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IPK: 3.1.5/IPK 4.1.5

Sekolah : MTs. Nurul Huda Sedati Kelas/Semester : VII/Ganjil

Mata Pelajaran : IPA Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit (2 x Pertemuan)
Sub Materi Pokok : Gaya,Gerak benda dan Hukum Newton

Setelah melakukan pembelajaran peserta didik diharapkan mampu mendeskripsikan konsep Gaya, Gerak benda dan
hukum newtondan menghubungkan gaya dengan hukum newton
Kegiatan/ Wakt
Deskripsi Kegiatan PPK
Sintaks u
1. Mengucapkan salam, mengajak berdoa, memeriksa kesiapan belajar Religius
siswa dan mengajak siswa untuk bersyukur kepada Allah yang telah Nasionalis
Pendahuluan memberikan kesehatan dan kesempatan dapat belajar. Integritas 5’
2. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dicapai dan kata
kunci materi yang akan dipelajari.
Kegiatan Inti Creativity Thinking and innovation Kemandiria
How does the force influence the motion of objects?



HOTS Picture a picture b picture c

Answer the following questions correctly!
a) How does the object move in figure (a) if the force at one end of
the teeter is tipped bigger?
b) What happens at the seesaw if the two children give the same
c) Compare the motion of objects in figure (b) if the child draws
the catapult strong and weak?
d) Compare the speed of the object in figure (c), if the force given
is equal!
Tahap – 2 Critical Thinking and innovation Kemandiria 5’
Problem Guru memberikan kesempatan pada peserta didik untuk n
Statement mengidentifikasi Integritas
(Pernyataan/ sebanyak mungkin masalah yang berkaitan dengan hukum Newton
Identifikasi dengan memperhatikan gambar
masalah) From the following picture:

a) Distance from A - B and GLB or GLBB!
b) Distance from B – C and GLB or GLBB!
c) Distance from C – D and GLB or GLBB!
Kegiatan/ Wakt
Deskripsi Kegiatan PPK
Sintaks u
d) Distance from A – D

Tahap – 3 Peserta didik mengumpulkan informasi yang relevan dengan membaca Kemandiria
Data teks bacaan pada modul yang diberikan guru untuk menjawab n
Collection pertanyaan yang diidentifikasi melalui: menemukan anggota bilangan
(Pengumpulan antara -5 dan 5, menemukan anggota bilangan asli, bilangan cacah dan
data) bilangan bulat
1. From the following picture:

No Move
Picture a Picture b

Picture c

Picture d
Determine newton’s law one, two or three!

Tahap – 4 Communication Kemandiria 20’

Processing Discuss with your friends, then present ahead! n
(Pengolahan Integritas
Identify the following event!
1. When someone brakes a motor vehicle or car, the body will be
pushed forward. Because
______________________________________ is the application of
the law _________________Newton.
2. Truck Cars that carry Mass (Objects) A little can get a greater
acceleration, than Truck Cars that carry a lot of cargo due
to .________________________________ It is legal
3. When our hands hit the table it will hurt because the table will give
thrust as a reaction to the hand. Due
to___________________________________________It is legal
When flying in the air, bird movements can be explained by Newton's
third law, namely by utilizing the nature of air flow. The comparison of
the magnitude of the action force and the reaction between birds with the
Kegiatan/ Wakt
Deskripsi Kegiatan PPK
Sintaks u
correct air is_________
Tahap – 5 Peserta didik menngidentifikasi hubungan gerak dengan hukum newton Integritas
Verification dengan menelaah materi mengenai Gerak, Gaya dan hukum newto pada 10’
(Pembuktian) modul yang diberikan
Tahap – 6 Creativity Thinking and innovation Kemandiria
Generalization Peserta didik menyimpulkan hasil pembelajaran dengan cara: n
(Menarik Menjawab umpan balik berupa soal : Integritas
kesimpulan) 1. A cyclist cycles for 2.5 hours along a straight track. What is the
distance traveled if it is known that the speed is 18 km/h?
2. A graph of the speed of time from the motion of two cars, A and B.

Determine at what distance the car A and B meet again on the road
if both depart from the same place!
3. Here are the results of typing the ticker timer from a motion

Straight, regular movements and straight, irregular, straight-forward

moves are shown in figure number
1. Menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikutnya. Religius
Penutup 5’
2. Berdo’a kafarotul majlis untuk menutup pembejaran

Penilaian Sikap: Tanggungjawab dalam pengumpulan tugas; Penilaian Pengetahuan: Penugasan (terlampir)
Penilaian Keterampilan: Unjuk Kerja Kegiatan penugasan (terlampir)

Mengetahui, Kalanganyar, 13 Juli 2020

Kepala MTs. Nurul Huda Sedati Guru Mata Pelajaran,


Lampiran Penilaian:
a. Penilaian Sikap
a. Amati perkembangan sikap siswa menggunakan instrumen jurnal pada setiap pertemuan.
b. Isi jurnal dengan sikap atau perilaku yang menonjol, baik yang positif maupun yang negatif.

Jurnal Perkembangan Sikap Sosial

Nama Sekolah: MTs Nurul Huda Sedati
Kelas/Semester : VII
Tahun Ajaran :
Perilaku yang diamati Jumlah Nilai
Nama Religius Nasinalis Gotong Mandiri Integritas Skor Akhir
Siswa royong

BT : Belum Terlihat
MT: Mulai Terlihat
MB : Mulai berkembang
SM: Sudah Membudaya
b. Penilaian Keterampilan


No. Aspek Penilaian Pedoman Penilaian Skor
1. Menyimpulkan konsep Gaya. Siswa dapat menyimpulkan konsep 2
gaya secara tepat.
Siswa dapat menyimpulkan konsep 1
kurang tepat
Tidak ada jawaban/respon 0
2. Menyimpulkan GLBB dan GLB Siswa dapat menyimpulkan GLBB dan 2
bulat GLB secara tepat
Siswa dapat menyimpulkan GLBB dan 1
GLB kurang tepat
Tidak ada jawaban/respon 0
3. Menyimpulkan Hukum Newton Siswa dapat membandingkan dua 2
bilangan bulat secara tepat
Siswa dapat membandingkan dua 1
bilangan bulat kurang tepat
Tidak ada jawaban/respon 0
Skor Maksimal 6
Skor Minimal 0

Nilai = Skor Perolehan X 100

Skor Maksimal
Lampiran Materi :
How to distinguish between GLB and GLBB?
When an object moves, the object will experience a change in distance and can also experience a change in
position or commonly called displacement. The following is explained further,
 Distance is the length of the entire path that a moving object takes. Distance only has value.
 Displacement is the length of a straight track measured from the initial position to the final position of the object.
Displacement has value and direction.
If you see a moving object, then usually the thing we notice the most is as fast as what the object moves. There are two
terms about how fast objects move, namely speed and speed.
 Speed (speed) is a comparison between the distance traveled by the object and the time interval needed. Speed is a
scalar quantity (only has value).
Speed = the distance travelled
Time interval needed

 Speed (velocity) is a comparison between the object's displacement and the time interval needed. Speed is a vector
quantity (has value and direction).
Speed = displacement = starting position – final position
Time interval needed Time interval needed
 Acceleration is a change in speed in a certain time interval

 Regular Straight Motion (GLB)

The following is displayed in formula form,
 Regular Changeable Straight Motion (GLBB)
Regular changes in straight motion can be formulated as follows:
vt = v0 + a . t
s = v0 . t + ½ a . t 2
vt2 = v02 + 2 a . s
vt = final speed (m/s)
v0 = initial speed (m/s)
a = acceleration (m/s2)
t = time interval (s)
s = distance traveled (m)
1. Adi goes to school on a bicycle. Distance from home to school 3 km. Calculate the distance and
displacement that the child takes after arriving home!

2. Distance from city A to city B is 115 km. Mr. Budi departs from city A at 09.00 towards city B using
a vehicle with a speed of 50 km/hour. How many Mr. Budi will get to city B?

3. A child goes to the east for 3 km, then turns south as far as 4 km. Calculate the distance and
displacement that the child traveled!

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