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Pengertian Procedure Text

What is procedure text? (Apa itu teks prosedur?). Procedure text is a text that explains or helps
us how to make or use something. Apabila diartikan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia, procedure
text adalah sebuah teks yang memberikan instruksi mengenai cara untuk membuat atau
melakukan sesuatu.

Tujuan Procedure Text

The purpose of procedure text is to explain how something can be done such as directions,
recipes, instruction manual, and itineraries. Dengan kata lain, tujuan procedure text adalah
menjelaskan bagaimana sesuatu dibuat atau dilakukan dengan langkah-langkah yang berurutan.

Struktur Procedure Text

sebelum membahas contoh-contoh procedure text, kita bahas secara singkat strukturnya dulu.
Secara garis besar, structure of procedure text tersusun atas tiga bagian, yaitu goal, materials,
dan steps. Berikut masing-masing penjelasannya!

1. Goal

Goal merupakan tujuan penulis dalam membuat procedure text.

2. Materials

Bagian ini menjelaskan tentang bahan-bahan atau alat yang diperlukan untuk membuat
sesuatu atau untuk mencapai goal yang diinginkan.

3. Steps

Terakhir, step merupakan langkah atau cara yang harus kita ikuti dari awal hingga
akhir dalam membuat sesuatu.

Contoh Procedure Text

Alright, sekarang kamu sudah mengetahui pengertian dan struktur procedure text, ya. Next, kita
perhatikan beberapa contoh procedure text dalam bahasa Inggris di bawah ini!

1. Contoh Procedure Text How to Make Coffee

How to Make Simple Creamy Coffee Milk


 1 teaspoon of coffee powder

 1½ spoons of full cream milk
 ½ teaspoon of sugar (you can skip this because full cream milk is fairly sweet)
 A cup of water

Utensils that we need:

 A teaspoon
 A cup


1. First, Put the coffee powder, sugar, and full cream milk in the cup.
2. Second, Whisk the mixture rigorously by using the spoon until its color becomes light
3. Then, Heat a cup of water in a pan and wait until it’s boiled.
4. After that, pour the boiled water into the cup that has the mixture of coffee cream in it.
5. Then, stir it well with the spoon.
6. Finally, a cup of hot coffee milk is ready to be served.

Dari teks prosedur di atas, goal-nya bisa dilihat dari judul, yaitu How to Make Simple Creamy
Coffee Milk. Jadi, penulis ingin memberikan resep cara membuat kopi susu yang creamy.
Kemudian, bagian materials bisa dilihat dari ingredients dan utensils yang dilampirkan.
Terakhir, langkah-langkah membuat kopi susu juga sudah dijelaskan secara berurut di
bagian steps.

Contoh Procedure Text How to Make Infused Water

How to Make Infused Water


 Fresh fruits (e.g., berries, citrus slices, watermelon)

 Fresh herbs (e.g., mint, basil)
 Ice cubes (optional)
 Water


 Pitcher
 Wooden spoon or muddler
 Strainer or infuser bottle (optional)


1. First, Make sure you have all the fresh fruits, herbs, and equipment listed above.
2. Second, Wash the fruits and herbs thoroughly. Cut larger fruits into slices or chunks,
and bruise the herbs slightly to release their flavors.
3. Then, Place the prepared fruits and herbs into the pitcher. Feel free to get creative
with combinations, such as strawberry and mint or cucumber and lime.
4. If you want a more intense flavor, use a wooden spoon or muddler to gently press and
twist the fruits and herbs in the pitcher. This helps release their natural juices and
5. After that, Pour cold water into the pitcher, covering the fruits and herbs completely.
You can use tap water, filtered water, or sparkling water for a fizzy variation.
6. Use a wooden spoon to give the ingredients a gentle stir. Place the pitcher in the
refrigerator and let it chill for at least 1-2 hours to allow the flavors to infuse.
7. If you prefer a clear drink, use a strainer to remove the fruits and herbs when serving.
Alternatively, you can leave them in the pitcher for a more visually appealing
8. Before serving, you can add ice cubes to the infused water for a refreshing touch.
9. Finally, Pour a glass of the infused water and savor the refreshing and natural
flavors. You can also garnish with a fresh slice of fruit or herb for a decorative touch.

Goal dari teks prosedur di atas adalah membuat infused water. Selain bahan-bahan yang
direkomendasikan dalam ingridients, kamu juga bisa menggunakan buah-buahan lain yang kamu
suka. Misalnya seperti apel, lemon, kurma, atau rempah seperti kayu manis. Kamu bisa
mengikuti langkah-langkah pembuatannya seperti yang tercantum dalam procedures.

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