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F052100001 –
English for
Psychology 1
Introduction to English Language
and Introduction to Psychology

Abstrak Sub-CPMK

Materi pertemuan ke 1 Sub-CPMK 1

English for Psychology 1 ini Dosen menjelaskan materi secara
menjelaskan secara detail jelas kepada mahasiswa, terutama
tentang: Pentingnya Pentingnya penguasaan Bahasa
penguasaan Bahasa Inggris Inggris dalam berbagai bidang/ aspek
dalam berbagai bidang/ pekerjaan dan membahas prinsip-
aspek pekerjaan. prinsip dasar dalam berkomunikasi
secara verbal (spoken) maupun secara
tertulis (written).

Fakultas Program Studi Tatap Muka Disusun Oleh

Elfa Setiawan, S.S.,M.M.
Psikologi Psikologi
Rencana Perkuliahan

Sebagaimana disampaikan dalam Rancangan Pembelajaran mata kuliah English for

Psychology 1, bahwa Tujuan Umum dan Khusus mata kuliah ini adalah sebagai berikut:

Tujuan Umum Mata Kuliah : Mahasiswa mampu memahami pentingnya

penguasaan Bahasa Inggris dalam psikologi dan
berbagai bidang/ aspek pekerjaan dan membahas
prinsip-prinsip dasar dalam berkomunikasi secara
verbal (spoken) maupun secara tertulis (written).

Tujuan Khusus Mata Kuliah : 1. Mahasiswa memahami pentingnya penguasaan

Bahasa Inggris.

2. Mahasiswa mengetahui alasan-alasan utama

mempelajari Bahasa Inggris.

3. Mahasiswa mengetahui alasan Bahasa Inggris

penting untuk karir dan pekerjaan.

4. Mahasiswa mampu memperkenalkan diri sendiri

kepada orang lain.

Perkuliahan dilakukan dengan 16 (enam belas) sesi perkuliahan secara online (daring)
termasuk UAS. Setiap minggu diberikan Forum, Kuis, Modul dalam bentuk PPT, Word
atau Pdf, Video atau Artikel untuk dibahas.

2021 English for Psychology 1

2 Elfa Setiawan, S.S.,M.M.
Biro Bahan Ajar E-learning dan MKCU
Rencana Perkuliahan

Sebagaimana disampaikan dalam Rancangan Pembelajaran mata kuliah English for

Psychology 1, bahwa Tujuan Umum dan Khusus mata kuliah ini adalah sebagai berikut:

Tujuan Umum Mata Kuliah : Mahasiswa mampu memahami pentingnya

penguasaan Bahasa Inggris dalam psikologi dan
berbagai bidang/ aspek pekerjaan dan membahas
prinsip-prinsip dasar dalam berkomunikasi secara
verbal (spoken) maupun secara tertulis (written).

Tujuan Khusus Mata Kuliah : 1. Mahasiswa memahami pentingnya penguasaan

Bahasa Inggris.

2. Mahasiswa mengetahui alasan-alasan utama

mempelajari Bahasa Inggris.

3. Mahasiswa mengetahui alasan Bahasa Inggris

penting untuk karir dan pekerjaan.

4. Mahasiswa mampu memperkenalkan diri sendiri

kepada orang lain.

Perkuliahan dilakukan dengan 16 (enam belas) sesi perkuliahan secara online (daring)
termasuk UAS. Setiap minggu diberikan Forum, Kuis, Modul dalam bentuk PPT, Word
atau Pdf, Video atau Artikel untuk dibahas.

2021 English for Psychology 1

3 Elfa Setiawan, S.S.,M.M.
Biro Bahan Ajar E-learning dan MKCU

10 Reasons to Learn English

Thinking about learning English? Then read the top 10 reasons why you should
get started right away in this easy guide!

Learning English is important and people all over the world decide to study it as a
second language. Many countries include English as a second language in their
school syllabus and children start learning English at a young age.

However, do you know why learning English is so important? Here are ten good
reasons to take an English language course.
1. English is the most commonly spoken language in the world. One out of five
people can speak or at least understand English!
2. English is the language of science, of aviation, computers, diplomacy, and
tourism. Knowing English increases your chances of getting a good job in a
multinational company within your home country or of finding work abroad.
3. English is the official language of 53 countries. That is a lot of people to
meet and speak to.
4. English is spoken as a first language by around 400 million people around
the world.
5. English is the language of the media industry. If you speak English, you
won't need to rely on translations and subtitles anymore to enjoy your
favourite books, songs, films and TV shows.
6. English is also the language of the Internet. Many websites are written in
English – you will be able to understand them and to take part in forums
and discussions.
7. English is based on a simple alphabet and it is fairly quick and easy to learn
compared to other languages.
8. English is not only useful – it gives you a lot of satisfaction. Making
progress feels great. You will enjoy learning English, if you remember that
every hour you spend gets you closer to perfection.

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4 Elfa Setiawan, S.S.,M.M.
Biro Bahan Ajar E-learning dan MKCU
9. Since English is spoken in so many different countries there are thousands
of schools around the world that offer programmes in English. If you speak
English, there're lots of opportunities for you to find an appropriate school
and course to suit your academic needs.
10. Because it's fun! By learning English.

The Importance of the English Language in

Today's World

Language is our primary source of communication. It's the method through which
we share our ideas and thoughts with others. Some people even say that
language is what separates us from animals and makes us human.
There are thousands of languages in this world. Countries have their own national
languages in addition to a variety of local languages spoken and understood by
their people in different regions. Some languages are spoken by millions of
people, others by only a few thousand.

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5 Elfa Setiawan, S.S.,M.M.
Biro Bahan Ajar E-learning dan MKCU
Why Learn English?

English was originally the language of England, but through the historical efforts of
the British Empire it has become the primary or secondary language of many
former British colonies such as the United States, Canada, Australia, and India.
Currently, English is the primary language of not only countries actively touched by
British imperialism, but also many business and cultural spheres dominated by
those countries. It is the language of Hollywood and the language of international
banking and business. As such, it is a useful and even necessary language to

English is the International Common Tongue

There are several factors that make the English language essential to
communication in our current time. First of all, it is the most common foreign
language. This means that two people who come from different countries (for
example, a Mexican and a Swede) usually use English as a common language to
communicate. That’s why everyone needs to learn the language in order to get in
touch on an international level. Speaking it will help you communicate with people
from countries all over the world, not just English-speaking ones.

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Biro Bahan Ajar E-learning dan MKCU
The Importance of the English Language
in Today's World

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7 Elfa Setiawan, S.S.,M.M.
Biro Bahan Ajar E-learning dan MKCU
Language is our primary source of communication. It's the method through which we share
our ideas and thoughts with others. Some people even say that language is what separates
us from animals and makes us human.

There are thousands of languages in this world. Countries have their own national
languages in addition to a variety of local languages spoken and understood by their people
in different regions. Some languages are spoken by millions of people, others by only a
few thousand.

Map of countries where English is either the national language or an official language. | Source

Why Learn English?

English was originally the language of England, but through the historical efforts of
the British Empire it has become the primary or secondary language of many
former British colonies such as the United States, Canada, Australia, and India.
Currently, English is the primary language of not only countries actively touched by
British imperialism, but also many business and cultural spheres dominated by
those countries. It is the language of Hollywood and the language of international
banking and business. As such, it is a useful and even necessary language to

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8 Elfa Setiawan, S.S.,M.M.
Biro Bahan Ajar E-learning dan MKCU
English is the International Common Tongue

There are several factors that make the English language essential to
communication in our current time. First of all, it is the most common foreign
language. This means that two people who come from different countries (for
example, a Mexican and a Swede) usually use English as a common language to
communicate. That’s why everyone needs to learn the language in order to get in
touch on an international level. Speaking it will help you communicate with people
from countries all over the world, not just English-speaking ones.



English is also essential to the field of education. In many countries, children are
taught and encouraged to learn English as a second language. Even in countries

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Biro Bahan Ajar E-learning dan MKCU
where it is not an official language, such as the Netherlands or Sweden, we will
find many syllabi in science and engineering are written in English. Because it is
the dominant language in the sciences, most of the research and studies you find
in any given scientific field will be written in it as well. At the university level,
students in many countries study almost all their subjects in English in order to
make the material more accessible to international students.

List of Countries by English Speaking Population

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Biro Bahan Ajar E-learning dan MKCU
Is English important for your career?

Does learning English improve your career opportunities?

Simply, the answer is: Absolutely! You do not have to only study Professional
English in improve your career opportunities. You have many different options
available to you!

How can English help me professionally?

 Many countries around the world speak English. Additionally, it is often the

nominated language to use in many industries such as aviation. Therefore,
learning English gives you the skills necessary to advance a career in an
industry where English is a required language.
 If you work in an international industry, having English language skills could
benefit you. You could have the opportunity to travel or even live in different
countries. It is important in many different industries such as retail, sales,
administration, marketing, transportation, tourism, banking, law and many

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Biro Bahan Ajar E-learning dan MKCU
 You could get ahead of other candidates when you are applying for a new
job or a promotion by being proficient in English. Speaking English opens up a
wide range of new opportunities both in your career and in your personal life.
 Showing you’ve learned a foreign language like English will show
employers that you’re dedicated and have a work/study ethic. It also shows
you are a dedicated and hard-working person. Employers look for these skills.
 Lastly, when you learn English at a London language school you get
many chances to put your new skills into practice. You can talk with native
speakers, and, perhaps you could even practise in your  workplace

What courses are suitable?

Now, we know how important learning English is for your career. Next, what
course should you choose? At Rose of York, we have many specific courses that
can help you further your career!

Cambridge Exam Preparation

Firstly, you could choose to study a Cambridge Exam course:

If you want to work in an English speaking country or study in an English-speaking
college or university, there are many options available. It is very important that you
have the right level of English and prove it with a good exam result.

By studying a FCE/CAE/BEC exam preparation course, you will:

 Improve your speaking and listening, reading and writing skills for the exam
 Strengthen your skills in weaker areas with personal learning plans and
 be more prepared with regular tests and mock exams
 become more familiar with the different accents you’ll hear in the exam

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 Improve your language skills and level

One of the best things about Cambridge Exam certificates is that it never expires!
Once you have passed the exam and received your certificate, you will always
have that confirmation of your level. Our BEC exam preparation classes are a
great way for you to improve your Professional English.
Alternatively, you can also study IELTS Exam Preparation!

English for Specific Purposes

Or, you can choose one of our English for Specific Purposes courses. These
courses are tailored to key international industries and specific Professional
English situations. There are many to choose from:
 Finance – if you work in banking or finance, then taking a financial English
course could open up new opportunities for you. These opportunities might be
to travel or even relocate internationally. Or, similarly, being able to work more
closely with your colleagues and associates overseas.
 Medical – this is an ideal course for doctors, nurses and other medical
professionals who want to develop the skills necessary to work in an English-
speaking country.
 Law – this course is ideal for people who work in the legal sector.  It will
develop your terminology by focussing on vocabulary in the civil, common and
criminal law areas while, additionally, developing your communication skills.
 Marketing – if you work in the marketing sector this course will teach you to
plan, discuss, design and analyse consumer need. Whilst, also, building on
your vocabulary and communication skills.
 Media – learn about a range of media topics while developing specialist
language to write articles, adverts and many different forms of media.
 Tourism and Hospitality – If you work in the tourism or hospitality
industries this is the perfect course for you. You will develop the language
required to communicate effectively with customers and colleagues alike.

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Students’ Activity: Communicatian skill

About Me
Complete Name : ………………..........................................................

Nick Name : ………………..........................................................

Place/date of birth : ……………….........................................................

Home Address/phone.No. : ……...........................



1. Have you ever taken an English course before?

2. Do you think English is important? Why?

3. What do you want to achieve in this subject?

4. What’s your motivation to learn English here?

5. What teaching/learning method do you want to be applied in this class?/

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Daftar Pustaka

1. Charles Talcott & Graham Tullis, Target Score, A Communicative Course for

TOEIC Preparation, Cambridge University Press, 2011.

2. Azar, Betty Schrampfer, Understanding and Using English Grammar –Third

Edition, Pearson Education, 2001

3. Marjorie Fuchs & Margaret Benner, Grammar Express, Addison, Wesley

Longman, Inc, 2001

4. Marjorie Fuchs, Focus on Grammar, Intermediate, Addison, Wesley

Longman, Inc, 2000

5. Murphy, Raymond, English Grammar in Use-Third Edition,

CambridgeUniversity Press, 2011




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Biro Bahan Ajar E-learning dan MKCU

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