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Satuan Pendidikan :
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Umum Kelas/Semester : XII/1

Kompetensi Dasar : 3.5 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
beberapa teks news item lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait berita sederhana dari koran/radio/TV,
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

IPK : 3.5.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial teks news item berbentuk

berita sederhana dari koran/radio/TV, sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya

3.5.2 Menentukan struktur teks news item berbentuk berita

sederhana dari koran/radio/TV

3.5.3 Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan direct and indirect speech serta

past form dalam pada teks news item

3.5.4 Memberikan contoh teks news item dari sumber koran/radio/TV.

Materi Pokok : News Item

PELAJARAN 2019 - 2020

Satuan Pendidikan : SMA Negeri 1 Adonara Timur

Jumlah Soal : 10
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Umum Penyusun :

No Kompeten Kelas Indikat No

Urut Mater Smt Soal
si or
Dasar i Soal
1 3.5
Membedakan fungsi News Item XII/1 Disajikan soal 1
sosial, struktur teks, berbentuk reading
dan unsur kebahasaan passage, peserta didik
beberapa teks news mengidentifikasi
item lisan dan tulis pikiran utama dari
dengan memberi dan teks reading
meminta informasi berbentuk news
terkait berita sederhana item.(C1) 2
dari koran/radio/TV,
sesuai dengan konteks Disajikan soal
penggunaannya berbentuk reading
passage, peserta didik
menafsirkan sebuah
informasi tersurat
dari reading teks 3
tesebut. (C4)

Disajikan soal
berbentuk reading
teks, peserta didik
sebuah kata yang 4
terdapat pada

Disajikan soal
berbentuk teks news 5
item, peserta didik
menunjukan sebuah
informasi tersurat
dari teks news item

Disajikan soal 6
berbentuk teks news
item, peserta didik
menafsirkan sebuah
informasi tersurat
dalam wacana . (C4)

Disajikan soal
berbentuk teks news
item, peserta didik
menentukan pikiran
utama dari paragraph
2. (C3)

Disajikan soal
berbentuk teks news
item, peserta didik
pikiran utama dari
sebuah teks .(C1)

Disajikan soal 8
berbentuk teks news
item, peserta didik
menafsirkan arti dari
sebuah kalimat .(C4)

Disajikan soal
berbentuk teks news
item, peserta didik
sebuah kata .(C1)

Disajikan soal
berbentuk teks news
item, peserta didik
/memberikan alasan
mengapa sesuatu 11
terjadi (C2)

Disajikan soal
berbentuk teks news
item, peserta didik 12
sebuah keadaan .(C1)

Disajikan soal
berbentuk teks news
item, peserta didik 13
menafsirkan suatu
keadaan .(C4)

Disajikan soal
berbentuk teks news 14
item, peserta didik
menentukan judul
yang tepat untuk
sebuah teks news
item .(C3) 15

Disajikan soal
berbentuk teks news
item, peserta didik
menjelaskan suatu
keadaan .(C2)

Disajikan soal
berbentuk teks news
item, peserta didik
mencari padanan kata
yang tepat untuk kata
yang terdapat pada
teks news item.(C1)
Lembar Instrumen:

Text 1
Thailand: Forty-two passengers were injured and two were missing after two boats carrying
Thai and foreign tourists collided in the popular island beach party, police said Sunday.
The speedboats were ferrying tourists to Pha-Ngan island for a “Fullmoon” party, a
monthly event that attracts thousands of young, mostly western tourists.
Provincial police officer Adipong Tapee said of the 42 travelers injured, 39 were
hospitalized including four Britons, four Australians and four Singaporeans. Also among
them were Irish, Norwegian, Malaysian and Thai Tourists, he said.
The boats collided and overturned before midnight Saturday, throwing the passengers
into the rough sea water just off the island, the website of the Nation newspaper said.-AP

Taken From UN 2013-2014

1. What is the news about?

a. A full moon party on a tourist boat
b. A beach party in Pha-Ngan island
c. The missing tourissts in Thailand
d. A collision between two boats
e. An accident on a speedboat
2. We know from the text that ...
a. The boat carried forty two passengers
b. Forty two passengers were badly injured
c. The two missing passengers were westerners
d. The passengers were mostly foreign tourists
e. The boats collided on the way back to Pha-Ngan island
3. “ ... of the 42 travelers injured, ...”(Par.3)
The word „travelers‟ means people who are ...
a. Having fun
b. Joining a trip
c. Going together
d. Touring on the boat
e. Visiting a western area

Schumacher to retire again

Michael Schumacher announced his retirement from formula one for the second time
at the age of 43 on Thursday after failing to rekindle his old Ferrari magic in a dissapointing
comeback with Mercedes.
The team had already announced last week that the seven-time world champion, winner
of a record 91 races in a carreer that started in 1991, would be replaced by Mc Laren‟s Lewis
Hamilton for the start of the 2013 campaign.
Schumacher told reporters, packed into the confined space of the tented Mercedes
hospitality at the Suzuka circuit ahead of Sunday‟s Japanese Grand Prix that his decision came
as a relief.
“I have decided to retire by the end of the year, although I am still able and capable to
compete with the best drivers that are around,” he declared, reading from a statement.
“But at some point, it is good to say goodbye. And that is what I am doing here ...and might
this time be forever,”he smiled.
Schumacher first retirement came at the end of 2006, after he had won five titles in a
row with Ferrari from 2000 and won two with the Benetton in 1994 and 1995.
That departure proved premature, with the most successful driver in 62-year history of
the sport unable to resist the allure of a return with Mercedes. Schumacher said he now wanted
to enjoy his last six-races-Reuters.
4. How did Schumacher wanted to end his carreer? He wanted ...
a. To become the best driver
b. To enjoy his last six races
c. To retire by the end of the year
d. To say goodbye through reporters
e. To drive Mercedes first
5. From the text we learn that Schumacher ...
a. Started his carreer before 1991
b. Has announced his retirement 3 times
c. Will reach the age of 43 on Thursday
d. Will be replaced by Lewis Hamilton of Ferrari
e. Failed to comeback with satisfying result with Mercedes
6. What is the main idea of the second
a. Schumacher began his carreer in 1991
b. The team announced Michael Schumacher‟s retirement
c. Schumacher has won the World Champion seven times
d. Schumacher will be replaced by Lewis Hamilton
e. Schumacher is a winner of a record 91 times

Text 2
Britain: They have a show. They have a social networking. Now comes, Wikileaks-the album.
Wikileaks is branching out into the entertainment industry, announcing a “Beat the Blockade”
CD intended to raise money to keep the online transparency advocates afloat.
The group said in a statement late Thursday that the CD would feature 12 songs including
“Where There Are No Secret,” “The Ballad of Julian Assange,” and “B Manning”.
It‟s the lattest attack outside the secret-busting business for Wikileaks, which has spawned a
TV show called “The World Tomorrow” and started its own social network, called Friends of
Wikileaks chief Julian Assange says his website, which once featured an anonymous electronic
drop box for secret document, has been effectively mothballed by a US Financial blockade.-

7. What is the text about?

a. A website name Wikileaks
b. A TV show called “The World Tomorrow”.
c. Wikileaks‟CD entitled”Beat the Blockade”
d. Wikileaksanonymous electronic drop box
e. The secret-busting business for Wikileaks
8. What is meant by the latest attack outside the secret-busting business for Wikileaks?
a. The website business of Wikileaks
b. TheTV show called “The World Tomorrow”.
c. The social network called Friends of Wikileaks
d. The music CD called “Beat the Blockade”.
e. The electronic box for secret documents.
9. “...once featured an anonymous electronic drop box ...” (Par.4) The underlined word
is closest in meaning to ...
a. Identified
b. Recognized
c. Nameless
d. Mysterious
e. Strange
Text 3

Rafael Nadal pull out of London

Olympics Associated Press, Thu, 07/19/2012 10:00 PM, Sports.
Rafael Nadal has pulled out of the London Olympics, saying he is not in condition to compete.
Nadal said in a statement Thursday it is one of the saddest moment of his career and
that he will not travel with the Spanish delegation to London. He was set to be the flag bearer
for Spain during the opening ceremony.
Nadal won gold in Beijing in 2008. He has not played since he was eliminated in the
second round of Wimbledon by 100th-ranked Lukas Rosol.

10. Rafael Nadal has pulled out of London Olympics because he ...
a. Is not fit enough to compete
b. Will not be with the Spanish delegation
c. Has just been from the Beijing Olympics
d. Did not want to be the flag bearer for Spain
e. Was eliminated in the 2nd round of Wimbledon
11. In Wimbledon, Rafael Nadal ...
a. Was to be the flag bearer for Spain
b. Was injured during the Wimbledon match
c. Beat the world‟s 100th ranked Lukas Rosol
d. Was eliminated by the world‟s 100th ranked Lukas Rosol
e. Defeated the world‟s 100th ranked Lukas Rosol
12. Paragraph 1 tells us that Rafael Nadal decides to ...
a. Leave London soon
b. Leave the Olympics
c. Compete in the Olympics
d. Play in the London Olympics
e. Cancel his participation in the Olympics

Text 4
Jakarta (ANTARA News)-Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI) researcher Amir Hamidy and
his associates have identified two new frog species in Belitung (Indonesia) and Sarawak
(Malaysia) over the 2008-2012 periods.
“We have identified two new frog species and have named them L.Ingeri and L. Kanowitense,”
Amir said in an email received here on Friday.
He said he and his associates from Kyoto University, University Kebangsaan Malaysia, and
the University of Malaya published their discovery in Zootaxa journal on July 24, 2012
He noted that the two new frog species were genetically different from other frogs in the world.
“Usually, if two frogs have more than a 3 percent difference in genetic length, they can be
categorized as different species. However, in the case of L.Ingeri and L. Kanowitense, there is
a difference of more than 9 percent,” Amir pointed out.

13. What is the best title of the text?

a. Indonesian researcher identifies new frog species

b. Antara news got e-mail about new frog species
c. University of Malaya published their discovery.
d. New frog species have been discovered in Kyoto Japan
e. Amir hammidy named the new frogs L. Ingeri and L. Kanowitense.
14. L.Ingeri and L. Kanowitense are considered new frog species because ...

a. They have less than 9% difference from other frogs

b. They were just discovered in the 2008-2012 period
c. They have new characteristics that other frogs don‟t
d. They were just genetically modified by the researches
e. They have more than 9% difference in genetic length from other frogs

15. “...University of Malaysia published their discovery in Zootaxa

journal...”(paragraph 3). The underlined word means...

a. Exploration
b. Invention
c. Innovation
d. Setting up
e. Findings
Pedoman Penskoran

No Kunci
Soal Jawaban
two boats carrying Thai and foreign tourists collided
1 D
the popular island beach party ( paragraph 1)
2 D Paragraph 3
3 B travellers = people who join the trip
Schumacher said he now wanted to enjoy his last six-
4 B races-Reuters. ( the last paragraph)
5 E in a dissapointing comeback with Mercedes. ( par 1 )
6 D would be replaced by Mc Laren‟s Lewis Hamilton (
par 2)
7 C announcing a “Beat the Blockade” CD ( par 1)
8 D announcing a “Beat the Blockade” CD
9 C Annonimous = unknown
10 A he is not in condition to compete.
he was eliminated in the second round of Wimbledon
11 D
100th-ranked Lukas Rosol.
12 E Rafael Nadal has pulled out of the London Olympics
13 A Paragraph 1
14 E there is a difference of more than 9 percent,
15 D Discovery = findings

SKOR = Jumlah jawaban benar X

100 15
Waiwerang, 15 Juli 2019
Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Kornelis Laot Boro, S.Pd Leonardus Andica K Boro

2017 – 2018

Satuan Pendidikan : SMA Negeri 3

Cimahi Jumlah Soal :6
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Umum Penyusun : Sofi Sufini, S.Pd

No Kompeten Kelas Indikat No

Urut Materi Smt Soal
si or
Dasar Soal

1 3.4 Teks News XII/1 Disajikan soal 2

Membedakan fungsi Item berbentuk reading
sosial, struktur teks, passage, peserta didik
dan unsur kebahasaan menafsirkan sebuah
beberapa teks news informasi tersurat
item lisan dan tulis dari reading teks
dengan memberi dan tesebut. (C4)
meminta informasi 5
terkait berita sederhana
dari koran/radio/TV, Disajikan soal
sesuai dengan konteks berbentuk teks news
penggunaannya item, peserta didik
menafsirkan sebuah
informasi tersurat 6
dalam wacana . (C4)

Disajikan soal
berbentuk teks news
item, peserta didik
menentukan pikiran 8
utama dari paragraph
2. (C3)

Disajikan soal
berbentuk teks news
item, peserta didik 12
menafsirkan arti dari
sebuah kalimat .(C4)

Disajikan soal 13
berbentuk teks news
item, peserta didik
menafsirkan suatu
keadaan .(C4)

Disajikan soal
berbentuk teks news
item, peserta didik
menentukan judul
yang tepat untuk
sebuah teks news
item .(C3)

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Umum

Kelas/Semester : XII/1
Kurikulum : KURIKULUM 2013

Kompetensi Dasar
Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks news item lisan
dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait berita sederhana dari koran/radio/TV,
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

Indikator Soal
Disajikan soal berbentuk reading passage, peserta didik menafsirkan sebuah informasi tersurat dari reading
teks tesebut. (C4)

Level Kognitif
Menafsirkan (C4)

Soal Nomor 2.

2. We know from the text that ...

a. The boat carried forty two passengers
b. Forty two passengers were badly injured
c. The two missing passengers were westerners
d. The passengers were mostly foreign tourists
e. The boats collided on the way back to Pha-Ngan island

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Umum

Kelas/Semester : XII/1
Kurikulum : KURIKULUM 2013

Kompetensi Dasar
Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks news item lisan
dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait berita sederhana dari koran/radio/TV,
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

Indikator Soal
Disajikan soal berbentuk reading passage, peserta didik menafsirkan sebuah informasi tersurat dari reading
teks tesebut. (C4)

Level Kognitif
Menafsirkan (C4)

Soal Nomor 5.

5. From the text we learn that Schumacher ...

a. Started his carreer before 1991
b. Has announced his retirement 3 times
c. Will reach the age of 43 on Thursday
d. Will be replaced by Lewis Hamilton of Ferrari
e. Failed to comeback with satisfying result with Mercedes

Keterangan :
Butir soal ini merupakan kategori soal HOTS dengan kategori sedang , karena untuk
menjawab soal ini dibutuhkan:

1. Kejelian dalam membaca soal.

2. Pemahaman kosakata.
3. Penafsiran terhadap sebuah kalimat.

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Umum

Kelas/Semester : XII/1
Kurikulum : KURIKULUM 2013

Kompetensi Dasar
Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks news item lisan
dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait berita sederhana dari koran/radio/TV,
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

Indikator Soal
Disajikan soal berbentuk teks news item, peserta didik menentukan pikiran utama dari paragraph 2. (C3)

Level Kognitif
Menentukan (C3)

Soal Nomor 6.

6. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

a. Schumacher began his carreer in 1991
b. The team announced Michael Schumacher’s retirement
c. Schumacher has won the World Champion seven times
d. Schumacher will be replaced by Lewis Hamilton
e. Schumacher is a winner of a record 91 times

Keterangan :
Butir soal ini merupakan kategori soal HOTS dengan kategori sedang , karena untuk
menjawab soal ini dibutuhkan:

1. Kejelian dalam membaca soal.

2. Pemahaman terhadap konten sebuah paragraf.
3. Ketepatan dalam menentukan main idea dari sebuah paragraph.

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Umum

Kelas/Semester : XII/1
Kurikulum : KURIKULUM 2013

Kompetensi Dasar
Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks news item lisan
dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait berita sederhana dari koran/radio/TV,
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

Indikator Soal
Disajikan soal berbentuk teks news item, peserta didik menafsirkan arti dari sebuah kalimat .(C4)

Level Kognitif
Menafsirkan (C4)

Soal Nomor 8.

8. What is meant by the latest attack outside the secret-busting business for Wikileaks?
a. The website business of Wikileaks
b. TheTV show called “The World Tomorrow”.
c. The social network called Friends of Wikileaks
d. The music CD called “Beat the Blockade”.
e. The electronic box for secret documents.

Keterangan :
Butir soal ini merupakan kategori soal HOTS dengan kategori sedang , karena untuk
menjawab soal ini dibutuhkan:

1. Kejelian dalam membaca soal.

2. Pemahaman kosakata.
3. Ketepatan dalam menafsirkan sebuah kalimat.

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Umum

Kelas/Semester : XII/1
Kurikulum : KURIKULUM 2013

Kompetensi Dasar
Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks news item lisan
dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait berita sederhana dari koran/radio/TV,
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

Indikator Soal
Disajikan soal berbentuk teks news item, peserta didik menafsirkan suatu keadaan .(C4)

Level Kognitif
Menafsirkan (C4)

Soal Nomor 12.

12. Paragraph 1 tells us that Rafael Nadal decides to ...

a. Leave London soon
b. Leave the Olympics
c. Compete in the Olympics
d. Play in the London Olympics
e. Cancel his participation in the Olympics

Keterangan :
Butir soal ini merupakan kategori soal HOTS dengan kategori sedang , karena untuk
menjawab soal ini dibutuhkan:

1. Kejelian dalam membaca soal.

2. Pemahaman kosakata.
3. Ketepatan dalam menafsirkan sebuah situasi.

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Umum

Kelas/Semester : XII/1
Kurikulum : KURIKULUM 2013

Kompetensi Dasar
Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks news item lisan
dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait berita sederhana dari koran/radio/TV,
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

Indikator Soal
Disajikan soal berbentuk teks news item, peserta didik menentukan judul yang tepat untuk sebuah teks news
item .(C3)

Level Kognitif
Menentukan (C3)

Soal Nomor 13.

13. What is the best title of the text?

a. Indonesian researcher identifies new frog species
b. Antara news got e-mail about new frog species
c. University of Malaya published their discovery.
d. New frog species have been discovered in Kyoto Japan
e. Amir hammidy named the new frogs L. Ingeri and L. Kanowitense.

Keterangan :
Butir soal ini merupakan kategori soal HOTS dengan kategori sedang , karena untuk
menjawab soal ini dibutuhkan:

1. Kejelian dalam membaca soal.

2. Pemahaman kosakata serta kalimat.
3. Pemahaman main idea dari sebuah teks.

Anda mungkin juga menyukai