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Deteksi dan pencegahan kesalahan dalam kedokteran laboratorium

Mario Plebani
Departemen Laboratorium Kedokteran Universitas Rumah Sakit Padova, Padova, Italia
Sesuai author: Mario Plebani, Departemen Laboratorium Kedokteran Universitas Rumah Sakit Padova, Via Giustiniani, 2, 35128 Padova, Italia. Email:

Artikel ini disusun atas undangan dari Clinical Sciences Ulasan Komite Asosiasi Clinical Biochemistry.

Beberapa dekade terakhir telah melihat signifikan penurunan tingkat kesalahan analisis di laboratorium klinis. Bukti menunjukkan bahwa langkah-langkah pra dan
pasca-analitis dari total proses pengujian (TTP) lebih rawan kesalahan dari fase analisis. Kebanyakan kesalahan adalah diidentifikasi dalam langkah-langkah
pra-pra-analitik dan pasca-pasca-analitik luar laboratorium. Dalam pendekatan patientcentred untuk pemberian pelayanan kesehatan, ada kebutuhan untuk menyelidiki,
dalam TTP, cacat yang mungkin memiliki dampak negatif pada pasien. Dalam kepentingan pasien, konsekuensi negatif langsung atau tidak langsung terkait dengan uji
laboratorium harus diperhatikan, terlepas dari yang langkah yang terlibat dan apakah kesalahan tergantung pada laboratorium profesional (misalnya kalibrasi / pengujian
error) atau operator non-laboratorium (misalnya pantas uji permintaan, error pada pasien identifikasi dan / atau koleksi darah). Pasien misidenti fi kasi dan masalah
berkomunikasi hasil, yang mempengaruhi pelayanan diagnostik, diakui sebagai tujuan utama untuk peningkatan kualitas. inisiatif internasional bertujuan untuk
meningkatkan aspek-aspek tersebut. Grading kesalahan laboratorium atas dasar keseriusan mereka harus membantu mengidentifikasi prioritas untuk peningkatan kualitas
dan mendorong fokus pada tindakan korektif / preventif. Hal ini penting untuk mempertimbangkan tidak hanya membahayakan pasien yang sebenarnya berkelanjutan tetapi
juga potensi hasil terburuk-kasus jika kesalahan seperti itu terulang kembali. Pelajaran terpenting yang telah kita pelajari adalah bahwa teori sistem juga berlaku untuk
pengujian laboratorium dan bahwa kesalahan dan cedera dapat dicegah dengan mendesain ulang sistem yang membuat itu sulit bagi semua profesional kesehatan untuk
membuat kesalahan.

Ann Clin Biochem 2010; 47: 101-110. DOI: 10,1258 / acb.2009.009222

dilakukan sekali konsensus telah dicapai pada comprehen- sive definisi dari
kesalahan dalam pengujian laboratorium.
Selama dekade terakhir, setelah penerbitan Institute of Medicine (IOM) Kesalahan dalam kedokteran laboratorium secara intrinsik jelas karena
laporan, Kekeliruan Is Human, keselamatan pasien adalah akhirnya objek mereka sulit untuk mengidentifikasi dan, saat ditemui, kurang mudah dipahami
perhatian medis dan publik. 1 Kesadaran dan pemahaman kesalahan medis dibandingkan jenis lain dari kesalahan medis. Dibandingkan dengan efek samping
telah berkembang pesat, dengan keselamatan pasien energik move- ment yang terkait dengan operasi atau kesalahan pengobatan lain yang sering
mempromosikan perawatan kesehatan yang lebih aman melalui utions sol mencolok dan jelas, kesalahan tory laboratorium yang cenderung lebih berbahaya
'sistem', berkat pesan utama dari IOM melaporkan: penyebab kesalahan dan sulit untuk Pin titik waktu dan tempat. Kesulitan-kesulitan tergantung pada
medis dan kematian dapat dicegah adalah tidak ceroboh atau tidak kompeten ada menjadi beberapa langkah yang terlibat. Pertama, ada selang waktu antara
orang tetapi sistem yang buruk. 2
pengujian laboratorium, tindakan dokter dan pasien hasil. Potensi kegagalan
dalam langkah-langkah proses terdekat intervensi pasien, pada kenyataannya,
Dibandingkan dengan jenis lain dari kesalahan medis, namun, kesalahan dalam lebih mungkin untuk mengakibatkan cedera pasien atau bahaya. Kegagalan yang
pengobatan laboratorium mendapat sedikit perhatian dan alasan untuk mengabaikan ini terjadi sebelumnya di proses lebih cenderung mengakibatkan proses tion disrup-
sangat kompleks, seperti yang ditunjukkan pada Tabel 1. tapi 'aktif dan pasif' hambatan defensif - yang mengandalkan teknologi, orang,
prosedur dan Trols con- administrasi - dapat mengurangi bahaya potensi mereka
Sebagian besar banyak istilah yang berbeda digunakan dalam literatur untuk de atau mungkin mencegah pengakuan efeknya pada efek samping nal fi. Kedua,
kesalahan fi ne dalam pengobatan laboratorium (misalnya kesalahan, ders blun-, proses pengujian yang kompleks, terdiri dari langkah-langkah ous numer- dan
cacat, outlier, hasil tidak dapat diterima dan kegagalan kualitas) memiliki konotasi membentang di beberapa penyedia. Selain itu, hanya tahap analisis jatuh di
negatif menyalahkan, kegagalan individu dan kesalahan dan, bahkan lebih buruk, bawah kontrol laboratorium, sedangkan fase pra dan pasca analitik berhubungan
berkaitan studi berfokus pada sejumlah total proses pengujian (TTP) langkah. Sebuah dengan yang berbeda
langkah kunci menuju inisiatif yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi kesalahan dan
meningkatkan keselamatan pasien dalam disiplin akan

Annals of Biochemistry Clinical 2010; 47: 101-110

102 Annals of Clinical Biochemistry Volume 47 Maret 2010
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Tabel 1 Kesalahan dalam kedokteran laboratorium: alasan untuk mengabaikan sebuah kesalahan analisis (misalnya outlier, hasil tidak dapat diterima) atau, seperti
1. heterogen dan ambigu definisi tentang apa kesalahan laboratorium benar-benar; dalam kasus dari desain split-spesimen, tidak peka terhadap banyak langkah
dalam proses pengujian, terutama yang di awal dan / atau pada akhir siklus.
2. Dif-kesulitan dalam menemukan dan mengidentifikasi semua jenis kesalahan dan perlu untuk protokol studi
Salah satu usulan baru dan menarik dibuat adalah dengan menggunakan istilah
yang dirancang bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi semua langkah dalam total proses pengujian (TTP);
netral seperti 'kegagalan kualitas', yang meringankan konotasi negatif yang terkait

3. Kompleksitas TTP dan perlunya kerjasama dan integrasi antara penyedia layanan kesehatan
dengan dilaporkan sebelumnya istilah, dan ketakutan terkait kesalahan dan
yang berbeda; menyalahkan. Menurut penulis, istilah ini berarti 'kegagalan untuk memenuhi
4. Miskin persepsi oleh dokter dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya dari harmfulness kualitas output yang diperlukan yang diperlukan untuk perawatan pasien yang
kesalahan dalam kedokteran laboratorium;
optimal di mana saja di jalur dari seleksi tes untuk kembalinya suatu yang
5. profesional Laboratorium enggan untuk melaporkan dan mengungkapkan data tentang jenis kesalahan
sepatutnya laporan priately ditafsirkan untuk meminta dokter'. 4 Definisi ini memiliki
dan frekuensi mereka;
6. Meningkatkan penggunaan pelengkap / pilihan pengujian alternatif (misalnya fokus yang jelas pada perawatan pasien dan pasien keluar-datang bukan pada
point-of-perawatan, dekat-pasien dan self-monitoring). proses dan prosedur. Namun, istilah 'kesalahan' yang digunakan dalam literatur
medis, dan karena itu harus digunakan juga untuk kesalahan dalam pengobatan
laboratorium, terutama karena mereka adalah bagian dari masalah yang lebih
pemangku kepentingan selain laboratorium seperti dokter, perawat, pasien luas dari kesalahan diagnostik. 7 Teknis Speci fi kasi yang dirilis oleh International
dan orang lain yang terlibat pada pasien identi- fi kasi, entri data, spesimen Organization for Standardization (ISO / TS 22.367) mendefinisikan kesalahan
koleksi dan transportasi. Pada tahap postanalytic ada kemungkinan laboratorium sebagai
inappropri- makan respon terhadap penerimaan, interpretasi dan pemanfaatan
informasi laboratorium. 3 studi hati-hati dirancang, pendekatan multidisiplin dan
kerja sama tim karena itu diperlukan untuk investigasi menyeluruh dari TTP.
Ketiga, dokter bertanggung jawab untuk membuat keputusan klinis jarang
melihat kesalahan laboratorium sebagai sumber berbahaya dari efek samping kegagalan tindakan yang direncanakan akan selesai sebagaimana dimaksud, atau

pasien, dan tidak mengerti bahwa kebanyakan cacat laboratorium mungkin menggunakan rencana yang salah untuk mencapai tujuan, terjadi pada setiap bagian
dari siklus laboratorium, mulai dari pemesanan ujian untuk pelaporan hasil dan tepat
timbul dari pra dan langkah-langkah pasca-analitik. Keempat, profesional
menafsirkan dan bereaksi terhadap mereka. 8
laboratorium enggan membocorkan data pada frekuensi dan jenis kesalahan
yang diamati dalam pengaturan mereka sendiri karena takut rasa
menyalahkan, kegagalan individu dan kesalahan terkait dengan peristiwa ini. 4 Hal
ini, pada gilirannya, membuat sulit untuk mengevaluasi seluruh proses Ini definisi yang komprehensif memiliki beberapa keunggulan dan, khususnya,
pengujian dan mengatur kualitas tertentu fi kasi untuk setiap langkah untuk mendorong evaluasi berpusat pada pasien kesalahan dalam pengujian
ident- kelemahan ify dalam kebijakan dan prosedur untuk memberikan nities laboratorium. Telah menekankan bahwa 'promosi perawatan pasien berpusat
opportu- untuk perbaikan kualitas melalui perumusan dan prioritas tindakan harus diterjemahkan ke dalam kebutuhan untuk menyelidiki setiap cacat
korektif. Akhirnya, mungkin yang terjadi pada TTP dan yang akhirnya mungkin memiliki dampak
negatif pada pasien. Dari sudut pandang pasien, konsekuensi negatif langsung
atau tidak langsung terkait dengan tes tory laboratorium yang harus
diperhatikan, terlepas dari apakah sumbernya terletak pada pra tersebut, intra,
atau fase pasca-analitik; itu, apalagi, tidak relevan apakah kesalahan telah
pengujian tidak lagi dilakukan hanya dalam pengaturan laboratorium klinis:
disebabkan oleh laboratorium profesional (misalnya kalibrasi atau pengujian
point-of-perawatan pengujian, segmen dengan pertumbuhan tercepat dari saat ini
error) atau dengan operator non-laboratorium (misalnya pasien / spesimen
laboratorium klinis pasar pengujian, pengujian pasien dekat-dan self-monitoring
mis-identifikasi, tidak pantas tes permintaan atau interpretasi). 5
adalah alternatif yang banyak digunakan atau pilihan pengujian pelengkap.

Oleh karena itu ada kebutuhan mendesak untuk mengevaluasi kesalahan

dalam pengobatan pidato lab- dalam kerangka diandalkan TTP. Dari sudut Oleh karena itu, TTP adalah kerangka unik untuk mengingat dan mengidentifikasi
pandang pasien, integritas seluruh proses yang penting dan ada kebutuhan kesalahan laboratorium, baik untuk pengujian di laboratorium klinis 'raksasa melewati
untuk mencegah kesalahan dalam tahap pra, intra atau pasca-analitik. Dari ditional' dan dengan point-of-perawatan pengujian (POCT) atau jenis pengujian alternatif
masing- per- ini, setiap cacat mungkin dalam TTP harus diselidiki untuk (perangkat untuk pengujian dekat-pasien dan diri monitoring).
mencegah dan menghindarkan dampak negatif pada perawatan pasien,
terlepas dari langkah yang terlibat, dan apakah kesalahan telah disebabkan
oleh laboratorium profesional (misalnya kalibrasi atau pengujian error) atau
Jenis kesalahan dalam pengobatan laboratorium dan
dengan operator non-laboratorium (misalnya tidak pantas uji permintaan,
kesalahan dalam pasien identifikasi, pengumpulan darah dan / atau hasil prevalensi mereka
interpretasi). 5,6 kedokteran laboratorium, sebagai khusus yang diprioritaskan kontrol kualitas, selalu
berada di garis depan dari pengurangan kesalahan. Dalam hal kontrol kualitas dan
tingkat kesalahan, obat tory laboratorium yang memiliki catatan yang jauh lebih baik
daripada kebanyakan bidang lain dalam perawatan kesehatan. Beberapa studi
menunjukkan bahwa, dalam tahap analitik, tingkat kesalahan rata-rata serendah
0,002%; ini adalah memfungsikannya di fi ve tingkat sigma. Sebagai perbandingan,
Definisi dari kesalahan
tingkat infeksi dan kesalahan pengobatan lebih dekat dengan tiga sigma, yaitu tingkat
istilah yang berbeda digunakan sebagai sinonim dalam literatur pada kesalahan cacat 0,3000 kali lipat orang-orang di tory laboratorium yang klinis (Gambar 1). 2 ( Konsep
laboratorium adalah buah dari desain studi yang berbeda yang telah hampir 'sigma', menurut
secara eksklusif memungkinkan evaluasi
Plebani. Detection and prevention of errors in laboratory medicine 103
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Overall health care in the USA (Rand)
β- blockers
infeksi didapat di rumah sakit

1.000.000 Airline bagasi penanganan

Deteksi dan
pengobatan kejadian efek
10.000 depresi Laboratory medicine
Cacat per


10 industri AS yang
terbaik di kelas

1 2 3 4 5 6

(69%) (31%) (7%) (0.6%) (0.002%) (0.00003%)

σ Level (% defects)

Figure 1 Defect rates in laboratory medicine as compared with other sectors (from reference, 2 modified)

Kriteria pengendalian kualitas statistik yang ketat, berarti bahwa suatu proses tes (bagian per juta, ppm) untuk 447 ppm. 17-20 Penurunan ini dramatis dan
dianggap berada dalam kendali jika variasi - dinyatakan sebagai standar mengesankan dalam kesalahan, sekitar 300 kali lipat, berasal dari otomatisasi,
deviasi [sigma, s] - kurang dari 1/6 dari perbedaan antara proses berarti dan meningkatkan teknologi laboratorium, uji standardisasi, fi aturan baik-de ned
batas kendali. 9 Sebuah proses mencapai Six Sigma [6 s] perform- Ance, yaitu untuk pengendalian mutu internal, skema jaminan kualitas yang efektif dan
variasi proses 6 s, akan membuat sangat sedikit cacat: 3,4 cacat per juta staf lebih terlatih. Namun, data yang baru-baru ini dikumpulkan menunjukkan
peluang [DPMO]). 10 bahwa kualitas analitis masih merupakan masalah besar. Westgard telah
menunjukkan bahwa memperkirakan pada s skala untuk umum klinis kimia dan
Namun, data yang kurang mengesankan bila kita menganggap seluruh proses koagulasi tes tidak memuaskan, mulai dari 3 sampai 4 s, sebagus-bagusnya.
pengujian memilih, meminta, mengidentifikasi pasien, mengumpulkan dan mengangkut kinerja analitik tidak memuaskan telah dijelaskan tidak hanya di bidang kimia
spesimen, menganalisis, pelaporan, menafsirkan dan memanfaatkan hasil klinis, tetapi juga dalam hematologi, lation coagu- dan tes biologi molekuler. 21 Secara
laboratorium. Seperti yang dinyatakan oleh Mark Graber 11 'Kesalahan yang khusus, sebuah eratnya frekuensi tively tinggi kesalahan analisis telah
berhubungan dengan pengujian laboratorium terlalu umum dan merupakan sebagian didokumentasikan untuk immunoassay dengan hasil klinis terkait yang
kecil yang signifikan dari kesalahan diagnostik dalam kedokteran hari. pengujian merugikan. Dalam beberapa kasus, gangguan analitis dalam immunoassay
laboratorium dalam kedokteran klinis modern dengan asumsi posisi yang semakin telah mengakibatkan hasil terlalu keliru. 22,23 Baru-baru ini mengumpulkan data
penting dalam proses diagnostik, dan perangkat pemantauan efek terapi. Oleh karena campur tangan para-protein dalam banyak pengukuran laboratorium, termasuk
itu, bahkan insiden rendah kesalahan pengujian laboratorium antara miliaran tes per- glukosa, bilirubin, C-reactive protein, kreatinin dan albumin, menunjukkan
dibentuk setiap hari di seluruh dunia mungkin memiliki kesehatan yang penting dan bahwa frekuensi jenis kesalahan adalah variabel dan mungkin tidak
implikasi keselamatan pasien. Data yang dikumpulkan pada tingkat kesalahan dilaporkan. 24 Selain itu, telah dibuktikan bahwa hemolisis masih menyebabkan
laboratorium akan sangat bergantung pada rancangan penelitian dan khususnya tingkat parameter biokimia facti- tiously tinggi, sehingga menekankan perlunya
langkah-langkah TTP diselidiki. Oleh karena itu mudah untuk memahami mengapa pedoman yang lebih tepat untuk kation fi identifikasi dan pengobatan yang
tingkat kesalahan dalam literatur dapat bervariasi dari satu kesalahan fi kasi tepat dari spesimen yang tidak cocok. 25
mengidentifikasi setiap 33-50 peristiwa 1000 peristiwa, atau 214-8300 hasil
laboratorium. 12-16

Seperti yang sudah menekankan, tidak ada perbedaan antara pengurangan

kesalahan analitis
mengesankan dalam kesalahan analitis dicapai selama beberapa dekade
Studi awal di bidang kesalahan dalam kedokteran laboratorium yang dikhususkan terakhir dan bukti saat ini bahwa kualitas analitis tidak memuaskan ketika
untuk mengidentifikasi kesalahan analisis, tahap analisis menjadi 'inti' dari dievaluasi pada skala sigma, Six Sigma menjadi salah satu yang terbaik
pekerjaan laboratorium dan proses analisis di bawah kendali staf laboratorium. pendekatan yang tersedia untuk menyediakan tujuan estimasi dan metrik di
Sebuah sis analisi data yang dikumpulkan dan dilaporkan dalam literatur, start- beberapa industri. 11,26 Oleh karena itu, meskipun peningkatan mengesankan
ing dengan makalah yang diterbitkan oleh Belk dan Sunderman pada tahun 1947 yang dicapai dalam kualitas analitis, tubuh bukti--bukti menunjukkan bahwa
melalui hasil yang dikumpulkan oleh College of American Patolog di tahun 90-an perbaikan lebih lanjut diperlukan. Ini harus dicapai dengan menetapkan bawah
dan, akhirnya, data yang dipublikasikan oleh Witte dan rekan kerja pada tahun dan menggunakan kualitas analisis spesifikasi-spesifikasi berbasis bukti di
1997 menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kesalahan telah menurun dari 162.116 per juta setiap- praktek hari; jika hal ini dilakukan, aturan untuk mutu internal
104 Annals of Clinical Biochemistry Volume 47 March 2010
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control and external quality assessment procedures would be more and utilization of laboratory results. 31,32 However, on exploring the beginning
appropriate. Moreover, there is an urgent need for standardization and the end of the loop, it emerges that currently these steps, performed
programmes aiming at improving metrological traceability and correcting neither in the clinical laboratory nor, at least in part, under the control of
biases and systema- tic errors. Finally, more stringent metrics, such as the Six laboratory personnel, are more error-prone than others. 33,34 Recent data on
Sigma, should be introduced into clinical laboratories to improve upon current errors in the pre-pre analytical phase – initial procedures performed neither in
analytical quality. the clinical laboratory nor, at least in part, under the control of labora- tory
personnel – underline that failures to order appropriate diagnostic tests,
including laboratory tests, accounted for 55% of observed incidents of missed
and delayed diagnoses in the ambulatory setting and 58% of errors in the
Pre- and post-analytical phases Emergency department. 35–38

While the frequency of laboratory errors varies greatly, depending on the study
design and TTP steps investigated, a series of papers published between
1989 and 2007 drew the attention of laboratory professionals to the pre- and
post-analytical phases, which currently appear to be more vulnerable to errors In the final steps of the loop, the incorrect interpretation of diagnostic or
than the analytical phase. Our group published two papers, in 1997 and 2007, laboratory tests was found to be responsible for a high percentage of errors in
using one study design that allowed us to investigate most TTP steps in the the ambulatory setting as well as in Emergency departments (Table 3). A very
same clinical context; it also used the same menu of tests (stat laboratory). 27,28 recent paper underlined that failure to inform outpatients of clinically significant
The results (Table 2) demonstrate a significant, although not dramatic, abnormal test results or to document that the relevant information has been
decrease in the error rates in 2007 but a similar distribution of errors. The pre- given, appear to be relatively common, occurring in one of every 14 tests.
analytic phase had the highest error rate, the most frequent problems arising Examples include patients not being informed of results of total cholesterol as
frommistakes in tube filling, inappropriate containers, and requesting high as 8.2mmol/L (318mg/dL), a haem- atocrit level as low as 28.6% and a
procedures. Identification errors were noted for three patients and 14 related potassium level as low as
tests (875 ppm) in the 2007 study. There was a significant reduction in the
proportion of specimens collected inappropriately from the infusion route in the
later study. The main reasons for errors in the postanalytic phase were an 2.6mmol/L. The overall rate of failure to inform the patient or record/document
exces- sive turnaround time in the later study, errors in keyboard entry and communication of information was
missed correction of erroneous findings in the earlier study. Thanks to 7.1%, ranging between practices from 0% to 26%. 40 This failure to inform
improved information procedures, a reduction has been achieved in errors in patients of clinically important results hinders a move away from the traditional
test transcription and ward identification. However, in both the pre- and post- paternalistic role of physicians towards a new model incorporating ‘shared
analytic phases, new types of error have emerged, particu- larly those decision-making’
attributable to the staff’s application of novel information system procedures. in which the physician attempts to
Further studies confirm that the pre- and post-analytical phases are much provide the patient and family with the full range of infor- mation, including
more error-prone than the analytic phase. 29,30 laboratory results, about the clinical con- dition. 41 Further evidence of errors in
reacting to laboratory information is given in a study on the prescription of
potassium despite the presence of hyperkalemia. 42

Another study found that more than 2% (2.6% in 2000,

2.1% in 2007) of patients with thyrotropin (TSH) results higher than 20mU/mL
had no follow-up. 43 Finally, an interesting study of hospital inpatients showed
almost half of 1095 discharged patients had laboratory and radiology test
results pending and that 9% of these results were poten- tially actionable. 44 Overall,
the above data demonstrate that the initial and final steps of the TTP process,
Pre-pre and post-post-analytical steps
in particular test requesting and reaction to laboratory results, not only are
While the concept of brain-to-brain loop was developed by Lundberg in 1981, more error-prone than all the other steps, but are more important causes of
laboratory professionals were not concerned enough about the initial and final potential adverse outcomes for patients. Currently available data on the
TTP steps, namely the appropriateness of test requesting, patient and relative frequency of errors in the TTP are summarized in Table 4.
specimen identification and, respectively, the physician’s reaction to the
laboratory report, and the interpretation

Table 2 Frequency and types of errors according to the phase of the TTP (data from reference 28)

Table 3 Post-post analytical errors: frequency of incorrect interpretation of diagnostic

Absolute frequency Relative frequency (%) tests in different clinical settings
Primary Internal Emergency
1996 2006 1996 2006 Setting care medicine department

Total errors 4667 3092 Incorrect interpretation of 37 38 37

Preanalytic 3186 1913 68.2 61.9 diagnostic tests:
Analytic 617 646 13.3 15.0 estimate (%)
Postanalytic 864 715 18.5 23.1 References 35 39 38
Plebani. Detection and prevention of errors in laboratory medicine 105
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Table 4 Types and relative frequency of errors in the different phases of the TTP (data serious challenges, particularly in relation to operator com- petence and
from reference 7)
non-adherence to procedures. A potentially more dangerous possibility is that
Relative frequency the rapid availability of results and immediate therapeutic intervention might
Phase of the TTP Type of error (%) amplify the clinical impact of errors and translate into adverse events for
Pre-pre-analytical Inappropriate test request Order patients. 48,49 Recently, we have demon- strated a significant number of errors
entry Patient/specimen in data transcription and incomplete data reported using portable glucose
meters in the hospital setting, thus stressing the vulner- ability of
misidentification Sample
post-analytical phase when using POCT. 50 While these errors do not arise in
collected from
infusion route Sample the laboratory, they pertain to the utilization of results by clinicians and
collection 46–68.2% care-givers and, as part of the overall testing and diagnostic process, should
(haemolysis, clotting, insufficient be taken into consideration and managed according to a patient-centred
volume, etc.)
perspective. TTP thus provides the unique framework for analyzing and
Inappropriate container
Handling, storage and
reducing errors and the risk of errors, not only in ‘centralized’ laboratory testing
transportation but also in POCT and all other alternative site testing options.
Pre-analytical Sorting and routing
Aliquoting, pipetting and 3.0–5.3%
Centrifugation (time
and/or speed)
Analytical Equipment malfunction Sample
mix-ups 7.0–13%
Interference (endogenous or
Impact of errors in laboratory medicine
exogenous) Undetected
failure in It seems likely that only a small proportion of laboratory errors results in actual
quality control
patient harm and adverse events thanks to the several barriers and defensive
Post-analytic Erroneous validation of
analytical data Failure in
layers present between the release of laboratory information, the decision-
reporting/ making process and, ultimately, the action on the patient. The data reported in
addressing the report Excessive the literature on the impact of labora- tory errors on patient care are
turn-around-time 12.5–20% summarized in Table 5.
Improper data entry and
manual transcription error
Failure/delay in reporting
The risk of adverse events and inappropriate care due to laboratory errors
critical values ranges from 2.7% to 12%, while in a larger percentage of cases (24.4% to
Post-post-analytic Delayed/missed reaction 30%), the laboratory error translates into a patient care problem. In the studies
to laboratory reporting Incorrect
pub- lished by our group, errors resulted in inappropriate admis- sion to critical
care units,
Inappropriate/inadequate 25–45.5%
follow-up plan inappropriate transfusions,
Failure to order appropriate modifications in heparin and digoxin therapies. 27,28 The impact of laboratory
consultation error on the patient’s journey as regards further inappropriate investigations
(both labora- tory and imaging examinations) and more invasive testing and
additional consultations is much higher and although not necessarily harmful,
Errors in POCT and alternative site testing creates discomfort and incurs higher costs for both patients and the
health-care system. From a risk management viewpoint, the great majority of
In the literature, data on errors in POCT are scarce, the main focus being on
laboratory errors with little direct impact on patient care provide important
analytic errors. The claimed advantage of POCT, in addition to its reduced
learning opportunities. In fact, any error, regardless of its apparent triviality,
turnaround-time is that it calls for fewer steps in producing laboratory results.
might indicate weaknesses in policies and procedures that may not lead to
In addition, ‘errors originating during transport are substan- tially reduced and
adverse events in their particular context, but might cause the patient harm in
post-analytical errors are practically totally eliminated, since results are
slightly different circumstances. Therefore, a suitable system for grading
presented directly to the care-giver’. 45 This, in turn, should reduce associated
laboratory errors
errors. However, despite the illusion of simplicity, POCT devices are affected
by several environmental and operator- related factors. Managing the pre-,
intra- and post-analytic processes is a major challenge in POCT, just as it is in
centra- lized laboratories. Recently we analysed errors and patient safety
problems related to POCT adopting a modified Kost error classification
Table 5 Impact of errors in laboratory medicine on patient outcomes
framework that takes into account all steps of the testing process, thus
demonstrating that POCT reduces errors and risks of error only in a few steps Effect on patient Adverse events or risk of
Authors Number of care (%) adverse events (%)
of the entire testing process. 46,47 Furthermore, from a risk management
(Reference) errors
perspective, POCT has given rise to new and
Ross JW 13 336 30 7
Nutting PA 51 180 27 12
Plebani M 27 189 26 6.4
Carraro P 28 160 24.4 2.7
106 Annals of Clinical Biochemistry Volume 47 March 2010
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

according to their seriousness should help identify priorities for quality patients. Errors with negative consequences are considered due to negligence
improvement and focus corrective/preventive actions; the grading system or even recklessness and therefore call for sanctions. From this perspective,
would be designed to consider not only the real patient harm sustained but the connection
also the poten- tial worst-case outcome if such an error were to recur. 52 between proximal actions and bad outcomes is far easier to prove than that
between organizational issues and man- agement decisions. The convenience
According to the ISO Technical Specification ‘Medical laboratories-reduction of for lawyers in chasing individual errors rather than collective ones is further
error through risk management and continual improvement’, any clinical reinforced by the willingness of professionals, including physicians, to accept
laboratory must implement processes for: (a) identifying high-risk processes responsibility for their actions. This model has several drawbacks, including
where the potential error could lead to a safety risk for patients; (b) identifying the fact that often the best people make errors. Even worse, it prevents any
actual incidents associated with deviations from standard requirements; (c) initiative designed to disclose medical errors. Hospitals fear public disclosure
estimating and evaluating the associated risks to patient safety; (d) control- of reports, which damage reputation, and cause loss of business, and
ling these risks and (e) monitoring the effectiveness of the control undertaken. 8 litigation, while experts agree that a voluntary system for the reporting of
In addition to the ISO/TS 22367, a recent proposal, with several merits, medical errors and adverse events has great potential for improving safety. 55,56
suggests that it is poss- ible to assign both an actual (A) and a potential (P) The legal approach, furthermore, encourages defensive medicine which can,
score to describe the seriousness of an individual laboratory error by grading it in the laboratory setting, translate into excessive and inappropriate testing,
according to a 5 point severity scoring system based on patient outcome. 4 The thus leading to excessive costs and related inefficiencies.
lower score identifies ‘no change in patient management; no adverse clinical
outcome’ as a result of the individual error; and the higher score, ‘significant
adverse clinical outcome’. In a recent study using this score system over a
30-month period and considering 714,988 requests for laboratory tests
received and 658 errors, 75% of errors were given an ‘A’ score of 1 (no
adverse event) while 67.9% were allocated on a ‘P’ score of 5 (potential
significant adverse clinical outcome). Once again, these data demonstrate that System approach
labora- tory errors may play a significant role in affecting the overall quality of The basic premise in the system approach is that humans are fallible and
patient care, including its safety. errors are to be expected, even in the best poss- ible organizations. Errors,
seen as consequences rather than causes, originate in systemic factors,
including recurrent error traps in the workplace and the organizational pro-
cesses that give rise to them. Countermeasures are based on the assumption
that although the human condition cannot be changed, the conditions under
which humans work can be improved upon. In particular, defence, barriers and
safeguards occupy a central role in this approach. High-technology systems,
including clinical laboratories, have many defensive layers but sometimes they
are riddled with holes like slices of Swiss cheese and the holes in the
Paradigms of error and strategies to improve patient safety
numerous layers may momentarily line up to permit a trajectory of accident
opportunity, bringing hazards into damaging contact with victims. 57 The
The human error problem, particularly error in medicine, can be viewed in practice of laboratory medicine is highly complex. Of the factors linked to the
three ways: the person, the legal and the system model. 53 complexity of TTP, perhaps the most signifi- cant are the several steps and the
different professionals involved in those steps, which are only partially under
the control of the laboratory professionals. Figure 2 shows the Swiss cheese
Person approach model adapted to the specific setting of laboratory medicine, focusing on the
The longstanding and widespread tradition of the person approach focuses on most impor- tant gaps, and defence layers, the most effective of which are the
the unsafe act, errors and procedural violations of individuals at the sharp end: identification and documentation of all processes and procedures, automation
nurses, phys- icians, surgeons, anaesthetists, pharmacists and, in rare cases, and simplification, adequate personnel training, supervision and quality
laboratorians. It views unsafe acts as arising primarily from aberrant mental indicators. According to this model, the ability to detect the incipient indicators
processes such as forgetfulness, inattention, poor motivation, carelessness, and the collective will to implement corrective measures are essential
negligence and recklessness. Countermeasures, directed mainly at reducing prerequisites of an effective risk management programme. Process control
unwanted variability in human behaviour include disciplin- ary measures, threat and proactive hazards analysis tools such as FMEA (failure mode and effect
of litigation, retraining, blaming and shaming. The person approach, the analysis), HACCP (hazards analysis and critical control points) and HAZOP
dominant tradition in medicine, has serious shortcomings: it precludes a (hazards and operability studies) have already demonstrated their
detailed analysis of mishaps, incidents, near-misses and isolates unsafe acts effectiveness in identifying weaknesses in laboratory processes and
from their system context, thus precluding an effective risk management minimizing the risk of errors. 58–60
policy. 54

Legal approach
According to this model, responsible professionals should not make errors as
this is part of the duty of care. Such errors are rare but sufficient to cause
adverse events to
Plebani. Detection and prevention of errors in laboratory medicine 107
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Defences Well-designed procedures and The gaps giving guidance on interpretation as well as the procedural information
processes required to carry out that investigation on the individual patient. 70 Similar tools
Simplification and automation
should be used to improve the appropriateness of test requesting. The
Training Complex TTP Several
accurate analysis of all testing processes and documented procedures through
Supervision steps and different
interface proactive tools such as FMEA and HAZOP have already proven effective in
lab/clinical professionals Troubles in the
Effective reducing the risk probability index and, therefore, in improving patient safety in
labora- tory testing. 58–60 These proactive tools are increasingly, and more
Shortage of staff readily, accepted by laboratorians and clinicians because they exploit
professional competences through a positive approach to problems by
Increasing complexity in test focusing on the examin- ation of the entire testing process, thus anticipating
Patients’ ordering/result interpretantion major adverse events and pre-emptively implementing changes to prevent
adverse events

Figure 2 The Swiss cheese model applied to laboratory medicine: the gaps and defences. According to the model
described by Reason 57, the presence of holes in any one defensive layer does not normally cause adverse events.
Usually this happens only when the holes in many layers line up to permit a trajectory of accident opportunity

International initiatives to reduce errors in laboratory

Processes to reduce errors in laboratory medicine medicine

In the last few years, in addition to efforts aiming to reduce analytic errors and Recently, the World Alliance for Patient Safety (promoted by the World Health
improve analytic quality, important achievements have been made in Assembly in 2004 to improve patient safety as a global initiative) included the
addressing errors in lab- oratory medicine. Thanks to the introduction of communication of critical test results among 23 potential patient safety sol-
pre-analytic workstations, a significant reduction has been achieved in ution topics, thus acknowledging the importance of avoid- ing errors in
pre-analytic errors in the automation of procedures such as specimen laboratory testing. 71 The second goal of the Joint Commission 2008 National
preparation, centrifugation, aliquoting, pipet- ting and sorting. 61,62 The Patient Safety Goals for Laboratories is to ‘improve the effectiveness of
increasing interest shown in devel- oping guidelines and standard operating communi- cation among care-givers’, the first goal being to improve ‘the
procedures for patient identification, blood collection, sample handling and accuracy of patient identification’, thus underlining the initial and final steps of
specimen acceptance or rejection will surely translate into higher quality the testing process. 72 The Working Group on ‘Laboratory errors and patient
standards. 63–65 Likewise, significant improvements have been made to the Safety’ (WG-LEPS) of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and
postanalytic phase in data transcription as a result of interfacing analysers and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) has undertaken a project named ‘Model of quality
laboratory information systems. Importantly, data tran- scription is a source of indicators’ based on the identification of valuable and consensually accepted
serious errors, particularly if many numbers and results have to be entered into quality indicators in all steps of the testing process. Briefly, 25 quality
the laboratory computer manually. Further important achievements in the indicators were selected after discussing and analysing the proposal made by
post-analytic phase concern policies and procedures used for reporting critical 26 clinical laboratories enrolled in the Working Group: 16 for the pre-analytic,
values as well as initiatives to better understand and improve upon the three for the analytic and six for the post-analytic phase. Currently, participant
efficiency of test report delivery to requesting physicians. 66,67 Automatic laboratories may introduce the data collected in their own institution on each
computer- ized communication systems have recently been developed to and all quality indicators in a specifically developed website (www.3.
improve the timeliness of notification and avoid potential errors for which A preliminary analysis of col- lected data has been
accreditation programmes require read- back of the result. After being made and reported, but more data are needed to allow robust statistical
validated by laboratory physicians on call, critical values are automatically analysis. 73 Further steps of the project are: (a) to define preliminary quality
communicated (in real time) to the clinicians, short message services or alert specifications for each quality indicator; (b) to assess the data with respect to
messages appearing on desktop computers. 67,68 These IT systems, which the preliminary quality specifications; (c) to re-evaluate the quality
improve the likeli- hood of reaching the physician on call, are easily adapted to specifications and (d) to implement an external quality assurance programme
reach patients on their mobile phone or desktop compu- ter, thereby by which participating laboratories may evaluate their performances on the
representing an effective means of reducing or indeed eliminating the failure to basis of a comparison between the results obtained and the desirable quality
communicate abnormal outpatient test results to users. Further developments specifications identified for each indicator. The overall purpose of the pro-
concern the introduction of more effective automated procedures for data gramme, therefore, is to encourage each clinical laboratory to assess and
validation and reporting as well as the implementation of systems which allows monitor its own performance not only in its analytic aspects but also in the pre-
an effective knowl- edge management to support data interpretation and clini- and post-analytic phases. In addition, it should be possible to identify and
cal decision-making at the point of care. 69 At the simplest this can include a monitor error rates in TTP and to improve upon the
direct link into the laboratory handbook
108 Annals of Clinical Biochemistry Volume 47 March 2010
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

process on the basis of objective and desirable quality specifications defined Table 6 Priority areas of patient safety improvement in laboratory medicine

by the scientific community.

A further proposal is to undertake a project aimed at iden- tifying and 1. Accuracy of patient/specimen identification;

promoting the adoption of a sentinel event policy in laboratory medicine. A 2. Effectiveness of laboratory data communication;
3. Communication of critical test results;
sentinel event is an unex- pected occurrence involving death or serious
4. Sample acceptability and rejection criteria;
physical or psychological injury, or the risk thereof, thus signalling the need for 5. Appropriateness of test request;
immediate investigation and response. The terms ‘sentinel event’ and ‘medical 6. Avoiding manual transcription of data.
error’ are not synon- ymous: not all sentinel events occur because of an error
and nor do all errors result in sentinel events. Since the assessment of clinical
outcomes in relation to laboratory diagnostics is notoriously challenging, a medicine, process analysis, the recording/documentation of all procedures and
further problem is the identification of those laboratory events arising across processes according to quality stan- dards, particularly the ISO 15189: 2007
the totality of the testing process that are most closely associ- ated with patient which has been specifically developed for medical laboratories, are key tools
harm. This highlights the compelling need for the development and use of for changing and improving upon everyday clinical practice. 76 The accurate
reliable and universally agreed performance indicators that would reflect the analysis and control of all pro- cedures and processes included in the testing
‘best practice’ throughout TTP as well as the identification of ‘lab- oratory process, particularly if effective tools such as FMEA and HAZOP techniques
sentinel events’ that would be conducive to gaining further knowledge on are adopted, may significantly reduce weak- nesses and vulnerable steps, thus
incidents, and hold providers accoun- table for patient safety. Available data maximising patient safety. In laboratory medicine we have learnt that TTP is
indicate that potential ‘sentinel events’ might include inappropriate test the unique framework for identifying and reducing error, including initial steps
requests for critical diseases (e.g. myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism), such as patient identification and appropriateness in test requesting, and final
patient misidentification, the use of inappropri- ate assays, severe analytical steps, such as communication and interpretation of test results.
errors, critical tests performed on unsuitable samples (e.g. haemolysed,
clotted), the release of laboratory results in spite of poor quality control results,
the failure to alert critical values and the wrong report destination. 74 Finally, the
lesson we have learnt from the worst laboratory error in Italy (a report tran-
scription error resulting in HIV transmission to three trans- planted patients) is The second lesson is that teamwork is the essence of safety, particularly if
the need to avoid manual transcription of data. 75 This tragic event caused by a we wish to improve the appropriateness of test requesting and the reaction to
human error, once again, demonstrated weaknesses in the system and holes test results. The availability of expert support systems, which provide
in the defensive layers. In particular, it was underlined that this incident information on diag- nostic efficiency and interpretation criteria at the point of
occurred because of ‘inadequate awareness of the specificity of the donation care, may play a role, but multidisciplinary co-operation and collaboration is
process and the non-evaluation of the consequences for the already trans- mandatory for assuring a patient-centred approach to error reduction.
planted patients or on waiting lists and for the personnel involved’ and related International projects aiming to develop quality indicators for all steps in the
procedures. 75 Taking into consider- ation current international initiatives and testing process, and to establish related quality specifications, may enable
recommendations, some priority areas of improvement in patient safety and in clinical laboratories to compare, monitor and improve their performances in the
error reduction in laboratory medicine might be summar- ized, as shown in every-day practice, not only in the analytic phase. Finally, the goals selected
Table 6. by international organizations, such as the World Alliance for Patient Safety
and the Joint Commission, should lead to the prioritization of improvement
programmes addressing well-recognized critical issues, such as patient
identification and communi- cation of laboratory results.


Conflicts of interest: None.

Funding: No funding applicable to this review.
Ethical approval: Ethical approval not required with regard to the content of this
In the last two decades significant advances have been achieved in the Guarantor: MP.
comprehension and reduction of errors in medicine. Finally, those involved are Contributorship: The author is the sole contributor to the article.
aware that, rather than being caused by ‘bad’ people, errors are indicative of
weaknesses of the system, a system that includes almost all the processes Acknowledgements: This article was prepared at the invita- tion of the Clinical
and methods we use to organize and carry out virtually everything we do in Sciences Reviews Committee of the Association of Clinical Biochemistry.
medicine, including laboratory medicine. The first lesson we have learnt is,
therefore, that system theory works and that errors and inju- ries can be
prevented by redesigning systems so as to make it difficult for care-givers to
make mistakes. In laboratory
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64 Lippi G, Guidi GC. Risk management in the preanalytical phase of 72 Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations.
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