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Karena cedera tulang belakang dapat terjadi dengan kedua tumpul dan trauma penetrasi, dan dengan atau tanpa defisit neurologis, itu

harus dipertimbangkan pada semua pasien dengan beberapa luka-luka. Pasien-pasien ini membutuhkan keterbatasan gerak tulang

belakang untuk melindungi tulang belakang dari kerusakan lebih lanjut sampai cedera tulang belakang telah dikesampingkan.
BAB 7 Garis Besar
tujuan radiografi evaluasi
• Spine serviks
pengantar • Dada dan pinggang Spine

Anatomi dan fisiologi manajemen umum

• tulang belakang • Spinal Gerak Restriction
• Spinal Cord Anatomi • intravena Cairan
• dermatom • Obat-obatan
• miotom • Mentransfer

• Syok neurogenik vs Spinal Syok

• Efek pada Sistem Organ Lain kerja tim

Dokumentasi cedera tulang belakang ringkasan

• Tingkat

• Keparahan neurologis Defisit bibliografi

• Syndromes Spinal Cord
• Morfologi

tipe tertentu dari cedera tulang belakang

• Fraktur Spine serviks
• Thoracic Spine Fraktur
• Torakolumbalis Junction Fraktur (T11 melalui L1)
• lumbar Fraktur
• menembus Cedera
• Blunt karotis dan vertebra Cedera Arteri


Setelah membaca bab ini dan memahami komponen-komponen pengetahuan 4. Jelaskan perawatan yang tepat dari pasien dengan cedera tulang belakang
dari kursus penyedia ATLS, Anda akan dapat: selama jam pertama setelah cedera.

1. Jelaskan anatomi dasar dan fisiologi tulang belakang. 5. Tentukan disposisi yang tepat pasien dengan trauma tulang belakang.

2. Jelaskan evaluasi yang tepat dari pasien dengan cedera tulang belakang
yang dicurigai dan dokumentasi cedera.

3. Mengidentifikasi jenis umum dari cedera tulang belakang dan fitur x-ray yang

membantu mengidentifikasi mereka.

ISI 129
130 BAB 7 n Tulang belakang dan tulang belakang Cord Trauma

dapat hasil dari penggunaan jangka panjang. Oleh karena itu, backboards
harus selalu dipertimbangkan pada pasien dengan beberapa panjang harus digunakan hanya selama portation trans pasien, dan setiap
luka-luka. Sekitar
cedera 5%dengan
pinus, pasienatau
dengan cedera
tanpa defisitotak memiliki cedera tulang
neurologis, upaya harus dilakukan untuk menghilangkan pasien dari papan tulang
belakang terkait, sedangkan 25% pasien dengan cedera tulang belakang secepat mungkin .
belakang memiliki setidaknya cedera otak ringan. Sekitar 55% dari
cedera tulang belakang terjadi pada daerah leher rahim, 15% di daerah
dada, 15% di persimpangan torakolumbalis, dan 15% di daerah Anatomi dan fisiologi
lumbosakral. Sampai dengan 10% dari pasien dengan fraktur tulang
belakang leher memiliki kedua, tidak berdekatan fraktur tulang belakang.
Berikut review dari anatomi dan fisiologi tulang belakang dan tulang
belakang termasuk tulang belakang, saraf tulang belakang anatomi,
Pada pasien dengan cedera tulang belakang potensial, manipulasi dermatom, miotom, perbedaan antara neurogenik dan shock tulang
berlebihan dan pembatasan yang tidak memadai gerak tulang belakang dapat belakang, dan efek dari cedera tulang belakang pada sistem organ
menyebabkan kerusakan saraf tambahan dan memperburuk hasil pasien. lainnya.
Minimal 5% dari pasien dengan pengalaman cedera tulang belakang
timbulnya gejala neurologis atau memburuknya gejala yang sudah ada
sebelumnya setelah mencapai gawat darurat (ED). Komplikasi ini biasanya tulang belakang
disebabkan iskemia atau perkembangan saraf tulang belakang edema, tetapi
mereka juga dapat hasil dari gerakan yang berlebihan dari tulang belakang. Jika Tulang belakang terdiri dari 7 serviks, 12 toraks, dan 5 lumbar vertebra, serta sakrum dan

tulang belakang pasien dilindungi, evaluasi tulang belakang dan pengucilan tulang ekor ( n GAMBAR 7-1 ). Vertebra khas terdiri dari sebuah tubuh vertebral anterior

dari cedera tulang belakang dapat dengan aman ditangguhkan, terutama di ditempatkan, yang merupakan bagian dari kolom menahan beban utama. Badan

hadapan ketidakstabilan sistemik, seperti hipotensi dan kekurangan vertebra yang dipisahkan oleh disk intervertebralis yang diselenggarakan bersama-sama

pernapasan. perlindungan tulang belakang tidak memerlukan pasien untuk anterior dan posterior oleh anterior dan posterior ligamen longitudinal, masing-masing.

menghabiskan berjam-jam di papan tulang panjang; berbaring telentang di Posterolateral, dua pedikel membentuk pilar yang atap kanalis vertebralis (yaitu, lamina)

atas permukaan tegas dan memanfaatkan tindakan pencegahan tulang terletak. Sendi facet, ligamen interspinous, dan otot paraspinal semua berkontribusi

belakang saat bergerak adalah cukup. Tidak termasuk kehadiran cedera untuk tulang belakang stabilitas. Tulang belakang leher, karena mobilitas dan eksposur,

tulang belakang dapat langsung pada pasien tanpa Defisit neurologis, rasa adalah bagian yang paling rentan dari tulang belakang cedera. Saluran serviks lebar dari

sakit atau nyeri di sepanjang tulang belakang, bukti keracunan, atau cedera foramen magnum ke bagian bawah C2. Kebanyakan pasien dengan cedera pada tingkat

yang menyakitkan tambahan. Dalam hal ini, tidak adanya rasa sakit atau nyeri ini yang bertahan adalah neurologis utuh pada saat kedatangan ke rumah sakit. Namun,

di sepanjang tulang belakang hampir tidak termasuk kehadiran cedera tulang sekitar sepertiga dari pasien dengan cedera tulang belakang leher bagian atas (yaitu,

belakang yang signifikan. Kemungkinan cedera tulang belakang leher dapat cedera di atas C3) mati di tempat kejadian apnea disebabkan oleh hilangnya persarafan

dihilangkan berdasarkan alat klinis, dijelaskan kemudian dalam bab ini. pusat saraf frenikus. Di bawah tingkat C3, diameter kanal tulang belakang relatif jauh

lebih kecil dengan diameter sumsum tulang belakang, dan cedera tulang belakang jauh

lebih mungkin menyebabkan cedera tulang belakang. tulang belakang leher seorang

anak sangat berbeda dari yang dari orang dewasa sampai kira-kira 8 tahun. Perbedaan

ini meliputi kapsul lebih fleksibel sendi dan ligamen interspinous, serta sendi facet datar

dan badan vertebra yang terjepit anterior dan cenderung untuk meluncur ke depan

Namun, pada pasien lain, seperti mereka yang koma atau dengan fleksi. Perbedaan menurun terus sampai kira-kira usia 12, ketika tulang belakang

memiliki tingkat depresi kesadaran, proses mengevaluasi cedera leher lebih mirip dengan orang dewasa. (Lihat cedera di atas C3) mati di tempat kejadian

tulang belakang lebih rumit. Dalam hal ini, dokter perlu apnea disebabkan oleh hilangnya persarafan pusat saraf frenikus. Di bawah tingkat C3,

mendapatkan pencitraan radiografi yang tepat untuk diameter kanal tulang belakang relatif jauh lebih kecil dengan diameter sumsum tulang

mengecualikan cedera tulang belakang. Jika gambar tidak dapat belakang, dan cedera tulang belakang jauh lebih mungkin menyebabkan cedera tulang

disimpulkan, membatasi gerakan dari tulang belakang sampai belakang. tulang belakang leher seorang anak sangat berbeda dari yang dari orang

pengujian lebih lanjut dapat dilakukan. Ingat, kehadiran kerah leher dewasa sampai kira-kira 8 tahun. Perbedaan ini meliputi kapsul lebih fleksibel sendi dan

rahim dan papan dapat memberikan rasa aman palsu bahwa ligamen interspinous, serta sendi facet datar dan badan vertebra yang terjepit anterior

gerakan tulang belakang dibatasi. Jika pasien tidak benar dan cenderung untuk meluncur ke depan dengan fleksi. Perbedaan menurun terus

diamankan ke papan dan kerah tidak dipasang dengan benar, sampai kira-kira usia 12, ketika tulang belakang leher lebih mirip dengan orang dewasa.

gerakan masih mungkin. Meskipun bahaya gerakan tulang (Lihat cedera di atas C3) mati di tempat kejadian apnea disebabkan oleh hilangnya

belakang yang berlebihan telah didokumentasikan dengan baik, persarafan pusat saraf frenikus. Di bawah tingkat C3, diameter kanal tulang belakang

posisi berkepanjangan pasien pada papan keras dan dengan relatif jauh lebih kecil dengan diameter sumsum tulang belakang, dan cedera tulang

cervical collar keras (c-collar) juga bisa berbahaya. belakang jauh lebih mungkin menyebabkan cedera tulang belakang. tulang belakang

leher seorang anak sangat berbeda dari yang dari orang dewasa sampai kira-kira 8 tahun. Perbedaan ini

mobilitas tulang belakang dada jauh lebih terbatas daripada mobilitas

tulang belakang leher, dan tulang belakang dada memiliki dukungan
tambahan dari tulang rusuk. Oleh karena itu,




n GAMBAR 7-1 Spine. SEBUAH. Tulang belakang, kanan lateral dan posterior pandangan. B. Sebuah vertebra toraks khas, pandangan yang unggul.

Insiden patah tulang dada jauh lebih rendah. Sebagian besar patah terluka pada satu atau kedua sisi kabel. Lokasi di sumsum tulang belakang,
tulang tulang belakang dada adalah fraktur kompresi baji yang tidak fungsi, dan metode pengujian untuk masing-masing saluran diuraikan dalam n
berhubungan dengan cedera tulang belakang. Namun, ketika TABEL 7-1 .

fraktur-dislokasi di tulang belakang dada tidak terjadi, itu hampir selalu Ketika seorang pasien tidak memiliki fungsi sensorik atau motorik dibuktikan di
menghasilkan cedera tulang belakang lengkap karena kanal dada relatif bawah tingkat tertentu, ia dikatakan memiliki menyelesaikan cedera tulang
sempit. Persimpangan torakolumbalis adalah titik tumpu antara daerah belakang. Sebuah tidak lengkap cedera tulang belakang adalah satu di mana
thoraks tidak fleksibel dan tingkat lumbal mobile lebih. Hal ini beberapa derajat motor atau fungsi sensorik tetap; dalam hal ini, prognosis untuk
membuatnya lebih rentan terhadap cedera, dan 15% dari semua cedera pemulihan secara signifikan lebih baik dari itu untuk cedera tulang belakang
tulang belakang terjadi di wilayah ini. lengkap.

Spinal Cord Anatomi
Sebuah dermatom adalah area kulit dipersarafi oleh akson sensorik
Sumsum tulang belakang berasal pada akhir ekor dari medulla oblongata di dalam akar segmental saraf tertentu. Tingkat sensorik adalah
foramen magnum. Pada orang dewasa, biasanya berakhir dekat L1 tingkat dermatom termurah dengan fungsi sensorik normal dan sering
tulang sebagai konus medularis. Di bawah tingkat ini adalah cauda equina, dapat berbeda pada kedua sisi tubuh. Untuk tujuan praktis,
yang agak lebih tahan terhadap cedera. Dari sekian banyak saluran di sumsum dermatom serviks atas (C1 ke C4) agak variabel dalam distribusi
tulang belakang, hanya tiga dapat segera dinilai secara klinis: saluran lateral kulit mereka dan tidak umum digunakan untuk lokalisasi. Namun,
yang kortikospinalis, traktus spinotalamikus, dan kolom dorsal. Masing-masing perlu diketahui bahwa saraf supraklavikula (C2 melalui C4)
adalah saluran dipasangkan yang dapat memberikan sensorik


132 BAB 7 n Tulang belakang dan tulang belakang Cord Trauma

Tabel 7-1 penilaian klinis dari saluran sumsum tulang belakang


saluran kortikospinalis Di segmen anterior dan lateral Kontrol daya motor pada sisi yang sama Dengan kontraksi otot sukarela atau

kabelnya dari tubuh tanggapan paksa terhadap rangsangan

yang menyakitkan

traktus spinotalamikus Dalam aspek anterolateral dari Mentransmisikan sensasi nyeri dan dengan cocokan peniti

kabelnya suhu dari sisi berlawanan dari tubuh

kolom dorsal Dalam aspek posteromedial dari Membawa sensasi posisi Dengan posisi akal di jari kaki dan jari-jari
kabelnya (proprioception), rasa getaran, dan atau rasa getaran menggunakan garpu
beberapa sensasi cahaya-sentuhan dari tala
sisi yang sama dari tubuh

persarafan ke wilayah yang melapisi otot pectoralis (cape serviks).

Tabel 7-2 segmen saraf tulang belakang kunci dan
Kehadiran sensasi di daerah ini dapat membingungkan penguji ketika
daerah persarafan
mereka mencoba untuk menentukan tingkat sensorik pada pasien

SARAF SPINAL dengan cedera leher rahim yang lebih rendah. Segmen saraf tulang
SEGMEN CEDERA belakang kunci dan daerah persarafan diuraikan dalam n TABEL 7-2 dan
diilustrasikan dalam n GAMBAR 7-2 ( juga melihat Dermatom Panduan pada
C5 Wilayah lebih deltoid aplikasi seluler MyATLS ). Standar Internasional untuk Neurologis
Klasifikasi Spinal Cord Injury worksheet, diterbitkan oleh American
C6 Ibu jari Spinal Cedera Association (ASIA), dapat digunakan untuk
mendokumentasikan motor dan pemeriksaan sensorik. Ini memberikan
C7 Jari tengah informasi rinci tentang pemeriksaan neurologis pasien. Rincian tentang
bagaimana untuk mencetak gol pemeriksaan motorik yang terkandung

C8 Jari kecil dalam dokumen.

T4 Puting susu

T8 Xiphisternum
T10 umbilikus
Setiap akar saraf segmental innervates lebih dari satu otot, dan
sebagian besar otot dipersarafi oleh lebih dari satu akar (biasanya
T12 simfisis pubis
dua). Namun demikian, untuk kesederhanaan, otot tertentu atau
kelompok otot diidentifikasi sebagai mewakili segmen saraf tunggal
L4 aspek medial betis tulang belakang. The miotom kunci ditampilkan di n GAMBAR 7-3 ( juga
melihat Saraf miotom Panduan pada aplikasi seluler MyATLS ). Otot-otot
L5 ruang web antara jari kaki kunci harus diuji untuk kekuatan di kedua sisi dan dinilai pada skala
pertama dan kedua 6-point (0-5) dari kekuatan normal kelumpuhan (lihat Kekuatan otot
Grading Panduan pada MyATLS aplikasi seluler ). Selain itu, sfingter
S1 perbatasan lateral kaki anal eksternal harus diuji untuk kontraksi sukarela dengan
pemeriksaan digital.
S3 daerah tuberositas iskia

S4 ans S5 daerah perianal Awal, dokumentasi yang akurat sensasi pasien dan kekuatan sangat
penting, karena membantu untuk menilai


Patient Name_____________________________________ Date/Time of Exam _____________________________


Examiner Name ___________________________________ Signature _____________________________________



Light Touch (LTR) Pin Prick (PPR) Light Touch (LTL) Pin Prick (PPL)
Patient Name_____________________________________ Date/Time of Exam _____________________________
C2 C2
C3 C3
Examiner Name ___________________________________ Signature _____________________________________
C4 C4
SENSORY KEY SENSORY KEYflexors Wrist extensors Elbow
C5 Elbow
Elbow flexors C5
UER Wrist extensors C6 MUSCLES C6 extensors
Patient Name_____________________________________
Finger flexorsMUSCLES
Finger UEL
Light Touch (LTR) Pin Prick (PPR) Light Touch (LTL) Pin Prick (PPL) of Exam _____________________________
(Upper Extremity Right) INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS FOR NEUROLOGICAL T2 (Upper Extremity Left)
Elbow extensors C7 C2
C7 abductors ( little finger)
C2 C2
Finger flexors C8 Examiner Name ___________________________________
C8 Signature _____________________________________
0 = absent 1 = altered (ISNCSCI)
2 = normal NT = not C3 C3
Finger abductors ( little finger) T1 testable
C4 C4
T2 T2 T3
Comments ( Non-key Muscle? Reason for NT? Pain?): Elbow flexors C5 SENSORY POINTS SENSORY POINTS C5 Elbow flexors Wrist extensors Elbow
0 = absent 1 = altered 2 =
UER Wrist extensors C6
Light Touch (LTR)
normal NT = not testable
Pin Prick (PPR) Light Touch (LTL) Pin Prick (PPL)
C6 extensors Finger flexors Finger UEL
(Upper Extremity Right)
T4 C6
T2 T6 T7 0 = total paralysis 1 = palpable or visible contraction
abductors ( little finger) (Upper Extremity Left)
Elbow extensors C7 C2 C2 C7
C2 2 = active movement, gravity eliminated 3 = active
T5 C5 T8 T9
Finger flexors C8 C3
0 = absent 1 = altered 2 =
movement, against gravity
C3 C8
T6 normal NT = not testable
Finger abductors ( little finger) C4
4 = active movement, against some resistance 5T1
0 = absent 1 = altered 2 =
T1 C4 Palm = active
normal NT = not testable
T11 movement, against full resistance 5* = normal corrected for
Elbow flexors C5 T2 C3 T2 T3 C5 Elbow flexors Wrist extensors Elbow
T8Reason for NT? Pain?):
Comments ( Non-key Muscle? T4 T3 C4 C3
T12 pain/disuse NT = not testable MOTOR
UER Wrist extensors C6 T3 S3 0 = absent 1 = altered 2 = T1
T4 T5 C6 extensors Finger
(SCORING flexors Finger
(Upper Extremity Right)
Elbow extensors T4
T8 T7 T6 T5
• Key Sensory
normal NT = not testable
C4 T2 C6
T6 T7 0 = totalabductors
paralysis 1 =( little finger) (Upper Extremity Left)
C7 S4-5 C2 C7 palpable or visible
T10 T11 T10 T9 Points C5
SENSORY contraction 2 = active movement, gravity
Finger flexors C8 T5 T8 T9
(SCORING ON REVERSE SIDE) eliminated 3 = active movement, against gravity
0 = absent 1 = altered 2 =
L2 L1 T12
Finger abductors ( little finger) T6
normal NT = not testable
T10 T1
0 = absent 1 = altered 2 = T1 0 = absent 1= 2 = normal NT = not
T12 C2
Palm 4 = active movement, against some resistance 5 = active
normal NT = not testable
C88 altered T11 testable
S2 C3 C6 C T2 T3 movement, against full resistance 5* = normal corrected for
L1Reason for NT? Pain?):
Comments ( Non-key Muscle? C7 C6 MOTOR
T3 C7
T4 T3 C4 C3
T1 T12T5 pain/disuse NT = not testable
0 = absent 1 = altered 2 = T4 (SCORING ON REVERSE SIDE)
L2 •
Hip flexors T9
T4 Dorsum
normal NT = not
T8 T7 T6 T5 Key C6
Sensory L2 Hip flexors Knee L1
T6 T7 0 = total paralysis 1 = palpable or visible contraction
Knee extensors Ankle L3 T10 Points L3 extensors Ankle T8 T9 SENSORY
2 = active movement, gravity eliminated 3 = active
T11 T10 T9

movement, against gravity
(Lower Extremity Right) dorsiflexors Long toe L4 T11
T6 L2 L1 T12 L4 dorsiflexors LongT10
toe (Lower Extremity Left)
0 = absent 1 = altered 2 =
L5 2 = normal
Palm 40 == active
1= against some resistance 5 = NT = not
extensors Ankle plantar L5 normal NT = not testable
L5 extensors Ankle plantar
S2 altered
movement, testablecorrected for
against full resistance 5* = normal
C66 C
L1 C7 C
flexors S1 T8 L5 S1
T4 T3 C4 C3
C7 S1 flexors T12 pain/disuse NT = not testable

Hip flexors L2 T9 Key Sensory
S2 T8 T7 T6 T5
Dorsum Dorsum
S2 S3 L1 L2 Hip flexors Knee
S4-5 Points
S3 Knee extensors Ankle L3 T10 T11 T10 T9
L3 extensors Ankle
(VAC) Voluntary anal contraction LER L4 (DAP) Deep anal pressure LEL
(Lower Extremity Right) S4-5 dorsiflexors Long toe L4 T11 L2 L1 T12 L4 dorsiflexors Long toe (Lower Extremity Left)
(Yes/No) (Yes/No)
L5 0 = absent 1= 2 = normal NT = not
extensors Ankle plantar L5 T12 L3 L5 extensors Ankle plantar testable
S2 C88 altered
flexors S1 L1 L5 S1 C7 C
S1 flexors
Hip flexors L2 S2 Dorsum Dorsum S2 S3 L2 Hip flexors Knee extensors
Knee extensors Ankle L3 S3 S4-5 L3 Ankle dorsiflexors Long
LER anal contraction
(VAC) Voluntary LEL
(DAP) Deep anal pressure
S4-5 LTR + LTL
(Lower Extremity Right) dorsiflexors Long toe
(Yes/No) toe extensors Ankle (Yes/No) (Lower Extremity Left)
MAX (25) (25) (50) MAX (25) (25) (50) L5
extensors Ankle plantar L5 MAX (56) (56) (112) MAX (56) (56) plantar flexors (112)
flexors S1 L5 S1
(In complete injuries only) S1(MAXIMUM)
LEVELS 1. SENSORY S2 Incomplete = Any sensory or motor function in S4-5 ZONE OF PARTIAL S2 S3
Steps 1-5 for classification S3 PRESERVATION S4-5
as on reverse
(VAC) + UELContraction = UEMS TOTAL
UER Voluntary Anal
Most caudal level with any innervation
+ LTL = LT TOTAL PPR + PPL (DAP) Deep Anal
= PPPressure
MAX (25) (25) (Yes/No) (50) not be altered
This form may be copied freely but should MAX (25) (25)
without permission (50)
from the American Spinal Injury Association. MAX (56) (56) (112) MAX (56)
REV 02/13 (56) (112)


(In complete injuries only) R L
1. SENSORY Incomplete = Any sensory or motor function in S4-5 ZONE OF PARTIAL SENSORY
1-5 for classification PRESERVATION
as on reverse Most caudal level with any innervation

This form may be copied freely but should not be altered without permission from the American Spinal Injury Association. REV 02/13
MAX (25) (25) (50) MAX (25) (25) (50) MAX (56) (56) (112) MAX (56) (56) (112)


(In complete injuries only) R L
LEVELS 1. SENSORY Incomplete = Any sensory or motor function in S4-5 ZONE OF PARTIAL SENSORY
Steps 1-5 for classification
as on reverse
Most caudal level with any innervation

This form may be copied freely but should not be altered without permission from the American Spinal Injury Association. REV 11/15

Otot Fungsi Grading 0 = kelumpuhan ASIA Penurunan Skala (AIS) Langkah-langkah dalam Klasifikasi
total Urutan sebagai berikut direkomendasikan untuk menentukan fi kasi klasifikasi individu dengan

1 = kontraksi teraba atau terlihat SCI.

A = Lengkap. Tidak ada fungsi sensorik atau motorik yang diawetkan di segmen
2 = gerakan aktif, berbagai gerak (ROM) dengan gravitasi dihilangkan
sakral S4-5. 1. Tentukan tingkat sensorik untuk sisi kanan dan kiri.
3 = gerakan aktif, ROM penuh melawan gravitasi
Tingkat sensorik adalah yang paling caudal, dermatom utuh untuk kedua tusukan jarum dan sensasi sentuhan
4 = gerakan aktif, ROM penuh melawan gravitasi dan hambatan moderat dalam otot spesifik posisi c
B = Sensory tidak lengkap. Sensorik tetapi tidak fungsi motorik yang diawetkan di ringan.

bawah tingkat neurologis dan termasuk segmen sacral S4-5 (sentuhan ringan atau
5 = ( normal) gerakan aktif, ROM penuh melawan gravitasi dan hambatan penuh dalam posisi otot 2. Tentukan tingkat motor untuk sisi kanan dan kiri.
tusukan jarum di S4-5 atau tekanan anal mendalam) DAN tidak ada fungsi motorik yang
fungsional diharapkan dari orang yang dinyatakan tak terhalang
diawetkan lebih dari tiga tingkat di bawah tingkat bermotor di kedua sisi tubuh. Didefinisikan oleh fungsi otot kunci termurah yang memiliki kelas minimal 3 (uji terlentang),
5 * = ( normal) gerakan aktif, ROM penuh melawan gravitasi dan suf ketahanan fi sien dianggap normal jika menyediakan fungsi otot kunci yang diwakili oleh segmen di atas permukaan yang dinilai tidak utuh
diidentifikasi faktor penghambat (yaitu nyeri, tidak digunakan) tidak hadir (dinilai sebagai 5). Catatan: di daerah di mana tidak ada myotome untuk menguji, tingkat motor
= NT tidak diuji (yaitu karena imobilisasi, sakit parah sehingga pasien tidak dapat dinilai, amputasi dianggap sama dengan tingkat sensorik, jika fungsi motorik diuji di atas permukaan yang juga
C = motor tidak lengkap. fungsi motorik yang diawetkan di segmen sakral yang
tungkai, atau kontraktur dari> 50% dari ROM normal) normal.
paling caudal untuk kontraksi anal sukarela (VAC) ATAU pasien memenuhi kriteria

status lengkap sensorik (fungsi sensorik diawetkan di segmen sakral yang paling
Sensory Grading 0 = Tidak
caudal (S4-S5) oleh LT, PP atau DAP), dan memiliki beberapa hemat fungsi motorik
hadir 3. Tentukan tingkat neurologis cedera (Perpusnas)
lebih dari tiga tingkat di bawah tingkat motorik ipsilateral di kedua sisi tubuh.
1 = Diubah, baik menurun / terganggu sensasi atau hipersensitivitas Hal ini mengacu pada segmen yang paling ekor dari kabel dengan sensasi utuh dan anti-gravitasi (3 atau
(Termasuk fungsi otot kunci atau non-kunci untuk menentukan bermotor statusnya
lebih) kekuatan fungsi otot, asalkan ada normal (utuh) fungsi sensorik dan motorik rostrally
2 = Normal tidak lengkap.) Untuk AIS C - kurang dari setengah dari fungsi otot kunci di bawah
masing-masing. The Perpusnas adalah cephalad sebagian besar sensorik dan motorik tingkat ditentukan
= NT tidak dapat diuji satu Perpusnas memiliki otot kelas ≥ 3.
dalam langkah 1 dan 2.

Kapan Uji Otot Non-Key:

Pada pasien dengan klasifikasi jelas AIS B, fungsi otot non-key lebih dari 3 tingkat di bawah
4. Tentukan apakah cedera tersebut Selesai atau Tak lengkap.
tingkat bermotor di setiap sisi harus diuji untuk paling akurat mengklasifikasikan cedera
D = motor tidak lengkap. Motor Status lengkap sebagai didefinisikan di atas, dengan (Yaitu tidak adanya atau kehadiran sparing sakral) Jika kontraksi anal sukarela = Tidak DAN
(membedakan antara AIS B dan C).
setidaknya setengah (setengah atau lebih) dari fungsi otot kunci di bawah satu Perpusnas semua S4-5 skor sensorik = 0
Gerakan tingkat akar memiliki kelas otot ≥ 3. DAN tekanan anal mendalam = Tidak, kemudian cedera Lengkap.
Bahu: Fleksi, ekstensi, penculikan, adduksi, internal yang C5 Jika tidak, cedera Tidak lengkap.
dan rotasi eksternal E = Normal. Jika sensasi dan motor berfungsi sebagai diuji dengan ISNCSCI
Siku: supinasi yang dinilai seperti biasa di semua segmen, dan pasien harus sebelum CITS 5. Tentukan ASIA Penurunan Skala (AIS) Grade: Apakah cedera
de fi, maka AIS grade E. Seseorang tanpa SCI awal tidak menerima AIS kelas. Lengkap? Jika YA, AIS = A dan dapat merekam
Siku: pronasi C6
Pergelangan tangan: Lengkungan
ZPP (dermatom termurah atau myotome di setiap sisi
dengan beberapa pelestarian)
Jari: Fleksi pada sendi proksimal, ekstensi. C7 Menggunakan ND: Untuk mendokumentasikan sensorik, motorik dan tingkat
Ibu jari: Fleksi, ekstensi dan penculikan di pesawat praktis Perpusnas, yang ASIA Penurunan Skala kelas, dan / atau zona pelestarian parsial
Apakah cedera motor Lengkap? Jika YA, AIS = B
(ZPP) ketika mereka tidak dapat ditentukan berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan.
Jari: Fleksi pada sendi MCP C8
TIDAK (Tidak ada = sukarela anal kontraksi OR fungsi motorik lebih dari
Ibu jari: Oposisi, adduksi dan penculikan tegak lurus sawit
tiga tingkat di bawah tingkat bermotor di sisi tertentu, jika pasien memiliki

sensorik klasifikasi lengkap fi kasi)

Jari: Penculikan indeks jari T1

Panggul: adduksi L2
Setidaknya setengah (setengah atau lebih) dari otot-otot kunci di bawah tingkat

Panggul: rotasi eksternal L3 neurologis cedera dinilai 3 atau lebih baik?

Panggul: Ekstensi, penculikan, rotasi internal L4 TIDAK IYA

Lutut: Lengkungan

Pergelangan kaki: Inversi dan eversi AIS = C AIS = D

Kaki: ekstensi MP dan IP
KLASIFIKASI Spinal Cord Injury Jika sensasi dan fungsi motorik normal di semua segmen, AIS = E

Hallux dan Toe: DIP dan PIP fl exion dan penculikan L5 Catatan: AIS E digunakan dalam tindak lanjut pengujian ketika seorang individu dengan SCI didokumentasikan

telah pulih fungsi normal. Jika pada pengujian awal tidak ada CITS de fi ditemukan, orang tersebut adalah

B hallux: adduksi S1 neurologis utuh; ASIA Penurunan Skala tidak berlaku.

n FIGURE 7-2 International Standards for Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury. A. Sensory and Motor Evaluation of Spinal Cord.
B. Clinical Classifications of Spinal Cord Injuries.


134 CHAPTER 7 n Spine and Spinal Cord Trauma

n FIGURE 7-3 Key Myotomes. Myotomes are used to evaluate

the level of motor function.

neurological improvement or deterioration on subsequent

pitfAll pReveNtioN

The sensory and motor • When necessary, repeat the

exam multiple times.
examination is confounded by
neUrogeniC sHoCk VersUs spinaL sHoCk

Neurogenic shock results in the loss of vasomotor tone and

A patient is able to observe the • Attempt to prevent or distract sympathetic innervation to the heart. Injury to the cervical or upper
examination itself, which may alter the patient from watching your thoracic spinal cord (T6 and above) can cause impairment of the
the findings. clinical exam. descending sympathetic pathways. The resultant loss of vasomotor
tone causes vasodilation of visceral and peripheral blood vessels,
pooling of blood, and, consequently, hypotension. Loss of
A patient’s altered level of • Always presume the presence sympathetic innervation to the heart can cause bradycardia or at
consciousness limits your ability of an injury, restrict movement least the inability to mount a tachycardic response to hypovolemia.
to perform a defini-tive of the spine while managing However, when shock is present, it is still necessary to rule out
neurological examination. lifethreatening injuries, other sources because hypovolemic (hemorrhagic) shock is the
reassess, and perform most common type of shock in trauma patients and can be present
radiographic evaluation as in addition to neurogenic shock. The physiologic effects of
necessary. neurogenic shock are not reversed with fluid resuscitation alone,



massive resuscitation can result in fluid overload and/ or pulmonary Apart from the initial management to stabilize the bony injury, all
edema. Judicious use of vasopressors may be required after subsequent descriptions of injury level are based on the
moderate volume replacement, and atropine may be used to neurological level.
counteract hemodynamically significant bradycardia.

Spinal shock refers to the flaccidity (loss of muscle tone) and loss of seVerity oF neUroLogiCaL deFiCit
reflexes that occur immediately after spinal cord injury. After a period
of time, spasticity ensues. Spinal cord injury can be categorized as:

• Incomplete or complete paraplegia (thoracic

eFFeCts oF spine injUry on otHer organ injury)
• Incomplete or complete quadriplegia/

When a patient’s spine is injured, the primary concern should be tetraplegia (cervical injury)
potential respiratory failure. Hypoventilation can occur from
paralysis of the intercostal muscles (i.e., injury to the lower cervical Any motor or sensory function below the injury level constitutes
or upper thoracic spinal cord) or the diaphragm (i.e., injury to C3 to an incomplete injury and should be documented appropriately.
C5). Signs of an incomplete injury include any sensation (including
The inability to perceive pain can mask a potentially serious position sense) or voluntary movement in the lower extremities,
injury elsewhere in the body, such as the usual signs of acute sacral sparing, voluntary anal sphincter contraction, and voluntary
abdominal or pelvic pain associated with pelvic fracture. toe flexion. Sacral reflexes, such as the bulbocavernosus reflex or
anal wink, do not qualify as sacral sparing.

documeNtAtioN of spiNAl coRd iNjuRies

spinaL Cord syndroMes

Spinal cord injuries can be classified according to level, severity of Characteristic patterns of neurological injury are encountered in
neurological deficit, spinal cord syndromes, and morphology. patients with spinal cord injuries, such as central cord syndrome,
anterior cord syndrome, and Brown-Séquard syndrome. It is helpful
to recognize these patterns, as their prognoses differ from
complete and incomplete spinal cord injuries.
Central cord syndrome is characterized by a dispro- portionately
The bony level of injury refers to the specific vertebral level at which greater loss of motor strength in the upper extremities than in the
bony damage has occurred. The lower extremities, with varying degrees of sensory loss. This
neurological level of injury describes the most caudal segment of syndrome typically occurs after a hyperextension injury in a patient
the spinal cord that has normal sensory and motor function on both with preexisting cervical canal stenosis. The mechanism is
sides of the body. The neurological level of injury is determined commonly that of a forward fall resulting in a facial impact. Central
primarily by clinical examination. The term sensory level is used cord syndrome can occur with or without cervical spine fracture or
when referring to the most caudal segment of the spinal cord with dislocation. The prognosis for recovery in central cord injuries is
normal sensory function. The motor level is defined similarly with somewhat better than with other incom- plete injuries. These
respect to motor function as the lowest key muscle that has a injuries are frequently found in patients, especially the elderly, who
muscle-strength grade of at least 3 on a 6-point scale. The zone of have underlying spinal stenosis and suffer a ground-level fall.
partial preservation is the area just below the injury level where
some impaired sensory and/or motor function is found. Frequently,
there is a discrepancy between the bony and neurological levels of
injury because the spinal nerves enter the spinal canal through the Anterior cord syndrome results from injury to the motor and
foramina and ascend or descend inside the spinal canal before sensory pathways in the anterior part of the cord. It is characterized
actually entering the spinal cord. Determining the level of injury on by paraplegia and a bilateral loss of pain and temperature
both sides is important. sensation. However, sensation from the intact dorsal column (i.e.,
position, vibration, and deep pressure sense) is preserved. This
syndrome has the poorest prognosis of the incomplete


136 CHAPTER 7 n Spine and Spinal Cord Trauma

injuries and occurs most commonly following cord ischemia. distress, and inability to communicate make evaluation of the spine
even more challenging in this population. (See Chapter 10: Pediatric
Brown-Séquard syndrome results from hemisection of the cord, Trauma .)
usually due to a penetrating trauma. In its pure form, the syndrome Specific types of cervical spine injuries of note to clinicians in the
consists of ipsilateral motor loss (corticospinal tract) and loss of trauma setting are atlanto-occipital dislocation, atlas (C1) fracture,
position sense (dorsal column), associated with contralateral loss of C1 rotary subluxation, and axis (C2) fractures.
pain and temperature sensation beginning one to two levels below
the level of injury (spino-thalamic tract). Even when the syndrome is
caused by a direct penetrating injury to the cord, some recovery is
usually achieved. Atlanto-Occipital Dislocation

Craniocervical disruption injuries are uncommon and result from

severe traumatic flexion and distraction. Most patients with this
MorpHoLogy injury die of brainstem destruction and apnea or have profound
neurological impairments (e.g., ventilator dependence and
Spinal injuries can be described as fractures, fracture- dislocations, quadriplegia/tetraplegia). Patients may survive if they are promptly
spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormalities (SCIWORA), resuscitated at the injury scene. Atlanto-occipital dislocation is a
and penetrating injuries. Each of these categories can be further common cause of death in cases of shaken baby syndrome.
described as stable or unstable. However, determining the stability
of a particular type of injury is not always simple and, indeed, even
experts may disagree. Particularly during the initial treatment, all
patients with radiographic evidence of injury and all those with
neurological deficits should be considered to have an unstable Atlas (C1) Fracture
spinal injury. Spinal motion of these patients should be restricted,
and turning and/or repositioning requires adequate personnel using The atlas is a thin, bony ring with broad articular surfaces.
logrolling technique until consultation with a specialist, typically a Fractures of the atlas represent approximately 5% of acute cervical
neurosurgeon or orthopedic surgeon. spine fractures, and up to 40% of atlas fractures are associated
with fractures of the axis (C2). The most common C1 fracture is a
burst fracture (Jefferson fracture). The typical mechanism of injury
is axial loading, which occurs when a large load falls vertically on
the head or a patient lands on the top of his or her head in a
relatively neutral position. Jefferson fractures involve disruption of
specific types of spiNAl iNjuRies the anterior and posterior rings of C1 with lateral displacement of
the lateral masses. The fracture is best seen on an open-mouth
view of the C1 to C2 region and axial computed tomography (CT)
scans ( n FIGURE 7-4 ).
Spinal injuries of particular concern to clinicians in the trauma
setting include cervical spine fractures, thoracic spine fractures,
thoracolumbar junction fractures, lumbar fractures, penetrating
injuries, and the potential for associated blunt carotid and vertebral These fractures usually are not associated with spinal cord
vascular injuries. injuries; however, they are unstable and should be initially treated
with a properly sized rigid cervical collar. Unilateral ring or lateral
mass fractures are not uncommon and tend to be stable injuries.
However, treat all such fractures as unstable until the patient is
CerViCaL spine FraCtUres examined by a specialist, typically a neurosurgeon or orthopedic
Cervical spine injuries can result from one or a combination of the
following mechanisms of injury: axial loading, flexion, extension,
rotation, lateral bending, and distraction.
C1 Rotary Subluxation
Cervical spine injury in children is a relatively rare event,
occurring in less than 1% of cases. Of note, upper cervical spine The C1 rotary subluxation injury is most often seen in children. It
injuries in children (C1–C4) are almost twice as common as lower can occur spontaneously, after major or minor trauma, with an
cervical spine injuries. Additionally, anatomical differences, upper respiratory infection, or with rheumatoid arthritis. The patient
emotional presents with



n FIGURE 7-4 Jefferson Fracture. Open-mouth view radiograph showing a n FIGURE 7-5 Odontoid Fracture. CT view of a Type II odontoid fracture, which
Jefferson fracture. This fracture involves disruption of both the anterior and occurs through the base of the dens.
posterior rings of C1, with lateral displacement of the lateral masses.

a persistent rotation of the head (torticollis). With this injury, the Posterior Element Fractures
odontoid is not equidistant from the two lateral masses of C1. Do
not force the patient to overcome the rotation, but restrict motion A posterior element fracture, or hangman’s fracture, involves the
with him or her in the rotated position and refer for further posterior elements of C2—the pars inter- articularis ( n FIGURE 7-6 ). This
specialized treatment. type of fracture is usually caused by an extension-type injury.
Ensure that patients with this fracture are maintained in properly
sized rigid cervical collar until specialized care is available.

Axis (C2) Fractures

The axis is the largest cervical vertebra and the most unusual in Fractures and Dislocations (C3 through C7)
shape. Thus it is susceptible to various fractures, depending on the
force and direction of the impact. Acute fractures of C2 represent The area of greatest flexion and extension of the cervical spine
approximately 18% of all cervical spine injuries. Axis fractures of occurs at C5–C6 and is thus most vulnerable to injury. In adults,
note to trauma care providers include odontoid fractures and the most common level of cervical vertebral fracture is C5, and the
posterior element fractures. most common level of subluxation is C5 on C6. Other injuries
include subluxation of the articular processes (including unilateral
or bilateral locked facets) and fractures of the laminae, spinous
processes, pedicles, or lateral masses. Rarely, ligamentous
Odontoid Fractures disruption occurs without fractures or facet dislocations. The
incidence of neurological injury increases significantly with facet
Approximately 60% of C2 fractures involve the odontoid process, a dislocations and is much more severe with bilateral locked facets.
peg-shaped bony protuberance that projects upward and is
normally positioned in contact with the anterior arch of C1. The
odontoid process is held in place primarily by the transverse
ligament. Type I odontoid fractures typically involve the tip of the
odontoid and are relatively uncommon. Type II odontoid fractures
occur through the base of the dens and are the most common tHoraCiC spine FraCtUres
odontoid fracture ( n   FIGURE 7-5 ). In children younger than 6 years of
age, the epiphysis may be prominent and resemble a fracture at Thoracic spine fractures may be classified into four broad categories:
this level. Type III odontoid fractures occur at the base of the dens anterior wedge compression injuries, burst injuries, Chance
and extend obliquely into the body of the axis. fractures, and fracture-dislocations. Axial loading with flexion
produces an anterior wedge compression injury. The amount of
wedging usually is quite minor, and the anterior portion of the


138 CHAPTER 7 n Spine and Spinal Cord Trauma


n FIGURE 7-6 Hangman’s Fracture (arrows). Demonstrated in CT reconstructions: A. axial; B. sagittal paramedian; and C. sagittal midline. Note the anterior angulation and
excessive distance between the spinous processes of C1 and C2 (double arrows).

body rarely is more than 25% shorter than the posterior body. Due to the thoracic spine commonly result in complete neurological
the rigidity of the rib cage, most of these fractures are stable. deficits.
Simple compression fractures are usually stable and often
Burst injury is caused by vertical-axial compression. treated with a rigid brace. Burst fractures, Chance fractures, and
Chance fractures are transverse fractures through the vertebral fracture-dislocations are extremely unstable and nearly always
body ( n FIGURE 7-7 ). They are caused by flexion about an axis require internal fixation.
anterior to the vertebral column and are most frequently seen
following motor vehicle crashes in which the patient was restrained
by only an improperly placed lap belt. Chance fractures can be
associated with retroperitoneal and abdominal visceral injuries. tHoraCoLUMbar jUnCtion FraCtUres (t11 tHroUgH

Due to the orientation of the facet joints, fracture- dislocations are Fractures at the level of the thoracolumbar junction are due to the
relatively uncommon in the thoracic and lumbar spine. These immobility of the thoracic spine compared with the lumbar spine.
injuries nearly always result from extreme flexion or severe blunt Because these fractures most often result from a combination of
trauma to the spine, which causes disruption of the posterior acute hyperflexion and rotation, they are usually unstable. People
elements (pedicles, facets, and lamina) of the vertebra. The who fall from a height and restrained drivers who sustain severe
thoracic spinal canal is narrow in relation to the spinal cord, so flexion with high kinetic energy transfer are at particular risk for this
fracture subluxations in type of injury. The spinal cord terminates as the conus medullaris
at approximately the level of L1, and injury to this part of the cord
commonly results in bladder and bowel dysfunction, as well as
decreased sensation and strength in the lower extremities. Patients
with thoracolumbar fractures are particularly vulnerable to
rotational movement, so be extremely careful when logrolling them. (See
Logroll video on MyATLS mobile app. )

LUMbar FraCtUres

The radiographic signs associated with a lumbar frac- ture are

similar to those of thoracic and thoracolumbar fractures. However,
because only the cauda equina is involved, the probability of a
n FIGURE 7-7 Chance Fracture. Radiograph showing a Chance fracture, which is a complete neurological deficit is much lower with these injuries.
transverse fracture through the vertebral body.



penetrating injUries
RAdiogRAphic evAluAtioN
Penetrating injuries often result in a complete neuro- logical deficit
due to the path of the missile involved (most often a bullet or knife). Both careful clinical examination and thorough radiographic
These deficits also can result from the energy transfer associated assessment are critical in identifying significant spine injury.
with a high- velocity missile (e.g., bullet) passing close to the spinal
cord rather than through it. Penetrating injuries of the spine usually
are stable unless the missile destroys a significant portion of the
vertebra. CerViCaL spine

Many trauma patients have a c-collar placed by emer- gency

medical services (EMS) in the field. Current guidelines for spinal
bLUnt Carotid and VertebraL artery injUries motion restriction in the prehospital setting allow for more flexibility
in the use of long spine boards and cervical collars. With the use of
clinical screening decision tools such as the Canadian C-Spine
Blunt trauma to the neck can result in carotid and vertebral arterial Rule (CCR; n FIGURE 7-8 ) and the National Emergency
injuries; early recognition and treatment of these injuries may X-Radiography Utili- zation Study (NEXUS; n FIGURE 7-9 ), c-spine
reduce the patient’s risk of stroke. Specific spinal indications in collars and blocks may be discontinued in many of these patients
screening for these injuries include C1–C3 fractures, cervical spine without the need for radiologic imaging.
fracture with subluxation, and fractures involving the foramen

n FIGURE 7-8 Canadian C-Spine Rule. A clinical decision

tool for cervical spine evaluation. MVC = motor vehicle
collison; ED = emergency department. Adapted from
Stiell IG, Wells GA, Vandemheen KL, et al. The
Canadian C-Spine rule of radiography in alert and stable
trauma patients. JAMA



140 CHAPTER 7 n Spine and Spinal Cord Trauma

National Emergency X-Radiography Utilization Study Explanations:

(NEXUS) Criteria These are for purposes of clarity only. There are not precise definitions for the individual
NEXUS Criteria, which are subject to interpretation by individual physicians.
Meets ALL low-risk criteria?
1. No posterior midline cervical-spine tenderness No evidence of
1. Midline posterior bony cervical spine tenderness is present if the patient
complains of pain on palpation of the posterior midline neck from the nuchal
2. and…
intoxication A normal level of alertness No focal neurologic deficit No
and… ridge to the prominence of the first thoracic vertebra, or if the patient evinces
and… pain with direct palpation of any cervical spinous process.
3. painful distracting injuries
4. and…
and… 2. Patients should be considered intoxicated if they have either of the following:
• A recent history by the patient or an observer of intoxication or
intoxicating ingestion
YES NO • Evidence of intoxication on physical examination, such as odor of alcohol, slurred
speech, ataxia, dysmetria or other cerebellar findings, or any behavior consistent
with intoxication. Patients may also be considered to be intoxicated if tests of
No Radiography Radiography bodily secretions are positive for drugs (including but not limited to alcohol) that

NEXUS Mnemonic
N – N euro deficit 3. An altered level of alertness can include any of the
E – E tOH (alcohol)/intoxication following:
X – e X treme distracting injury(ies)
• Glasgow Coma Scale score of 14 or less
U – U nable to provide history (altered level of consciousness)
• Disorientation to person, place, time, or events
S – S pinal tenderness (midline)
• Inability to remember 3 objects at 5 minutes
• Delayed or inappropriate response to external stimuli
• Other

4. Any focal neurologic complaint (by history) or finding (on motor or sensory

5. No precise definition for distracting painful injury is possible. This includes

n FIGURE 7-9 National Emergency X-Radiography Utilization Study (NEXUS) any condition thought by the patient from a second (neck) injury. Examples

Criteria and Mnemonic. A clinical decision tool for cervical spine evaluation. Adapted may include, but are not limited to:
from Hoffman JR, Mower WR, Wolfson AB, et al. Validity of a set of clinical criteria to
rule out injury to the cervical spine in patients with blunt trauma. National Emergency • Any long bone fracture

X-Radiography Utilization Study Group. N Engl J Med 2000; 343:94–99. • A visceral injury requiring surgical consultation
• A large laceration, degloving injury, or crush injury
• Large burns
• Any other injury producing acute functional impairment Physicians may also
classify any injury as distracting if it is thought to have the potential to impair the
patient’s ability to appreciate other injuries.

There are two options for patients who require radio- graphic The open-mouth odontoid view should include the entire
evaluation of the cervical spine. In locations with available odontoid process and the right and left C1 and C2 articulations.
technology, the primary screening modality is multidetector CT
(MDCT) from the occiput to T1 with sagittal and coronal The AP view of the c-spine assists in identifying a unilateral facet
reconstructions. Where this technology is not available, plain dislocation in cases in which little or no dislocation is visible on the
radiographic films from the occiput to T1, including lateral, lateral film. When these films are of good quality and are properly
anteroposterior (AP), and open-mouth odontoid views should be interpreted, unstable cervical spine injuries can be detected with a
obtained. sensitivity of greater than 97%. A doctor qualified to interpret these
films must review the complete series of cervical spine radiographs
With plain films, the base of the skull, all seven cervical vertebrae, before the spine is considered normal. Do not remove the cervical
and the first thoracic vertebra must be visualized on the lateral view. collar until a neurologic assessment and evaluation of the c-spine,
The patient’s shoulders may need to be pulled down when obtaining including palpation of the spine with voluntary movement in all
this x-ray to avoid missing an injury in the lower cervical spine. If all planes, have been performed and found to be unconcerning or
seven cervical vertebrae are not visualized on the lateral x-ray film, without injury.
obtain a swimmer’s view of the lower cervical and upper thoracic



When the lower cervical spine is not adequately visualized on plain radiographs; however, note that MDCT has superior
the plain films or areas suspicious for injury are identified, MDCT sensitivity.
scans can be obtained. On the AP views, observe the vertical alignment of the pedicles
MDCT scans may be used instead of plain images to evaluate the and distance between the pedicles of each vertebra. Unstable
cervical spine. fractures commonly cause widening of the interpedicular distance.
It is possible for patients to have an isolated ligamentous spine The lateral films detect subluxations, compression fractures, and
injury that results in instability without an associated fracture and/or Chance fractures.
subluxation. Patients with neck pain and normal radiography
should be evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or CT scanning is particularly useful for detecting fractures of the
flexion-extension x-ray films. Flexion-extension x-rays of the posterior elements (pedicles, lamina, and spinous processes) and
cervical spine can detect occult instability or determine the stability determining the degree of canal compromise caused by burst
of a known fracture. When patient transfer is planned, spinal fractures. Sagittal and coronal reconstruction of axial CT images
imaging can be deferred to the receiving facility while maintaining should be performed.
spinal motion restriction. Under no circumstances should clinicians
force the patient’s neck into a position that elicits pain. All As with the cervical spine, a complete series of high- quality
movements must be voluntary. Obtain these films under the direct radiographs must be properly interpreted as without injury by a
supervision and control of a doctor experienced in their qualified doctor before spine precautions are discontinued. However,
interpretation. due to the possibility of pressure ulcers, do not wait for final
radiographic interpretation before removing the patient from a long
In some patients with significant soft-tissue injury, paraspinal
muscle spasm may severely limit the degree of flexion and
extension that the patient allows. MRI may be the most sensitive
tool for identifying soft- tissue injury if performed within 72 hours of
injury. However, data regarding correlation of cervical spine
An inadequate secondary • Be sure to perform a thorough
instability with positive MRI findings are lacking.
assessment results in the failure to neurological assessment
during the secondary survey
Approximately 10% of patients with a cervical spine fracture recognize a spinal cord injury,
or once life-threatening
have a second, noncontiguous vertebral column fracture. This fact particularly an incomplete spinal injuries have been managed.
warrants a complete radiographic screening of the entire spine in cord injury.

patients with a cervical spine fracture.

In the presence of neurological deficits, MRI is recommended to

Patients with a diminished level of • For these patients, perform a
detect any soft-tissue compressive lesion that cannot be detected
careful repeat assessment after
consciousness and those who
with plain films or MDCT, such as a spinal epidural hematoma or managing initial lifethreatening
traumatic herniated disk. MRI may also detect spinal cord arrive in shock are often difficult to injuries.
contusions or disruption, as well as paraspinal ligamentous and assess for the presence of spinal

soft-tissue injury. However, MRI is frequently not feasible in cord injury.

patients with hemodynamic instability. These specialized studies

should be perf- ormed at the discretion of a spine surgery

n BOX 7-1 presents guidelines for screening trauma patients with geNeRAl mANAgemeNt pitfAll
suspected spine injury.

General management of spine and spinal cord trauma includes

tHoraCiC and LUMbar spine restricting spinal motion, intravenous fluids, medications, and
transfer, if appropriate. (See Appendix G: Disability Skills .)
The indications for screening radiography of the thoracic and
lumbar spine are essentially the same as those for the cervical
spine. Where available, MDCT scanning of the thoracic and lumbar
spine can be used as the initial screening modality. Reformatted spinaL Motion restriCtion
views from the chest/abdomen/pelvis MDCT may be used. If
MDCT is unavailable, obtain AP and lateral Prehospital care personnel typically restrict the movement of the
spine of patients before transporting


142 CHAPTER 7 n Spine and Spinal Cord Trauma

box 7-1 guidelines for screening patients with suspected spine injury

Because trauma patients can have unrecognized spinal injuries, be and coronal reconstructions. When this technology is not available, lateral,
sure to restrict spinal motion until they can undergo appropriate clinical AP, and open-mouth odontoid films with CT supplementation through
examination and imaging. suspicious or poorly visualized areas are sufficient. In children, CT
supplementation is optional. If the entire c-spine can be visualized and is
found to be normal, the collar can be removed after appropriate evaluation
by a doctor skilled in evaluating and managing patients with spine injuries.
sUspeCted CerViCaL spine injUry Clearance of the c-spine is particularly important if pulmonary or other
management strategies are compromised by the inability to mobilize the
1. The presence of paraplegia or quadriplegia/tetraplegia is patient.
presumptive evidence of spinal instability.

2. Use validated clinical decision tools such as the Canadian C-Spine Rule and
NEXUS to help determine the need for radiographic evaluation and to
clinically clear the c-spine. Patients who are awake, alert, sober, and 5. When in doubt, leave the collar on.

neurologically normal, with no neck pain, midline tenderness, or a distracting

injury, are extremely unlikely to have an acute c-spine fracture or instability.
With the patient in a supine position, remove the c-collar and palpate the
sUspeCted tHoraCoLUMbar spine injUry
spine. If there is no significant tenderness, ask the patient to voluntarily move
his or her neck from side to side and flex and extend his or her neck. Never
force the patient’s neck. If there is no pain, c-spine films are not necessary, 1. The presence of paraplegia or a level of sensory loss on the chest or

and the c-collar can be safely removed. abdomen is presumptive evidence of spinal instability.

2. Patients who are neurologically normal, awake, alert, and sober, with no
significant traumatic mechanism and no midline thoracolumbar back pain
or tenderness, are unlikely to have an unstable injury. Thoracolumbar
3. Patients who do have neck pain or midline tenderness radiographs may not be necessary.
require radiographic imaging. The burden of proof is on the clinician to
exclude a spinal injury. When technology is available, all such patients
should undergo MDCT from the occiput to T1 with sagittal and coronal 3. Patients who have spine pain or tenderness on palpation, neurological

reconstructions. When technology is not available, patients should undergo deficits, an altered level of consciousness, or significant mechanism of

lateral, AP, and open-mouth odontoid x-ray examinations of the c-spine. injury should undergo screening with MDCT. If MDCT is unavailable,

Suspicious or inadequately visualized areas on the plain films may require obtain AP and lateral radiographs of the entire thoracic and lumbar spine. All

MDCT. C-spine films should be assessed for: images must be of good quality and interpreted as normal by a qualified
doctor before discontinuing spine precautions.

• bony deformity/fracture of the vertebral body or processes

4. For all patients in whom a spine injury is detected or suspected,
consult with doctors who are skilled in evaluating and managing
• loss of alignment of the posterior aspect of the vertebral bodies
patients with spine injuries.
(anterior extent of the vertebral canal)
• increased distance between the spinous processes at one level 5. Quickly evaluate patients with or without neurological deficits (e.g.,
quadriplegia/tetraplegia or paraplegia) and remove them from the

• narrowing of the vertebral canal backboard as soon as possible. A patient who is allowed to lie on a hard
board for more than 2 hours is at high risk for pressure ulcers.
• increased prevertebral soft-tissue space

If these films are normal, the c-collar may be removed to obtain flexion and
6. Trauma patients who require emergency surgery before a complete workup
extension views. A qualified clinician may obtain lateral cervical spine films
of the spine can be accomplished should be transported carefully,
with the patient voluntarily flexing and extending his or her neck. If the films
assuming that an unstable spine injury is present. Leave the c-collar in
show no subluxation, the patient’s c-spine can be cleared and the c-collar
place and logroll the patient to and from the operating table. Do not leave
removed. However, if any of these films are suspicious or unclear, replace
the patient on a rigid backboard during surgery. The surgical team should
the collar and consult with a spine specialist.
take particular care to protect the neck as much as possible during the
operation. The anesthesiologist should be informed of the status of the
4. Patients who have an altered level of consciousness or are unable to
describe their symptoms require imaging. Ideally, obtain MDCT from the
occiput to T1 with sagittal



them to the ED. Prevent spinal movement of any patient with a in a position of comfort, with movement of the spine restricted.
suspected spine injury above and below the suspected injury site Similarly, a cervical collar may not fit obese patients, so use
until a fracture is excluded. This is accomplished simply by laying bolsters to support the neck. Supplemental padding is often
the patient supine without rotating or bending the spinal column on necessary. Attempts to align the spine to aid restriction of motion
a firm surface with a properly sized and placed rigid cervical collar. on the backboard are not recommended if they cause pain.
Remember to maintain spinal motion restriction until an injury is
excluded. Occasionally patients present to the ED without a A semirigid collar does not ensure complete motion restriction of
c-collar, in which case the treating physician should follow clinical the cervical spine. Supplementation with bolsters and straps to the
decision-making guidelines to determine the need for cervical spine long spine board is more effective. However, the use of long spine
imaging and rigid collar placement. boards is recommended for extrication and rapid patient movement
( see EMS Spinal Precautions and the use of the Long Backboard:
Position Statement by the National Association of EMS Physicians
and American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma ).
Clinicians should not attempt to reduce an obvious deformity.
Children may have torticollis, and elderly patients may have severe
degenerative spine disease that causes them to have a The logroll maneuver is performed to evaluate the patient’s spine
nontraumatic kyphotic deformity of the spine. Such patients should and remove the long spine board while limiting spinal movement. ( n FIGURE
be left 7-10 ; also see



n FIGURE 7-10 Four-Person Logroll. At least four people are needed for logrolling a patient to remove a spine board and/or examine the back. A. One person stands at the
patient’s head to control the head and c-spine, and two are along the patient’s sides to control the body and extremities. B. As the patient is rolled, three people maintain
alignment of the spine while C. the fourth person removes the board and examines the back. D. Once the board is removed, three people return the patient to the supine
position while maintaining alignment of the spine.


144 CHAPTER 7 n Spine and Spinal Cord Trauma

Logroll video on MyATLS mobile app ). The team leader determines

when in resuscitation and management of the patient this teAmwoRk
procedure should be performed. One person is assigned to restrict
motion of the head and neck. Other individuals positioned on the
same side of the patient’s torso manually prevent segmental • The trauma team must ensure adequate spinal motion
rotation, flexion, extension, lateral bending, or sagging of the chest restriction during the primary and secondary surveys, as
or abdomen while transferring the patient. Another person is well as during transport of patients with proven or
responsible for moving the patient’s legs, and a fourth person suspected spinal injury.
removes the backboad and examines the back.

• As long as the patient’s spine is protected, a detailed

examination can safely be deferred until the patient is
intraVenoUs FLUids • Although there are often many competing clinical
interests, the trauma team must ensure that a complete
If active hemorrhage is not detected or suspected, persistent
and adequate examination of the spine is performed. The
hypotension should raise the suspicion of neurogenic shock.
team leader should decide the appropriate time for this
Patients with hypovolemic shock usually have tachycardia,
whereas those with neuro- genic shock classically have
bradycardia. If the patient’s blood pressure does not improve after
a fluid challenge, and no sites of occult hemorrhage are found, the
judicious use of vasopressors may be indicated. Phenylephrine
hydrochloride, dopamine, or norepinephrine is recommended. chApteR summARy
Overzealous fluid administration can cause pulmonary edema in
patients with neurogenic shock. If the patient’s fluid status is
uncertain, ultrasound estimation of volume status or invasive 1. The spinal column consists of cervical, thoracic, and lumbar
monitoring may be helpful. Insert a urinary catheter to monitor vertebrae. The spinal cord con- tains three important tracts:
urinary output and prevent bladder distention. the corticospinal tract, the spinothalamic tract, and the dor- sal

2. Attend to life-threatening injuries first, mini- mizing movement

of the spinal column. Restrict the movement of the patient’s
MediCations spine until vertebral fractures and spinal cord injuries have
been excluded. Obtain early consultation with a neurosurgeon
There is insufficient evidence to support the use of steroids in and/or orthopedic surgeon whenever a spinal injury is
spinal cord injury. suspected or detected.

3. Document the patient’s history and physical examination to
When necessary, patients with spine fractures or neurological establish a baseline for any changes in the patient’s
deficit should be transferred to a facility capable of providing neurological status.
definitive care. (See Chapter 13: Transfer to Definitive Care and Criteria
for Interhospital Transfer on MyATLS mobile app. ) The safest 4. Obtain images, when indicated, as soon as life- threatening
procedure is to transfer the patient after consultation with the injuries are managed.
accepting trauma team leader and/or a spine specialist. Stabilize
the patient and apply the necessary splints, backboard, and/or 5. Spinal cord injuries may be complete or in- complete and may
semirigid cervical collar. involve any level of the spinal cord.

Remember, cervical spine injuries above C6 can result in partial or

total loss of respiratory function. If there is any concern about the 6. When necessary, transfer patients with vertebral fractures or
adequacy of ventilation, intubate the patient before transfer. Always spinal cord injuries to a facility capable of providing definitive
avoid unnecessary delay. care as quickly and safely as possible.



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