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Dianursanti, MT
Apriliana Cahya Khayrani, Ph.D
Capaian pembelajaran:
 Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan berbagai jenis material
kemasan dan aplikasinya.
 Mahasiswa dapat menentukan jenis bahan kemasan
dan teknik penyimpanan yang sesuai untuk produk
pangan tertentu
Pengertian Pengemasan
What is packaging??
 Adalah wadah atau pembungkus yang dapat
membantu mencegah atau mengurangi terjadinya
kerusakan-kerusakan pada bahan yang dikemas /
dibungkusnya. (Packaging is materials in the shape of
cover, storage, wrap, pack, or box that is one of the most
important process to maintain the quality of the product
for storage, transportation and end-use (Kelsey, 1985)

 Pengemasan berfungsi untuk menempatkan produk

agar mempunyai bentuk yang memudahkan dalam
penyimpanan, pengangkutan dan distribusi. (The
basic function of packaging are protection, containment,
information, and convenience)
Syarat-syarat Kemasan
Requirements of packaging
 Harus dapat melindungi produk  Efisien dan ekonomis (reasonable,
(protection) efficient and economically affordable)
 Harus dapat melindungi dari kerusakan  Harus mempunyai ukuran, bentuk dan
fisik, perubahan kadar air dan bobot yang sesuai dengan norma atau
penyinaran (cahaya). standar yang ada (Variation of size and
 Mudah untuk dibuka/ditutup weight, and adjustable to the norm and
(convenience of using) standar of local society- Suitable
 Mudah ditangani serta (Easiness in
structure and form)
handling)  Mudah dibuang (easy to dispose-
 Mudah dalam pengangkutan dan
consideration in disposal)
distribusi. (Easiness in transportation  Mudah dibentuk atau dicetak.
and distribution) (adjustable in shape or molding)
 Dapat menunjukkan identitas, informasi
(Strong brand identity)
Klasifikasi Kemasan (1)
Kemasan sekali pakai

Berdasarkan Frekuensi
Pemakaian Kemasan yang dipakai
(How many times could you berulang (multitrip)-reuse

Kemasan yang tidak

dibuang tapi digunakan
kembali oleh konsumen
untuk kepentingan lain
Klasifikasi Kemasan (2)
Kemasan Primer : kemasan yang
langsung mewadahi bahan
pangan, contoh : kaleng susu,
botol minuman (primary)

Kemasan Sekunder : kemasan

Berdasarkan Struktur Sistem yang berfungsi melindungi
Kemasan kelompok kemasan lain.
(Does your packaging contact Misalnya kotak karton untuk
directly to your product?) wadah susu dalam kaleng.

Kemasan tertier, kuarterner :

kemasan setelah kemasan primer
dan sekunder, yang berfungsi
sebagai pelindung selama
pengangkutan. (tertiary)
Klasifikasi Kemasan (3)
Kemasan Fleksibel : bahan
kemasan yang mudah
dilenturkan. Misalnya : plastik,
kertas, foil.

Kemasan kaku : kemasan yang

bersifat keras, kaku, tidak lentur
Berdasarkan Sifat Kekakuan dan patah bila
Bahan Kemasan
Misal : kayu, gelas, logam.

Kemasan semi fleksible :

kemasan yang mempunyai sifat
di antara kemasan fleksible dan
kemasan kaku. Misal : botol
plastik untuk kecap dan susu.
Klasifikasi Kemasan (4)
Kemasan Hermetis (tahan uap dan
gas) : kemasan yang tidak dapat
ilalui oleh gas atau uap air.,
misalnya kaleng dan gelas.

Kemasan Tahan Cahaya : wadah

Berdasarkan Sifat Perlindungan yang tidak transparan, misalnya
terhadap lingkungan (Based on the kemasan logam, kertas, foil. ( light
durability) resistant)

Kemasan tahan suhu tinggi :

kemasan untuk bahan pangan yang
memerlukan pemanasan, sterilisasi
dan pasteurisasi. Misalnya : wadah
logam dan gelas. (high temperature
Klasifikasi Kemasan (5)
Kemasan Siap Pakai : bahan kemasan yang
siap untuk diisi dengan bentuk yang telah
sempurna. Contoh : botol, wadah kaleng.
(ready to use)

Berdasarkan tingkat kesiapan pakai (based

on readiness of using)
Kemasan Siap Dirakit (Wadah Lipatan) :
kemasan yang masih memerlukan tahap
perakitan sebelum pengisian. Misalnya
kaleng berbentuk lempengan, plastik
lembaran, kertas atau foil. (ready to
Kriteria Kemasan Masa depan?
 Terbuat dari bahan organik dan bahan yang
 Mudah dihancurkan secara alami (biodegradable)
 Mudah diperoleh
 Fleksibel
 Kuat
 Transparan
 Tidak berbau
 Tidak mengkontaminasi bahan makanan yang dikemas
 Tidak beracun
 Tahan panas
Bahan Kemasan
 Perlu diingat bahwa bahan kemasan terdiri dari
berbagai macam.
 Bahkan dengan perkembangan teknologi seperti
sekarang, bahan kemasan juga sudah berkembang
begitu pesat.
 Berbagai penelitian telah menemukan bahan-bahan
kemasan baru. Dan kini ada ribuan macam bahan
Bahan Kemasan:


 Kemasan kertas merupakan kemasan fleksibel yang
pertama sebelum ditemukannya plastik dan aluminium
 Saat ini kemasan kertas masih banyak digunakan dan
mampu bersaing dengan kemasan lain seperti plastik dan
logam . Hal ini karena harganya yang murah, mudah
diperoleh dan penggunaannya yang luas.
 Selain sebagai kemasan, kertas juga berfungsi sebagai
media komunikator dan media cetak.
 Kelemahan kemasan kertas untuk mengemas bahan
pangan adalah sifatnya yang sensitif terhadap air dan
mudah dipengaruhi oleh kelembaban udara lingkungan.
Sejarah perkembangan
 Kertas yang merupakan kemasan fleksible pertama
sekali ditemukan di Cina pada tahun 100 SM.
 Pabrik kertas pertama di Amerika berdiri tahun 1690
oleh William Rittenhause yaitu di Philadelphia. Pada
saat itu proses pembuatan kertas masih lambat dan
hanya dihasilkan satu lembar kertas untuk satu kali
 Nicholas-Louis Robert dari Perancis mengembangkan
proses pembuatan kertas secara kontinyu.
Introduction to Paper as packaging
 Paper is one of the oldest packaging materials, dating
back to the 17th century [Kirwan, 2003].
 Paper and paperboard are mostly used for packaging
dry foods. Upon coating or waxing, their applications
extend to packaging and serving of wet and fatty foods
[Geueke, B. et al. (2018)].
 They are commonly used in corrugated boxes, milk
cartons, folding cartons, paper plates and cups, bags
and sacks, and wrapping paper.
Sifat-sifat kertas
 Sifat-sifat kemasan kertas sangat tergantung pada proses pembuatan
dan perlakuan tambahan pada proses pembuatannya.
 Kemasan kertas dapat berupa kemasan fleksibel atau kemasan kaku.
 Beberapa jenis kertas yang dapat digunakan sebagai kemasan fleksibel
adalah kertas kraft, kertas tahan lemak (grease proof), Glassin dan
kertas lilin (waxed paper) atau kertas yang dibuat dari modifikasi
kertas-kertas ini.
 Wadah-wadah kertas yang kaku terdapat dalam bentuk karton, kotak,
kaleng fiber, drum, cawan-cawan yang tahan air, kemasan tetrahedral
dan lain-lain, dapat dibuat dari paper board, kertas laminasi,
corrugated board dan berbagai jenis board dari kertas khusus.
 Wadah kertas biasanya dibungkus lagi dengan bahan-bahan kemasan
lain seperti plastik dan foil logam yang lebih bersifat protektif.
Paper characteristics
 Paper is used for temporary food containment and
protection due to its high permeability and inability to
be sealed with heat.
Jenis Kertas
 Ada dua jenis kertas utama yang digunakan, yaitu
kertas kasar dan kertas lunak.
 Kertas yang digunakan sebagai kemasan adalah jenis
kertas kasar, sedangkan kertas halus digunakan untuk
kertas tulis yaitu untuk buku dan kertas sampul.
 Kertas kemasan yang paling kuat adalah kertas kraft
dengan warna alami, yang dibuat dari kayu lunak
dengan proses sulfat.
Jenis Kertas:
Kertas Kraft :
 Kertas Kraft → kuat, keras, aplikasi : karung, pelapis papan
kertas gelombang.
 Kertas kraft → produk pangan yang akan dikapalkan

Kertas glasin :
 Permukaannya mirip permukaan gelas, transparan & semi
 Kelemahan : berbau
 Kegunaan : pengemas ikan, permen & produk pangan
Jenis Kertas:
Kertas kedap lemak :
 Dibuat dari pulp hemiselulosa secara kimiawi.
 + resin → kedap air
 + titanium → mencegah oksidasi
 + plasticizer → elastis

Kertas Perkamen :
 Dibuat dengan blanching & perendaman pulp kayu
 Kedap thd lemak
 Kedap air
 Aplikasi : mentega, margarin, keju
Jenis Kertas:
Kertas Krep :
 Permukaan berkerut
 Daya renggang tinggi
 Daya serap tinggi
 Tujuan : dekorasi

Kertas Lilin :
 Penambahan lilin pada permukaan kertas
 Kedap minyak
 Melindungi aroma
 Aplikasi : roti, mie, donat, mentega, margarin, daging, ikan
Papan Kertas:
Types of Paper in Packaging (1)
 As mentioned before, paper also could be used as
primary packaging or secondary packaging
 Depending on its method of production and
packaging purpose, paper can be found as Kraft paper,
sulphite paper, greaseproof paper, Glassine, or
parchment paper.
Types of Paper in Packaging (2)
 Kraft paper is the strongest form of paper, and is used in
packaging flour, sugar, and dried fruits.
 Sulphite paper is relatively weaker and lighter, and is used to
wrap biscuits and sweets.
 Greaseproof paper and Glassine contain densely packed
cellulose fibres – Glassine being further hydrated – that
improve the paper’s oil resistance, thus making it suitable to
package snacks, biscuits, fast foods, and greasy foods.
 Parchment paper is acid-treated paper, which renders it
impermeable to fluids, but not to air and vapour. It is used
in packaging butter and lard [Marsh, K. & Bugusu, B.
Types of Paper in Packaging (3)
 Paperboard is a relatively thicker and heavier material than paper. It is
widely used as secondary packaging that is not in direct contact with the
 Boxes, trays, and cartons used for shipping are the common usages of
 Types of paperboard vary between white board, solid board, chipboard,
and fibreboard.
 White board is the only paperboard advised for primary packaging.
 Solid board is a strong and durable paperboard, used to package milk,
fruit juices and soft drinks.
 Chipboard is the cheapest form of paperboard, made of recycled paper,
and is used as outer layers of food cartons, such as cereals and tea.
 Fibreboard is used to ship bulk food due to its strength and resistance to
impact scratching and crushing damage
Types of Paper in Packaging (4)
 Another form of paper is paper laminates, which are
coated or uncoated paper based on Kraft and sulphite
 They have enhanced barrier properties, and are used in
packaging soups, spices, and herbs [Marsh, K. &
Bugusu, B. (2007).].
Sejarah perkembangan
 Kemasan gelas merupakan bahan kemas tertua dan telah
populer sejak 3000 SM .
 Kemasan gelas sudah digunakan oleh bangsa Mesir Kuno.
 Bangsa Asiria dan Mesir Kuno membuat gelas dari pasir
kuarsa, kulit kerang dan arang kayu. Tetapi gelas yang
dihasilkan ternyata sangat kental sehingga sangat sulit
dibentuk dengan cara tiup, sehingga hanya dapat
digunakan untuk membuat manik-manik dan gelang
untuk perhiasan.
 Hal ini kemudian diketahui bahwa pada arang kayu yang
mereka gunakan mengandung unsur kalium oksida (K2O)
dan bukan natrium oksida (Na2O).
Sejarah Perkembangan..(2)
 Bangsa Venesia mengembangkan pembuatan gelas
menggunakan arang rumput laut sebagai sumber
natrium oksida, sehingga gelas yang dihasilkan lebih
encer dan mudah dibentuk dengan cara ditiup.
 Oleh karena itu, bangsa Venesia dapat membuat
bejana dari gelas untuk keperluan sehari-hari dan
gelas seni yang indah.
 Pada saat itu gelas masih berwarna hijau dan coklat
yang disebabkan karena tingginya kadar besi dan
adanya pewarna lain dalam bahan baku.
Introduction to Glass
 Glass is another permanent packaging material that
has been used for millennia.
 The earliest evidence of glass making was around 7000
B.C. [12].
 Yet, glassblowing of bottles was discovered by the
Romans in 50 B.C. in the area of modern day Lebanon
Kelebihan Kemasan Gelas
 Sifat transparan
 Tidak bereaksi dengan produk
 Kedap thd gas, uap air dan bau
 Keawetan aroma, rasa dan warna produk
 Dapat dibentuk dan didesain
 Mudah diwarnai
 Tahan suhu rendah & sterilisasi
 Dapat divakum
Good characteristic of Glass
 Glass is well-known for being amid the most reliable
and least toxic materials for packaging foods and
 Its advantages include imperviousness, inertness,
strength, hygiene, resistance to tampering, quality
colour, design, decoration potential, transparency,
chemical propriety, microwaveability, and heat
treatability [14].
Kelemahan Kemasan Gelas:
 Berat sehingga biaya transportasi mahal
 Resistensi terhadap pecah dan mempunyai thermal
shock yang rendah
 Berpotensi menimbulkan bahaya yaitu dari pecahan
Disadvantage characteristic of
 Heavy to handle
 In addition, the distribution is also costly due to its
weight and the subsequent transport costs.
 The production process is quite expensive, as it
requires a lot of energy.
 There is a risk of breakage when handled, and this can
lead to injuries in those who carry out the recycling.
Jenis-jenis Gelas
Fused Silica
 koefisien ekspansinya rendah dan titik lunaknya cukup
tinggi sehingga memberikan tahanan terhadap panas yang
 Gelas ini juga memberikan transmisi terhadap cahaya ultra
violet yang baik.

Alkali Silika
 Gelas alkali silikat mudah larut dalam air dan banyak
digunakan sebagai perekat karton atau melapisi kulit telur
supaya tahan terhadap serangan bakteri.
 Konstituen penyusunnya terutama adalah pasir dan soda
Jenis-Jenis Gelas
Gelas Soda-Kapur Silikat
 Gelas ini merupakan gelas yan paling banyak diproduksi.
 Komposisinya membuat gelas ini mempunyai titik lebur
yang tidak terlalu tinggi dan cukup kental sehingga tidak
mengkristal dan mempunyai daerah kekentalan yang baik
untuk proses pembuatannya.

Gelas Barium
 Gelas barium banyak digunakan untuk pembuatan gelas
optik karena mempunyai indeks reflaksi yang tinggi,
sehingga banyak digunakan untuk pembuatan lensa
kacamata bifokus dan panel layar monitor televisi atau
Type of glass packaging
 There are two types of glass packaging most widely
used for foods and drinks: narrow-neck bottles and
wide-opening jars and pots.
 Glass bottles are commonly used for alcoholic drinks,
soft drinks, and potable water.
 Foods packed in glass containers range from coffee, to
dairy products, spices, spreads, syrups, processed
vegetables and fruits, and meat and fish products.
How to make Glass as a packaging
 Glass is basically made from soda, lime, and silica – in
addition to other elements depending on the desired
 Glass is manufactured via melting and container
 Surface treatment, heat treatment and annealing are
subsequent steps in the production process.
 Glass is reusable and infinitely recyclable through
crushing, melting, and reforming without loss of
Glass application in recent time
 With the rise of popularity and usage of other
packaging materials, such as metals and plastics, high-
value products are preferred to be packed in glass
containers due to their high-quality image and aroma
preservation characteristics .
(Common Application of Glass):
 Produk minuman (Baverages)
 Saos (Sauces, Spices)
 Obat (Medicines)
 Bahan kimia (Chemicals)
 Kosmetik (Cosmetics and Skincare products)
Sejarah Perkembangan
 Wadah logam dalam bentuk kotak atau cangkir emas
digunakan pada zaman kuno sebagai lambang
 Teknik pengalengan makanan sebagai upaya
pengawetan bahan pangan pertama sekali
dikembangkan pada tahun 1809 yaitu pada zaman
pemerintahan Napoleon Bonaparte yaitu dari hasil
penemuan Nicholas Appert.
 Tahun 1810 Peter Duran dari Ingris menciptakan
Sejarah Perkembangan
 Tahun 1817 William Underwood (imigran asal Inggris)
mendirikan industri pengalengan makanan yang pertama
di Amerika Serikat.
 Alumunium foil (alufo) diproduksi secara komersial
pertama kali pada tahun 1910.
 Kaleng aluminium untuk kemasan bir digunakan pertama
sekali tahun 1965.
 Awalnya pembuatan kaleng dilakukan secara manual yaitu
hanya dihasilkan 5-6 kaleng per jam.
 Akhir tahun 1900 ditemukan cara pembuatan kaleng
termasuk cara pengisian dan penutupannya yang lebih
maju dan bersih.
Introduction to Metal
 Metal packaging plays an important role in the process
of food preservation.
 The common expression used to describe such a
process is “canning”.
 Canned food has become an important part of the
human diet in developed countries during the past
 It is of particular value in those parts of the world
where no or limited refrigeration exists for storing
food. It is a means of safely preserving foodstuffs
without microbiological deterioration
Introduction to Metal (2)
 There are various forms of metal food packaging, such
as cans, tubes, containers, films, caps and closures.
 Cans are generally made of aluminium or steel, and
they are the most commonly used metal packages of
food and beverages.
 They are highly recyclable and are usually coated with
a layer of organic material to prevent any interaction
between the food and the metal.
Application/ use of metals
 Beer and soft drink cans
 Food cans
 Drums and pails
 Aerosol containers
 Tubes
 Open trays
 Caps and closures (e.g. lids on glass jars and bottle
 Lids (e.g. for yoghurt and butter containers).
Application/ use of metals (2)
 Food cans are packed under ambient pressure or vacuum
 Beer and carbonated beverage cans are packed under pressure.
 Another difference is in the processing that occurs once the can
is filled and the lid is seamed on.
 Soft drinks typically undergo no further treatment.
 Beer is frequently pasteurised in the can.
 Many foods are filled hot and are cooked in the can, under a wide
range of conditions.
 This gives food that can be preserved for long periods (a 5-year
shelf life is not uncommon) without the need for preservatives.
 The sterilising processes are controlled to assure microbiological
safety during the foreseen shelf life.
Coating used in metals packaging
 Many metal packaging (typically cans, containers, caps
and closures) are normally coated on one or both
 The inside (food contact) coating is referred to as an
internal coating, lacquer or enamel and the outside as
external coating, enamel, ink or varnish.
 Unlike many other applications, can coatings are
normally thermally processed (stoved or baked).
Coating used in metals packaging
Metal packaging is coated for many reasons:

Internal (food contact) coatings:

 Provide protection of the contents from the metal – e.g. iron pick-up in beer or
discolouration of some dark-coloured fruits, such as plums and strawberries,
due to metal contact
 Provide protection of the metal can from the contents of the can – e.g. acidic
soft drinks (which may corrode uncoated metal) or some fish, meats and soups
(which may cause sulphur staining).

External (non-food contact) coatings:

 Provide protection of the metal from the environment – e.g. atmospheric
 Support decoration, labelling and consumer information
 Influence mobility (friction) of the article during filling operations – e.g.
beverage cans can only be filled with an external decoration, which provides
the necessary friction (mobility) to pass through the filling head.
 Aluminium
 Steel
 Tin
 Aluminium is generally used for beverage cans, foils, tubes, trays,
pouches, and coffee capsules. It has good resistance to temperature
fluctuations and acts as an excellent gas barrier, which extends the
food’s shelf-life.
 It has outstanding malleability and formability and can be easily
embossed. It is relatively harmless, lightweight, and can be recycled
 Aluminium alloys used for food contact may contain elements such as
magnesium, silicon, iron, manganese, copper and zinc to enhance its
 Aluminium can be used in rigid, flexible, and semi-flexible packaging.
It helps maintain the freshness and aroma of the foods, and is good for
protection from radiation, oxygen, moisture, oils, and microorganisms.
 Soft-drinks, seafood, and pet-food are commonly enclosed by
aluminium packages.
 Some aluminium grades used in food packaging include AA 3003 (O,
H22, H24), AA 8006, AA 8011, AA 8079, and AA 1235.
 Aluminium is normally coated for packaging applications.
 Steel grades for food contact packaging applications are essentially electrolytic
tinplate (ETP) and electrolytic chromium/chromium oxide coated steel
(ECCS), as described in product standard EN 10202:2001 .
 Steel is used for cans, containers, caps, and closures. Organic coatings are also
required to resist corrosion.
 Steel cans are fabricated from tinplate, which is tin-coated steel, or from
electrolytic chromium (ECCS), also known as tin-free steel.
 Steel, being a permanent material, can be recycled open-endedly while
retaining its quality.
 Tinplate is a remarkable barrier to gases, water vapour, light, and odours. It has
good ductility and formability, and is convenient for sterile products for it can
undergo heat treatment and hermetic sealing. It is light with significant
mechanical strength and is suitable for expressive decoration. Common
applications of tinplate include drink cans, processed foods, and powdered
foods .
 Tin-free steel also has good strength and formability and is slightly cheaper
than tinplate. The chrome/chrome oxide in ECCS renders it a good material for
coating adhesion, such as lacquers and paints. It has good resistance to heat
and black sulphide stain, which makes convenient for making fish cans .
Applications of tin-free steel include food cans, trays, bottle caps, can ends,
and closures.
 Tin can be applied as a thin layer on steel used for
metal packaging.
 It is applied electrolytically during the manufacture of
ETP (electrolytic tinplate).
 The tin layer provides corrosion resistance and in some
cases is not coated, as tin can act as an efficient oxygen
 However, using uncoated tin is limited by the various
possible interactions between the metal surface and
the foodstuff and is therefore mainly used for, e.g. light
fruits in brine or tomato-based products.
Disadvantage of metal packaging
 Corrosion. The main disadvantage of steel is that fact
that it is vulnerable to corrosion and that is what
causes the metal to deteriorate.
 Content Is Not Visible.
 Moderately Heavy Packaging Material.
 Multiple Manufacturing Steps.
Advantage of metal packaging
 Pratical : metal packaging is available in a vast range of sizes,
from the humble tomato can to the steel barrel for transporting
paint in large quantities. They require little secondary packaging
for either transport or presentation at point-of-sale.

 Resistant : resistant to impacts and blows, metal packaging can

withstand extreme temperatures and pressures. They provide
maximum safety for food or other sensitive products. Up to
10,000 tins of canned goods can be stacked in 1 m3.

 Attractive : A multitude of shapes, sizes and printing formats are

possible allowing the creation of packaging to help make your
brand more attractive.

 Economical : another advantage of metal, it enables competitive

costs within optimum timescales.
Keuntungan Wadah Logam
 Mempunyai kekuatan mekanik yang tinggi
 Barrier yang baik terhadap gas, uap air, jasad renik,
debu dan kotoran sehingga cocok untuk kemasan
 Toksisitasnya relatif rendah meskipun ada
kemungkinan migrasi unsur logam ke bahan yang
 Tahan terhadap perubahan-perubahan atau keadaan
suhu yang ekstrim
 Mempunyai permukaan yang ideal untuk dekorasi dan
Contoh Kemasan Logam
Sejarah Perkembangan
 Penemuan dan pembuatan plastik, pertama kali
dilaporkan oleh Dr.Montgomerie pada tahun 1843,
yaitu oleh penduduk Malaya dengan cara
memanaskan getah karet kemudian dibentuk dengan
tangan dan dijadikan sebagai gagang pisau.
 Cetakan bahan plastik yang pertama, dipatenkan oleh
J.L.Baldwin pada tangal 11 Februari 1862
 Cetakan ini kemudian digunakan secara luas untuk
membentuk bahan-bahan plastik yang terdiri dari
campuran getah karet dengan berbagai bahan pengisi.
Introduction to Plastic Packaging
 Plastics are the most common and most wide-ranging
materials used for food packaging.
 Some of their widespread uses are bottles, trays, bags,
foils, cups, pots, pouches, and bowls.
 The volume of plastic allocated to food packaging amounts
for around 40% of plastics.
 The convenience and widespread use of plastic in food
packaging is owed to its low cost, ease of processability,
formability, chemical resistance, lightweight, and a variety
of physical properties.
 However, plastic suffers from permeability to gas, vapour,
and light.
Categories of Plastic
Plastics can be classified into two main categories:
 Thermosets and
 Thermoplastics.
Categories of Plastic (2)
 Thermosets are polymers that irrevocably solidify
upon heat and are non-reformable, which makes them
unsuitable for food packaging.
 Thermoplastics, on the other hand, soften when
heated and are able to retain their initial conditions at
room temperature. This renders them perfect for food
packaging. Besides, despite certain functional
restrictions, thermoplastics are recyclable via melting,
reproduction and reuse as new products.
Types of Material Plastic
 Plastics used for food
packaging: polyolefins and polyester (the most
common materials).
 Other materials include polyvinyl chloride,
polyvinylidene chloride, polystyrene, polyamide, and
ethylene vinyl alcohol.
Types of Material Plastic (2)
 Polyoleofin category: Polyethylene and polypropylene .
 These two materials are extensively used due to their
light weight, malleability, strength, stability, processability,
reusability and resistance to chemicals and moisture.
 Milk, juice, and water bottles, grocery, retail, and garbage
bags, and bread and frozen food bags are some of the
uses of polyethylene.
 Polypropylene is used when heat resistance is needed.
Yogurt containers and margarine tubs are applications of
Types of Material Plastic (3)
 The most commonly used polyester: in food
packaging is polyethylene terephthalate, more
commonly known as PETE.
 PETE is a resistor of heat, oils, solvents, and acids.
 It has good ductility, strength, and hardness.
 Its advantageous properties also include lightness,
impermeability to gas, transparency, and resistance
to breaking.
 It is mostly used in bottles, tubs, jars, trays, blisters,
bags, and wrappers for snacks.
Jenis Kemasan Plastik
Jenis :
 Termoplastik
 Termoset

Termoplastik : PE, PP, PS, PVC, acrylic, nyllon

trilebutadiene styrene
Termoset : phenolformaldehyde, melamine formaldehyde.
(The primary difference between the two is that Thermoset
is a material that strengthens when heated, but cannot be
remolded or heated after the initial forming, while
thermoplastics can be reheated, remolded, and cooled as
necessary without causing any chemical changes.)
Penemuan Jenis-Jenis plastik
 Polystirene (mudah remuk) tahun 1830
 Vinil Chlorida tahun 1835
 Polyvinil chlorida tahun 1872
 Karet sintesis (metil butadiena) tahun 1915
 Neoprene tahun 1931
 Polyethylene tahun 1933
 Butadiena-styrene tahun 1933
 Karet-hidroklorida tahun 1934
 Polystirene yang ditambah dengan karet sehingga lebih
kuat pada tahun 1950
 Polyprophylene tahun 1954
Kelebihan Kemasan Plastik
 Harga relatif murah
 Dapat dibentuk
 Dapat didesain
 Bentuk disukai konsumen
 Biaya transportasi murah
Contoh Kemasan Plastik
TUGAS (Next Week Assignment)
 Pilihlah salah satu kemasan suatu produk (dengan
material yang sesuai dengan kelompok anda) yang ada
anggap unik kemasannya entah pada fungsi atau
kemudahan penggunaan.
 Jelaskan kemasan tersebut
 Apa keunggulan kemasan tersebut
 Apa kekurangannya
 Kaitkan juga dengan jenis materialnya
 Apa konsiderasi anda jika diperbaiki
TUGAS (Next Week Assignment)
 Choose one of the unique packaging of any kind products
(material packaging should prior to your group materials in
the table 1.)
 The packaging should be attractive, either in function or
the easiness/convenience in using.
 Describe the packaging
 What are the advantages of the packaging and the
 All explanation should be corelated to the type of material
 What are your considerations for its improvement
TUGAS (Next Week Assignment)
Table 1. Group materials of packaging

Nomor Material Nomor Material

Kelompok Kelompok

1 Gelas (glass) 6 Logam (metals)

2 Logam (metals) 7 Plastik (plastics)
3 Plastik (Plastic) 8 Kertas (Papers)
4 Kertas (papers) 9 Gelas (Glass)
5 Gelas (glass) 10 Kertas (Papers)
11 Logam (metals)

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