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Menumbuhkan Rasa Nasionalisme dengan Mempelajari Budaya Lokal

Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Tentu kita sering mendengar semboyan Indonesia tersebut.
Lantas, mengapa kalimat tersebut dijadikan semboyan nasional Indonesia ? Sebagai warga
negara Indonesia, kita sangat tahu bahwa Indonesia adalah negara yang terdiri dari sekian
ratus bahkan ribuan budaya yang budaya-budaya tersebut memiliki perbedaan satu sama
lain sedangkan nasionalisme sendiri berarti rasa kebanggaan, rasa memiliki, rasa
menghargai, rasa menghormati dan loyalitas yang dimiliki oleh setiap individu pada negara
tempat ia tinggal yang tercermin dari perilaku membela tanah airnya, menjaga dan
melindungi tanah airnya, rela berkorban demi kepentingan bangsa dan negaranya. Saat ini,
rasa nasionalisme dari masyarakat Indonesia khususnya para pemuda untuk negaranya
sendiri mulai berkurang. Tak sedikit dari mereka yang tak lagi mencintai negara sendiri.
Masyarakat Indonesia khusunya para pemuda lebih memilih menyukai budaya asing yang
sebenarnya itu tak sesuai dengan kepribadian bangsa Indonesia. Alhasil, rasa cinta tanah air
mulai memudar. Lalu, apa yang bisa kita lakukan untuk kembali meningkatkan rasa
nasionalisme itu ? Berikut adalah langkah-langkah yang dapat kita ambil untuk kembali
menumbuhkan rasa nasionalisme:
Memfilter budaya asing yang tidak sesuai dengan kepribadian bangsa Indonesia.
Mengapa ? Karena budaya asing yang masuk melalui arus globalisasi sudah menggerus
kebudayaan asli Indonesia.
Meningkatkan rasa cinta tanah air dengan melestarikan budaya lokal.
Melindungi budaya-budaya asli tanah air agar tidak diakui negara lain.
Mengikuti ekstrakurikuler kesenian Indonesia.
Tidak sedikit budaya Indonesia yang sudah diakui oleh UNESCO. Diantaranya adalah
wayang kulit, angklung, dan kesenian reog. Tetapi sebenarnya masih ada banyak
kebudayaan baik yang berupa benda maupun tak benda yang sudah diakui oleh UNESCO.
Sebagai pemuda Indonesia yang sadar akan keberadaan budaya yang beranekaragam
tersebut, kita seharusnya tidak tinggal diam. Kita harus terus melestarikan budaya lokal,
baik yang hampir punah maupun yang masih eksis hingga sekarang. Dengan melestarikan
budaya tersebut, itu sama saja kita dalam upaya melindungi tanah air dan secara otomatis
rasa nasionalisme akan tumbuh pada diri masyarakat Indonesia.
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wbr. The honorable the jury, The honorable the committee. The
honourable my beloved friends. Good Morning
First of all, I would like to thank God, because of his blessing and mercy we can gather and meet
here in a very good condition. And the second, I would like to thank the committee of this contest for
giving me this golden oportunity. It is a great pleasure and an honour for me to stand in front of you all
to deliver my speech, under the title DEVELOPING NATIONALISM BY LEARNING LOCAL CULTURE
Ladies and gentlemen, Before I start my speech, I would like to ask you something. How many of
you here who love this country? How many of you here who are proud for this country? How many of
you who know the cultures of this country? And have you tried to preserve the cultures of this country?
If your answer is Yes, this country will have hopes in the future. But if your answer is Not yet, this
country is really in big crisis in the future.
Why did I say so? because if you really love this country, you will be proud for this country. If you
are proud for this country, you will know much about this country. If you are proud and know much
about this country, you will have the sense of belonging for this country.
As we know that Indonesia is a big country that lies from Sabang to Merauke with different
Islands and people. To unite the people, our father nation has declared a sacred sentences. It is Unity
In diversity or Bhineka Tunggal Ika. Of course, we often hear this national motto in Indonesia. But why
is it chosen as the national motto of our country? As an Indonesian, we all know that our contry
consists of hundreds and even thousands of cultures with its distinctives one another, while the word
nationalism means the sense of pride, the sense of belonging, the sense of respecting and loyality
which is held by each person for the country where they belong. It is described as the peoples
responds and behaviours to defend their motherland, protecting and die hard for their nation interest.
Nowadays, the sense of nationality among the Indonesian people, especially the youngsters,
seem not getting increased, but it is worse and worse. Many of the youngsters dont feel proud of their
country. Indonesian people, especially youngsters, seem to prefer foreign cultures which are most
contrary to our native culture. As the result, their nationality is getting decreased following this
globalization era. And the big question is Who will be blamed? Our anchestors? The government?
Our parents? or Ourselves?
To face this problem is not as easy as we think. We need to walk and face together and also we
must have the strong sense of nationality not in just words, but REAL ACTIONS. And what should we
do to regain our nationality? Well everybody, here are the things that we could take;

1. We must filter foreign cultures which are most contrary to our native culture. And why?
Because most of the foreign cultures which come along with the globalization era have erored
our native cultures and the worst is they have poisoned our young generations through
technology, movies, music, dance and even reading materials. As the result, the moral of
young generation in this era is very bad.
2. We can increase the sense of our nationality by preserving local cultures. As a student we can
take a part in preserving our cultures. We can join good extracurriculars at school, such as
Indonesian arts and others.
3. We must protect our native cultures which are inherited by our ancestors carefully and
serously, so that they will not be claimed or even stolen by another country. I believe, we
all still remember when some of our cultures were claimed by our neighbouring country and it
hurt all people in Indonesia. Please, dont let it happen anymore! Wake up everybody! Save all
assets of this country! Dont let others steal our prides anymore!

Ladies and gentlemen, as the matter of facts that there are many Indonesian cultures which have
been legalized and approved by UNESCO such as puppet show, Angklung and Reog. But actually there
are many other more cultures which have been legalized by UNESCO. As the next future of Indonesia
who have awarness for those multi cultures, we should not just sit and watch, but we must take real
actions. It is a must for us to preserve our local cultures so that our grandchildren can enjoy and
continue it in the future. And the most important is by preserving our cultures, we take real actions to
protect our nation and it will help to develop peoples nationalism in this country.
Well everybody, I think thats all about my speech. Hopefully you could get the messages and
wisdoms for what Ive told you before for the future of this country. Thank you very much for your
beautiful and kind attention. I am Syafira. Have a nice day and good bye. ONE NATION! ONE LOVE!
ONE PRIDE! Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wbr.

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