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Dr. Zainuri Sabta N

Departemen Anatomi FK UII
Definisi: studi tentang asal-usul dan
perkembangan suatu organisme
Periode Prenatal : sebelum lahir
38 minggu dari pembuahan sampai usia lahir
(rata-rata) "janin"
Waktu ginekologi setelah HPM; karena itu
mengacu pada usia 40 minggu "kehamilan"
Menurut Dorlands Illustrated Medical Dictionary,
Embriogenesis adalah :
1. produksi dari embrio;
2. perkembangan dari individu yang baru yang terjadi
secara seksual yaitu dari zigot.
Embriogenesis adalah proses pembelahan sel dan
diferensiasi sel dari embrio manusia yang terjadi pada
saat tahap-tahap awal dari perkembangan manusia
tepatnya sejak fertilisasi sampai akhir dari minggu ke-8
dari perkembangan manusia (Langman,1994).
Traditional (artificial) division:
Periode Embryonic : 8 minggu awal
Semua organ utama
Periode embrio dianggap waktu yang paling kritis
dalam perkembangan manusia dari induksi cacat
lahir. paling sensitif terhadap penghinaan teratogenik.
Periode Fetal : 30 minggu sisa
kehamilan (sampai lahir)
Organ tumbuh lebih besar dan menjadi lebih
Fertilization (first week)
Penetration of Zona Pellucida
Once inside the corona radiata, the sperm binds to the species-
specific ZP3 receptor on the eggs glycoprotein coat. This triggers
the acrosomal reaction, or the release of enzymes stored in the
sperms acrosome (e.g. acrosin). These enzymes help the sperm
drill through the zona pellucida
Once the sperm has
penetrated the outer layers
it fuses with the plasma
membrane of the egg and
releases its contents inside.
The head and the tail of the
sperm degrade, so that all
mitochondria in the
embryo (and all
mitochondrial DNA) come
from the mother.
Fertilization (first week)
Cortical Reaction
Entry of a sperm into the egg triggers changes that
prevent polyspermy (fertilization of an egg by more than
Table 4sperm). These changes are known as the cortical
- Cortical Reaction
Phase Description
Fast block Electrical depolarization of the eggs surface (70Mv
+10Mv) works for a short time to repel other sperm

Slow block A wave of Ca++ ions released from the point of sperm
entry spreads through the egg. This causes cortical
granules in the egg to release their contents.
Polysaccharides in the cortical granules reach the
outside of the egg and form a physical barrier to sperm
penetration. Enzymes in the granules break down the
ZP3 receptors in the zona pellucida and also further
harden the coat.
Fertilization (first week)
Cortical Reaction
During ovulation oocyte
completes meiosis I, stops in
metaphase of meiosis II
Fusion of oocyte and sperm
membranes triggers -- oocyte
completes meiosis II
Afterwards the male and
female pronuclei fuse and the
egg completes its second
meiotic division, resulting in a
second polar body. The
fertilized egg is now known as
the zygote (together).
The 23 chromosomes of the
sperm join with the 23
chromosomes of the egg to
restore the diploidnumber of
46 in the zygote.
A zygote has 22 pairs of
autosomes and one pair of
sex chromosomes; XX in
females, XY in males.
Ovulation: egg released into the
peritoneal cavity
Travels down fallopian tube in which
fertilization occurs
At conception in fallopian tube, maternal
and paternal genetic material join to form a
new human life (zygote)
Cell division occurs with travel down the
tube and into the uterus

Conception (biology) or fertilisation, the fusion of gametes to

produce a new organism of the same species (Wikipedia)
Week 1 post conception

Zigot membelah berulang kali bergerak turun

menuju uterus (Cleavages)
Sel anak disebut blastomer
Morula: cluster padat terdiri dari 12-16 blastomer
(terbentuk sekitar 72 jam)
Hari 4: akhir 60 sel morula memasuki uterus,
mengandung cairan menjadi blastokista
Cleavage (membelah)
At the 32-cell stage the embryo is known as a morula (L.
mulberry), a solid ball consisting of an inner cell mass
and an outer cell mass. The inner cell mass will
eventually become the embryo and fetus, while the
outer cell mass will eventually become part of the
Blastocyst Formation
The cells on the outside of the morula form tight
intercellular junctions and express ion channels to
create an impermeable barrier.
A fluid-filled cavity forms inside the morula. This
cavity is known as the blastocyst cavity or
blastocoele, and the morula is now called a blastula
or blastocyst. The inner cell mass is now known as
the embryoblast and the outer cell mass becomes the
Blastocyst stage
_____inner cell mass

Two distinct types of cells
Inner cell mass: forms the embryo
Trophoblast: layer of cells surrounding the cavity
which helps form the placenta
Floats for about 3 days
Implantation on about day 6 post conception
Trophoblast erodes uterine wall
Takes 1 week to complete
If inner cell mass of a single blastocyst divides:
monozygotic (identical) twins
Implantation 5 to 8 days after fertilization

The zona pellucida must degenerate

for implantation to occur.
One function of the zona pellucida is to
prevent premature implantation.

Attachment and Invasion

The embryo attaches to and invades
into the maternal endometrium.
The trophoblast differentiates into the
cytotrophoblast and the
The embryo typically implants in the
posterior superior wall of the
uterus. The response of the maternal
endrometrial cells to the invading
embryo is called the decidual
Implantasi lengkap
terjadi pada minggu
ke 14 kehamilan.
Jenis kehamilan ektopik ini apabila terjadi implantasi
blastocystr di lumen tubaoleh karena mengalami
keterlambatan transport
Lokasi paling sering ada di ampula dan excavatio
rectouetrina (cavum douglas)
Kehamilan ektopik sering terjadi pada wanita
denganendometriotis atau pelvic inflamatory disease
Tuba mengalami ruptur dan perdarahan hebat yang
memungkinkan dilakukan salpingectomy
Diagram bayi kembar A. dizigot B. monozigot C. conjoint twin (siam)

A. Dizigot (fraternal). Terjadi

bila 2 ovum dibuahi oleh
dua spermatozoa yang
B. Monozigot (identik). bila
terjadi fertilisasi antara 1
ovum dengan 1
spermatozoa, namun pada
saat zygot membentuk
blastocyst inner cell mass
(embrioblast) membelah
menjadi 2, sehingga identik.
C. Conjoined (siamese), terjadi
bila inner cell mass
(embrioblast) membelah
tidak lengkap/sempurna,
sehingga kedua bayi masih
terhubung oleh jaringan
(kepala, thorax atau pelvis)
Tahapan Bayi tabung
1. Ovarium distimulasi agar terjadi
multiple ovulation
2. Oocytes di ambil dengan aspirasi
jarum dengan dibantu USG
3. Spermatozoa diambil dengan
cara masturbasi dan dipisahkan
dari cairan semennya.
4. Spermatozoa dan oocytes
kemudian dikultur bersama.
Berhasil bila didapatkan dua
pronuclei dengan oocyte
5. Dibiarkan terjadi cleavage secara
invitro menjadi 8 cel embrio
6. Kemudian diambil 3 embrio dan
dipindahkan ke dalam uterus
(kenapa3 embrio)?
7. Embrio sisanya di frozenkan
untuk dipakai kemudian bilamana
gagal terjadi kehamilan.
Week 2:
Trophoblast consists of two layers =
cytotrophoblast (makes cells),
syncytiotrophoblast = invasion and hormones.
Inner cell mass = germ disc divides into two
layers: epiblast and hypoblast.
Two cavities: amniotic = dorsal to epiblast;
yolk sac = ventral to hypoblast.
Extraembryonic mesoderm formed around the
amniotic and yolk sac cavities = splits into two
layers = somatic and splanchnic. Cavity
between = chorionic cavity.
Two layers of extraembryonic mesoderm
connected at connecting stalk (umbilical
At about 12-14 days, the embryo penetrates
uterine vessels = some bleeding = may
misdiagnose as menstrual bleeding =
misdiagnose pregnancy and age of embryo.
Ectopic pregnancy = ampullary region = most
common. Rectouterine (Douglas) pouch =
most common in abdomen.
Week 2 - week of 2s:
2 layers to trophoblast: syncytiotrophoblast and cytotrophoblast
2 layers to embryoblast: epiblast and hypoblast
2 cavities: amniotic and yolk sac
2 layers of extraembryonic mesoderm: somatic and splanchnic
Embryology The BI-LAMINAR embryo

Back at this stage, the two layers constituted

the BI-LAMINAR embryo



The TRI-LAMINAR embryo


MESODERM In side view

Embryology 6-d BLASTOCYST

Directions of growth
EPIBLAST will sort itself into a single layer
for the EMBRYO, & an overlying

will form the YOLK SAC

about to invade the uterine mucosa &
eventually form the PLACENTA
Embryology The three GERM LAYERS
The blast suffix is still here being used to indicate formative power,
as is the term germ layer for what derives from the epiblast


three layers




Note - Mesoderm is the middle layer ENDODERM

Days 16-18
Primitive node
epiblast cells
invaginate and
migrate anteriorly with
some endoderm cells
Rod defining the body
axis is formed
Future site of the
vertebral column
Week 3 = week of 3s:
3 germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm
Week 3: 3 cavities: amniotic, yolk sac, chorionic
Gastrulation = process of making three germ layers: ectoderm (skin,
CNS), mesoderm (blood, bones, connective tissue), and endoderm
(gut, parenchyma of glands).
Epiblast = forms all three germ layers = all of the embryo. Hypoblast
Primitive streak forms at the caudal end of embryo at the beginning
of the third week = cell migration from epiblast to form germ layers.
Node = organizer = cranial end of streak = notochord cells.
Notochord = induces CNS, forms nucleus pulposus in intervertebral
Trophoblast = forms villi for placenta = vessels formed in
extraembryonic mesoderm connect to umbilical vessels = fetal
Week 3

Bilaminar to trilaminar disc

Three primary germ layers: all body tissues
develop from these
Formation of the 3 germ layers
Primitive streak (groove) on
dorsal surface of epiblast
Grastrulation: invagination
of epiblast cells
Days 14-15: they replace
hypoblast becoming
Day 16: mesoderm (a new
third layer) formed
in between
Epiblast cells remaining on
surface: ectoderm
The three germ tissues
Germ as in germinate, not germs
Early specialization of cells
Are precursors
Ectoderm and endoderm are epithelial tissue
(form sheets of tissue)
Mesoderm is a mesenchyme tissue
Mesenchyme cells are star shaped and do not attach
to one another, therefore migrate freely
(berdasarkan urutan waktu)
Week 4
Neurulation: neural plate, neural folds, neural plates; proceeds
middle to ends
Neural crest cells form
Paraxial, intermediate, and lateral plate mesoderm can be
Paraxial mesoderm forms somites, cranial to caudal direction;
somites differentiate into dermo-, myo-, and sclerotome parts
Intermediate mesoderm begins to form mesonephros (ginjal)
Lateral plate mesoderm gives rise to somatic and splanchnic
mesoderm, intraembryonic coelom forms
Folding laterally and craniocaudally, which is also important to GI
Through Week 8, embryogenesis of all major organ systems
Notochord signals overlying ectoderm
Formation begins of spinal cord and brain (neurulation)
Neural plate to neural groove to neural tube: pinched off
into body
Closure of neural tube: begins at end of week 3; complete
by end of week 4 (folic acid important for this step)
Extends cranially (eventually brain) and caudally (spinal
Neural crest, lateral ectodermal cells, pulled along and
form sensory nerve cells and other structures
Mesoderm begins to differentiate
Lateral to notochord, week 3
Extends cranially and caudally (from head to tail or
crown to rump)
Division of mesoderm into three regions
Somites: 40 pairs of body segments (repeating units,
like building blocks) by end week 4
Intermediate mesoderm: just lateral to somites
Lateral plate: splits to form coelom (cavity)
Divisions of the mesodermal lateral
Somatic mesoderm: apposed to the
Splanchnic mesoderm: apposed to the
Coelom in between will become the
serous cavities of the ventral body cavity:
Folding begins
at week 4

(main difference
between the 3
week embryo
and the adult
body is that the
embryo is still
a flat disc)
24 day
Day 23, beginning
to fold

Lateral folds
will join ventrally
human body
plan, day 28
(about cm)

cross section
abdomen of
an adult
(essentially the
same as above)
Major derivatives of the embryonic germ layers
minggu ke tiga embrional
Ectoderm: forms neural plate = induced by
organizer, notochord, and prechordal mesoderm =
block BMP-4 activity.
Neural plate folds into a tube = CNS.
Cells at top of neural folds = neural crest = migrate
to form bones and connective tissue of the face
and skull, spinal ganglia, sympathetic and enteric
ganglia, melanocytes, adrenal medulla, cranial
nerve ganglia (V, VII, IX, X).
paraxial (dorsal) = somites =
vertebral column. Somitomeres
form in head region and contribute
to the base of the skull
intermediate (ventral) = urogenital
lateral plate (ventral) = splits into
splanchnic (visceral, surrounds
organs) and somatic (parietal,
lines body cavities)
Mesenchyme = any loose
connective tissue regardless of
Mesoderm = derived from
mesodermal germ layer.
Somites = sclerotome (bone),
myotome (muscle), dermatome
Sonic hedgehog from notochord
and floor plate of neural tube
induces sclerotome
Endoderm = gut tube and its
Cephalocaudal (head and tail
folds) and lateral folding closes
gut tube around the umbilical
Vitelline duct (yolk sac duct)
connects gut tube to yolk sac.
Gut divided into fore-, mid-,
and hindgut = closed at the
cranial (buccopharyngeal
membrane) and caudal
(cloacal membrane) ends.
Homeobox genes = contain
conserved DNA binding motif;
grouped into four clusters;
regulate anterior-posterior
patterning of embryo.
Cloaca = expanded portion of
hindgut = allantois forms off of
cloaca = later forms bladder.
Mesoderm is also
present in the midline,
forming thenotochord,
which underlies the
neural tube.

Each somite
differentiates, forming a
me plus myotome) and a
The myotomesare comprised
of muscle cells, some of
which migrate into the body
wall and limbs.
Thesclerotomesare comprised of cells that form the vertebrae. In the
midline, these cells condense around thenotochord.
29 day embryo
(this is when the heart starts pumping, about 4
weeks or 1 month, cm size)
3 month fetus late 5th month
(6 cm) month 3 month
(about 19 cm) 5
By 8 weeks, about 2 months, all
major organs are in place in at
least a rudimentary form; this is
why drugs early in pregnancy are
so important to avoid many
cause birth defects; baby is a little
over 1 long (below right)

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