Perfect Tense
Present perfect tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu aksi atau situasi
yang telah dimulai di masa lalu dan masih berlanjut sampai sekarang atau telah selesai pada suatu titik waktu
tertentu di masa lalu namun efeknya masih berlanjut. Dilansir dari English Page, tense ini biasanya digunakan untuk
membicarakan mengenai pengalaman atau perubahan yang melibatkan sebuah tempat.
Rumus Present Perfect Tense
Present perfect tense dibentuk dengan auxiliary verb have atau has, dan past participle (verb-3). Have digunakan
untuk I, you, dan plural subject seperti:
• Plural pronoun (they, we)
• Plural noun (boys, men)
Compound subject dengan kata hubung “and” (you and I, Tom and Jack)
Sedangkan has untuk singular subject, seperti:
Third-person singular pronoun (he, she, it)
Singular noun (Tom, man).
Past participle dibentuk dengan menambahkan -ed, -en, -d, -t, -n, atau -ne pada base form berupa regular verb.
Pada base form berupa irregular verb, bentuk past participle tidak konsisten.
Kalimat pernyataan positif
I/You/We/They + have + verb 3 ( They have lived in Jakarta for a long time) He/She/It +
has + verb 3 (He has learned English for one year)
Kalimat pernyataan negatif
I/You/We/They + have + not + verb 3 (They have not lived in Jakarta for a long time) He/She/It +
has + not + verb 3 (He has not learned English for one year)
Kalimat tanya/interogatif
Have + I/You/We/They + verb 3? (Have they lived in Jakarta for a long time?) Has +
He/She/It + verb 3? (Has he learned English for one year?)
Waktu yang Tepat untuk Menggunakan Present Perfect Tense
Bagaimana mengidentifikasi sebuah kondisi bahwa sebuah kalimat memiliki bentuk present perfect tense? Atau
kapan saat yang tepat menggunakan tense ini? Kamu bisa melihat ciri-cirinya dengan contoh keterangan waktu alias
time expression berikut ini.
• Already
• Just
• Recently/lately
• Ever
• Yet
• For + keterangan waktu yang menunjukkan masa lalu hingga sekarang
• Since + keterangan waktu yang menujukkan pertama kali kejadian atau kegiatan dimulai

Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. 5

Avtivity 1. Change the verb into past participle forms!
No. Based Form Verb (Verb 1) Past Participle Form (Verb 3)
1 See
2 Need
3 Show
4 Make
5 Buy
6 Drink
7 Cut
8 Read
9 Write
10 Attack

Avtivity 2. Comple the verb forms in the table!

1. She has … some novels. (write)
2. We have never … about it. (hear)
3. I have … my dinner. (have)
4. Has your sister … the flowers? (receive)
5. Have we … before? (meet)
6. She has … to the market. (go)
7. They haven’t … the door. (lock)
8. My uncle hasn’t … back yet. (come)
9. Have you ... it there? (put)
10. He hasn’t ... a job yet. (find)

Avtivity 3. Complete with the correct auxilaries have or has!

1. We … never had a car.
2. I … not seen John this morning.
3. … she already submitted the task?
4. They … had their breakfast.
5. Lina … lot her key.
6. My parents … told me the story.
7. … they been to Moscow?
8. … Daniel started a new job?
9. Your mother … cooked your favorite food.
10. He … not finished the homework.

Activity 4. Complete the sentences with the correct verb 3 and the auxilaries have or has!
1. he the flowers? (pluck)
2. Jami with the guitar. (play)
3. Anu the flour. (knead)
4. The laborer the carriage. (push)
5. We not the ruinations. (sketch)
6. I an interesting essay. (write)
7. you holidays on the beach? (spend)
8. our leaders for the prosperity of our country? (work)
9. He not the M.A. Examination this year. (take)
10. I my clothes. (iron)

5 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab.

Avtivity 5. Change the sentences into negative and introgrative form!
The earth has been here for billions of years.
(-) The earth has not been here for billions of years. (?)
Has the earth been here for billions of years?
1. We have played cards for the last few hours.
2. We have had problems with our new car recently.
3. You have worked on anything interesting lately.
4. Cuba has been a socialist country since 1959.
5. I have taken care of my neighbor’s cats while they are away.
6. I have had my car for three years.
7. The boxer has ever won an important fight.
8. John and Mary have quarreled with each other since the day they got married.
9. It has rained hard since last night.
10. I have felt well lately.

Competence Test Chapter 6

A. Choose the best answer by crossing the letter A, B, C or D!
1. I have……a letter for 2 hours
5. We have…….this film since last night
a. write c. written
a. watching c. watches
b. wrote d. writing
b. watched d. watch
2. I have……music for 15 minutes, it’s very good
6. They have…….me about this story
a. listen c. listened
a. tell c. telling
b. listening d. listens
b. told d. tells
3. We have……. this new novel together since
7. Diana…….sung this song
a. had c. have c. reading
b. has d. having
b. reads d. readed
8. We have…….in Bandung since 2004
4. I have……a delicious food for them
a. live c. living
a. cooked c. cooking
b. lives d. lived
b. cooks d. cook

Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. 5

9. We…......cooked this delicious food special for 16. The gold value ... recently.
you a. is increased
a. had c. have b. have increased
b. has d. having c. has increased
10. I have……him for two hours d. increased
a. calling c. call 17. Since the tragedy, his family ... with the neighbor.
b. calls d. called a. has engaged
11. Sinta has… the school for 3 hours b. has engaging
a. go c. gone c. have engaged
b. goes d. went d. have engage
12. Diana has…........for two hours 18. Everyone ... this job well for several weeks.
a. sleep c. sleeping a. have done
b. slept d. sleeped b. has do
13. We have…......this major since last night c. has did
a. learned c. learning d. has done
b. learn d. learns 19. For several days, she ... to school because of sick.
14. We have just.......our homework well. a. has gone c. have gone
a. finished c. finishing b. hasn’t gone d. haven’t gone
b. finish d. finishes 20. They ... a permission since they were punished.
15. Many countries......rapid population growth since a. haven’t make
the last 5 years. b. haven’t makes
a. experienced c. has made
b. have experienced d. haven’t made
c. has experienced
d. experience

B. Answer the questions based on the text!

Who are they? What have they done? What has happened?
Linda has just walked outside with Grandmother. She wears an apron. So far, she has finished cleaning
and washing. She has also gathered seeds and crumbs.
Now Linda and Grandmother are outside. Linda has just dropped some seeds on the ground to feed the birds.
The birds have not come yet.
Recently, Grandmother has moved in with Linda’s family. She now enjoys living with them.
Grandmother has already sat down on the bench. She also wears an apron. She has just finished
Grandmother and Linda wait for the birds. They have seen birds in the yard before. Grandmother has always
liked to watch the birds. Linda has always liked to feed them.
1. What is the text about?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
2. With whom has Linda walked outside?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
3. Why has just Linda dropped some seeds?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
4. Where have they seen the birds?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
5. What has Linda done with the birds?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................

5 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab.

Final Semester Test
A. Choose the best answer by crossing the letter A, B, C or D!

Nikki : “Congratulations on your promotion, Dian. I Nindya : No doubt, they must be proud of you. So
hope you will be more successful in the what will you do next?
future.” Mira : My mom told me that there will be private
Dian : ” Thanks Nikki. ….” English course for me to increase my
1. The best expression to complete the dialog above is speaking skill.
… Nindya : Good luck!
A. I hope so too. 5. Why is Nindya talking to Mira?
B. You are so nice. A. To congratulate him
C. May you’ll be blessed. B. To give him support
D. Wish you all the best.
C. To greet his parents
Text for questions number 2 to 4 D. To have a course with him
Dearest Fauzan, 6. “Your hard work was paid.” The underlined word
When you want the best, you have built the passion and according to the text means ....
the dream A. got a fee C. got a course
And we really believe that you’ve passed through B. got a medal D. got an appreciation
rocky road.
Inka : ”I think people should get vaccinated soon.”
Congratulations for winning the gold medal of
Nia : ” I … with you. It will help end the
scientific paper contest.
pandemic soon.”
May this success lead you to a brighter future.

Mom and Dad 7. The best expression to complete the dialog above is

2. What is the purpose of the text above?
A. To motivate someone who wants to A. agree C. support
participate in a contest B. may be D. will be
B. To let people know about someone’s Conversation for questions number 8 to 10
achievement Lina : ”I don’t feel well. I think I catch myself a cold.”
C. To praise someone for winning a contest Udin : ”You should go to the doctor.”
D. To wish someone to have a successful score Beni : ”I don’t think that’s a good idea. Just take a
3. Who sent the text to Fauzan? good rest and drink a lot of water, Lina.”
A. His friends Siti : ”I agree with Udin. You should go to the doctor,
B. His parents Lina. You look very pale. I think you need
C. His siblings to take medicine.”
D. His teachers Edo : ”Idon’t agree with you, Siti. Too much medicine
4. “You have passed through rocky road” The is not good. Just rest, drink a lot of water
sentence means that Fauzan…. and eat only healthy food.”
A. has faced difficulties Dayu : ”I think the best to do is go home, Lina. Your
B. walked through rocks mom and dad know better what you should
C. stepped on many rocks do.”
D. has arrived to the contest area
Text for questions number 5 8. What is the conversation about?
A. Giving suggestions to Lina about what to do
Nindya : Hi! Mira, Congratulations! I heard you got when catching cold.
the first prize for English Competition. B. What Lina should consume when she
Mira : Oh thank you. I prepared myself for two catches cold.
weeks. C. Talking about Lina’s next step about her
Nindya : You deserve it, your hard work was paid. illness.
Mira : Yeah, my parents are very happy for that. D. What Lina’s friend give to her when she is ill.

Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. 5

9. Where does the conversation most likely take Text for questions number 14 to 16
A. Hospital
B. School
C. Airport
D. Harbor
10. From the conversation above, we know that Lina is
A. going home
B. feeling unwell
C. taking medicine
D. going to the doctor
Text for questions number 11 to 13

Dietary supplement 600

mg 100 Soft gels
Supplement fact Serving 14. The text above is attached on …. product
size: 1 soft gel A. chips
Amount per 1 soft gel % Daily value * B. cake
Vitamin D 200 IU50 C. biscuit
Calcium (From milk) 600 mg 60 D. noodle
Zinc 15 mg * 15. The ingredient gives information about…. the
*Daily value has not been established
A. how to keep
Other ingredient: Gelatin, Glycerin, Purified Water
B. the content of
Direction: As dietary supplement, take one soft gel for C. how to prepare
adult daily D. the allergic content of
Manufactured for: Exp. 04 27 10 16. The product is not suitable for a person who is
NU-HEALT PRODUCTS CO, LOT 2 75 61 allergic … milk and wheat.
Walnut, CA 91789 A. at C. for
Made in U.S.A B. to D. of
11. The purpose of writing the text is……. Text for questions number 17 and 18
A. To announce U. S.A product
B. To give detailed information about the
C. To promote high calcium dairy product
D. To advertise someone’s milk calcium
12. What are the benefits of consuming the product?
A. To improve one’s health.
B. To make us feel better
C. To keep our body strong
D. To maintain healthy bones and teeth.
13. Milk calcium is a kind of supplement. The product
is produced … NU-HEALT PRODUCTS CO.
A. in
17. What is the text mostly about?
B. by
A. Nutrition fact of snack product.
C. at
B. Serving size of chips product.
D. on
C. Content list of product chips.
D. Percentage of snack product.

6 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab.

18. Which is not true based on the text above? 22. The text above is written to…
A. the product contains sugar A. tell how to make wedang jahe
B. there is no cholesterol in it B. describe a simple wedang jahe in general
C. the product contains no salt C. prepare the ingredients to make wedang jahe
D. there is fiber in the product D. demonstrate someone’s skill in making
Text for questions number 19 to 21 wedang jahe
USING HAND DRYER 23. When should we put the ingredients into a large
1. Make sure you thoroughly wash your hands saucepan?
before using the dryer. A. After the water is boiled.
2. Get rid of excess moisture from your hands. B. After dry frying the ginger.
3. Place your hands under the unit. C. After the sugar is dissolved.
4. Angle your palm slightly downward to D. After cutting the lemongrass.
encourage the water to roll off your hands. 24. What is the function of pandan leaves?
5. Open your palms towards the jet of air and let the A. To color the drink
air push the water off the tips. B. To decorate the ginger
6. Wait until your hands are fully dry. C. To enhance the sweetness
7. Walk away when you are done D. To improve the health benefit
19. The purpose of the text is to guide the readers how 25. “Boil all of them then cover pot…” the word them
to .... in the sentence refers to ….
A. guide people to wash hands A. The gingers
B. get rid of excess moisture from hands B. The ingredients
C. let the air push the water off the tips C. The lemongrass
D. use hand dryer appropriately D. The pandan leaves
20. How can you encourage the water to roll off your Complete the dialog below!
A. thoroughly wash our hands Yasin : ”Hi Amjad. I …26 to your house yesterday
B. angle our palm slightly downward around seven in the evening. I knocked on
C. opening our palms towards the jet of air the door but nobody came out.
D. withdraw our hands from underneath the Amjad : ”I am sorry we were not at home
yesterday. We were ... 27 dinner at a
restaurant to celebrate my little brother’s
21. What will people do after they let the air push the birthday.
water off the tips?
A. open their palm towards the jet of air 26. .
A. went
B. wait until their hands are fully dry
C. place your hand under the unit B. visited
D. walk away when they are done C. called
D. took
Text for questions number 22 to 25
27. .
How to Make Wedang Jahe A. seeing C. having
Ingredients: B. taking D. making
150 grams fresh ginger peeled, bruised 28. … Icha … her homework yet?
280 grams of palm sugar A. Has…finished
3 lengths of lemongrass, bruised and chopped 3 B. Has … finishes
pandan leaves (tied)
C. Have …finishes
10 cups of water
Steps: D. Have … finished
1. First, dry fry the ginger until fragrant. 29. I have not … Maria for over a year.
2. Move ginger into a large saucepan and add all A. spoken
other ingredients B. gotten
3. Boil all of them then cover pot and reduce heat, C. written
continue to simmer for a minimum of 5 minutes D. seen
until the sugar dissolves.
4. Pour wedang jahe into cups and enjoy.

60 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. Sragen

Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. 6
. :” … 30 have you lived in Jakarta?” Andrew
A. :” How
I havefarlived in Jakarta for 10 years.” C. How often
B. How long D. How many

B. Match the statement in left side with the right answer in the right side.
No. A B
1. Sari:” .. on your dancing competition, Dika. I hope you will be the A. in order not to
champion” B. sift
Dika:”Thanks Sari, I hope so too.” C. milk
2. Naya:” Do you agree that students should not be allowed to bring D. tried
mobile phone to school?” E. Good luck
Shinta:”No, I … we need mobile phone for studying too.” F. in order to
3. Concentrate on your exercise -- make any mistakes. G. First
4. Label for questions number 4 and 5 H. ice cream
I. watching
J. have
K. disagree
L. agree
M. has

The label above is attached in a package of ….

5. Someone who is allergic to … is not advised to consume the
6. …, wash and peel the mango then cut into chunks.

Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. 6

7. In a large bowl, … together the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar.
8. I was …TV when my dad came home.
9. Have you ever … bungee jumping?
10. Mita … not visited her grandmother for months.

C. Essay
Answer the questions!
1. Make a dialog based on the situation below!
Nina has just finished her video after filming for a week. Sania is happy for her and wishing Nina will
win the video making competition.
Nina :” .”
Sania :” ”

2. a. What is the purpose of the label above?

b. What should you do if you unintentionally swallow the product?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................

6 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab.

How to Make Sayur Asem
1. First, boil water in a soup pot over medium-high heat. Add spice paste, lemongrass, daun salam, tamarind
juice, coconut palm sugar, turmeric, salt, and white pepper. Cook for 3-5 minutes, or until fragrant.
2. Add boiled peanuts. Reduce heat to a medium, cover the pot, and cook for 10 minutes.
3. Add cabbage, corn, zucchini, and green beans. Cook, covered, for another 15 minutes, or until the
vegetables are tender.
4. Finally, add kale and tomatoes. Cook until kale is wilted and the tomatoes are just starting to become soft,
about 5 minutes.
5. Turn off the heat, taste test, and add more salt if needed. Serve the soup immediately with steamed white

3. a. What is the purpose of the text above?

b. What is the function of the tamarind juice used in the recipe?
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................
4. Complete the dialog below with the suitable verbs
Asa: ”Aya … a. visiting her grandmother in Bali. She … b. there with her family yesterday early in the morning.”
”I don’t think so. She was still at home at eight.” ”How did you … c. ?”
Nida: ”I … d. her, and her mother picked it up. She told me that Aya could not talk to me because her hands were full

5. Change the sentence into present perfect tense!

A. Rita works in a bank (for five years)
B. Logan lives in Canada (since 2010)
Answer: .................................................................................................................................................

Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab. 6

Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 2014. Bahasa Inggris. Think Globally Act Locally, Edisi Revisi 2018
SMP/MTs Kelas IX Jakarta: Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia
Puchta, J. , Stranks, J., Levy, M. 2009. English in Mind *Students Book 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Zaida, N.
(2018). Bright: An English Course for SMP/MTS Grade IX. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga
Djatmika, Priyanto, Agus Dwi and Ida Kusuma Dewi. 2019. Passport to the World; A Fun and English book 3. Solo:
PT. 3 Serangkai

6 Bahasa Inggris IX SMP/MTs Semester Gasal – MGMP Kab.

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