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One day, behind the X college in the pekanbaru city, a student named Hafiza

Unintentionally meet two students is being smoked.

Hafiza : What are you doing?

Desi : Hi Hafiza, we were having fun (Desi by relaxing while suck

smoking, While Intan was surprised and than throw the ciggarete )

Hafiza : What? Have fun ?Are you smooking??

Desi : Yes, we are.

Intan : Hafiza,This is not like you think (Running Leave)

A few days later, a Researcher come to the college and met a lecturer to ask
permissiont do research about issue freedom smoking for women in the X

Researcher : Good Morning (knock the door of the lecture). May I come in?

Lecturer : Yes, Please.

Researcher : I am Fitra from health department, want to do Research about

issue freedom smoking for women in this college . Mrs. may I do
research Here.?

Lecturer : Yes, Please.

Researcher : What do you think about issue in the college, there are many
women smokers in this college?

Lecturer : I am as lecturer realized that the issue right . There are many
women smokers, without care about warning and negative
impact from cigarette.

Researcher : How have you do to overcome women smokers in the college?

Lecturer : We have doing raid ,and threatening will give sanctions put out of
this college.

Researcher : Do that way successful ?

Lecturer : Not at all, they dont care for a warning that is given by college.

Researcher : What factors that cause this student’s Especially students woman

Lecturer : Behavior smooking performed by students woman in Pekanbaru

City especially in this college caused by A lack of control parents
and The influence of environment or their peers. Smoking they
do untill now because a lack of control parents and the family.
Researcher : Do you know place usually they assembled?
Lecturer : Usually they do the activity of smoking By means of secretly and
open covering, boardinghouse and another place that allows the
activity smoking that done For students woman who is in the
Pekanbaru City.
Researcher : All right , i will do research against students woman who smokes
here. I will immediately interviewed students woman who
smoke in here

Lecturer : Yes please

Researcher started doing interview, In students woman on X Colege . And

he got to information from Hafiza That there are two students among the many
students woman Who smokes namely Desi and Intan.

Researcher : Do you know circulating news that many smokers woman in this

Hafiza : Yes I know.

Researcher : Do you know who Student’s women Involved smoking in this

Hafiza : Yes I know, Two of them Namely Desi and Intan. They are
usually gathered behind the building to smooking.

Researcher : Ok, Thanks for your Information. (Researchers directly behind

the building)

Behind the building....

Researcher : Introduce my name is Fitra, I want to do Interview to you

about Smoking for women in the city pekanbaru especially
this College. Formerly may I know your name?

Desi : My name is Desi.

Intan : My name is Intan.

Researcher : Are you willing to interviewed about smooking habit?

Desi : Yes please.

Intan : No, I do not want to in interviewed. I do not want anyone

many know if I smoking.

Researcher : It does not matter. I did an interview only for research

purposes . I do not mean to other.

Intan : Alright then.

Desi : Yes please, We are ready to interviewed

Researcher : Ok. To the first questions. Do you has long trying to


Desi : Only three this month

Researcher : When did you start getting to know cigarette .? From whom
you start getting to know cigarettes ?

Desi : From our small . I know cigarette from the family especially
my parents
Researcher : Do you know the negative effects of cigarette to Women

Intan : Yes I know. Danger of smoking in women between another :

Destructive the skin, Disrupt the system reproduction,
Disturb the menstrual cycle including the incurrence of pain,
Sent down fertility, increases the risk of exposed to breast
cancer, The uterus and lung cancer, Disturbing fetal growth
in the uterus, Disrupt the smooth breastfeeding, Miscarriage
until the death of the fetus.

Researcher : Do you know that Cigarette more dangerous in women than

in men ?

Desi : Yes. Risk largest of smoking more sinister women . Smokers

woman risky 25 percent higher than smokers man . Smokers
women have double risk to heart disease and lung cancer,
compared to smokers man. The cause of the problem that
women are has weight and blood channels that gleater than in
Researcher : Do you know substances contained in cigarettes?
Intan : A cigarette containing substances that can be cause cancer. In
a cigarette contained addictive substances, Namely material
its use could cause dependency psychic. Cigarette smoke
containing more or less 4000 chemicals Who 200 of them
poisonous and 43 of anothers, can cause cancers in the body.
Several substances very dangerous of them Called carbon
monoxide , ammonia , hidrosianat acid , nitrogen oxides and
formaldehyde. Astronomically of tar , indol , nicotine ,
karbarzol and cresol ,and substances other trigger cancer.
Nonetheless small quantities has time Only 15 seconds to get
to the human brain .
Researcher : If you already knows negative effects of cigarettes ,why you
ignore the smoking ban ?
Desi : We feel smoking we are do not bring negative effects for we
are. Because we only smoking just once in a while.
Researcher : Do you know that smoking in women not in opposite with the
cultural east ?
Intan : Yes i know
Researcher : Can you explain the beginning of this smoking activity?
Intan : Knowledge of smoking Obtained from family members a
desire to try to smoke we reinforced with impetus of their
peers. Starts with reason trial and error and some other
reasons we trying to consume cigarette starts with curiosity
Against the package then to be supported With incitement
of a playmate.
Researcher : What the main reason you chose using cigarettes ?
Desi : Cigarettes as medicine for relieving saturation,made cigarette
as a stress as we were in trouble Reason or factors in the life
of pressures we as the lecture, romance, and others. We feel
addiction and slowly cigarettes Be a need for what we have
to fill .
Researcher : Would you consider certain things in choosing cigarette ?
Intan : In general we bought a cigarette with consider the price, The
quality and taste a cigarette that is we will consumption. We
prefer a cigarette that is expected menthol by reason, That
cigarette menthol more flavorful feels lightweight In the throat if
Researcher : How have you get money to buy cigarettes?
Intan : We get money to buy cigarettes consignment of the money
we are parents send for the purposes of our

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