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Nama : Diana Mustika Ayu

NIM : 20.86208.010



Nama Mata Kuliah : BAHASA INGGRIS

Kode Mata Kuliah : STAI 1062

Jumlah Sks :2

Nama Dosen : Heri Sepriyadi,M.pd.

Tahun Ajaran : 2020/2021

1. PART OF SPEECH (Bagian Kata)

Ada 8 Part of speech yaitu :

1. Noun (Kata Benda)

Kata yang ditujukan untuk menyebut suatu hal,misalnya berupa manusia, hewan, benda,
atau tempat.
Example : - I am eating an watermelon
-Indonesia. Is where I live now
2. Verb (Kata Kerja)
Kata yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan tindakan dari subjek, menunjukkan peristiwa,
atau keadaan.
Example : - He plays badminton
- The rice cooker
3. Adjective (Kata Sifat)
Kata yang digunakan untuk menerangkan noun/pronoun.
Example : - Donna is a beautiful girl

4. Adverb (Kata Keterangan)

Kata yang digunakan untuk menerangkan memodifikasi verb+adjective
Example : - The man bought fruits in the market yesterday
Adverb of time
5. Pronoun (Kata Ganti)

Kata berfungsi sebagai subjek, misalnya he,she,dan it.

Example : - He is really sleepy, so he slept in class

6. Preposition (Kata Petunjuk)

Kata yang berfungsi untuk menerangkan verb,noun,atau adjective.
Example : - Dina bought a new shirt in the market and she was very happy

7. Conjuction (Kata Penghubung)

Kata yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua kata.
Example : - I like that motorcycle, but I dont have enough money to buy

8. Interjection (Kata seruan)

Kata yang digunakan untuk ucapan pendek yang mengungkapkan emosi atau perasaan
Example : - Oy! Look at me
2. AFFIXES (Imbuhan)
A. Inflection : Tidak berubah makna hanya berubah ucapannya
Example : 1. go(verb) – goes(verb)
2. child(noun) – children(noun) – eaten(verb)

B. Derivation : Berubah makna

Example : 1. makan – makanan – driver

3. minum – minuman

Is a group of words that stand together
The Basice Of Phrase stukcture rules :
1. Noun cleterminer (det) : - articles (a,an,the)
- pronoun (my,our,etc)

2. Sentence (s) : noun phrase (Np) and verb phrase (Vp)

3. Noun phrase (Np) : articles,pronoun,adjective/adjective phrase (Ap),conjuction(c),

Noun (N),preposition phrase (pp)

4.Verb phrase (Vp) : verb(v1,np,pp,adverbial (adv))

5. Preposition phrase (pp) : preposition (p), Np

6. Adjective phrase (Ap) : adjective (A)

Examplus: very good, very cute, etc

Example : ita sweeps on the floor



Ita Sweeps P NP

On Det N

The Floor

A group of world that consuits of one subject and one predicate
Clause dibagi menjadi 2 yaitu :
1. Independent clause/main clause : Can stand alone
2. Dependent clause/subordinate clause : Can not stand alon
The element of sentences
1. Subject
2. Predicate
3. Object
4. Complant
There are 4 types of senteces :

1). Simple senteces is sentences structure that consists of one independent clause
(without dependent)

2). Componned senteces is sentences that consits of two independent (without


3). Complex senteces is sentences structure that consists of on independent clause

and one dependent clause

4). Componned complex sentences is sentences structure that consists of two

independent clause and one dependent clause

There are 4 function of sentences :

1). Declarative Wahyudin cats brend (+) (!)

2). Interrojative do you love me (?)

3). Imperative don’t touch me (!)

4). Exclanative how cute the cut is (!)

Example :

1). Iqbaal eats bread in the living room

s v o c

2). Joko eats bread and nia cooks rice in the kitchen

Indepent conj indepent

3). You will the best if you study hand

Indepent dependent
5. 5W+1H
Yaitu digunakan untuk mengembangkan suatu ide cerita.
Unsur-unsur dalam 5w+1h yaitu:
1). What (Apa) yaitu menanyakan tentang sesuatu
2). When (Kapan) menanyakan tentang waktu
3). Where (Dimana) menanyakan tentang tempat
4). Who (Siapa) bertanya tentang orang
5). Why (Mengapa) menanyakan tentang alasan
6). How (Bagaimana) menanyakan tentang cara

Example :
1). Putri sweeps the floor every morning

When does putri sweeps the floor?

What does putri sweeps every morning?

Who sweeps the floor every morning?

2). Joy drives his car on the street every day

When does joy drives his car on the street ?

Where does joy drives his car every day ?

What does joy drives on the street every day ?

Who drives his car on the street every day ?

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