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By :
1. Wahyu Kurnianing Tyas [4401417069]
2. Muthia Khanza M [4401417069]
Apa hubungan diantara istilah berikut :
A. kromosom
b. kromatid
c. kromatin
d. Solenoid
e. Nukleosom
f. Histon
g. DNA
Jelaskan mengapa lebih benar menyatakan
bahwa unit fundametal kromatin adalah
“manik bertali” dari pada yang umunya
dinyatakan “tali manik”
Bandingkan dan jelaskan 4
macam bentuk kromosom
berdasarkan letak
sentromer !
Consider 3 pairs of homologous
chromosomes with centromers
labeled A/a, B/b & C/c where the
slash line separates one cromosom
from its homologue. How many
different kinds of meiotic products
can this individual produce ?
c ABc
c Abc

c aBc
C abC
c abc
Sel otak dari lalat rumah musca domestica memiliki enam
pasang kromosom. Oleh karena itu dapat disimpulkan
bahwa …
A. Jumlah diploid lalat tersebut adalah 24
B. Jumlah haploid lalat tersebut adalah 12
C. Jumlah haploid lalat tersebut adalah 3
D. Jumlah haploid lalat tersebut adalah 6
E. Jumlah haploid lalat tersebut adalah 24
Seekor katak betina mempunyai 26 kromosom di
dalam setiap sel somatisnya/sel tubuhnya. Artinya
pada setiap sel telurnya terkandung kromosom

a. 12 autosom + 1 gonosom X
b. 12 pasang autosom + 1 pasang gonosom X
c. 12 autosom + 2 pasang gonosom X
d. 24 autosom + 1 gonosom X dan Y
e. 24 autosom + 2 gonosom
Manusia mempunyai 46 kromosom di dalam setiap
sel somatisnya/sel tubuhnya. Artinya pada setiap
sel spermatozoa terkandung kromosom

a. 12 autosom + 1 gonosom X danY

b. 12 pasang autosom + 1 pasang gonosom Y
c. 12 autosom + 1 gonosom X/Y
d. 24 autosom + 1 gonosom X dan Y
e. 24 autosom + 2 gonosom X/Y
A. What type of division (equational or
reductional) is exemplified by the
anaphase chromsomal movements
shown below ?
Equaltional Reductional

B.Does the movement shown at (i) occur in

mitosis or meiosis? Both

C. Does the movement shown at (ii) occur in

mitosis or meiosis? Meiosis
Manusia memiliki 46 kromosom. Berapakah
jumlah kromosom yang terdapat pada :
a. Spermatosit sekunder 23

b. Spermatid 23

c. Spermatozoa 23
d. Spermatosit primer 46

e. Sel telur yang masak 23

f. Badan kutub 23
g. Oosit primer 46
There are 40 chromosomes in
somatic cells of the house mouse.

a)How many chromosomes does a

mouse receive from its father

b)How many autosomes are present 19

in a mouse gamete?

c) How many sex chromosome are in

a mouse ovum?

d)How many outosomes are in

somatic cells of a female?
Assume the horse has a diploid complement
of 60 chromosomes and the ass has 66

a) Predict the number of chromosomes to

be found in the hybrid offspring, called a 63
mule, produced by mating a male ass to
a female horse.

b) What is the maximum number off

30 ?
bivalents that could theoretically form
during first meiotic prophase in the mule?
When a plant chromosomal type aa
pollinates a plant of type AA, what
chromosomal type of embryo and
endosperm is expected in the resulting
Aa AAa
Jagung (Zea mays) mempunyai kromososm
diploid 20. berapa banyak kromosom yang
ditemukan pada :
a. Meiotic product (mikrospore of megaspore) 10

b. The cell resulting from the first nuclear 20

division (karyokinesis) of megaspore
c. A pollar nucleus 10
d. A sperm nucleus 10
e. A microspore mother cell 20

f. A leaf cell 20
g. A mature embryo sac (after degeneration 30

of non-functional nuclei)
h. An egg nucleus 10
i. An endosperm cells 30
j. A cell of the embryo 20
k. A cell of the pericarp 20
l. An aleurone cell? 30
A pollen grain of corn with nuclei labeled A,B, and C fertilized
an embryo sac with nuclei labeled D, E, F, G, H, I, J, and K as
shown below.
Antipodal D
B C egg G Antipodal
Tube nucleus A

A. Which of the following 5 combinations could be found in the

1.ABC 2.BCI 3.GHC 4.AI 5.CI
B. Which a the above 5 combinations could be found in the aleurone
layer of the seed? 3
C. Which a the above 5 combinations could be found in the
germinating pollen tube? 1
D. Which of the nuclei, if any, in the pollen grain would contain
genetically identical sets of chromosomes? ABC
E. Which of the nuclei in the embryo sac would be chromosomally and
genetically equivalent? DEFGHIJK
F. Which of the nuclei in these two gametophytes will have no
descendants in the mature seed? ADEFJK
Suatu tenaman mengandung 8 kromosom dalam sel-
sel akarnya, terdiri dari sepasang sepasang :
metasentik, sub metasentrik, akrosentrik, dan
telosentrik. Jika tanman ini menyerbuki sendiri

a. Gambarkan berapa kromosom itu terdapat dalam

inti sperma (serbuk)
b. Gambarkan berapa kromosom itu terdapat dalam
inti kandung lembaga dan inti ovum
A certain plant has eight chromosomes in
its root cells : a long metacentric pair, a
short metacentric pair, a long telocentric
pair, and a short telocentric pair. If this
plant fertilizes itself (self pollination), what
proportion of the offspring would be
expected to have
(a). Four pairs of telocentric chromosomes 0

(b). One telocentric pair and three 0

metacentric pairs of chromosomes
(c). Two metacentric and two telocentric
chromosomes All

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