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1. Capaian Pembelajaran: Setelah mengikuti pertemuan ke 6
a. Mampu memperkenalkan diri dengan baik menggunakan Bahasa Inggris
b. Memahami etika dalam menjawab telepon menggunakan Bahasa Inggris
c. Memahami etika berkomunikasi dengan rekan kerja menggunakan Bahasa
d. Mampu memandu kegiatan rapat/acara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris
e. Mampu membawakan presentasi menggunakan bahasa Inggris

2. Kemampuan Akhir yang diharapkan: Setelah mempelajari materi tentang

komunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris, mahasiswa dapat menggunakan Bahasa Inggris
dalam memperkenalkan diri, menjawab telepon, berkomunikasi dengan rekan
kerja dan atasan, serta membawakan presentasi
3. Pokok Bahasan: Komunikasi menggunakan bahasa Inggris
4. Sub Pokok Bahasan:
a. Etika memperkenalkan diri menggunakan Bahasa Inggris
b. Etika menerima telepon menggunakan Bahasa Inggris
c. Menjadi pembawa acara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris
d. Presentasi menggunakan Bahasa Inggris

5. Materi
a. Introduction

Hello everybody, Good morning.

Well. I would like to introduce myself, my full name is ……………, you
can call me …….
I am from ………... I live in ………….
I was born in ……………….
I work as ………...
I really like to …………….
I think that is all about my introduction,
Thank you very much and nice to meet you.
b. Taking Phone Calls

Man : Hello?
Woman: Hello, I’d like to speak to Paul Verhoeven, please.
Man : I’m afraid he’s with a client at the moment. Can I take a
Woman: Er, OK… Do you know when he’ll be available?
Man : I’m not sure, but I can take a message or just get him to call you
Woman: Well, what I need is quite hard to explain, so could you just tell
him Wendy called, from ProLingua.
Man : Sure, and what’s the number?
Woman: He should have it, but just in case: it’s 020-411-76855
Man : OK, I’ll let him know.
Woman: The only thing is that I’m leaving in two hours, at 4.00. After that
it’ll have to wait till tomorrow.
Man : OK, I’ll tell him.
Woman: That’s great, thanks very much.
Man : No problem, bye bye!
Woman: Bye
c. Attitude of Communication in business

 Show your enthusiasm

I'd be happy to do that.
Is there anything else you'd like me to do?
My pleasure
 Always support
Good point!
I couldn't agree with you more
That's exactly how I feel
 Good manners
Thank you
Excuse me for interrupting
Please get back to me as soon as possible.
Thanks for your help!
 Think efficiency
I'll get right on that
I'll get that to you by 6 p.m.
 Be imaginative
I was thinking that it might be a good idea to?
Why don't we?
d. Presentation

How to open your presentation like a professional.

1. Greeting
2. Compliments
3. Name
4. Position
5. Purpose statement
6. Signpost
Good morning
Thank you for coming today it’s great to see you all here
My name is …. Call me ………….
I am the …….
Today we are going to look at the …….
First, we will look at the ………, next we will look at ways of improving the
…………, finally you will hear ………. we can consider. We hope this will help
you see the key points we need to keep in mind as we evaluate the benefits and
risks of this project.
Easy Power Point design tips
1. Purpose of presentation: to inform, to persuade or to train
2. Use a readable font size: the audience in the last row should also be able to
read text (use a minimum font size in the range pf 21-25 points)
3. Don’t present paragraph: the audience will lose interest - fast (break large
blocks of text into points, points help sustain interest and retain
information, break paragraphs into points to prevent information overload)
4. Use sans serif fonts: helvetica and verdana are some of the fonts in the
sans serif class (sans serif fonts are easy to read on screen)
5. Use images to make content more useful: reduce or replace text with
images, diagrams or clipart (images can kindle and retain interest)
6. Use a color theme for the entire presentation: a colour theme is a key
element of a professional presentation (Click design > variant > click
down and arrow > colors) use the colors in a colour scheme to make your
presentation look professional)
7. Use graphs to present numerical content: graphs or charts can present data
better than text. (Graphs or charts can help better understand the data)


A. TEMA: Presentasi menggunakan Bahasa Inggris

Setiap mahasiswa diberikan waktu 5 – 10 menit untuk memberikan
presentasi menggunakan Bahasa Inggris

Mahasiswa diharapkan mampu memberikan presentasi menggunakan Bahasa


a. Laptop / PC
b. Software: MS Powerpoint, MS Word
c. Jaringan Internet
d. Mobile Phone

a. Tentukan tema presentasi
b. Siapkan seluruh materi untuk memberikan presentasi menggunakan Bahasa
c. Gunakan MS Power Point untuk membuat presentasi
Buat presentasi menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
1. Tugas bersifat individu
2. Tema presentasi:
a. The effect of COVID 19 toward the business progress.
b. The factors of the business progress. business ideas during
pandemic era.
c. Business Ideas during Pandemic Era
d. Business Solution in Response to COVID 19
3. Durasi 10 menit

1. Siapkan PPT untuk presentasi dengan tema yang sudah dipilih
2. Menyampaikan presentasi dengan pola berikut:
a. Greetings (Ucapan pembuka presentasi)
b. Introducing (Memperkenalkan diri)
c. State the focus of the topic (Menjelaskan maksud dan tujuan
d. Share the main content of presentation (Menyampaikan materi
e. Question and Answer (Membuka sesi tanya jawab)
f. Make a Summary (Menyimpulkan isi presentasi)
g. Closing (Salam penutup presentasi)
3. Upload naskah presentasi di google drive
4. Upload PPT dari presentasi yang disampaikan di google drive

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