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1. lnformasi Umum

Nama Penyusun :Surianti, S.Pd.I., M.Pd

Penyusun lnstitusi : SMAN 1 TINAMBUNG

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa lnggris

Tahun Penyusunan : 2024

Jenjang Sekolah :SMA

Kelas : 10
: 2 kali pertemuan ( per pertemuan 2 X 45 menit)

Capaian Pembelajaran (CP) : Reading - Viewing

2. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Reading and Viewing

Menganalisis, menyimpulkan makna dan mengevaluasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan teks lisan dan tulis berbentuk recount secara kritis, kreatif dan jujur terkait

topik pengalaman pribadi dan biografi, dengan tingkat kelancaran dan ketepatan yang optimal.

Kriteria Ketercapaian Tujuan Pembelajaran:

 Siswa mampu menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaandari teks

 Siswa mampu menyimpulkan makna fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsurkebahasaan
dari teks 'recount'

 Siswa mampu mengevaluasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks

 Siswa mampu merancang secara tertulis teks 'recount'

Konsep Utama (Essential Question):

What is the purpose of a recount text?

What is the generic structure of a recount text?

Which of the paragraph shows the orientation? Which

of the paragraph shows the events?

Which of the paragraph shows the re-orientation (optional)?

Pengetahuan/Keterampilan Prasyarat :

 Siswa mampu membaca berbagai macam teks secara mandiri.

 Siswa mampu merespon berbagai pertanyaan teks secara mandiri.
 Siswa mampu menunjukkan keterampilan merespon teks yangmakin

 Siswa mampu menulis teks melalui aktivitas yang dipandu dan

menyampaikan ide kompleks dan menggunakan berbagai kosa

kata dan kata kerja dalam tulisannya.

3. Profil Pelajar Pancasila yang berkaitan :

 Beriman, bertakwa kepadan Tuhan YME, dan berakhlak mulia

 Bergotong royong (kolaborasi dan kepedulian)
 Bernalar kritis (memproses informasi dan refleksi pemikiran)
 Kreatif (menghasilkan karya atau tindakan yang orisinil)

4. Sarana Prasarana

Fasilitas Lingkungan : LCD, HP smartphone/Laptop

belajar : Ruang kelas (tatap muka)

5. Target Siswa : Siswa regular/tipikal

6. Jumlah Siswa : Minimum 36, maksimum 40 siswa

7. Ketersediaan Materi

a. Pengayaan untuk siswa berpencapaian tinggi : Ya

b. Alternatif penjelasan, metode atau aktifitas untuk siswa yang sulit memahamikonsep: Ya

8. Model Pembelajaran : Tatap muka

9. Asessmen : lndividu dan kelompok
Jenis Assesmen : Tertulis dan lisan

10. Kegiatan pembelajaran utama

Pengaturan siswa : lndividu dan berkelompok

Metode : Diskusi, presentasi, Ceramah, simulasi

11. Materi ajar, alat dan bahan

Materi atau sumber pembelajaran yang utama

a. Teks recount terkait biografi seseorang terkenal

b. Teks recount terkait pengalaman pribadi

Alat dan bahan yang diperlukan

a. Lembar Kegiatan Siswa(LKS)/Hand-out

b. LCD

c. Hp Smartphone
d. PPT (Canva)

Perkiraan biaya

Rp 0/ siswa /pertemuan

1. Persiapan Pembelajaran

Langkah - langkah yang perlu dilakukan guru sebelum mengajar luring/Tatap muka:

 Menyiapkan komputer, LCD, Laptop

 Mempersiapkan Materi
 Membagi siswa dalam kelompok
 Menyiapkan buku absensi siswa
 Menyiapkan soal-soal

2. Urutan kegiatan pembelajaran

Kegiatan Pendahuluan (15 Menit)

1. Siswa disiapkan untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran, termasuk berdoa, mengecek

kerapihan dan kesiapan mental dan psikis serta siswa siap duduk dalam

2. Guru menyiapkan daftar hadir dan menanyakan keadaan siswa.
3. Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran pada pertemuan ke-1 yaitu:
Reading and Viewing
Menganalisis, menyimpulkan makna dan mengevaluasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks lisan dan tulis berbentuk recount secara kritis, kreatif
dan jujur terkait topik Pengalaman pribadi, dan biografi dengan tingkat kelancaran dan

ketepatan yang optimal.

4. Guru memperlihatkan beberapa gambar pahlawan dan melanjutkan dengan pertanyaan: do

you know This hero? (sambil menunjuk beberapa gambar yang di tampilkan di LCD, they are

our Heroes. Do you know the Hero who are from Soulth Sulawesi ? Yes, he is Sultan

Hasanuddin. Today we are going to discuss about him.

Kegiatan Inti ( 60 menit)

5. Sebelum mendiskusikan sebuah teks, siswa diperkenalkan kosa kata yang akan ditemukan

pada teks yang akan dibahas dengan menjodohkan sebuah kata dengan sinonimnya.

6. Siswa memperhatikan Task 1 yang ditampilkan guru pada layar LCD. Siswa menjawab secara
lisan setelah berdiskusi dengan grupnya.

Task 1.

No Word Synonym

1 Educated a. oppose
2 againts b. defeat
3 Accompany c. Religious
4. conquer d. learned
5. Spritual person e. Go together with

7. Guru memberi feed back atas tugas ada Task 1 ( 1-d, 2-a, 3-e, 4-b, 5-c)

Task 2. Discuss the following questions with your group (don't write the answer butdiscuss the

questions before we read the text).

a. What is a 'recount text'?
b. What is a biography?
c. Why do you think the writer write about Sultan Hasanuddin?
d. Why was he knighted as Sultan Hasanuddin Ri Balla Rangkana?
e. What do you expect after reading the text?

Guru memberi masukan dengan tidak menyalahkan pendapat setiap grup tetapi lebih kepada

brainstorming dan siswa berani mengeluarkan pendapat secara lisan.

Key answer i
1.A text that tells the past events
2.A text that tells the readers about someone's life

3.To know about Sultan Hasanuddin and his history in the past 4.Because he is

promoted as King of Gowa Empire in Makassar

5. I like to read more about the other heroes that can inspire me to dosomething for the


Task 3. Learn about the recount text

When we talk about a recount text. There are 3 types of recount text:
1. Personal experience

2. Biographical recount
3. Historical recount

Now, let's check the function.

Social Function

 Orientation (…….)
 Series of events (……)
 Reorientation (optional)


Task 6. Pay attention to the instruction below and then discuss the questions withyour group

1. The teacher will read paragraph 1 and the student will imitate him/her ( do the samething to
paragraph 2 and 3)

2. The teacher asks one of the representatives of the group to read paragraph 1 to 4 (theteacher
checks the spelling) and then find and explain the generic structure of them

(orientation, because there are exlanation of who Sultan Hasanuddin, where he was born,when he

was born, his childhood, and what he was famous for).

3. The teacher will read paragraph 5 and the student will imitate him/her ( do the samething to
paragraph 6,7,8 and 9)

4. The teacher asks one of the representatives of the group to read paragraph 5 to 9 (the teacher checks

the spelling) and then find and explain the generic structure of them. series of events because

there are explanation of the beginning of his achievements what contributions he did for Indonesia,

5. ' reorientation' is optional in the generic structure of a biographical recount. What does it mean? ( it

means that in the recount text, it may/may not have a summar)I or personal comment)

6. What is the purpose of the text? to know about Sultan Hasanuddin and accomplishment in the past

7. Pay attention to the second Pharagraph and then answer the questions.

a. He was educated well by his father that created his leadhership, when his father Sultan Malikkussaid
became a King of Gowa, he sometime asked to hasanuddin to accompany him to some accompany

b. He studied with a spritual teacher name Karaeng Patingalloang who was a teacher of AriaPalakka, King of

( He, his) : ......... ( Personal Pronoun)

( studied, was) : .......... ( past verbs )

Kegiatan Penutup (15 menit)

1. Siswa menuliskan dibuku apa yang sudah dipelajari hari ini, dengan menjawab pertanyaan-

pertanyaan, seperti: What information do you get today? How do you feel about today's learning?
2. Siswa secara acak menyampaikan apa yang ia tuliskan.

3. Guru memberi penguatan informasi yang disampaikan oleh siswa ( dengan menanyakan tujuan

sebuah teks biografi, struktur umum teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang mendukung teks biografi)

4. Guru memberi tugas kelompok untuk mencari teks biography dari orang yang terkenal dan file

teks dikirim ke Grup Whats up ( deadline -5 hari)

Formative test

Read the text and answer the questions by circling A,B,C or D

Sultan Hasanuddin one of indonesian hero who fought againts Dutch. He was a son of fifteenth King of Gowa
Empire name Sultan Dimas Lintang or Sultan Malikussaid. Hasanuddin was born in Makassar January, 12
1631 and his name is I Malombasssi Muhammad Bakir Daeng Mattawang Karaeng Bonto Mangape.

Since Sultan Hasanuddin was child, He was educated well by his father that created his leadhership, when
his father Sultan Malikkussaid became a King of Gowa, he sometime asked to hasanuddin to accompany him
to some accompany meeting, his father did this because he wanted to prepare Hasanuddin the next king. He
had higher integent then his friend when he studied.

Sultan Hasanuddin studied in a mosque which was a the center education. He grew as a humble, smart and
a spritual person. He studied with a spritual teacher name Karaeng Patingalloang who was a teacher of Aria
Palakka, King of Bone.

When he was 22 years old, he was promoted as a king of Gowa Empire in Makassar and was knighted as
Sultan Hasanuddin Ri Balla Rangkana. People called him Sultan Hasanuddin or King Hasanuddin. He
became a king as a messenge from Sultan Malikussaid.Before hw passed away.

He became a King of Gowa Empire to continue his father which was very hard, because Gowa was a very
great kingdom at that time in Eastern Indonesia Eastern Indonesia was a region full with spices which was a
main comodity. That was why Dutch tried to conquer that region. Dutch which was led by Admiral Cornelis
Spellmen had conquered some smallkingdom in Eastern Indonesia, but Gowa was still strong. Gowa was the
only one kingdom that still againts Dutch, so they tried to attack Gowa. Sultan Hasanuddin knew that they
could not fight alone, so he tried to merge other kingdoms.

Hasannuddin assembled soldier from Eastern indonesia to fight againt Dutch. The war between Gowa and
Dutch Colonial could be avoided. Sultan Hasanuddin and his troop bravely fight Dutch, but Dutch got
reinforcement from Batavia which made Gowa pushed. A treaty was made to end the war between Gowa and
Dutch named Bongaya Treaty.

However, Gowa suffered, because of this treaty. Sultan Hasanuddin felt that he was trickedby Ducth, then he
declared a war againts Dutch. Dutch got more reinforcement that made Gowa more under pressed. Dutch
pushed them to the last stronghold, called Sombaopu. Finally, Dutch could breach the stronghold and
overtook Gowa Empire at June 24th 1669.

After Gowa lost from Dutch, Spellmen declared an amnesty, who wanted to surrender and join Dutch would
get amnesty. However, Sultan Hasanuddin had promised that he would not join and compromised to Dutch,
so he released his position as a king. At June 12 1670, Sultan Hasanuddin passed away when he was 39
years old.

He was burried in kings burial inside stronghold of Kale Gowa. Sultan Hasanuddin was caled as e Haantjes
van Het Oosten or A Rooster from The Eastern, because of his brave. Indonesian Military used his named is
a name of Regional Military Command in Makassar.Sultan Hasanuddin was proclaimed as Indonesia national
hero by President at November 6th 1973.

1. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To know Sultan Hasanuddin and his history in the past
B. To inform how Sultan Hasanuddin became a King

C. To know one of indonesian national Hero

D. To explain Sultan Malikussaid. Hasanuddin

2. Why did his father educate Sultan Hasanuddin well when he was child?
A. Because his father wanted sultan Hasanuddin be a King

B. Because his father created his leadhership

C. Because his father love him so much

D. Because his father wanted sultan Hasanuddin was brave

3. He grew as a humble. The word 'He' in the third paragraph refer to ...
A. Sultan Hasanuddin

B. Sultan Malikussaid

C. Karaeng Patingalloang

D. Aria Palakka

4. Rearrange the following jumbled words into a good order.

a King of Gowa- very hard -He- became -to continue- very hard
-his father -which was -Empire

A. His father became a King of Gowa Empire to continue he which was very hard.
B. He became a King of Gowa Empire to continue his father which was very hard.
C. A King of Gowa Empire He became to continue his father which was very hard.
D. His father which was very hard, He became a King of Gowa Empire to continue

5. He-Sultan Hasanuddin- passed -when was 39- years old- away

A.. Hasanuddin passed away when he was 39 years old.

B. Passed away when he Hasanuddin was 39 years old.

C. When he was 39 years old Hasanuddin passed away.

D. When Hasanuddin was 39 years old he passed away.

Key answer:

1. To know Sultan Hasanuddin and his history in the past

2. Because his father created his leadhership

3. Sultan Hasanuddin

4. He became a king of Gowa Empire to continue his father which was very hard

5. Hasanuddin passed away when he was 39 years old.

14. Refleksi guru

Direkomendasikan pada guru berkolaborasi dengan teman sejawat untuk merekam

proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran di kelas menggunakan kamera ponsel/digital agar

dapat mereview dan mengevaluasi kegiatan selama berada di dalam kelas.

15. Kriteria ketercapaian Tujuan Pembelajaran dan assesmen.

Kompetensi yang dinilai

Siswa mampu menganalisis fungsi social, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan teks recount (biography,

historical events, personal experience)

Cara penilaian : selama proses belajar dan formative test

Kriteria penilaian : Jumlah score tertinggi 100 dengan KKTP 75 (untuk ketrampilan

reading-viewing, writing-presenting) Produk

siswa : membuat teks recount dengan tuntunan

Mencapai tujuan pembelajaran jika hasil siswa sederhana minimal 75. Belum

mencapai tujuan pembelajaran jika hasil siswa di bawah 75.

14. Refleksi untuk siswa

● Apakah materi yang disampaikan cukup jelas?

- Materinya cukup jelas karena menggunakan layer LCD jadi penyampaiannya tidak
- Iya jelas, tapi penyampaian materinya agak cepat yang membuat murid merangkumAtau
menulis, tetapi tetap penyampaiannya sangat jelas

15. Materi pengayaan

Bagi peserta didik mempunyai nilai di atas 75 diberi pengayaan berupa tugas mandiri untuk menuliskan

teks recount dalam bentuk 'personal experience') Kemudian mempublikasikannya di wag,Fb atau

lnstagram karena itu siswa akan mendapat skor tambahan dari guru.

16. Materi untuk siswa yang kesulitan belajar

Peserta didik yang belum mencapai KKTP (75) diberi tugas untuk membuat beberapa teks recount

Setelah dua minggu guru mengevaluasi kemajuan kompetensi peserta didik dalam menangkap makna

dan atau menyusun teks announcement. Kemudian guru melaksanakan penilaian remedial. ( Recount text dan latihan soal serta pembahasan) ( Recount text dan Pembahasan Soal Latihan )


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