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For second year senior high school


Tour & Travel

Book 2
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Published by Swisscontact and supported by SECO
(Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs)
Copyright @ 2016 Swisscontact

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The materials contained herein maybe copied or reproduced for educational and
training purposes only, provided the materials is not changed/ revised/ modified.

Coordinating Author
Dr. Sutanto Leo, M.ED. TESOL., Dipl. TESL

Teachers of SMKN 1 Pangkalan Bun

Marwiyanti Alba, S.Pd.

Saran Segah, S.S.
Nursaid, S.T.T. Par

Lecturers of Bandung Tourism Institute

Dr. Sutanto Leo, M.ED. TESOL., Dipl. TESL

Team of Vocational Education and Training Swisscontact WISATA II:

Sapto Siswoyo
Febrasius Masal
Dwi Setijo Widodo
Yorsi Nuzulia
Mercya Soesanto

Graphic and Layout

I Wayan Sanjaya Adi Putra

Swisscontact WISATA
Jl. Batur Sari 20 SB, Sanur Kauh, Bali, Indonesia


Pariwisata Indonesia adalah pariwisata yang berbasis budaya dengan

menitikberatkan kepada pelestarian sumber daya alam dan budaya
serta mengedepankan keanekaragaman atau ke-bhinekaan sebagai
jati diri bangsa dalam satu bingkai negara kesatuan yaitu Republik
Indonesia. Keragaman ini adalah anugerah yang patut disyukuri dan
menjadi kekuatan dalam menjadikan pariwisata Indonesia sebagai
pariwisata berkelanjutan.

Dalam upaya mewujudkan pariwisata berkelanjutan tersebut wajib

diperhatikan tentang ketersediaan sumber daya manusia pariwisata
yang berkualitas, memiliki kompeten unggul dan professional. Salah
satu elemen penting yang layak dikuasai untuk mencapai kompetensi
tersebut adalah penguasaan bahasa asing utamanya Bahasa Inggris.
Hal ini menjadi sesuatu yang sangat mutlak diperlukan terlebih
dengan telah dicanangkannya pariwisata sebagai salah satu sector
unggulan penopang pertumbuhan ekonomi negara. Sementara disisi
lain dengan maraknya globalisasi dunia dan berlakunya Masyarakat
Ekonomi ASEAN menjadikan pasar tenaga kerja pariwisata semakin
terbuka dan kompetitif baik ditingkat nasional maupun regional.

Merespon perkembangan tersebut penerapan penguasaan Bahasa

Inggris bagi generasi muda Indonesia sangat dibutuhkan dan hal
ini dapat dilakukan secara intensif di institusi pendidikan formal
pariwisata ditingkat sekolah menengah melalui SMK Pariwisata.
Merujuk pada Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, No.
70 th. 2014 Tentang Muatan Lokal Kurikulum 2013 Pasal 4, sekolah
diberikan ruang bagi pengembangan muatan lokal yang diperlukan
termasuk bidang Bahasa asing seperti bahasa Inggris. Pemerintah,
melalui Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi sangat mendukung dengan adanya
inisiatif pendidikan dan pengajaran Bahasa Inggris bagi siswa-siswi
di lingkungan SMK Pariwisata melalui pengembangan muatan lokal

Kami menyambut baik dengan tersusunnya buku English for
Tourism sebagai wujud nyata pengembangan muatan lokal tersebut.
English for Tourism ini disajikan dengan materi yang sesuai dengan
kebutuhan industri pariwisata dan disertai dengan metode
pengajaran yang menarik untuk mencetak lulusan SMK Pariwisata
mampu mengisi kesempatan bekerja di dunia pariwisata.

Buku English for Tourism ini menjadi lebih berbobot dan istimewa
dengan mengangkat dan mempopulerkan khasanah budaya lokal
khas Tanjung Puting kepada generasi muda sebagai bagian yang tak
terpisahkan dari beragam upaya melakukan pariwisata berkelanjutan
melalui pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di SMK Pariwisata. Dengan
demikian selain siswa-siswi dapat mahir berbahasa Inggris, karakter
mereka ikut dibangun melalui nilai-nilai kearifan budaya lokal yang
terkandung dalam materi pembelajaran English for Tourism ini.

Semoga melalui langkah mulia ini SMK Pariwisata mampu

menghasilkan sumber daya manusia pariwisata Indonesia yang
berkualitas, memiliki kompetensi dan professional sehingga mampu
berkompetisi dan memiliki daya saing yang tinggi di pasar pariwisata
nasional maupun international.

Palangkaraya, 27 februari 2017

Kepala Dinas Pendidikan
Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah,

Drs.H.Nurul Edy, M.Si

Pembinan Utama Madya
NIP. 19610626 198803 1 005

Learning Outcomes.................................................................................. 2
Activity #1 .............................................................................................. 3
Activity #2 .............................................................................................. 3
Activity #3 .............................................................................................. 6
Activity #4 ............................................................................................ 12
Activity #5 ............................................................................................ 13
Activity #6 ............................................................................................ 14
Activity #7 ............................................................................................ 15
Activity #8 ............................................................................................ 20
Activity #9 ............................................................................................ 21
Activity #10 .......................................................................................... 22
Activity #11 .......................................................................................... 24
Activity #12 .......................................................................................... 26
Activity #13 .......................................................................................... 27
Activity #14 .......................................................................................... 29
Activity #15 .......................................................................................... 34
Activity #16 .......................................................................................... 35
Activity #17 .......................................................................................... 36
Activity #18 .......................................................................................... 37
Activity #19 .......................................................................................... 39
Activity #20 .......................................................................................... 40
Reflection Unit ..................................................................................... 43

Learning Outcomes................................................................................ 46
Activity #1 ............................................................................................ 47
Activity #2 ............................................................................................ 53
Activity #3 ............................................................................................ 56
Activity #4 ............................................................................................ 57
Activity #5 ............................................................................................ 58
Activity #6 ............................................................................................ 59
Activity #7 ............................................................................................ 62
Activity #8 ............................................................................................ 64
Activity #9 ............................................................................................ 67
Activity #10 .......................................................................................... 67
Activity #11 .......................................................................................... 69
Activity #12 .......................................................................................... 70
Activity #13 .......................................................................................... 72
Activity #14 .......................................................................................... 74
Activity #15 .......................................................................................... 96
Activity #16 .......................................................................................... 96
Activity #17 .......................................................................................... 97
Reflection Unit ..................................................................................... 99


Refrences ........................................................................................... 101
Glossary ............................................................................................. 104



Unit 1: Handling Reservations 1

After learning this unit, students are able to:

use friendly and polite expressions to
handle reservations

describe flight, hotel, at tour information

demonstrate handling airline, hotel and
tour reservations in the real world

2 Unit 1: Handling Reservations

Answer the following questions

1 When do you make a hotel reservation?

2 Why do you have to make a hotel reservation?
3 How do you make a hotel reservation?
4 What information do you need from a hotel?
5 What kind of hotel do you want to make a reservation for?

Study the following expressions and discuss with your
classmates when we use these expressions.

a. Airline reservations
• Good morning Orangutan Travel, • What name is it, please?
how may I assist you?
• Can i have your name please?
• Sepoyu Travel, good afternoon.
• Could you give me your identity
May I help you?
• Where are you going to travel?
• Can I have your passport?
• Where will you be travelling to?
• You have an option of departing
• When do you plan to go? from Surabaya or Jakarta.
• What date do you intend to go? • What is your preference?
• What date will you be traveling? • Does it matter to you if you leave
in the morning or afternoon?
• Would you prefer economy or
business class?

Unit 1: Handling Reservations 3

b. Hotel reservations
• Grand Kecubung Hotel, good • May I have your name, please?
• Could you tell me your name
• Bahagia Hotel, can I help you? please?
• What time will you arrive? • Is this reservation for you?
• When will you arrive? • Could I have the name please?
• What date will that be for? • How do you write the name
• What day would that be for?
• Are there any special requests?
• How many (people) would that
be for? • Would you like a non-smoking
room ?
• How many(people) will that be

4 Unit 1: Handling Reservations

c. Tour reservations
• Good morning, how can I be of • Tanjung Puting is the favourite
assistance today? destination for locals and
international tourists.
• What would you like to see?
• When will you go traveling?
• What are you interested in?
• How would you like to travel?
• Are you interested in wildlife,
adventure, or any special • I’d like to have a business class
interest? flight.
• We have a small and big group • Do you have a seat preference?
• We have a morning flight leaving
• Our visitors are mostly from at 10.30 and an afternoon flight
Europe and there are some from at 17.00.
• Which do you prefer?
• There are a number of choices to
• Could you tell me how old the
see in Pangkalan Bun.
child is?
• The guide will give you
• The child has a discount of 15 %.
information about the places
you’ll visit. • The tour package includes
the flight, shuttle service, full
• You can explore the locations at
accommodation and the airport
your own place.
• You can buy a ticket around IDR
• Would you like us to send
6.000 for local tourists – 100.000
the tickets to you by email or
for foreign tourists
would you like to collect them
• Their closest stop is just in front personally?
of the hotel.
• Would you like to see our

Unit 1: Handling Reservations 5

Study the following flight reservations based on the Indonesian Air
schedule below. Adopted from skyscraper and rong-chang ESL (2016).

Flight Schedule ATR 42-300

City Pair Flight Day of
From To Number Services
1 PNK SQG I8200 FRI SUN 08:00 08:45

2 SQG PNK I8201 FRI SUN 09:00 09:45

3 PNK KTG I8202 SAT MON 08:10 08:45

4 KTG PNK I8203 SAT MON 09:00 09:35

5 PNK PKN I8206 FRI MON 10:15 11:15

6 PKN SOC I8206 FRI MON 11:35 13:10

7 SOC PKN I8207 FRI MON 13:40 15:15

8 PKN PNK I8207 FRI MON 15:30 16:30

9 PNK PKN I8216 SAT SUN 10:15 11:15

10 PNK JOG I8216 SAT SUN 11:50 13:25

11 JOG PKN I8217 SAT SUN 14:05 15:40

12 PKN PNK I8217 SAT SUN 15:55 16:55

6 Unit 1: Handling Reservations

Diaologue a

Could you help me make an

airline reservation?

I would be happy to help

you. Where do you plan on
going? Lopus travel

I am going to go to Solo.


For that destination we

have two flights a week,
they are Friday and Lopus travel
Monday. Which would you

I think that I would rather

choose Monday flight.

Would you prefer economy

or business class?
Lopus travel

I think that I would rather take

economy class.

What name is it please?

Lopus travel

Unit 1: Handling Reservations 7


Mr. Rafa


Yes of course, I have booked you

on your flight at a great rate.
Lopus travel

Thank you for your help.


Dialogue b

I need to make a plane reservation.


That is what I am here for.

What is your destination?
Orangutan Travel

I will be traveling to Pangkalan Bun.


Would you like to leave

from Supadio Airport
Orangutan Travel

Yes it would be best for me.

You can leave in the morning
or afternoon from that airport.
Do you have any preference? Orangutan Travel

8 Unit 1: Handling Reservations


I can only take a flight that

leaves in the afternoon.

Could I have the name please?

Orangutan Travel

Yes of course. My name is Mr. Bohap.


I can book that for you right now. When will

you return, would you prefer morning or
afternoon? Orangutan Travel

I think that I would like a

morning return flight better.

I was able to book your flight, and

I will print your tickets right now.
Have a great trip! Orangutan Travel

Dialogue c

I am planning a trip and need help

making my airline reservation.

Sure. Where are you going to travel?

Sepoyu Travel

Unit 1: Handling Reservations 9


I will be having a vacation in Tanjung Puting.


You have an option of departing from

Surabaya or Jakarta. What is your preference?
Sepoyu Travel

I live closer to Juanda Airport, so that

would be the best choice.

Does it matter to you if you leave in

the morning or afternoon?
Sepoyu Travel

I can leave at either time.


I’ll put you on a morning flight. Is a

morning or afternoon return flight
preferable for you? Sepoyu Travel

Either morning or afternoon would work for me.


I’ll give you an afternoon flight.

Here are your tickets.
Sepoyu Travel

10 Unit 1: Handling Reservations

Dialogue d

I would like to book a flight.

Miss Asnan

I can help you with that.

Where are you traveling to?
Sekonyer Travel

I am traveling to Pontianak.

Miss Asnan
What date will you be traveling?

Sekonyer Travel
I want to fly on June 14th.

Miss Asnan
You have to fly out of
Iskandar Airport?
Sekonyer Travel

Yes, no problem.

Miss Asnan
Would you prefer a morning or
an afternoon flight?
Sekonyer Travel

I would rather fly in the morning.

Miss Asnan

So, what name is it, please?

Sekonyer Travel

Unit 1: Handling Reservations 11


Of course, it is Miss Asnan

Miss Asnan

Well, I have you booked on a

flight that will fit your schedule.
The tickets will arrive by mail in
Sekonyer Travel
a few days.

Thank you very much.

Work in pairs to practice the dialogues above. You can use your own
name for the airplane reservation but you will have to change some of
the information such as the days/dates, time, destinations, airport of
departure, etc.

12 Unit 1: Handling Reservations

Your teacher will read a dialogue between Mr.Amri and Green
Travel for booking an airline ticket. Some pieces of information
in the dialogue are missing. Write in the missing information.

Mr.Amri : I want to buy a plane ticket.

Green Travel : I ......(a) you make your reservation. What is
your destination?
Mr.Amri : My final destination is Tanjung Puting, Pangkalan
Green Travel : What is your travel date?
Mr.Amri : I ........(b)a reservation for December 12th.
Green Travel : Would you prefer to leave from Jogjakarta?
Mr. Amri : Yes, I ....(c) out of Adi Sucipto Airport.
Green Travel : Would you rather fly in the morning or later in
the day?
Mr. Amri : I.....(d) an afternoon flight.
Green Travel : Excuse me Sir. Is this ticket for you?
Mr. Amri : Yes, for me. My name is Mr. Amri
Green Travel : I ....(e) you a flight in the afternoon. Your ticket
will be sent by email sometime today.
Mr. Amri : Thank you very much

Unit 1: Handling Reservations 13

Your teacher will read a dialogue between Mr. Sentayut and
Bali Borneo Travel for reserving an airline ticket. Some parts of
the dialogue are omitted. Fill in the omitted parts listed below.

Mr. Sentayut : I need to make a plane reservation.

Bali Borneo Travel : We can book your trip right now. What
city are you flying to?
Mr. Sentayut : _________________________________
______________________________ (a)
Bali Borneo Travel : What date would you like me to book
this plane ticket for?
Mr. Sentayut : _________________________________
______________________________ (b)
Bali Borneo Travel : What do you prefer, economy or business
class ?
Mr. Sentayut : _________________________________
______________________________ (c)
Bali Borneo Travel : If you have a choice, what time of day
would you prefer to fly?
Mr. Sentayut : _________________________________
______________________________ (d)
Bali Borneo Travel : Good news, Sir! I was able to find an
inexpensive flight for you. We are
sending you your tickets in the mail.
Mr. Sentayut : _________________________________
______________________________ (e)

14 Unit 1: Handling Reservations

Hotel reservation. Read the following dialogue making a hotel
reservation between the receptionist and customer

Dialogue a

Good morning. Welcome to The Grand

Kecubung Hotel.
Hi, good morning. I’d like to make a
reservation for the third weekend in
September. Do you have any vacancies?

Yes sir, we have several rooms

available for that particular weekend.
What is the exact date of your arrival?

The 24th.

How long will you be staying?

Receptionist I’ll be staying for two nights.

How many people is the reservation for? Customer

There will be two of us.

Would you like a room with twin Customer

beds or a double bed?
A double bed, please.


Unit 1: Handling Reservations 15

Great. Would you prefer to have a
room with a view of the ocean?
If that type of room is available, I would
love to have an ocean view. What’s the
rate for the room?

Your room is five hundred and ninety

dollars per night. Now, what name will
the reservation be listed under?

Marwianti ALBA.

Could you spell your last name Customer

for me, please?

Sure. A for alpha, L for lima, B

for bravo, A for alpha


Is there a phone number where you

can be contacted?

Yes, my cell phone number is 555-26386.


Great. Now I’ll need your credit card

information to reserve the room for you.
What type of card is it?

Visa. The number is 987654321.


And what is the name of the cardholder?


16 Unit 1: Handling Reservations


Marwianti ALBA.


Alright, Mrs. Marwianti Alba. Your reservation

has been made for the 24th September for
a room with a double bed and view of the
swimming pool. Check in is at 2 o’clock. If you
have any other questions, please do not hesitate
to call us.

Great, thank you so much.


My pleasure. We’ll see you in September,

Mrs. Alba. Have a nice day.

Dialogue b

Good morning Avila hotel, how may I help you?


I want to book a room, please.


When would you like to stay with us?


Around the end of this/the year.


Unit 1: Handling Reservations 17

Alright Sir. We have 3 types of room,
standard, deluxe, and suite. The price of the
Receptionist standard room is 700.000 IDR per night,
deluxe room is 800.000 IDR per night, and
the suite is one million IDR 1000.000 per
night. Which type of room would you like to

I want to book a deluxe

room for me and my wife.

Please wait a moment. I will check if the

deluxe room is still available for the end of
Receptionist the year. All right Sir, we still have deluxe
room available for the end of the year. May
we know your arrival and departure date?

I will arrive on 24th December

and depart on 2nd January.

Alright Sir I will make a room reservation for

you. Could I have/know your name please?

Julak Ihat


Could you spell it for me please?


J for Juliet, U for Uniform, A for

Alfa, K for Kilo, I for India, H for
Hotel, A for Alfa, T for Tango. Guest

18 Unit 1: Handling Reservations


All right Mr Julak Ihat, I have made a room

reservation for you. You will check in on 24th
Receptionist December and check out on 2nd January,
a total of 9 (nine) nights. I will send the
confirmation by fax. Could I have your fax

I am sorry I don’t have fax.


How about email?


Yes, you can email me.


Can I have your email address, please?


Yes, my email address is
Guest Thank you.

I will send the confirmation by email.

Thank you


Unit 1: Handling Reservations 19

The guest’s parts of the dialogue are missing. The missing parts
are available below but in a jumbled order. Rearrange them to
complete the dialogue.

(.....) Around half past five, I think.

(.....) N for November, U for uniform, R for Romeo, S for Sierra,
A for Alpha, I for India, D
(.....) Nur Said
(.....) One night, that is the night of 7th June.
(.....) Two adults and child. A double room plus extra bed with
bathroom if possible please.
(.....) Yes, that would be fine.

... Dialogue a
Reservationist : Rimba Lodge, Good afternoon. What can I do for you Sir?
Guest : Afternoon, I would like to book a room for Saturday the
7th June, please.
Reservationist : Ye, Sir, for how many persons?
Guest : ____________________________________________ (a)
Reservationist : Double room plus extra bed with bathroom. And how
many nights are you planning to stay Sir?
Guest : ____________________________________________ (b)
Reservationist : Fine. We have a double room plus extra bed available with
bathroom. The rate is 750.000 a night including breakfast.
Would that be suitable Sir?
Guest : _____________________________________________(c)
Reservationist : Could I know your name please?
Guest : _____________________________________________(d)
Reservationist : How should I spell your name please?

20 Unit 1: Handling Reservations

Guest : _____________________________________ (e)
Reservationist : Thank you. And what time will you be arriving
Mr.Nur Said.
Guest : ______________________________________ (f)
Reservationist : That’s fine Mr. Nur Said. Thank you very much. We
look forward to seeing you.

The guest’s parts of the dialogue are missing. The missing parts
are available below but in a jumbled order. Rearrange them to
complete the dialogue.

( .... ) I wish everything in life was so simple, thank you

( .... ) I’m Mr.Ahmad Tagap at 082-291-664-149, April ninth to the
( .... ) Mr. Ahmad Tagap. Okay, just a moment Sir. Your reservation is
now cancelled.
( .... ) Not a problem, sir. Please remember us in the future.
( .... ) If you will just give me your name, phone, and date of visit, I
can cancel your reservation.
( .... ) My wife is sick, so I have to cancel a reservation I made.

Guest : _____________________________________ (a)

Receptionist : _____________________________________ (b)
Guest : _____________________________________ (c)
Receptionist : _____________________________________ (d)
Guest : _____________________________________ (e)
Receptionist : _____________________________________ (f)

Unit 1: Handling Reservations 21

Tour Reservation. Read the following dialogue making a tour
reservation between Peyang Travel and Mr. Udin.

Hello Mr. Udin, how can I be of assistance today?

Peyang Travel

Good morning. I would like to book a

tour for today.

I can help you with that. What would you like to see?
Peyang Travel

As much of Pangkalan Bun (Tanjung

Puting) as possible. What are my choices?

There are a number of choices of things to see in

Pangkalan Bun. There are Klotoks (boats) tour that
Peyang Travel
take you around Pangkalan Bun, Tanjung Puting and
a few other places as well.

Can you tell me much about the places on the tour?


While you’re on the Klotok the guide will give you

Peyang Travel
information about the places you’ll visit. You can
explore the locations at your own pace.

Is there a set timetable for the tour?


22 Unit 1: Handling Reservations

The Klotoks run around Pangkalan Bun
all day. You can just get on when you are
Peyang Travel
ready to go to the next location.

What hours do the Klotoks operate?


They run from 7am in the morning

until 9pm each night.
Peyang Travel

How much do they cost?


You can buy a ticket around IDR 6.000 for

local tourists – 100.000 for foreign tourists
Peyang Travel

Where should I pay?


You pay when you get on the Klotoks the

first time. Here is a map of all the stops.
Peyang Travel

Where’s the closest stop?


The closest stop is just in front of the hotel.

Peyang Travel

That’s great. It sounds like a lot of fun.

Thanks for your help.

You’re welcome Mr. Udin, enjoy your day.

Peyang Travel

Unit 1: Handling Reservations 23

Some parts of the dialogue below are missing. Rearrange and
insert the sentences below to complete the dialogue.

(…..) Alright, we have a morning flight leaving at 10.30 and an

afternoon flight at 17.00. Which do you prefer?
(…..) Could you tell me how old the child is?
(…..) Certainly sir. We’ll keep them ready for you
(…..) Do you have any seat preferences?
(…..) Fine sir, we can do it for you. Please fill in these forms.
(…..) How would you like to travel?
(…..) The child has a discount of 15 %. The tour package includes
the flight, shuttle service, full accommodation and the
airport transfer.
(…..) Would you like us to send the tickets to you by email, or
would you like to collect them personally?
(…..) Yes Sir, when are you planning to travel?

Borneo Travel : Good afternoon sir. What can I do for you?

Visitor : Could you give me some details about your package tours?
Borneo Travel : Certainly. Would you like to see our brochures? Here you
Visitor : Thank you. Well, Tanjung Puting tour seems to be an
interesting one.
Borneo Travel : Well, Tanjung Puting has been the favorite destination
for locals and international tourists. It is ideal for tourists
wanting to escape from daily activities, enjoy the natural
wildlife and the beautiful forests. Boats are the main
transportation in this area. We could book your tickets if
you like sir.
Visitor : Oh yes. I want to book three tickets, two adults and one

24 Unit 1: Handling Reservations


Borneo Travel : __________________________________________ (a)

Visitor : June next month during school holidays.
Borneo Travel : ___________________________________________ (b)
Visitor : I’d like to have a business class flight.
Borneo Travel : ___________________________________________ (c)
Visitor : One by the window, the other two are in the same row.
Borneo Travel : ___________________________________________ (d)
Visitor : We prefer an afternoon flight.
Borneo Travel : ___________________________________________ (e)
Visitor : Okay, here you are.
Borneo Travel : ___________________________________________ (f)
Visitor : Well, 6 years old.
Borneo Travel : ___________________________________________ (g)
Visitor : That’s great.
Borneo Travel : ___________________________________________ (h)
Visitor : Can I take them sometime tomorrow at noon?
Borneo Travel : ___________________________________________ (i)
Visitor : Thank you.
Borneo Travel : It’s our pleasure Sir.

Unit 1: Handling Reservations 25

When asking tourists to spell their name when handling
reservations, most travel agent receptionists use American
spelling system. Study the following spelling system based on the
American system. Test your friend to spell the alphabet without
looking at the notes.

American Spelling System

A as in Alpha J as in Juliette S as in Sierra

B as in Bravo K as in Kilo T as in Tango

C as in Charlie L as in Lima U as in Uniform

D as in Delta M as in Mike V as in Victor

E as in Echo N as in November W as in Whisky

F as in Foxtrot O as in Oscar X as in X-tray

G as in Golf P as in Papa Y as in Yankee

H as in Hotel Q as in Quebec Z as in Zulu

I as in India R as in Romeo

26 Unit 1: Handling Reservations

Practice using the American spelling system above in a dialogue
like the example below. Use the information in the table. (a) is
given as an example dialogue.

a. your name Otoh Pangkalan Bun

b. her name Giar Tanjung Puting

c. his name Anang Kumai

d. tourist’s name Cikita Willy Jakarta

e. guide’s name Marcella Pasir Panjang

f. driver’s name Ujang Kadut Mendawai

g. co-driver’s name Julak Emoh Kampung Baru

h Philippine tourist Zain Aquino Phillippine

i her name Kameloh Palangkaraya

j Japanese tourist Mazumi Otaka Tokyo, Japan

Unit 1: Handling Reservations 27

Dialogue a

Hello, I am Giar. Can I know your name please?


How do you spell your name please?

O for oscar, T for tango,

O for oscar, H for Hotel

Thank you, Mr.Otoh. Where are you from?

Pangkalan Bun. P for papa,

A for aplha, N for november,
G for golf, K for kilo, A for
aplha, L for lima, A for aplha,
N for november, B for bravo,
U for uniform, N for november

Thank you.

28 Unit 1: Handling Reservations

Work in pairs to practice the three dialogues of airplane, hotel
and tour reservations. The dialogues should be based on the
information in the timetable, brochure and tour package provided.

a. Airline reservation
No Flight Number Route Aircraft Departure/Arrival
1 GA1524/1554 Jakarta - Batam A330 08.00/09.45/10.45/12.30

2 GA2324/2354 Jakarta - Semarang B738NG 07.00/08.10/09.00/10.10

3 GA5104/5154 Jakarta - Pontianak B738NG 11.00/12.35/13.15/14.50

4 GA2344/2374 Jakarta - Semarang B738NG 15.30/16.40/17.35/18.45

5 GA312/317/ Jakarta - Surabaya B744

320/325 16.20/17.55/18.55/20.35

6 GA402/407/ 07.50/11.50/12.50/13.50/
Jakarta - Denpasar B744
410/417 14.50/17.45/18.45/19.45


Unit 1: Handling Reservations 29

b. Hotel reservation



Type of Room Room Rates

Standard IDR. 700.000

Superior IDR. 800.000

Deluxe IDR. 900.000

Deluxe Pool IDR. 950.000

Grand Deluxe IDR. 900.000

Grand Deluxe Pool IDR. 950.000

Grand Deluxe Pool IDR. 1.050.000

Royal Suite IDR. 1.900.000

President Suite IDR. 2.100.000

Source : (Grand Kecubung Hotel Pangkalan Bun)

30 Unit 1: Handling Reservations


Name of guest(s) :

Arrival date :

Length of stay :

Room(no.+type) :

Method of Payment :

Individual/company :

Address :

Telp :

Special request (s) :

Expected Time of Arrival (ETA) :

Means of transport :

Clerk :

Date :

Time :

Source: Leo (2011)

Unit 1: Handling Reservations 31

c. Tour reservation

Tour package 1
in Tanjung Puting National Park

© Swisscontact

Duration : 3 Days – 2 Nights Starting Daily

High light : River safari, Feeding time, Orangutan observation.
Recommended flights: From Jakarta – Pangkalanbun ( Trigana Air 09.15 – 10.20),
From Pangkalanbun - Jakarta (Kalstar 12.50-14.05)

32 Unit 1: Handling Reservations

Tour package 2

© Leonardus Nyoman

Tanjung Puting | Orangutans | Pangkalan Bun | Klotok tour

Looking for a bit of adventure beyond watching orangutans in the wild? Then,
you should try our orangutan klotok tour package in Tanjung Puting National
Park. We’d like to take you on an extra walk miles into the forest at night. You
can also join our forest replanting programme and go trekking in the national

Pick-up : Pangkalan Bun airport

Drop off : Pangkalan Bun airport

Unit 1: Handling Reservations 33

Study the following steps in handling reservations using the
telephone and provide a statement or question for each step.
Steps one and two are given as examples.

No. Steps Responses

1. Greet the caller and help Good morning. How may I assist you?

2. Ask the name of caller Could I have your name?

3. Ask the arrival date

4. Ask the length of stay

5. Ask the room type and number

6. Check the availability

7. Inform if the room is available or not

8. Inform the price and what’s included

9. Ask or inform the method of payment

10. Ask if it is an individual or company booking

11. Ask the address

13. Ask the telephone number

14. Ask if there is any special requests

15. Ask the expected Time of Arrival (ETA)

16. Ask the means of transport

17. Repeat the reservation

18. Ask if there is anything else you can help with

19. Thank you and last greeting

Source : Leo (2012)

34 Unit 1: Handling Reservations

Read the following text and answer questions 1-5

R imba lodge Hotel is located on West Tanjung Puting

National Park river. It takes 4 hours by boat to arrive
there from Kumai harbour. At the Iskandar airport in
Pangkalan Bun you simply register at the hotel’s counter
in airport and you will transferred in a comfortable air
conditioned bus for 35 minutes to the Kumai Harbour. A boat
then takes you to Rimba Lodge Hotel which is located in the
rain tropical forest of Tanjung Puting National Park. There
you are welcomed by smiling local dancers in traditional
dress. The rooms are furnished to an excellent standard and
designed and built using local wood.

One thing’s for sure, we’ll never run out of things to occupy
your time in this hotel. Just in front of it lies beautiful
scenery with the natural forest and magical Sekonyer river in
view. You can walk around the hotel and capture every single
moment with a camera.

Questions :
1 Where is the location of the Rimba lodge Hotel?
2 How long does it take to go there by boat from Kumai harbour?
3 How can you reserve the hotel?
4 Who will welcome you to the hotel?
5 What can we enjoy at the hotel?

Unit 1: Handling Reservations 35

Fill in the following parts of the speech based on the passage above.

Verbs :

Nouns :

Adjectives :

Adverbs :

Articles :

Prepositions :

36 Unit 1: Handling Reservations

Study the following Telephone Etiquette for a hotel receptionists

Presenting a professional image, both in person and on the

telephone is a very important in the office skills profession. Taking
care of your customers over the telephone and making them feel
well informed and appreciated is essential. Whether you are a front
office receptionist, or an executive secretary, the following phone
tips should always be followed.

1. Speak clearly. A picture paints a thousand words but the

caller on the other end of the phone can only hear you. They
cannot see your face or body language. Therefore, taking the
time to speak clearly, slowly and in a cheerful, professional
voice is very important.

2. Use your normal tone of voice when answering a call.

If you have a tendency to speak loud or shout, avoid doing so
on the telephone.

3. Do not eat or drink while you are on telephone duty.

Only eat or drink during your coffee break or lunch break.

4. Do not use slang words or poor language. Respond clearly

with “yes” or “no” when speaking. Never use swear words.

5. Address the caller properly by his or her title. (i.e. Good

morning Mr. Brown, Good afternoon Ms. Sanders). Never
address an unfamiliar caller by his or her first name.

6. Listen to the caller and what they have to say. The ability
to listen is a problem in general but it is very important to
listen to what the caller has to say. It is always a good habit to
repeat the information back to the client when you are taking
a message. Verify that you have heard and transcribed the
message accurately.

Unit 1: Handling Reservations 37

7. Be patient and helpful. If a caller is irate or upset, listen to
what they have to say and then refer them to the appropriate
resource. Never snap back or act rude to the caller.

8. Always ask if you can put the caller on hold. If you are
responsible for answering multiple calls at once, always ask
the caller politely if you may put them on hold. Remember
that the caller could have already waited several minutes
before getting connected to you and may not take lightly to
being put on hold. Never leave the person on hold for more
than a few seconds or they may become upset and hang up.

9. Always focus on the call. Try not to get distracted by

people around you. If someone tries to interrupt you while
you are on a call, politely remind them that you are on a
customer call and that you will be with them as soon as you
are finished.

Source: (n.d.)

38 Unit 1: Handling Reservations

Answer the following questions based on the passage above.

a Is presenting a professional image important in the office skills


b Can we show our body language on the telephone?


c Why do we have to speak clearly and slowly on the phone?


d What is the reason for not eating or drinking while you are on

e Why should we address the caller by his or her title?


f What should you do if a caller is upset?


g What should you do if you answer multiple calls at once?


h How long could we leave the person on hold?


Unit 1: Handling Reservations 39

Jumbled words sentences game.

a. Rearrange the following jumbled words about

Tanjung Puting & the Orangutans to make meaningful
sentences. Number (1) is given as an example.

1 adults - would - to - Tanjung Puting - of us - one child - tour

package - like - for - reserve - I - three - two - and.

You write:
I would like to reserve Tanjung Puting tour package for three of
us, two adults and one child.

2 natural wonders - National Park - of - is - one - the - of -

Tanjung Puting - the world.

You write:

3 Indonesia - Orangutans - this part - to visit - are - central

Kalimantan - the main reason - Island of - of, - in Borneo.

You write:

40 Unit 1: Handling Reservations

4 is - one - of - places - the wild - in the - world - to see - the last -
orangutans - in - Kalimantan.

You write:

5 disappearing - plantations - and - Orangutan - is - rapidly - from

- palm oil - deforestation - due to - mining - habitat.

You write:

6 also plenty of - is a - other wildlife, as - hotspot - Tanjung

Puting - There is - mega biodiversity.

You write:

Unit 1: Handling Reservations 41

b. Rearrange the following sentences to produce a
paragraph about Tanjung Puting and a Klotok Boat Tour.

(.….) If you intend to stay a little longer, you can take another Tanjung
Puting eco-tour.
(.….) Kumai is home to several ethnic groups, Malay, Dayak, and
Madurese (originally from East Java), and is a fascinating place to
visit, with lots of cultural diversity.
(.….) Tanjung Puting National Park and a klotok boat tour to see
orangutans is usually the highlight of most visitor’s trip to
(.….) There is even more to see in Kumai and Pangkalan Bun,
Kalimantan, Borneo!
(.….) You can get to know the local culture, enjoy the hospitality of a
village homestay.
(.….) You can take a cooking class, explore the turtle sanctuary, and
savor unspoiled, pristine beaches in Kumai.

42 Unit 1: Handling Reservations

At the end of this chapter, ask yourself the following questions to know how
effective your learning process is.

1. Have you been able to use friendly and polite

expressions to handle reservations?

2. Do you know how to demonstrate handling airline,

hotel and tour reservations in the real world.
If your answer is ‘no’ to one of these questions, see your teacher and discuss with
him/her on how you can understand better and be able to use friendly and polite
expressions to greet guests, greet and welcome guests appropriately.

Unit 1: Handling Reservations 43

“A Journey of A
thousand miles begins
with a single step”
- Lao Tzu

44 Unit 1: Handling Reservations



Unit 2: Guiding 45
After learning this unit, students are able to:

Welcome guests to the destination.

Explain itinerary.

Give guiding commentary on the way and on the spot.

Explain places of interest to be visited.

46 Unit 2: Guiding
Study the following special expressions:

• Hello, how are you? • How was your flight?
• Good morning, welcome • How was the flight, Sir?
to Tanjung Puting
• Good afternoon, welcome
• Good afternoon to Tanjung Keluang
• Good evening • Welcome to Pangkalan Bun,
ladies and gentlemen
• How are you today?

• Where can I take you? • It is pretty far away.
• Where are you going? • It will take about 15 minutes.
• What’s your destination? • It takes about one hour to get
• I know that place. Let me
show you the map? • It is faster to take the ex-
pressway, but you have to
• Can you show me on this pay the toll.
• Could you take me to the
• Are you in a hurry? airport
• It is very close.

Unit 2: Guiding 47
Understanding the passenger
• I am sorry, could you say that • Please ask someone to write it
again please. in Indonesia, etc.
• Sorry I didn’t catch what you said, • Could you write in English?
could you speak slowly, please.
• No problem.
• Sorry, I don’t understand.
Could you repeat that again. • Can you translate it to me

• Yes, I understand. I’ll take you


Special instructions/requests
• I’ll put your luggage in the boat/ • Keep silent in this area please.
• Would you be able to pick me up?
• Put on your seat belt please.
• What time are you arriving?
• Is it okay if I open the window?
• Don’t worry, I’ll be able to pick
• Is the air conditioning okay? you up.
• Please don’t eat in the car. • Please bring your raincoat.
• No smoking please. • Please, make a line.
• Do you want me to wait? • Please pick up the baggage.
• I have to get some fuel.

Traffic conditions
• It’s rush hour. • You’ll get there faster if you
walk from here.
• There’s a traffic jam.
• I think there’s been an accident.
• The traffic is bad over there.
• I’ll try a different way.
• Traffic jams are everywhere
in this area.

48 Unit 2: Guiding
Fare and fees
• The total price is IDR 109.000 • Are you in a hurry? Take the
• Thank you for the tip.
• There is a parking fee.
• Do you have smaller notes/bills? Would you mind paying the fee?
• I don’t have any change. • Could you give me the bill?
• The customer pays for the • How much money should I pay?
expressway, ok?

• Watch out for traffic before • Enjoy your stay in Thailand /
getting out! China / etc.
• Don’t forget your things. • You’re welcome.
• Thank you for your business. • Have a nice flight
• Hope to see you again. • See you next trip
• It’s been nice chatting with you. • Send my best regard to your family

No service
• Sorry, that is outside of my area. • My car needs servicing.
• I can’t go there. I would have to • I’m sorry. Have a nice day.
come back without a fare.
• I can call another driver/
• Sorry, I don’t go to the airport. company for you.
• I’m all done for the day / night. • The fuel has run out.
• I have to return the car on time. • These facilities are out of order

Unit 2: Guiding 49
Small talk
• Have you been here before? • Are you staying long?
• Are you from around here? • Good weather, huh? Not too hot,
not too cold.
• How do you like Tanjung Keluang /
Istana Kuning / Betang House, etc? • I hope the weather gets better
for you.
• Are you here on business?

Things a passenger could say

• Can I get a ride? • Can we get there by 10 o’clock?
• How many people can you fit? • Could you slow down, please?
• How long will it take? • Is this the quickest way?
• Please wait for me. • Do you take credit cards?
• You can keep the meter running. • Do you have change?
• Do you have a flat fee to • Keep the change.
the airport?
• Thanks for the ride / lift.
• I’m in a bit of a rush.

Hotel check-in
• How can I help you? • Certainly.
• That’s correct. • Perfect.
• Do you have any rooms available • That looks fine.
for tonight?
• Your signature.
• Do you have a reservation?
• Could I leave my bags here?
• No, we don’t.
• ‘No problem Sir.
• A double or single room?
• Could I see some ID, please?
• A double room for one night.
• I have a reservation in the name
• Here you go. of …

50 Unit 2: Guiding
• Let me look on the system. • That’s ok. I have to meet somebody
• Does the room have Wi-Fi?
• Leave them with me and I’ll look
• Yes, a single room for 2 nights, bed after them for you until you return.
and breakfast?’
• Thank you.
• A passport or an identity card are
both fine.’ • Let me just check our system.
• Could you please fill out this form • I am afraid that we are fully booked
with your details. tonight Madam.
• Your name and address etc...’ • There are no rooms available, sorry.
• Could you please sign at the • Ok, could you recommend another
bottom of the form. hotel?
• Your room includes breakfast in the • You could try the Swiss Bell Inn
morning. Hotel.
• Breakfast is served between • Would you mind calling them to
07.30am and 10.00am in the see if they have any vacancies?
restaurant ….
• No problem.
• On the last morning of your stay
you have to check out before • Yes, they have some rooms
11.00am available.

• I have an important meeting • Excellent! Where is the hotel?

tomorrow morning. • It’s in centre near the castle.
• Could I have a wakeup call • Could you show us on a map,
tomorrow at 06.00am? please?
• Yes, all the rooms have • Certainly! We are here and the
Wi-Fi, cable televisions and air Swiss Bell Inn Hotel is here. It’s
conditioning. about 5 minutes by car.
• I’m afraid that your room isn’t
ready yet Sir.
• It should be ready for midday.
• If you like, you can wait in the hotel
lounge and I will call you when it’s

Unit 2: Guiding 51
On the way
• It will take ... minutes to go to .. • We will be here for ... hours.
• Now we are approaching... • Welcome to ...
• We are now going south. • I welcome you …
• We are now going north to ... • Now ladies and gentlemen, we are
arriving at …
• We are heading west.
• It is time to get off the bus.
• On our left is ... and our right side
is ... • Watch your step.
• On your right, we can see … • Mind your head.
• If you look over to the right now • Be careful with your steps.
you can see …
• Oh, it is a bit slippery. Are you
• Alright, now we are in Tanjung alright?
• Oh my goodness, look at your right.
• We are now entering Jl. … It is an accident.
• We are here, on the left … • Before we start, I’d like to tell you
about the route
• Ladies and gentlemen, in front of
you is … • Our visit of today will last …
• On the same side we also have … • Thank you for your attention ladies
and gentlemen.
• We are approaching a very
attractive …

52 Unit 2: Guiding
Study the following dialogue between travel staff (Gusti) and a tourist.
The tourist is asking Gusti to pick him up at the airport.

Dialogue a

Would you be able to pick me

up at the airport next Friday?

Sure, I would be happy to help
you. What time are you arriving?


I will be arriving at 2:00 in the afternoon.

By the time you pick up your luggage,
it will be around 2:30. What if I meet
you outside at the curb?

That would be a good time to meet,

but what if I am running late?

I can track your plane online.
I can just put in the flight
number and I can see if
you are on time. Gusti

Unit 2: Guiding 53
Can you make sure that you have your cell
phone with you so I can call you?

Yes, that would be good idea.


If something happens and you can’t make

it, just let me know and I’ll book a taxi.

Don’t worry. I’ll be able

to pick you up.

... Dialogue b
Arrange the following sentences to produce a dialogue between travel
staff (Micky) and a tourist. The tourist is asking Micky to pick him up at
the airport. Write the numbers in the correct sequence for the dialogue.

(…) I think that would work out well, but what if the plane is late?
(…) I am going to carry my cell phone so I can call you.
(…) If you find that you have to make other plans, I can always book a
taxi to pick me up.
(…) My flight arrives at 2:30 in the afternoon.
(…) I think if I am at the curb at 3:00, that would allow you time to pick
up your luggage. How does that sound?
(…) I can call the airline, and they will tell me if the flight is delayed.
(…) Yes, that would help us find each other at the airport.
(…) I am flying in next Saturday and was wondering if you might be
able to pick me up at the airport.
(…) You don’t have to take a Super Shuttle. I’ll be there.
(…) I can pick you up. What time does your flight arrive?

54 Unit 2: Guiding
Micky : ........................................................................................ (1)
Rini : ........................................................................................ (2)
Micky : ........................................................................................ (3)
Rini : ........................................................................................ (4)
Micky : ........................................................................................ (5)
Rini : ........................................................................................ (6)
Micky : ........................................................................................ (7)
Rini : ........................................................................................ (8)
Micky : ........................................................................................ (9)
Rini : ........................................................................................ (10)

Unit 2: Guiding 55
Listen to the following dialogue between a tour guide and visitor.
Complete the missing parts of the dialogue from what you hear.

(...) need to take a taxi (...) to keep my cell phone

(...) can track your flight (...) to pick you up
(...) to clear Customs

Visitor : Could you help me out and pick me up at the airport next
Tour Guide : It will be no problem….a…. When is your flight arriving?
Visitor : I am coming in around 4:00 in the afternoon.
Tour Guide : I think that by the time we factor in half an hour….b….
that maybe I should meet you at the curb at 4:30.
Visitor : I will meet you at the curb, but how will you know if the
plane is delayed?
Tour Guide : Don’t worry. I ….c… on my iPhone browser.
Visitor : I want to be able to call you on my cell phone.
Tour Guide : I’ll make sure ….d… with me and turned on.
Visitor : If it doesn’t work out, just let me know and I can take a
Tour Guide : You won’t ...e… Just stay in touch and look for me!

56 Unit 2: Guiding
Study the following passage about tour itinerary.

Tour itinerary is a tourist route that includes visits to various historical
sites, places of cultural Interest, natural attractions, or an itinerary
undertaken for cultural, educational, health, or sports purposes. Tour
itineraries may be worked out by tourist agencies and organisations, or
by the tourists themselves.

In terms of their directional orientation, the various types of itineraries

include linear, circular, and radial ones. Itineraries are also distinguished
in terms of mode of travel, for example: walking, cycling, automotive,
or water transport. In terms of time of tour operation, for example:
year round, seasonal, or one time itineraries. In terms of the different
arrangements that may be involved for group and individual itineraries.

Tourists may follow organised or preplanned tour routes (on the basis
of tourist organisation travel vouchers), or they may work out their own
independent itineraries. Organised tour Routes are specially designed
and equipped to offer tourists services such as excursions, tourist
centres, and campsites. A special category of itineraries consists of
fixed railroad, bus, ship, and airplane routes, or a combination of these.

Tourists may work out their own itineraries for example, for a day’s
holiday, for a trip of several days’ duration, or to engage in sports
activities. Such itineraries are usually organized and arranged with the
assistance of tourist clubs or tourist stations, or through the offices
of physical education groups. As many as 50 million persons go on
independent hikes or trips each year. On sports tour routes, difficult
hikes of several days’ duration are governed by the rules of sports

In some countries, both domestic and international tour itineraries

are worked out and arranged by special state or public tourist
organisations, by the many private tourist firms, and by such agencies as
transportation company affiliates and hotel chain subsidiaries.

Adapted from Shtiurmer (2016)

Unit 2: Guiding 57
Answer the following questions.

a Who should design tour itineraries, do you think?


b What types of itineraries do you know? Explain them?

c What modes of travels are mostly used in our country?
d What is the difference between independent itineraries and
organised itineraries?
e How do tourist clubs organise itineraries?
f Why do millions of people go on independent hikes or trips?

g Who do you think organises domestic and international tour


58 Unit 2: Guiding
H. Kodayat and Ramaini in their book “Kamus Wisata dan Perhotelan
(1992)” stated that Tour Itinerary is a list and schedule of tour events
with complete data, regarding the day, date, time, tourist attraction,
hotels where you stayed, the place of departure, point of arrival, the
events presented to illustrate the implementation schedule and overall
tour program started from beginning to the end of tour program.
Below, there are kinds of tour itinerary:

1. Matrix/Table


05.30 Breakfast in Balai Peni

06.00 Start from Nusa Raya Hotel - VEDC


06.00-06.10 Opening and introduction of tour program

06.10-07.30 The City of Bogor

The Municipality of Bogor which lies
between two river, Ciliwung and Cisadane.
Both flowing parallel to the northwest and
surrounded by mounts Salak, Pangrango
and Gede

07.30-08.30 Leaving for “Puncak”

Since it has pleasant weather and it natural
scenery is so lovely, this area is visited,.....
After passing through the area of Tugu, we
are able to see ....
“Safari Park” is the bigest in Asia Tenggara...

08.30-08.45 Take a rest and having pleasant weather at

“Puncak Pass” ....
... ...
... ...

Unit 2: Guiding 59
2. Narration
a.m Meeting service at Indonesia Hotel, morning visit to National
Monument and take photographs at Merdeka Palace. Leaving
the modern city of Jakarta to the “Fantastic Zoo Ragunan” via
Jakarta city toll, have a nice lunch on the way to “Situ Babakan”
Pasar Minggu at Warung Betawi, with a traditional food

p.m After lunch have a Traditional Performance tari Topeng and

Arak-arakan Ondel-ondel will pick up the group from Warung
Betawi to the Bus, back to Jakarta City, drop off at Mandarin
Hotel, check in on own arrangement.

2. Graphic

5 6
8 9

3 2 10
12 11


1. Hotel Savoy Homann Bandung
2. Gedung Merdeka
3. Jalan Braga
4. Kediaman Pangdam Siliwangi
5. Pasar Bunga
6. Kawasan Cipaganti
7. SLB 14. Pasar Kosmbi
8. Restoran babakan Siliwangi
10. Kampus ITB
11. RS. Boromeus
12. Gedung Sate
13. Museum Geologi

60 Unit 2: Guiding
4. Map/Tour Map

Sari Ater - Ciater

6 km
4 km

9 km

Gunung Tangkuban Perahu

18 km

Grand Hotel Lembang


average speed
= 35km/hour

Savoy Homann Hotel

Unit 2: Guiding 61
Read the following check in dialogue by Travel Voucher between
a receptionist and a visitor. This is a dialogue of a check in with a

Good morning, welcome to Grand Kecubung

Pangkalan Bun. How may I assist you?

Good morning, I’d like to stay in

your hotel for today

Excuse me, may I know your name please Sir?


My name is Brett Whitney from Australia


One moment please, I’ll check your reservation

(The receptionist checks the reservation on the
Receptionist expected arrival list to find out the details of the
guest). Yes, Mr. Whitney your name is on our list.
You booked 1 junior deluxe for 2 nights. You have
special request of a fruit basket. The payment will
be paid by BORNEO Tour and Travel. is that right,

Yes, that’s right


62 Unit 2: Guiding

Excuse me, may I borrow your ID card?


Of course. (gives the ID to the receptionist)


Excuse me, can you sign here and please

write your phone number Sir?

Yes I can


Mr. Whitney your room is number 112. This is

your envelope which includes a completed ID card
Receptionist and a ticket for breakfast for 1 person tomorrow
morning. Anything else, Sir?

No thank you. Will you have our bags sent up?


Yes, our bellboy will escort you to your room now.

Bell boy. Please escort Mr. Whitney to his room
Receptionist number 112, this is the guest key and the guest card.

Yes, madam


Unit 2: Guiding 63

Mr. Whitney, I hope you have a nice stay with

us. If you have any problems don’t hesitate to
Receptionist contact us. Please dial number 103 and our
receptionist will help you. Thank you

You’re welcome


Read the following check in dialogue of a guest with a reservation.

Good afternoon. Welcome to the Swiss

Bellin Hotel. How may I help you?

Swiss Bellin Hotel

I have a reservation for today. It’s under

the name of Micky Juanda.

Can you please spell that for me Sir?

Swiss Bellin Hotel

Sure. Micky, M for Mama, I for India, C

for Charlie, K for Kilo and Y for Yankee
and Juanda, J for Juliet, U for Uniform, A
for Alpha, N for November, D for Delta,
and A for Alpha.

64 Unit 2: Guiding

Yes, Mr. Micky, we’ve reserved a double

room for you with a view of the ocean for
two nights. Is that correct?
Swiss Bellin Hotel

Yes, it is.


Excellent. We already have your credit card

information on file. If you’ll just sign the
receipt along the bottom, please.
Swiss Bellin Hotel

That’s IDR 950.000 a night?


Yes, sir. We are a three star hotel after all.

Swiss Bellin Hotel

Well, fine. I’m here on business anyway, so

at least I’m staying on the company’s dime.
What’s included in this cost anyway?

A full continental buffet breakfast every

morning, free airport shuttle service, and
use of the hotel’s safe are all included.
Swiss Bellin Hotel

So what’s not included in the price?


Unit 2: Guiding 65

Well, you will find a mini-bar in your room.

Use of it will be charged to your account.
Also, the hotel provides room service, at
Swiss Bellin Hotel an additional charge of course.

Hmm. Ok, so what room am I in?


Room 187. Here is your key. To get to your

room, take the elevator on the right up
to the fourth floor. Turn left once you exit
Swiss Bellin Hotel the elevator and your room will be on the
left hand side. A bellboy will bring your
bags up shortly.

Great. Thanks.


Should you have any questions or requests,

please dial ‘O’ from your room. Also, there
is internet available in the lobby 24 hours
Swiss Bellin Hotel a day.

Ok, and what time is check-out?


At midday Sir.

Swiss Bellin Hotel

66 Unit 2: Guiding

Ok, thanks.


My pleasure Sir. Have a wonderful

stay at the Swiss Bellin Hotel.

Swiss Bellin Hotel

Work in pairs to write two dialogues of a check in with a travel
voucher and with a reservation. After completing the dialogue,
demonstrate it in front of the class.

Read the following dialogue between a receptionist of Grand
Kecubung Hotel and a guest checking out and leaving for the

Did you enjoy your stay with us?


Yes, very much so. However, I now need to

get to the airport. I have a flight that leaves
in about two hours, so what is the quickest Rudi
way to get there?

Unit 2: Guiding 67
We do have a free airport shuttle service.


That sounds great, but will it get

me to the airport on time?

Yes, it should. The next shuttle leaves in 15

minutes, and it takes approximately 30 minutes
Receptionist to get to the airport.

Fantastic. I’ll just wait in the

lounge area. Will you please let
me know when it will be leaving? Rudi

Of course Sir. Oh, before you go, would you

be able to settle the mini-bar bill?

Oh yes certainly. How much will that be?


Let’s see. The bill comes to IDR 450. 000.

How would you like to pay for that?

I’ll pay with my credit card thanks, but I’ll need

a receipt so I can charge it to my company.

68 Unit 2: Guiding
Absolutely. Here you are sir. If you like you can
leave your bags with the porter and he can load
Receptionist them onto the shuttle for you when it arrives.

That would be great thank you.


Would you like to sign the hotel guestbook too

while you wait?

Sure, I had a really good stay here and

I’ll tell other people to come here.

That’s good to hear. Thank you again for

staying at The Grand Kecubung Hotel.

Work in pairs to practice the dialogue above by changing some
information such as the time, the mode of transport, the amount
of money to be paid, the airport, etc.

Unit 2: Guiding 69
Read this conversation between a taxi driver and a guest about
taking the guest to the airport. Then practice it in front of the
class by changing some of the information. Then do the test to
check your understanding.

Hi. Where are you going?

Taxi driver

To the train station please.


Shall I put your bag in the trunk?

Taxi driver

No thanks. I’ll keep it with me.

How long will it take to the station?

About 30 minutes. Are you in a hurry?

Taxi driver

Yes, I’m a bit late.


We can take the expressway. There’s an extra

charge, okay?
Taxi driver

70 Unit 2: Guiding
That’s okay, thanks.


Fasten your seatbelt, please.

Taxi driver


Here’s the expressway. Can I have

IDR 15.000 for the fee?
Taxi driver

Here you are.


Are you catching a train at the station?

Taxi driver

Yes, I’m going to the beach to

meet some friends.

Okay. Here is the station.

Taxi driver
Thank you. How much is it?


IDR 90.000

Taxi driver

Here’s IDR 100.000. Keep the change.


Unit 2: Guiding 71
Thanks. Don’t forget your baggage.

Taxi driver

Okay. Bye. Have a good day!


Study the following example of Tanjung Puting National Park
itinerary. It is a 3-day tour itinerary based on a Kalimantan Specialist
Tour (2015). Pay close attention to the contents and language,
including the consistency.

Tanjung Puting National Park 3 days

Tanjung Puting National Park / Code : KAL-003-STD 3 Days / 2 Nights

72 Unit 2: Guiding
Arrival in Pangkalan Bun - Kumai - Houseboat - Tanjung Puting
National Park (L/D) After arrival at Pangkalan Bun airport (approx
10 am) your personal tour guide will meet you at the airport. It
takes approximately 30 minutes from Pangkalan Bun airport to
the harbour city of Kumai. In the harbour you will then board your
houseboat, your home for the tour. A late lunch will be served on
board. After lunch the houseboat will depart from Kumai and enter
the mouth of the Sekonyer River and continue upstream. Here you
have the possibility to relax on the deck and observe the passing
flora and fauna. The Sekonyer River is also a habitat for a very rare
species of crocodile (thus swimming in the river is not allowed). Just
sit back and enjoy the silence as well as the sounds of nature.

As evening arrives our personal on board chef will prepare a

delicious dinner. Once dinner has finished the team will prepare
mattresses and mosquito nets on deck for the night (on the deck/no
cabins available). Shower/toilet facilities are very simple but efficient
and very clean. (Lunch and dinner is inclusive)

Tanjung Puting National Park - Pondok Tanggui / Orangutan feeding
- Camp Leakey /Museum / Orangutan feeding - Pondok Tanggui -
Houseboat (B/L/D)
After breakfast on board the houseboat our first stop in the Tanjung
Puting National Park is at Pondok Tanggui. Tanjung Puting National
Park is not only a habitat for orangutans but for a many different
animals including the long nose ape (Nasalis larvatus), rare bird
species, and a variety of colourful butterflies. These animals can
be spotted throughout the tour. Pondok Tanggui is particularly
known as a place where orangutans are observed and registered.
After our arrival at 9:30am, here you can take part in the feeding of

After this unique experience you return to the houseboat and head
upstream to Camp Leakey. Lunch is served on board. You will reach
Camp Leakey after a 2 hour journey through lush tropical rainforest.
At the Camp you will find the museum and documentation centre of
Camp Leakey/Tanjung Puting National Park which was established
by Mrs. Dr. Biruté Galdikas. First you will visit the museum and then
late afternoon you will continue, under the guidance of one of the
rangers to the feeding place of the orangutans. The trek to the
feeding place of the Orangutans starts around 2:30pm and takes

Unit 2: Guiding 73
about 45 minutes. Please always follow the instructions of your
ranger and note that you are not permitted to feed the orangutans
by yourself, or to eat or drink in front of them.

After this visit you will return to Camp Leakey and board your
houseboat again. After exploring more flora and fauna, you will
return to Pondok Tanggui for a second overnight on the houseboat.
Dinner will be served on the houseboat. Enjoy this unique
experience of the tranquillity and natural sounds of the rainforest.

Pondok Tanggui - Kumai - Pangkalan Bun - Transfer to the airport
After breakfast on board, you will proceed back to Kumai harbour,
which takes about 2 hours. After reaching Kumai harbour you will
transfer to the airport of Pangkalan Bun, where your journey will
end. (Suitable for flights from Pangkalan Bun to Semarang) (Breakfast

Study the following guiding commentary of the 3 day tour
to Tanjung Puting National Park. Guiding commentary from
Pangkalan Bun back to Pangkalan Bun


Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Pangkalan Bun.

How was your flight? Did you enjoy it? My name is Nina Yanti. I am
your tour guide from the Sister Tour Agency. I would like to welcome
you all to Pangkalan Bun. Now it is 11.00 o’clock local time here. 1
hour difference from Bali. Please change your watch to local time. If
you are all ready, we will take the bus to the harbour city of Kumai.
The journey is about 30 minutes. On the way we will pass through
Pasir Panjang village where you can see the famous Betang house.
Please get on the bus.

74 Unit 2: Guiding

Ladies and gentlemen, we are now heading to Pasir Panjang village.
Pasir Panjang means long sand, it is inhabited by people from the
Dayak tribe. The population of this village is about 350 families. Most
of them work in farming, planting rubber trees, palm oil, and other
activities for their living. Now, look on your right side, there is a Long
House called Betang.
A Betang is the traditional home of the Dayak tribe in Central
Kalimantan. The building and poles are made of Ulin, the hardest
wood in Borneo. A Betang is usually used for welcoming guests and
other official ceremonies. The house has been standing for about
100 years or more. It is built in form of a stage at a height of about
three to five feet off the ground. The purpose of this is to avoid
flooding during the rainy season and to protect the community from
wild animals and other people outside their community.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have almost arrived at Kumai harbour,
please get ready to depart. This is Kumai Harbour. Let’s get off
the bus. Please be careful and watch your step. Please take a look
around while I will transfer your luggage to the boat and prepare
everything to go. Everything is ready now, please follow me to the
boat. Welcome on board. In the next couple days we will use this
houseboat as our base for our journey into Tanjung Puting National
Park. Please make yourselves comfortable and enjoy the silence, as
well as the sounds of nature. Ladies and gentlemen I would like to
introduce you to our crew. The boat captain, co captain, cook, and
cook’s assistance. Our chef has the very important job of preparing
you a delicious selection of breakfast, lunch and dinner on board.
Every evening for sleeping, clean mattresses will be prepared and
placed with mosquito nets on deck. Shower/toilet facilities are very
simple but efficient and very clean.

We start the tour by leaving Kumai harbour, entering the estuary of
the Sekonyer River and going upstream. It will take approximately
half an hour to travel from our entrance into Tanjung Puting National
Park to the first camp, Tanjung Harapan. During the journey look on
your left and right sides and enjoy your first glimpse of the jungle.
Please take pictures and feel free to ask me any questions.

As we travel up the Sekonyer River, I will explain about Tanjung

Puting National Park. More than 600 species of trees, 200 species of
orchids, nearly 250 species of birds, 28 species of large mammals,
9 species of primates and many forms of life share their space in

Unit 2: Guiding 75
Tanjung Puting National Park. If we are lucky, we will spot some
wildlife, possibly crocodiles and several species of monkeys. Tanjung
Puting National Park is one of the natural wonders of the world
and a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve. Orangutans are the main
reason to visit this part of Kalimantan, on the Indonesian side of
Borneo. Wild orangutans only live in Sumatera and Borneo, and
Borneo is one of the last places in the world to see orangutans in the
wild. Unfortunately the orangutans habitat is rapidly disappearing
due to deforestation from palm oil plantations and mining. There
is also plenty of other wildlife to see, as Tanjung Puting is a mega
biodiversity hotspot.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are now going up the Sekonyer River

to see Nypa fruticans. Commonly known as the nipa palm forest,
you can see this on both sides of the river in the 18kms to Tanjung
Harapan. The nipa palm trunk grows beneath the ground and only
the leaves and flower stalk grow upwards above the surface. It grows
in soft mud and slow moving tidal and river waters that bring in
nutrients. The palm can be found as far inland as the tide can deposit
the floating nuts. Thus, it is an unusual palm tree, and the leaves can
extend up to 9m (30 ft) in height. The interesting thing is that until
3-5 years ago, the local people have taken the leaves to make house
roofs. Young palm leaves of coconut trees can be woven to make the
roofs and walls of the house. Local people name them kajang.

Making Roofs and Walls of the House


76 Unit 2: Guiding
Ladies and gentlemen, take a look on both sides of the river. Entering
the Sekonyer River on our right (south) is part of the national park
forest. While on the left (north), is the buffer zone of the forest
(forest buffer). It is separated by the Sekonyer River. You will see
the river looks a muddy colour, this is partly due to the run off from
illegal gold mining in the area.

Ladies and gentlemen, the original name of the Sekonyer River

was the Crocodile River. The name Sekonyer was taken from the
name of a ship that sank in the estuary. The original name of the
vessel was modified based on the Malay word Sekonyer. The story
goes that during the Dutch colonial rule, in the estuary of Sungai
Buaya, there anchored a pirate ship. The ship sank in the right
of the estuary of Sungai Buaya when it was fired at with a small
cannon by a man named Bujang. Called a “Palembang”, this cannon
belonged to a Muslim preacher, “Kyai Gede”. The cannon can only
be fired by descendants of Kyai Gede, or one of the tribes of Dayak
Gambu. After the ship was sunk the river was renamed the Sekonyer,
although local people still often refer to the original name, the
Crocodile River.

Along the river you can find over 250 species of birds, the long nose
ape (Nasalis larvatus), also called the Bakantan, rare bird species,
and a variety of colourful butterflies. Fireflies and other monkeys
also live in the surrounding areas of the Sekonyer River. You can see
some of the animals hanging on the Rasau trees and Nipa Palm.

Ladies and gentlemen, in a few minutes we will arrive in Tanjung

Harapan. I would like to give you some information about this area.
The first guard post in the park was constructed here in the late
1970’s. Tanjung Harapan was the original site of the Sekonyer Village,
which was moved across the Sekonyer River. The surrounding area is
designated as a utilisation zone. In this area, several facilities for park
management, as well as for visitors have been built. Tanjung Harapan
is also serves as an alternative orangutan center.

We have now reached Tanjung Harapan. We will stop here and I will
collect your ticket. In a few minutes, lunch will be served. Here you
are. The lunch is ready. Please enjoy your lunch.

Unit 2: Guiding 77
Ladies and gentlemen, how was the food? I hope you enjoyed it.
Now we will go to Tanjung Harapan feeding camp, please prepare
yourself. Please wear boots or shoes, and you should bring sun
protection as it’s very hot and plenty of insect repellent to protect
yourself from the jungle insects. Ladies and gentlemen, before we go
I would like to share a bit of information about the 3 feeding camps
in the National Park. There are 3 feeding camps, the first is Tanjung
Harapan, second is Pondok Tanggui, and the last is Camp Leakey.
Tanjung Harapan is part of the rehabilitation process that provides
daily feedings at the jungle platform to help assist in the release
of the orangutans. Positioned at the west entrance of the National
Park, Tanjung Harapan and this region are utilisation zones for the
development of nature tourism activities. The facilities include an
information center, guest house, hotel and control towers.

Before we go to the feeding camp I would like to share some rules

and regulations. You may take pictures of the orangutans, but please
don’t use any kind of camera lighting when you take their pictures.
Do not throw any plastic or other rubbish in the area. Please put
your rubbish in your pocket or bag and take it with you. Do not drink
water or eat in front of the orangutans because it will attract them to
you. Keep your distance from them, please don’t to try touch them,
and make as little noise as possible. Stay away from the fence at the
feeding station, and never stand in between a male and a female
orangutan. If you are ready now, please get off the boat. Be careful,
watch your step, and I will wait for you at the dock. Please follow me.
If you have any questions on our way to the feeding camp, please
don’t hesitate to ask. Ladies and gentlemen, to reach the feeding
station requires a short walk of about 15 minutes through the jungle.

Ladies and gentlemen we have arrived at the feeding area. There is
a building shaped like a stage to put food or fruit for the orangutans.
This includes banana, mango, lemon, watermelon, sweet potato and
others. This is done to avoid competition with other animals such as
squirrels or wild boars that may steal the food served. Once the food
is placed by an officer or person called a ranger, ritual feeding begins
and the rangers usually call the orangutans by shouting aloud. When
the orangutans hear that voice they know it’s time to eat. Please,
make yourself comfortable, and sit back and watch.

78 Unit 2: Guiding
Watching & Feeding Orangutans

Ladies and gentlemen, now you’ve seen the orangutans let’s go back
to the boat for a break. Cold drinks and snacks will be served. After
that you can relax, enjoy the afternoon and sunset in the jungle.
Please don’t forget to use insect repellent as it heads towards dusk.
Your dinner will be served at 6.15pm.

It is time for dinner. For dinner tonight we have soto manggala. It is

a traditional dish made from cassava. The ingredients include: 1kg
of cassava, 1/2kg of fish, leeks, onion, celery leaves, fried onions,
1 cinnamon stick, 2 liters of water, garlic, pepper, salt, fried eggs,
chilli, and 2 slices of lime. So, how do we cook soto manggala? First
puree the garlic, pepper, and salt. Dice the cassava and boil until half
cooked. Remove the water. Boil the minced catfish. Puree the other
ingredients and boil until it becomes a broth. Cook the onion. Mix
the cassava stew with the herb broth. Serve with celery, fried onions
and cassava crackers. Some local people substitute the fish with
chicken. There you are, the soto mangala is ready to serve. Please,
enjoy your dinner.

Now it’s time for you to take a rest. We will prepare a clean mattress
for you to sleep on and hang mosquito nets to protect you from both
small and big insects. Have a nice dreams and tomorrow we will visit
Pondok Tanggui (an orangutan feeding camp) and Camp Leakey.

Unit 2: Guiding 79
Mosquito Net in Klotok


Good morning everyone, how are you doing today? Did you sleep
well last night? I hope you had pleasant dreams after our tour
yesterday. Our cook has prepared a delicious breakfast for you.
Please enjoy your breakfast in the wild. After breakfast we will
continue our journey to Pondok Tanggui. Ok, have a nice breakfast.

Are you ready to continue our journey? Now we are leaving Tanjung
Harapan and heading to Pondok Tanggui. It’s located about 22 km
from Tanjung Harapan. It’s very hot, so I suggest you use a hat to
protect yourself from the sun. Ladies and gentlemen, I would like
to share a little bit of history about Pondok Tanggui’s. The name is
taken from the natural psychic phenomena that occurred in 1942
- 1945 during the Japanese colonial period when strange creatures
like humans were often seen, sitting and wearing a Tanggui (Tanggui
= hat). Hence, Pondok Tanggui.

Ladies and gentlemen, this area is home to pre wild and adolescent
orangutans. It hosts various kinds of animals like deer, pig, the
Rangkong bird (rhinoceros), the Raja Udang bird, and the Sesep
Madu bird. During our journey from Tanjung Harapan to Pondok
Tanggui, we will pass through the habitats of the Proboscis monkey
and the estuarine crocodile (Crocodylus porosus), so keep your eyes
open, you never know what you will see. This area is also rich with a
variety of interesting tropical plants. We will encounter small tropical

80 Unit 2: Guiding
pitcher plants (nepenthes), and many mosquito predators roaming
around the area. There are also leaves and moss strewn on the
ground, and rafflesia in the woods.

Look at your side when we pass the estuary to Tanjung Harapan. This
is an area of brackish water where you can find native palm planta
(Nypa fruticans) growing and extending into the interior. The farther
you go inside, the higher the trees grow. You can see Bekantan
(Nasalis larvatus) hanging over the trees, jumping from one to
another, eating the young leaves as their food.
Ladies and gentlemen, one of the unique animals you will see in the
National Park is the Proboscis monkey (Bekantan), or the scientific
name Nasalis larvatus. It is a type of long nosed monkey with
reddish brown hair and is one of two species in a single genus of
the monkeys Nasalis. The main characteristics that distinguishes the
Proboscis from other monkeys is its long and large nose, found only
in males of the species. The function of the large nose on the male
Proboscis monkey is still not clear, but it may be caused by natural
selection. Female monkeys prefer males with larger noses as a
partner. Because of this nose, Proboscis monkeys are also known as
Dutch monkeys. Proboscis males are larger than females. Their size
can reach 75cm and weigh up to 24kg. Female monkeys measure
60cm with a weight of 12kg. This species also has a large belly as a
result of food consumption habits. In addition to fruit and grains,
Proboscis monkeys eat a variety of leaves which produces a lot of gas
when digested.
These side effects make their stomach bulge.

Ladies and gentlemen, in a few minutes we will reach the port of

Pondok Tanggui. Please, prepare yourself and remember to bring sun
cream, water, mosquito repellent, and of course, your camera. Don’t
be in a hurry we still have enough time to see the feeding time in
Pondok Tanggui. Now, we’ve arrived in Pondok Tanggui dock. Please
be careful getting off the boat, and watch your step.

Ladies and gentlemen, there will be a short trek of about 45 minutes

to the feeding center. Prepare your camera as you never know what
you might see on the way to the feeding center. Please follow me to
the guard post to register our ticket.

Unit 2: Guiding 81

Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached the guard post. I will take
your ticket to be checked. While I am checking your tickets please
write your name and put your signature in the guest book. You will
see other people who have visited this place before us.

Writing Identity & Signing in Guest Book


Ok, let’s make a move ladies and gentlemen. Along the way to
the feeding center there are so many amazing things to see. You’ll
find wild animals and plants, such as ferns and pitcher plants
everywhere. This area was dry for a long time, but now looks like
a newly planted forest. There is a view of the old tower stands in
the middle. Around the feeding ground, the plants grow tightly and
footpaths are less than 1m wide, and wet. You can smell the wet soil.

We are in a fern area now which is green and dense. Local people
use the old roots, which they combine with rattan, to make souvenirs
such as bracelet and rings. A rather special souvenir is the Bruta, a
locally made bracelet from tree trunks. Bruta is a fern plant that is
available widely in the forests of Borneo. The trunk is very strong and
the color does not fade easily, even after three years use. Formerly
the Dayak Pasir Panjang used to bind the saber for their traditional
weapons, but after seeing the unique character of the plants, Bruta
ferns slowly converted to become ethnic jewelry. For someone who

82 Unit 2: Guiding
is already an expert, they can make the Bruta bracelets in just 20
minutes. However, if somebody is really clever, they can make a
Bruta stem into many items, including necklaces, rings, and even
headdress. Beginners, however will need a few weeks to learn in
order to make a bracelet. It is expertly twisted in a circular motion so
it does not break. Being a very pliable material, the wonderful thing
about the Bruta is that it can pass over your wrists easily.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached the feeding camp, please

don’t make any noise. The rules are the same as before. Do not
give any kind of food to the orangutans, do not take pictures with a
flash, keep your bag close, watch your surroundings, and be aware
because orangutans can come from any direction. Some of them will
swing from a tree to the stage for food, while others will just walk.
So keep your distance, at least 10 meters away, and do not drink or
eat in front of them. These rules are shown on the board here.

Notice for Visitors


As you can see now, some of the rangers will call the orangutans
to feed them. Sometimes they call them by their own name, other
times they make a sound to call orangutans. The ranger will pour
milk into the big can on the platform, as well as put fruit for them to
eat. Watch what happens now. You see there is a big male orangutan

Unit 2: Guiding 83
alone on the platform taking fruit and a drink. There are so many
orangutans surrounding him, but none of them dare to approach
the platform, they’re just waiting their turn. This orangutan is the
dominant one among the group. He’s the strongest of all, and the
others will not challenge him. This is what happens in the kingdom of
the wild animals including the orangutans. Now I will let you watch
quietly and enjoy. Here are some long chairs you can sit on.

Ladies and gentlemen, have you finished watching? If you have

already finished, we will go back to our boat via another route. Please
follow me. On the way back please be aware we are still in a wild
jungle and you need to be careful what you touch.

Ant in Tanjung Puting National Park


One of these creatures is the red ant. They can bite! If they bite it
is painful for a few seconds, you will feel heat around the bite, and
then it will become red. It can be rather uncomfortable. The other
animals to watch out for are leeches. They are small, but when they
stick to your skin they suck your blood without any kind of pain at all.
Due to the high humidity, animals such as leeches grow more in this
environment, so we need to take extra care. As well as the animals,
you also need to be careful of some of the trees. For example, this
is a tree you should not touch, especially the sap. It will leave your
skin feeling very itchy and painful. So please take care, and most
importantly, don’t forget to enjoy your adventure.

84 Unit 2: Guiding

Ladies and gentlemen look at this tree, it’s a wonderful example of
how the forest can provide such healthy food. This fruit is a kind
syzygium, it’s unique in flavour, sweet and edible, contains many
vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, and is very good for the body
and health. Orangutans sometimes eat this as their snack. You can
try it.

Jambu Nasi ( Rice fruits)


Now, we are approaching the dock, please take a rest before

boarding the boat. Be careful when boarding the boat because we
need to pass some other boats to get to our own boat. Parking areas
at the dock are limited, so we have to climb across some of the other
boats. Now we will continue our trip to Camp Leakey. It takes about
2 hour from here. During the journey our cook will serve you fresh,
cold drinks and some snacks. So just sit back, relax and enjoy the
sights and sounds of the jungle.

Now we are heading to Camp Leakey, the last feeding place after
Tanjung Harapan and Pondok Tanggui. Camp Leakey was established
in 1971 by Dr. Biruté Galdikas and the former spouse, Rod
Brindamour. It was named after the legendary paleo-anthropologist,
Louis Leakey, who was both a mentor and an inspiration to Dr.
Galdikas, as well as Drs. Jane Goodall and Dian Fossey. Originally
consisting of just two huts, Camp Leakey is now an assembly of

Unit 2: Guiding 85
permanent wooden structures designed to provide a base for
scientists, staff, students, and Park Rangers.

Over the years, Camp Leakey has supported the research efforts
of dozens of scientists and students including undergraduate
and graduate students from Indonesia (Universitas Nasional &
Universitas Gajamada) and North America. Many have gone on to
receive their Ph.D. degrees. Projects have ranged from orangutan,
Proboscis monkey, gibbon and leaf-eating monkey behavior
and ecology, to studies of orangutan sign language abilities and
cognition, to leech behaviour, and river system ecology. As an active
research facility, Camp Leakey welcomes day visitors with local
guides. Visitors are not allowed to overnight at Camp Leakey. OFI
staff ask that you come with the appropriate permits, check-in with
the rangers, observe the orangutans from a safe distance, and do not
disturb the scientists conducting research.


This camp is quite different from the others we visited before. It

is very famous among travellers who visit Tanjung Puting National
Park due to its comprehensive research and information about
orangutans, the wildlife, flora and fauna found in the National Park.
I hope you enjoy it.

Ladies and gentlemen, the first thing you will notice is the black river.
Watch it carefully as the water is very different to the water further
upstream where it is very clear and fresh. As we turn to the right and
look at the water, you will see, it is very different.

86 Unit 2: Guiding

It continues to change along the way until we approach Camp Leakey

becoming more and more clear and fresh. You will also notice the
waterway becomes narrower and narrower as we approach Camp
Leakey, with only one boat being able to pass through. Make sure
you look out for the beautiful wild lilies on both of sides of the river.

Ladies and gentlemen, before going into Camp Leakey, the cook will
prepare and serve lunch. After lunch, we will dock and continue our
tour by visiting the last feeding center in Camp Leakey. Have a nice
lunch everyone.

Ladies and gentlemen, if you have finished having lunch, please

prepare yourself and to get off the boat, we will now explore the
camp. Please follow me along this wooden footpath, watch your
step. This wooden footpath is made from hardest local wood, and
will last for many years. You might like to take a picture. The guard
post is at the end of this pathway.

Unit 2: Guiding 87

Ladies and gentlemen, I will collect your tickets for inspection. Please
wait while I check the tickets. Ok, we are ready, let’s go. The first
building we will see in this camp is the information center, it is right
in front of us. Let’s go inside.


88 Unit 2: Guiding
First I will tell you a bit about the orangutans of Camp Leaky. There
are two dominant orangutans in Camp Leakey, the male is called
Tom, and the female Siswi . Tom has been the king of all orangutans
in Camp Leakey for years after he defeated his own father, Kosasih.
There was no information about Kosasih until now. Some of the
local people here said that he died in the jungle, but some said he
disappeared and still lives in the jungle. The truth is not known. The
jungle rules say the strongest is the king of all. Local people said
this is Tom as the king, and Siswi as the queen. If we are lucky we
will meet Tom. However, nowadays Tom rarely reveals himself to
people, he’d rather be alone somewhere in the wilderness. While
Siswi sometimes shows herself to tourists, lying down on the dock at
Camp Leakey. People call her the receptionist because she looks like
she receives the guests who enter the camp.

Ladies and gentlemen, we will be trekking through the jungle from
here to the feeding camp, it’s about 45 minutes., I guarantee you’ll
have great experience. Please, follow me this way. As I told you
before, please be careful in the jungle, and if you see something
unusual, please tell me. I will explain, or tell you what to do. You will
notice the forest in here is more tight and dense than the forests of
Pondok Tanggui, the trees are higher, and the soil more muddy. This
is partially because of the three sites, Camp Leakey has the farthest
trekking trails into the jungle, so you get to experience going much
deeper into the jungle.

Ladies and gentlemen, please walk carefully along the track because
in a forest like this orangutans could suddenly appear without any
notice or sign. Likewise with boars and snakes and other jungle
animals. Take a look at this tree, a set of giant termites have gnawed
the roots of a 200 year old ironwood.

Unit 2: Guiding 89
Source: Photo by Saran Segah

To the right of you there is fungi on the tree. There are some types of
fungi that can be eaten, but there are also some that are not edible,
and even poisonous. The one that you can see here is edible.

Look at the top of the tree, there is an orangutan swinging on the

tree trunk. It seems to be going to the feeding camp like us. In a
few minutes we will reach the feeding center, please take a seat
and watch the amazing activities of these orangutans. As usual the
ranger will call them.

Source: Source:


90 Unit 2: Guiding
Ok, that is the end of our tour today. I hope all of you are happy with
tour today. Please, follow me now and we will go back a different
way to our boat. This way is shorter than before and passes by an
open area that is overgrown with green ferns. If you look on your
right and left sides there are some buildings that are inhabited by
the people who work to protect and guard this camp. They dedicate
their life to the camp, and for weeks they don’t see their families.
Sometimes they also find themselves in dangerous situations where
they can encounter illegal loggers or wild animals. We have to
appreciate that no matter who or what they are, they are part of the
life cycle of Tanjung Puting National Park.

Now we are approaching the dock. Please take a rest for a while
before getting on the boat. Ladies and gentlemen please get aboard.
I hope you have had an inspiring day and you can feel why this
wildlife should be preserved.

Ladies and gentlemen, now we will leave the port and head into the
Pondok Tanggui area, it takes about 2 hours from here. Please feel
free to take a shower, and then our cook will serve you a delicious
snack and fresh drink to accompany our journey. Please relax and
enjoy the serenity of the jungle. I suggest you prepare your camera
because some of the animals of the jungle will appear in late of
afternoon. Ok, I will leave you to rest for a while. If you need me you
can find me below deck. Have a wonderful afternoon.

Hi ladies and gentlemen. Tonight is the last night of our tour and we
will stay on the boat again. Now we will go to a place where you can
see thousands of fireflies, and your dinner will be served there.

On the way to the site we will see thousands of fireflies flying around
the trees, it really is a magnificent sight. Some of them gather
around the big trees, others swarm in the small trees. They make the
trees flicker in the dark and create a magnificent light. They do not
appear everywhere in Tanjung Puting, they only exist in areas such as
the nipa palm forest. The firefly itself is an insect that emits a clearly
visible light in the evenings. The light generated by “cold light “ that
contains no ultraviolet or infrared rays, has a wavelength of 510 to
670 nanometers, with a pale red, yellow, or green colour, with light
efficiency up to 96 % .

Unit 2: Guiding 91

Ladies and gentlemen, in a few minutes we will dock the boat so you
can sit back, relax and watch the fireflies over dinner.

Ok, our captain has found a place to stop, and now you can watch the
fireflies from your seat. Our cook will prepare and serve dinner. If you
don’t mind I will turn off the lamp and light the candles, then you can
really enjoy the magnificent light shining from the fireflies. If you want
to take pictures of the fireflies you should use a special setting on your
camera because the light from fireflies too soft for a regular camera to
detect. Ok, your dinner is ready now. Enjoy your dinner everyone.

Now you have finished

your dinner, our
crew will clear up the
dishes and we will
set up your beds and
mosquito net. We will
stay here tonight and
tomorrow your tour
will end. We suggest
you pack and prepare
your things tonight as
you have a morning
flight. The journey in
the morning to Kumai Source:
harbour is 2 hours
from here, and then
we will transfer you to the airport. I will leave you now. If you need
any assistance during your packing please ask. Have a nice night and
have a peaceful sleep. See you tomorrow.

92 Unit 2: Guiding
Good morning everyone, how was your sleep? Today is the last
day of our tour. Today we will go to Kumai harbour. Please take a
shower while our cook prepares breakfast. The menu this morning
is shrimp fried rice with fried dry fish and baked bread. She said this
is her favourite food and she made it especially for you today. The
ingredients are 250 grams of cold rice, 200 grams of shrimp, 3 pieces
of beef sausage, 5 cloves Garlic, 4 cloves Shallots, 5 red chilies, 5
pieces of red chili, 50 grams of white cabbage, 3 eggs Chicken Eggs,
some leek, soy sauce, sweet soy sauce, abalone sauce, salt, pepper,
butter, and cooking oil.

To cook it you puree the onion and garlic, finely slice the chilli,
slice the cabbage, add some sausage according to taste, finely slice
the leek, peel and clean the shrimp, and whisk the eggs. Heat the
cooking oil, saute the ground spices until fragrant. Add the chilli
slices then add the shrimp and sausage. Add the soy sauce and
oyster sauce, then add whisked eggs, cook until done. Last, add the
cold rice, cabbage, soy sauce, pepper, salt, and add a piece of butter
to release the scent. Mix altogether, and cook until done. Then it’s
ready to serve.

Breakfast is ready, please help yourself. We hope you liked all the
food served to you during this tour. While you eat your breakfast our
boat will head to Kumai harbour.

Ladies and gentlemen, have you finished your breakfast? Our boat
will arrive at Kumai port in not more than 1 hour. Please be ready
to depart. Our driver is waiting for you at Kumai port to escort you
to Iskandar airport. Our crew will clean up your dishes and prepare
cookies as a snack for your trip to the airport.

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to say farewell to our crew. The
captain and his co worker, the cook and her assistant would all like
to say thank you so much for your visit and for using our services.
We hope to see you here again and good luck to you all. We hope all
the beautiful things that you have seen during your tour will give you
inspiration in your life.

Unit 2: Guiding 93
In a minute we will reach Kumai port. It’s time to prepare yourself.
Once again thank you for your visit. The boat has reached the port,
please wait until it has stopped before you get down. Ok, the boat
has stopped completely now. Please get down and watch your step.
Don’t forget to check your luggage before you leave the boat. Ladies
and gentlemen, our crew will take your luggage to the car for the
airport. If you are ready please go to the car. We are now leaving
Kumai port and going to Iskandar airport. If there is anything you
would like to ask along the way, please go ahead.

94 Unit 2: Guiding
Source: https://pohijopati.files.wordpress.

Ladies and gentlemen, now we have arrived at the airport. Please,

when getting out of the car be careful and watch your step. Please
pass me your tickets and passports and wait here, I will help you
with the check in. It will take a few minutes. Okay, the check in is
done. This is your ticket, your passport and boarding pass. Your
flight to Semarang is 09.00am and it is now 08.30am. Ok, ladies
and gentlemen, as this is our last meeting for the tour, once again I
would like to express my sincere gratitude for your trust in us. I hope
someday we will meet again in Tanjung Puting National Park. Please
don’t hesitate to call us, we will be proud to serve you again. Once
again thank you very much and have a nice trip. God bless. Bye bye.

Unit 2: Guiding 95
Produce or design a two day and three day tour itinerary in your
area. The itinerary starts from the point of first meeting, places
to be visited, schedule or agenda of activities, food served,
accommodation, inclusive price, and indicating the last point of
meeting. You have to include photos or pictures of the attractions,
a map of the tour, and do not forget to draw the landmarks along
the route. This exercise can be for homework. Be ready to present
your itinerary in front of the class in the next meeting.

Arguing, giving and asking for reasons, defending opinions,
contradicting, making suggestions, etc.

1 Divide the class into groups of four (4) or five (5).
2 Each group presents their itineraries produced in Activity 17 in
front of the class.
3 After the presentation, there will be questions and answers from
the floor
4 Other groups give comments: agreeing, disagreeing and giving
5 The group who presents the itinerary should respond to the
6 If the comments and suggestions are accepted, they have to
revise the itineraries.
7 The revised itineraries will be used for guiding presentations.

96 Unit 2: Guiding
Each group gives a tour guide presentation based on the revised itineraries
produced in Activity 20. Set your class as a Klotok. Put the photos of
attractions, regulations, food served, etc. on the walls, and bring other
things like fruits, etc. Other groups will assess the presentation using the
guiding presentation evaluation sheet adopted from Leo (2016).

Unit 2: Guiding 97
Please give a tick Very good (VG), Good (G), Fair (F), Bad (b) , or Very
bad (VB ) for the following aspects of a tour guide performance as

No Aspects VG G F B VB

Courtesy and friendliness

3 Self-confidence
4 Proactive nature
5 Sensitivity
6 Flexibility
7 Authenticity
8 Appearance
9 Sense of humor
10 Knowledge
11 a. Language
12 b. Voice
13 Communication c. Gesture
14 skills d. Facial expressions
15 e. Eye contact
16 f. (Standing) position
17 Organisation
18 Decisiveness
19 Health
20 Personal integrity
21 Additional comments or suggestions

98 Unit 2: Guiding
At the end of this chapter, ask yourself the following questions to know
how effective your learning process is.

1. Have you been able to welcome guests to the

2. Do you know how to explain itinerary and give guiding
commentary on the way and on the spot?
3. Can you explain places of interest to be visited, well?
If your answer is ‘no’ to one of these questions, read this chapter and do the activities
again. Don’t hesitate to see your teacher or classmates and discuss with them how
you can understand better and be able to introduce yourself and another guest
to other people.

Unit 2: Guiding 99
“It does not matter how
slowly you go as long as
you do not stop”
- Confucius

100 Unit 2: Guiding


Advanced Etiquette (2016) 8 Telephone Etiquette Tips, retrieved 29 March
2016 from

Agoda (2016) Grand Kecubung Hotel, retrieved 29 May 2016 from http://

Carmelita (2016) Greetings, Trusted Translations, Inc. from http://translation-

Demand Media (2016) 10 “Do’s & Don’ts” of Telephone Etiquette, retrieved

1 March 2016 from

Djuharie, Otong Setiawan, 2010. Bahasa Inggris untuk SMK kelas 1. Yrama

English for students (n.d.) Telephone Conversations, retrieved 29 February

2016 from

English Club (n.d.) English for Taxi Drivers, retrieved 10 May 2016 from

References and Glossary 101

Josh (n.d.) Why Greetings Are Important from

Leo, Sutanto (2011) English for Professional Waiters, 5th Print, Jakarta,

Leo, Sutanto (2010) English for Professional Accommodation Services, 3rd

Print, Jakarta, Gramedia

Leo, Sutanto (2013) English for Hotel Supervisory and Managerial

Communication, Bandung: Dian Cipta

Leo, Sutanto (2007) English for Leisure Time Speaking, 2007, Jakarta:

Leo, Sutanto (2006) Publishing Your Teaching Materials, Jurnal Pariwisata Vol.
5 No. 5 Des 2006

Leo, Sutanto (2013) A Challenging Book to Practice Teaching in English (2013).

Yogya: AndiOffset

Leo, Sutanto (2016) English for Professional Tour Guiding Services, Jakarta:

Kalimantan Specialist Tour (2015) Tanjung Puting National Park 3 Days

retrieved 8 May 2016 from

OfficeSkils (n.d) Telephone Etiquette, retrieved 8 May 2016 from

Rong-chang ESL (2016) Buying a Plane Ticket from


Rong-chang ESL (2016) Making a Plane Reservation from http://www.eslfast.


102 References and Glossary

Rong-chang ESL (2016).Calling to Get a Reservation, retrieved 20 February
2016 from

Setupmyhotel (2016) Telephone Operator Jab Descriptions, retrieved 22

February 2016 from

Siti (2015) Siti (2015) Siti (2015)


Streetdirectory (2016) Top 10 Telephone Skills, retrieved 20 February 2016


Tolingo GmbH (2016) Business-English, retrieved 10 February 2016 from

Woodward Ltda (2016) Hotel Dialogues, retrieved 22 February 2016 from

References and Glossary 103

A abrupt mendadak
absolutely benar
adhere mengikuti, menempel
adjust menyesuaikan
anxious gelisah
appoinment penunjukan
appropriate tepat, sesuai
approval persetujuan
arrival date tanggal kedatangan
assist membantu
assistance bantuan
attraction atraksi
availability tersedianya
aware sadar
B behavior tingkah laku
brisk cepat
C capture with camera pengambilan gambar menggunakan kamera
certainly pasti
charged dikenakan biaya
check in masuk (registrasi masuk )
check out keluar ( registrasi keluar)
cheers tepuk tangan
chewing mengunyah
clerk petugas reservasi
closeness dekat
concise ringkas
confusion kebingungan
console menghibur
contact kontak
countries negara
courteous sopan
courtesy kesopanan
courts keraton
culture kebudayaan
custom kebiasaan

104 References and Glossary

D departure date tanggal keberangkatan
departure keberangkatan
depending on tergantung pada
determine menentukan
differs membedakan
disrupt mengganggu
diving penyelaman
dock dermaga
double bed matras untuk dua orang
E emergency keadaan darurat
employees karyawan
engaged sedang digunakan/ dipakai
engineering teknik
entrance fee ticket officer pegawai ticket masuk
estuary muara
eta/estimed time arrival perkiraan waktu kedatangan
etd/estimed time departure perkiraan waktu keberangkatan
etiquett etiket/tatacara
expect mengharapkan
extra bed tambahan matras
F familiarise membiasakan
feeding camp camp tempat pemberian makan
foreign tourist wisatawan asing
full name nama lengkap
fully booked sudah penuh
G gestures berbicara dengan isyarat
graduate lulus
guarantee menjamin
H handshake berjabatan tangan
handy berguna
happiness kebahagiaan
harbour pelabuhan
heritage warisan budaya
hesitate ragu-ragu
history sejarah
hold on tahan
hopefully penuh harapan

References and Glossary 105

how do you do ungkapan perkenalan pada saat pertama kali
bertemu seseorang
I ignore mengabaikan
individual/company peorangan/ perusahaan
insight pandangan
instructed menginstruksikan
introduce memperkenalkan
involve terlibat, melibatkan
issue isu/pokok
L length of stay lama tinggal
M maintenance pemeliharaan
means of transport jenis transportasi
method of payment cara pembayaran
N nice to meet you senang berkenalan dengan anda
nickname nama panggilan
nosey yg ingin tahu
O obtain memperoleh
occupy terisi
on board naik ke atas/ ke dalam
origin asli
P particular tertentu
pleasant senang
port pelabuhan
precedence hak lebih tinggi
primary utama
probably mungkin
properous makmur
provide menyediakan
provide menyediakan
R re-arrange mengatur kembali
reasonable masuk akal
recorded tercatat
regardless tanpa memperhatikan
regards salam
relationship berhubungan dengan
representative wakil
requires membutuhkan
reservation reservasi

106 References and Glossary

resolved terselesaikan
respect hormat
rush hour jam sibuk
S safety aman
safety precaution tindakan keselamatan
scenary pemandangan
seasoned berpengalaman
several rooms beberapa kamar
slightly sedikit
snorkeling salah satu olahraga air yang menggunakan alat
soft tracking perjalanan pendek
source sumber
souvenir shopkeeper penjual cindera mata
special reguest permintaan khusus
stranger orang asing
suggest menyarankan
swing berayun
T ticketing officer pegawai travel agent bagian penjualan ticket
tied up terikat
timetable jadwal
tour itinerary jadwal perjalanan tour
tourist destination tujuan wisata
tracking penjelajahan
traffic light macet
train station terminal ketera api
transmit mengirimkan
tricky sulit
trunk batang pohon
trust kepercayaan, percaya
twin bed kamar dengan dua tempat tidur (kembar)
U usual biasa
V vacancies ketersedian, kosong (kamar)
various macam, jenis
W waving hand melambaikan tangan
weapon senjata
wildlife satwa – satwa liar
world dunia

References and Glossary 107

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