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1. Sampling
2. Sampel
3. Metoda Preparasi
4. Peralatan Praktikum
5. Glossary
6. Morfologi Foraminifera
7. Kunci Identifikasi Genus dan Species Plangton Umur Plistosen - Resen
8. Kunci Identifikasi Genus dan Species Plangton Umur Kenozoikum
9. Kunci Identifikasi Genus dan Species Plangton Umur Mesozoikum
10. Kisaran umur beberapa marker plangton
11. Kunci Identifikasi Genus Bentonik
12. Diskripsi beberapa genus foraminifera plangton
13. Diskripsi beberapa genus foraminifera bentonik yang kosmopolitan di endapan Neogen
14. Foram Besar
15. Kisaran umur beberapa marker foram besar
16. Kunci Identifikasi Genus Kelompok Fusulinid.
17 Penyajian data
18. Interpretasi umur
19. Interpretasi lingkungan pengendapan
21. Non-Foram
22. Accessory Mineral

Dirangkum oleh: Khoiril Anwar M

Lab. Mikropaleontologi, Jurusan Teknik Geologi ITB

Panduan praktikum ini merupakan penjelasan singkat tentang parameter-parameter yang digunakan untuk
mengidentifikasi/mengklasifikasi atau mendiskripsi genus atau species foraminifera serta pedoman dalam
menginterpretasi umur dan lingkungan pengendapan berdasarkan foraminifera.

1. Sampling
Sistematika pengambilan sampel untuk analisa fosil foraminifera secara umum ada dua cara yaitu :
a. spot sampling;
b. sistematis sampling.
Sampel bisa berasal dari permukaan (surface outcrop) atau dari hasil pemboran.

2. Sampel
Ada empat macam sampel yang dikenal yaitu:
- Outcrop (sampel lapangan)
- dicth cutting )
- sidewall core (swc) ) dari hasil pemboran
- Core )

Masalah dalam interpretasi dapat disebabkan adanya fosil yang tidak in situ bisa karena reworked
(rombakan) atau displace/contaminant . Beberapa hal yang dapat menyebabkan kontaminasi adalah:
a. caving: yaitu material yang berasal dari lapisan yang lebih tinggi dalam suatu sumur pemboran, material
tersebut dapat dikenali dari ciri litologi yang sama yang telah terlihat diatasnya dalam satu sumur.
b. Recirculation: recirculation ini terjadi akibat adanya material/microfossil dari batuan yang telah dibor yang
kemudian ikut masuk kembali ke sumur bersama aliran lumpur pemboran dan kemudian berkontaminasi
dengan sampel yang ada.
c. Lost circulation material : kontaminasi berasal dari material pengisi rongga sumur pada waktu terjadi lost
d. Cement: semen untuk casing juga dapat mengandung foram yang dapat mengakibatkan kontaminasi
e. Drilling mud

Dari empat macam sjenis sampel dicth cutting merupakan sampel yang mempunyai karakter yang berbeda
(banyak mengandung contaminat) sehingga berbeda pula dalam interpretasinya. Sampel dari outcrop, swc
atau core akan memberikan gambaran lebih baik mengenai assosiasi fosil yang sebenarnya (in situ)
dibanding ditch cutting.
Jenis litologi juga harus diperhatikan dalam interpretasi, misal batupasir dilihat dari mekanisme
sedimentasinya jenis batuan ini merupakan hasil tranportasi, sehingga fosil yang berasosiasi dengan
batupasir harus dilihat dengaan hati-hati.

3. Metoda Preparasi
The techniques used to prepare and concentrate samples for examination vary according to rock type
(composition and grain size), how hard or resistant the sediment or rock is, how abundant the foraminifera
are, and how they are preserved within the sediment matrix. The discussions that follow focus on sediment
types that can be disaggregated in order to free the foraminiferal tests. This would include sands, silts and
clays, and the rock types produced when these sediments are hardened (sandstones, siltstones and shales,
respectively). For the hard limestone usually can be examination using thin section.
Foraminifera can be recovered from bulk sediment samples, although their presence or absence in any given
sample often cannot be established until after processing. The sampling strategy is simply to collect bags of
sediments/sedimentary rocks that can later be broken down and processed for foraminifera. Another
approach is to process sediment contained within larger fossils that one might collect. For example, the fossil
shells of marine snails and clams are often filled with the same sediment that surrounds them. Processing
these sediment fillings may yield foraminifera. Processing samples in the laboratory will require a source of
running water, a sieve, a funnel and some filter paper, and perhaps detergents or chemicals to help
disaggregate the sediments.
Precautionary Note: Make sure that labeling is carefully and accurately transcribed at every step. A
mislabeled sample has little, if any, scientific value.

a. Pencucian (Washing)
The object of all techniques described below is to isolate microfossils, in this case foraminifera, from the
sediment grains that surround them.Unconsolidated sediment and some soft rocks will break down after
Dirangkum oleh: Khoiril Anwar M
Lab. Mikropaleontologi, Jurusan Teknik Geologi ITB
soaking in water for a few hours, whereas harder rocks may first require crushing and then boiling. The rule
of thumb here is to utilize the simplest and easiest technique that will provide the desired results. If simple
soaking is all that is required to disaggregate the sediment, then forego more involved techniques.
Regardless of which technique you utilize, initially breaking the sediment or rock into fragments several mm
in maximum dimension, or slightly larger, will speed the process.

Simple Soaking — If your sample is composed of unconsolidated sediment or sedimentary rock that can be
easily disaggregated, simple soaking may be all that is required. Soaking in distilled water is most desirable,
but using a dilute Calgon solution often helps to diaggregate fine sediments (muds). Calgon can be
purchased in the laundry detergent section of most grocery stores. This can be done in a large beaker or any
other clean glass container that is available. Experiment to see how long any given sample needs to be
Once the muds have been dispersed, the sample can be washed through a sieve (a stainless steel U. S.
Standard Sieve No. 230 with mesh openings of 63 microns is recommended). Gently agitate your
water/sediment mixture, introduce it gradually onto the sieve, and wash under a gentle stream of water. Most
professionals recommend distilled water, but tap water may be used at this stage. The muds will pass
through the sieve and be discarded. Do not do this at a standard sink that is not equipped with a sediment
trap. If you do, you will have a clogged sink line in very short order. If you do not have a sink with a sediment
trap, do this outdoors or use a large bucket to catch what passes through the sieve. You can then dump
contents of the bucket outside. What remains on the sieve is a concentration of sand-sized material,
including any foraminifera that are in the sample. Rinse this material into filter paper placed within a funnel,
allow the sample to drain, and then air dry in place safe from contamination and breezes. When dry, the
grains should not adhere to one another. If they do, some mud still remains and the soaking/sieving
procedure should be repeated. When satisfactorily clean, the dried sample should be stored in a properly
labeled vial until ready for microscopic examination.
Don't get in a hurry during the sample processing phase. A bit of extra time invested in properly cleaning your
samples will save time and frustration when you examine them under the microscope.

Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) Method — If your sample is more resistant, additional treatments may be
required to breakit down. Soaking and, if necessary, boiling in a dilute solution of hydrogen peroxide is an
effective means of breaking down such samples (kadar peroksida yang digunakan jangan lebih dari 15
The steps in the H2O2 method are:
1) air-dry sample for several days or oven-dry sample for 24 hours at about 45°C;
2) place sample in 500-ml or 1000-ml pyrex beaker;
3) add fifteen percent hydrogen peroxide solution (volume of solution should be 2 to 3 times that of sample
being processed);
4) gently agitate and let soak for 24 hours at room temperature or in oven at about 45°C (stir occasionally
and keep covered to prevent contamination);
5) heat solution containing sample for 15 to 20 minutes, stirring frequently and taking care that the solution
does not boil over;
6) wash sample over No. 230 U. S. Standard Sieve as described earlier;
7) if sample is not disaggregated, transfer it back into beaker and repeat steps 3 through 6;
8) wash sample over No. 18 U.S. Standard Sieve (1-mm openings) and No. 230 U.S. Standard Sieve,
trapping coarser material on the No. 18 sieve and the sand fraction containing foraminifera on the No. 230
sieve (a coarse screen of the proper mesh size, available at any hardware store, can substitute for the No.
18 sieve);
9) dry and examine any material retained on the No. 18 sieve (not likely to be forams but may include other
fossils of interest);
10) transfer sample retained on No. 230 sieve to filter paper;
11) air-dry or oven-dry sample at 45°C;
12) transfer dried material to labeled vial for storage.

Other Techniques — Literature on the foraminifera describes other methods for disaggregating sediment
samples. A product called Quaternary O, a highly active but low sudsing detergent, was widely used for
many years (e.g., Snyder et al., 1983). Although it is no longer available, a product called Miramine is a
suitable and inexpensive substitute. It is available from the Miranol Chemical Company, 68 Culver Road,
Dayton, NJ 08810. The methodology for using surfactants such as Quaternary O or Miramine is exactly like
that desribed above for the use of hydrogen peroxide. Simply use the appropriately diluted detergent solution
in place of the H2O2 solution.
Another technique for additional cleaning involves use of a sodium pyrophosphate or a sodium
metaphosphate solution (e.g., Snyder and Waters, 1984). After an intial soaking (in distilled water or a dilute
Dirangkum oleh: Khoiril Anwar M
Lab. Mikropaleontologi, Jurusan Teknik Geologi ITB
Calgon solution), the sand-sized residue trapped on the No. 230 sieve is placed in 0.1 M solution (five grams
of chemical to one liter of distilled water) and gently agitated for 20 to 30 minutes. This process effectively
removes persistent clay-sized particles that may partially obscure important features of the test.
Finally, some of the older literature, not cited here because the techniques may be extremely hazardous,
advocates the use of much harsher chemicals, including kerosene, gasoline, Varsol (similar to white gas or
mineral spirits), and concentrated H2O2. Use of these methods is not recommended because they can be
dangerous, both to the preparator and the environment.
Foraminiferal tests may be rare compared to nonbiogenic sediment particles. If foraminifera are reasonably
abundant, the best procedure is simple microscopic examination of the processed sample in order to find
them. However, there may be instances where the time required to examine the sample in this manner is
prohibitive. Then it may be desirable to float the foraminifera in order to separate them from other sediment
grains. The only reason this works is because foraminifera, with their hollow chambers, have an effective
density much less than solid sediment grains of comparable size. If the foraminifera are filled with sediment
or secondary mineral material, they will not float.

Soap Float — One of the simplest ways to concentrate foraminiferal tests is to employ a soap float. Here the
detergent is not of the low sudsing variety (such as Quaternary O), but rather a standard detergent or soap
that produces a sudsy froth. The processed sample is added in small increments to a solution of soap and
distilled water. With frequent agitation, the foraminifera become suspended in the surface froth while solid
sediment particles such as quartz grains sink to the bottom of the container. The froth can be periodically
decanted onto a No. 230 sieve and washed in a gentle stream of water to eliminate the suds. What remains
will be a concentration of foraminiferal tests, perhaps with some very fine sands of nonbiogenic origin. This
residue can be dried and examined under the microscope.
Other techniques can provide an even cleaner separation, but many involve the use of chemicals that are
extremely hazardous. For example, bromoform and carbon tetrachloride have been widely used to
concentrate foraminiferal tests by floating. However, both are carcinogenic and must be used under a fume
hood. The fumes are toxic and the chemicals can be absorbed through the skin. Consequently, use of these
chemicals to concentrate foram tests is not recommended. The use of another, safer chemical to accomplish
the same sort of separation is described below.

Flotation Using Sodium Polytungstate — Sodium polytungstate [also known as sodium metatungstate:
Na(H2W12O40)] is a non-toxic, high-density agent that is ecologically safe, easy to use, and recoverable so
that it may be re-used several times. It has a density of 3.1 g/ml, which can be reduced to any desired lesser
density simply by adding distilled water that is heated above 20°C. Although calcite has a density of 2.7 g/ml,
air is usually trapped within the foraminiferal tests making them more bouyant than quartz (density = 2.65
g/ml). For best results, the sodium polytungstate solution should be diluted until a piece of gypsum (density =
2.32 g/ml) floats and a piece of orthoclase (density = 2.57 g/ml) sinks. If the gypsum and orthoclase sink, the
liquid can be boiled off to increase the density.
Sodium polytungstate is available as a salt (in powder form) from GEOLIQUIDS, Inc., 15 E. Palatine Rd.,
Suite 109, Prospect Heights, IL 60070 and can be ordered by calling 1- 800-827-2411. The cost is about
Processed samples, once dried, can be stored indefinitely in labeled vials until one desires to examine them.
The sample is then sprinkled sparsely across a picking tray and examined under a binocular microscope.
Brass picking trays with a grid of rectanglar subdivisions, all of equal size, are typically used by professionals.
The surface of the tray is a dull black (to minimize reflection) and the grid lines may be white or gold. Sources
for these trays are very difficult to find, but less sophisticated trays serve nicely. Any shallow plastic tray
measuring a few inches per side will suffice. If it is clear or highly lustrous, simply cut a piece of black
construction paper or cardboard to fit in the bottom of the tray. This will provide a background that will not
strain your eyes, and it provides a nice contrast to the foraminifera, which are typically white.
Any binocular microscope with reasonably good optics and the power to magnify 30 to 40 times will be
adequate for the study of foraminifera. Of course, scopes with better optics and magnifications up to 100
times are helpful.
Individual foraminiferal specimens encountered while examining samples strewn across the picking tray can
be picked and mounted for permanent reference. A recessed area in an 18-ply cardboard slide provides a
black background that can be coated with a water- soluble glue (e.g., Tragacanth). The cardboard slides will
also need glass cover slides and 18 ply aluminum holders.
Any foram specimens encountered on the picking tray can be captured using the wetted tip of an artist's
brush (buy size 000, sable hair). Simply dip the tip of the brush in water, touch it to the specimen you desire
Dirangkum oleh: Khoiril Anwar M
Lab. Mikropaleontologi, Jurusan Teknik Geologi ITB
to pick, and transfer the specimen to the glued slide. The glue, being water soluble, will then dry and secure
the foram to the slide. At any time, wetting the specimen will release the glue so that the specimen may be
turned and viewed from different perspectives. A metal clip holds a glass cover slide over the cardboard
micropaleontology slide to protect specimens during prolonged storage. Using these slides, you can build a
reference collection of foraminifera to share with students.

You need to pick a set number of forams from the tray. In scientific studies 300 specimens (if the number of
preserved foram are avaliable) are usually picked. There is nothing magic in this number. It is an arbitrary
stopping point above which additional rare species are encountered more and more infrequently. Make sure
that you pick a representative suite of specimens. That is, do not pick only large specimens, or only small
ones, or only pretty ones. The best way to do this is to mark your picking tray with a numbered grid. Then
use a random numbers table to select a square. Pick all the specimens from that square and then select a
second square. Continue this process until your target number is reached and the specimens have been
transferred to a gum tragacanth-coated cardboard slide.

b. Sayatan tipis
Sayatan tipis umumnya ditujukan untuk pengamatan foram besar. Sayatan tersebut dapat berasal dari
sayatan batuan ataupun individu foram besar. Untuk batuan yang sangat kompak (indurated) biasanya
juga diamati dengan membuat sayatan tipis.

Ada beberapa cara untuk membuat sayatan pada individu foram besar:

b.1 sayatan pada satu sisi

Fosil foram besar kita ambil dan kita tempelkan pada slide kaca dengan penggunakan kanada
balsam. Atur posisi fosil sesuasi dengan keinginan kita (sayatan horisontal, vertikal atau obliq).
Dengan menggunakan slide kaca yang salah satu sisi permukaanya sudah dikasarkan, kita gosok
sisi fosil tersebut pelan-pelan. Pada waktu menggosok. amati dibawah mikroskop yang reflected light
sambil sekali-seklai kaca penggosoknya diberi air. Penggosokan (mengampelas) dilakukan sampai
terlihat/ memotong kamar embrionik.

b.2 sayatan pada 2 sisi

Lakukan tahapan pada b.1. Kemudian lepaskan fosil tersebut dari slide kaca, dan kemudian
posisinya dibalik (permukaan yang sudah digosok, kita letakkan pada slide kaca), gunakan kanada
balsam untuk menempelkanya. Kemudian gosok kembali sambil diamati dibawah mikroskop refleted
light. Hentikan menggosok bila sudah diperoleh ketebalan yang diinginkan (sekitar 0,3 mm).
Pengamatan sampel seperti ini harus menggunakan mikroskop yang transmited light.

4. Peralatan Praktikum:
- Mikroskop (reflected dan/atau transmited lights) + lampunya. Mikroskop jenis reflected light digunakan
untuk mengamati sampel hasil pencucian, sedang yang transmited light untuk pengamatan sampel dalam
bentuk sayatan tipis.
- Kuas kecil dan besar
- Pewarna
- Tray dengan dasar warna hitam dan bergaris (kotak)
- Slides (bisa lubang 1, 2, 3, 4 atau yang bernomor)
- Kertas dan pinsil
- micro-spliter

Untuk mengambil (picking) dan menempelkan pada slide jangan memakai lem, tetapi dengan cara
membasahi kuas dengan ludah (dengan cara ujung kuas dikulum dalam mulut). Kalau menggunakan lem
akan susah untuk membolak-balik fosil bila sudah kering (fosil akan pecah dan lubang2 akan tertutup,
sedangkan air tidak akan menempelkan fosil dengan kuat (mudah lepas)). Penggunaan jarum akan membuat
fosil pecah atau loncat. Selama membolak-balik fosil gunakan kuas yang sudah dibasahi supaya fosil tidak
loncat dan tektur dinding kelihatan. Pewarna digunakan untuk melihat tektur dinding atau lubang apertur.

Dirangkum oleh: Khoiril Anwar M

Lab. Mikropaleontologi, Jurusan Teknik Geologi ITB

Aff. (affinis): bentuk species ini dekat/mirip dengan species tertentu

Aperture (apertur): lobang bukaan atau bukaan-bukaan dari kamar dalam test sampai bagian luar
- jenis:
a. primary(utama): lobang bukaan utama, biasanya terletak dibagian luar dari kamar akhir dari
b. seconder(kedua): bukaan tambahan pada kamar utama, posisi bisa areal, sutural atau
c. accesory(tambahan): bukaan yang tidak berhubungan langsung dengan kamar utama, tetapi
kemenerusan dari bawah atau melalui struktur accesory misal: tegila, bullae
- posisi :
a. equatorial : simetri, tepat diatas tepi peripheral dari putaran awal test planispiral atau hampir
b. interomarginal: bukaan pada bagian dasar test pada tepi kamar akhir, sepanjang sutura akhir;
pada cangkang yang terputar posisinya bisa umbilical, extraumbilical atau
c. marginal: bukaan yang letaknya dibagian ujung atau tepi
d. umbilical: pada bagian umbilical
e. extraumbilical: bukaan pada kamar akhir suatu test yang tidak berhubungan dengan umbilicus,
umumnya disepanjang sutura antara umbilicus dan peripheri.
f. sutural: bukan pada sepanjang sutura
g. terminal: dibagian akhir suatu test
h. areal: tersebar pada kamar akhir
i. basal: pada bagian dasar kamar
Alar prolongation: winglike extension of umbilico-lateral portions of involute chambers on lateral surfaces of
previous whorls in lenticular tests. May be meandering
Bladed : struktur yang tercompres/tertekan secara lateral
Bilamellar wall: in perforate foraminifera a chamber wall formed primarily of two mineralized layers (outer
and inner lamellae) on both sides of a primary organic sheet. See also lamellar wall; outer lamella;
inner lamella; median layer; primary organic membrane or sheet
Biserial : mempunyai kamar-kamar yang tersusun dalam dua baris
Biform : tersusun oleh dua macan susunan kamar = dari uniserial menjadi biserial; triserial kemudian
uniserial dll.
Bulla : dari bahasa latin untuk buble atau blister; merupakan material tambahan pada kamar-kamar yang
terputar normal. bisa berada pada umbilical, sutural atau areal.
Carina : keel atau flange : suatu dinding kamar yang perforate dan menebal seperti punggungan, hadir
pada peripheri dari test/cangkang
Cancellate: mempunyai permukaan seperti sarang lebah
cf. (confer): tidak pasti apakah bentuk2 ini termasuk dalam species tertentu tetapi dapat disamakan dengan
species tersebut
Clavate : bentuk yang memanjang, kadang inflated (menggelembung) di bagian ujung, punya suatu bentuk
Cortex : sebuah lapisan dari ectosome yang terkeraskkan oleh cangkang yang beda, berasal dari bahan
organik atau mineral atau keduanya
Evolute : kamar-kamarnya tidak saling memeluk (kamar-kamar pada putaran berikutnya menempel diatas
putaran sebelumnya)
Enrolled biserial: suatu putaran planispiral yang tersusun oleh kamar-kamar yang biserial.
Flange : platelike marginal extention along chambers (misal pada Sphaeroidinella) atau batas apertur yang
tinggi karena pembentukan apertural lip (misal pada Hantkenina)
Flap : suatu dinding kamar yang tak berpori yang merupakan perpanjangan atau tambahan kamar,
terletak diluar dari struktur yang ada dan berada diatas atau sepanjang apertur utama
Flush : bercampur, bentuk suatu permukaan yang menerus
Globular: bentuk yang membundar
Hemispherical: inflated pada satu sisi, sisi yang berlawanan datar
Hispid : ditutupi oleh spine (duri) yang halus, pendek seperti rambut
Infralaminal : bukaan sepanjang tepi dari struktur accesory (misal: bulla)
Involute : overlap yang sangat kuat, putaran kamar berikutnya seluruhnya melingkkupi putaran sebelumnya)
Keel : bagian dari peripheri dinding kamar yang menebal seperti punggungan dan tidak berpori
Lamellar wall: test-wall built of layers of calcite or aragonite formed at consecutive instars and covering
exposed surfaces of previously formed test. Wall generally possessing true pores. Most lamellar
genera are bilamellar and some primarily multilamellar
Dirangkum oleh: Khoiril Anwar M
Lab. Mikropaleontologi, Jurusan Teknik Geologi ITB
Limbate : menunjuk pada batas atau tepi kamar yang menebal, umumnya pada suture, bisa juga suatu
Lip : batas yang tinggi/menebal dari apertur, bisa hanya pada satu sisi apertur ataupun
Lobate : suatu bentuk yang arcuate
Ovate : bentuk seperti telur bila dipotong secara vertical
Planispiral: terputar pada satu bidang datar
Pustule : tonjolan-tonjolan kecil, mempunyai pusat cekungan akibat duri-duri yang menyatu
Pseudocarina (pseudo keel): bagian perpheri dari dinding kamar yang berlobang-lobang, menebal seperti
Reticulate: seperti jaring, menunjuk pada ornamen berupa punggungan ( ridge) pada suatu permukaan
Robus : kokoh, kuat
Rugose : ornamentasi kasar yang tak beraturan, bisa berupa punggungan
Sensu lato: dalam arti luas, menunjuk pada nama taxon dalam arti luas.
Sensu stricto: dalam arti sempit
Spinose : permukaan cangkanya mempunyai duri-duri halus yang memanjang
Spiral side (dorsal): bagian sisi evolute dari suatu test yang terputar trochospiral
Stellate : berbentuk seperti bintang
Streptospiral: suatu perubahan dari putaran trochospiral dimana bidang coiling selalu berganti. (terputar
seperti putaran benang bola)
Sutura : garis yang menghubungkan dua kamar atau antara dua putaran
Test : shell (cangkang) atau tulang penutup, bisa berupa sisa-sia buangan, gelatin, chitinous, dinding
yang padat, gampingan, aglutinant, silicieoous, atau kombinasi dua atau lebih dari bahan diatas
Taxa : bentuk jamak dari taxon
Tegillum : suatu penutup bidang umbilcal pada cangkang planktonik foraminifera (seperti pada
Globotruncana), teridiri dari suatu pemanjangan kamar (seperti suatu lip yang
memanjang/menerussampai umbilicus) yang menutupi seluruh apertur utama, sepanjang tepinya
bisa jadi mempunyai lobang bukaan yang kecil-kecil.
Triform : tersusun oleh tiga macan susunan kamar = awal triserial kemudian biserial selanjutnya menjadi
uniserial, dll.
Triserial : kamar-kamarnya tersusun dalam tiga baris
Tumid : lebarnya lebih dari setengah diameter
Umbilical side (ventral): bagian sisi involute dari suatu test yang terputar trochospiral, punya umbilicus
Umbilicus: ruang yang dibentuk oleh tepi bagian dalam dinding umbilical daari kamar-kamar dalam satu
putaran yang sama
Uniform : satu jenis susunan kamar = biserial atau uniserial atau yang lain
Uniserial: kamar-kamarnya tersusun dalam satu baris,

Dirangkum oleh: Khoiril Anwar M

Lab. Mikropaleontologi, Jurusan Teknik Geologi ITB
6. Morfologi Foraminifera

Test (Shell)/Cangkang Foraminifera

Test atau cangkang foraminifera bisa terdiri dari sebuah kamar atau beberapa kamar yang berukuran
umumnya kurang dari 1 mm (kecuali foraminifera dari beberapa kelompok Rotaliina dan Fusuliina) dan
masing-masing kamar terhubungkan oleh sebuah bukaan (foramen) atau beberapa bukaan (foramina). Batas
antar kamar disebut sutura dan mempunyai satu atau lebih lobang bukaan yang di sebut apertur. Foramina
sering kali termodifikasi dan berbeda dengan apertur

Berikut ini beberapa hal penting mengenai morfology test foraminifera. istilah-istilah bisa dilihat di glossary.

1. The basic building block of foraminifera tests consists of a cavity with a surrounding wall called a
2. Although a few species consist of only a single chamber, most species are multi-chambered.
3. The simplest multi-chambered arrangement is a single linear series forming a uniserial test. Internally
the chambers are separated by walls called septa.
4. Externally a line or junction forms where the septa meet the chamber walls. This external line formed
between two chambers is called a suture.
5. In addition to a uniserial arrangement, biserial and triserial chamber arrangements are common.
6. Instead of forming a straight series of chambers, some foraminifera coil. Each volution in a coil (through
360 degrees) is called a whorl.
7. If the test coils in a single plane (that is, the chambers are centered on the plane), the coil is called
planispiral. Because of the bilateral symmetry, both sides of the test will appear identical.
8. If the test coils in a spire, like a snail, the coil is called trochospiral. A raised area in the center of a coil
is called an umbo and a depression, an umbilicus. A test in which earlier chambers become enveloped
by later ones is called involute. One in which chambers from a previous whorl are visible is called
evolute. In many trochospiral forms the spiral side is evolute and the umbilical side is involute. Some
foraminifera add their chambers in several planes.
9. A common arrangement in which five chambers are visible is called quinqueloculine.
10. Some Major evolutionary trends in coiling include Triserial to biserial to uniserial. However, some
lineages have reversable trends (e.g. Unilocular to multichambered to unilocular)

6.1 Struktur dan komposisi:

Penyususun cangkang mempunyai beberapa macam struktur dan komposisi, secara umum sebagai berikut
(Gambar 1):

A. Organic (dimiliki oleh Suborder Allogromiina): umumnya merupakan dinding yang tidak rigid yang terbuat
dari bahan-bahan protein atau pseudochitin yang umumnya disebut tectin.
Dinding berkomposisi organic ini umumnya mudah hancur dan jarang menjadi fosil. Foraminifera dengan
cangkang berkomposisi organik banyak ditemukan pada lingkungan air tawar (fresh water foraminifera).
Contoh: Allogromia, Neogullmia

B. Gampingan (Calcareous):
Dinding gampingan ini umumnnya terdiri dari kristal-kristal kalsit dan aragonit, mempunyai berbagai
susunan/struktur yang berbeda satu sama lain, antara lain:
- porcelin ( dimiliki oleh Suboder Miliolina):
di mikroskop yang reflected: milky while (seperti porselen Cina)
di mikroskop yang transmited: amber colour (light brown)
Contoh: Quinqueloculina, Spiroloculina, Pyrgo.

- hyaline (dimiliki oleh i.e. Suboder Rotaliina):

di mikroskop yang reflected: glassy
di mikroskop yang transmited: grey to clear (tergantung jenis hyaline yang mana)
ada beberapa jenis dinding hyalin:
1. hyaline radial; -contoh: plangtonik (Globigerinida); Nodosariida
2. hyaline obliqe
3. hyaline intermediate; - contoh: Cibicides refulgens
4. hyaline compound; - contoh: Cibicides lobatulus, Heterolepa floridanus,
Lepidocyclina, Miogypsina
Dinding yang terdiri dari kristal-kristal aragonit misalnya Hoeglundina
- microgranular(dimiliki oleh i.e.Suboder Fusulinina):
di mikroskop yang reflected: opak (brown to grey)
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di mikroskop yang transmited: dark
Contoh: Fusulinid, Ammonia, Pseudorotalia, Paleotextularia

C. Agglutinan/Arenaceous(dimiliki oleh Suborder Texulariina) :

penampakan luarnya (tektur) terlihat seperti batupasir, dinding tersebut merupakan kumpulan bahan-
bahan organic dan mineral yang tersemenkan oleh semen organic, kalsit atau ferric oxide.
Contoh: Ammobaculites, Textularia, Bathysiphon, Haplophragmoides, Trochammina

(Brasier, 1980)

Gambar 1 Jenis-jenis dinding foraminifera

6.2 Perkembangan kamar dan test

Test bisa terdiri dari Unilocular (Gambar 2): terdiri dari satu kamar dan Multilocular: terdiri dari dua atau
lebih kamar. Pada susunan kamar yang multilocular, kamar-kamar bisa tersusun secara uniserial, biserial
dan triserial atau gabungan dari dari susunan diatas, i.e: uniform (misal. keseluruhan test tersusun dari kamr
yang biserial), biform (misal: dari uniserial menjadi biserial), triform (misal: bagian bawah triserial kemudian
menjadi biserial dan yang terakhir uniserial).

Dinding dari jenis hyaline dapat terdiri dari satu atau beberapa lapis, macamnya (Gambar 3):
non-laminar (= non-lamellar, meskipun sebenarnya istilah ini kurang tepat) : bila kamar berikutnya (kamar
baru) langsung nempel diatas kamar sebelumnya (tidak ada dinding kamar yang dilingkupi dengan dinding
kamar sebelumnya)
multilaminar bila dinding masing-masing kamar mempunyai beberapa lapisan, bisa berupa:
monolamelar: masing-masing kamar terdiri dari satu lapisan
bilamelar: masing-masing dinding kamar mempunyai konstruksi dasar yang terdiri dari dua lapisan

Penting untuk diperhatikan adalah jumlah kamar, terutama jumlah kamar pada putaran terakhir, bila kamar-
kamarnya terputar.

6.3 Arsitektur dan bentuk kamar

Susunan dan/atau putaran kamar-kamar pada foraminifera sangat bervasiasi dapat berupa:
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Lab. Mikropaleontologi, Jurusan Teknik Geologi ITB
Untuk test yang unilocular: globular, tubular/branching, globular/tubular, planispiral, zigzag, irregular, sac-
shape, radiate, glomospirral
Untuk test yang multilocular: rectilinear, arcuate, uniserial, biserial, triserial, planispiral (evolute, involute),
trochospiral streptospiral, putaran milioline (quinqueloculine: 144 o, biloculine: 180o , triloculine: 120o),
polymorphine, anular discoidal, anular complex. (Gambar 4)

(Brasier, 1980)

(Brasier, 1980)
gross shape (profil):
Profil test foraminifera bisa dideskripsi secara umum, atau dilihat dari salah satu sisi, misal dari periheral
(samping), dorsal (sisi spiral) atau ventral (sisi umbilicus). Bentuk profil test (cangkang) tersebut antara lain
(Gambar 5, 6): planoconvex (spiroconvex dan umbilicoconvex), biconvex/lenticular, globular, spherical,
stellate, discoidal, fusiform, trihedral, palmate (i.e. Frondicularia), sagitate (ie. Bolivina) , flabiliform (i.e.
Pavonina), dll.

shapes of chamber (bentuk kamar):

globular, ovoid, crescentic, clavate, digitata, apiculate, wedge-shape conical

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(Brasier, 1980)
Gambar 4 perkembangan test yang multilocular

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(Loeblich & Tappan, 1964)

Gambar 5 Susunan kamar-kamar pada foraminifera

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(Loeblich & Tappan, 1964)

Gambar 6 Bentuk-bentuk test foraminifera
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6.4 Apertur:
Apertur merupakan suatu lubang bukaan pada cangkang foraminifera, bukaan ini merupakan tempat dimana
tubuh protoplasm berhubungan/mempunyai akses kebagian exterior (Gambar 7,8,9,10 &11).
jenis: primer, sekunder, aksesori dan modifikasinya
jumlah: single , multiple
posisi: interomarginal, marginal, umbilical, extraumbilical, sutural, terminal, areal, basal, peripheral.
bentuk: slit atau loop-like, low arch, hig arch, irregular, straight, phialine (bentuk leher botol), radiate,
denritik, rounded, dll
modifikasi: apertual lip, flap, portici, tegilla, apertural teeth (valvular tooth, simple toth, bifid tooth,
flattened tooth) , bulla, umbilical bos

(Loeblich & Tappan, 1964)

Gambar 7 Apertur utama (primary aperture) foraminifera

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1a 1b 1c 1d

(Loeblich & Tappan, 1964)

Gambar 8 Macam-macam apertur tambahan (1-6) dan apertur aksesori (7-11)

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(Loeblich & Tappan, 1964)

Gambar 9 Bentuk dan macam modifikasi apertur pada foraminifera (flap, tooth, flang, lip, bulla, tegilla)

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(Loeblich & Tappan, 1964)

Gambar 10 Modifikasi internal apertur pada test foraminifera

(Stainforth, 1972)
Gambar 11 Bentuk modifikasi apertur

6.5 Sutura:
Sutura merupakan pertemuan antar kamar atau antar putaran, dapat dibedakan dari bentuknya, apakah :
lurus (straight), arcuate (lengkung), sinusous (bergelombang) dan karakternya: flush, depresed, incised,
beaded. Seringkali sutura foraminifera menebal dan biasa disebut sebagai limbate.

6.6 Ornamentasi (sculpture):

Oramen merupakan hiasan yang ada pada test foraminifera. Seringkali ornamen tersebut melibatkan bagian
dari test misalnya pada permukaan kamar, sutura, peripheri, sutura spiral dan bisa juga pada aperture.
Bentuk dari oramen ini bermacam-macam bisa berbentuk permukaan dinding kamar yang smooth, berduri-
duri, hispid, cancellated, keel (carinate), rim, rugose (rugae), costate, sriate, granulate, reticulate, fissure,
acicular spine, pitted, chamber flange, ribbed, raised bosses peripheral keel, papillate (Gambar 12).

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(Loeblich & Tappan, 1964)

Gambar 12 Macam-macam ornamen pada foraminifera

(Catatan: Parameter ini harus hati2 jika digunakan untuk parameter identifikasi karena mereka bervariasi
pada tahap ontogeni dan juga terpengaruh oleh lingkungan)

6.7 Umbilicus
Parameter lain yang sering digunakan untuk diskripsi adalah umbilicus yaitu axial area yang mana dari sisi
ini kamar2 tampak memencar (radiate). Umbilicus bisa tertutup (closed : terlihat hanya sebagai titik dimana
sutura bertemu) atau narrowly deep ( bentuk seperti pinhole: lubang kecil dan panjang) bentuk2 tersebut
umumnya dimiliki oleh yang mempunyai putaran ketat; bentuk lain dari umbilicus adalah terbuka.

6.8 Permukaan cangkang (test surface)

Ada juga peneliti yang memakai parameter ini untuk identifikasi misal, Saito dkk. 1981. Pada permukaan test
dilihat apakah non spinose atau spinose, misal: spines, spine bases, granules, pustules

6. 9 Ukuran:
Termasuk ukuran diameter dan panjang atau tinggi. Jika mungkin ukuran dari proloculus dan kecepatan
peningkatan ukuran dan diameter kamar serta putaranya.

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Lab. Mikropaleontologi, Jurusan Teknik Geologi ITB
Berikut ini adalah urutan parameter yang digunakan untuk kriteria klasifikasi dalam urutan

1. wall composition and microstructure

2. chamber arrangement and septal addition
3. apertural characters and modifications
4. chamber form and ornament
5. life habits and habitats
6. protoplasmic features
7. ontogenetic changes
8. genetics

Sejauh ini paramenter 1 s/d 4 adalah yang paling penting didalam taxonomi foraminifera (dalam
panduan ini, parameter 6.1 s/d 6.9). Parameter/unsur-unsur tersebut harus diperhatikan dalam
mengamati atau mendiskripsi fosil foraminifera, terutama pada foraminifera kecil. Pengamatan pada
foraminifera besar lebih komplek meskipun pada dasarnya parameternya hampir sama.

Berikut adalah cara determinasi / identifikasi foraminifera:

Untuk melakukan identifikasi terhadap suatu fosil, secara praktis adalah sebagai berikut:
- pertama diamati dulu semua parameter diatas
- tentukan apakah fosil foraminifera tersebut termasuk plangtonik atau bentonik (kalo bentonik,
lihat apakah foram besar atau kecil)
- lihat kunci untuk mengenali genus maupun species dan ikuti langkah-langkah pada kunci
- untuk mengechek apakah identifikasi tersebut benar, coba bandingkan dengan ilustrasi atau
gambar/foto dan lihat diskripsi dari holotype genus atau species yang dimaksud yang dibuat
oleh yang menamakanya (author).

Dalam mendiskripsi suatu fosil hendaknya mengikuti aturan tertentu (lihat contoh diskripsi) dan
usahakan sejelas mungkin.

Contoh diskripsi plangtonik

Globoquadrina altispira altispira (CUSHMAN & JARVIS), 1936
Cangkang besar, trochospiral dimana tinggi dan diameternya hampir sama. Putaran terakhir umumnya terdiri
dari 4 kamar tetapi kadang bisa 6 kamar. Kamar-kamar tersusun secara kompak (tight), awalnya globular
dan membesar dengan cepat, selanjutnya agak tertekan (depressed) dan memanjang kearah umbilicus.
Profil spiral subcircular, agak menggantung pada sutura; pada pandangan samping ovate sampai agak
subtriangular. Sutura jelas, tertekan (depressed). Apertur umbilical, ditutupi oleh triangular flap (gigi) dari
material yang tak berpori. Umbilicus terbuka dan dalam, dengan apertural teeth dari kamar sebelumnya
kelihatan didalamnya. Dindingnya cancelate halus. Diameter dan tingginya 0.45 sampai 0.75 mm.

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Lab. Mikropaleontologi, Jurusan Teknik Geologi ITB
7. Kunci untuk identifikasi genus dan species umur Plistosen- Resen
(Saito et. all. 1981)

I. Test surface rough under light microscope (spine, spine bases, granules, pustuloses):
A. Spine visible on living or well-preserved specimens; spine-bases on most specimens, located
interporate area [Hastigerinnidae; Globigerinidae]
1. Spines or spine bases restricted to distal end of chambers [Hastigerinidae]
a. globular to subglobular chamberss, planispiral coiling [Hastigerina], species:H. pelagica,
b. clavate chambers, streptospiral coiling [Hastigerinopsis], species: H. digitiformans
2. Spines or spine baseson all portion of test wall [Globigerinidae]
a. primary aperture only
a.1 radially elongate chambers
low trochospire: [Globigerinella], species: G. adamsi, aequilateralis, calida
mediumtrochospire or streptosspire [Bella], species: B. digitata
a.2 globular or sperical chambers [Globigerina], species: G. antartica, bernudezi, bulloides,
decoraperta, falconensis, quinquiloba, umbilicata
b. suplementary aperture present
b.1 sperical to subbglobular chambers
singgle spherical chambers [Orbulina], species O universa, suturalis
subglobular chambers [Sphaeroidinella], sspecies: S. dehiscens, excavata
subglobular - spherical chambers [Globigerinoides], species: conglobatus, elongatus,
fistulosus, obliquus, pyramidalis, ruber, sacculifer
B. Pustules or granules visible under light microscope on test surface, no spines or spine bases
[ globorotalidae]
1. Surface granular, coarsely pitted
a. pustules present only near aperture
Apertural tooth present [Globoquadrina], species: G. conglomerata, pseudofoiliata
No apertural tooth [Globorotaloides], species: G.hexagona
b. pustules not prominent (generally with apertural tooth) [Neogloboquadrina] low to medium
trochospire; species N. asonoi, blowi, eggeri, humerosa, pachyderma, pseudohumerosa,
medium to high trochospire, species: dutertrei
2. Surface pustulate
a. peripheral keel absent
Singular pustules [Globorotalia], species: hirsuta, inflata, oceanica, scitula, tosaensis, hessi,
Multiple pustules[Neocarinina], species: N. blowi
b. peripheral keel present [Globorotalia (keeled)], species: frimbiata, flexuosa, menardii, tumida,
pertenuis, theyeri, truncatulinoides, cultrata ungulata, viola

II. Test surface smooth to shiny under light microscope (microgranular)

A. Surface visible perforate [Globorotalidae]
1. Trochospiral coiling, non keeled [Globorotalia], sppecies: bernudezi, crassaformis, inflata,
2. Streptospiral coiling [Pulleniatina], species: finalis, obliqueloculata, primalis, praecursor
3. Chambers flanges [Sphaeroidinella], species: dehiscens, excavata
B. Surface looking imperforate (Candeinidae, Heterohelicidae)
1. trochospiral coiling
a. primary aperture with bulla
strongly inflated chambers [Globigerinita], species: glutinata, iota, uvula,minuta
weakly inflated subglobular or radial elongated chambers [Turborotalita],
species: humilis
b. primary aperture extraumbilical [Berggrenia], species: praepumilio, pumilio, riedeli
c. sutural aperture [Candeina], species: nitida
2. biserial coiling [Streptochilus], species: tokelauae

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Lab. Mikropaleontologi, Jurusan Teknik Geologi ITB
8. Kunci untuk identifikasi genus plangtonik umur Kenozoik
(Postuma, 1971)

1. Test seluruhnya planispiral:

1.1 Equatorial aperture:
1.1.1 kamar-kamar globular sampai subglobular = Hastigerina
1.1.2 pada putaran awal kamar globular, pada putaran terakhir memanjang atau clavate =
1.1.3 pada putaran awal kamar globular, pada putaran terakhir pointed = Bolliella
1.1.4 kamar subglobular atau radial memanjang dengan tubulos-spine = Hantkenina
1.2 Apertur utama equatorial dengan accesory aperture berupa aerial aperture:
1.2.1 kamar sublobular dengan tubulos-spine = Cribrohantkenina

2. Test planispiral pada awalnya, kemudian menjadi enrolled biserial

2.1 apertur extraumbilical
2.1.1 kamar globular sampai subglobular = Cassigerinella

3. Test seluruhnya trochospiral:

3.1 Umbilical aperture:
3.1.1 tanpa bulla apertur dengan atau tanpa lip tipis, tak ada apertur tambahan = Globigerina apertur dengan atau tanpa lip tipis, dengan aperture suture tampahan =
Globigerinoides aperture ditutupi oleh suatu struktur gigi umbilical, tak ada aperture tambahan =
Globoquadrina apertur pada putaran akhir berupa suture aperture dengan jumlah banyak =
3.1.2 dengan bulla: bulla berada di umbilicus, kadang sedikit memanjang ke arah satu atau dua sutura;
apertur berada disekitar bulla pada suture dengan jumlah bervariasi 1-5 =
Catapsydrax (=Globigerinita of Blow, 1979) bulla (bentuk seperti bulla) yang merupakan perpanjangan kamar akhir yang
menutupi umbilical aperture dan mempunyai lokasi bukaan terbatas sepanjang
suture = Globigerinita bulla menutupi umbilicus dan menerus dengan bentuk sinuous sepanjang suture
pada sisi umbilical; punya banyak apertur tambahan sepanjang tepi-tepi bulla =

3.2 Aperture extraumbilical-umbilical tanpa bulla:

3.2.1 tanpa apertur tambahan pada sutura kamar lonjong (subglobular) sampai rhomboid runcing atau conical runcing, dengan
atau tanpa hiasan tunggal = Globorotalia
NOTE (menurut Blow, 1979):
DURI) = Morozovella
BILA KAMAR ROUNDED TO POINTED, LOW TROCHOSPIRAL = Bella kamar putaran akhir radial memanjang, clavate atau cylindrical tanpa hiasan tepi =
Clavatorella mempunyai struktur gigi pada apertur = Neogloboquadrina
3.2.2 dengan apertur tambahan pada sutura di bagian dorsal = Truncorotaloides

4. Test pada putaran awal trochospiral, putaran akhir atau kamar akhir melingkupi sebagian atau seluruh
kamar putaran sebelumnya
4.1 tanpa bulla
4.1.1 seperti globigerina, putaran akhir atau kamar akhir melingkupi sebagian umbilical dengan
aperture tambahan pada sutura melingkupi umbilical ruang = Globigerapsis
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Lab. Mikropaleontologi, Jurusan Teknik Geologi ITB
4.1.2 seperti globigerinoides dengan kamar akhir mempunyai aperture tambahan pada sutura yang
melingkupi umbilical ruang = Orbulinoides atau Praeorbulina
4.1.3 seperti globigerina dengan kamar akhir seluruh atau hampir seluruhnya melingkupi kamar pada
putaran sebelumnya; aperture sepanjang sutura dan aerial aperture pada kamar akhir =
4.2 dengan bulla
4.2.1 seperti globigerina, putaran akhir atau kamar akhir membulat menutupi umbilicus, mempunyai
aperture tambahan pada sutura yang ditutupi oleh bulla sempit ( tiap bulla punya lubang
infralaminal) = Globigerinatheka
4.2.2 seperti globigerinatheka, sutura lebih tak teratur; aperture multiple tersebar pada kamar akhir
yang ditutupi oleh bulla; bulla appressed, bervariasi menutupi sebagian besar test , tiap bulla
mempunyai lubang infralaminal (infralaminal aperture) sepanjang tepi-tepinya =
4.3 dengan atau tanpa bulla
putaran awal seperti globigerina, putaran akhir terdiri 2 atau 3 kamar yang berpukan erat, stuktur
dinding komplek terdiri dari lebih satu lapisan kulit meterial. aperture slit-like atau iregular
4.3.1 hanya punya satu apertuer = Sphaeroidinellopsis
4.3.2 punya dua atau lebih apertur = Sphaeroidinella

5. Test pada putaran awal trochospiral menjadi streptospiral pada putaran akhir; pada putaran awal umbilicus
terbuka, pada putaran akhir tanpa ada umbilicus = Pulleniatina

6. Test streptospiral, kamar clavate, radial elongated, pada pertumbuhan selanjutnya menjadi bifurcating
atau trifurcating = Hastigerinella

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Lab. Mikropaleontologi, Jurusan Teknik Geologi ITB
9. Kunci untuk identifikasi genus plangtonik umur MesozoiK
(Bollii et. all. , 1985)

1. Test trochospiral
1.1 primary aperture umbilical-extraumbilical
1.1.1-with sutural suplementary apertures at umbilical: (Rotaliporinae):
-chamber sperical, without keel : Ticinella
-with keel : Rotalipora
1.1.2-without suplementary aperture at umbilical
-without keel: (Hedbergellinae)
-with lip
-without relict aperture at spiral side: Hedbergella
-with relict aperture at spiral side: Loeblichella
-with tegilla and infralaminal ap. acc.: Globotruncanella
-with 1 or 2 keel (composed of : pustules and/or imbrication): (Marginotruncaninae)
-radial sutura, depressed at umbilical side
- with lip or portici
- 1 keel : Praeglobotruncana
- 2 keel : Dicarinella
- with tegila and infra and intralaminal aperture accesory:Abathomphalus
-sutura sigmoid at umbilical side, 2 keel : Marginotruncana

1.2 primary aperture umbilical

1.2.1-no distinctly keel or present fairly 2 keel, sutura radial at umbilical side (Rugoglobigerinae)
-primary aperture nearly extraumbilical with portici : Whiteinella
-Primary aperture umbilical with tegilla:
-without costellae: Archeoglobigerina
-with costellae : Rugoglobigerina
1.2.2-with 1 or 2 keel
-sutura sigmoid at umbilical side, tegilla with infra and intralaminal aperture accessories :

2. Test early portion trochospiral, later planispiral, aperture extraumbilical, tending to become equatorial:
- chaamber elongated, with a hollow bulb-shape or spine-like extention in equatorial plane: Schackoina
- chambers elongated, some or all chambers of the last whorl with two or ccasionally more, hollow bulb-
shape extention on each side of the equatorial plane: Leupoldina

3. Test planispiral
-Primary aperture equatorial bordered by a lip, with relict aperture:
- with keel: Planomalina
- without keel:
-chambers globular to ovate: Globigerinelloides
-chambers radial-ellongate : Hastigerinoides

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Lab. Mikropaleontologi, Jurusan Teknik Geologi ITB

P19 P20 P21 P22 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 N11 N12 N13 N14 N15 N16 N17 N18 N19 N20 N21 N22 N23
Glo bige rina c alida c alida

Glo bo ro talia trunc atulino ide s

Glo bo ro talia to s ae ns is

Glo bige rino ide s o bliquus o bliquus

Glo bige rino ide s o bliquus e xtre m us

Glo bige rino ide s fis tulo s us

S phae ro idine llo ps is s e m inulina

Glo bo quadrina altis pira altis pira

Glo bo quadrina altis pira altis pira

Glo bige rina ape rtura

Glo bige rina ne pe nthe s

Glo bo quadrina de his c e ns de his c e ns

S phae ro idine llo ps is s ubde his c e ns

Glo bo ro talia m argaritae

Glo bige rina v e ne zue lana

Glo bo ro talia m e ro tum ida

Glo bo ro talia ple is o tum ida

Glo bige rina prae bullo ide s prae bullo ide s

Glo bo ro talia le nguae ns is

Glo bo ro talia parale nguae ns is

Glo bo quadrina baro e m o e ne ns is

Glo bo ro talia c o ntinuo s a

Glo bo quadrina de his c e ns adv e da

Glo bo ro talia s iak e ns is

Glo bo ro talia druyii

Glo bige rino ide s s ubquadratus

C as s ige rine lla c hipo le ns is

Glo bo ro talia m aye ri

Glo bo ro talia fo hs i fo hs i
Glo bo ro talia fo hs i lo bata

Glo bo ro talia fo hs i ro bus ta

Glo bo ro talia prae fo hs i

Glo bo ro talia prae m e nardi prae m e nardi

Glo bo ro talia pe riphe ro ac uta

Glo bo ro talia pe riphe ro ro nda

Glo bo ro talia arc he o m e nardii

Glo bo ro talia birnage ae

P rae o brulina glo m e ro s a c irc ularis

P rae o brulina glo m e ro s a glo m e ro s a

P rae o brulina trans ito ria

Glo bige rino ide s s ic anus

Glo bige rino ide dim initus

Glo bige rinate lla ins ue ta

P rae o brulina glo m e ro s a c urv a

Glo bige rino ita s tainfo rthi s tainfo rthi

Glo bige rino ide s altiape rturus

Glo bige rinita unic av a

Glo bige rinita dis s im ilis

Glo quadrina de his c e ns prae de his c e ns

Glo bige rina binaie ns is

P19 P20 P21 P22 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 N11 N12 N13 N14 N15 N16 N17 N18 N19Dirangkum
N20 N21oleh:
N23 Anwar M
Lab. Mikropaleontologi, Jurusan Teknik Geologi ITB



P19 P20 P21 P22 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 N11 N12 N13 N14 N15 N16 N17 N18 N19 N20 N21 N22 N23
Glo bige rino ide s prim o rdius
Glo bige rina o uac hitae ns is c ipe ro e ns is
Glo bo ro talia k ugle ri
Glo bige rina angulis uturalis
Glo bige rina tripartita
Glo bige rina s e llii
Glo bige rina go rtanii
Glo bo ro talia o pim a nana
Glo bo ro talia o pim a o pim a
Glo bige rina galav is i
Glo bige rina pras ae pis P ulle niatina finalis
Glo bige rina o ffic inalis Glo bige rina dute rtrei
Glo bige rina am pliape rtura Glo bo ro talia frim biata
Glo bige rina tapurie ns is Glo bige rina rube s c e ns
P s e udo has s tige rina m ic ra S phae ro idine lla dehis c ens dehis c e ns
Glo bo ro talia inc re bes c e ns Glo bo ro talia ungulata
ge rina ps e udo am pliape rtura P ulle niatina o blique lo c ulata
Glo bige rino ide s fis tulo s us
Glo bige rino ide s c o nglo batus
Glo bo ro talia tum ida tum ida
Glo bo ro talia hum e ro s a
Glo bo ro talia cras s afo rm is s .l.

Glo bo ro talia ac o s tae ns is

Glo bige rino ide s e lo ngatus
Glo bige rino ide s rube r

P19 P20 P21 P22 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 N11 N12 N13 N14 N15 N16 N17 N18 N19 N20 N21 N22 N23

Dirangkum oleh: Khoiril Anwar M

Lab. Mikropaleontologi, Jurusan Teknik Geologi ITB
( Chusman ?.)
1. a. Wall agglutinated ................................................................................................... 2)
b. Wall calcareous, imperforate; adult externally agglutinated ................................ 21)
c. Wall calcareous, perforate .................................................................................... 33)
2. a. Test low trochospiral .......................................................................... Trochammina
b. If not, please going to ............................................................................................ 3)
3. a. Test planispiral ....................................................................................................... 4)
b. Test not planispiral ................................................................................................. 5)
4. a. Chambers completely involute .............................................................. Cyclammina
b. Chambers evolute, test discoidal .......................................................... Ammodiscus
5. a. Chambers arrangement milioline ......................................................................... 22)
b. If not , please going to ........................................................................................... 6)
6. a. Biserial to Uniserial ............................................................................................... 7)
b. Biserial ................................................................................................................... 9)
c. Triserial or multiserial ........................................................................................... 16)
7. a. Early stage biserial, later uniserial, aperture terminal and rounded ......... Bigenerina
b. Early stage trochospiral, via triserial and biserial reduced to uniserial; test cylindrical, aperture terminal
(arcuate) slit bordered by a lip ...................................................... Martinotiella
c. Early stage triserial, at least early stage triangular in section ................................. 8)
8. a. Rounded terminal aperture with tooth ....................................................... Clavulina
b. Terminal aperture without tooth ................................................................... Tritaxia
9. a. The test is biserial througt .................................................................................... 10)
b. If not, please going to .......................................................................................... 11)
10. a. Aperture basal, low arch .................................... Textularia or juvenille Bigenerina
b. Aperture terminal, rounded, on a short neck .................................... Siphotextularia
11. a. Early stage triserial, often triangular ........................................................ Gaudryina
b. If not, please going to .......................................................................................... 12)
12. a. Early stage planispiral, later portion biserial ........................................................ 13)
b. Early stage trochospiral, four or more chambers in each whorls, later reduced to biserial. 14)
13. a. Test begining with a well developed planispiral coil ...................... Spiroplectamina
b. Test begining with a very small planispiral coil of a few chambers ......... Textularia (microspheric)
14. a. Aperture a basal slit .................................................................................... Dorothia
b. Aperture terminal, bordered by a lip or on short neck ......................................... 15)
15. a. Terminal aperture rounded (bordered by lip, or on a short neck) ........... Karreriella
b. Aperture elongate slit, often arch-like .................................................. Martinotiella
16. a. At least the earliest part is trochospiral (4-5 chambers in each worl) .................. 17)
b. Initial part is triserial, test often triangular in section .......................................... 18)
17. a. Aperture a basal slit ................................................................................... Eggerella
b. Test cylindrical, aperture terminal elongate slit, with a bordering ....... Martinotiella (juvenile)
18. a. Aperture with tooth .............................................................................................. 19)
b. Aperture without tooth ......................................................................................... 20)
19. a. Aperture basal, test triserial throught, later portion may have more than 3 chambers to
whorl ...... ........................................................................................................................ Valvulina
b. Aperture terminal ...................................................................... Clavulina (juvenile)
20. a. Test triangular, sharp angles, nearly carinate, aperture a low basal arch .Verneulina
b. Aperture not a low arch, periphery less sharp .......................................... Gaudryina
21. a. Test (externally) agglutinated .............................................................................. 22)
b. If not, please going to .......................................................................................... 23)
22. a. Chambers arrangement quinqueloculine ........................................ Quinqueloculina
b. Chambers arrangement triloculine .......................................................... Triloculina
c. Chambers arrangement sigmoiline ........................................................ Sigmoilopsis
d. Chambers arrangement quinqueloculine in the initial stage, later becoming
biloculine (evolute) .......................................................................................... Massilina
23. a. Aperture with a broad, flat tooth or flap, partially closing it ................................ 24)
b. If not, please going to .......................................................................................... 25)
24. a. Chambers arrangement quinqueloculine ................................................... Scutuloris
b. Chambers arrangement triloculine .......................................................... Miliolinella
c. Chambers arrangement biloculine ........................................................ Biloculinella
d. Chambers arrangement biloculine in the initial stage, later becoming planispiral
with 3 chambers per whorl, increasing to 5 or 6 .................................. Nummoloculina
25. a. Test discoidal ....................................................................................................... 26)
Dirangkum oleh: Khoiril Anwar M
Lab. Mikropaleontologi, Jurusan Teknik Geologi ITB
b. If not, please going to .......................................................................................... 29)
26. a. Test composed of a globular proloculus followed by an undivided, planispiral coiled tubular second
chamber, at least partially evolute ................................................................. Cyclogyra
b. Test composed of numerous small chambers, arranged in annular series ............ 27)
c. Test planispiral coiled, with very broad chambers ................................................ 28)
27. a. Test in a later stage composed of a single layer of annular chamber, a single row of aperture at the
periphery ........................................................................................................... Sorites
b. Test in a later stage composed of double layer of annular chambers, a double row of aperture at the
periphery .................................................................................................. Amphisorus
28. a. Test planispirally coiled, later portion may be uncoiling. Chambers very broad, mostly longitudinally
striate. Aperture a single row of slits along the apertural face ...................... Peneroplis
b. Test planispiral, involute, later becoming evolute, aperture a double row of pores on the apertural
face ............................................................................................................... Archaias
29. a. Chambers arrangement quinqueloculine ......................................... Quinqueloculina
b. Chambers arrangement triloculine ........................................................................ 30)
c. Chambers arrangement biloculine, all chambers visible from outside .....Spiroloculina
d. Chambers arrangement biloculine,only the last two chambers visible from outside 31)
e. Chambers arrangement sigmoiline ............................................................ Sigmoilina
f. Other chambers arrangement ................................................................................ 32)
30. a. Aperture with normal (simple of bifid) tooth ............................................... Triloculina
b. Aperture with a cruciform or dentritic tooth ........................................... Cruciloculina
31. a. Aperture with normal (simple of bifid) tooth ..................................................... Pyrgo
b. Aperture with an Y or X shape tooth ........................................................... Pyrgoella
32. a. Chambers arrangement quinqueloculine in early stage, later becoming evolute
biloculine ....................................................................................................................... Massilina
b. Chambers arrangement in early stage milioline, later uniserial ................... Articulina
c. Test consisting of a globular proloculus followed by evolute planispiral chamber arrangement;
chambers gradually decreasing to half a whorl in length ...........................Opthalmidium
33. a. Test consist of one chamber ................................................................................. 34)
b. Test consist of more chambers ............................................................................. 36)
34. a. Aperture on elongate neck with a lip ............................................................. Lagena
b. Aperture not on a neck ......................................................................................... 35)
35. a. Aperture rounded, may have radiate grooves, entosolenian tube projecting into the
test ...................................................................................................................... Oolina
b. Aperture slit-like, or rounded in the centre of a slit-like cavity; entosolenian tube projecting into the test
.................................................................................................................. Fissurina
c. Aperture slit-like or arched with overhanging hoodlike extention of chamber wall; entosolenian tube
projecting into the test ............................................................................... Parafissurina
36. a. Aperture radiate .................................................................................................... 37)
b. Aperture not radiate ............................................................................................. 47)
37. a. Chambers arrangement uniserial throughout ....................................................... 38)
b. Chambers arrangement uniserial only in the last stage ........................................ 42)
c. Chambers arrangement along a curved axis, or planispiral .................................. 45)
d. Chambers arrangement otherwise ........................................................................ 46)
38. a. Test straight, rectilinear ........................................................................................ 39)
b. Test elongate, arcuate .......................................................................................... 41)
c. Test elongate or palmate, strongly flattened, chambers are formed low and broad ... Frondicularia
39. a. Test rounded in section ........................................................................................ 40)
b. Test compressed or ovate in section ........................................................ Vaginulina
40. a. Sutures oblique ..................................................................................................... 41)
b. Sutures perpendicular to axis of test ........................ Nodosaria or Pseudonodosaria
41. a. Asymetrical terminal aperture .................................................................... Dentalina
b. Asymetrical terminal aperture, early stage slightly coiled ........................ Marginulina
42. a. Initial stage biserial, changing to uniserial, sutures limbate .......... Plectofrondicularia
b. Initial stage biserial often becoming uniserial; chambers strongly overlapping, aperture with
entosolenian tube ........................................................................................ Glandulina
c. Initial stage planispiral (coiled along curved axis); sharp break between this and uniserial
part ................................................................................................................ Amphicoryna
d. Initial stage planispiral, gradually uncoilling ....................................................... 43)
43. a. Test strongly compressed, carinate margins ............................................. Planularia
b. Test triangular in section ....................................................................... Saracenaria
c. Test ovate or rounded in section .......................................................................... 44)
Dirangkum oleh: Khoiril Anwar M
Lab. Mikropaleontologi, Jurusan Teknik Geologi ITB
44. a. Test roud in section, early chambers planispiral whorl ...................... Marginulinopsis
b. Test ovate and compressed in section, early chambers planispiral whorl ............. Vaginulinopsis
45. a. Test strongly compressed, the low and broad chambers are added along a curved axis. Astocolus
b. Test a true planispiral, rarely slightly trochoid, periphery angled or keeled ...................Lenticulina
46. a. Chambers biserially arrenged, twisted; sigmoiline in early stage .......... Polymorphina
b. Chambers arrengement quinqueloculine, 3 chambers visible on one side, and two on the
other ...................................................................................................................... Globulina
c. Chambers arrengement quinqueloculine, 4 chambers visible on one side, and 3 on the
other ........................................................................................................................ Guttulina
d. Chambers arrengement biserial (often becoming uniserial in later stage) chambers strongly
overlapping, aperture with entosolenian tube .............................................. Glandulina
47. a. Test planispiral, or very weakly trochoid ............................................................. 48)
b. Chamber biserially arrenged, the alternating chambers are planispiral coiled ..... 54)
c. Test biserial, triserial or multiserial ...................................................................... 55)
d. Test trochospiral .................................................................................................. 66)
e. Chambers arrangement otherwise ........................................................................ 96)
48. a. Test planispiral, two chambers to whorl, chambers strongly embracing previous ones (only a basal
segmen of penultime chambers visible), aperture a basal slit ........................hilostomella
b. Test planoconvex, chambers composed of a larger ventral portion and a smaller dorsal portion
separated by a thin plate representing a prolongation of the very wide kell...... Laticarinina
c. If not please going to ............................................................................................ 49)
49. a. Test totally planispiral (two side equal) ............................................................... 50)
b. Test slightly trochoid, at one side the final chamber is overhanging the umbilical region, sometimes
forming a distinct flap ................................................................................ Nonionella
c. Test slightly trochoid, final chamber not overhanging the umbilicus .................. 68)
50. a. The test show a retral processes across the chamber sutures .................... Elphidium (see also
Cribrononion, Cribroelphidium)
b. If not please going to ........................................................................................... 51)
51. a. Chambers evolute on both sides, primary aperture ovate or slit-like, basal (at the periphery);
secondary apertures elongate, slit-like, in the upper part of the chambers (paralleling the kell) at one side
of the test ................................................................................................ Almaena
b. If not, please going to .......................................................................................... 52)
52. a. Aperture a basal slit extending from the umbilicus from one side to the opposite one, 3 to 6 chambers
in the final whorl ............................................................................................... Pullenia
b. If not, please going to .......................................................................................... 53)
53. a. Umbilical region covered by backward projecting non porous umbilical flap, which partially cover the
chamber sutures, and together from a stelliform pattern . Astrononion
b. No stelliform structure in the umbilicus ........................................................ Nonion
(see also Floricus, Melonis, Protelphidium)
54. a. Test laterally compressed, completely coiled ... Cassidulina (see also Islandiella, ..Globocassidulina)
b. Test somewhat uncoiling, compressed perpendicular to the plane of coiling .........Ehrenbergina
55. a. Test multiserial (more than 3 chambers per whorl) ............................................. 56)
b. Test uniserial throughout ..................................................................................... 57)
c. Test basically triserial, eventually reducing to biserial or uniserial ..................... 58)
d. Test basically biserial, eventually reducing to uniserial ...................................... 63)
56. a. Between 3 and 4 chambers to whorls, aperture a small basal arch in the final chamber.... Turrilina
b. Many to 4 chambers to whorl, few whorls, aperture loop-shaped .......... Buliminella
57. a. Aperture terminal, often at the end of a neck ....................................... Stilostomella
b. Aperture terminal, with a projecting hood, two small teeth on the opposite side....... Pleurostomella
58. a. Aperture terminal, rounded, at the end of a neck ................................................. 59)
b. Aperture without a neck, often loop-shaped ........................................................ 60)
59. a. Test rouded in section, triserial troughout, sometimes in a later stage becoming biserial (see
Hopkinsina) or uniserial (see Rectuvigerina) .................................................. Uvigerina
b. Test triangular in section, triserial troughout ..................................... Trifarina (seealso angulogerina)
60. a. Test triserial throughout ....................................................................................... 61)
b. Test triseral in early stage (at least in microspheric generation), later with a twisted biserial
development, aperture loop-shaped ............................................................ Stainforthia
61. a. Test triangular in section, aperture basal .................................................... Reussella
b. If not, please going to .......................................................................................... 62)
62. a. Aperture terminal, loop-shaped, often with extending tooth plate ............... Bulimina
b. Aperture loop-shaped, chambers strongly overlapping the previous ones...........Globobulimina
63. a. Test regularly biserial throughout ........................................................................ 64)
Dirangkum oleh: Khoiril Anwar M
Lab. Mikropaleontologi, Jurusan Teknik Geologi ITB
b. Test at least in early stage (strongly) twisted biserial .......................................... 65)
c. Early stage biserial, later uniserial, aperture terminal, rounded, with a short neck ....Siphogenerina
64. a. Aperture a narrow elongate loop on chamber face ...................................... Bolivina
b. Test quadrate in section (4 carinae), tendency to uniseriality; sutures arched, limbate; aperture
terminal, slit-like to ovate ................................. ............. Loxostomum
65. a. Test twisted biserial, later more typically biserial; aperture elongate, narrow, extending upface of final
chamber .................................. ..................... Fursenkoina
b. Test twisted biserial throughout, aperture loop-shaped in chamber face .Stainforthia
66. a. Primary aperture peripheral, eventually extending onto the spiral and or umbilical side... 67)
b. If not, please going to .......................................................................................... 73)
67. a. Test a low trochospiral, nearly planispiral ........................................................... 68)
b. Test trochospiral .................................................................................................. 69)
68. a. Test with a very wide keel .................................................... Laticarinina (see 48-b)
b. Aperture a peripheral arch extending somewhat to the ventral side, test discoidal,
compresssed ................................................................................................... Planulina
c. Aperture a peripheral arch, slightly asymetrical (overhanging to the ventral side),
no apertural extensions ................................................................................ Anomalina
d. Aperture a peripheral arch, with low slits extending beneath small chambers flaps
on both sides of the test discoidal compressed ............................................... Hyalinea
69. a. Test planoconvex ................................................................................................. 70)
b. Test not planoconvex ........................................................................................... 71)
70. a. Dorsal side with elevated flaps on lower margin of chambers, partially or completely overlapping
chambers of previous whorl; aperture peripheral arch extending under flaps on dorsal
side . .............................................................................. Hanzawaia
b. No chamber flaps on dorsal side ................................................................ Cibicides
71. a. Aperture not extending onto the dorsal side ........................... Anomalina (see 68-c)
b. Aperture extending onto the dorsal side .............................................................. 72)
72. a. Aperture a low with a narrow bordering lip, extending along spiral suture ..Anomalinoides
b. Aperture a peripheral arch extending along spiral suture ........................... Cibicides
(see also Cibidoides, Heterolepa)
73. a. Periphery with a fimbriate keel, aperture at the periphery, oval, on a short neck andwith a distinct
lip ...................................................................................................................... Siphonina
b. If not, please going to .......................................................................................... 74)
74. a. Imperforate field above umbilicus ....................................................................... 75)
b. No imperforate field above umbilicus ................................................................. 77)
75. a. Chamber extentions into the umbilical area ......................................................... 76)
b. No chamber extentions into the umbilical area ........................................... Baggina
76. a. Extention of last chamber (apertural lip) almost completely covering umbilical region,large imperforate
field above umbilicus .................................................................... Cancris
b. Broad chambers flaps projecting over the umbilicus (if not broken off); flaps of previous chambers
often remain partially visible, imperforate field above umbilicus not always distinct . Valvulineria
77. a. Umbilical surface with irregular granules along the (often excavated) sutures and over the umbilical
region; often with an umbilical plug which is broken up in adult specimens ..........78)
b. Less irregular ventral surface ............................................................................... 79)
78. a. Three prominent spines radiating from the test .................................... Asterorotalia
b. Well developed secondary openings along the chamber sutures at the ventral side, outside the
umbilical region .............................................................................................. Buccella
c. No prominent spines or distinct secondary openings ..................... Amonia or Rotalia
79. a. Test with secondary chambers, or chambers split up into segments .................... 80)
b. If not, please going to .......................................................................................... 83)
80. a. Test a high trochospiral with several chambers in each whorl, each chamber divided by an infolding of
the wall; one triangular secondary aperture at the dorsal side (between the last two chambers, where
internal partition meets chamber suture) ................................................................... 81)
b. Large biconvex multi chambered from (more then ten chambers to whorl) basal slit-like aperture
surrounded by a granulate area, chambers on ventral side split up into chamberlets.. Amphistegina
c. Test with secondary chambers at the ventral side forming a stelliform pattern, less than ten chambers
to whorl ..................................................................................................... 82)
81. a. Primary aperture one elongate loop-shaped opening extending up face of final chamber Robertina
b. Primary aperture consisting of two divergent slits,one up face of final chamber, and one aperture of
previous whorl .................................................................................... Robertinoides
82. a. Convex ventral side, dorsal side almost flat, no umbilical plug ............ Asterigerina
b. Convex dorsal side, ventral side almost flat, no umbilical plug ......... Asterigerinata
Dirangkum oleh: Khoiril Anwar M
Lab. Mikropaleontologi, Jurusan Teknik Geologi ITB
83. a. Test with flaplike structures (imperforate) in the umbilical region ...................... 84)
b. If not, please going to .......................................................................................... 88)
84. a. Concavo-convex form, chambers lunate, last chamber at the ventral side occupies a large part of the
test, distinct flap with aprtural openings at both of it, aperture of earlier chambers remain
open .................................................................................................................. Neoconorbia
b. If not please going to ........................................................................................... 85)
85. a. The umbilicus is open .......................................................................................... 86)
b. The umbilicus is closed by flap-like structures (if not broken off) ........................ 87)
86. a. Distinct flaps in umbilicus, primary aperture a basal arch near the periphery .Rosalina
b. Very small flaps in umbilicus, primary aperture a low slit restricted to mid-portion of the apertural face
(Gyroidina) or extending from periphery to umbilicus ....(Gyroidinoides)
87. a. Extensions of basal portions of the chambers into the umbilicus, flusing and totally
closing the umbilicus ..................................................................................... Discorbis
b. Broad chambers flaps projecting over the umbilicus ............................ Valvulineria
88. a. Secondary apertures developed outside the umbilicus region .............................. 89)
b. No secondary apertures outside the umbilicus region ......................................... 91)
89. a. Secondary aperture at the periphery, over the complete breath of the chambers ....... Hoeglundina
b. Secondary aperture only at the ventral side, along the chamber sutures, outside the umbilical
region ......................................................................................................................... Bucella
c. Primary aperture bipartitioned, or two separate openings, one part of basal split, the other part a split
extending up the apertural face ................................................................. Osangularia
d. Secondary apertures dorsal or dorsal as well as ventral ....................................... 90)
90. a. Secondary apertures at the dorsal side at the junction of spiral and chamber sutures, at the ventral
side at the mid-point of the sinuate sutures .................................................. Oridorsalis
b. Only one secondary aperture at the dorsal of the test, triangular, at the basis of the last
chamber ................................................................................................................................. 91)
91. a. Test with a prominent plug in the umbilicus ........................................ Gavelinopsis
b. No umbilical plug ................................................................................................... 92)
92. a. Test distincly planoconvex, last chamber ventrally occuping most of the test......Lamarckiana
b. If not, please going to .......................................................................................... 93)
93. a. Primary aperture a vertical elongate slit up chamber face ................................... 94)
b. Primary aperture arch-like ................................................................................... 95)
c. Primary aperture bipartitioned, or two separate openings, one part a basal split, theother part a split
extending up the apertural face ................................................................. Osangularia
d. Primary aperture a basal split extending from periphery to umbilicus .. Gyroidinoides
94. a. Aperture near and parallel to periphery ............................................... Epistominella
b. Aperture umbilical, elongate slit, in a groove, extending up face of final chamber on umbilical
side .................................................................................. Ceratobulimina
c. Aperture a low slit restricted to the mid-portion of the apertural face, very flaps in
umbilicus ....................................................................................................... Gyroidina
95. a. Aperture a basal split, laying in an unfolded area .................................... Alabamina
b. Aperture not in an unfolded area ................................................................ Eponides
c. If not, please going to ........................................................................................... 96)
96. a. Test subglobular, chambers hemisphaerical, strongly embracing, aperture an arch-likeslit, near suture
................................................................................................................. Sphaeroidina
b. Test in early stage trochospiral, alter with numerous chambers forming a discoidal test . Planorbulina.

Dirangkum oleh: Khoiril Anwar M

Lab. Mikropaleontologi, Jurusan Teknik Geologi ITB
12. Diskripsi beberapa genus foraminifera plangtonik:

Cassigerinella : Small involute biserial (cassiduline) coil of inflated chambers; aperture a simple arch
directed alternately to right and left on successive chambers.
Cribrohantkenina: Test as in Hantkenina with strongly inflated chambers and larger apertural face on which
arched aperture is suplemented or replaced by one or more rows of larger apertural pore.
Globigerina: Trochospire of globose to ovate chambers, variying greatly in coiling parameters but
characterized by its aperture, which is a simple opening into the umbilicus.
Globigerinoides: An umbilicate trochospire as in Globigerina but at least one (and generally several)
supplementary aperture on spiral side, these apertures range from small gap where sutures intersect
to conspicious lunate opening along spiral suture.
Globorotalia: Test vary variable but basicaly a reguler trochospire of closely packed, gradually enlargering
chambers, aperture a slit or arch between umbilicus and peripheri, directed forward rather than inward,
commonly with some form of rim, lip or flange.
Globigerinita: Test a Globigeria-like trochospire but umbilical pit is covered by a bulla: shell delicate,
smooth, matte surface, few to many infralaminal opening may surround bulla.
Globoquadrina: Test as in Globigerina except that each aperture carries a flap with ranges from a narrow
flange to an elaborate trianglar tooth.
Hanktenina: Regular planispiral coil, commonly involute, suture straight, radial, and deeply incised,
chambers apiculate to triangular and bearing distinctive spine at tips; aperture a highly arched slit that
may be bordered by alips or flanges.
Hastigerina: Planispiral coil of bulbous to elongated chambers; aperture an arch or slit embracing inner coil.
Immature and primitive may have trochospiral tendency.
Orbulina: Test sperical with only final chamber or final chamber with small part of initial spire ( flush with or
protuding slightly throught sperical surface) visible.
Neogloboquadrina: Test trochospiral, chamber shape ovate to subglobular, wall calcareous, perforate,
primary aperture umbilical, aperture modifications typically present, such as teeth; no secondary
Pulleniatina: Test streptospiral, chamber subglobular, wall calcareous, adult have thick cortex, primary
apertureinteriomarginal umbilical-extraumblical, no secondary aperture.
Praeorbulina: Initially low trochospiral but become globular to sperical beecouse of rapidly increasing size
and enveloping nature of adult chambers; final chamber cover 40 - 70% of earlier test. No primary
aperture in adult stage, but numeros slit or larger pore along suture of last chamber.
Sphaeroidinella: Test trochospiral; chamber globular; wall calcareous, perforate covered with heavy cortex;
primary aperture umbilical. largerly obscure by overhanging cortex turing outwards forming chamber
flanges; secondary (s) aperture located on spiral side.
Sphaeroidinellopsis: Trochospiral, ranging from loose and umbilicate to appessed, ovoid, with umbilical slit,
characterized by thick, impervorate to vitreous cortex that overlies primary perforate wall test. no
secondary aperture
13. Diskripsi Genus-genus foraminifera bentos yang kosmopolitan pada endapan Neogen di

Ammonia : test calcareous, low trochospiral 3-4 putaran, suture slightly curved, thicknes, depressed on
umbilical side, umbilical surface with irregular granulanes along suture and over umbilical region,
umbilicus with open umbilical fissure and plug.
Anomalinella: test planispiral involute; lenticular; wall coarse perfotare with peripheral keel; aperture low,
rounded interomarginal arch, bordered by lip.
Anomallina: test low trochospiral or nearly planispiral; spiral side with umbonal bos, oppsite site with
depressed umbilicus; aperture interomarginal equatorial opening extending to umbilical side.
Asterorotalia: test trochospiral, biconvex, with 3 prominent slender spine radiating from test, margin
Bigenerina: early test biserial become uniserial, wall aglutinanted; aperture terminal rounded.
Bolivina: biserial, retral processes, aperture narrow elongate loop up chamber face with toothplate
Bulimina: triserial, aperture bentuk koma
Cancris: test trochospiral; biconvex; elongated and auriculte in shape; chamber rapidly enlarging; may have
peripheral keel and apertural lip. ( differs from Baggina in being more elongated, evolute in spiral side,
keeled and in having an open umbilicus and an apertural lip)
Cassidulina: biserial terputar; lenticular; aperture elongated slit curve pararel to anterior margin of chamber
with narrow lip
Cellanthus: seperti elphidium tetapi mempunyai biumbilical bos
Cibicides: low trochospiral; dorsal flat; umbilical convex; peripheri angular with keel
Cyclamina: test palnispiral involute; wall aglutinant; wall and septa strongly labyrinthic; aperture equatorial
slit and numerous pore scatered over face.
Dentalina: test elongate; arcuate; uniserial; suture oblique; aperture radiate, terminal
Discorbis: test trochospiral biconvex; plano-convex; flatened on umbilical side; periphery angled; umbilical
with flap; primary aperture extraumbilical, secondary sutural opening at opposide of chamber flap
Elpidium: test planispiral involute; chamber numerous with retral processes; wall calcareous; surface
commonly with groves or ridges pararelling periphery.
Fissurina: test rounded or ovate in outline; compressed trigonal or tetragonal in section, and may keeled,
surface smooth, costate, beaded; aperture slitlike to oval or rounded
Florilus: test planispiral bbut may be asymetrical, involute; chambers increasing rapidly in breadth and
thickness resulting in flaring test; aperture narrow equatorial opening.
Frondicularia: test elongated or palmae; flatened; chamber low broad and equitant; suture strongly arched
or angled at center of test; aperture terminal radiate may have short neck.
Gyroidina: test trochospiral, planoconvex; periphery rounded to subtruncate; primary aperture a low
interomarginal slit restricted to mid-portion of apertural face bordered by narrow lip.
Haplophragmoides: test planispiral involute; wall aglutinanted; aperture equatorial slit.
Heterolepa: test trochospiral, planoconve; periphery bluntly angled, may have keel; slowly enlargering
chamber; aperture interomarginal slitlike at extraumblical to peripheri on spiral side.
Hoeglundina: test trochospiral, lenticular, perpheri angular to carinete; umbilical area closed; suture
thickened may be elevated; aperture lateromarginal opening pararelling pheriphery on umbilical side.
Lagena: test unilocular (monothalamus), rarely 2 or more chambers; aperture on elongated neck which may
have phyaline lip, not radiate.
Lenticulina: test planispiral; lenticular; biumbonate; aperture radial at peripheral angle
Marginulina: early portion coiled but not completly enroled as in Marginulinopsis later rectilinear; suture
oblique; aperture dorsal angled
Melonis: test early stage slitghly trochospiral, adult planispiral simetri and involute; biumbilicate with
umbilicus bordered by rim; perihery broadly rounded; apertural face, septa and umbilical thickened rim
imperforate; aperture equatorial slit extending to umbilical in both side.
Nodosaria: test multilocular; rectilinear; rounded in section; aperture terminal,central basically radiate may
be produce on neck
Oolina: test single globular to ovate chamber; aperture rounded and may have radiating groves surrounding
aperture on exterior.
Oridorsalis: test trochospiral, lenticular; periphery carinate; suture radial in spiral side and strongly sinusoid
in umbilical side.
Planulina: test low trochospiral, discoidal; peripheri truncate with thick marginal imperforate keel; suture
strongly arched, thickened, nonperforate; aperture an equatorial arch with narrow bordering lip.
Pseudorotalia: test trochospiral, periphery acute with imperforate keel; chambers with imperforate umbilical
lips confined to radial sector and with imperforate plate-like extentions formed by each succeding
chamber lamella covering umbilical area; cameral aperture interiomarginal on umbilical side, apertual

Dirangkum oleh: Khoiril Anwar M

Lab. Mikropaleontologi, Jurusan Teknik Geologi ITB
lip forming interomarginal labial aperture at inner umbilical side of chambers ( it differ from Ammonia in
having sutural canals on both spiral and umbilical side and lacking umbilical labial apertures)
Pullenia: test planispiral involute, spheroidal to compresed; suture radial; wall calcarous finelly perforate;
aperture a narrow crescentric intromarginal slit extending nearly from umbilicus on one side to that
Pyrgo: test inflated, discoidal to ovate; chambers in final stage biloculine arranged; wall calcarous
porcelenous; aperture terminal, rounded to elongated with distinc bifid tooth.
Quinqueloculina: test coiled in quinqueloculine manner, wall calcarous, porceleneous; aperture
terminal,rounded with simple or bifid tooth.
Sphaeroidina: test subglobular; wall finely perforate;
Spiroloculina: test with flattened side and lanceolate or fusiform in outline; chamber in late stage biloculine;
wall calcarous, porceleneous; aperture at open end of final chamber with simple or bifid tooth.
Siphonina: test trochospiral, biconvex, lenticular, peripheri commonly with fimbriate keel; aperture oval
bordered by distinc lip and projecting on neck.
Textularia: test biserial; wall aglutinanted; aperture single low arch at the base of chamber
Triloculina: test early coiled in quinqueloculine, later become triloculine; wall calcarous, porceleneous;
aperture terminal with bifid tooth
Trochammina: test trochospiral; wall aglutinated; aperture interomarginal
Uvigerina: triserial; aperture rounded with nonperforate neck may have phialine lip
Vaginulina: test straight to arcuate as in Dentalina but compressed or ovate in section; aperture dorsal
angled, radiate.
Vulvulina: biformed test, early biserial later uniserial, flaring or elongates in outline, lateral margin acutely
angled; chambers rapidly increasing in size; wall aglutinated; aperture in uniserial stage elongate, narrow
terminal slit.

Dirangkum oleh: Khoiril Anwar M

Lab. Mikropaleontologi, Jurusan Teknik Geologi ITB

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