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Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman Umum

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San Fransisco – Setelah Concorde terbang untuk terakhir kali di tahun 2003,
ada beberapa petunjuk bahwa perjalanan udara supersonik dapat kembali
ke industri penerbangan komersial. Kini tampaknya hal itu mungkin segera
terjadi, menurut The Market Mogul, yang melaporkan bahwa perusahaan
pembuat pesawat Boom Supersonic telah menerima 76 pesanan di muka
untuk Boom XB-1.

Pesawat tersebut akan membawa 55 penumpang dan jauh lebih hening dari
pesawat supersonik sebelumnya. Boom Supersonic juga mengaku sedang
berbicara dengan 20 maskapai penerbangan lainnya. Perusahaan berharap
untuk menguji versi Boom XB-1 yang lebih kecil pada akhir 2018 dan
memiliki pesawat berukuran penuh yang beroperasi pada tahun 2025.
Dengan kecepatan lebih dari 1.687 mil perjam, Boom XB-1 dapat melakukan
perjalanan dari London ke New York dalam waktu sekitar tiga jam dan 15

Namun, masih ada beberapa pertanyaan yang tersisa. Perjalanan udara

supersonik adalah ilegal di Amerika Serikat, yang akan membatasi pesawat
terbang untuk penerbangan internasional.  Selain itu, harga yang mahal
telah lama membuat perjalanan supersonik tidak terjangkau bagi
kebanyakan konsumen, karena tiket cenderung menghabiskan biaya ribuan
dolar. Tidak ada indikasi sejauh ini bahwa Boom XB-1 akan memecahkan
masalah ini.

Pesawat supersonik komersial pertama, Concorde, diluncurkan pada tahun

1969. Ia mampu memotong waktu penerbangan internasional menjadi
setengahnya, namun mendapat kontroversi karena “ledakan sonik” yang
dihasilkannya yang mengganggu orang-orang yang berada di bawah jalur

Pada bulan Juli 2000, sebuah Air France Concorde jatuh sesaat setelah lepas
landas dan menewaskan 113 orang. Kecelakaan tersebut menurunkan
permintaan penerbangan supersonik sampai Concorde pensiun pada tahun


Yang menjadi fokus utama pada bacaan di atas adalah ....


A. Setelah Concorde, pesawat supersonik akan kembali ke industi penerbangan
B. Pengujian Boom XB-1 yang lebih kecil pada akhir 2018
C. Perjalanan ilegal pesawat supersonik di Amerika Serikat
D. Pesawat supersonik tidak terjangkau
E. Pesawat Concorde pertama kali diluncurkan pada tahun 1969 yang mampu
memotong penerbangan internasional


San Fransisco – Setelah Concorde terbang untuk terakhir kali di tahun 2003,
ada beberapa petunjuk bahwa perjalanan udara supersonik dapat kembali
ke industri penerbangan komersial. Kini tampaknya hal itu mungkin segera
terjadi, menurut The Market Mogul, yang melaporkan bahwa perusahaan
pembuat pesawat Boom Supersonic telah menerima 76 pesanan di muka
untuk Boom XB-1.

Pesawat tersebut akan membawa 55 penumpang dan jauh lebih hening dari
pesawat supersonik
sebelumnya. Boom Supersonic juga mengaku sedang berbicara dengan 20
maskapai penerbangan lainnya. Perusahaan berharap untuk menguji versi
Boom XB-1 yang lebih kecil pada akhir 2018 dan memiliki pesawat berukuran
penuh yang beroperasi pada tahun 2025. Dengan kecepatan lebih dari 1.687
mil perjam, Boom XB-1 dapat melakukan perjalanan dari London ke New
York dalam waktu sekitar tiga jam dan 15 menit.

Namun, masih ada beberapa pertanyaan yang tersisa. Perjalanan udara

supersonik adalah ilegal di Amerika Serikat, yang akan membatasi pesawat
terbang untuk penerbangan internasional.  Selain itu, harga yang mahal
telah lama membuat perjalanan supersonik tidak terjangkau bagi
kebanyakan konsumen, karena tiket cenderung menghabiskan biaya ribuan
dolar. Tidak ada indikasi sejauh ini bahwa Boom XB-1 akan memecahkan
masalah ini.

Pesawat supersonik komersial pertama, Concorde, diluncurkan pada tahun

1969. Ia mampu memotong waktu penerbangan internasional menjadi
setengahnya, namun mendapat kontroversi karena “ledakan sonik” yang
dihasilkannya yang mengganggu orang-orang yang berada di bawah jalur

Pada bulan Juli 2000, sebuah Air France Concorde jatuh sesaat setelah lepas
landas dan menewaskan 113 orang. Kecelakaan tersebut menurunkan
permintaan penerbangan supersonik sampai Concorde pensiun pada tahun


Kata komersial memiliki makna ....


A. Diadopsi
B. Dijual
C. Diperdagangkan
D. Diedarkan
E. Digandakan


San Fransisco – Setelah Concorde terbang untuk terakhir kali di tahun 2003,
ada beberapa petunjuk bahwa perjalanan udara supersonik dapat kembali
ke industri penerbangan komersial. Kini tampaknya hal itu mungkin segera
terjadi, menurut The Market Mogul, yang melaporkan bahwa perusahaan
pembuat pesawat Boom Supersonic telah menerima 76 pesanan di muka
untuk Boom XB-1. 
Pesawat tersebut akan membawa 55 penumpang dan jauh lebih hening dari
pesawat supersonik
sebelumnya. Boom Supersonic juga mengaku sedang berbicara dengan 20
maskapai penerbangan lainnya. Perusahaan berharap untuk menguji versi
Boom XB-1 yang lebih kecil pada akhir 2018 dan memiliki pesawat berukuran
penuh yang beroperasi pada tahun 2025. Dengan kecepatan lebih dari 1.687
mil perjam, Boom XB-1 dapat melakukan perjalanan dari London ke New
York dalam waktu sekitar tiga jam dan 15 menit.
Namun, masih ada beberapa pertanyaan yang tersisa. Perjalanan udara
supersonik adalah ilegal di Amerika Serikat, yang akan membatasi pesawat
terbang untuk penerbangan internasional. Selain itu, harga yang mahal
telah lama membuat perjalanan supersonik tidak terjangkau bagi
kebanyakan konsumen, karena tiket cenderung menghabiskan biaya ribuan
dolar. Tidak ada indikasi sejauh ini bahwa Boom XB-1 akan memecahkan
masalah ini.
Pesawat supersonik komersial pertama, Concorde, diluncurkan pada tahun
1969. Ia mampu memotong waktu penerbangan internasional menjadi
setengahnya, namun mendapat kontroversi karena “ledakan sonik” yang
dihasilkannya yang mengganggu orang-orang yang berada di bawah jalur
penerbangannya. Pada bulan Juli 2000, sebuah Air France Concorde jatuh
sesaat setelah lepas landas dan menewaskan 113 orang. Kecelakaan
tersebut menurunkan permintaan penerbangan supersonik sampai
Concorde pensiun pada tahun 2003.


Menurut The Market Mogul, yang melaporkan bahwa perusahaan pembuat

pesawat Boom Supersonic telah menerima 76 pesanan di muka untuk Boom
XB-1. Kalimat di atas jika diubah menjadi kalimat langsung akan menjadi ....


A. “Perusahaan pembuat pesawat Boom Supersonic telah menerima 76 pesanan
di muka untuk Boom XB-1”, jelas The Market Mogul.
B. The Market Mogul melaporkan bahwa perusahaan pembuat pesawat Boom
Supersonic telah menerima 76 pesanan di muka untuk Boom XB-1.
C. The Market Mogul melaporkan, “Perusahaan pembuat pesawat Boom
Supersonic telah menerima 76 pesanan di muka untuk Boom XB-1”.
D. “Perusahaan pembuat pesawat Boom Supersonic telah menerima 76 pesanan
di muka untuk Boom XB-1”, lapor The Market Mogul.
E. “Perusahaan pembuat pesawat Boom Supersonic telah menerima 76 pesanan di
muka untuk Boom XB-1”, kata The Market Mogul.


San Fransisco – Setelah Concorde terbang untuk terakhir kali di tahun 2003,
ada beberapa petunjuk bahwa perjalanan udara supersonik dapat kembali
ke industri penerbangan komersial. Kini tampaknya hal itu mungkin segera
terjadi, menurut The Market Mogul, yang melaporkan bahwa perusahaan
pembuat pesawat Boom Supersonic telah menerima 76 pesanan di muka
untuk Boom XB-1. Pesawat tersebut akan membawa 55 penumpang dan jauh
lebih hening dari pesawat supersonik sebelumnya. Boom Supersonic juga
mengaku sedang berbicara dengan 20 maskapai penerbangan lainnya. 
Perusahaan berharap untuk menguji versi Boom XB-1 yang lebih kecil pada
akhir 2018 dan memiliki pesawat berukuran penuh yang beroperasi pada
tahun 2025. Dengan kecepatan lebih dari 1.687 mil perjam, Boom XB-1 dapat
melakukan perjalanan dari London ke New York dalam waktu sekitar tiga
jam dan 15 menit. Namun, masih ada beberapa pertanyaan yang tersisa.
Perjalanan udara supersonik adalah ilegal di Amerika Serikat, yang akan
membatasi pesawat terbang untuk penerbangan internasional. 
Selain itu, harga yang mahal telah lama membuat perjalanan supersonik
tidak terjangkau bagi kebanyakan konsumen, karena tiket cenderung
menghabiskan biaya ribuan dolar. Tidak ada indikasi sejauh ini bahwa Boom
XB-1 akan memecahkan masalah ini. Pesawat supersonik komersial
pertama, Concorde, diluncurkan pada tahun 1969. Ia mampu memotong
waktu penerbangan internasional menjadi setengahnya, namun mendapat
kontroversi karena “ledakan sonik” yang dihasilkannya yang mengganggu
orang-orang yang berada di bawah jalur penerbangannya. Pada bulan Juli
2000, sebuah Air France Concorde jatuh sesaat setelah lepas landas dan
menewaskan 113 orang. Kecelakaan tersebut menurunkan permintaan
penerbangan supersonik sampai Concorde pensiun pada tahun 2003.


Kalimat berikut yang merupakan fakta adalah ....


A. Pesawat supersonik komersial pertama, Concorde, diluncurkan pada tahun
B. Perusahaan berharap untuk menguji versi Boom XB-1 yang lebih kecil pada
akhir 2018
C. Harga yang mahal telah lama membuat perjalanan supersonik tidak terjangkau
bagi kebanyakan konsumen
D. Tidak ada indikasi sejauh ini bahwa Boom XB-1 akan memecahkan masalah ini
E. Pesawat Concorde mampu memotong waktu penerbangan internasional
menjadi setengahnya


Cegah Banjir, Kali Krukut akan Dilengkapi Tanggul

Jakarta – Dinas Tata Air DKI Jakarta akan membebaskan tanah di sepanjang
Kali Krukut untuk mengantisipasi luapan air yang sering terjadi disana.
Kasudin PU Air Jakarta Selatan, Deddy Budiwidodo menyatakan,
pembebasan tanah sepanjang satu kilometer akan dilakukan mulai
Petogogan hingga Kemang Raya.

“Kali Krukut itu memang masih belum ideal karena ada penyempitan di
segemn petogogan dan Pulo Raya. Penyempitan itu berdampak terjadinya
genangan di atasnya,” sebut Deddy, Senin (6/4/2015)

Setelah pembebasan lahan, kata Deddy, sejumlah tanggul akan dibangun

untuk melindungi pemukiman rendah yang ada di sekitar kali tersebut.
Pembangunan tanggul itu akan dikoordinasikan bersama Kementerian
Pekerjaan Umum.

Deddy menambahkan, guna mempercepat proses pembebasan tanah, Dinas

PU Tata Air mulai menginvestarisasi sejumlah tanah di kawasan Kali Krukut
pada tahun ini. “Kalau Kementerian (prosesnya) terlalu lama, kita akan
mendesak untuk meminta dikeluarkan izin gubernur,” sebut Deddy.


Deddy menambahkan, guna mempercepat proses pembebasan tanah, Dinas

PU Tata Air mulai menginvestarisasi sejumlah tanah di kawasan Kali Krukut
pada tahun ini. Bentuk langsung dari kalimat tidak langsung di atas adalah


A. “Guna mempercepat proses pembebasan tanah, Dinas PU Tata Air mulai
menginvestarisasi sejumlah tanah di kawasan Kali Krukut pada tahun ini,”
ditambah oleh Deddy
B. Deddy berkata, “Guna mempercepat proses pembebasan tanah, Dinas PU Tata
Air mulai menginvestarisasi sejumlah tanah di kawasan Kali Krukut pada tahun
C. “Guna mempercepat proses pembebasan tanah, Dinas PU Tata Air mulai
menginvestarisasi sejumlah tanah di kawasan Kali Krukut pada tahun ini,” tambah
D. “Guna mempercepat proses pembebasan tanah, Dinas PU Tata Air mulai
menginvestarisasi sejumlah tanah di kawasan Kali Krukut pada tahun ini,” kata
E. Deddy menyatakan bahwa guna mempercepat proses pembebasan tanah,
Dinas PU Tata Air mulai menginvestarisasi sejumlah tanah di kawasan Kali Krukut
pada tahun ini


Cegah Banjir, Kali Krukut akan Dilengkapi Tanggul

Jakarta – Dinas Tata Air DKI Jakarta akan membebaskan tanah di sepanjang
Kali Krukut untuk mengantisipasi luapan air yang sering terjadi disana.
Kasudin PU Air Jakarta Selatan, Deddy Budiwidodo menyatakan,
pembebasan tanah sepanjang satu kilometer akan dilakukan mulai
Petogogan hingga Kemang Raya.

“Kali Krukut itu memang masih belum ideal karena ada penyempitan di
segemn petogogan dan Pulo Raya. Penyempitan itu berdampak terjadinya
genangan di atasnya,” sebut Deddy, Senin (6/4/2015) Setelah pembebasan
lahan, kata Deddy, sejumlah tanggul akan dibangun untuk melindungi
pemukiman rendah yang ada di sekitar kali tersebut. Pembangunan tanggul
itu akan dikoordinasikan bersama Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum.

Deddy menambahkan, guna mempercepat proses pembebasan tanah, Dinas

PU Tata Air mulai menginvestarisasi sejumlah tanah di kawasan Kali Krukut
pada tahun ini. “Kalau Kementerian (prosesnya) terlalu lama, kita akan
mendesak untuk meminta dikeluarkan izin gubernur,” sebut Deddy.


Verba pewarta yang terdapat pada teks di atas adalah ....

A. Membebaskan
B. Mengantisipasi
C. Melindungi
D. Menambahkan
E. Menginventarisasi



Cegah Banjir, Kali Krukut akan Dilengkapi Tanggul

Jakarta – Dinas Tata Air DKI Jakarta akan membebaskan tanah di sepanjang
Kali Krukut untuk mengantisipasi luapan air yang sering terjadi disana.
Kasudin PU Air Jakarta Selatan, Deddy Budiwidodo menyatakan,
pembebasan tanah sepanjang satu kilometer akan dilakukan mulai
Petogogan hingga Kemang Raya.

“Kali Krukut itu memang masih belum ideal karena ada penyempitan di
segemn petogogan dan Pulo Raya. Penyempitan itu berdampak terjadinya
genangan di atasnya,” sebut Deddy, Senin (6/4/2015)

Setelah pembebasan lahan, kata Deddy, sejumlah tanggul akan dibangun

untuk melindungi pemukiman rendah yang ada di sekitar kali tersebut.
Pembangunan tanggul itu akan dikoordinasikan bersama Kementerian
Pekerjaan Umum.

Deddy menambahkan, guna mempercepat proses pembebasan tanah, Dinas

PU Tata Air mulai menginvestarisasi sejumlah tanah di kawasan Kali Krukut
pada tahun ini. “Kalau Kementerian (prosesnya) terlalu lama, kita akan
mendesak untuk meminta dikeluarkan izin gubernur,” sebut Deddy.


Peristiwa yang menjadi fokus utama teks di atas adalah ....

A. Luapan banjir Kali Krukut

B. Pembebasan tanah di sepanjang Kali Krukut untuk pembangunan tanggul
C. Penyempitan area Kali Krukut
D. Pembangunan tanggul di bantaran kali
E. Banyaknya permukiman rendah yang ada di sekitar Kali Krukut



Cegah Banjir, Kali Krukut akan Dilengkapi Tanggul

Jakarta – Dinas Tata Air DKI Jakarta akan membebaskan tanah di sepanjang
Kali Krukut untuk mengantisipasi luapan air yang sering terjadi disana.
Kasudin PU Air Jakarta Selatan, Deddy Budiwidodo menyatakan,
pembebasan tanah sepanjang satu kilometer akan dilakukan mulai
Petogogan hingga Kemang Raya.

“Kali Krukut itu memang masih belum ideal karena ada penyempitan di
segemn petogogan dan Pulo Raya. Penyempitan itu berdampak terjadinya
genangan di atasnya,” sebut Deddy, Senin (6/4/2015)

Setelah pembebasan lahan, kata Deddy, sejumlah tanggul akan dibangun

untuk melindungi pemukiman rendah yang ada di sekitar kali tersebut.
Pembangunan tanggul itu akan dikoordinasikan bersama Kementerian
Pekerjaan Umum.

Deddy menambahkan, guna mempercepat proses pembebasan tanah, Dinas

PU Tata Air mulai menginvestarisasi sejumlah tanah di kawasan Kali Krukut
pada tahun ini. “Kalau Kementerian (prosesnya) terlalu lama, kita akan
mendesak untuk meminta dikeluarkan izin gubernur,” sebut Deddy.


Gagasan utama berada di paragraf

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5



Sebelum terbentuknya ASEAN pada tahun 1967, beberapa negara di Asia

Tenggara telah melakukan berbagai upaya ... membentuk kerja sama
regional di kawasan ini, seperti ASA (Association of Southeast Asia),
Marphilindo (Malaya, Philipina, Indonesia), dan SEAMEO (South East Asian
Ministers of Education Organization), maupun dengan negara di uar
kawasan ini, seperti SEATO (South Rast Asia Treaty Organization) dan ASPAC
(Asia and Paci c Council). Komunikasi antara negara Asia Tenggara dan
negara luar kawasantersebut telah berkembang dlam ECAFE (Economic
Commission for Asia and the Far East), Colombo Plan, dan KAA (Konferensi
Asia Afrika).

Titik-titik pada kalimat pertama dapat diisi dengan ....

A. Dalam
B. Pada
C. Saat
D. Ketika
E. Untuk


Pelopor Keluarga Berencana di Indonesia (PKBI) mencatat angka kematian

ibu (AKI) ketika melahirkan di Indonesia terus meningkat dari tahun ke
tahun. Direktur Eksekutif PKBI, Inang Winarso mengatakan, kondisi
Indonesia saat ini mengalami masalah dalam hal kesejahteraan dan
Inang menjelaskan, laporan survei demogra kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI)
mencatat, rentang AKI pada tahun 2007, yaitu 228 kematian (132-323) per 100
ribu kelahiran hidup. “Tetapi lima tahun kemudian atau 2012, AKI
meningkat, yaitu 359 (239-478) per 10 ribu kelahiran hidup,” ujarnya di
Jakarta, Rabu (20/1) Kondisi inilah, menurut Inang yang membuat Indonesia
tidak akan dapat memenuhi harapan target Millenium Development Goals
(MDGs) pada tahun 2015.


Kalimat tanggapan yang sesuai dengan teks berita di atas adalah ....


A. Wajar saja bila angka kematian ibu (AKI) ketika melahirkan di Indonesia terus
meningkat dari tahun ke tahun sebab tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat Indonesia
masih rendah
B. Peningkatan angka kematian ibu (AKI) ketika melahirkan harus segera
ditanggulangi agar Indonesia bisa memenuhi harapan target Millenium
Development Goals (MDGs) pada tahun 2015
C. Semua pihak dalam keluarga harus menjaga ibu atau calon ibu yang ada di
keluarga mereka agar dapat melahirkan dengan selamat
D. Peningkatan angka kematian ibu (AKI) ketika melahirkan harus segera
ditanggulangi dengan seksama karena kondisi ini sangat memprihatinkan dan
mengancam masa depan bangsa
E. Pemerintah harus lebih aktif lagi menggalakkan prgram keluarga berencana (KB)
agar angka kematian ibu (AKI) saat melahirkan bisa diatasi


Pelopor Keluarga Berencana di Indonesia (PKBI) mencatat angka kematian

ibu (AKI) ketika melahirkan di Indonesia terus meningkat dari tahun ke
tahun. Direktur Eksekutif PKBI, Inang Winarso mengatakan, kondisi
Indonesia saat ini mengalami masalah dalam hal kesejahteraan dan
Inang menjelaskan, laporan survei demogra kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI)
mencatat, rentang AKI pada tahun 2007, yaitu 228 kematian (132-323) per 100
ribu kelahiran hidup. “Tetapi lima tahun kemudian atau 2012, AKI
meningkat, yaitu 359 (239-478) per 10 ribu kelahiran hidup,” ujarnya di
Jakarta, Rabu (20/1) Kondisi inilah, menurut Inang yang membuat Indonesia
tidak akan dapat memenuhi harapan target Millenium Development Goals
(MDGs) pada tahun 2015.


Makna demogra adalah ....

A. Ilmu tentang sosial

B. Ilmu tentang lingkungan
C. Ilmu tentang keluarga
D. Ilmu tentang kepegawaian
E. Ilmu tentang kependudukan



Free-standing sculpture that is molded or carved is a type familiar to almost

everyone. Although certain free-standing gures or groups of gures can
have only a single side intended for viewing, others are completed on all
sides. As with all other forms of art, the ultimate shape of a sculpture
re ects the artist's vision of individuals or experiences represented by the
work. Throughout history, people everywhere have discovered a need for
sculpture as a record of events and feelings. Materials which can be sculpted
do much to contribute to the artist's imagination. Wood, stone, metal, and
various types of plastic and synthetics are all used as sculpting media.

When sculptures are made of stone, wood, ivory, or even ice, the sculptor
carves or chips the substance to reduce it to the necessary shape.
Developing a sculptured image on all sides represents a change from the
older approach when artists left the back portion of the gure un nished
and rough. In fact, sculpture in relief is completely attached to the at
background material and appears to be a part of it. Relief, which is
completed only on one side intended for viewing, was the rst type of
sculpture created by man, when ancient sculptors removed the background
material in a side of a tree or a cave to make their drawing appear more

While creating a statue, the artist depends on the appropriate lighting to

develop the gure because the quality of the nal product relies on the
interplay between light and shade. When the work is nished, the sculpture
must be displayed in the same light as it was originally created. If a light
from a source is too weak or too strong. the e ect that the sculptor in·
tended may be lost. For example, in painting, the light and shade give the
image shape and solidity that cannot be altered by an external light in which
it is displayed.

What is the main topic of the passage?

A. Di erences between painting and sculpture

B. Sculpting techniques and media
C. Types of commercially produced sculptures
D. Reasons for enjoying sculpture
E. the quality of the nal product relies on the interplay between light and shade



Free-standing sculpture that is molded or carved is a type familiar to almost

everyone. Although certain free-standing gures or groups of gures can
have only a single side intended for viewing, others are completed on all
sides. As with all other forms of art, the ultimate shape of a sculpture
re ects the artist's vision of individuals or experiences represented by the
work. Throughout history, people everywhere have discovered a need for
sculpture as a record of events and feelings. Materials which can be sculpted
do much to contribute to the artist's imagination. Wood, stone, metal, and
various types of plastic and synthetics are all used as sculpting media.

When sculptures are made of stone, wood, ivory, or even ice, the sculptor
carves or chips the substance to reduce it to the necessary shape.
Developing a sculptured image on all sides represents a change from the
older approach when artists left the back portion of the gure un nished
and rough. In fact, sculpture in relief is completely attached to the at
background material and appears to be a part of it. Relief, which is
completed only on one side intended for viewing, was the rst type of
sculpture created by man, when ancient sculptors removed the background
material in a side of a tree or a cave to make their drawing appear more

While creating a statue, the artist depends on the appropriate lighting to

develop the gure because the quality of the nal product relies on the
interplay between light and shade. When the work is nished, the sculpture
must be displayed in the same light as it was originally created. If a light
from a source is too weak or too strong. the e ect that the sculptor in·
tended may be lost. For example, in painting, the light and shade give the
image shape and solidity that cannot be altered by an external light in which
it is displayed.

According to the passage, the purpose of sculpture as a form of art is to?

A. Display a group of gures

B. Re ect a human need for freedom
C. Express an artistic vision
D. Commemorate individuals and events
E. Record of events and feelings



Free-standing sculpture that is molded or carved is a type familiar to almost

everyone. Although certain free-standing gures or groups of gures can
have only a single side intended for viewing, others are completed on all
sides. As with all other forms of art, the ultimate shape of a sculpture
re ects the artist's vision of individuals or experiences represented by the
work. Throughout history, people everywhere have discovered a need for
sculpture as a record of events and feelings. Materials which can be sculpted
do much to contribute to the artist's imagination. Wood, stone, metal, and
various types of plastic and synthetics are all used as sculpting media.

When sculptures are made of stone, wood, ivory, or even ice, the sculptor
carves or chips the substance to reduce it to the necessary shape.
Developing a sculptured image on all sides represents a change from the
older approach when artists left the back portion of the gure un nished
and rough. In fact, sculpture in relief is completely attached to the at
background material and appears to be a part of it. Relief, which is
completed only on one side intended for viewing, was the rst type of
sculpture created by man, when ancient sculptors removed the background
material in a side of a tree or a cave to make their drawing appear more

While creating a statue, the artist depends on the appropriate lighting to

develop the gure because the quality of the nal product relies on the
interplay between light and shade. When the work is nished, the sculpture
must be displayed in the same light as it was originally created. If a light
from a source is too weak or too strong. the e ect that the sculptor in·
tended may be lost. For example, in painting, the light and shade give the
image shape and solidity that cannot be altered by an external light in which
it is displayed.

According to the passage, all of the following are true of sculpture EXCEPT
that ... 

A. it can be found in all pans of the world

B. it has undergone change since the early times
C. it can be created from many substances
D. it is no longer useful for people
E. it can be found in all pans of the world



Free-standing sculpture that is molded or carved is a type familiar to almost

everyone. Although certain free-standing gures or groups of gures can
have only a single side intended for viewing, others are completed on all
sides. As with all other forms of art, the ultimate shape of a sculpture
re ects the artist's vision of individuals or experiences represented by the
work. Throughout history, people everywhere have discovered a need for
sculpture as a record of events and feelings. Materials which can be sculpted
do much to contribute to the artist's imagination. Wood, stone, metal, and
various types of plastic and synthetics are all used as sculpting media.

When sculptures are made of stone, wood, ivory, or even ice, the sculptor
carves or chips the substance to reduce it to the necessary shape.
Developing a sculptured image on all sides represents a change from the
older approach when artists left the back portion of the gure un nished
and rough. In fact, sculpture in relief is completely attached to the at
background material and appears to be a part of it. Relief, which is
completed only on one side intended for viewing, was the rst type of
sculpture created by man, when ancient sculptors removed the background
material in a side of a tree or a cave to make their drawing appear more

While creating a statue, the artist depends on the appropriate lighting to

develop the gure because the quality of the nal product relies on the
interplay between light and shade. When the work is nished, the sculpture
must be displayed in the same light as it was originally created. If a light
from a source is too weak or too strong. the e ect that the sculptor in·
tended may be lost. For example, in painting, the light and shade give the
image shape and solidity that cannot be altered by an external light in which
it is displayed.

 The word ultimate in line 3 is closest in meaning to

A. ulterior
B. nal
C. formal
D. formidable
E. Contribute



Free-standing sculpture that is molded or carved is a type familiar to almost

everyone. Although certain free-standing gures or groups of gures can
have only a single side intended for viewing, others are completed on all
sides. As with all other forms of art, the ultimate shape of a sculpture
re ects the artist's vision of individuals or experiences represented by the
work. Throughout history, people everywhere have discovered a need for
sculpture as a record of events and feelings. Materials which can be sculpted
do much to contribute to the artist's imagination. Wood, stone, metal, and
various types of plastic and synthetics are all used as sculpting media.

When sculptures are made of stone, wood, ivory, or even ice, the sculptor
carves or chips the substance to reduce it to the necessary shape.
Developing a sculptured image on all sides represents a change from the
older approach when artists left the back portion of the gure un nished
and rough. In fact, sculpture in relief is completely attached to the at
background material and appears to be a part of it. Relief, which is
completed only on one side intended for viewing, was the rst type of
sculpture created by man, when ancient sculptors removed the background
material in a side of a tree or a cave to make their drawing appear more

While creating a statue, the artist depends on the appropriate lighting to

develop the gure because the quality of the nal product relies on the
interplay between light and shade. When the work is nished, the sculpture
must be displayed in the same light as it was originally created. If a light
from a source is too weak or too strong. the e ect that the sculptor in·
tended may be lost. For example, in painting, the light and shade give the
image shape and solidity that cannot be altered by an external light in which
it is displayed.

Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a sculpting medium....

A. Ice
B. Ivory
C. Stone
D. Wax
E. Metal



Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary,

politician and philanthropist who served as President of South Africa from
1994 to 1999. He was South Africa's rst black chief executive, and the rst
elected in a fully representative democratic election. His government
focused on dismantling the legacy of apartheid which was practicing
institutionalized racism, poverty and inequality, and fostering racial

A Xhosa born to the Thembu royal family, Mandela attended Fort Hare
University and the University of Witwatersrand, where he studied law. Living
in Johannesburg, he became involved in anti-colonial politics, joining the ANC
and becoming a founding member of its Youth League. After the Afrikaner
minority government of the National Party established apartheid in 1948, he
rose to prominence in the ANC's 1952 De ance Campaign, was appointed
superintendent of the organisation's Transvaal chapter and presided over
the 1955 Congress of the People.

In uenced by Marxism, he secretly joined the South African Communist

Party (SACP) and sat on its Central Committee. Although initially committed
to non-violent protest, in association with the SACP he co-founded the
militant Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) in 1961, leading a sabotage campaign
against the apartheid government. In 1962, he was arrested, convicted of
conspiracy to overthrow the state, and sentenced to life imprisonment in the
Rivonia Trial.

Mandela served 27 years in prison, initially on Robben Island, and later in

Pollsmoor Prison and Victor Verster Prison. An international campaign
lobbied for his release, which was granted in 1990 amid escalating civil strife.
Mandela joined negotiations with Nationalist President F. W. de Klerk to
abolish apartheid and establish multiracial elections in 1994, in which he led
the ANC to victory and became South Africa's rst black president. He
published his autobiography in 1995.

While continuing the former government's liberal economic policy, his

administration also introduced measures to encourage land reform, combat
poverty, and expand healthcare services. Mandela became an elder
statesman, focusing on charitable work in combating poverty and HIV/AIDS
through the Nelson Mandela Foundation.

The pronoun which in Paragraph 1 refers to ...

A. government
B. apartheid
C. poverty
D. racism
E. politician TRYOUT NASIONAL UTBK 1.0 - 2020

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary,

politician and philanthropist who served as President of South Africa from
1994 to 1999. He was South Africa's rst black chief executive, and the rst
elected in a fully representative democratic election. His government
focused on dismantling the legacy of apartheid which was practicing
institutionalized racism, poverty and inequality, and fostering racial

A Xhosa born to the Thembu royal family, Mandela attended Fort Hare
University and the University of Witwatersrand, where he studied law. Living
in Johannesburg, he became involved in anti-colonial politics, joining the ANC
and becoming a founding member of its Youth League. After the Afrikaner
minority government of the National Party established apartheid in 1948, he
rose to prominence in the ANC's 1952 De ance Campaign, was appointed
superintendent of the organisation's Transvaal chapter and presided over
the 1955 Congress of the People.

In uenced by Marxism, he secretly joined the South African Communist

Party (SACP) and sat on its Central Committee. Although initially committed
to non-violent protest, in association with the SACP he co-founded the
militant Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) in 1961, leading a sabotage campaign
against the apartheid government. In 1962, he was arrested, convicted of
conspiracy to overthrow the state, and sentenced to life imprisonment in the
Rivonia Trial.

Mandela served 27 years in prison, initially on Robben Island, and later in

Pollsmoor Prison and Victor Verster Prison. An international campaign
lobbied for his release, which was granted in 1990 amid escalating civil strife.
Mandela joined negotiations with Nationalist President F. W. de Klerk to
abolish apartheid and establish multiracial elections in 1994, in which he led
the ANC to victory and became South Africa's rst black president. He
published his autobiography in 1995.

While continuing the former government's liberal economic policy, his

administration also introduced measures to encourage land reform, combat
poverty, and expand healthcare services. Mandela became an elder
statesman, focusing on charitable work in combating poverty and HIV/AIDS
through the Nelson Mandela Foundation.

The word strife in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ...

A. con ict
B. harmony
C. tender
D. abundance
E. join TRYOUT NASIONAL UTBK 1.0 - 2020

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary,

politician and philanthropist who served as President of South Africa from
1994 to 1999. He was South Africa's rst black chief executive, and the rst
elected in a fully representative democratic election. His government
focused on dismantling the legacy of apartheid which was practicing
institutionalized racism, poverty and inequality, and fostering racial

A Xhosa born to the Thembu royal family, Mandela attended Fort Hare
University and the University of Witwatersrand, where he studied law. Living
in Johannesburg, he became involved in anti-colonial politics, joining the ANC
and becoming a founding member of its Youth League. After the Afrikaner
minority government of the National Party established apartheid in 1948, he
rose to prominence in the ANC's 1952 De ance Campaign, was appointed
superintendent of the organisation's Transvaal chapter and presided over
the 1955 Congress of the People.

In uenced by Marxism, he secretly joined the South African Communist

Party (SACP) and sat on its Central Committee. Although initially committed
to non-violent protest, in association with the SACP he co-founded the
militant Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) in 1961, leading a sabotage campaign
against the apartheid government. In 1962, he was arrested, convicted of
conspiracy to overthrow the state, and sentenced to life imprisonment in the
Rivonia Trial.

Mandela served 27 years in prison, initially on Robben Island, and later in

Pollsmoor Prison and Victor Verster Prison. An international campaign
lobbied for his release, which was granted in 1990 amid escalating civil strife.
Mandela joined negotiations with Nationalist President F. W. de Klerk to
abolish apartheid and establish multiracial elections in 1994, in which he led
the ANC to victory and became South Africa's rst black president. He
published his autobiography in 1995.

While continuing the former government's liberal economic policy, his

administration also introduced measures to encourage land reform, combat
poverty, and expand healthcare services. Mandela became an elder
statesman, focusing on charitable work in combating poverty and HIV/AIDS
through the Nelson Mandela Foundation.

What consequence did Nelson Mandela get for his sabotage campaign?

A. He became co-founded the militant Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK).

B. He rose to prominence in the ANC's 1952 De ance Campaign.
C. He was sentenced to life imprisonment in the Rivonia Trial.
D. He lobbied for his release.
E. He became South Africa's rst black president TRYOUT NASIONAL UTBK 1.0 - 2020

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary,

politician and philanthropist who served as President of South Africa from
1994 to 1999. He was South Africa's rst black chief executive, and the rst
elected in a fully representative democratic election. His government
focused on dismantling the legacy of apartheid which was practicing
institutionalized racism, poverty and inequality, and fostering racial

A Xhosa born to the Thembu royal family, Mandela attended Fort Hare
University and the University of Witwatersrand, where he studied law. Living
in Johannesburg, he became involved in anti-colonial politics, joining the ANC
and becoming a founding member of its Youth League. After the Afrikaner
minority government of the National Party established apartheid in 1948, he
rose to prominence in the ANC's 1952 De ance Campaign, was appointed
superintendent of the organisation's Transvaal chapter and presided over
the 1955 Congress of the People.

In uenced by Marxism, he secretly joined the South African Communist

Party (SACP) and sat on its Central Committee. Although initially committed
to non-violent protest, in association with the SACP he co-founded the
militant Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) in 1961, leading a sabotage campaign
against the apartheid government. In 1962, he was arrested, convicted of
conspiracy to overthrow the state, and sentenced to life imprisonment in the
Rivonia Trial.

Mandela served 27 years in prison, initially on Robben Island, and later in

Pollsmoor Prison and Victor Verster Prison. An international campaign
lobbied for his release, which was granted in 1990 amid escalating civil strife.
Mandela joined negotiations with Nationalist President F. W. de Klerk to
abolish apartheid and establish multiracial elections in 1994, in which he led
the ANC to victory and became South Africa's rst black president. He
published his autobiography in 1995.

While continuing the former government's liberal economic policy, his

administration also introduced measures to encourage land reform, combat
poverty, and expand healthcare services. Mandela became an elder
statesman, focusing on charitable work in combating poverty and HIV/AIDS
through the Nelson Mandela Foundation.

Why was the legacy of apartheid dismantled?


A. Because it was movement for good democracy
B. Because it could cause the separation in the National Party.
C. Because it was against the expected model of multicultural elections.
D. Because it was thought as the unconstitutional deeds for people.
E. Because it was was practicing institutionalized racism, poverty and inequality,
and fostering racial reconciliation


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