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Perangkat Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar

Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan

Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal

Program Tahunan
Program Semester
Rincian Minggu Efektif
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : XII
Semester : 1
Tahun Ajaran : 2008 – 2009

Nama :
Unit Kerja :

MENTARI/PKBM/1/08-09 1 Graha Pustaka

Satuan Pendidikan : SMK
Kelas/Semester : XII/1
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Tahun Ajaran : 2008 - 2009

Standar Kompetensi: 3. Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate

Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal

Kriteria Penetapan Ketuntasan
No Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator
Kompleksitas Daya Dukung Intake KKM
1. 3.1 Memahami monolog yang
muncul pada situasi kerja
3.2 Memahami percakapan terbatas
dengan penutur asli
3.3 Menyajikan laporan
3.4 Memaharni manual penggunaan

- Memahami berbagai macam

monolog yang mungkin terjadi pada
situasi kerja tertentu
- Memahami percakapan dengan
penutur asli
- Memahami pembuatan laporan
- Memahami teks prosedur
- Mempraktikkan manual guide

Catatan: poin kriteria penetapan ketuntasan diisi guru masing-masing sesuai KKM yang akan dicapai di tingkat sekolahnya

…………………………. 2008
Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran


MENTARI/PKBM/1/08-09 2 Graha Pustaka

Satuan Pendidikan : SMK
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XII/1
Tahun Ajaran : 2008 - 2009

Semester No. Materi Pokok/Kompetensi Dasar Alokasi Waktu Keterangan

1 1. Monologue Which Raise in Work Situation 16 JP
3.1 Memahami monolog yang muncul pada situasi kerja

2. Limited Dialogue With Native Speaker 16 JP

3.2 Memahami percakapan terbatas dengan penutur

3. Presenting Report 20 JP
3.3 Menyajikan laporan

4. Manual Device 20 JP
3.4 Memaharni manual penggunaan peralatan

Jumlah 72 JP
2 5. 3.5 Memaharni surat-surat bisnis sederhana 32 JP

6. 3.6 Memahami dokumen-dokumen teknis 32 JP

Jumlah 64 JP

…………………………. 2008
Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran


MENTARI/PKBM/1/08-09 3 Graha Pustaka

Satuan Pendidikan : SMK
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XII/1
Tahun Ajaran : 2008 - 2009

Materi Pokok/ Jml
No. Juli Agustus September Oktober November Desember Januari Ket.
Kompetensi Dasar Jam
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
1 Monologue Which 16 x x x x
Raise in Work
- Memahami
monolog yang
muncul pada
situasi kerja

Persiapan penerimaan Rapor

2 Limited Dialogue 16 x x x x
With Native
- Memahami
terbatas dengan
penutur asli
3. Presenting Report 20 x x x x x
- Menyajikan
4. Manual Device 20 x x x x x
- Memaharni

Jumlah 72


: Liburan awal puasa dan hari raya Idul Fitri : Ulangan semester 1

: Kegiatan tengah semester : Libur semester 1

: Latihan ulangan umum semester 1 (cadangan)

Mengetahui …………………………. 2008

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran


MENTARI/PKBM/1/08-09 4 Graha Pustaka


Satuan Pendidikan : SMK

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XII/1
Tahun Ajaran : 2008 - 2009

I. Jumlah minggu dalam semester 1

No. Bulan Jumlah Minggu
1. Juli 3
2. Agustus 4
3. September 4
4. Oktober 5
5. November 4
6. Desember 5
7. Januari 2
Jumlah Total 27

II. Jumlah minggu tidak efektif dalam semester 1

No. Kegiatan Jumlah Minggu
1. Kegiatan tengah semester 1
2. Libur awal bulan puasa dan idul fitri 3
3. Latihan Ulangan Umum semester 1 (cadangan) 1
4. Ulangan Umum semester 1 1
5. Persiapan penerimaan rapor 1
6. Libur semester 1 2

Jumlah Total 9

III. Jumlah minggu efektif dalam semester 1

Jumlah minggu dalam semester 1 – jumlah minggu tidak efektif dalam semester 1
= 27 minggu – 9 minggu
= 18 minggu efektif

…………………………. 2008
Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran


MENTARI/PKBM/1/08-09 5 Graha Pustaka


Satuan Pendidikan : SMK

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Program : XII
Semester :1

STANDAR KOMPETENSI: 3. Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate



-Memahami Tema 1 1. Melalui informasi -Memahami

monolog yang -Advertisement memahami berbagai macam berbagai Jenis: 72 x 45’ Sumber:
muncul pada cara peru-sahaan melakukan macam  
situasi kerja -Report monolog kepada pihak lain monolog Kuis Buku
tertentu -Announcement dlam bentuk iklan, laporan yang  Paket
- Memahami -Suffix dan pengumuman mungkin Tugas 
percakapan 2. Melalui informasi dan terjadi pada Individ Buku
terbatas Tema 2 diskusi memahami langkah- situasi kerja u referensi
denganpenutu -Reservation langkah membuat kata tertentu  lain yang
r asli -Arrangement berimbuhan -Memahami Tugas relevan
- Menyajikan 3. Melalui praktik percakapan Kelom- 
laporan memahami dan menirukan dengan pok Media
- Memaharni cara melafal-kan ungkapan penutur asli  cetak
manual -Conditional Type reservasi, pembatalan, -Memahami Uji
penggunaan 2 (Improbable membuat perjanjian dan pembuatan Kompe
peralatan Condition) penanganan telepon di laporan -tensi
-Conditional Type perusahaan dengan tepat tertulis
3 4. Melalui tanya jawab -Memahami Bentuk
-Subjunctive wish mema-hami cara teks prosedur Instrume
menggunakan dan membuat -Mempraktikka n:
Tema 3 conditional sen-tences n manual  T
-Prakerin 5. Melalui informasi dan guide es
praktik memahami cara Tertulis
Tema 4 membuat laporan tertulis PG
6. Melalui tanya jawab  T
dan diskusi memahami cara es
menggunakan peralatan Tertulis
tertentu dengan membaca isian
petunjuknya  T

…………………………. 2008

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran


MENTARI/PKBM/1/08-09 6 Graha Pustaka

NO. 1

Sekolah : SMK
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XII/1
Kegiatan Belajar ke- : 1 s.d. 8
Alokasi waktu : 16 jam pelajaran (8 x kegiatan belajar)

Standar Kompetensi :
- Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate
Kompetensi Dasar :
- Memahami monolog yang muncul pada situasi kerja tertentu
Indikator :
- Memahami berbagai macam monolog yang mungkin terjadi pada situasi kerja tertentu
Mempraktikkan manual guide
I. Tujuan Pembelajaran
- Siswa dapat memahami monolog yang muncul pada situasi kerja tertentu
II. Materi Ajar
Kegiatan Belajar Ke-1 s.d. 8

Advertisement is a written communication to promote things on service that advertised in a mass media like newspaper,
magazine, TV, or radio. From advertisement we can get or buy what we need easily.
The advertisement after:
- Job vacancies
- Products
- Places
- Food and baverage
- Entertainments
An advertisement uses a clear statement, but a simple one and usually use some interesting persuations to make the
costumer’s interested in what something advertised.
Report is one of written communication which describes the whole things are with reference to arrange of natural, man
made and social phenomena in our environment.
Announcement is a set of information to the readers are someone deals with. It contains something should be paid
more attention. It’s usually read written and sticked on certain place, so the reader can hear or read it easily and they can
decide what they should do best after heard or read it they can think what should do and may be to remind or motive the
readers or audiences about something.
1. Suffixes to form noun
2. Suffixes to form adjective
3. Suffixes to form: verb (from noun to verb)

III. Metode Pembelajaran

Diskusi kelompok, tanya jawab, penugasan, inkuiri, dan proyek
IV. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Belajar Ke-1 s.d. 8
Kegiatan awal
1. Siswa diberi pemahaman terhadap setiap aspek kebahasaan dengan fungsinya masing-masing
Memotivasi akan pentingnya menguasai materi ini dengan baik, untuk membantu siswa dalam memahami berbagai
macam cara yang digunakan perusahaan dalam melaksanakan komunikasi dengan pihak luar
Kegiatan Inti
1. Dengan berdialog dan berdiskusi, siswa diajak memahami berbagai cara komunikasi perusahaan dengan pihak luar
dengan cara monolog
2. Dengan metode inkuiri, melalui contoh memahami cara membuat kata jadian dengan imbuhan yang banar
3. Dengan berdiskusi dan praktik siswa diajak memahami dan menunjukkan cara melafalkan kata atau kalimat dengan
tepat serta mempelajari fonem
4. Siswa mengerjakan tugas latihan soal-soal tentang tema terkait pada buku LKS dan buku penunjang lainnya
Kegiatan akhir
1. Dengan bimbingan guru siswa diminta untuk membuat rangkuman materi
2. Siswa dan guru melakukan refleksi

MENTARI/PKBM/1/08-09 7 Graha Pustaka

3. Guru memberikan tugas rumah (PR)
V. Alat/Bahan/Sumber Belajar
1. Alat/Bahan :
- artikel, laboratorium bahasa, dan buku penunjang yang lain
2. Sumber belajar :
- Buku paket
- Buku lain yang relevan (LKS)
VI. Penilaian Hasil Belajar
1. Teknik/jenis : kuis dan tugas individu
2. Bentuk instrumen: tes tertulis dan tes lisan
3. Instrumen/soal:

You will hear a short advertisement, listen carefully than choose the correct answer!
1. What kind of advertisement is it? It is a about ....
a. product c. entertainment
b. service d. job vacancy
2. How many kind of work can be handled?
a. 3 c. 4
b. 4 d. 6
3. When you need this advertisement, you can connect it by ....
a. face of face c. phone
b. door to door d. writing letter
4. Who offers the advertisement?
a. Agas Cell c. Pratama Cell
b. Revo Cell d. Handphone Cell
5. The persuation sentences in this advertisement is ....
a. for maintenance c. Revo Celluler
b. accesories collections d. we are the best service
1. Erwin : The new teacher comes from North Sumatra, doesn’t she?
Anggre: ....
a. Yes, I hope so c. Yes, she does e. Yes, I think
b. Yes, it certainly is d. Sure, she is
2. Wawan : What food do you eat everyday?
Kinar : ....
a. I can’t eat meat everyday. c. I eat three times a day. e. She always eats rice.
b. I eat rice everyday. d. Yes, I eat everyday.
3. Satria : How much does the horse cost?
The man : ....
a. There are two horses in the stable d. The horses stable is clean
b. It’s two million rupiahs e. The horses in the stable
c. The cost of living is very high
4. Sati : How many siblings do you have?
Yudi : ....
a. I am the only son in my family d. My parents are not at home
b. My sister is a university student e. My father is a teacher
c. I have no idea with that
Read the following text, then choose the correct answer a, b, c, d, or e!
One of the most important facilities for tourist is hotel. Hotels are very important because they are places where the
tourist can spend the night and rest. The tourist do not want to go the places where there are no hotels. Hotels are the
second home for the tourist. They want to stay in good hotels but don’t like to pay expensive rent. Many big cities in
Indonesia, like Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya. Yogyakarta and Denpasar have international hotel. Many tourists sleep in
those hotels. The good hotels help to invinte the tourist to visit the areas.
1. What is the suitable title of the text?
a. The Tourists c. Important Places e. Stay in the Hotel
d. Hotels d. Spend in the Night
2. Why hotels are very important? Because ....
a. they are luxurious places. d. they are safe for tourist
b. they are expensive rent. e. they have high prestige.
c. they are places for spending the night and taking a rest.
3. How many big cities mentioned in the text? The are ... big cities.
a. A second home. c. A beautiful place. e. An antique room.
b. A luxurious place. d. An expensive home.

MENTARI/PKBM/1/08-09 8 Graha Pustaka


To : Director Arjuna Batik Industry

From : Nayshilla, Sales Manager
Date : January 25, 2007
Confidential Report on “Bhella” Branch Office
The business is executed well and the customers are served satisfactory. All transactions are noted orderly and the
financial statement is ready to examine at anytime. The prospect of our business here is very good.

1. Who is the writer of the report?

a. Director. c. Nayshilla. e. Bhella.
b. Arjuna Batik. d. Sales manager.
2. Where does the writer work for?
a. Industry. c. Bhella Branch Office. e. Batik industry.
b. Arjuna Batik Industry. d. Big factory.
Ketuntasan belajar ideal untuk setiap indikator adalah 0 – 100% dengan batas kriteria ideal minimum 75%

…………………………. 2008
Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran


MENTARI/PKBM/1/08-09 9 Graha Pustaka

NO. 2

Sekolah : SMK
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XII/1
Kegiatan Belajar ke- : 9 s.d. 16
Alokasi waktu : 16 jam pelajaran (8 x kegiatan belajar)

Standar Kompetensi :
- Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate
Kompetensi Dasar :
- Memahami percakapan terbatas denganpenutur asli
Indikator :
- Memahami percakapan dengan penutur asli
Mempraktikkan manual guide
I. Tujuan Pembelajaran
- Siswa dapat memahami percakapan terbatas denganpenutur asli
II. Materi Ajar
Kegiatan Belajar Ke-9 s.d. 16
In making reservation, use the expressions, such as:
1. I + would like to + reserve a .... to
want book for
am going
am suppose
2. Could + I reserve a .... for .... ?
Can book
3. Could I make a reservation for .... ?
In handling reservation, use the expressions, such as:
1. Accepting reservation

2. Refusing reservation
to inform you that .... have been
3. Making a certain, is only valid if you confirm at ....
your reservation
Making a complaint, use the expressions, such as:
- I want to return this .... it’s not actually what I want
- At first you sad that .... but now ....
- I’m afraid I have to make a complaint
- I must complaint about ....
- I’m afraid I have to register a complaint
Handing a complaint, use the expression such as:
- What’s wrong with it
- What’s seem to be the trouble?
- What’s trouble?
- In what way have you been dissapointed
Making arrangement the expressions use, such as
- Is + adv. of time + + for you?
- Are you free + adverb of time
1. Accepted
- Yes, I am sure I can make it

MENTARI/PKBM/1/08-09 10 Graha Pustaka

- That would be nice
- That would suit me fine
2. Refused
- I am sorry I am not available ....
- Sorry, I have much to do ....
- I am awfully sorry, but I’m busy all ....
Making confirmation the expressions such as
- I would like to confirm my ....
- I would like to confirm about my ....
It’s making apologizing for can not doing the reservation that have booked/reserved before.
The expressions use, are as follow:
- I regret to tell you that I have to cancel ....
- I am sorry that I’ll have to cancel my ....
Conditional Type 2 (Improbable Condition)
Study the following sentences!
- If it didn’t rain, I would visit my grandmother.
- If the grandchildren had enough time, they would visit their grandparents very often.
- If you came to my birthday party, I would be very happy.
- If I were not tired, I would go with you.
- If Dinda weren’t busy, she would tell you about it.
In conditional type two used read past present and it’s contrary to the statement of each clause (/sub clause). It means
- If clause negative, so the real fact is .
- If clause positive, so the real fact is negative
Conditional Type 3
Study the following sentences!
- If Sonia hadn’t invited me, I would not have come to her party.
- Intan would not have been here, if Tito had not called for her.
- Tantia would have been happy if she had found her mother.
- If Rafika had done the homework, the teacher would have been angry with her.
- If I had had much money, I would have gone around Europe.
In conditional type three used real fact past and it’s contrarery to the statements of each clause (if clause/subclause) it
means that:
- If clause negative, so the real fact past is positive
- If clause positive, so the real fact past is negative
Subjunctive wish
It’s used to say that something we regret is not as we would like to be there are three kinds of wish:
1. Future wish
Is expressed in present conditional (use: could, would)
2. Present wish
Is expressed in Past Tense (use: the second form verb/to be past)
3. Past wish
Is expressed in Past Perfect Tense (use: had + v3)
III. Metode Pembelajaran
Diskusi kelompok, tanya jawab, penugasan, inkuiri, dan proyek
IV. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Belajar Ke-9 s.d. 16
Kegiatan awal
1. Siswa diberi pemahaman terhadap setiap aspek kebahasaan dengan fungsinya masing-masing
Memotivasi akan pentingnya menguasai materi ini dengan baik, untuk membantu siswa dalam memahami bahasa Inggris
yang baik dan benar
Kegiatan Inti
1. Dengan berdialog dan berdiskusi, siswa diajak memahami cara menyimak dengan cara yang tepat
2. Dengan metode inkuiri, melalui contoh memahami cara membaca cepat dengan baik
3. Dengan berdiskusi dan praktik siswa diajak memahami dan menunjukkan cara melafalkan kata atau kalimat dengan
tepat serta mempelajari fonem
4. Siswa mengerjakan tugas latihan soal-soal tentang tema Percaya Diri pada buku LKS dan buku penunjang lainnya
Kegiatan akhir
1. Dengan bimbingan guru siswa diminta untuk membuat rangkuman materi
2. Siswa dan guru melakukan refleksi
3. Guru memberikan tugas rumah (PR)

MENTARI/PKBM/1/08-09 11 Graha Pustaka

V. Alat/Bahan/Sumber Belajar
1. Alat/Bahan :
- artikel, laboratorium bahasa, dan buku penunjang yang lain
2. Sumber belajar :
- Buku paket
- Buku lain yang relevan (LKS)
VI. Penilaian Hasil Belajar
1. Teknik/jenis : kuis dan tugas individu
2. Bentuk instrumen: tes tertulis dan tes lisan
3. Instrumen/soal:

You will hear a dialogue listen it carefully. Choose the correct answer a, b, c, d, or e!
1. Where will they take trip?
a. Bandung. b. Jakarta. c. Solo. d. Yogyakarta. e. Salatiga.
2. What is Della?
a. She is secretary d. She is guide.
b. She is an assistant e. She is a programmer.
c. She is agent’s official
3. When will they start their trip?
a. after having lunch. d. before having lunch.
b. after having bereakfast. e. before having dinner .
c. after having dinner.
4. How many tourism spot are mention in the text?
a. 4 places. b. 5 places. c. 7 places. d. 3 places. e. 6 places.
5. Where will they enjoy the Javanese dances?
a. Mataram Hotel. d. Borobudur temple.
b. Yogya Kembali Museum. e. Stage.
c. Maharani dancing club.
1. Mr. Awan : When does Mr. Gustavson predict the construction of the building will be finished?
Mr. Abas : ....
a. Out of steel and concrete. d. By well known contractor.
b. In about a month. e. It is high building.
c. Twenty milion dollars
2. Thomas : where are you staying in Paris.
Margaret : ....
a. To study French. d. To walk around the tower.
b. To look at the museum. e. At the Grand Hotel .
c. No, we are just viciting.
3. Mr. Amir : why did the board of the directors change its policy?
Mr. Nico : ....
a. Yes, the boardroom. d. He changed jobs several weeks ago.
b. Yes, they are good policy. e. There are several investors.
c. There had been too many complaints.
4. Sarmila : would you mind opening your bag so I can inspect, sir?
The man : ....
a. Not at all. d. It’s my suitcase.
b. In my suitcase. e. The suitcase is empty.
c. Next to my pasport.
An automobile is really an consumer product, that is, it is made for people to use directly, it is not used to produce
other product. A car is one of the biggest and most expensive of all consumer people make in their life. A car is very
complex piece of machinery.
1. What kind of product is an automobile?
a. Local product. d. A car.
b. Consumer product. e. An expensive product.
c. Regional product.
2. What is consumer product?
a. It is used for the consumers only. d. It is made for people to use directly.
b. It used to produce other product. e. It is used to move people and others.
c. It is made from stainless iron.
3. What is the most expensive of all the consumers product?
a. Hand phone. d. Computer and laptop.
b. Cars and houses. e. Houses equipment.
c. Daily needs.

MENTARI/PKBM/1/08-09 12 Graha Pustaka

1. The flash camera is not quite as .... as the horizon snap camera.
a. expensive c. most expensive e. too expensive
b. more expensive d. expensively
2. He was unable to .... his problem to his boss.
a. communication c. communicate e. communicating
b. communicative d. communicator
Ketuntasan belajar ideal untuk setiap indikator adalah 0 – 100% dengan batas kriteria ideal minimum 75%

…………………………. 2008
Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran


MENTARI/PKBM/1/08-09 13 Graha Pustaka

NO. 3

Sekolah : SMK
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XII/1
Kegiatan Belajar ke- : 17 s.d. 26
Alokasi waktu : 20 jam pelajaran (16 x kegiatan belajar)

Standar Kompetensi :
- Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate
Kompetensi Dasar :
- Menyajikan laporan
Indikator :
- Memahami pembuatan laporan tertulis
Mempraktikkan manual guide
I. Tujuan Pembelajaran
- Siswa dapat menyajikan laporan
III. Materi Ajar
Menyimak Lafal, Tekanan, Intonasi dan Jeda
Kegiatan Belajar Ke-17 s.d. 26

Prakerin 15 an obligation of the third year students of the vocational school which is arranged in a certain form, they are:
1. Title page
Indicate the topic of report
2. Legalization page
Indicated the person who legalize the report made in a certain institutions
3. Preface
Indicated the descriptions
4. Table of contents
There are five unit form, namely:
Unit I : Introduction, indicates
A. The reason choosing the title
B. The aims of prakerin
Unit II : Basic theory, indicates the description of the institutions, where the writer held the research or
Unit III : General description. Indicates the background or description about the title
Unit IV : Presentation indicates the description of the title. This is the real content and result of report.
Unit V : Closing, indicates
A. Summary
B. Suggestions
5. Bibliography
6. Appendix
Presenting skills of report, are:
1. How to open, use the expressions:
- Good morning ladies and gentlement
- Distinguish guest ....
- My beloved teacher ....
- Your excellency Mr. Headmaster ....
- Dear friends ....
- First of all ....
2. How to operate ideas/use
- On this occation I’d like to, ....
- Please allow me to say that ....
- I’d like to tell you something about ....
- I’m happy to inform you that ....
3. How to colaborate ideas
Be use that the ideas arrangement are in line or coherent. It should tell about:
- The aim of speech or presentation
- When it will be delivered
- In what situation
- Content must be relevan to the aim
- Make a concept of outline

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4. Closing, use:
- Finally ....
- To end up my speech I’like to say once again
- I’d like to conclude that ....
5. Use body language
Sometimes in presentation automatically our body follow to what we want to express in my heart trough the speech,
but use the body language.
- Always look audience friendly and anthusiastic
- Always have sweet face and smile
- Use moving head and arms if they are needed
6. Maintain the audiences attention
The ways are:
- Dress neatly
- Be sure about wghat you are going to
- Speak early
- Sometimes give smile or laugh or joke in squinting speech
7. Use and presentation
Choose the appropriate media of aid which you believe. They supported you delivering of presenting.
The structural of report text, are:
1. Title: indicate the topic of the reports
2. General statement: introduces the topik of the reports
3. Description:provide detail of the topic such as physical apperance, behaviour, landform and uses (typically organized
in paragraph)
III. Metode Pembelajaran
Diskusi kelompok, tanya jawab, penugasan, inkuiri, dan proyek
IV. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Belajar Ke-17 s.d. 26
Kegiatan awal
1. Siswa diberi pemahaman terhadap setiap aspek kebahasaan dengan fungsinya masing-masing
Memotivasi akan pentingnya menguasai materi ini dengan baik, untuk membantu siswa dalam memahami bahasa Inggris
yang baik dan benar
Kegiatan Inti
1. Dengan berdialog dan berdiskusi, siswa diajak memahami cara membuat laporan dengan tertulis dan lisan
2. Dengan metode inkuiri, melalui contoh memahami cara membuat laporan dengan baik dengan baik
3. Dengan berdiskusi dan praktik siswa diajak memahami cara membuat laporan dengan cara yang sesuai dengan
kaidah yang baik.
4. Siswa mengerjakan tugas latihan soal-soal tentang tema terkait pada buku LKS dan buku penunjang lainnya
Kegiatan akhir
1. Dengan bimbingan guru siswa diminta untuk membuat rangkuman materi
2. Siswa dan guru melakukan refleksi
3. Guru memberikan tugas rumah (PR)
V. Alat/Bahan/Sumber Belajar
1. Alat/Bahan :
- artikel, laboratorium bahasa, dan buku penunjang yang lain
2. Sumber belajar :
- Buku paket
- Buku lain yang relevan (LKS)
VI. Penilaian Hasil Belajar
1. Teknik/jenis : kuis dan tugas individu
2. Bentuk instrumen: tes tertulis dan tes lisan
3. Instrumen/soal:
1. This speech is delivered among ....
a. the classmates d. the students and parents
b. the friends e. the students and headmaster
c. the students
2. The speech is about ....
a. celebrating anniversary of the publishing company
b. celebrating the gold marriage
c. celebrating the silver marriage
d. celebrating engagement
e. celebrating the birthday party
3. The opening part of speech is ....
a. we all love you d. good evening my beloved friends
b. I’d like to express my hapiness e. on behalf my friends
c. so allow me, please

MENTARI/PKBM/1/08-09 15 Graha Pustaka

4. Desta: when was the speech delivered?
Nadia: it was delivered.
a. in the night d. in the morning
b. in the afternoon e. in the evening
c. at noon
5. Rana : ....
Ludi : Bella, I mean Isabella.
a. what speech is it d. what a nice party is
b. whose party is it e. what is she
c. is it you friend
Give the response for the following the questions. Choose a, b, c, d, or e!
1. Mr. Andika : Have they delivered our lunch yet?
Dwiki : ....
a. I ordered beef steak d. I like chiken
b. We want to have soup e. On Monday
c. Yes. Its here
2. Arman : When did you begin your new job?
Zanuar : ....
a. at nine o’clock every morning d. in the evening
b. three weeks ago e. by motorcycle
c. a sales associate
3. Dandy : What was the loud noise I just heard?
Asri : ....
a. Yes, I think it was. d. She is my friend.
b. No, cameras are not. e. I don’t know.
c. It’s allowed my camera.
4. Zaskia : When will my loundry be ready?
Mrs. Kartika : ....
a. In about two hours. d. They are clean.
b. Two dollars a shirt. e. It’s save.
c. I’he already cut it.
5. Mr. Boby : Who will go with you on the business trip?
Mr. Bondan : ....
a. By train. d. Mrs. Preston .
b. In Jakarta. e. Next week.
c. The Excaliber Hotel.
Many office workers dream of their way of working up to the top for the purpose of getting better life, from messenger
to president of the corporation. The way lies trough middle management position. The middle management includes
junior executives, who may fill specialized jobs, supervise other workers, recommend action to the top management or
see hat the company’s policies are being carried out.
The top are the senior executives.
1. What do many office workers dream of?
a. To be rich workers. d. Get much money.
b. Save in working. e. Get many friends.
c. Their working up to the top.
2. Here does person rise to the top in a company?
a. From the secretary. d. Election.
b. From the messenger to president. e. Voting.
c. From a clerk.
3. What may junior executive do?
a. Making decision. d. Making policies.
b. Leading the meeting. e. Selling the produce.
c. Supervising the workers.
4. Who as at the top?
a. Director. d. Messenger.
b. Te workers. e. The senior executive.
c. Junior executive.
5. What does the purpose of the workers dream?
a. Be a brave man. d. Getting better life.
b. Be a successful man. e. Developing the company.
c. Getting many relations working.
1. We open it by saying in delivering a presentation ....
a. Good morning everybody. d. Good morning, how are you?
b. Hello everybody. e. Good morning my beloved friends.
c. Good morning, dear.

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2. The following are the opening expression of presentation, except ....
a. Gear friend. d. Good morning my teachers.
b. Good morning my beloved friends. e. Good morning my beloved teacher.
c. Good morning ladies and gentlemen.
3. I’m very pleased to meet you, has the same meaning with the expression ....
a. Very well, thank you. d. I’m happy to have you here.
b. Not so bad, thanks. e. Pretty well, thanks.
c. I’m fine thanks.
4. The expressions used to inform the purpose the presentation here is ....
a. Finally d. On this occasion I’d like to
b. I’m very happy to see you e. I’d like to conclude that
c. Good morning me beloved friends
Ketuntasan belajar ideal untuk setiap indikator adalah 0 – 100% dengan batas kriteria ideal minimum 75%

…………………………. 2008
Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran


MENTARI/PKBM/1/08-09 17 Graha Pustaka

NO. 4

Sekolah : SMK
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XII/1
Kegiatan Belajar ke- : 27 s.d. 36
Alokasi waktu : 20 jam pelajaran (16 x kegiatan belajar)

Standar Kompetensi :
- Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate
Kompetensi Dasar :
- Memaharni manual penggunaan peralatan
Indikator :
- Memahami teks prosedur
Mempraktikkan manual guide
I. Tujuan Pembelajaran
- Siswa dapat memaharni manual penggunaan peralatan
II. Materi Ajar
Manual Instruction
Kegiatan Belajar Ke-27 s.d. 36
It’s an activity that is use the human arms to operate or thing or device.
To operate thing or device we need instruction that is called procedure.
Use the step with:
First ....
Next ....
Then ....
Finally ....
You can check the person’s understanding as you describle the steps with OK!
If the response is OK, I see, allright, that means he/she understand that instruction.
1. When the defrost the freezer
When the surface of the freezer is frosted about 3 mm thick, start the
defrosting operation.
2. How to defrost the freezer
When your desive to defrost the freezer press the defrost button.
The frost will break and water will flow down into evaporating point to
automatically evaporate, upon completion of the defrosting operation
the button will release itself, and the cooling operation will be resumed.
III. Metode Pembelajaran
Diskusi kelompok, tanya jawab, penugasan, inkuiri, dan proyek
IV. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Belajar Ke-27 s.d. 36
Kegiatan Awal
1. Siswa diberi pemahaman terhadap setiap aspek kebahasaan dengan fungsinya masing-masing
Memotivasi akan pentingnya menguasai materi ini dengan baik, untuk membantu siswa dalam memahami bahasa Inggris
yang baik dan benar
Kegiatan Inti
1. Dengan berdialog dan berdiskusi, siswa diajak memahami cara mengikuti prosedur manual
2. Dengan metode inkuiri, melalui contoh memahami cara melakukan sesuatu berdasarkan petunjuk tertulis
3. Dengan berdiskusi dan praktik siswa diajak memahami dan menunjukkan cara mempraktikkan manual guide
4. Siswa mengerjakan tugas latihan soal-soal tentang tema terkaiy pada buku LKS dan buku penunjang lainnya
Kegiatan Akhir
1. Dengan bimbingan guru siswa diminta untuk membuat rangkuman materi
2. Siswa dan guru melakukan refleksi
3. Guru memberikan tugas rumah (PR)
V. Alat/Bahan/Sumber Belajar
1. Alat/Bahan :
- artikel, laboratorium bahasa, dan buku penunjang yang lain
2. Sumber belajar :
- Buku paket

MENTARI/PKBM/1/08-09 18 Graha Pustaka

- Buku lain yang relevan (LKS)
VI. Penilaian Hasil Belajar
1. Teknik/jenis : kuis dan tugas individu
2. Bentuk instrumen: tes tertulis dan tes lisan
3. Instrumen/soal:
You will hear a dialogue, listen carefully and then choose the correct answer!
1. Who has trouble?
a. PIN. c. Officer.
b. ATM booth. d. Bank costumer.
2. What’s the trouble?
a. Use ATM card. c. Lost of PIN number.
b. Miss transaction. d. Make ATM card.
3. How often did she try to use the ATM card?
a. Twice. c. Second.
b. Three times. d. First.
4. The with draw is from ....
a. ATM booth c. PIN
b. transaction menu d. ATM card
5. How many steps does the customer use to with draw the money? There are ... steps.
a. five c. four
b. six d. three
Observe the following picture. The teacher will read the descriptions of each. Choose the
1. Mr. Madi : Has the director already left?
Mrs. Rahma : ....
a. Its on the right actually. d. Yes, next week.
b. Yes, he had an appoinment. e. Its time to go home.
c. Yes, in three months.
2. Rima : How long do you think the staff meeting will last?
Jaka : ....
a. In the conference room. d. All the members.
b. All the staff in our department . e. An hour at the most.
c. Only the secretary.
3. Satya : Would you like to order a calender for next your?
Budi : ....
a. Thanks, but I already have one. d. Twelve months.
b. Yes, they can. e. In the new year.
c. Except for December.
4. Mike : What do you think I should wear to the party?
Aldo : ....
a. A nice gift. c. A suit and tie. e. A nice meal.
b. A car. d. A big box.
5. Miranda : Shall we sends you a reminder for you next dental appointment?
Natasya : ....
a. No, I can’t remember. d. Yes, that would be helpful.
b. No, I’d like complete set. e. Yes, I think you’re right.
c. No, I must go now.
Softwind’s technical support stuff provide free telephone assistance to regretted softwind users. In order to receive
this free assistance you must first regester your product with softwind. To do this, fill in the enclosed registration card,
including the name of the retail outlet. Where you purchased this product. Softwind will then send you a personal
identification number (PIN), with must be supplied to support staff whenever you request assistance. Registering your
product will also enable us to send you timely information on updates and future releases. Before calling technical
support, please try to find the answer to the question in the hand book that accompanies this product. In particular,
we recommend that you check the section on frequently asked questions that begin on page 286.
1. Who were these instructions written for?
a. Technical support staff. c. Softwind costumers. e. Softwind company.
b. Softwind engineer. d. Retail sales personal.
2. What information is necessary in order to regester this product?
a. The user’s personal identification number.
b. The name of the store that sold the product.
c. The user’s telephone number.
d. The date of future release.
e. The user’s forwarding address.
3. How can you receive a PIN?
a. By requesting one from support staff. d. By buying a new product.
b. By telephoning technical support. e. By mailing registration card.
c. By signing up for one at a retail outlet.

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1. We have some friends .... live on Jl. Kartini.
a. who c. which e. whose
b. whom d. what
2. If the phone .... will you answer it, please?
a. ring c. ringing e. rings
b. to ring d. rang
3. I’m interested in .... a poem.
a. write c. writes e. to write
b. wrote d. writing

Ketuntasan belajar ideal untuk setiap indikator adalah 0 – 100% dengan batas kriteria ideal minimum 75%

…………………………. 2008
Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran


MENTARI/PKBM/1/08-09 20 Graha Pustaka

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