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How To Sleep Well

My team : 1. Yedith Amadea

2. Syafrili Ardina Mutiara
3. Nursabilah
4. Bimaa Irzky Afirli
5. Haris Rakha
6. Wirayudha Dwi Rahman

 First, take a nice warm bath or showering the evening.

As well as relaxing your body, afterwards your body will settle down, which helps
you sleep better. Putting on lotion before sleep will help your ski be moisturized and

 Second, Pray before you go to sleep. Make you feel tranquil and cozy. Hopefully by
pray, your sleep is more better and useful


 Third, Sleep in varying positions. Changing your sleeping position can make a huge
difference in the quality of your sleep. When you go to sleep, or if you wake up in the
middle of the night make a conscious effort to follow these guidelines until it becomes


 Fourth, use a suitable pillow. If it’s too thin, your head will tilt backwards, which is
uncomfortable. Likewise, don’t stack your pillows so that your head is propped at an


 Fifth, reduce your light exposure an hour or two before going to bed. Bright light
before bedtime can disrupt your body’s internal clock. It’s one of the primary clues to
the body that it’s either sleep time, or waking time.

Pertama, mandi air hangat atau shower di malam
hari. Serta merilekskan tubuh anda, setelah itu
tubuh anda akan mendingin, yang membantu anda tidur lebih nyenyak.
Menempatkan lotion sebelum tidur akan membantu kulit anda lembab dan

 Kedua, berdoalah sebelum tidur anda, membuat anda merasa tenang dan
nyaman. Semoga dengan berdoa tidur anda lebih baik dan bermanfaat.

 Ketiga, tidur dalam berbagai posisi. Mengubah posisi tidur anda membuat
perbedaan besar dalam kualitas tidur anda, bila anda pergi tidur atau jika anda
terbangun di tengah malam lakukan upaya sadar untuk mengikuti panduan ini
sampai menjadi kebiasaan.

 Keempat, gunakan bantal yang pas. Jika terlalu tipis kepala anda akan miring
ke belakang yang tidak nyaman, begitupun jangan menumpuk bantal anda
sehingga kepala anda di sangga pada suatu sudut ( salah bantal).

 Kelima, kurangi pencahayaan cahaya anda 1 atau 2 jam sebelum tidur, cahaya
terang sebelum tidur dapat mengganggu jam internal tubuh anda. Ini adalah
salah satu petunjuk utama bagi tubuh, bahwa itu adalah waktu tidur atau saat
bangun tidur.

1. Afterwards
Synonym : after that
Sentence : afterwards, you and me got a lot of history
2. Settle down
Synonym : cool down
Sentence : because of him, my heart becomes settle down
3. Tranquil
Synonym : quied
Sentence : the class becomes very trainquil when there is an exam
4. Cozy
Synonym : mild
Sentence : this room are very cozy
5. Varying
Synonym : different
Sentence : you and me are from a varying town
6. Conscious
Synonym : sensible
Sentence : fitri trying to be conscious of her coma
7. Stack
Synonym : piled
Sentence : wira stacked his book o the table
8. Propped
Synonym : buffer
Sentence : that wood propped the tree
9. Exposure
Synonym : coruscation
Sentence : the exposure in mawar merah street is not good
10. Disrupt
Synonym : bother
Sentence : the wrong sleep patterns can disrupt with the health of the

 Main idea
 Paragraph 1 = clean your self before goto sleep.
 Paragraph 2 = pray before sleep.
 Paragraph 3 = sleep in verying positions.
 Paragraph 4 = use a suitable pillow.
 Paragraph 5 = reduce your light exposure before sleep.

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