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Figurative Language in William Shakespeare and William Wordsworth s Poems

Vivi Melaty Ruslida

Universitas Bengkulu,
Drs. Barnabas Sembiring, M.Si.
Universitas Bengkulu,
Indah Damayanti, M.R.S.

Universitas Bengkulu,

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penggunaan dan makna dari bahasa kiasan (majas)
dalam puisi. Sampel penelitian ini adalah sepuluh puisi dari dua penulis yang berbeda zaman,
yaitu Shakespeare dan Wordsworth. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif
dan pendekatan objektif yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data. Bahasa kiasan (majas)
dianalisis berdasarkan teori dari Wren dan Martin dan juga dianalisis makna dari setiap bahasa
kiasan (majas) yang telah ditemukan. Bahasa kiasan (majas) yang ditemukan disajikan dalam
bentuk tabel. Dari analisis data, ditemukan semua bahasa kiasan (majas) di dalam lima puisi
oleh Shakespeare kecuali Euphemism dan Irony. Dalam puisi Wordsworth, ditemukan semua
bahasa kiasan (majas) kecuali Synecdoche dan Irony. Dari bahasa kiasan (majas) yang telah
ditemukan tersebut dan dari latar belakang penulis, telah disimpulkan bahwa Shakespeare
adalah orang yang Puitis, ia biasanya menggunakan beberapa kata-kata yang indah.
Sedangkan, Wordsworth adalah orang yang Romantis. Dia biasanya berbicara tentang cinta,
perasaan dan bahkan kesedihan yang selalu dihubungkan dengan kehilangan seseorang yang
Kata Kunci: Majas, Puisi, William Shakespeare, William Wordsworth

Thisresearch isaimedto investigate the using and the meaning of figurative language in the
poems. The sample of this research were ten poems from the two author separated in 2
century, they are Shakespeare and Wordsworth. This research applied descriptive qualitative
method and the objective approach to analyzed the data. The figurative language was
analyzed based on Wren and Martin s theory and also the implied meaning of each figurative
language. The figurative language found were presented in the form of table.From the
dataanalysis,itwasfound all thefigurative language in the five poems by Shakespeare except
Euphemism and Irony. In Wordsworth poems, all the figurative languages were found except
Synecdoche and Irony. From the figurative language found and the background of the authors,
it was concluded that Shakespeare is a Poetic person, he usually used some beautiful words to
describe something. While, Wordsworth is a Romantic person, he usually told about love,
emotion and even feeling sadness always related to the lost love.
Key Words: Figurative Language, Poems, William Shakespeare, William Wordsworth
Literature has its own language style Moreover, much of poem has to offer is in
to make the readers interesting.There are the form of hidden meanings by the
many aspect of language of literature that figurative langauge. Furthermore, for this
are found in literary works, and one of modern era, the figurative language is
them is figurative language. Figurative forgotten because people more interesting
language is language that uses words or to use modern language like slang than
expressions with a meaning that is figurative language. From the fact before
different from the literal interpretation. the researcher interested to do the reseach
According to M.H Abrams (1999:96) about figurative language in poem.This
Figurative Language is a conspicuous research focuses on figurative language
departure from what users of a language used in two different authors and separated
apprehend as the standard meaning of by two centuries.
words, or else the standard order of words, William Shakespeare (1564-1616),
in order to achieve some special meaning an English poet and playwright, is widely
or effect . Mostly, figurative languages are considered to be the greatest writer in the
found in poems, whether it is old and English language. The researcher chose five
modern poems. poems by William Shakespeare: Blow Blow
Poetry is any kind of verbal or written Thou Winter Wind , Shall I Compare Thee
language that is structured rhythmically to a Summer s Day , Dirge , A Fairy
and is meant to tell a story, or express any Song , A Madrigal . On the other hand,
kind of emotion, idea, or state of being William Wordsworth (1770-1850) is known
(Bernie Ollila and Joe Jantas, 2006). Beside, as an English Poet in 1793 era. The
William wordsworth in Anita (2013) researcher chose the five poems by William
defined that poetry is the spontaneous Wordsworth : I Wandered Lonely as a
overflow of powerful feelings and Poem Cloud (The Daffodils) , Desideria ,
defines as the shytmetics creation of Evening on Calais Beach , My Heart Leaps
beauty.Poetry is the most condensed and Up , and A Complaint . The researcher
concentrated form of literature, saying chose different authors and different period
most in fewest number of words. Every is because the researcher wanted to do a
poem is to be read for its "message," that new modification research with two
this message is "hidden" in the poem. different authors while in the previous time,
Many poets like to "play" with the sound of the previous researchers only did with one
language or offer an emotional insight by author. On the other hand, the researcher
describing what they see in highly wanted to show what figurative language
descriptive language. that was used commonly in the different
Poem sometimes is difficult to authors and their own language styles.
understand the meaning because very often Based on the background, the
its language is indirect. Usually, the reader problem is further formulated as
to reading and understand the poem and follows:
usually avoids, because it will makes them 1. What were the Figurative
confuse and needs energy to think hard. language expressions found in the
Shakespeare and Wordsworth s the end,the researcher made the conclusion
poems based on Wren and Martin about the research.
2. What were the implied meanings RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
of the figurative on the poems? The first result, based on the research
3. How were the Shakespeare s questions is what were the figurative
poems different from language found in the poems above.The
Wordsworth s poems ? researcher analyzed the five poems of
William Shakespeare and five poems of
METHODOLOGY William Wordsworth. The researcher
The research was designed as a focused on finding the figurative language
descriptive qualitative study. Similarly, Berg based on Wren and Martin s theory. From
in Muhammad (2014) states that qualitative the explanation before, the figurative
research Refers to the meaning, concepts, language was divided into 11 kinds, thery
definition, charateristics, metaphors, are Simile, Metaphore, Personification,
symbols, and descriptions of things . Apostrophe, Hyperbole, Synecdoche,
According this definition, qualitative Metonymy, Antithesis, Irony, Euphemism,
research goals for description of the object. and Rhetorical Question. The reseacher
The researcher employed descriptive shows the table that present the result of
qualitative method because it analyzed the figurative language found.
data and then described the finding to Shakespeare Wordsworth
answer the research question. This method
used to describe the kind of five figurative Figurative Fre Figurative Fre
Language que Language que
that found in the poems by William
ncy ncy
Wordsworth and William Shakespeare, and Simile 8 Simile 1
to analyze the implied meaning of the Personification 8 Personification 14
poems. To support this analysis, the Metaphor 9 Metaphor 0
researcher used objective approach. Antithesis 5 Antithesis 1
Metonymy 2 Metonymy 3
Besides, to valid the data, the researcher
Hyperbole 7 Hyperbole 19
helped by Validators. The role of validators Synecdoche 2 Synecdoche 0
was to checked the result.In research Euphemism 0 Euphemism 1
procedures, the researcher did some steps. Rhetorical Q 2 Rhetorical Q 5
Firstly, the researcher read the poems by Apostrophe 13 Apostrophe 1
Irony 0 Irony 0
William Wordsworth and William
Shakespeare s poems. After the reseacher
In Shakespeare s poems, the
read the poem many times, The researcher
researcher found Simile, Personification,
identified the figurative based on the
Metaphor, Antithesis, Metonymy,
poems, then the researcher classified the
Hyperbole, Synecdoche, Rhetorical question
type of the figurative language that used in
and Apostrophe. The first poem, the
the poems. After finish, the researcher
researcher found Apostrophe, simile,
analyzed the implied meaning of that
synecdoche, personification, and
figurative language that have been
antithesisi. The example of apostrophe can
classified before. Then, the reseacher
be seen in the first poem Blow Blow Thou
discussed the result with the Validators. At
Winter Wind that there is an apostrophe language used in the poem are Simile,
from the tittle, and it might give an idea Personification, Metonymy and Hyperbole.
that the poem talks about the condition of In this poem, Wordsworth talked about
winter, but the truth is the poem talks someone who was lonely and amazed
about someone ingratitude more hurting about the golden daffodils. The second
than winter wind. The second poem is poem; Desideria , the reseacher found
Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer s day, figurative language used in the poem are
the reseacher found figurative language Antithesis, Metonymy, Hyperbole,
used in the poem are Metaphor, Euphemism, and Rhetorical question. In this
Metonymy, Hyperbole, Synecdoche, and poem, Wordsworth wanted to tell someone
Rhetorical question. The example of who passed away, someone who was loved
metaphor can be seen in the title, it is by the character, and there was no spirit
comparing thee and summer s day . anymore without her. The third one is
Shakespeare wanted to show that the Evening on Calais Beach . From the
lover is beautiful than anything, even analysis, the reseacher found figurative
summer. Historically, the theme of language used in the poem are
summertime has always been used to evoke Personification, Hyperbole and Apostrophe.
a certain amount of beauty, summer also is In this poem, Wordsworth wrote the
a growing period. The third poem is Dirge , character wanted to give the advice to the
the reseacher found figurative language child who walk beside him that always
used in the poem are Personification, worship and close to the God, but before,
Hyperbole, Rhetorical question, and Wordsworth begins with talk about the
Apostrophe. From the poem, shakespeare beautiful scene. The fourth poem is My
wanted to show that the character in the Heart Leaps Up , the reseacher found
poem had killed by a cruel mad and go to figurative language used in the poem are
die soon. The fourth poem is A Fairy Song , Personification and Hyperbole. The
the reseacher found figurative language meaning of the poem is that the child is the
used in the poem are Simile, father of the man. In other words, our adult
Personification, Antithesis and Hyperbole. selves still contain the kernel of our
This poem talks about a fairy tale, the childhood selves. He wants his days to be, it
character flew everywhere to spread the seems like the days of a child, filled with
dew drops for serve the fairy queen. The and tied together by a reverence for nature.
last poem is A Madrigal . In this poem, the The last poem by Wordsworth is A
reseacher found figurative language used in Complaint , the reseacher found figurative
the poem are Simile, Metaphor and language used in the poem are
Apostrophe. Besides, this poem talks about Personification, Hyperbole and Rhetorical
the comparison between young and old. question. In this poem, Wordsworth
How strong the youth and how weak the wanted to show that he have nothing
old people. because he lost someone whom he loved so
Furthermore, the five poems by much. There is no spirit anymore but his
William Wordsworth are also full of love will be forever for her.
figurative languages. It can be seen from From the meaning and figurative
the first poem, I Wandered Lonely as A language used in the poems from the
Cloud . The reseacher found figurative different author, the reseacher found the
differences. Actually the differences the poem. It seems that Wordsworth is a
between two authors above decided by the romantic person. It can been from the way
dominant of figurative language used, he always talked about love, emotion, and
another factor is by the historical of the everything was related to the feeling. Even
authors because usually the author write the poorness is because the lost of the
something related to their period. lover. Besides, the reseacher concluded
from the most figurative language used by
As the explanation of the figurative Wordsworth were Hyperbole and
language, from the shakespeare s poems, Personification. It can be seen from the
the most figurative language used were word choice used to talked about love and
Apostrophe and Metaphor. Based on the emotion with exaggeration for example his
dominant figurative language in love is never dry. Also he always drew how
Shakespeare, the researcher concluded that beautiful of nature, it seems that he loved
it seems that Shakespeare is a Poetic and nature very much so he wrote the beauty of
dramatic person. It can be seen from the nature as the golden daffodils and in the
way he comparing the lover to the things or poem evening on calais beach . Moreover,
nature such as summer s day, winter wind, when he talked about someone whom he
etc. It can be seen from the poems, he talk loved but she passed away, it can be seen
to the winter wind, to the corpse, etc. the romantic word from the way he drew
Furthermore, Shakespeare s word choice how his love was expressed to her. He drew
was influenced by his experience as an her like the best treasure and his love will
author and drama player. It can be seen be forever to her.
from the word choice, for example in poem Not all figurative language above is
Blow, blow, thou winter wind he talk to found in the poems. From the figurative
the winter wind, bitter sky,etc. It seems like language based on Wren and Martin, the
he did some monologue. Shakespeare used reseacher did not find Irony. Irony is the
dramatic language style that can be proved figure of speech which is talking about
by the historical of Shakespeare and the allusion. From the explanation above, irony
period of his life. Beside, Shakespeare with is not found because of the two authors
the club theater always held on theater above are poetic and romantic, so they did
show, he showed his drama, comedy, etc. not use some words about allusion, as we
Because he was known as a drama writter, know that allusion will make someone can
for example Romeo and Juliet, Twelfth hurt. Moreover, in Shakespeare s poems,
Night,etc. So, from the fact above, the there was no Euphemism but was found in
reseacher found the reason why is Wordsworth. It is because in Renaissance,
shakespeare language style is dramatic and people just started to learn so it seems that
poetic, and there is no complaint or he there was no symbol word in Shakespeare
wrote something about war because his era period. On the other hand, in Wordsworth s
was peaceful and there was no war. poem there is no metaphor, synecdoche,
Comparing with Shakespeare, William and irony. Based on the background of
Wordsworth lived in the next 2 century, it Wordsworth, he was a romatic person so it
called in Romanticism period. So, from the seems that he did not use some comparing
romantiscm period, it gave influenced to sentences unless it was comparing to the
nature or something beauty, but it must be
simile because of the used of comparison Metapora dalam Puisi William
word as or like. Wordsworth . The tittle of poems are
England I, England II, England III, England IV,
PREVIOUS STUDY and England V. The researcher concluded
Related to figurative language, there had that Metaphor image as antromorphic are 8
been many researchers analyzing it. Rudy words (42%) , Metaphor image as animal
Tri Pambudi (2016) Department Of English are 6 words (32%), Metaphor image
Education School Of Teacher Training And abstract to concrete are 3 words (16%),
Education Muhammadiyah University Of Metaphor image as sinestesia 2 words
Surakarta. The tittle is Figurative Language (11%). Another Research done by Ginanjar
Used In Robert Frost s Poems . The result of (2015) Departement of English Education
the research are the types of figurative and teacher training University of Bengkulu
language that found are personification, 2015. The tittle is Figurative Language in
symbol, metaphor, hyperbole, irony, and Broken Wings by Khahlil Gibran: A
apostrophe. And the top figurative used is Pragmatic Perpestive . The result was
pesonification. The top implied meaning found 70 sentences of figurative language,
used is connotative meaning. Another with dominant simile 57% and another
Research done by Jefry Novrian (2016), kinds of figurative language is
Department of English Education and Personification, Metaphor, Hyperbole, and
Teacher training University of Bengkulu Litotes. The last, Research done by
2016. The tittle is A descriptive analysis on Setiawan (2013) Department of English
figurative language in Khalil Gibran Education and Teacher Training University
Madman s poems The result is : The of Bengkulu 2013. The tittle is Figurative
researcher concluded that the figurative Language Analysis in Song Lyrics of Cold
language used in each line and stanza of the Play Band . He found out that the most kind
poems, they are Personification, Repetition, of figurative language used in the song were
Hyperbole, Metaphor, Symbolsm, Methapor (80%), Simile (4%), Hyperbole
Repetition, Metonymy, Simile, Litotes, (7%), Personification (7%), Onomatopoeia
Pleonasm. In Become a Madman the (2%).
kinds of figurative language applied are
personification, repetition, symbolism. The CONCLUSION
second poems that is The eye the writer After reading and analyzing the five
found two kinds of figurative language that poems by William Shakespeare and William
are personification and rhetorical. The third Wordsworth, the reseacher wants to
poem is Night and the Madman the present the conclusion from the discussion
writer found simile, hyperbole, above. The reseacher concludes that there
personification, metaphor. The fourth are are many kinds of figurative language. From
litotes, personification, symbolism, all the poems, the reseacher found 10
metaphor, hyperbole, pleonasm. The last figurative language in the poems. In
poem is The fox the writer found only Shakespeare s poems, the researcher found
metaphor in all lines. Then, Research done Simile, Personification, Metaphor,
by Puspa Sari (2015), Department of English Antithesis, Metonymy, Hyperbole,
Education and teacher training University of Synecdoche, Rhetorical question and
Lakidende, 2015. The tittle is Penggunaan Apostrophe. In Wordsworth poems, The
researcher found Simile, Personification,
Antithesis, Metonymy, Hyperbole, Abrams, M, H.1971. Glossary of literature
Euphemism, Rhetorical question and term. New York, Holt, Rinehart
Apostrophe. andWinson, Inc.
From the figurative language used by
two authors above, the reseacher found the Aminuddin. 2010. Pengantar Apresiasi
differences. In Shakespeare s poem, the
dominant of figurative language found were Karya Sastra. Bandung: Sinar Baru
Apostrophe and Metaphor. It seems that algesindo.
Shakespeare was a poetic and dramatic
person because from he was a playwright.
Siswantoro. 2014. Model Pembelajaran
On the other hand, Wordsworth was a
Sastra Inggris untuk SMA Teori dan
Romantic person because from the
Praktik. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.
figurative language he used hyperbole and Patel, M. Chirag. 2014. Imagery and
personification. Furthermore, he lived in Figurative Language in Wordsworth’s
romantic era. From the figurative language poems “The World is too much with
used by two different authors above, the us” and “My Heart Leaps up”.
researcher did not find Irony. International Journal of Research
(IJR), vol 1, pp 650-654.
The reseacher would like give some Pambudi, Tri Rudi. 2016. Figurative
suggestions related to the case : Language Used in Robert Frost’s
Poems. Surakarta: Universitas
1. For students in English Department Muhammadiyah Surakarta. (thesis)
who want to learn subjects :
Introduction to Literature and Prose Novrian, Jefry. 2016. A Descriptive Analysis
and Poetry, it will help them in on Figurative Language in Khalil
classifying and analyzing the poem. Ghibran Madman’s Poems. Bengkulu:
2. For the further researcher who Universitas Bengkulu (thesis)
wants to take the research about
figurative language in poetry, it can Ollila, Bernie., Joe Jantas. 2006. The
be used as references. definition of Poetry. (paper)
3. In general, reading poem can build
our vocabulary, which is one of the
Wallidain, Birrul. 2012. Figurative
parts in the English language aspect.
Language in Rupert Brooke’s Poems.
Salatiga: STAIN Salatiga

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