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Ladies and gentlemen, bullying may seem like a small problem for some

people. Most people may not realize that the damage caused by bullying
can be so serious. It can be as serious as “death” in extreme cases. If
you think that bullying is not a serious matter to deal with just because it
merely hurt “feelings” then I have to tell you that you are completely
wrong. This “merely hurt your feelings” thing can be the beginning of
various worse scenarios such as physical assault, suicide, or any other
kinds of violent acts carried out in the name of revenge.

As I said just now that bullying is not a serious problem for some people,
just because we simply don’t see the damage. But the thing is, based on
my experience as a teacher, I learned that the effect of bullying can stay
undetected for years. During this time, the effect of bullying keeps
corrupting the soul of the victim. They may hold it inside as a grudge, or
they may also develop trauma which may result in self-withdrawal. I
believe that this is something that we don’t want to happen to our
children. That is why we have to act right now to stop it, and I mean all of
us with no exception.

Baca juga: Reported Speech: Pengertian dan Contoh dalam Bahasa



Ibu-ibu dan Bapak-bapak, bullying mungkin nampak seperti masalah

kecil bagi sebagian orang. Kebanyakan orang mungkin tidak menyadari
bahwa dampak yang disebabkan dari bullying bisa begitu serius.
Dampak tersebut bisa berupa “kematian” dalam kasus yang ekstrim.
Jika Anda berpikir bahwa bullying bukanlah merupakan hal yang serius
untuk ditangani karena hal itu hanya sekedar menyakiti perasaan maka
saya perlu menyatakan pada anda bahwa Anda sepenuhnya salah. Hal
yang “hanya menyakiti perasaan” ini bisa menjadi awal dari berbagai
scenario yang lebih buruk seperti kekerasan fisik, bunuh diri atau
berbagai tindak kekerasan lainnya yang dilakukan atas nama balas

Seperti yang baru saja saya sampaikan bahwa bullying bukanlah

masalah yang serius bagi sebagian orang, hanya karena kita tidak
melihat dampak kerusakan yang disebabkan olehnya. Tapi masalahnya,
berdasarkan pengalaman saya sebagai seorang guru, saya jadi tahu
bahwa dampak bullying bisa tetap tidak terdeteksi selama bertahun-
tahun. Selama masa ini, dampak bullying terus saja merusak jiwa si
korban. Mereka mungkin menahannya di dalam diri sebagai dendam,
atau mereka bisa juga membentuk trauma yang mungkin berakhir pada
penarikan diri dari masyarakat. Saya percaya ini bukanlah hal yang kita
inginkan untuk terjadi pada anak-anak kita. Itulah sebabnya kita harus
bertindak sekarang juga untuk menghentikan hal ini, dan yang saya
maksudkan adalah kita semua tanpa terkecuali.

Pidato perpisahan

Every year, we hold a farewell party for our senior students a couple of
weeks before their graduation. Have you ever asked yourself, why do
we hold it before their graduation? Why not later? Well, the answer is
actually pretty simple: the essential meaning of the event itself.

This farewell party is a family event, and we are family. This event is not
about the dance or the music performances. This event is about
appreciating the chance that we have to gather around together for
maybe the last time.

I don’t know what will happen tomorrow, nor I know what will happen in
the next five or ten years. Some of you might already be somebody of
your dream living so far from this place. Some of you might still struggle
with your dream, fighting so hard to achieve it. But I do know one thing:
that our prayer will always be with you, that we will always be hoping for
the best for you because you are family.

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