Anda di halaman 1dari 4

1. Gambar dan jelaskan Anatomi Mata.

2. Fisiology melihat
- Lights bounce of objects as photons and photons then travel to the eyes
- Lens will cause to the light to bend (refracts to the back of the retina towards the fovea)
- Fovea then send this iinformation towards the brain and it wll form an image
o There are two types of photo receptors, the rods and the cones
 Rod-white and black colors
 Cones- color
- Rods and cones first receive the lights and then passes it on to bipolar cells whiich then relay the signal
to the ganglion cells which then forms the optic nerve

3. Apa Refraksi Anomali itu ?

- Refraksi anomali terjadi saat bentuk mata mencegah cahaya untuk fokus langsung ke retina dan ini
biasanya menghasilkan penglihatan kabur.
o Tipe tipe yang paling umum
 Myopia- nearsightedness
 Hyperopia- farsightedness
 Astigmatism- cornea ato lensa yg berbentuk tidak benar( tdak berbentuk bulat
sempurna), jadii bikin objek terlihat buram pada jarak apa pun
 Presbyopia- terjadi saat orang menjadi lebih tua (40 an), lensanya menjadi kaku jadii
tidak bisa berganti bentuk dengan gampang jadi tidak bisa fokus pada objek yang jarak
 Aphakia – tidak ada lensa karena cacat saat lahir, cedera atau operasi.

4. sebutkan penyebab kebutaan terbanyak di Indonesia.

- Kataract
- Glaukoma
- Diabetik retinopathy

lalu jelaskan:

* apa yg kauketahui tentang CATARACT

- Cataract adalah ketika lensa mata kita yang harusnya jernih berubah menjadi keruh sehingga saat cahaya
melewati lensa ini, cahaya tidak bisa berfokus jelas pada retina dan ini menyeebab kan vision kta
menjadi buram
o Penyebab utama adalah usia dan biasanya di mulai pada usia 40 karena ini lah saat protein di lensa
kita mulai rusak.
 Penyebab lain
 Diabetes, terlalu lama dii bawah matahari tanpa kaca mata hitam


* Kebutaan KORNEA

5. Apa saja Penyakit Systemis yg paling sering berkomplikasi pada mata? cetitakan singkat.
- Diabetic retinopathy and macular edema
- Hypertension
- Rheumatoid arthritis

6. Algorithma Mata Merah

7. Trauma kimia Asam dan Basa. mana yg lebih berbahaya dan bagaimana managementny

- Akali burns are more dangerous because akali chemical that have high ph penetrate the surface of the
eye and cause injury to both external and internal structures
o Acid do not penetrate intoo the eye as much as akali (exception is hydrofluric acid burn)
 Acid usually only damage the very front of the eyes
- Management
o Irigatiion wiith sterile saline solution or cold tap water
o For grade 1
 Mild topical antibiiotic ointment (bacitracin or erthromycin) + artificical tear
 Topical sterooid – predniisoolone acetate
o Grade 2-4
 Topical prednislone acetate 1%
 Broad spectrum antibiotic- fluooroquinolone
 Doxycycline to reduce risk f corneal melting

8. apa bedanya Hordeolum dan Chalazion

- Chalazia and hordeola(styes) are sudden onset of localized swelling of the eyelid
- Chalazion is caused by non infectiious meibomian gland occlusion
o Over time it becomes small non tender nodule in the eyelid center
- Hordeolum
o a small, red, painful lump that grows from the base of your eyelash or under the eyelid. Most styes are
caused by a bacterial infection.
o There are two kinds of styes:
 External hordeolum: A stye that begins at the base of your eyelash. caused by an infection in the
hair follicle. It might look like a pimple.
 Internal hordeolum: A stye inside your eyelid. caused by an infection in an oil-producing gland in
your eyelid.
o is caused by infection typically staphyloccocal
 Remains painful and localiizes in the eyelid margin

9. Terangkan tentang AIR MATA

10. Apa akibat deffisiensy vit A pada anak.

- Vit A deficiency is the leading causes of preventable blindness in children

o Early signs included nyctalopia(night blindness)
o Dry eyes (xeropthalmia)

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