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CHAPTER 21 AIS Development Strategi


Perusahaan dapat mengalami sejumlah kesulitan dalam mengembangkan AIS, termasuk proyek
yang ditumpuk, sistem yang tidak memenuhi kebutuhan, sistem yang membutuhkan waktu
lama, pengguna yang tidak dapat menentukan kebutuhan mereka, dan perubahan pasca

Purchasing Pre-written Software

 Paket perangkat lunak yang tersedia secara komersial sekarang melebihi perangkat lunak
yang dikembangkan sesuai pesanan saat sistem lama diganti. Perangkat lunak kalengan
dijual di pasar terbuka ke berbagai pengguna dengan persyaratan serupa. Beberapa
perusahaan menjual perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak bersama sebagai satu paket, yang
disebut sistem turnkey. Masalah dengan perangkat lunak kalengan adalah bahwa jika
seringkali tidak memenuhi semua kebutuhan perusahaan, yang dapat diatasi dengan

 Perusahaan juga dapat memperoleh perangkat lunak melalui penyedia layanan aplikasi
(ASP). ASP menghost perangkat lunak berbasis web dan mengirimkannya ke klien melalui
Internet. Perusahaan tidak perlu membeli, menginstal, atau memelihara perangkat lunak
kalengan; mereka hanya "menyewanya".

Developing Software In-House

 Terlepas dari ketersediaan perangkat lunak kalengan yang baik, banyak organisasi
mengembangkan sendiri karena persyaratan mereka unik atau ukuran dan kompleksitasnya
memerlukan paket khusus. Mengembangkan perangkat lunak khusus sulit dan rawan
kesalahan serta menghabiskan banyak waktu dan sumber daya.

 Setelah pengguna akhir menentukan persyaratan mereka, analis bekerja dengan pengguna
akhir untuk menentukan format output kertas dan layar. Akuntan dapat membantu sebagai
pengawas proyek, pengguna, atau anggota tim pengembangan.

 Perangkat lunak khusus biasanya dikembangkan dan ditulis sendiri. Sebagai alternatif,
organisasi dapat melibatkan perusahaan luar untuk mengembangkan paket atau
mengumpulkannya dari inventarisasi modul mereka.
Outsource The System

 Outsourcing mempekerjakan perusahaan luar untuk menangani semua atau sebagian dari
kegiatan pemrosesan data organisasi. Dalam perjanjian outsourcing mainframe, agen
outsourcing membeli komputer klien dan mempekerjakan semua atau sebagian besar
karyawan klien, kemudian mengoperasikan dan mengelola seluruh sistem di situs klien atau
memigrasikannya ke komputer agen outsourcing.

 Dalam perjanjian klien / server atau PC outsourcing organisasi mengalihdayakan

layanan tertentu (mis., Layanan help desk); segmen bisnisnya; fungsi tertentu; atau
dukungan PC.

 Sebagian besar perusahaan yang melakukan outsourcing menggunakan beberapa

perusahaan yang berbeda daripada satu sumber tunggal untuk meningkatkan fleksibilitas,
mendorong persaingan, dan mengurangi biaya. Sebagian besar tidak melakukan
outsourcing manajemen strategis lingkungan TI mereka, manajemen proses bisnis, atau
arsitektur TI.

Business Process Reengineering

 Rekayasa ulang proses bisnis (BPR) adalah analisis dan desain ulang proses bisnis dan
sistem informasi untuk mencapai peningkatan kinerja yang signifikan. Ini mengurangi
perusahaan untuk proses bisnis yang penting dan membentuk kembali praktik kerja
organisasi dan arus informasi untuk mengambil keuntungan dari kemajuan teknologi. BPR
menyederhanakan sistem, membuatnya lebih efektif, dan meningkatkan kualitas dan
layanan perusahaan. Perangkat lunak BPR telah dikembangkan untuk membantu
mengotomatiskan banyak tugas BPR

 Michael Hammer telah menetapkan beberapa prinsip yang membantu organisasi berhasil
merekayasa ulang proses bisnis:

 Atur sekitar hasil, bukan tugas.

 Mengharuskan mereka yang menggunakan output untuk melakukan proses.

 Mengharuskan mereka yang menghasilkan informasi untuk memprosesnya.

 Memusatkan DAN menyebar data.Mengintegrasikan kegiatan paralel.

 Berdayakan pekerja, gunakan kontrol bawaan, dan ratakan bagan organisasi.

 Ambil data satu kali pada sumbernya.

 Rekayasa ulang yang mendasarinya adalah penggunaan teknologi informasi terbaru yang
efisien dan efektif.


 Prototyping adalah pendekatan untuk desain sistem di mana model kerja sistem yang
disederhanakan dikembangkan. Prototipe (draft pertama) dibuat dengan cepat dengan biaya
rendah dan diberikan kepada pengguna untuk eksperimen. Bermain dengan prototipe
memungkinkan pengguna untuk menentukan apa yang mereka lakukan dan tidak sukai.
Pengembang memodifikasi sistem dalam menanggapi komentar pengguna dan
menyajikannya kembali untuk mereka. Proses berulang berlanjut sampai pengguna puas
bahwa sistem memenuhi kebutuhan mereka.

 Premis dasarnya adalah bahwa lebih mudah bagi orang untuk mengekspresikan apa yang
mereka suka atau tidak suka daripada membayangkan apa yang mereka inginkan dalam
suatu sistem. Pengembang yang menggunakan prototyping masih menjalani siklus hidup
pengembangan sistem. Tetapi prototyping memungkinkan mereka untuk mempercepat
beberapa analisis dan desain.

 Calon yang baik untuk membuat prototipe termasuk sistem pendukung keputusan; sistem
informasi eksekutif; sistem pakar; sistem pencarian informasi; sistem yang melibatkan
eksperimen dan pengembangan coba-coba; dan sistem di mana persyaratan berevolusi saat
sistem digunakan. Prototyping jarang cocok untuk sistem yang lebih besar atau lebih
kompleks atau untuk komponen AIS standar seperti sistem piutang.

Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE)

 Secara tradisional, pengembang perangkat lunak telah menciptakan perangkat lunak untuk
menyederhanakan pekerjaan orang lain, tetapi tidak untuk diri mereka sendiri. Computer
Aided Software Engineering (CASE) adalah paket terpadu alat berbasis komputer yang
mengotomatiskan aspek-aspek penting dari proses pengembangan perangkat lunak. Alat-
alat ini digunakan untuk merencanakan, menganalisis, merancang, memprogram, dan
memelihara sistem informasi. Mereka juga digunakan untuk meningkatkan upaya manajer,
pengguna, dan pemrogram dalam memahami kebutuhan informasi.
 Alat CASE tidak menggantikan perancang yang terampil, tetapi memberi pengembang
dukungan yang efektif untuk semua fase SDLC. Perangkat lunak CASE biasanya
mencakup alat untuk perencanaan strategis, manajemen proyek dan sistem, desain basis
data, tata letak layar dan laporan, dan pembuatan kode otomatis.

Chapter 22: Systems Design, Implementation, and Operation


 Akuntan harus memahami seluruh proses pengembangan sistem dan membantu menjaga
proyek tetap pada jalurnya. Analisis dan desain sistem yang efektif dapat memastikan
bahwa pengembang dengan tepat mendefinisikan masalah bisnis dan merancang solusi
yang tepat.

 Fase penting dari SDLC meliputi:\

 Analisis sistem untuk menentukan persyaratan sistem baru (dibahas dalam Bab 18).

 Fase yang dibahas dalam bab ini, yang meliputi desain sistem konseptual, desain
sistem fisik, implementasi dan konversi sistem, serta operasi dan pemeliharaan.

Conceptual Systems Design

 Dalam fase desain sistem konseptual, kerangka kerja umum dibuat untuk
mengimplementasikan kebutuhan pengguna dan menyelesaikan masalah yang diidentifikasi
dalam fase analisis. Tiga langkah utama adalah: (1) mengevaluasi alternatif desain, (2)
menyiapkan spesifikasi desain, dan (3) menyiapkan laporan desain sistem konseptual.

 Mengevaluasi Alternatif Desain -Ada banyak keputusan desain yang perlu dibuat,
misalnya, menggunakan hard-copy atau EDI untuk dokumen, menggunakan mainframe
terpusat atau pemrosesan terdistribusi, melakukan entri data melalui keyboard, OCR, dll.

 Juga, ada banyak cara untuk mendekati proses pengembangan sistem, mis., Perangkat
lunak paket, pengembangan in-house, pengembangan pengguna akhir, atau outsourcing.
Perusahaan juga memilih antara memodifikasi perangkat lunak yang ada, mengganti
perangkat lunak yang ada, atau merekayasa ulang proses bisnisnya.

Physical Systems Design

 Selama fase desain sistem fisik, perusahaan menentukan bagaimana desain AIS konseptual
akan diimplementasikan. Persyaratan desain konseptual yang luas dan berorientasi
pengguna diterjemahkan ke dalam spesifikasi terperinci yang digunakan untuk mengkode
dan menguji program komputer. Tahapan meliputi merancang keluaran; membuat file dan
basis data; merancang input; menulis program komputer; mengembangkan prosedur; dan
membangun kontrol.

 Desain Output - Pertimbangan desain penting termasuk penggunaan output; media

keluaran; format output; apakah sudah dicetak sebelumnya; lokasi; mengakses; detail; dan
ketepatan waktu.

 Desain File dan Database -Pertimbangan penting termasuk media penyimpanan; mode
pemrosesan; pemeliharaan; ukuran; dan tingkat aktivitas.

 Desain Input —Pertimbangan meliputi media input; sumber input; Masukkan format; tipe
masukan; volume; personil; frekuensi; biaya; dan deteksi kesalahan dan koreksi.

 Formulir Desain - Meskipun input berkembang menuju otomatisasi data sumber, desain
formulir masih penting.

 Merancang Layar Komputer

 Layar komputer paling efektif ketika prinsip-prinsip berikut digunakan:

 Atur layar untuk entri data yang cepat, akurat, dan lengkap.

 Masukkan data dalam urutan yang sama seperti yang ditampilkan pada dokumen.

 Lengkapi layar dari kiri ke kanan dan atas ke bawah, mengelompokkan data yang
terkait secara logis bersama.

 Desain layar sehingga pengguna dapat melompat dari satu lokasi entri data ke yang
lain atau menggunakan satu tombol untuk langsung ke lokasi layar.

 Buatlah mudah untuk memperbaiki kesalahan.

 Hindari kekacauan dengan membatasi jumlah data pada satu layar.

 Desain Program - Pengembangan program adalah salah satu kegiatan yang paling
memakan waktu di SDLC. Proses pemrograman terstruktur harus diikuti. Waktu persiapan
program dapat berkisar dari beberapa hari hingga beberapa tahun, tergantung pada
kompleksitasnya. Meskipun akuntan tidak harus pemrogram, mereka harus memahami
bagaimana perangkat lunak dibuat. Delapan langkah untuk mengembangkan perangkat
lunak adalah:

 LANGKAH SATU: Tentukan kebutuhan pengguna.

 LANGKAH DUA: Kembangkan dan dokumentasikan sebuah rencana.

 LANGKAH TIGA: Tulis kode program.

 LANGKAH EMPAT: Uji kode program.

 LANGKAH LIMA: Dokumentasikan program.

 LANGKAH ENAM: Melatih pengguna program.

 LANGKAH TUJUH: Instal sistem.

 LANGKAH DELAPAN: Gunakan dan modifikasi sistem.

 Desain Prosedur - Individu yang berinteraksi dengan AIS yang baru dirancang memerlukan
prosedur untuk mencakup persiapan input; pemrosesan transaksi; deteksi dan koreksi
kesalahan; kontrol; rekonsiliasi saldo; akses basis data; persiapan dan distribusi keluaran;
dan instruksi operator komputer. Prosedur dapat berupa manual sistem, kelas instruksi
pengguna, materi pelatihan, atau layar bantuan online.

 Desain Kontrol - Kontrol harus dibangun ke dalam SIA untuk memastikan efektivitas,
efisiensi, dan akurasinya. Kontrol-kontrol ini harus meminimalkan kesalahan dan
mendeteksi dan memperbaiki kesalahan saat terjadi. Akuntan memainkan peran penting
dalam bidang ini. Masalah kontrol penting yang harus diatasi meliputi: validitas; otorisasi;
ketepatan; keamanan; kontrol numerik; tersedianya; rawatan; integritas; dan jejak audit.

 Laporan Desain Sistem Fisik - Pada akhir fase desain fisik, laporan desain sistem fisik
disiapkan, meringkas apa yang telah dicapai. Laporan ini berfungsi sebagai dasar untuk
keputusan manajemen apakah akan melanjutkan ke implementasi.

Systems Implementation and Conversion

 Implementasi sistem adalah proses memasang perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak dan
menjalankan AIS. Tahapan meliputi: mengembangkan rencana; menyiapkan situs;
menginstal dan menguji perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak; memilih dan melatih
personil; melengkapi dokumentasi; dan menguji sistem.
 Rencana implementasi terdiri dari tugas, tanggal penyelesaian yang diharapkan, perkiraan
biaya, dan identifikasi pihak yang bertanggungjawab. Tim pelaksana harus
mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor risiko yang mengurangi kemungkinan keberhasilan
implementasi, dan rencana tersebut harus memuat strategi untuk mengatasi setiap risiko.

 Perubahan AIS mungkin memerlukan penyesuaian pada struktur organisasi perusahaan,

termasuk pembentukan departemen baru, penghapusan atau perampingan departemen yang
ada, dan perubahan bahkan di departemen pemrosesan data.

Operations and Maintenance

 Langkah terakhir dalam SDLC adalah mengoperasikan dan memelihara sistem baru.
Tinjauan pasca-implementasi harus dilakukan untuk memastikan AIS baru memenuhi
tujuan yang direncanakan.

 Faktor dan pertanyaan meliputi: tujuan dan sasaran; kepuasan; manfaat; biaya; keandalan;
ketepatan; ketepatan waktu; kesesuaian; kontrol dan keamanan; kesalahan; latihan;
komunikasi; perubahan organisasi; dan dokumentasi.

 Masalah apa pun yang ditemukan selama tinjauan harus diperhatikan oleh manajemen, dan
penyesuaian harus dilakukan. Ketika peninjauan selesai, laporan peninjauan pasca-
implementasi disiapkan. Penerimaan pengguna terhadap laporan itu adalah aktivitas
terakhir dalam pengembangan sistem.

Discussion Question 21.1-5

21.1 What is the accountant’s role in the computer acquisition process? Should the accountant
play an active role, or should all the work be left to computer experts? In what aspects of
computer acquisition might an accountant provide a useful contribution?

The accountant is likely to be:

 A major user of the computer output

 Responsible for internal controls over data processing in the organization

 An expert in cost estimation and analysis

 A designer of many of the systems that the computer is intended to supplant.

With these responsibilities, the accountant must be actively involved in the computer
acquisition process. The accountant's role is probably best carried out by participating on a
team or committee together with computer experts, systems analysts, production personnel,
engineers, managers, and others whose functions are closely related to the information systems

21.2 In the early days of computers, it was difficult to buy software that met user needs. That is
no longer the case. A Deloitte & Touche survey found that most chief information officers
expect to replace their current systems with commercially available packages. Companies that
buy large or complex systems send vendors a request for proposal (RFP), asking them to
propose a system that meets their needs. Why is an RFP important? Give at least three reasons
for your answer.

21.3 You are a systems consultant for Ernst, Price, and Deloitte, CPAs. At your country club’s
annual golf tournament, Frank Fender, an automobile dealer, describes a proposal from Turnkey
Systems and asks for your opinion. The system will handle inventories, receivables, payroll,
accounts payable, and general ledger accounting. Turnkey personnel would install the $40,000
system and train Fender’s employees. Identify the major themes you would touch on in
responding to Fender. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of using a turnkey system to
operate the organization’s accounting system.

Major themes that should be touched upon in responding to Fender's inquiry include:

 The need for a feasibility study to determine whether a new system is technically,
economically, and operationally feasible for Fender's dealership.

 The need to identify the dealership’s needs and prepare specifications based on those needs.

 The importance of requesting proposals from competing vendors and systematically

comparing them.

 The possibility of using EDP consultants to help and of outsourcing the system.

If students only suggest they obtain more information on this vendor and its hardware and
software, then they are missing the point of the case. It is important to take a more general and
systematic approach to the system acquisition decision, rather than making a "yes-no" decision
on only this one system.
Advantages of a turnkey system

 Less expensive than internally built systems and the total package may be better priced.

 Takes less time and human resources to develop and run.

 Experts are available for both the application software and hardware.

 One-source support for the entire system. The vendor cannot pass the responsibility for a
problem off on someone else. A single vendor may also facilitate system start-up and
conversion as well as training on how to use the system.

 Warranties are usually available.

 Simplified selection process

 Costs are reduced since it is not necessary to match software with hardware meaning that it
is less likely that various items of hardware and software will be incompatible.

Disadvantages of a turnkey system:

 Software or hardware may not be completely suited to company's needs.

 Software modification may not be available or covered.

 Increased vulnerability to continuity of the vendor's business.

 Lack of control over design.

21.4 Sara Jones owns a rapidly growing retail store that faces stiff competition due to poor
customer service, late and error-prone billing, and inefficient inventory control. For the
company’s growth to continue, its AIS must be upgraded, but Sara is not sure what the
company wants the AIS to accomplish. Sara has heard about prototyping but does not know
what it is or whether it would help. How would you explain prototyping to Sara? Include an
explanation of its advantages and disadvantages as well as when its use is appropriate.

Prototyping is an approach to systems design in which a simplified working model of an

information system is developed. In essence, a prototype is a scaled-down, experimental
version of the system requested by the users.

The first step is to identify the basic requirements of the system. The emphasis is on what
output should be produced rather than how it should be produced. A "first draft" model is
quickly (days or weeks) and inexpensively built and given to users so they can experiment with
it. This allows users to determine what they want the system to accomplish and what they like
and don't like about it. Based upon their reactions and feedback, the developers modify the
system and again present it to the users. This iterative process of trial usage and modification
continues until the users are satisfied that the system adequately meets their needs.

The last step is making the system operational. The two choices are to use the already
developed prototype or to use the prototype as a model for developing a new system.

Some of the advantages of prototyping include:

 Better definition of user needs

 Higher user involvement and satisfaction

 Faster development time

 Fewer errors in the implemented system

 More opportunity to make changes

 Less costly than other development alternatives

Some of the disadvantages of prototyping include:

 Requires a significant amount of users’ time

 Less efficient use of system resources

 Incomplete systems development

 Inadequately tested and documented systems

 Cost of learning the different versions of the software

 Never-ending development

Prototyping is appropriate when

 there is a high level of uncertainty about what is needed

 it is unclear what questions to ask

 the final system cannot be clearly visualized because the decision process is still unclear

 Speed is an issue

 The system must meet just one or two major critical needs

 There is a high likelihood of failure.

21.5 Clint Grace has been in business over 30 years and has definite ideas about how his 10
retail stores should be run. He is financially conservative and is reluctant to make expenditures
that do not have a clear financial payoff. Store profitability has declined sharply, and customer
dissatisfaction is high. Store managers never know how much inventory is on hand and when
purchases are needed until a shelf is empty. Clint asks you to determine why profitability has
declined and to recommend a solution. You determine that the current AIS is inefficient and
unreliable and that company processes and procedures are out-of-date. You believe the solution
is to redesign the systems and business processes using BPM. What are some challenges you
might face in redesigning the system? How will you present your recommendations to Clint?

Business process management (BPM) is a systematic approach to continuously improving and

optimizing an organization's business processes. Grace may be resistant to BPM and its
attendant changes and new technology because:

 Tradition: Grace has been at the business for 30 years and the old way of doing things has
been a part of his life. Changing a lifestyle is very difficult.

 Resistance: It is human nature to resist radical change and step out of one's "comfort
zone." Grace may be so set in his ways that resistance seems inevitable.

 Time requirements: BPM is not a "quick-fix.” Redesigning business processes at a chain

of regional stores is likely to a lengthy process.

 Cost: Resistance is likely because Grace's financially conservative attitude may not mesh
with a costly business process redesign.

 Lack of management support: Grace has been calling the shots for many years. It may be
difficult for him to give full support to the project even if the need for redesign is obvious.

 Retraining: After the BPM project is completed, Grace will be faced with the cost of
retraining his employees. Retraining is also costly and time consuming.

Student answers as to how to present the recommendations to Clint Grace will vary depending
on the perception of the student. However, some general guidelines are:

 Recognize that it may be hard to convince Grace. Therefore, you must plan your strategy
well. You must be able to sell Grace on the benefits of BPM for his ten stores.

 Be aware of potential problems and seek to avoid them.

 Be sensitive to the feelings and reactions of persons affected by the change. Inform Mr.
Grace that the reason for BPM is not to come in and without feeling destroy people's jobs.

 Having Grace very involved in the project will help him feel like the ideas that are
instituted are his ideas also. Participation is ego enhancing, challenging, and intrinsically
satisfying, and it builds self-esteem and security.

 You must provide honest feedback to Grace on all suggestions. Tell him which of his and
his employee’s suggestions are being used and how they are being implemented, which
suggestions are not being used and why, and which suggestions will be incorporated at a
later date and why they are not being incorporated now.

 Show how Grace's competitors are using newer business processes to gain a competitive
advantage over his department stores.

 Remember that it is better to take things slow, than to have Grace reject BPM. It is usually
better to spend the extra time and money to ensure that a system is well accepted and well

Discussion Question 22.1-5

22.1 The objective of output design is to determine the nature, format, content, and timing of
reports, documents, and screen displays. Tailoring the output to user needs requires cooperation
between users and designers. Name the four categories into which output is usually classified.

22.2 Describe the three types of documents that must be prepared for new systems.

22.3 Inadequate system testing is a common reason for system failure. Name three common
forms of testing.

22.4 In which phase of the systems development cycle would each of the following positions be
most actively involved? Justify your answers.

a. Managerial accountant

The managerial accountant is usually involved in the analysis phase as designers assess their
needs as users. The project development team may also ask the accountant to help with an
economic feasibility analysis. In addition, the accountant may also assist in the design phases,
helping design reports.
b. Programmer

Most of the programmer's involvement comes during the physical design and the
implementation and conversion phases - coding, testing, and debugging computer programs.
The programmer is also involved with the maintenance phase, making modifications to the
system and fixing bugs.

c. Systems analyst

The analyst is usually involved in all phases of the SDLC.

d. Financial vice president

The financial vice-president is usually involved in the systems analysis phase. However, as a
member of the steering committee the financial VP will oversee all phases of the SDLC.

e. Information systems manager

The IS manager is responsible for overseeing all information systems activities; she will be
involved in all phases of the SDLC.

f. Internal auditor

The auditor is often consulted during the systems analysis phase when security requirements for
the new system are determined. During the design phase, the auditor will often test controls to
insure their adequacy. The operation and maintenance phase lasts indefinitely and it is during
this phase that the auditor conducts his routine audit tests.

22.5 During which of the five SDLC stages is each task, labeled (a) through (m), performed?
More than one answer may apply for each activity.

a. Writing operating procedures manuals - Physical (detailed) systems design phase and
Implementation and conversion phase

b. Developing program and process controls - Physical (detailed) systems design phase and
Implementation and conversion phase

c. Identifying alternative systems designs - Conceptual (general) systems design phase

d. Developing a logical model of the system - Conceptual (general) systems design phase

e. Identifying external and administrative controls - Conceptual (general) systems design phase

f. Testing the system - Implementation and conversion phase

g. Training personnel - Implementation and conversion phase and Operation and maintenance

h. Evaluating the existing system - Systems analysis

i. Analyzing the achievement of systems benefits - Operation and maintenance

j. Modifying and altering programs - Operation and maintenance

k. Analyzing total quality management (TQM) performance measures - This can be done in all
phases, but is most likely in the first (systems analysis) and last (Operation and maintenance).

l. Conducting a feasibility analysis - Feasibility tests are conducted at all phases of the SDLC.

m. Aligning AIS development plans with business objectives - Systems analysis phase

Problem 21.1


a. List the advantages and disadvantages of each vendor’s approach.

Advantages of canned (packaged software)

 Lower cost of development. Some estimates indicate a software package may cost between
1/20 and 1/5 of the estimated cost of in-house development.

 Software is more reliable. Other users have used the system, providing more "testing" in a
live environment.

 Lower cost of maintenance as the software supplier performs the maintenance.

 Faster implementation - hence the organization can begin receiving the benefits sooner.

 Staff is freed up to do other work.

 Better documentation, as it must meet the needs of multiple users.

 Software can be "test driven" and evaluated before it is purchased.

 It may offer unique capabilities that are difficult to duplicate.

Disadvantages of canned (packaged software)

 It may not be possible to find a package that meets the users' unique and specific needs.

 Operating procedures and practices constraints may require business process changes.
 If the software is to be part of a larger system, it may put constraints on the overall system.

 Inflexibility, as it may not be possible to suppress unneeded files, processing, or outputs.

 Possible inefficiency. Generalized systems (are not written for particular circumstances or
requirements) may be inefficient.

 It takes time to evaluate all the available software.

 There may not be anyone in-house sufficiently knowledgeable to fix the software if it fails.

Advantages of Custom Software

 Software that exactly meets (at least theoretically) the user's needs.

 Easier to modify than canned software.

 Often more efficient than canned software.

Disadvantages of Custom Software

 Most costly software development approach.

 Quality programmers may be expensive, hard to find, etc.

 Program development is time consuming; users have to wait for the software to be written.

 There may not be any guarantee of product quality.

 Involves significant supervision and control.

 It is more likely to contain errors or "bugs" than packaged software.

 If developed in-house, the user may have to wait an extended period for the software.

 If developed externally, there is a risk of selecting an inexperienced or poor quality

developer. The developer may "low ball" the price and take improper short cuts or try and
increase the price later.

Advantages of Modified Software

 Software that is more likely to meet user's needs than canned software.

 Usually less expensive than custom software.

 Can be implemented faster than custom software.

Disadvantages of Modified Software

 May be hard to find programmers willing to modify code.

 May be illegal to modify the software.

 Modifying the software may invalidate the manufacturer’s warranty and support.

 Changes may not be properly documented, resulting in out-of-date documentation.

 May cause control problems and introduce errors into the program.

 May make program less efficient, more costly to maintain.

 May be more costly than a custom program, especially if modifications are significant.

b. Recommend a course of action for Don, and support your decision.

There isn't enough information to reach a definitive answer. It is probable that supporters for
all three approaches can be found when discussing this in class. Letting the students support
each of the three approaches helps solidify the answer to part a in their minds. The important
thing in the discussion is not to get a "right" answer but for the student to recognize that they
need more information before they can reach a definitive conclusion.

By way of summary: Generally, packaged software is best if it is available and of acceptable

quality, versatility, etc. If the software is acceptable to Otno (that is, it is sufficiently close to
what he needs), the low cost and immediate implementation make packaged software an
attractive approach.

Problem 22.2


Wang asked you to write a memo explaining the failure of the systems development project.

a. Why did the development project fail? What role did the consultants play in the failure?

 Dynamic requirements. The development process was so dynamic that the failure to
complete the project quickly was self-defeating as modifications took over the original
design. System requirements were never “frozen” so the project could be completed.

 Management did not have a clear vision of the new system. As a result, incompatible
tracking systems sprung up throughout the company's distributed processing system.

 Management lacked a strong IS staff. A qualified IS staff could have planned and managed
the development project better, improving the chances for success.
 The project was too large and too complex and the consulting firm had little experience.
The firm had little understanding of the desired technology: a complex database that
represented the heart of the new system.

 The project had too many applications. Interdependencies among subprograms and
subroutines left consultants with few completed programs.

b. Identify the organizational issues that management must address in the future.

 Management should develop a unified strategic information plan. Organizations should

reinforce their business strategy with a complementary information strategy.

 Wang should establish an IS steering committee to govern the development process and
support the strategic plan. A steering committee monitors systems development activities
and could have provided management oversight to the consulting team.

 Wang should support the strategy with an expanded, qualified IS staff. A company's
reputation is tarnished when it develops an inadequate and unreliable system. Management
should hire a larger IS staff, adding more qualified employees – ones that have the
necessary skills to support the information strategy.

 Wang should set policies governing systems development. Well-established procedures

governing the planning, scheduling, design, implementation, and documentation of a new
information system can minimize the risk of runaway projects. Management must also set
standards governing the selection of consultants, if necessary.

c. Recommend steps the company could take to guarantee consulting service quality

 Wang should improve existing development policies. Wang must first establish its internal
development policies that govern the systems development process. For example, a more
effective internal MIS staff can provide the consultants with necessary support.

 Wang should establish consulting services evaluation criteria. Management must view
consultants as vendors and evaluate which consulting firm provides the best service at a fair
price. This may include closed bidding, background checks, credential checks, and probing
meetings to determine if the firm has the skills to complete the project.

 Wang should use an IS steering committee and project development teams to monitor
consultants. An oversight body can reinforce the information strategy and hold the
consulting team accountable for the development process
Case 21.1


Discuss the committee’s role in the selection process. How should committee members be
selected? What are the pros and cons of using a committee to make the selection?

The evaluation committee selected a network operating system and other software to support
the organization’s distributed structure. They developed and followed a four-step approach:

1. Develop evaluation criteria.

2. Define the current and future operating environment at the company.

3. Identify and evaluate the network operating system alternatives.

4. Test the products that appear to meet their needs and select the best package.

A committee with qualified people from all affected areas has the following advantages:

 Encourages planning. An effective team effort requires planning to ensure the system meets
the needs of the business. The result: compromise in the planning stage and not during

 Produces better results. Organizing a cross-functional team to select an operating system

insures that the selection process considers the needs of all parties. The result: fewer out-of-
control projects.

 Facilitates acceptance of the results. Behavioral problems are minimized using a cross-
functional selection team that supports user participation. The result: smoother system

Problems that may arise from using a committee include a longer development time,
interdepartmental competition for resources, and irresolvable selection process conflicts.

a. What data-gathering techniques could WEC use to assess user needs? To select a vendor?

 Interviews with users

 Surveys or questionnaires

 Observations of business activities.

 Library research
 Discussions with current and former customers

 Word-of-mouth recommendations.

 Meetings with vendor candidates to discuss the evaluation criteria selected.

 Asking vendors to develop a demonstration to verify their claims.

b. What is the benefit of analyzing the operating environment before selecting the software?
What data gathering techniques help a company understand the operating environment?

It is difficult to select the proper software if you do not know how it is to be used and what
needs it has to satisfy. An analysis of the operating environment provides the information
needed to model the desired information system and to make the proper selection. The
committee's analysis shows the need to share data at the district, division, and home office
levels. In addition, the lower levels needed access to centralized data. The model that emerged
made it clear that the company needed a distributed network that allows users throughout the
organization access to company data.

What data-gathering techniques help a company understand the operating environment?

 Interviews

 Surveys at various management and operational levels

 Observations.

c. In selecting a system using the point-scoring method, how should the committee resolve
scoring disputes? List at least two methods.

Disputes often arise when using committees. To resolve point scoring disputes, the committee
could seek a unanimous consent on disputed issues by compromise and further discussion. If
that fails, they could simply average the scores given by each committee member. The
committee could also consider throwing out the highest and lowest scores.

d. Should a purchase decision be made on the pointscoring process alone? What other
procedure(s) should the committee employ in making the final selection?

Seldom is a system selected based on point scoring alone. The scores are used to select the
most promising candidates. The committee should test the most promising candidates to
determine which product best meets the company's needs in the most cost-effective manner.

The committee should also verify with existing customers that the system works as promisees.
Case 22.2

1. Discuss the criteria to consider in specifying the structure and features of CGC’s new system.

 Need for market information The factors that affect the demand and supply for gas must be
isolated, their relative importance determined, and their effect quantified.

 Need for accuracy The level of accuracy required of the system determines the required
level of detail, quality of the input data, and sophistication of the system logic. While the
system must be designed to provide the accuracy that matches the need, care must be taken
to ensure that excessive effort is not spent in being overly accurate in specific areas when
the overall accuracy is inherently less due to the planning environment.

 Frequency of use The frequency of system use provides direction as to the level of
automation and sophistication needed. If the system will be used only once each month to
project the effect of the most recent actual data, it may be sufficient to develop a less
sophisticated system. If it is likely that a variety of alternatives will be evaluated each
month, a sophisticated, on-line system will be more desirable.

 Turnaround required The need for timely reporting at month end provides guidance as to
the degree of automation and the level of complexity that will be appropriate. Because the
system is to be used for both multi-year planning and monthly tactical planning, the system
should be designed to provide for quick turnaround of results at month end. Accordingly,
consideration must be given to minimizing data input requirements.

 Cost/benefit analysis The new system must be justified on a cost/benefit basis.

 Data processing environment Typically, planning systems require a significant amount of

computer resources, both in terms of processing time and data storage.

 Supportability Company personnel must be able to support the system on an ongoing basis.
This includes collecting and entering data as well as updating the system. If the support
burden is excessive, the system will suffer from lack of timely reporting or will be run
using simplifying assumptions that affect the degree of accuracy and credibility of the
system. If the system cannot be readily modified and maintained, it will quickly fall into a
state of disrepair and will no longer be used.
2. Identify the data that should be incorporated into CGC’s new system to provide adequate
planning capability. Explain why each data item it is important and the level of detail needed
for the data to be useful.

 Number of customers The customer count should be projected by month, unless customer
growth is regular, in which case a base customer count can be used in conjunction with a
growth factor. The customer count should be broken into categories based upon use which
will facilitate estimating demand, [i.e., residential, commercial heating, commercial
nonheating, industrial heating, industrial non-heating].

 Weather data The weather data needed to project heating requirements should be entered as
needed. For the first year, meteorological trends may indicate an unusually warm or cold
year. For the following years, average monthly weather data may be used. As the year
progresses, more accurate short-term forecasts should be entered to improve the predictive
ability of the panning system

 Heating factors Heating factors are data that convert weather data to customers' demand.
They should be provided for each type of customer which uses heating, i.e., residential,
commercial heating, and industrial heating. The heating factors need not vary by month
unless it is determined that a seasonal relationship exists or that trends such as conservation
are likely.

 Customer unit demand The average monthly consumption for each commercial and
industrial nonheating customer must be provided, either as a constant or as varying over
time, to reflect both seasonal fluctuations and longer term trends. This data would also be
used to project the nonheating portion of commercial and industrial customer demand.

 Sales forecasts The sales to the top industrial accounts should be forecast individually by
month for the first year of the five-year plan; future years may make use of annual growth
rates. Heating and non-heating sales for all other customers will be projected by revenue

 Customer rate structure The customer rate structure should provide monthly rate
information at the revenue class level, i.e., residential, commercial, and industrial. Data
must be monthly to provide for periodic rate changes by revenue class.
 Supplier contract terms For each supply contract, the contract term (beginning and end
dates), monthly volumes, unit costs, and take-or-pay conditions must be maintained.

 Storage field capacity The capacity of the gas storage field is required in order to determine
if gas remains in storage that can be withdrawn to supplement pipeline supply.

 Priority system A priority system needs to be established in case the company needs to
curtail service to its customers due to an inadequate supply of gas.

The first six factors are necessary in order to determine the demand for gas. The next two items
are necessary to determine supply. The last item is necessary to give direction whenever the
supply is not adequate to meet demand. Data must be considered on a monthly basis because of
the implied monthly variations of demand and supply.

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