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Presentasi berjudul: "Behavior Based Safety (BBS)"—

Transcript presentasi:
1 Behavior Based Safety (BBS)
Hiperkes dan Keselamatan Kerja UNS By : FX. Nana Sutono

2 Apa itu Behavior Based Safety?

Behavior atau kebiasaan adalah cara untuk mengarahkan diri sendiri. Untuk itu, behaviors
adalah suatu tindakan yang nampak atau terlihat. Fokus dari Behavior Based Safety adalah
pada kampanye membiasakan diri tentang keselamatan * Merriam-Webster dictionary

3 Behavior Based Safety is NOT:

Sepenuhnya program pengembangan keselamatan. BBS adalah suatu rencana proses kerja
untuk mengeliminasi pekerja dari resiko. Suatu proses untuk menjalankan aturan keselamatan
, bukan untuk memperbaiki kondisi bahaya. Pelanggaran aturan keselamatan dan kondisi
tidak aman harus di perbaiki di luar proses BBS Proses untuk menyalahkan atau meng kritik

4 Bagaimana perbedaaan BBS dengan Sistem Keselamatan Tradisional?

Traditional Safety… Is reactive – fokus pada perbaikan atas apa yang telah terjadi. Mencari
akar masalag dari suatu insiden Menggunakan data insiden dari investigasi e.g. Incident and
Severity rate Fokus pada meminimalkan kondisi tidak aman. Suatu ketika menyalahkan
kesalahan pada seseorang.

5 Bagaimana perbedaaan BBS dengan Sistem Keselamatan Tradisional?

Behavior Based Safety… Is proactive – menurukan kebiasaan atau perilaku yang beresiko.
Fokus pada pengamatan kebiasaan pekerja. Kebiasaan umum yang menempatkan pekerjaan
pada suatu resiko di catat dan perbaikan di buat. Memilki hubungan pemahaman dari
kebiasaan pekerja. Catatan pada lingkungan dimana kebiasaan terjadi, kebiasaan itu sendiri
dan konsekuensi dari kebiasaan tersebut.

6 Behavior Based Safety Mendasari dan Berguna Untuk Traditional Safety

Unsafe Acts Conditions Accidents Near Misses Behavior Based Safety Traditional Safety

7 Always Keep in Mind… BEHAVIOR RISK BBS is focused on two concepts:

What is behavior? What are the factors influencing “at-risk” behavior? How can this behavior
be discouraged? RISK What is risk? Why do people take risks? What are the consequences of
taking these risks?

8 INGAT !!! Behavior adalah “cara untuk mengarahkan diri sendiri”

Behaviors tidak dapat di isolasi dari kondisi lingkungan yang terjadi. Behavior Environment
Behavior is contextually driven; we behave in the manner that is appropriate to whatever
situation we find ourselves in. So, telling a person that safety is a priority in an environment
that emphasizes working hastily to meet the bottom-line is a contradiction.
9 Risk = Severity x probability
Severity – seberapa besar sesorang terlibat dalam aktivitas. Direct Indirect Probability –
kesempatan terjadinya kecelakaan pada suatu aktivitas. 1 in 6 1 in 52

10 Bagaimanakan Efek dari Konsekuensi BBS pada kebiasaan yang berisiko?

Behavior Accident Probability No Severity Consequence Risk = severity x probability The
relationship between at-risk behavior and consequences is a feedback loop. If an at-risk
behavior is performed without negative consequences, the behavior is likely to persist until an
accident occurs.

11 Pengaruh Konsekuensi Positif Pada Kebiasaan Yang Berisiko

Menyenangkan Hidup Hemat Waku Meningkatkan Produktivitas Bebas berkespresi Merasa
terlindungi Not just positive consequences, but think about the other side of this. How do
negative consequences or pressures influence worker behavior or propensity to take risks?
How does cheaper/better/faster influence taking risks?

12 Alasan-alasan pekerja mengambil suatu resko:

In my opinion . . . In my experience . . . I don’t think it’s a problem because . . . I’ve done it
before and not gotten hurt. What’s wrong with it? That’s the way I always do it! I don’t know.
I didn’t think about it. It’s the way we always do it around here. BEHAVIORS Perception
Habit Conscious Choice Sub-Conscious Choice Limited Choice Obstacle I can’t do it any
other way because . . . It would be difficult to do it that way because . . . If I do it that way,
(this would happen).

13 Implementing Behavior Based Safety

14 Hal Penting Sebelum Implementasi

Penting untuk mengembangkan Komite BBS dan tetap melakukannya sesuai dengan struktur
pekerjaan setelah di implementasikan : Designs the BBS process. Develops the
implementation strategy. Implements the BBS process. Steers the BBS process. At Sandia,
this committee consists of workers who volunteer for the positions. This may be something to
consider, as it is important that employees feel recognized throughout the BBS process.
Along the same lines, it is recommended that committee positions rotate, allowing workers to
have a more direct influence. Management should be involved in all steps of implementation,
and it may make sense to have them on the committee as well.

15 Tanggung Jawab Manajemen & Pengawas

Memahami prosesnya (mendapatkan training) Membuat BBS menjadi bagian pada pekerjaan
Membantu meng identifikasi dan memperbaiki kekurangan dalam sistem Menghilangkan
batasan-batasan yang tidak perlu Dukungan : Waktu untuk: Training Bertugas sebagai Komite
BBS dan melaksanakan pertemuan Melakukan observasi Medorong dan menyediakan
penguatan positif bagi pekerja , observer dan komite BBS Management needs to receive
training in the BBS process prior to implementation, and should be an active participant in
the training of employees. Needs to emphasize the importance of safety, and BBS as one of a
worker’s responsibilities on the job. Needs to ensure the BBS system of observation taking is
organized. Must ensure adequate time for training employees, committee activities, and for
observation taking. Feedback is something managers are expected to give in all areas; BBS
should be incorporated into the feedback workers receive as part of their performance
reviews, but should be given freely any time the manager identifies issues.
16 4 Langkah Implementasi BBS
4 Langkap Implementasi BBS: Membuat target yang memungkinkan Mengembangkan
Ceklist Observasi Observasi Memberikan Umpan Balik

17 Langkah 1: Membuat target yang memungkinkan

Buat target SMART: Specific (Detail) – Motivational (Memotiviasi)– Attainable (Tercapai)–
Relevant (Sesuai)– Trackable (Berjejak) Contoh : Target “zero-injuries” iitu TIDAK SMART,
tapi target of 80 partisipasi karyawan dalam pelaksanaan training keselamatan adalah
SMART. When properly implemented, behavior based safety creates -over time- a culture of
safety in a working environment. Repeated safe practices encourage workers and
management, who then begin to value safety for its own sake. People want to be competent,
so making safety “the” call of duty, instead of “above and beyond the call,” is key. However,
it is important that on the way to establishing the culture of safety sub-goals are feasible.
Otherwise, workers and management may become discouraged or frustrated by the pressure
of trying to achieve the unachievable. Why is 80% participation in appropriate safety training
SMART? Specific – sets a specific goal of 80% employee participation in safety training
Motivational – encourages employees to attend by setting a specific target and can enhance
their work environment Attainable – While this may vary by location, 80% participation in
required safety training is a fair goal? Relevant – the training should be appropriate to the
task at hand for employees; it should affect their everyday working lives. Trackable – It is
easy to track when employees have and have not completed training. - FOCUS ON
OUTCOMES: People are less likely to adjust their behavior when simply told to do so; they
need convincing reasons. Target harus berfokus pada hasil BUKAN behaviors.

18 Langkah 1: Membuat Target Yang Memungkinkan

Partisipasi pekerja dalam menentukan target sangatlah penting. Hal ini dikarenakan :
Merekalah targetnya. Adanya kepercayaan interpersonel. “Employee buy-in” occurs through
both verbal and nonverbal paths. Verbally, employees can express support for safety, and
contribute their ideas for making the BBS process more effective. Nonverbally they can show
support through participation in training activities, and working according to safety standards.
Participation in the goal-setting and BBS strategizing process is also important because
people are more likely to use strategies that they create. Goals and rules imposed from above
may incur resentment and are less likely to garner support than those employees have a hand
in establishing. 2. Interpersonal trust comes from increasing interaction. The BBS process
requires frequent interaction between management and employees, and among the employees
themselves. This trust is developed during the participative goal-setting process, as
employees receive recognition and are ushered-in as partners in BBS implementation. It
becomes all the more important during observation-taking. Regardless of the observation
method (peer-to-peer, top-down, etc.), employees must be able to trust that they will be
evaluated fairly and objectively, and that they will be given a chance to correct their actions.

19 Langkah 2: Mengembangkan Ceklist Observasi

Dalam menemukan kebiasaan bekerja selamat ada beberapa cara : Review laporan insiden
sebelumnya untuk mengidentifikasi kebiasaan yang dapat mencegah itu semua. Fokus pada
hal terbesar yang dapat mencegah terjadinya insiden. Diskusi dengan Pekerja dan
Manajemen. Penting untuk pekerja mengambil tanggung jawabnya dalam melakukan aktifitas
Keuntungan lainnya untuk membangun kepercayaan. Melakukan observasi pekerja secara
terjadwal Remember in reviewing past accident/incident reports that BBS is not about
assigning blame or punishment. The purpose of reviewing these is to identify how accidents
could have been avoided, not the particulars of who was involved. If reports are not specific
enough for this type of analysis, any record of accidents/incidents may be used to identify
areas where safety issues appear more frequently; then employees can be consulted, and
observations taken, from these areas. The observation process should not be something
employees dread. To avoid this, make sure the list is relatively short and focused on those
actions that could prevent the largest number of accidents. -Also, note ways the workers’
environment affects their behavior, especially when accidents have occurred. - Are there
obstacles preventing employees from working safely?

20 Langkah 2: Mengembangkan Ceklist Observasi

An example from Sandia’s BBS program SHARP. Your observation checklist should be
specific to the area which is being observed; this card is specifically for Electrical Lab

21 Langkah 3: Obervasi Pertimbangan dalam melakukan observasi:

Siapakah Yang Akan Di Observasi? Self-observation Peer-to-peer Top-down Working groups
Frekuensi observasi? Daily, bi-weekly, monthly Bagaimana umpan balik akan diberikan??
Immediately Within a week Who will observe? Self-observation – the employee observes
himself. Probably not reliable. Peer-to-peer: employees observe one another. This is the
method Sandia has chosen. Top-down: managers or higher-ranking employees observe
workers. It is not unheard of to have working groups make observations, but the drawback to
this is the working group being unfamiliar with the specific processes of a facility. In most
situations, the management is in charge of observing their own activities, but this doesn’t
have to be the case. Frequency of observations? -The more often observations are taken, the
better because this leads to fewer injuries. We say as a minimum a worker should be observed
once a month. How will feedback be given? - Studies have shown that multiple feedback
methods are the most successful. We will talk more about this in a few minutes.

22 Observers Harus Memilki…

3 Tanggung Jawab Utama: Mengumpulkan Data Observation data (Safe/Concern) Discussion
data (What/Why) Memberikan Umpan Balik Dorongan positif untuk kebiasaan yang selamat
Menyediakan coaching dan Perhatian – Objective / Tidak berprasangka

23 Tugas Oberver TIDAK: Memata-matai pekerja,

“Menangkap” orang yang berbuat tidak aman, Mengkritisi performa pekerja, “Polisi
Keselamatan” (risks vs. rules; right vs. wrong; safe vs. unsafe), Memperhatikan tugas atau
pekerjaan, Memaksa orang untuk berubah, Merubah orang untuk selalu disiplin,

24 Langkah 4: Memberikan Uman Balik

Memberikan umpan balik kepada pekerja merupakan suatu cara yang penting. Beberapa
metode umpan balik yang terbukti menguntungkan: Ucapan – Segera memberikan umpan
balik selama proses obervasi. Membuat laporan tertulis setelah semua data observasi
terkumpul. Memperlihatkan grafik perfoma dimana semua orang dapat melihat. Memberikan
perayaan atas atau memberikaan insentif lainnya. NOTE: It is important that workers are
allowed time to adjust their performance before being observed again. -Using all of these
methods in conjunction is not a bad idea.

25 Why Implement Behavior Based Safety?

26 The BBS Process Closes the Gap to “Nobody Gets Hurt”

Fokus pada sedikit tindakan pencegahan yang kritikal sehingga dapat mencegah terjadinya
insiden yang lebih banyak Prioritas tindakan utama adalah menghilangan penghalang
(komuikasi, status dll) Menghasilkan data yang dapat dilakukan Memberikan dukungan
positif dari Kebiasaan Selamat Mengikutsertakan pekerjaa dan manajemen: Pekerja
Melaksanakan/Manajemen Mendukung - The interpersonal trust generated among workers
and between workers and management will spill-over into other arenas. Productivity and
morale will increase due to this, in conjunction with fewer accidents/incidents.

27 BBS is proven to reduce injuries

At 850+ companies injuries were reduced by an average of: 37% after 1 year 66% after 2
years 87% after 3 years Multisite Success – See case study of BP’s Fabrics and Fibers
Business Unit (FFBU) included in your extra materials.

28 Keuntungannya Lebih Banyak daripada Biaya Yang Dikeluarkan

What is the Return on Investment for BBS? Saves time, money, energy, and can improve
morale among employees and between employees and managers. Costs of accidents/incidents
are both direct and indirect: Direct costs: investigation, production downtime, medical
expenses, damage to equipment or product, repairs, legal costs, fines, etc. Indirect costs:
employer/public liability, business interruption, training replacements, loss of
goodwill/employee morale, negative public image.

29 Why Implement Behavior Based Safety?

Remember: The Iceberg Theory For every accident, there are many “near misses” that go


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