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SPECNFAIEi J er Suction Liner prBsure tal Seding Assemuy Lubricathn

Abrrsiorl - Resbland ar?dSo{ne deWee 6 Canasiu, Ptt erpe 4.5 - 12 white lrw A$oy 28% Chrome WD28G lccib Abrasive Rkkrce : HRC 56 hadness wDzSC lcsib Conosive Resistance : Ph 4.5 - 12 wtt28c Tensih Stengith : 85 - 125 KSI lt6 Bar

lclss a0 Gtey lrcn lchnd So.l lHoswdutywihdosblro!flsphedcalbeadngonurotend land double rsw trper on drivo end See iilanud for Lubrication Iniomation lq

qs pr FerfoarnarEeCufYe ?urve Number ttax ftead I StR t OtrVah, )utv Poinf

Fra Pasage: 94 x 102 mm ta{reDieme*er:610 mm : s4X - 05 I Test B27C - S / FErne Size 5 14.{llter tfead TDtt @ 15s0 RPM 130 lilterHead/ 830 M 3porhour@15mRPtl

da]I tactfier 6oddlType tolfer Raling Sattery )anel Control lnslrumcnt :


rAIX6'I3VE s5 rw 1768Hpl ermo 14vDc / 200 Ah :ngine Oil Temperature g6l4F irgine Oil Pressure gBW ioof.lnglnfatef lemperture gauge lil Presuregauge :uel gauge {o{.r'3lrtsrgeuga l-acoMeter gauge lhErging Indicttor gauge Startir Sribh Safstyshuuoryn sysem for hbh etEine trnprature ard lor oil engirle prBssufe Mth F|exiblelire Cdrplir

:ngine Profiec'tion )irect Cannetion

Tel. {dl 2t 806 86t00, Far. {62 21 tm E050{ Ofice: Koc.n| aulHing, Floor D, Sufto ma Jl. ilaytsnd Sutoyo Kav. 22, Jakarta '13631! Offico: Jl. Timor Blo* Ul-|, l(awe-rn l|duetsi ilH2l00, Cibi&ng B.tasi 17Eil2,Tel. {62 A 890 0il57t, Fax {2 21 809 ff}571 rrvry.l(!& Bant : Deut$he Benh Boildlng, Jl. ]m.m BorJol 80, Jakarta tfi110, Account No. 0O21014.0&{l {US$},002 1014{l{ L.rdiri : Jl. Raya Ferci Km. 19, Jalarls Timw' Accoont ltlo': l2$dl$tool8zt (Rpl. (Eum}, fiffot{-lxl{l (Rp}



q, d,s dp+4errrrErqy o. I merer wfin lne gfoua{t coilact 4-0 rneGr x 21 ,neter. _,_ T::,:* T:iiE I ne sKq Dase'wil be provkted douue hyet. Fueltank irrcludewith capacity 4000 Liters. The skid base win incorpqated a simple roo1over tte engine for ldpli-tiard protection.

wifl be supplied at Pumpset Center ot GEvitrr

unit wifi betustured *uitt," *gg.d p*ri pump unit wis be able b prime and run Yvithout cavitaUpnrvitfi a suction lift of up g meters, depending *.' the dlty pdnt. I ne comresof utr be driven by beft frorn eqgine skrb sh# through Magr*tic ck.t tt 12 v or 24 vDc The priming unit allows approximate 2 to 3 minutes fior priming, and this time is adjustable depend of the duty .g# priming sretem This Ofimino ThiS .hd r^^6 sa.r sysbm mmnh-ir.l completed wit*r with 'flot,f and 'non llo\rr sen*. -^ o, ii* tre magnetic dutch wben fl6.^,coming !o the casing fP Engine udlfbe aulometica.[yshut dorn affer 3 minutes if priming fail "ng"g" proteci to th. p""kfi;L;from darnage o

c-F.M ak cooted twin reciprocating pi$on m [{/maximsm. Driven by tu belt (2} ',SpA,,seetion bdb {ronr the engrne st b shaft.

0.6 gailoncapacity.Operating900

6 meters, 250 mm polyureth.* "u"d"n aximum solid size allonable 6O nrm.

discharge pipe lerk is fitted with a non-retum v*eand fianged end at the side of $p ski<tfoiffi [ion and drain vatue' The end disctnr! flange is 10 infi AN-sr#15o nr r,oryour prplig ;;;; wetted material of diicharge pipe and accessories is Stainlsss steet_

exterior steelurorkis sandblastedto dass 2.S in accofd"n". .oitn nS rry paint tlrir:kness250 micron. To{al finished thickness 30o ,nicron, afid unii paifitd

cobr Hue.


commiseioningerineer will be proviOe*m oversee *re in"t"tt"tion


officc: cawang Koncana Buildin$ Floor D, suite Doa Jl- tteyjend sutovo xey. ?2, Jakarte 1363{rret. {-62zl 8o8 8050s,Fox. +62 et 80t 86ia!l ofRce: Jf. Timo. Btok D2-1, Kawsan lndustri Mtd2100,cibitung Betasi 17u2,Tet. +62 21E998i!570, Far. r{2 21 899 8it57t ;he Bank : Deuecho Benk Buildhg, Jl. tmam Boi{ol {r,J8lrb 10310,Accounr No. 0o2 t0li+{il ||sndiri: Jl. Raya B6lsi Km. i9, Ja*arta TimuGAGcountNo.: f 25{09if0fi625 {Rp}. {t s$), 002 101+01{t {Euro), 00zror4$.0 {Rp}


o o (L



ile{+. lPump fumpSffi-sie

LCC{{2@10JS( 125 mm
Dil.AOrffil I)f{.291 mm yolvo TAIf ii|l f/E lfdurtdal Englne t Variaua Spo,.| 565 r(W @ r90o RPr 25CFil Dlrcct Connect thrcugh Tirr Coupling FlBllF lo{X} lilrlB SAnmrn 21110 mm 1800mm 1500kg {approxi.mloty} M00 rg (appreximetdg Ftsxiuo rubbe. hos Dl{. 250 t Length = 6 n|e&|s 1250kg Squalo Tubc tOo

iOiscnage*ze Suclion size Erqine rodel Povrerraling VsrumPsmp Connection Fud tank capecity Total LerEih Total Wide Total Height &yWeight Wetnigm Sucii{rn Hose \,. Wincfi Load Boom Uftiqg BatCry Sprhkle hrnp Sommisioningand Startup

14\r[rcr200Am. rodfigm/ 24\rDC , t5 Wrfi3

ncludG (without T.encporffion anrl lccomoeionl

q l&rsfrative purposeonly, NOTfor

KSB lr{OOilESTA ofnce: cawang Kencem Bolkling, Floor D, suile tna Jl. [agord suroyo l(iy. zi,]ra 136ixt ret, +62 21 !0G ac6og!F.r. 162zi &rE E65D,l office: Jl. Timor Bto* m-1, x.w$an lntlurlrl ldll2llt0, cioia$g Betast irurz, rel iz iisig gsszo, rax, +62 z1 s90 8:ts7t mw.t( he Eant : D{rlbchoBank Bufiding, J. tmrm Eoniol E0,J.l(arie t03'10, Acco{nt ilo.1tr2 t014.05.{r {uil), 002 1014{X{ {Eurc}, 0oflo14{0{ il.ndirl : Jl. Reya AGlsi Kln. lg, Jatarta Timur, Accot nt ilo.: 1ZS{foO.O0f $25 {Rp}. {Rp}

b o o o 6 (L


I earloe*"
Funre Humbel I Free Pssstg GIrrY lndusries lnc" ,it:!i'L,FF . fggEl

PE frP Type


YrnG Dianl{ltr

LCC+f 800-810

610 ilH

Franre Sile Clasr YSEiff Ferformrnce Ttfll etfefi!;of gpB${i:Srr}r:y. slsds*il?sF$ 3 gglids bn ser".cmancc siih tlJrr'' fiu*t b6 $cst Typc
tc*oBrll*d s.i# si ftd i6l. Alle.n*l* l-tg mrf alro fh4rcg tltt frerl| f!:re ffie ctfecls

P, l,r

TP Basts I e7e-s8

r s4x-05

6 r00 {I

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".( 560


. KSB INDONESIA OfRc6:CavvangXencene Building, Floor D, Suite DO2,Jl. mayiend Sutoyo Kcy.22, Jakarta 1363t1 Tel. +62 21 808 86509,Fax. +62 21 8(}8065&t Office: Jl. Timor Blo* D2-t, Kawasen hduatri MM210o,CiDitung Bkesi l7E/til, Tel. +62 2'l Egg83570,Fax, +62 2t 8s9 83571wwwksb, gani : oeutEcho Bullding, JL lmam Boniol ar, Jikara lo3t0, Account ilo, 0o2 fo{/t-{ro-{t (usfr, 002 101r1"{r1{(Eufol, wzto{/Kr-{, Uandiri : Jl. Reya Bekasi Km. t9, Jakarta Timur, Account No.: 125{X}9,1{X11625 {Rpl. (Rp)

o o r o o


EngineExhaust Insulation
Nofl use Asbsbs free mabrial

Available option fiorShaft sleeve and Packir with specid mabrials for hbh abfasive mud andor hbh conDsive sluny applica&n. Filsooption for xbmat fiushing systern $'hen dean watgr is avaibble

Single Lifting
Ease d Lifting and mo!/able

Engine Canopy
OpenSide Canopy,fior ease ofoperation, inspedbn and rnaintenmce

Thanksto Checkerplate to avoid slippefy on skid surface

WaterSeparator CheckValveand More robustdesign. Piping

Horimlrlal Dircction for e* mainFnance d

Skid Design
StessAnalys;Computer Aid Desi?n for Cornpsct ard RobustDesign

SPeed Limit
Label lnfomalion for range of operation

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