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Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III



Penyusun :
Anugrah Sapto Hadi

Jl. Surya Kencana No. 1 Pamulang

Gd. A, Ruang 212 Universitas Pamulang
Tangerang Selatan - Banten

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar i

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III


Anugrah Sapto Hadi

ISBN: 978-623-6352-05-2

Desilia Purnama Dewi

Desilia Purnama Dewi

Desain Sampul:
Putut Said Permana

Tata Letak:
Ramdani Putra

Unpam Press

JL. Surya Kencana No. 1
Pamulang – Tangerang Selatan
Telp. 021 7412566
Fax. 021 74709855

Cetakan Pertama, 10 Juni 2021

Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang

Dilarang memperbanyak karya tulis ini dalam bentuk dan dengan cara apa pun tanpa ijin

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar ii

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

Data Publikasi Unpam Press

| Lembaga Penerbit dan Publikasi Universitas Pamulang

Gedung A. R. 212 Kampus 1 UniversitasPamulang

Jalan Surya KencamaNomor 1 Pamulang Barat, Tangerang Selatan, Banten.
Website:| email:

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar/ Anugrah Sapto Hadi-1sted

ISBN 978-623-6352-05-2

1. Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar, I. Anugrah Sapto Hadi


Ketua Unpam Press: Pranoto

Koordinator Editorial: Aden, Ali Madinsyah, Ubaid Al Faruq
Koordinator Bidang Hak Cipta: Susanto
Koordinator Produksi: Dameis Surya Anggara
Koordinator Publikasi dan Dokumentasi: Kusworo
Desain Cover: Putut Said Permana

Cetakan Pertama, 10 Juni 2021

Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang

Dilarang memperbanyak karya tulis ini dalam bentuk dan dengan cara apa pun tanpa ijin

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar iii

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III


Identitas Mata Kuliah

Program Studi : Sekretari D-III
Mata Kuliah / Kode : Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar/SKR0152
Sks : 2 Sks
Prasyarat : --
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah : Mata kuliah Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar
Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar adalah mata kuliah
wajib di program studi D-III Sekretari yang diberikan pada
semester III, materi
Penyusun : Anugrah Sapto Hadi, B.Sc., M.M.

Ketua Program Studi Ketua Team Penyusun

Sugiyarto., SE., MM Anugrah Sapto Hadi., B.Sc., M.M.

NIDN. 0425057002 NIDN. 0414125901

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar iv

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III


Course Identity
Study Program : Sekretari D-III
Course / Code : Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar
Total Credit Hour : 2 SKS
Prerequisite : --
Course description : This course is designed for the students to improve the ability
to write letters and communicate well by following the right
order of grammar , spelling , and understand the rules used to
create letters and communicate well in the workplace as well
as to cope with a competitive global environment.
Penjelasan materi ajar : Materi ajar ini dirancang untuk para siswa agar dapat
meningkatkan kemampuan menulis surat dan berkomunikasi
dengan baik dengan mengikuti tata bahasa, ejaan yang benar,
dan memahami aturan yang digunakan untuk membuat surat
dan berkomunikasi dengan baik di tempat kerja serta agar
siswa dapat bekompetisi di lingkungan global .
Learning Outcomes : After finishing the course , students are expected to be able to
create the letters and communicate well in the workplace by
following the rules of writing a letter.
Hasil Yang Diharapkan : Setelah menyelesaikan pembelajaran, siswa diharapkan
dapat membuat surat-surat dan berkomunikasi secara baik di
tempat kerja dengan mengikuti aturan penulisan surat yang
sudah baku.
Compiled by : Anugrah Sapto Hadi

Head of Secretary Program Head of Team Teaching

Sugiyarto., SE., MM Anugrah Sapto Hadi., BSc.M.M

NIDN. 0425057002 NIDN. 0414125901

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar v

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III


Puji syukur kehadirat Allah atas segala nikmat dan karunia yang telah ia berikan.
Dengan makin meningkatnya persaingan global di dunia yang mencakup banyak sektor
perdagangan maupun sektor pendidikan, maka tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa untuk siap
menghadapi persaingan global keterampilan membuat surat bisnis dalam bahasa Inggris
adalah suatu syarat yang harus dipenuhi, karena bahasa inggris merupakan bahasa
Internasional yang banyak digunakan diberbagai negara. Buku ini ditulis untuk
memenuhi kebutuhan mahasiswa maupun masyarakat untuk mampu berkomunikasi
melalui penulisan surat yang baik dan benar serta mengikuti standar penulisan surat
bisnis. Didalam dunia bisnis internasional, penulisan surat busnis berbahasa inggris
yang baik dan benar merupakan hal yang perlu diketahui dengan baik oleh pelaku bisnis
mengingat bahwa surat bisnis merupakan cerminan dari perusahaan yang sedang
melakukan transaksi bisnis.
Modul korespondensi Bisnis 1 ditulis untuk memenuhi tuntutan era globalisasi.
agar dapat membuat surat korespondensi dalam bahasa Inggris harus mengetahui
aturan penulisan surat bisnis, dalam modul ini siswa akan belajar jenis lettrs bisnis,
format surat bisnis, elemen surat bisnis. Setelah menyelesaikan kursus ini, Mahasiswa
program Studi D-III Sekretari diharapkan dapat melakukan hal-hal berikut:
1. Mengembangkan keterampilan komunikasi tertulis dan lisan untuk menghasilkan
pesan yang jelas, lengkap, dan akurat
2. Mengembangkan komunikasi yang efektif melalui penggunaan tata bahasa, ejaan,
tanda baca, dan format surat yang akurat
3. Memahami strategi dan format pesan yang sesuai untuk situasi komunikasi
4. Mengembangkan dan menerapkan keterampilan berpikir kritis saat menentukan
solusi untuk masalah yang berhubungan dengan komunikasi
5. Menciptakan hubungan manusia yang sukses melalui komunikasi yang efektif.
6. Menganalisis berbagai jenis korespondensi bisnis yang saat ini secara umum
digunakan di dunia bisnis.
7. Berbagi ide, pengalaman, dan pengetahuan di mana materi ajar dirancang secara
relevan dengan dunia kerja.
8. Membangun tugas tertulis yang akan menunjukkan kemampuan untuk
menggunakan dasar-dasar komunikasi yang efektif.

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Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

9. Mempersiapkan dan menyajikan materi yang akan menunjukkan kemampuan untuk

menggunakan dasar-dasar komunikasi lisan yang efektif.
Penulis berharap semoga buku ini dapat bermanfaat dan menjadi salah satu
panduan bagi masyarakat umum ataupun para mahasiswa, untuk dapat menulis surat
bisnis dengan baik dan benar.

Tangerang Selatan, 10 Juni 2021

TIM Penyusun

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar vii

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III


Business correspondence 1 module was written to meet the demands of the

globalization era. in order to be able to make a correspondence letter in English should
know the rules of writng business letters,in this modul students will learn types of
business lettrs, format of business letters , elements of business letters. After
completing this course, Students of Secretary program D3 are expected to be able to
perform the following :
1. Develop written and verbal communication skills to create clear, complete, and
accurate messages
2. Develop effective communication through the use of accurate grammar, spelling,
punctuation, and letter form
3. Understand how to create message formats that are appropriate for professional
communication situations.
4. Able to create and apply critical thinking in determining solutions to problems
encountered by applying professional communication techniques
5. Create successful human relations through effective communication.
6. Understand and able to apply various types of business correspondence currently
used in the business .
7. Develop ability to Share of ideas, experiences, and knowledge which corresponds
to the course materials and may be able to cope with new situations which may be
encountered in the future.
8. Develop ability to Construct written assignments that may need the ability to use
the fundamentals of effective communication.
9. Provide and present materials that will show the ability to use the fundamentals of
effective verbal communications.

Tangerang Selatan, Juni 2021

Tim Penyusun

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar viii

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III


Course description ........................................................................... i

Introduction ...................................................................................... ii
Table of contents ............................................................................. iii
List of tables .................................................................................... iv
List of drawings ............................................................................... v


A. Learning Objectives/ Tujuan Pembelajaran ................................ 1
B. Description Of Materials/ Uraian Materi ...................................... 1
C. Exercises ................................................................................... 10
D. Sources ..................................................................................... 24


A. Learning Objectives/ Tujuan Pembelajaran ................................ 26
B. Description Of Materials/ Uraian Materi ...................................... 26
C. Sources ..................................................................................... 38


A. Learning Objectives/ Tujuan Pembelajaran ................................ 40
B. Description Of Materials/ Uraian Materi ...................................... 40
C. Exercises ................................................................................... 51
D. Sources ..................................................................................... 60


A. Learning Objectives/ Tujuan Pembelajaran ................................ 62
B. Description Of Materials/ Uraian Materi ...................................... 62
C. Exercises ................................................................................... 68
D. Sources ..................................................................................... 69


A. Learning Objectives/ Tujuan Pembelajaran ................................ 70
B. Description Of Materials/ Uraian Materi ...................................... 70
C. Exercises ................................................................................... 75

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D. Sources ..................................................................................... 76


A. Learning Objectives/ Tujuan Pembelajaran ................................ 77
B. Description Of Materials/ Uraian Materi ...................................... 77
C. Exercises ................................................................................... 80
D. Sources ..................................................................................... 88


A. Learning Objectives/ Tujuan Pembelajaran ................................ 89
B. Description Of Materials/ Uraian Materi ...................................... 89
C. Exercises ................................................................................... 92
D. Sources ..................................................................................... 93


A. Learning Objectives/ Tujuan Pembelajaran ................................ 94
B. Description Of Materials/ Uraian Materi ...................................... 94
C. Exercises ................................................................................... 97
D. Sources ..................................................................................... 105


A. Learning Objectives/ Tujuan Pembelajaran ................................ 106
B. Description Of Materials/ Uraian Materi ...................................... 106
C. Exercises ................................................................................... 112
D. Sources ..................................................................................... 114


A. Learning Objectives/ Tujuan Pembelajaran ................................ 115
B. Description Of Materials/ Uraian Materi ...................................... 115
C. Sources ..................................................................................... 121


A. Learning Objectives/ Tujuan Pembelajaran ................................ 122
B. Description Of Materials/ Uraian Materi ...................................... 122
C. Exercises ................................................................................... 128

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D. Sources ..................................................................................... 129


A. Learning Objectives/ Tujuan Pembelajaran ................................ 130
B. Description Of Materials/ Uraian Materi ...................................... 130
C. Sources ..................................................................................... 138


A. Learning Objectives/ Tujuan Pembelajaran ................................ 139
B. Description Of Materials/ Uraian Materi ...................................... 139
C. Exercises ................................................................................... 145
D. Sources ..................................................................................... 146


A. Learning Objectives/ Tujuan Pembelajaran ................................ 147
B. Description Of Materials/ Uraian Materi ...................................... 147
C. Exercises ................................................................................... 150
D. Sources ..................................................................................... 155

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar xi

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III



Students Understand types of communication and able to build an effective
communication through the action of conveying or exchanging information and ideas.
Siswa Memahami jenis komunikasi dan mampu membangun komunikasi yang
efektif melalui tindakan penyampaikan atau pertukaran informasi dan ide


1. Types of Communication
The word communication comes from the Latin word, namely (communis), which
means “ the same” (common).
Communication in general can be interpreted as the process of delivering
information from the communicator to the communicant using the media and
delivery methods, so that information can be understood by both parties as well
as having mutual meanings through symbolic message transmission.
Kata komunikasi berasal dari kata Latin, yaitu (communis), yang berarti "sama"

Komunikasi pada dasarnya merupakan proses penyampaian informasi dari

komunikator kepada komunikan mempergunakan media dan metode
penyampaian, agar informasi dapat dipahami oleh kedua belah pihak serta
mempunyai arti yang dimengerti bagi ke dua belah pihak melalui transmisi pesan

Communication process :
In order to understand the purpose of effective communication, You need to
pay close attention to the factors involved in the process of communication We
will better understand the communication process by analyzing the elements of
the process which enable you to be able to comprehend clearly how
Communication process happens. The process of communication follows a
model that shows that all the factors involved can affect the outcome of a

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 1

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

communication. Communication can be said to be effective if the message

received is the same as that sent without a change in meaning.
The Communication Process involves six Key Elements:
a. Sender - The communicator or sender is the person who sends
message. There are two factors that will determine a person's success
communicator. The first factor is the attitude of the communicator which must
be positive. The second factor is how the communicators choose appropriate
symbols in the process of conveying messages by using meaningful symbols,
or choosing the right symbol needed by taking into consideration the
audience and the present environment.
b. Encode - In communication and information transfer, encoding is the process
of converting information from a source (object) into data, which is then sent
to the recipient or observer.
c. Message - is the media used to deliver the signals or symbols to the recipient
by means of written communication, speech, or by signal
d. Decode - is the process of giving meaning by the sender where the message
conveyed by the sender is translated into symbols in the form of images,
words, intonation and movement
e. Recipients - Recipients are people who receive messages, understand it and
translate it into meaning.
Communication is only successful when the recipient and the sender
understand each other effectively and share the meaning and understanding.

f. Noise - Misunderstanding may occur in communication at any point in the

communication process known as barrier in communication which can
happen at any time. Obstacles prevent us from understanding other ideas
and thoughts. Obstacles can appear at any point in the communication loop.
There are two types of obstacles - internal and external. Examples of internal
obstacles are fatigue, poor listening skills, attitude toward the sender or
information, lack of interest in messages, fear, mistrust, past experiences,
negative attitudes, problems at home, lack of general experience, and
emotions. Examples of external obstacles include noise, interruptions, e-mail
not working, bad telephone connections, time.
The sender who uses too many technical words for the audience, and
combined with inappropriate environment will become a barrier in

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 2

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

communication.. Barriers make messages not arrive. When communicating,

watch out for obstacles. is an acoustic (electrical) or electronic noise signal
that exists in a system in the form of noise that interferes with the process of
delivering a message that results in a reduction or distortion in the process of
the message being delivered which change the meaning of the message
received by the recipient.
g. Feed back - is the response given by a communicant (recipient of the
message) when a communicator (the messenger) is conveying his message
in the form of verbal or nonverbal response or reaction. Therefore feedback
is the only element that can judge successful or failed communication.. The
reaction or response can come from external feedback (something we see)
or internal feedback (something we cannot see).
There are senders and recipients involved in an efective communication. So
atually , effective communication is delivering your message to the recipient.
It is the sender's responsibility to ensure that the recipient gets message and
that the message received is the one you intended to share with the same
Communicating is not an isolated set of skills, but involves several skills
For example, speaking does not only involve your message but also can listen
and understand what other people are saying (Active listening) and observing
verbal and nonverbal instructions in sequence to monitor the effectiveness of
your message, in other words, Feedback is the response given by a
communicant (recipient of the message) when a communicator (sender) is
conveying his message. In short terms, feedback can be said as a response
or response to a message.

There are 2 types of recipients:

a. Recipients involved in an organization or internal people in an
Ex: subordinates, superiors, peers
b. 2. Recipients who are outside the organization or external
Ex: customers, suppliers, distributors

Setelah Anda memahami tujuan komunikasi yang efektif, Anda perlu


Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 3

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

memperhatikan elemen-elemen yang terlibat dalam proses komunikasi. Dengan

menganalisis bagian-bagian dari proses, kita akan dapat memahami caranya
Proses komunikasi terjadi. Proses komunikasi mengikuti model sederhana yang
menunjukkan bahwa semua faktor yang terlibat dapat mempengaruhi hasil
komunikasi. Komunikasi dapat dikatakan efektif jika pesan yang diterima sama
dengan yang dikirim tanpa perubahan makna.
Proses Komunikasi melibatkan enam Elemen Kunci:
a. Pengirim - Komunikator atau pengirim adalah orang yang mengirim
pesan. Ada dua faktor yang akan menentukan kesuksesan seseorang
penghubung. Faktor pertama adalah bahwa sikap komunikator harus positif.
Faktor kedua adalah pemilihan komunikator
simbol yang berarti, atau memilih simbol yang tepat tergantung pada Anda,
audiens dan lingkungan yang tepat.
b. Encode - adalah proses mengubah informasi atau pemikiran dari sumber
atau pengirim menjadi data, yang kemudian dikirim ke penerima atau
pengamat, seperti dalam sistem pemrosesan data.
c. Pesan - adalah media yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan sinyal kepada
penerima pesan melalui komunikasi tertulis, ucapan, atau dengan sinyal
d. Decode - adalah proses memberi makna oleh pengirim di mana pesan yang
disampaikan oleh pengirim diterjemahkan ke dalam simbol-simbol yang ber
bentuk gambar, kata-kata, intonasi dan gerakan
e. Penerima - adalah orang yang mendapat pesan, memahaminya, dan
menerjemahkannya menjadi makna.
Komunikasi hanya berhasil ketika penerima dan pengirim saling memahami
secara efektif dan berbagi makna dan pengertian.
f. Noise - Mengapa kesalahpahaman dapat terjadi dalam komunikasi. Pada
titik mana pun dalam proses komunikasi, penghalang dapat terjadi. Kendala
menghalangi kita untuk memahami ide dan pemikiran lain. Rintangan dapat
muncul di titik mana saja di loop komunikasi.
Ada dua jenis hambatan - internal dan eksternal. Contoh hambatan internal
adalah kelelahan, keterampilan menyimak yang buruk, sikap terhadap
pengirim atau informasi, kurangnya minat pada pesan, ketakutan,
ketidakpercayaan, pengalaman masa lalu, sikap negatif, masalah di rumah,
kurangnya pengalaman umum, dan emosi. Contoh hambatan eksternal
termasuk kebisingan,

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 4

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

interupsi, e-mail tidak berfungsi, koneksi telepon buruk, waktu,

Pengirim menggunakan terlalu banyak kata teknis untuk audiens, dan
lingkungan. Hambatan untuk membuat pesan tidak sampai. Saat
berkomunikasi, waspadai hambatan. adalah sinyal noise akustik (listrik) atau
elektronik yang ada dalam suatu sistem dalam bentuk noise yang
mengganggu proses pengiriman pesan yang menghasilkan pengurangan
atau distorsi dalam proses pesan yang disampaikan yang mengubah arti
dari pesan yang diterima oleh penerima.
g. Umpan balik - adalah respons yang diberikan oleh komunikan (penerima
pesan) ketika komunikator (pembawa pesan) menyampaikan pesannya
dalam bentuk respons atau reaksi verbal atau nonverbal. Oleh karena itu,
umpan balik adalah satu-satunya elemen yang dapat menilai komunikasi
yang berhasil atau gagal. Reaksi atau tanggapan dapat berasal dari umpan
balik eksternal (sesuatu yang kita lihat) atau umpan balik internal (sesuatu
yang tidak dapat kita lihat).

Ada pengirim dan penerima yang terlibat dalam komunikasi yang efektif. Jadi,
komunikasi yang efektif adalah mengirimkan pesan Anda kepada penerima.yang
Merupakan tanggung jawab pengirim untuk memastikan bahwa penerima
mendapat pesan dan bahwa pesan yang diterima adalah yang Anda maksudkan
untuk dibagikan dengan makna yang sama.
Berkomunikasi bukanlah seperangkat keterampilan yang terisolasi, tetapi
melibatkan beberapa keterampilan
Misalnya, berbicara tidak hanya melibatkan pesan
tetapi juga bisa mendengarkan dan memahami apa yang dikatakan orang lain
(Mendengarkan aktif) dan mengamati instruksi verbal dan nonverbal secara
berurutan untuk memantau keefektifan pesan Anda, dengan kata lain, Umpan
Balik adalah respons yang diberikan oleh seorang komunikan (penerima pesan)
ketika seorang komunikator (pengirim) menyampaikan pesannya. Dalam jangka
pendek, umpan balik dapat dikatakan sebagai respons atau respons terhadap
Ada 2 jenis penerima:
a. Penerima yang terlibat dalam suatu organisasi atau orang-orang internal
dalam suatu organisasi.
Mis: bawahan, atasan, teman sebaya

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 5

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

b. Penerima yang berada di luar organisasi atau eksternal

Mis: pelanggan, pemasok, distributor




Foreign Government

Customers Investors

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 6

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

2. Nature of communications
The nature of communications are diveded into three
a. Face to face communication / Komunikasi Tatap muka
b. Verbal Communications / Komunikasi Verbal
1) Letters, Memos / Surat, memo
2) Printed media / Media cetak
c. Non verbal communication/ Komunikasi non verbal
1) Gestures / sikap
2) Pictures / gambar
Sifat Komunikasi
Sifat komunikasi dibagi menjadi tiga
1) Sebuah. Komunikasi tatap muka
2) Komunikasi Verbal
Surat, Memo
Media cetak
3) Komunikasi nonverbal
- Gerakan
- Foto-foto

3. Elements of good communication

a. Study your correspondent
Communication can be effective, if the Person who send the message and
the recipient of the message have the same understanding about the message
being communicated. In order to get the expected response from the recipient
of the message, you must pay attention to the personality type and level of
understanding of both parties, therefore try to write the message in accordance
with the vocabulary level so that it can easily be understood by the recipient of
the message.

Komunikasi dapat menjadi efektif, jika pengirim pesan dan penerima pesan
memiliki pemahaman yang sama tentang pesan yang dikomunikasikan. Untuk
mendapatkan respons yang diharapkan dari penerima pesan, Anda harus
memperhatikan jenis kepribadian dan tingkat pemahaman kedua pihak yang
terlibat dalam sebuah komunikasi, oleh karena itu cobalah untuk menulis

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Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

pesan sesuai dengan tingkat kosa kata sehingga dapat dengan mudah
dipahami oleh penerima pesan.

b. Choose the words used

The use of words in a letter is not only a symbol but is a tool to communicate,
therefore, use words that are easily understood such as flowers, books,
houses that are directly understood because of their form, avoid words such
as freedom, truth, democracy and gratitude which has an abstract meaning.

For example :
The preparation of new salary scale is in hand
(say instead: New salary scales are being prepared)

Due to the unusual nature of the request

(Say instead : Because the request is unusual)

c. Tone and style / Nada dan Gaya

The tone of the letter must suit both your correspondent and the subject-
matter, being firm, persuasive or friendly according to the impression you want
to convey. Many people who are warm and friendly in nature become different
people when they write letters, They seem to think that business letters call for
a special kind of impersonal and starchy language. They forget that a letter is
a sort of conversation by post and a way of linking people to have the same
understanding of the subject –matter.

For example :
Your letter has been received and your complaint is being investigated. When
all the facts are known a further letter will be sent to you.
Emphasis on the personal pronoun "You" will make the contents of the letter
tense, so that closeness with the recipient of the news is not intertwined, it
would be better if we use the personal pronoun "we" to describe the position
where we represent the company
Nada surat harus sesuai dengan koresponden Anda maksud dan subjeknya
serta tegas, persuasif atau ramah sesuai dengan kesan yang ingin Anda
sampaikan. Banyak orang yang hangat dan ramah akan menjadi orang yang

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 8

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

berbeda ketika mereka menulis surat, Mereka tampaknya berpikir bahwa surat
bisnis memerlukan jenis bahasa impersonal dan khusus. Mereka lupa bahwa
surat adalah semacam percakapan melalui pos dan cara menghubungkan
orang-orang untuk memiliki pemahaman yang sama tentang subjek - contoh.
Sebagai contoh :
Surat Anda telah diterima dan keluhan Anda sedang diselidiki. Ketika semua
fakta diketahui, surat selanjutnya akan dikirimkan kepada Anda.
Penekanan pada kata ganti pribadi "Kamu" akan membuat isi dari huruf tense,
sehingga kedekatan dengan penerima berita tidak terjalin, akan lebih baik jika
kita menggunakan kata ganti pribadi "kita" untuk menggambarkan posisi di
mana kita mewakili perusahaan

d. The importance of Vocabulary/ Pentingnya kosakata

The use of the right words will be able to produce effective communication and
avoid misunderstanding between the messenger and the recipient of the
message. The limitations of vocabulary but having the right meaning will be
better than the ability of a person who have a more complete vocabulary but
contain a biased meaning will not be able to convey the message accurately
to the recipient.

Penggunaan kata-kata yang tepat akan dapat menghasilkan komunikasi yang

efektif dan menghindari kesalahpahaman antara pembawa pesan dan
penerima pesan. Keterbatasan kosakata tetapi memiliki makna yang tepat
akan lebih baik daripada kemampuan seseorang yang memiliki kosakata yang
lebih lengkap tetapi mengandung makna yang bias tidak akan dapat
menyampaikan pesan secara akurat kepada penerima.

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 9

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

1. Which of the following is an example of verbal communication?

A. Logos

B. Gestures

C. Eye contact

D. Pictures

E. Tweets

2. Rina recently gave a presentation on "The Effects of Consumerism on millenial

generation" at Pamulang University in South Tangerang. This presentation was very
successful because it used a lot of nonverbal communication that caught the attention
of the audience and made an interesting presentation..

Which of the following did Loretta most likely use?

A. Anecdotes

B. Narrations

C. Quotations

D. Photographs

E. Chestnuts

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Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

3. _____ are a type of nonverbal communication.

A. Pictures

B. Presentations

C. Electronic Mails

D. Memos

E. Informal Meetings

4. An example of an interpersonal nonverbal signal of authority would be a company


A. sitting at the head of a conference table at a board meeting.

B. speaking on behalf of the company at a community event.

C. writing a progress report on a campaign activity.

D. sending out an e-mail announcing a new policy.

E. presenting a report on a project recently completed.

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Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

5. According to the survey conducted by the National Commission on Writing, _____

is considered to be a writing ability which all employees must know.

A. technical writing

B. Blogging

C. instant messaging

D. e-mailing

E. Tweeting

6. Which of the following is an example of an internal audience?

A. Suppliers

B. Stockholders

C. Clients

D. Funders

E. Peers

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Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

7. An example of an external audience is a _____.

A. human resource team

B. subordinate

C. supervisor and manager

D. colleague

E. potential employee

8. Pete Riley works at Rowland Bank in California. He recently gave a presentation on

"Benefits of Investing in Unit Link Plans" to the subordinates in his team, the sales
team, and the marketing team. He also showed the presentation to the superiors
before making a few changes and presenting it to his customers. Which of the
following comprises Pete's external audience?

A. Sales Team

B. Marketing Team

C. Superiors

D. Customers

E. Subordinates

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Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

9. Natalia who works for Trends, a fashion house, needs to give a presentation to her
superiors on the marketing plan for the newly launched, Vogue line of clothing.
Once she receives an approval on it, she will be sharing details of the launch with
distributors, clients, and fashion houses with which they have tie-ups. In addition,
she will also be presenting the plan to the press to spread word about the line.
Which among the following is Natalia's internal audience?

A. Other Fashion Houses

B. Clients

C. Superiors

D. Distributors

E. Press

10. Ella, a human resource manager, has written a report for the organizational director
on staffing needs of the company. Along with the report, she also sends a memo
explaining why the document is being forwarded to him. What is this accompanying
document called?

A. Monthly Report

B. Memo of Congratulations

C. Quarter Report

D. Transmittal

E. Policy and procedure bulletin

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Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

11. Evelyn Jones who works for Lobo Events, an event management company, is
preparing a document on the problems faced while hosting events and revenue
generated. In the report, she explains unavailability of venues for events around
season time and steep charges by music bands as challenges faced by them. In
addition, she explains the company's performance and that it generated revenue of
$25, 00,000 in the last three months. Which of the following documents is Evelyn

A. Letter of transmittal

B. Performance appraisal

C. Quarterly report

D. Formative assessment

E. Summative assessment

12. A _____ is a statement of company rules, guidelines, and instructions with a

. . purpose to inform, build image, and goodwill.

A. policy and procedure bulletin

B. 10 K report

C. quarterly report

D. transmittal

E. monthly and annual report

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Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

13. Which of the following does a request to deviate from policy and procedure bulletin

A. Explains that another approach is better for a specific situation rather than the
standard approach

B. Discusses profitability and problems during a period and how it deviates from
past figures

C. Summarizes financial information to be filed with the Securities and Exchange


D. Discusses the granting or denying of customer request to be given credit for

defective goods

E. Explains why an organization's statistical figures deviates or varies from external

market figures

14. Leah, a communications manager at a travel company, needs to evaluate her team
members' work in the last financial year. She needs to prepare a report on the
evaluation of objectives they helped achieve. Which of the following documents is
Leah preparing?

A. Career assessment

B. Performance Appraisal

C. Quarterly Report

D. Memo of congratulations

E. Role-based assessment

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Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

15. A memo of congratulations is written to:

A. clients who have been with a company for over 10 years.

B. employees who have won awards or been promoted.

C. company partners when a project is successful.

D. external allies for a well implemented campaign.

E. suppliers who have been loyal to a company.

16. Samantha Carter who owns Blaze, a fashion house in Manhattan, recently received
an e-mail from her client requesting for price details of her eco-friendly line of
clothing. Now she needs to write a letter to him with the requested details. Which of
the following is Carter writing?

A. 10-K Report

B. Thank-you letter

C. Quotation

D. Claims adjustment

E. Transmittal

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 17

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

17. _____ is an external document granting or denying customer request to be given

credit for damaged goods.

A. 10-K Report

B. Quarterly report

C. Policy and procedure bulletin

D. Transmittal

E. Claims adjustment

18. Every year in the month of April, Rowland and Co. files a report to the Securities
and Exchange Commission of U.S.A. The report consists of details of their audited
financial statements, executive compensation, and equities. Which of the following
is the company filing?

A. Annual report

B. Quarterly Report

C. Claims adjustment

D. 10-K report

E. Quotation

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Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

19. Roswell, a manager at a software firm, needs to ensure that the members of his
team complete work on a project that has its deadline approaching. To remind them
about the deadline, he writes an email stating, "You need to complete the work by
Friday so that I can deliver the product to the client on time." His email, however,
involves a writing flaw because of which he does not receive the results he would
have otherwise achieved. What type of writing flaw does Roswell's email have?

A. Selfish tone

B. Vague request

C. Legalistic language

D. Misused words

E. Confusing words

20. Which of the following does good writing involve?

A. Keeps requests ambiguous which helps avoid arguments

B. Uses legalistic language to impress the readers

C. Analyzes the larger context in which words may appear

D. Presents the main point in the middle of a long paragraph

E. Requires a reader to gather additional information

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 19

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

21. Which of the following is true of good business and administrative communication?

A. Makes an audience guess a message a speaker or writer has presented

B. Leaves audience's questions unanswered to create challenges and interactions

C. Represents messages which are free from errors in spelling and grammar

D. Considers members of an audience as numbers instead of as groups of people

E. Takes a long time to decipher which challenges an audience's intellect

22. Rebecca, who works as a human resource executive, received a letter from her
manager to organize an interactive program for some of the employees of the
organization. Rebecca needs to call her manager to find out the objective of the
program, when it needs to be organized, and which employees need to attend the
program. Which of the following is the letter characterized by?

A. It allows the reader to act on it instantly.

B. It is incomplete in form.

C. It answers all queries that the reader has.

D. It saves the reader's time.

E. It prevents the reader from guessing.

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 20

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

23. Which of the following is true of conventions?

A. They remain constant over long periods of time.

B. They are practices one encounters infrequently.

C. They apply to a general audience and context.

D. They can be best learnt by reading annual reports.

E. They are widely accepted practices.

24. The best way to learn conventions in a particular workplace is by:

A. seeing what other workers are doing.

B. reading documents on office guidelines.

C. interacting with the human resource department.

D. getting updated by the manager or supervisor.

E. researching online about the organization.

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 21

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

25. Written forms of communications are preferable over oral forms of communication

A. group decisions need to be made.

B. misunderstandings need to be cleared quickly.

C. communication needs to be personal.

D. conflicts need to be resolved immediately.

E. communication needs to be formal.

26. Which of the following should one do while analyzing business communication

A. Avoid taking into account emotions of other people when stakes are high

B. Take into account the needs of the organization and not those outside the

C. Use written channels instead of oral channels for better decision making

D. Use detailed instructions to understand audiences and corporate culture

E. Consider one's own needs in addition to those of one's superior and audience

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 22

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

27. Which of the following should be followed while solving business communication

A. Consciously developing one key solution instead of multiple ones

B. Understanding that even irrelevant features of an audience are important

C. Emphasizing information by placing it in the middle of a paragraph

D. Identifying one main audience benefit if it is a persuasive message

E. Ensuring that benefits are adapted well to the needs of the audience

28. Stella is presenting a report on "Negative Impacts of Genetic Engineering" at a

conference on Food Security in Manhattan. The audience consists of scientists,
government officials, and members of civil society groups of which some are skeptical
about the subject. Which of the following would best help Stella handle the audience?

A. Present the good ideas at the end of the report

B. Present the main points of the report in the middle of the report

C. Approach the issue of genetic engineering indirectly

D. Make the milestones achieved section clear in the first paragraph

E. Identify one main audience benefit instead of several benefits

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 23

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

29. Which of the following are ways in which a document can be made more visually

A. Avoid using subject lines since they disorient the readers.

B. Use headings to group unrelated ideas.

C. Use lists and indented sections to emphasize examples.

D. Avoid numbering the points to make the document look clean.

E. Use long paragraphs consisting of more than ten typed lines.

30. Which of the following styles of writing should be followed to create a business

A. It should make the message as friendly and personal as possible.

B. It should use complex words if it is being addressed to strangers.

C. It should place positive information at the end of the document.

D. It should focus more on what is impossible so that it can tackle the problem.

E. Use me-attitude to show that one is confident about the document.


Baden Eunson (2008) Communicating in 21st Century, 2nd ed

L.Gartside,(1989) Modern Business Correspondence, Jakarta, Binarupa Aksara

Lin,Lougheed(2003),Business Correspondence, 2nd ed,New York,Pearson Education

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 24

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

Gallaudet Interpreting Services (June 1999). GIS Web. [Online]. Available: [June 23, 1999].
Maggio, R. (1990). How to say it. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Poe, Roy(1996). Business Letters, New York, Mc Graw-Hill, Inc. (3rd ed)

Webster's New World Office Professional's Handbook. (5th ed.). (1996). New York:

Woro Vidya A.101 Draft Surat Bisnis, Gradient Mediatama, Yogyakarta, 2010

Yate, M. (1997). Cover letters that knock'em dead. Holbrook, Massachusetts: Adams

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 25

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III



Students are able to use correct grammar, understand the business letter formats
and write letters using business letter formats.

Siswa dapat menggunakan tata bahasa yang benar, memahami surat bisnis
memformat dan menulis surat menggunakan format surat bisnis


There are several types of business letters, each one has a purpose for why the letter
was written; and how the letter can clearly achieve its intended purpose. A well-
written business letter has the characteristics so that the letter written can be clearly
understood by its readers. Successful writers can help readers by providing
information and follows the rules of sincerity, simplicity, clarity, coherence, courtesy.
It should be noted that the characteristic of an effective letter is that the letter starts
with opening good communication with someone first and then continuing with the
business. If you do not know who your letter is addressed to, try to find out from
various sources with whom you are communicating so that your letter gets a good
impression, then you can describe the purpose of writing the letter. You can start
composing your letter however there is one thing to remember, If your letter is about
business, keep the tone and style of your business. The friendliness factor needs to
be put forward, but business goals must also be achieved. Imagine how you would
talk if you sat across the negotiating table, talks that usually occur in negotiations can
be included in the letter. Try to imitate a good speaking style to be written on paper.
By writing a good letter to someone, it will increase the likelihood of receiving a reply
that can increase opportunities for good relations and business cooperation.

The use of pronouns must be considered with caution when you write business
letters. The intended reader will interpret from his perspective the words written on
you make. Because your words will be written on paper, readers will obviously read
the letters , rather than hear how you speak, therefore you need to check your

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 26

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

sentences structure, grammar, spelling, and punctuation that eventually give a clear
meaning if you place them correctly.
Letters give the impression, like words are spoken, so keep this in mind; on paper
words make you take notes that can be interpreted by readers from different angles
depending on the situation, conditions and environment at the time. Your letter will
be stored in a file cabinet and can be used as a reference at any time. Your signature
at the bottom of the letter indicates that you accept responsibility for its contents.

Ada banyak jenis surat bisnis, masing-masing memiliki tujuan mengapa surat itu
ditulis; dan bagaimana surat itu dapat dengan jelas mencapai tujuan yang dimaksud.
Karakteristik surat bisnis yang ditulis dengan baik adalah bahwa tujuannya jelas
dipahami oleh pembacanya. Penulis yang sukses dapat membantu pembaca
dengan memberikan informasi dan mengikuti aturan ketulusan, kesederhanaan,
kejelasan, koherensi, kesopanan.

Jika Anda tidak tahu kepada siapa surat Anda ditujukan, cobalah mencari tahu dari
berbagai sumber dengan siapa Anda berkomunikasi sehingga surat Anda
mendapatkan kesan yang baik, maka Anda dapat memberi penjelasan mengenai
tujuan penulisan surat itu. Anda dapat segera memulai menulis surat Anda apbila
sudah mengetahui denga pasti kepada siapa surat Anda ditujukan, akan tetapi ada
beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan. Jika surat Anda tentang bisnis, pertahankan
nada dan gaya bisnis Anda. Faktor keramahan perlu dikedepankan, tetapi tujuan
bisnis juga harus dicapai. Bayangkan bagaimana Anda akan berbicara jika Anda
duduk di seberang meja negosiasi, pembicaraan yang biasanya terjadi dalam
negosiasi dapat dituliskan dalam surat itu. Cobalah meniru gaya bicara yang baik
untuk ditulis di atas kertas. Dengan menulis surat yang baik kepada seseorang, itu
akan meningkatkan kemungkinan menerima balasan yang dapat meningkatkan
peluang untuk hubungan baik dan kerja sama bisnis.

Penggunaan kata ganti harus dipertimbangkan dengan hati-hati saat Anda menulis
surat bisnis. Pembaca Anda akan menafsirkan dari sudut pandangnya pilihan kata
yang Anda buat. Karena kata-kata Anda akan ditulis di atas kertas, pembaca akan
melihat lebih banyak, daripada mendengar bagaimana Anda berbicara, jadi
periksalah struktur kalimat, tata bahasa, ejaan, dan tanda baca .

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 27

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

Surat memberi kesan, seperti kata-kata yang diucapkan, jadi ingatlah ini; di atas
kertas kata-kata membuat Anda membuat catatan yang dapat diartikan oleh
pembaca dari berbagai sudut tergantung pada situasi, kondisi dan lingkungan pada
saat itu. Surat Anda, disimpan di lemari arsip seseorang, dapat dirujuk kapan saja.
Tanda tangan Anda di bagian bawah surat menunjukkan bahwa Anda menerima
tanggung jawab atas isinya .

1. Business Letter Formats / Format surat Bisnis

Business letters usually include:
a. return address (letterhead or your name and address),
b. date,
c. an inside address (receiver's name and address),
d. a salutation, body paragraphs which consists of Opening, Focus, Action and
e. a closing.
However there are many ways on how to format this information in business
letters.For example, return addresses begin at the left margin or begin at the
horizontal center of the page. There are three basic business letter formats which
are widely used..
Namun ada beberapa cara untuk memformat informasi ini. Misalnya, alamat
pengirim dapat dipusatkan atau mulai di margin kiri atau mulai di tengah
horisontal halaman. Ada tiga format surat bisnis dasar.
a. Block format
When writing a letter using a block form, indentation is not required at each
opening of a new paragraph. Type your name, address, date and telephone
number where you can be contacted. Write the name and address of the
person you are writing to in the mail.
Keep in mind that most business letters have salutation, then four important
parts of the body text are opening, focus, action and closing.
Saat menulis surat menggunakan formulir blok, indentasi tidak diperlukan
pada setiap pembukaan paragraf baru. Sertakan nama, alamat, tanggal, dan
nomor telepon tempat Anda dapat dihubungi. Tulis nama dan alamat orang
yang Anda tuju melalui pos.
Perlu diingat bahwa sebagian besar surat bisnis memiliki salam, maka empat
bagian penting dari teks tubuh adalah pembukaan, fokus, tindakan, dan

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 28

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

PT.XYZ System .
Jl. Taman Galunggung no.19
Jakarta 12410
Phone : (021)753264
E-mail (optional)

December 3, 20-
Ms. Rosa Delaware
General Manager Sales and Distribution
Best Way Ltd.
Via Canaveral 4
20123 Milano
Dear Ms. Delaware:
I have made travel arrangements for your visit on July14, and I am enclosing your airline
tickets. In brief, you leave Jakarta on JTI Airlines 220 at 11.30 a.m and arrive in Surabaya
at 13.00 P.M You then take ARB’s Flight 416 which departs at 2.00. arriving in Singapore
at 15.00 local time.
I will meet you and take you to the Summer view Hotel, where you have reservation. Our
Purchasing manager, Mr. Raymond Chow and I will join you for dinner at the Chez
Restaurant if this convenient to you.
Thank you very much for Visiting Us and We are looking forward to meeting You this
Sincerely yours,
Your Signature
Your Name
Your Title

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 29

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

b. Semi Block Form

When writing a letter using semi block. Everything begins at the left margin,
except for the date and the complimentary close and signature.
The date should be located on the right side of the letter. Letter head should
include complete address, phone, email and website should be placed in the
middle or on the right side at the top of the page, then you have to write the
name and address of the person you are addressing to.
At the end of the letter, place your signature on the right side or the left side
depending on the format of the letter you are using. Write down your contact
number if necessary.
Saat menulis surat menggunakan semi blok. Semuanya dimulai pada margin
kiri, kecuali untuk tanggal dan penutupan dan tanda tangan gratis.
Tanggal harus berada di sisi kanan surat itu. Kepala surat harus mencakup
alamat lengkap, telepon, email, dan situs web yang harus berada di bagian
atas halaman, baik di tengah, atau di sisi kanan kertas dan kemudian Anda
harus menuliskan nama dan alamat orang yang Anda tuju.
Di akhir surat, tempatkan tanda tangan Anda di sisi kanan atau kiri tergantung
pada format surat yang Anda gunakan. Tuliskan nomor kontak Anda jika perlu.

PT.XYZ System .
Jl. Taman Galunggung no.19
Jakarta 12410
Phone : (021)753264
E-mail (optional)
August 16, 20-
Ms. Rosa Delaware
General Manager Sales and Distribution
Best Way Ltd.
Via Canaveral 4
20123 Milano
Dear Ms. Delaware:
I have made travel arrangements for your visit on July14, and I am enclosing your airline
tickets. In brief, you leave Jakarta on JTI Airlines 220 at 11.30 a.m and arrive in Surabaya

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 30

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

at 13.00 P.M You then take ARB’s Flight 416 which departs at 2.00. arriving in Singapore
at 15.00 local time.
I will meet you and take you to the Summer view Hotel, where you have reservation. Our
Purchasing manager, Mr. Raymond Chow and I will join you for dinner at the Chez
Restaurant if this convenient to you.
Thank you very much for Visiting us and We look forward to seeing you this evening.
Sincerely yours,

Your Signature
Your Title

c. Indented Form
If you decide to write a business letter using the indented form, indent the
beginning sentence of each paragraph. Include the name, address, telephone
number and date on the head of the letter which must be typed at the top area
of the page, You can place it, either in the middle, or on the right side of the
paper, then type the name and address of the person you are writing to.
At the end of the letter, put your signature on the right side of the page. Don't
forget to provide information about how you can be contacted if necessary.
Jika Anda memutuskan untuk menulis surat menggunakan formulir indentasi,
indentasi setiap kalimat pertama dari paragraf. Sertakan nama, alamat, nomor
telepon, dan tanggal di kepala surat itu yang harus ada di bagian atas
halaman, baik di tengah, atau di sisi kanan kertas, kemudian masukkan nama
dan alamat orang yang Anda tuju.
Di akhir surat, letakkan tanda tangan Anda di sisi kanan halaman. Jangan lupa
untuk memberikan informasi tentang bagaimana Anda dapat dihubungi jika

PT.XYZ System .
Jl. Taman Galunggung no.19

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 31

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

Jakarta 12410
Phone : (021)753264
E-mail (optional)
December 16, 20-

Ms. Rosa Delaware

General Manager Sales and Distribution
Best Way Ltd.
Via Canaveral 4
20123 Milano
Dear Ms. Delaware:
I have made travel arrangements for your visit on July14, and I am enclosing your airline
tickets. In brief, you leave Jakarta on JTI Airlines 220 at 11.30 a.m and arrive in Surabaya
at 13.00 P.M You then take ARB’s Flight 416 which departs at 2.00. arriving in Singapore
at 15.00 local time.
I will meet you and take you to the Summer view Hotel, where you have reservation.
Our Purchasing manager, Mr. Raymond Chow and I will join you for dinner at the Chez
Restaurant if this convenient to you.
Thank you very much for Visiting us and We look forward to seeing you this evening.
Sincerely yours,

Your Signature
Your title

Block Format is one of the options for writing a Business letter, you can place
your address in the upper left side of your letter and place the date and
signature to the left of your letter
Format Blok adalah salah satu opsi untuk menulis surat Bisnis, Anda dapat
menempatkan alamat Anda di sisi kiri atas surat Anda serta menempatkan
tanggal dan tanda tangan di sebelah kiri surat Anda..

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 32

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

However, if you decide to use the indented form, place the date on the right
instead of placing it in the middle. With the indented form, you can have a
signature on the right side of the page.
Namun, jika Anda memutuskan untuk menggunakan indented form, letakkan
tanggal di sebelah kanan. Jangan letakkan di tengah. Dengan indented form,
Anda dapat menempatkan tanda tangan di sisi kanan halaman.
If you want to make your letter interesting, boldly type your name in a larger
font at the top of the letter and type your address just below it in a smaller font.
Jika Anda ingin membuat surat Anda menarik, ketikkan nama Anda dalam font
yang lebih besar di bagian atas surat dan ketik alamat Anda tepat di bawahnya
dengan font yang lebih kecil.
Example/ contoh:
Raymond Gold
4400 S M L King Jr Pkw,
Anytown, VA 22879
1) Your Word program may have several standard templates business
letters that you can use. These programs usually have many choices of
styles and formats. Study the template features that you might be able to
use or look in the help desk in your word processing program to see
your options. Some keywords that you can try are::
o letters
o create a letter
o write a letter
o resumes

2. Style in Business Writing / Gaya dalam penulisan surat bisnis

When writing a business letter you need to use sentences that are easy to
understand. and the contents of business writings should be related to business
entities, specific and purposeful transactions between the writer and his
audience. The best business writing can be "clearly understood when read
quickly. The message must be well planned, simple, clear, and direct." Therefore,
there are five criteria that must be understood when you aim to convey the
message effectively.
Saat menulis surat bisnis, Anda perlu menggunakan kalimat yang mudah
dimengerti. dan isi tulisan bisnis harus terkait dengan entitas bisnis, transaksi

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spesifik dan terarah antara penulis dan audiensnya. Tulisan bisnis terbaik dapat
"dipahami dengan jelas ketika dibaca dengan cepat. Pesannya harus
direncanakan dengan baik, sederhana, jelas, dan langsung." Karena itu, ada lima
kriteria yang harus dipahami ketika Anda bertujuan untuk menyampaikan pesan
secara efektif.
a. Sincerity / Ketulusan
It Consists in saying naturally what one feels in language that is simple and
concise, fittingly related to the reader’s needs and level of comprehension.
Ini dengan mengatakan secara alami apa yang dirasakan seseorang dalam
bahasa yang sederhana dan ringkas, yang selaras dengan kebutuhan
pembaca dan tingkat pemahaman
b. Simplicity
Simplicity is usually associated with natural tone and freshness of perspective
to make writing easy to read.
Kesederhanaan biasanya dihubungkan dengan kealamiahan nada dan
kesegaran sudut pandang untuk membuat tulisan yang mudah dibaca.
Example :

At the present time Now

We are aware of the fact Revise
It affords me great pleasure to inform you I am glad to tell you

c. Clarity / kejelasan
An important element of business letters is that they must be clear, including
the purpose, letters and words used in the letter. State clearly the points So
that the reader understands the purpose of the letter clearly.
Elemen penting dari surat bisnis adalah bahwa mereka harus jelas, termasuk
tujuan, surat dan kata-kata yang digunakan dalam surat itu. Nyatakan dengan
jelas poin-poinnya sehingga pembaca memahami tujuan surat itu dengan
Example :
Clear Message
1) Transport charges vary with weight of package and distance of
transmission ( Clear Message)

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Biaya transportasi bervariasi sesuai dengan berat paket dan jarak

transmisi ( Pesan yang jelas)
2) They decline not only to pay the account but also to return the goods.
(clear massage)
Mereka menolak tidak hanya untuk membayar akun tetapi juga untuk
mengembalikan barang. (pijat jelas)

Ambiguous Message / pesan ambigu

1) I can recommend him for the post he applies for with complete
confidence. (not a clear message).
Saya dapat merekomendasikan dia untuk jabatan yang dia lamar
dengan penuh keyakinan. (bukan pesan yang jelas).
2) I can recommend him with complete confidence for the post he
applies for. (clear Message)
Saya dapat merekomendasikan dia dengan keyakinan penuh untuk
pos yang dia lamar. (pesan yang jelas)

Coherence / berurutan
The term coherence refers to the order of ideas in a letter, by organizing
your ideas in a logical order, and connecting them effectively by using
the correct words and conjunctions.
Istilah koherensi mengacu pada urutan ide dalam surat, dengan
mengatur ide-ide Anda dalam urutan logis, dan menghubungkannya
secara efektif dengan menggunakan kata-kata dan konjungsi yang

Example :

3. Folding a standard letter/ melipat surat standar

In general business letters are usually folded twice into one-third horizontally
and placed into envelopes.
Folding one third of a letter horizontally will better guarantee the letter is not read
by others. The letter is also easy to open when opening the envelope.

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The following diagram shows how a letter is normally folded. Click on each picture
for more.
This type of fold is used regardless of letter style.
If the letter needs to have the address face out an envelope window, make the
second fold in the same location but opposite direction. The letter will then be
folded in a Z shape and the address can be positioned to face out the window of
the envelope.
Secara umum surat bisnis biasanya dilipat dua terlebih dahulu dengan menjadi
sepertiga secara horizontal dan ditempatkan ke dalam amplop.
Melipat sepertiga surat secara horizontal akan lebih baik menjamin surat itu tidak
dibaca oleh orang lain. Surat itu juga mudah dibuka saat membuka amplop.
Diagram berikut ini menunjukkan bagaimana sebuah surat dilipat secara normal.
Jenis lipatan ini digunakan terlepas dari gaya huruf.
Jika surat itu perlu memiliki alamat menghadap keluar jendela amplop, buat
lipatan kedua di lokasi yang sama tetapi berlawanan arah. Surat itu kemudian
akan dilipat dalam bentuk Z dan alamat dapat diposisikan untuk menghadap
keluar jendela amplop.

Unfolded First Fold Second Fold

4. Envelope Format
Building good relationships in the business world can have an impact on long-
term partnerships or it may increase customer Loyalty, therefore, envelopes are
the first thing recipients will see, so the intended layout of the address and the
address of the sender must be good. placed and well written letters make the
letter attract recipients to further study the contents of the letter.
There are recommendations on how to write business envelopes.
a) Make sure your letter reaches the intended recipient.
b) Write all the information on the envelope correctly, especially when you send
letters to large companies with various departments.

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c) Include contact information. Type your name, company’s name, your job title,
and address of your company at the upper left corner.
d) The intended recipient's name must be printed in the top line of the address
block and must be centered in the center of the envelope, a few lines under
your address.
e) Title - Write the person’s title, in case you don’t have such information, Type
the name of the department instead.
f) Company’s name - In the next line Type the name of the company, make sure
that there is no mistype or wrong information about the organization where
the person works. Be assure that the address of the recipient is typed
correctly without mistakes, otherwise your letter may look less professional or
may not be delivered to the recipient.
g) The company’s address - must be placed in one line. If it is too long, write
the address in two different lines. In this case, please enter the street name
in the first address line.

Membangun hubungan baik di dunia bisnis dapat berdampak pada kemitraan

jangka panjang atau membantu Anda meningkatkan Loyalitas pelanggan, oleh
karena itu, amplop adalah hal pertama yang akan dilihat penerima, sehingga tata
letak alamat dan alamat pengirim yang dimaksud harus baik. . ditempatkan dan
ditulis yang membuat surat itu menarik penerima untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut
isi surat itu.
Ada rekomendasi tentang cara menulis amplop bisnis.
a) Pastikan surat Anda mencapai penerima yang dimaksud.
b) Tuliskan semua informasi pada amplop dengan benar, terutama ketika Anda
mengirim surat kepada perusahaan besar dengan berbagai departemen.
c) Sertakan informasi kontak. Masukkan nama dan alamat perusahaan Anda di
sudut kiri atas.
d) Nama penerima yang dimaksud harus dicetak di baris atas blok alamat dan
harus dipusatkan di tengah amplop, beberapa baris di bawah alamat .
e) Jabatan - Tulis jabatan orang tersebut, jika Anda tidak memiliki informasi itu,
Ketikkan nama departemen dimana orang tersebut bergabung.
f) Nama perusahaan - Pada baris berikutnya Ketikkan nama perusahaan,
pastikan tidak ada kesalahan ketik atau informasi yang salah tentang
organisasi tempat orang tersebut bekerja. Yakinkan bahwa alamat penerima

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diketik dengan benar tanpa kesalahan, surat Anda mungkin terlihat kurang
profesional atau mungkin tidak dikirimkan ke penerima.
g) Alamat jalan yang pasti - Alamat perusahaan harus ditempatkan dalam satu
baris. Jika terlalu panjang, tulis alamatnya dalam dua baris yang berbeda.
Dalam hal ini, paskan nama jalan di baris alamat pertama.


Find an advertisement in a news Paper and write a response to the job being


Baden Eunson (2008) Communicating in 21st Century, 2nd ed

L.Gartside,(1989) Modern Business Correspondence, Jakarta, Binarupa Aksara

Lin Lougheed(2003), Business Correspondence, 2nd ed,New York,Pearson Education

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Gallaudet Interpreting Services (June 1999). GIS Web. [Online]. Available: [June 23, 1999].

Maggio, R. (1990). How to say it. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Poe, Roy(1996). Business Letters, New York, Mc Graw-Hill, Inc. (3rd ed)

Webster's New World Office Professional's Handbook. (5th ed.). (1996). New York:

Woro Vidya A.101 Draft Surat Bisnis, Gradient Mediatama, Yogyakarta, 2010

Yate, M. (1997). Cover letters that knock'em dead. Holbrook, Massachusetts: Adams

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The Cover letter is an essential element of a letter to show your writing skills, why you
send resumes and what position you are interested in, and be able to distinguish
yourself from other applicants by giving an overview of your strengths so that you can
answer the basic questions from employers why you are a suitable candidate for the
work. A cover letter must always accompany each resume you send out, unless stated

Tujuan dari surat pengantar adalah untuk menunjukkan kemampuan menulis Anda,
mengapa Anda mengirim resume dan posisi apa yang Anda minati, dan dapat
membedakan diri Anda dari pelamar lain dengan memberikan ikhtisar kekuatan Anda
sehingga Anda dapat menjawab pertanyaan dasar dari atasan mengapa Anda adalah
kandidat yang cocok untuk pekerjaan itu. Surat pengantar/lamaran harus selalu
menyertai setiap resume yang Anda kirim, kecuali dinyatakan sebaliknya.


When you apply for a job, you must send both of your resume and cover letter. A
resume is a written list that describes your educational background and work
experience . The cover letter introduces you to the person who will hire you, so in
making a cover letter the important point to note is how you describe yourself briefly
and can attract employer's attention.
You need to collect all information needed before you write a cover letter, if
necessary collect information from different sources about the job, especially the
qualifications needed.
Ketika Anda melamar pekerjaan, Anda harus mengirim resume dan surat lamaran
Anda. Resume adalah daftar tertulis yang menggambarkan latar belakang pendidikan
dan pengalaman kerja Anda. Surat pengantar memperkenalkan Anda kepada orang
yang akan mempekerjakan Anda, jadi dalam membuat surat pengantar, poin penting
yang perlu diperhatikan adalah bagaimana Anda menggambarkan diri Anda secara
singkat dan dapat menarik perhatian atasan.

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Sebelum Anda menulis surat, Anda memerlukan informasi lengkap tentang pekerjaan
itu, terutama kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan.

1. Elements of a cover letter / elemen dari surat lamaran

Part Content Example

Opening You need to I read about a job
mention that you opening for
are applying for the Administration staff
job and also you in “KOMPAS” dated
need to mention the of May 23rd, 20-
source of
Focus Explain about your I graduated with
qualifications and honor from
why you are suited Pamulang
for the job University with a
GPA 3.6. I am
currently looking for
a challenging job
like that at PT.
Green wall
Action Tell what you intend If an Interview is
to do agreeable to you,
Please kindly
contact me at the
address written
Closing Be Positive I look forward to
meeting you in the
near future.

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2. A good Application letters contains the following information :

Target your message. Explain your skills, expertise, and achievements that are
in line with company’s demand and can provide more benefits for employers. Use
good and correct business letter writing standards. Write clearly and concisely
and check the spelling and grammar of your letter. Pay attention to the Margin
used for business letter, use the same fonts and paper that you use for your
Targetkan pesan Anda. Jelaskan bagaimana keterampilan, keahlian, dan
prestasi Anda dapat bermanfaat bagi pemberi kerja. Gunakan standar penulisan
surat Bisnis yang benar. Tulis dengan jelas dan singkat dan periksa ejaan dan
tata bahasa surat Anda. Perhatikan Margin menulis surat bisnis yang benar,
gunakan font dan kertas yang sama yang Anda gunakan untuk resume Anda.
Surat pengantar tidak boleh lebih dari satu halaman.
Be purposeful. Every cover letter has differences, but many effective cover
letters follow the following rules: Knowing about the company, having technical
knowledge, having high enthusiasm, communication skills, having a leadership
spirit, being able to work in teams, being comfortable with deadlines, having
responsibilities , Have a willingness to learn quickly, maturity, and able start
Be purposeful.. Setiap surat pengantar berbeda, tetapi banyak surat pengantar
yang efektif memberikan bukti sebagai berikut: mempunyai pengetahuan
mengenai perusahaan, mempunyai pengetahuan teknis, antusiasme,
keterampilan komunikasi, kepemimpinan, kerja tim, kenyamanan dengan
tenggat waktu, tanggung jawab, kemampuan belajar dengan cepat, dewasa, dan
memulai sendiri.
Do NOT mass produce. Because the employer knows little about you, it is very
important to explain your skills and experience and achievements in certain
positions in certain organizations. Enter information that reflects your knowledge
of the companies in the industry for which you are applying. highlight your
achievements and measurable results so recruiters have a clear picture of you.
Keep in mind that every prospective employer looks for the best skills and
qualities in every applicant.
Jangan dibuat sama. Sangat penting untuk menghubungkan keterampilan dan
pengalaman Anda dengan posisi tertentu pada organisasi tertentu. Masukkan
informasi yang mencerminkan pengetahuan Anda tentang perusahaan, industri,

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dan masalah yang relevan. Sorot prestasi dan hasil terukur Anda. Pertimbangkan
bahwa setiap calon majikan mencari keterampilan dan kualitas yang berbeda di
setiap pelamar
Send your letter to a specific individual. preferably, the letter must be
addressed to people who can determine work decisions. Take the time to look for
all the information needed so that you can know correctly who the person you are
aiming for, by writing to the right person, your letter will have a better chance of
being received and further evaluated.
Sebaiknya, surat itu harus ditujukan kepada orang-orang yang dapat
menentukan keputusan kerja. Luangkan waktu untuk mencari semua informasi
yang diperlukan sehingga Anda dapat mengetahui dengan benar siapa orang
yang Anda tuju, dengan menulis kepada orang yang tepat, surat Anda akan
memiliki peluang lebih baik untuk diterima dan dievaluasi lebih lanjut.

Amanda Eyklima
Jl.Asem II no. 56 - Cipete Selatan
Jakarta Selatan 12410
Telephone: 62 52958
Hand Phone : 62(816)-196 4433
Email :

August 21, 20-

Mr. John Salonga

Vice President Marketing
PT. Keen and Kline
Taman Merbabu no 25
Jakarta – Barat 112345

Dear Mr. Salonga:

I read your advertisement in KOM News, for the position as Personal assistant to
Managing director.

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In the past three years I have been working for PT WXZ, a herbal cosmetic
company in Jakarta, Indonesia. I have been the company’s Personal assistant to
General Manager , until June of 20-.
I graduated with honor from Pamulang University in 20- holding a level 3 diploma in
secretarial studies.
I am looking for a challenging career which would utilize my experiences and allow
me to continue to grow.
I look forward to hearing from you in the near future

Sincerely yours,

Amanda Eyklima

3. Writing Your Message

Before you write a business letter , try to get all information needed such as
name, gender, title of the person you are writing to. You can get all information
by their website and if necessary you may call the company.

Sebelum Anda menulis surat bisnis, cobalah untuk mendapatkan semua

informasi yang diperlukan seperti nama, jenis kelamin, jabatan orang yang
Anda tuju. Anda dapat memperoleh semua informasi melalui situs web mereka
dan jika perlu Anda dapat menghubungi perusahaan.

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Franki Zico
Jl. Taman Galunggung no.19
Jakarta 12410
Phone : (021)753264
E-mail (optional)

December 3, 20-
Ms. Rosa Delaware
General Manager Sales and Distribution
Best Way Ltd.
Via Canaveral 4
Jakarta 12410

Dear Ms. Delaware:

I would like to take this opportunity to apply for The position of Administration
staffmat your esteemed Institution.

I graduated from Pamulang University in Pamulang –Tangerang Selatan with

honor in 20- Majoring in Secretarial Studies, and completed my level 3
secretarial studies with GPA 3.6.
Throughout five years of my career I was mostly assigned as Personal
Assistant to Managing Director, where I had the responsibility to handle
administrative jobs.

All of my past activities required deep involvement in Marketing and sales

administration , therefore, I believe that all my experience can be helpful for
your organization.

Meanwhile , Please kindly see the attached Curriculum Vitae for your
information about my educational background and experience.

I would appreciate having an opportunity for an interview to discuss on how I

might best suit your Organizational needs.

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If an interview is agreeable to you , please kindly contact me at my mobile

phone : 05-888874188 / 021-1232453 or the address listed on my Curriculum

Thank you very much for your attention and I am looking forward to seeing
you soon..

Sincerely yours,

Franki Zico

Different elements of a cover letter

a. Return address
This is your personal letter head. Put your contact information here.
Ini adalah kop surat pribadi Anda. Letakkan informasi kontak Anda di sini.
b. Date / Tanggal
c. Inside address
Write a cover letter to a specific person, if posible
Tulis surat lamaran tertuju kepada orang tertentu, jika memungkinkan
d. Salutation
When you write a business letter, it is important to include appropriate
greetings at the beginning of the letter, because this can give a positive image
of yourself ,so you give an impression that you understand the basic rules of
business etiquette. Use the colon after the name.
Ketika Anda menulis surat bisnis, penting untuk memasukkan salam yang
sesuai di awal surat, karena ini dapat memberikan citra positif tentang diri
Anda, sehingga Anda memberi kesan bahwa Anda memahami aturan dasar
etiket bisnis. Gunakan titik dua setelah nama

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e. Complementary close

f. Signature
Sign your name
g. Typed name
h. Enclosure
Add this if you are sending something with the letter

4. Grammar
When you write a business letter to look professional, use good and correct
grammar when writing a business letter, because the use of good grammar in
writing a letter will be able to create a good corporate image and build trust in the
company you are dealing with, so you will have a better chance of getting a
positive response from the recipient.
Saat menulis surat bisnis yang baik, gunakan tata bahasa yang baik ketika
menulis surat bisnis, karena penggunaan tata bahasa yang baik dalam menulis
surat akan dapat menciptakan citra perusahaan yang baik dan membangun

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kepercayaan kepada perusahaan yang Anda hadapi, jadi Anda akan memiliki
peluang yang lebih baik untuk mendapatkan respons yang baik dari penerima.
a. Pronoun
Pronoun Pronoun is a word used to replace noun (noun) which can be an
abstract person, object, animal, place, or concept.. The functions of pronouns
is to avoid repetition of the same noun or phrase noun that has been
mentioned before and this will make your business letters easy to read and
look stand out for the people who are reading it , so your letters will likely to
get a positive response.

Pronoun adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menggantikan kata benda (noun)
yang dapat berupa orang abstrak, objek, hewan, tempat, atau konsep .. Fungsi
kata ganti adalah untuk menghindari pengulangan kata benda atau frasa kata
benda yang sama yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya dan ini akan membuat
surat bisnis Anda mudah dibaca dan terlihat menonjol bagi orang-orang yang
membacanya, sehingga surat-surat Anda kemungkinan akan mendapat
respons positif.

1) Reflexive Pronoun
Reflexive pronoun refers to the object that reflects back to the subject . So
reflexive pronoun talks about an activity where the object and subject are
a person or an object in common.. The singular pronouns get the self-
ending, and the plural with the -self suffix.

Kata ganti refleksif mengacu pada objek yang mencerminkan kembali ke

subjek . Jadi kata ganti refleksif berbicara tentang suatu kegiatan di mana
objek dan subjeknya adalah orang atau objek yang sama. Kata ganti
tunggal mendapatkan akhiran sendiri, dan jamak dengan akhiran-selves.

I You We They He She It

myself Yourself/ Ourselves Themselves Himself Herself Itself

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Example :
a) Rita painted her home by herself.
b) He enjoyed cooking dinner by himself.
c) The children can take care of the problems by themselves.

2) Possessive Pronoun
Possessive pronoun is a pronoun that shows someone or a group
Kata ganti posesif adalah kata ganti yang menunjukkan milik seseorang
atau kelompok.

Example :
That bag is hers. .

This blue car is mine. Those are theirs

This is my book. I think that is yours.

3) Personal Pronoun (personal pronouns)

Personal pronouns are pronouns on subjects and objects that indicate
people or naming.

Kata ganti pribadi adalah kata ganti pada subjek dan objek yang
menunjukkan orang atau penamaan

I You We They He She It

Me You Us Them Him Her It

Example :

I returned the book to Anita yesterday. She was happy to have it back.

My mother cooked the cake for her, She wants to eat it right away.

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4) Relative pronoun
Relative pronouns are those which relate to some noun previously
mentioned, called the antecedent because it goes before.

Kata ganti relatif adalah kata-kata yang berhubungan dengan beberapa

kata benda yang disebutkan sebelumnya, disebut anteseden karena
terletak sebelumnya.
They are :
That , which, who, whose, whom and what.

Example :

The salesman , who was a careful man, always checked the invoices
that came in

That is the laptop that I bought yesterday

Richard is a customer whose account is still unpaid.

He is the man who lives next door.

The book which you read yesterday was mine.

The house which has a large pool is mine

Exercise :
I talked to the man………….. car had broken down on the freeway.
Mr Ricardo, is a taxi driver,………… lives next to the University.
I live in a house in Bandung…………. is in West Java.
This is the girl……….. comes from Jakarta.
That's Budi, the boy……………… has just arrived at the airport.
Thank you very much for your e-mail …………. was very interesting.
The girl,………………. father is a professor, forgot her umbrella.

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The children……………… shouted in the street are not from our

The car,…………………. driver is a young girl, is from Surabaya.
What did you do with the money…………. your sister lent you?


True / False Questions

1. The purpose of a job application letter is to get an interview for a job rather than the
job itself.
True False
2. A job application letter is not required if you apply electronically through a company's
True False
3. Job letters can be seen as evidence of your written communication skills.
True False
4. Job application letters are prepared and submitted in place of a résumé.
True False
5. A résumé usually contains more in-depth details about your experience and activities
than an application letter does.
True False
6. The purpose of making a resume is as information about a person's qualifications in
a short and concise sentences.
True False
7. It is important to learn the name and correct job title of a specific individual in the
company who will be receiving your job application letter.
True False

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8. Most job openings - particularly those that are higher up the ladder - are
advertised extensively in order to reach the most qualified candidates.
True False
9. The hidden job market may actually include job openings that have been created
with specific people in mind for them.
True False
10. An information interview can give you facts and insights about a specific type of
work that you can use in an application letter.
True False
11. A prelimenery interview that starts out as an information interview can turn into a
referral interview.
True False
12. Referral interviews work only for job candidates who know powerful people very
True False
13. A solicited letter is written by a job seeker who is trying to tap into the hidden job
True False
14. Application letters should be addressed to the company in general or the
personnel office, not to a specific person by name.
True False
15. A solicited job application letter should be specific about what you've done and
relate your achievements to the work you'd be doing in this new job.
True False
16. The first paragraph of a prospecting letter should say something that intrigues the
reader but does not yet reveal that the writer is seeking a job with the company.
True False
17. The second paragraph of a prospecting letter should focus on the applicant's
skills and experience.
True False
18. You should impress the reader by presenting your knowledge of the company as
though it were news to him.
True False

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19. A job application letter will be more effective if it focuses on an applicant's

accomplishments rather than the person's job responsibilities.
True False
20. The last paragraph of a job application letter should suggest possible days and
times for an interview.
True False

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The difference between a Job application letter and a resume is on:

A. it presents a job candidate's qualifications.

B. it uses short, parallel phrases and sentence fragments.

C. it is adapted to a position rather than to the needs of a particular organization.

D. it explains controversial material in a positive way.

E. it explains how you are equally skillful and capable as other candidates.

2. Networking would include:

A. responding to a classified advertisement for a job opening in the local

B. searching for a position on various job listings, such as, on

the Web.

C. calling a company after seeing a "Now Hiring" sign on its premises.

D. talking to an acquaintance that you see repeatedly when you work out at the

E. applying for an opening listed on the company's page on Facebook.

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3. Which of the following is true of information interviews?

A. It gives you information about the opportunities currently available in the area
you're interested in.
B. It puts you face-to-face with someone who has the power to hire you.

C. An interview that starts out as a referral interview can turn into an information

D. One can just walk in and set himself up with an information interview.

E. It gives you information about the area you hope to enter one day.

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4.. A job application letter is relatively ineffective if it shows employers that a

A. has strong business communication skills.

B. is as qualified as other candidates who are likely to apply.

C. has the ability to work well with people.

D. is knowledgeable about the company's mission and operations.

E. is capable of performing the major requirements of the job.

5. Which of the following should be included in the first paragraph of a prospecting job
application letter?
A. A complete discussion of the writer's skills and qualifications

B. A statement that you are applying for a particular advertised position

C. A statement of the dates and times that you are available for an interview

D. A statement that will catch the reader's interest

E. A statement of request for the job one is applying

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6 To separate yourself from other job candidates just out of college, ______.
A. provide evidence to assure the employer that your claim of having
comprehensive knowledge of the field is true

B. stress the responsibilities that you have had rather than accomplishments of the

C. dedicate several paragraphs of the letter to developing supporting details

D. mention specific tasks and experiences from previous jobs and coursework that
will contribute to your success on the job

E. exaggerate your strengths and capabilities to show that you transcend others

7. When e-mailing an application letter, ______.

A. prepare the letter in a word-processing program and attach it to the e-mail

B. include your name as part of the subject line

C. omit the salutation and closing that are standard in a printed business letter

D. type important sections in all capital letters

E. put the job number or title for which you're applying in the last paragraph

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8. Which of the following is unacceptable when e-mailing a job application letter?

A. Including your name as part of the subject line

B. Putting your name at the end of the message

C. Using line length of 65 characters

D. Including smiley faces and other emoticons

E. Using standard business letter features

9. To make an application letter professional, ______.

A. include personal information

B. use a conservative writing style with no contractions

C. address the letter to the company or department rather than to an individual

person by name

D. mention the names of relatives only if they have worked with you professionally

E. print on a paper different from the one you used for your résumé

10. Which of the following, if included in the application letter, makes it look
A. Creating your letter in a word-processing program

B. Addressing your letter to a specific person

C. Printing on the same paper you used for your résumé

D. Using a computer to print the envelope address

E. Adding personal information

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11. A conservative writing style that creates a professional image includes ____.
A. clichés

B. Contractions

C. Slang

D. complete sentences

E. sentence fragments

12. Which of the following is true of the writing style required in application letters?
A. Use a smooth, concise writing style with technical jargon.

B. Use business words like utilize, commence, and transpire.

C. Do not use the exact language as the job ad.

D. Use words that can be interpreted in more than one way.

E. Do not use a lively, energetic style to avoid giving the wrong impression.

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13. Choose the best revision of this sentence: "You can call my professor to make sure
the recommendation is valid."
A. My professor is willing to verify the written recommendation over the phone.

B. Professor Jackson can provide more specific information about my coursework

and qualifications.

C. Professor Jackson would love to discuss this recommendation if you call him.

D. You can verify the recommendation by calling Professor Jackson.

E. Professor Jackson will verify the validity of the recommendation.

14. Which of the following sentences demonstrates the "you-attitude"?

A. Your company has recently purchased two large manufacturing plants in

B. A company of your standing could offer me the training and experience I need to
excel in my career.

C. My experience in sales has taught me that you can never accurately predict
customer demand.

D. I recently closed deals with three major companies and could put my negotiating
and sales skills to work for Hudson Company as Director of Contracts.

E. An inventive and improvising individual like me is a necessity in your business.

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15. Which of the following statements is true of the "you-attitude"?

A. You must show what you can do for them, not what they can do for you.

B. You must ask what they can do for you not what you can do for them.

C. Reduce the number of "me" and "my" by revising some sentences to "I."

D. Avoid beginning sentences with prepositional phrases or introductory clauses.

E. Tell readers information they already know as though they do not know it.

16. Choose the best revision of this sentence: "I want an interview with you."
A. I anxiously await a phone call from you so that we can meet to discuss job

B. I can't wait to hear from you.

C. Any time at all that you want to call and have me for an interview, I am available.

D. I look forward to talking to you about how my qualifications could meet the
company's corporate needs.

E. I assure you will not be disappointed if you hire me.

Find an advertisement in a news Paper and write a response to the job being


Ayuningtyas,(2010) 101 Draft Surat Bisnis,yogyakarta,Gradien Meditama

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 61

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

L.Gartside,(1989) Modern Business Correspondence, Jakarta, Binarupa Aksara

Lin Lougheed(2003),Business Correspondence, 2nd ed,New York,Pearson Education

Baden Eunson (2008) Communicating in 21st Century, 2nd ed

Gallaudet Interpreting Services (June 1999). GIS Web. [Online]. Available: [June 23, 1999].

Maggio, R. (1990). How to say it. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Poe, Roy(1996). Business Letters, New York, Mc Graw-Hill, Inc. (3rd ed)

Webster's New World Office Professional's Handbook. (5th ed.). (1996). New York:

Woro Vidya A.101 Draft Surat Bisnis, Gradient Mediatama, Yogyakarta, 2010

Yate, M. (1997). Cover letters that knock'em dead. Holbrook, Massachusetts: Adams


Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 62

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III



After completing this chapter, students are expected to understand and be able to
show how to write good and correct replies by applying elements used in business
letters which consist of salutation, opening, focus, action and closing so that the
applicants can prepare for the next step.

Setelah menyelesaikan bab ini, siswa diharapkan untuk memahami dan dapat
menunjukkan cara menulis balasan yang baik dan benar dengan menerapkan elemen
yang digunakan dalam surat bisnis yang terdiri dari salam, pembuka, fokus, tindakan,
dan penutup sehingga pelamar dapat mempersiapkan diri untuk selanjutnya langkah.


When you receive a job application letter, You should read carefully and learn the
contents of the letter , after receiving a letter of application from the applicants, it
should be informedto the applicant that the application letter has been received,
notification can be done by letter or email, and usually takes a minimum of seven
calendar days to send a letter of invitation for an interview. Invitation letter for the
interview must include the date and where the applicant must attend foran interview.
Applicants who get invitation letters for interviews as well as those who have been
rejected, must be notified by letter or email.
Ketika Anda menerima surat lamaran kerja, Anda harus membaca dengan cermat
dan mempelajari isi surat itu, setelah menerima surat lamaran dari pelamar, harus
diberitahukan kepada pelamar bahwa surat lamaran telah diterima, pemberitahuan
dapat dilakukan dengan surat atau email, dan biasanya membutuhkan minimal tujuh
hari kalender untuk mengirim surat undangan untuk wawancara. Surat undangan
untuk wawancara harus mencantumkan tanggal dan di mana pelamar harus
menghadiri untuk wawancara. Pelamar yang mendapatkan surat undangan untuk
wawancara serta mereka yang telah ditolak, harus diberitahu melalui surat atau email.

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1. Getting Started
After receiving application letters, you have to make Applicant Evaluation Chart
which states all the requirements that the applicants have to meet, so the chart
will make it easier for you to evaluate how the skills of the applicants meet with
the requirements set by the organization.

Setelah menerima surat lamaran, Anda harus membuat Daftar Evaluasi Pelamar
yang menyatakan semua persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi oleh pelamar,
sehingga bagan tersebut akan memudahkan Anda untuk mengevaluasi
bagaimana keterampilan pelamar memenuhi persyaratan yang ditetapkan oleh


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Has Experience
is familiar with word program
is organized and detailed oriented
Interview (I) or Reject ®
Has a D-III degree

2. Acknowledging receipt of applicant

After receiving application letters from all applicants , you should reply to the
applicants by sending them a letter of acknowledgment which tell them that you
have received the letters and the status of their job application are still being
Elements of e-mails replying to job application.

Setelah menerima surat lamaran dari semua pelamar, Anda harus membalas
surat lamaran dengan mengirimi mereka surat pernyataan yang memberi tahu
mereka bahwa Anda telah menerima surat dan status lamaran pekerjaan mereka
masih ditinjau.
Elemen email membalas lamaran pekerjaan.

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Sample Letter #1

We have received your resume and application letter for Our job opening,
however,.Currently We are processing all application letters from all
candidates, In order for us to go through the selection process, We would like
you to complete the enclosed questionnaire and return it to us no later than
July 11, ---.
Thank you for your cooperation and We are looking forward to receiving your

Sample Letter #2

We are pleased to inform you that We have received your resume and
application letter for the position as Sales Manager at KOSMEE Ltd. and We
really appreciate your interest in our company.
We will make selection of all applicantion letters and choose candidates who
have qualifications which match with our organization’s needs. We will
carefully consider your application during the initial screening and will contact
you if you are selected to continue in the recruitment process.

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We wish you every success.

Sample Letter #3

Thank you for sending your resume in response to Our advertisement in

KRONIKEL dated of Mach 15, 20-. At this time, we are in the process of
reviewing all applications which may take two weeks to complete and as soon
as we are finished with our selction process, We will invite the five most
qualified candidates for an interview at Our office.
We will notify all applicants of our decision no later than May 5. We appreciate
your interest in Dre International.
Best wishes in your job search.

Sample Letter #4

We appreciate your interest in Dre, Inc. and acknowledge receipt of your

If We find that your qualifications and educational background match with our
Organisastion’s needs we will contact you and arrange a personal interview.
Again, thank you for your interest in employment at Dre, Inc

3. Rejection Letters
After you have finished with the evaluation of all the applicants, next you may
either Reject(R) or Interview(I), the following letter is a rejection letter, please
remember that in a rejection letter usually it has four parts :

Setelah Anda selesai dengan evaluasi semua pelamar, selanjutnya Anda dapat
Tolak (R) atau Wawancara (I), surat berikut adalah surat penolakan, harap
diingat bahwa dalam surat penolakan biasanya memiliki empat bagian:

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Elements of emails :
a. Heading : is supplied automatically by the e mail program
b. Opening : Tell you received the application
c. Action : Explain why the applicant is rejected
d. Closing : Be polite and Positive

Sample Letter #1 (Rejection Letter)

We have received your resume for the position as Industrial Engineer. We

appreciate your interest in the Dre Corporation, however We regret to nform you
that your educational background and work experience do not match with our
current need.

However, we will keep your resume on file in Our human resources department,
shoul there be a suitable position becoming available during the next year. we
will contact you for an interview .

We feel honored to have the interest of an individual of your ability, and hope
we have an opportunity to discuss your qualifications more fully.

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 67

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4. Requesting an Interview
After the application letter has been received and has gone through an
administrative process to find the best candidate that matches the requirements
requested, then you must write an interview letter for the candidate who has
successfully passed.

Setelah surat lamaran diterima dan telah melalui proses administrasi untuk
menemukan kandidat terbaik yang sesuai dengan persyaratan yang diminta,
maka Anda harus menulis surat wawancara untuk kandidat yang telah berhasil

Sample Letter
After reviewing your resume. We are pleased to invite you for an
interview for the position of administrative assistant.

Your Interview is scheduled for Monday, 13th at 10.00AM . Please

come to the Human Resource Department of our main office.

Please kindly inform us if the above mentioned schedule is not

convenient to you, We will immediately reschedule the interview.

We look forward to meeting you at PT XYZ

Elements of email
a. Heading : is supplied by the program
b. Opening : Invite the applicant for an Interview
c. Action : Explain the important details
d. Closing : Be polite and enthusiastic

1. Arrange the following sentences in the correct order

a. I Received last Monday your application letter.
b. Thank you for executive secretary applying position for.

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 68

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c. Your is very impressive and resume I like would to an interview

d. Thank you to the advertisement for responding.
e. After a schedule time we would like reviewing resume your a to meet
f. Thank you sending resume for your
g. Thank you for interest your listed in the position in advertisement our
h. We are to arrange pleased interview an with you.
i. our needs qualifications to match seem to meet your.
j. I would appreciate in person having an opportunity to you meet.


On a separate piece of paper, write a response to the following job advertisements

Executive Secretary
Roles: Perform secretarial duties and assisting Managing Director in arranging
meeting, travel arrangement as well as maintaining office administration assignment.
Requirements: Candidate must have at least a Diploma Degree in Secretary from
reputable institution, with minimum GPA 3.00 (scale 4.00). Age 23 - 28 years..
If you are interested in taking on a challenging new job that offers opportunities for
career growth, please send your application letter and resume within 2 weeks.
Please send your Application letter and resume to the following email address:
Contact Information :
Angela Leen @Comcast.nett
Personal Assistant
Candidate must possess at least level 3 diploma in Secretarial studies.
Required language(s): Bahasa Indonesia, English. At least 2 Year(s) of working...
Other requirements : able to operate MS Office and GPA 3.00, Age 24 – 29 years,
having at least two years of experience as Personal assistant to Managing Director.

Please send your application letter and resume to Rahman@ with 3

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 69

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L.Gartside,(1989) Modern Business Correspondence, Jakarta, Binarupa Aksara

Lin Lougheed(2003),Business Correspondence, 2nd ed,New York,Pearson Education

Baden Eunson (2008) Communicating in 21st Century, 2nd ed

Gallaudet Interpreting Services (June 1999). GIS Web. [Online]. Available: [June 23, 1999].

Maggio, R. (1990). How to say it. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Poe, Roy(1996). Business Letters, New York, Mc Graw-Hill, Inc. (3rd ed)

Webster's New World Office Professional's Handbook. (5th ed.). (1996). New York:

Woro Vidya A.101 Draft Surat Bisnis, Gradient Mediatama, Yogyakarta, 2010

Yate, M. (1997). Cover letters that knock'em dead. Holbrook, Massachusetts: Adams

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 70

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III



After studying this material, students are able to understand, how to write a well-
planned letter or to use the email notification options in the online system to notify
applicants to inform the applicants of their application status.

Setelah mempelajari materi ini, siswa dapat memahami, bagaimana menulis surat
yang direncanakan dengan baik atau menggunakan opsi pemberitahuan email dalam
sistem online untuk memberi tahu pelamar tentang status aplikasi mereka.


In order to be able to write a well- planned letter, we have to understand how a

message can be well conveyed to the recipients, especially in Replying letters , there
are three possible letters that you need to send out to the applicants, Acknowledgment
letters, Rejection letters and Interview letters therefore how a message can be
delivered effectively depends on how well you compose your letters by arranging the
reply in logical order, implement good structure and written expression. Replying to a
job applicant letter is not always a nice thing to do, there is a time where you have to
be able to deliver disappointing news to your job applicants.

Agar dapat menulis surat yang terencana dengan baik, kita harus memahami
bagaimana suatu pesan dapat disampaikan dengan baik kepada penerima, terutama
dalam surat yang Membalas surat lamaran, ada tiga surat yang mungkin perlu Anda
kirim ke pelamar, surat Pernyataan menerima surat , surat Penolakan dan surat
Wawancara oleh karena itu bagaimana pesan dapat disampaikan secara efektif
tergantung pada seberapa baik Anda menulis surat-surat Anda dengan mengatur
jawaban dalam urutan logis, menerapkan struktur yang baik dan ekspresi tertulis yang
baik. Membalas surat pelamar pekerjaan tidak selalu menyenangkan untuk dilakukan,
ada saat di mana Anda harus dapat menyampaikan berita yang mengecewakan
kepada pelamar pekerjaan pada tempat Anda bekerja.

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 71

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1. Field of experience
When you write a letter, you must understand to whom your letter is addressed,
by understanding the recipient's field of experience, you can use language
according to the level of knowledge, the recipient's experience, and the letter
must be concise, clear, sincere, polite so that it will make communication
effective, and will be able to establish a better future relationship. The process of
conveying the message will be clearly understood by the recipient

Ketika Anda menulis surat, Anda harus memahami kepada siapa surat Anda
ditujukan, dengan memahami bidang pengalaman penerima, Anda dapat
menggunakan bahasa sesuai dengan tingkat pengetahuan, pengalaman
penerima, dan surat itu harus singkat, jelas, tulus, sopan sehingga akan
membuat komunikasi efektif, dan akan dapat membangun hubungan masa
depan yang lebih baik. Proses penyampaian pesan akan dipahami dengan jelas
oleh penerima.

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2. Elements of a letter
There are four important parts involved in writing a good reply to your job
Ada empat bagian penting yang terlibat dalam penulisan balasan yang baik
untuk pelamar pekerjaan Anda
a. Salutation

b. Opening
In the opening of a letter, you should mention what job you are applying,
where you hear the information from, briefly explain your educational
background, experience, and your strong points.

Dalam pembukaan surat, Anda harus menyebutkan pekerjaan apa yang

Anda lamar, dari mana Anda mendengar informasi itu, jelaskan secara
singkat latar belakang pendidikan Anda, pengalaman, dan kelebihan Anda.

c. Focus
The body of a cover letter focuses on your selling points which include
educational background, experience and tell them why you are suited for the

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Isi surat lamaran berfokus pada nilai jual Anda yang mencakup latar
belakang pendidikan, pengalaman dan memberi tahu mereka mengapa
Anda cocok untuk pekerjaan itu.

Example :
1) I have a diploma in Secretarial Studies and graduated with honors with a
GPA of
3.9 from Pamulang University in 20- , In addition , I worked as a Junior
to Managing Director in 20- until 20-

2) I worked as an administrative assistant to General Manager for three

year, I believe I meet all the requirements for the position. I am now
looking to take up roles in
Your esteemed Organization as Personal assistant to Managing Director.

d. Action
After you send a cover letter and resume, contact the employer and ask
them whether they have received your application letter.

Setelah Anda mengirim surat lamaran dan melanjutkan, hubungi majikan

dan tanyakan apakah mereka telah menerima surat lamaran Anda.

e. Closing
Closing statements are very important to create good impression to the
recruiter, therefore you need to use proper closing sentences to present a
sympathetic letter to your recruiter.

Pernyataan penutup sangat penting untuk menciptakan kesan yang baik

bagi perekrut, oleh karena itu Anda perlu menggunakan kalimat penutup
yang tepat untuk memberikan surat simpatik kepada perekrut Anda.

Practice :
Rewrite these sentences below using “Look forward to” :

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1) I want to work for your company

2) I’d like to talk to you next week
3) I hope I can contribute to your team
4) I want to meet you in the near future
5) I want to see you

3. Prepositions
We start school in September / in 1975 / in fall
I was Born in 1975
I would like to place an advertisement in KOMPAS / in Magazine

You are scheduled for an interview on Monday / on Sunday Afternoon
I am going to leave for Singapore on February 14
I live on Wijaya Street
You should come to office on time
We are still on schedule for the next shipment
You can watch the news on Television
You can search information on internet

We usually have lunch at noon
She has an appointment at 3.30
I am using the computer at the moment / at Present/ at the present time
You can call me at my mobile phone number 088851000

Prepositions of Place: at, in, on

at the corner in the garden on the wall
at the bus stop in London on the ceiling
at the door in France on the door
at the top of the page in a box on the cover

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Used to indicate the use of something:

This place is for exhibitions and shows.

I baked a cake for your birthday.
I put a note on the door for privacy.
She has been studying hard for the final exam.
Used to mean because of:

I am so happy for you.

We feel deeply sorry for your loss.
For this reason, I’ve decided to quit this job.
Used to indicate time or duration:

He’s been famous for many decades.

I attended the university for one year only.
This is all I have for today.


Practice 3, Complete these opening sentences for cover letters using appropriate
prepositions: about, for, on, in, at

a. I read your advertisement……..Kompas, dated of……… for the a Customer

service representative.
b. I would like to apply …….. the position as marketing staff.
c. I would like to take this opportunity to apply…….. employment as a faculty
member with your esteemed Organization.
d. If an interview is agreeable to you , please kindly contact me ……….. my mobile
phone :0812xxxx or the address listed ………. my Curriculum Vitae
e. I am writing to apply…… the position of sales supervisor ……your organization.--
----advertised…..Website careers page.
f. I was so excited to know that you have job opening………administrative

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Practice 4 :
Complete the sentences with a preposition from the box.

g. At h. At i. For j. From
k. In l. In m. In n. In
o. into p. of q. on r. to
s. to t. to u. with v. in

a. I am writing _______________ you with regard _______________ the

voluntary work placement.
b. I am planning _______________ doing a degree _______________
veterinary science_______________ university.
c. As you will see ________my CV, I have always shown an interest _______
d. working _______________ animals.
e. _______________ this position I was responsible _______________
taking care_______________ the dogs’ daily needs.
f. Undertaking a degree _______________ veterinary science confirms my
interest_______________ and commitment _______________ the field.
g. Working _______________ your animal sanctuary will provide an
invaluable insight_______________ working with animals.


Ayuningtyas,(2010) 101 Draft Surat Bisnis,yogyakarta,Gradien Meditama

Baden Eunson (2008) Communicating in 21st Century, 2nd ed

Gallaudet Interpreting Services (June 1999). GIS Web. [Online]. Available: [June 23, 1999].

L.Gartside,(1989) Modern Business Correspondence, Jakarta, Binarupa Aksara

Lin Lougheed(2003),Business Correspondence, 2nd ed,New York,Pearson Education

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 77

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

Maggio, R. (1990). How to say it. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Poe, Roy(1996). Business Letters, New York, Mc Graw-Hill, Inc. (3rd ed)

Webster's New World Office Professional's Handbook. (5th ed.). (1996). New York:

Woro Vidya A.101 Draft Surat Bisnis, Gradient Mediatama, Yogyakarta, 2010

Yate, M. (1997). Cover letters that knock'em dead. Holbrook, Massachusetts: Adams

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 78

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III



After the end of the topic the students are expected to be able to understand the
importance of making a good and correct letter in relation to meet the objectives of
the company, students should be able to explain and describe the steps in Designing
letters by following the rules that have been learned.

Setelah akhir topik para siswa diharapkan dapat memahami pentingnya membuat
surat yang baik dan benar sehubungan dengan memenuhi tujuan perusahaan, siswa
harus dapat menjelaskan dan menjelaskan langkah-langkah dalam Merancang surat
dengan mengikuti aturan yang telah dipelajari.


It is necessary that written business letters look attractive which can then be the
beginning of a strong business relationship. The following guidelines provide phrases
that are usually found in business letters. Using these standard phrases, you can give
a professional tone to your English business letter. This phrase is used as a kind of
frame and introduction to the contents of business letters.

Sangatlah penting untuk diperhatikan bahwa surat bisnis yang terlihat menarik akan
kemudian dapat menjadi awal dari hubungan bisnis yang kuat. Pedoman berikut
memberikan frasa yang biasanya ditemukan dalam surat bisnis. Dengan
menggunakan frasa standar ini, Anda dapat memberikan nada profesional pada surat
bisnis Bahasa Inggris Anda. Frasa ini digunakan sebagai semacam bingkai dan
pengantar untuk isi surat bisnis.

1. Simple sentences / Kalimat sederhana

Use simple words rather than complex ones
When you write a business letter, pay attention to who the letter is addressed to.
Use words that are generally widely used so that readers can easily and clearly
about the contents of the message you want to convey. Many people at the time

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of writing a letter have difficulty keeping their messages simple and clear. Instead
of using everyday words they use complex or unfamiliar words. Simple words
every day will help you convey the message.

Gunakan kata-kata sederhana dan bukan yang rumit

Saat Anda menulis surat bisnis, perhatikan kepada siapa surat itu ditujukan.
Gunakan kata-kata yang umumnya banyak digunakan sehingga pembaca dapat
dengan mudah dan jelas tentang isi pesan yang ingin Anda sampaikan. Banyak
orang pada saat menulis surat mengalami kesulitan menjaga pesan mereka
sederhana dan jelas. Alih-alih menggunakan kata-kata sehari-hari mereka
menggunakan kata-kata yang kompleks atau asing. Kata-kata sederhana setiap
hari akan membantu Anda menyampaikan pesan.

Avoid jargon and technical terms/ Hindari istilah jargon dan teknis
It is up to you to use the industry and specialist terms that you normally use, but
try to put yourself in the shoes of the reader. Don't use terms that your readers
might not understand correctly because they might have a vague understanding
of the actual definition, and this doesn't help your communication fluency and
purpose, you should use words that are easy for ordinary people to understand.
Imagine if if a customer talks to you and you often use technical terms in your
conversation with the customers, chances are that your customers will ask you
back about the technical terms that you use so this will make You have to explain
in everyday language. When you write a letter the same thing will happen,
therefore use words that are easily understood by both parties when you are
writing a business letter.

Terserah Anda untuk menggunakan istilah industri dan spesialis yang biasanya
Anda gunakan, tetapi cobalah untuk menempatkan diri Anda pada posisi
pembaca. Jangan menggunakan istilah yang mungkin tidak dipahami oleh
pembaca Anda dengan benar karena mereka mungkin memiliki pemahaman
yang kabur tentang definisi yang sebenarnya, dan ini tidak membantu kelancaran
dan tujuan komunikasi Anda, Anda harus menggunakan kata-kata yang mudah
dimengerti orang awam. Bayangkan jika seorang pelanggan berbicara kepada
Anda dan Anda sering menggunakan istilah teknis dalam percakapan Anda
dengan pelanggan, kemungkinan besar pelanggan Anda akan menanyakan

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kembali tentang persyaratan teknis yang Anda gunakan sehingga ini akan
membuat Anda harus menjelaskan dalam bahasa sehari-hari. Ketika Anda
menulis surat, hal yang sama akan terjadi, karena itu gunakan kata-kata yang
mudah dipahami oleh kedua belah pihak ketika Anda menulis surat bisnis.

Avoid abbreviations / hindari singkatan

Do not use jargon or abbreviations in writing a business letter, because this
affects the beauty of the letter and causes misunderstanding to the reader, and
also if you do this the letter you write will look less professional, besides that
you will waste time explaining .
Jangan menggunakan jargon atau singkatan dalam menulis surat bisnis, karena
ini mempengaruhi keindahan surat dan menyebabkan kesalahpahaman kepada
pembaca, dan juga jika Anda melakukan ini surat yang Anda tulis akan terlihat
kurang profesional, selain itu Anda akan membuang waktu untuk menjelaskan.

Edit wordy phrases / edit frasa yang bertele - tele

Words and phrases which are not needed will create confusion in sentences
and meanings. In comparison, concise words are a sign of good writing. You
must learn to make words that are easy to understand in technical documents.
You must edit correctly or cut out unnecessary words. Set a cutting target of 10
to 20 percent of the words in your document.

Kata-kata dan frasa yang tidak perlu akan mengacaukan kalimat serta membuat
makna yang tidak jelas. Sebagai perbandingan, kata-kata yang padat dan
singkat adalah tanda tulisan yang baik. Anda harus belajar membuat kata- kata
yang mudah dimengerti dalam dokumen teknis. Anda harus mengedit dengan
tepat atau memotong kata yang tidak perlu. Tetapkan target pemotongan 10
hingga 20 persen dari kata-kata dalam dokumen Anda.

Cari frasa bertele-tele seperti dibawah ini dalam tulisan Anda dan gantikan
dengan satu kata atau hilangkan sama sekali:
Wordy Concise
At a later date Later
At the present time Now
For the purpose of For

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Have no alternative but Must

In addition to Besides, as well as, also
In order to To
In relation to About, in, with, towards
On a regular basis Regularly

2. Polite requests / Permintaan sopan

There are many ways of making polite requests in English. One way of making
the communication works is by using the correct way of asking questions, so
when you write a letter requests are usually made in the form of questions.

Ada banyak cara berbeda dalam mengajukan permintaan sopan dalam Bahasa
Inggris. Salah satu cara untuk membuat komunikasi berfungsi adalah dengan
menggunakan cara yang benar dalam mengajukan pertanyaan, jadi ketika Anda
menulis surat, permintaan biasanya dibuat dalam bentuk pertanyaan.

Asking Yes answer No answer

Can I ? Yes, sure Well, I am afraid……..
Could I ? Yes, of course I am sorry…..but
Is it all right if……….. Yes, that’s fine
Do you think I could…….. Certainly Well, The problem is……
Do you mind if I? No, not at all, Sorry, but………..
No of course not


Exercise 1 :
Choose the correct answer for each of the following questions

1. …………… I borrow your pen, please?


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2. 'I've forgotten my wallet.' - Don't worry. I ……… lend you some money if you like.

3………. you like to come to the cinema tonight?


4. Do you mind ………….. the window please? close

5. Would you mind ……… with these boxes?
b.if helping

6. …….. I left early tomorrow morning? I have a doctor's appointment.

a. Would you mind if
b. Do you mind if
c. Could

7. Write down 3 different ways of making “opening sentence…”


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1. Model letter
Letter of inquiry should include the following sections:
Dear Sir:
It was nice meeting you at the Jakarta Expo on April 3 - and after an internal
discussion at our company, we are interested in becoming your sole agent in South
Our company is the biggest mobile seller in the country. You can learn more about
us on our website,
We would like to consider selling your product. Our customers will like the features
of your product. The low light capability of the camera on the cellphone is one of
the features that makes a cellphone different from the others.
We would like to place our first order and delivered to us this fall. We would
appreciate it if your sales representative contacted me. We would like to discuss
Distributor prices and discounts, promotional materials provided, and other issues.
Thank you for your attention. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

The Start

Dear Sir or Madam:

(Use if you don't know who you are writing to)

Dear Mr, Mrs, Miss or Ms(use if you know who you are writing to, and have
a formal relationship with – VERY IMPORTANT to use Ms for women unless asked
to use Mrs or Miss)

Dear John (use if the person is a close business contact or friend)

Opening/ The introduction An important point in the opening is to explain to

the reader why you are writing this letter of inquiry besides the function of the
opening is as a summary. Don't forget to include your name, date and
organization name, the amount needed or requested, and a description.

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Pembukaan / Pendahuluan Katakan mengapa Anda menulis, berfungsi sebagai

ringkasan eksekutif untuk surat pertanyaan dan termasuk nama organisasi Anda,
jumlah yang dibutuhkan atau diminta, dan deskripsi.

a. The Reference
With reference to your advertisement in the Times, …

your letter of 23rd March, ……….

your phone call today, …

Thank you for your letter of March 5th.

b. The Reason for Writing

With reference to your advertisement in the Times, …

your letter of 23rd March, …

your phone call today, …

Thank you for your letter of March 5th.

I am writing to enquire about … apologize for … confirm …

Could you

Could you possibly … ?

I would be grateful if you

could …

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Focus/The statement of need : it has to be able to convince the person you

are writing to, that there are important needs that your project needs to povide
immediately,. The statement of need may include: future business opportunity
if we can complete the project.
Fokus / Pernyataan kebutuhan harus meyakinkan pembaca bahwa ada
kebutuhan penting yang dapat dipenuhi oleh proyek Anda. Pernyataan
kebutuhan meliputi: deskripsi dari kesempatan bisnis dimasa depan apabila
kita dapat menyelesaikan project ini ..
Action/ The methodology It must be in accordance with the statement of
your needs written and don't forget to provide a clear, logical, and achievable
solution for the stated needs. Explain briefly about the project you are working
on, and what expectations you want to achieve.
Tindakan / Metodologi harus sesuai dengan pernyataan kebutuhan Anda
tertulis dan jangan lupa untuk memberikan solusi yang jelas, logis, dan dapat
dicapai untuk kebutuhan yang Anda Jelaskan terdahulu. Jelaskan secara
singkat tentang proyek yang sedang Anda kerjakan, dan harapan apa yang
ingin Anda capai..
Closing/The final summary
Thank to the reader. If the business letter poorly written at the beginning,
then it most probably finishes poorly. Your closing paragraph should be polite
as commonly used in business. Typical final paragraphs in business letters
usually aim to show politeness while trying to invite the reader to engage into
business again in the future therefore, avoid using meaningless phrases that
detract from the impact of the letter.
Penutup / Ringkasan akhir
Terima kasih kepada pembaca. Jika surat bisnis ditulis dengan buruk di awal,
maka kemungkinan besar selesai dengan buruk. Paragraf penutup Anda
harus sopan seperti yang biasa digunakan dalam bisnis. Paragraf akhir yang
khas dalam surat bisnis biasanya bertujuan untuk menunjukkan kesopanan
saat mencoba mengundang pembaca untuk terlibat dalam bisnis lagi di masa
depan karena itu, hindari menggunakan frasa yang tidak berarti yang
mengurangi dampak dari surat itu.

c. Closing Remarks
Thank you for your help

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Please contact us again if we can help in any way if there are any

Plese contact us if you have any problems

Please contact us if you have any questions.

Reference to Future Contact

I look forward to hearing from you soon.
I look forward to meeting you next Tuesday.
I look forward to seeing you next Thursday.

d. Closing
Yours faithfully,(If you don't know the name of the person you're
writing to)

Yours sincerely, (If you know the name of the person you're writing to)

2. Words and expression to know

I read the announcement……….
We would like to place an order……….
We would appreciate………
We would like to discuss………
Thank you for your attention……..

3. Exercise : Make necessary correction on the underlined words below

Jl Taman Kota 1
BSD – Tangerang Selatan 142113

14 Oct., 20-

PT Homey Furniture.
Jl. Taman Galunggung .

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Jakarta - Selatab

Dear Sirs :
We are read an article on “ kronikel news” about your knock down filing
cabinets. We
are interested to introducing a modern filling system in our main office. We also
wish to install an electronic system for the storage and retrieval of data.
Please send us price list and catalogues of your manual and electronic data
processing systems, quoting your price f.o.b. Singapore if possible. We is
particularly interested in type TW37, so we would be grate if you would
enclose more detail information about this particular model.
We look forward to hear from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

General Manager

4. Exercise
Please write a letter of inquiry for the following situation asking about possibility
to become a sole distributor in Indonesia
Source Al Hayya Chronicle Website
Company Al Nair Co. Bentson Ltd.
Product Cosmetics Cellular Phone
Availability January March
Sales Discount
Promotional Information
Sales Contact info Mr. Abdullah Al zohi Mr John Lim

5. Complete the sentences in this letter. Use the words below

Completion Selling Operates Proposal hesitate
Fulfilling Building Need Appointment working

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663 Wright Avenue
Brown County, CO 234
26 September 20-
Mr. Dave Cassidy
Vice President, Sales and Marketing
Global Fresh Bread Company
123 Loaf Street
Clearwater City, BA 5432

Dear Mr. Cassidy:

Construction on the new cafeteria at Santec City is nearing………. and I am
looking for a supplier who is capable of ………………. our weekly bakery
I read in “ Daily News” that your company has many years of experience
………..pastries to hotels.
I will be happy to seek for possibility to start ……… our business together.
We will need daily deliveries of pastries, pies, dinner rolls and sandwich . Our
facility ……………. 25/7, Monday through Friday, with a flextime workforce of
1,000 employees.
To complete my operational budget I will……..the following information:
• Wholesale price
• Quantity cost breaks
• Annual contract discounts
• Delivery and or any other service charges.
To submit my………… the finance committee at their October 20th meeting
I will need to receive your information by the 10th.
I will also need to meet with you after ………reviewing the requested
Please call me for an……….. … at your earliest convenience.
My personal extension is 09186542.
Thank you for your attention, should you need any further information, please
do not ………. to contact me.
I look forward to…………. with you in the near future.

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Sincerely yours,
Nikita Ray
Purchasing Manager


Baden Eunson (2008) Communicating in 21st Century, 2nd ed

Gallaudet Interpreting Services (June 1999). GIS Web. [Online]. Available: [June 23, 1999].

L.Gartside,(1989) Modern Business Correspondence, Jakarta, Binarupa Aksara

Lin Lougheed(2003),Business Correspondence, 2nd ed,New York,Pearson Education

Maggio, R. (1990). How to say it. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Poe, Roy(1996). Business Letters, New York, Mc Graw-Hill, Inc. (3rd ed)

Webster's New World Office Professional's Handbook. (5th ed.). (1996). New York:

Woro Vidya A.101 Draft Surat Bisnis, Gradient Mediatama, Yogyakarta, 2010

Yate, M. (1997). Cover letters that knock'em dead. Holbrook, Massachusetts: Adams

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After completing the topic, the students are expected to be able to practice how to
write Letter of Inquiry. A letter of inquiry must use simple language and easy to
understand so it does not cause misunderstanding in other words the contents of the
letter must use words that are precise, concise, clear and complete.

Setelah menyelesaikan topik ini, siswa diharapkan dapat mempraktikkan cara

menulis Surat Permintaan. Sebuah surat permintaa harus menggunakan bahasa
yang sederhana dan mudah dimengerti sehingga tidak menyebabkan
kesalahpahaman dengan kata lain isi surat tersebut harus menggunakan kata-kata
yang tepat, ringkas, jelas dan lengkap.


w. The basics of good business letter writing can be gained by doing regular exercise
in writing as well as by improving understanding in grammatical structure also
words that are useful in writing Letter of Inquiry.


Dasar-dasar penulisan surat bisnis yang baik dapat diperoleh dengan melakukan
latihan tertulis secara teratur serta dengan meningkatkan pemahaman dalam struktur
tata bahasa serta kata-kata yang berguna dalam penulisan Surat Permintaan.

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1. Model of Inquiry letter

Salutation : Dear Mr. Tanto:

Opening : We saw your advertisement in “Metal Workers” last

month and interested in your steel products.

Focus : Please let us have the details of your products,

sample and Price list which is valid for at least two
years for our further evaluation for possibility to
engage in business with your company.

Action : If the quality is satisfactory and the terms and

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condition are reasonable we will place one 20 foot

container very soon.

Closing : Thank you very much and we look forward to

receiving your detailed information very soon

2. Punctuation / Tanda baca

In a Business letter writing symbols used to indicate pauses (stops, semicolons
and commas) is by far the most important because without them the writer cannot
make the meaning clear.

Dalam surat Bisnis, simbol yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan jeda (berhenti,
titik koma, dan koma) adalah yang paling penting karena tanpa mereka, penulis
tidak dapat membuat maknanya menjadi jelas.

Basic rules for punctuation:

a. A paragraph marks off a group of sentences that deal with the same subject
b. A full stop marks the end of a sentence.
c. A semicolon marks a pause somewhat shorter that the full stop.
d. A comma marks only the shortest of pauses

Aturan dasar untuk tanda baca:

a. Paragraf menandai sekelompok kalimat yang berhubungan dengan subjek
yang sama.
b. Berhenti penuh menandai akhir kalimat.
c. Tanda titik koma memberi tanda jeda yang agak lebih pendek dari yang
berhenti total.
d. Koma hanya menandai jeda terpendek

3. The Dash
Beside its use as an alternative to parentheses the dash is used to bring
together several subjects belonging to the same verb:

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Example :He is afraid of two things: spiders and senior prom.

He is afraid of two things—spiders and senior prom.

Selain penggunaannya sebagai alternatif tanda kurung, tanda hubung

digunakan untuk menyatukan beberapa subjek yang memiliki kata kerja yang
Contoh: Dia takut dua hal: laba-laba dan prom senior.
Dia takut pada dua hal — laba-laba dan prom senior.

4. Practice :
Please make necessary correction of the following letter of inquiry

May 12; 20-

Mr.John Williams
Muffin Technology
Galleria Building
26 Pasadena Street
Beaumont, Texas
United States of America

Dearest Mr.Williams:

I read in the Houston Chronicle today, about your new projector, the M12. As we
is the major distributor of projector in South East Asia , I learned about your
product on your website, the M12 is of great interest to we.

We are also interesting in selling the bags, pointers and chargers as well as
other accessories that accompany the M12.

We Would be pleased if you could send at my attention the accessories that will
accompany the Product and also the latest price list? We could appreciate the

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opportunity to have a meeting with Your sales representative to discussing

possibiity of long time cooperation between our two companies..

I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

Sincerely yours,

Robert kirkpatrick

Identify the following parts of the body of the above Inquiry letter.
• Opening
• Focus
• Action
• Closing

The sixth meeting/ Pertemuan ke 7 : Inquiry letters
Subject / Mata Kuliah : Business Correspondence 1
Lecturer/ Dosen Pengampu: Anugrah Sapto Hadi BSc.,MM
• This is the first assignment for Business Corespondence 1
It must be typed on A4 paper and using the Word program



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After completing the topic, students are expected to understand how to give a
complete and accurate responses to avoid misunderstanding which was created due
to lack of detailed information.

Setelah menyelesaikan topik, siswa diharapkan memahami bagaimana memberikan

tanggapan yang lengkap dan akurat untuk menghindari kesalahpahaman yang dibuat
karena kurangnya informasi yang terperinci.


Before you write the letter, gather all information from the individuals who are
involved in the subject being discussed. Make a list or fill out a form or log to outline
your needs.

Sebelum Anda menulis surat, kumpulkan semua informasi dari orang-orang yang
terlibat dalam subjek yang sedang dibahas. Buat daftar atau isi formulir atau log
untuk menjabarkan kebutuhan Anda.

1. The body of a letter requesting a service generally has four parts

Part Content Example

Opening Tell why you are In our telephone

writing conversation yesterday,
we discussed plans to
conduct our National
sale meeting at your
conference center.
Focus Give details about your The dates of the
request. National sales meeting

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are April 16th and 17th.

The hours are 8:00
A.M. to 6:00 P.M on the
16th and 9:00 A.M. to
3:00 P.M. on the 17th.
Sixty people will be
attending. We will need
one projector and one
filp chart for our

Action Give a time frame ........could you e-mail

me you’re the total cost
by January 31st?
Closing Thank the reader and I would like to thank you
mention future for your help in planning
communications our National Sales

Writing your message

a. Opening
When you are writing a requesting service letter , you may probably following
up on a previous conversation . .
Saat Anda menulis surat permintaan layanan, Anda mungkin dapat
menindaklanjuti percakapan sebelumnya. .
1) Make specific reference to the earlier communications
a) Thank you for your telephone call this morning.
b) Please email the menu on Barnaby Place.
c) We thank you for agreeing to provide the music for my daughter's
d) wedding on June 17
Sebuah. Buat referensi khusus untuk komunikasi sebelumnya
a) Terima kasih atas panggilan telepon Anda pagi ini.
b) Silakan email menu di Barnaby Place.

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c) Kami berterima kasih atas persetujuannya untuk menyediakan musik

untuk putriku
d) pernikahan pada 17 Juni
2) Or you may Start your first sentence with "I am writing to . . ."
a) "I am writing to update you on changes in our travel policy."
b) "I am writing to request permission to reprint your recent article
on finding the right mentor."
You might think this approach is not good and clear, but you
can do this as an opening for "I am write to ..." helps you and
your readers recognize the purpose of your message .
After you finish writing your message, you might be able to
eliminate or edit the opening "I'm writing for." For example, you
can shorten "I am writing to request permission" to "I am
requesting permission."
Atau Anda dapat Mulai kalimat pertama Anda dengan "Saya
menulis ke ..."
✓ "Saya menulis untuk memberi tahu Anda tentang
perubahan kebijakan perjalanan kami."
✓ "Saya menulis untuk meminta izin untuk mencetak ulang
artikel Anda yang terbaru
untuk menemukan mentor yang tepat. "
Anda mungkin berpikir pendekatan ini tidak bagus dan tidak
jelas, tetapi Anda dapat melakukan ini sebagai pembuka untuk
"Saya menulis surat kepada ..." membantu Anda dan
pembaca Anda mengenali tujuan pesan Anda.
Setelah selesai menulis pesan, Anda mungkin dapat
menghilangkan atau mengedit pembukaan "Saya sedang
menulis untuk." Misalnya, Anda dapat mempersingkat "Saya
menulis untuk meminta izin" menjadi "Saya meminta izin.
c) I read your advertisement in “KOMPAS” dated 12 March 20—
regarding your new type writer, after reviewing your product,
We are interested in becoming your Distribution for South East
Saya membaca iklan Anda di “KOMPAS” tanggal 12 Maret
— mengenai penulis jenis baru Anda, setelah meninjau

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produk Anda, Kami tertarik untuk menjadi Distribusi Anda

untuk Asia Tenggara …… ...

b. Use Concised openings.

Many business people prefer you to explain directly to the core of the
conversation rather than presenting an elegant and smart opening. Think
"efficiency" rather than "great work.
Gunakan bahasa yang effective pada Pembukaan. Banyak pembaca
bisnis lebih suka Anda langsung ke intinya daripada menyajikan
pembukaan yang elegan dan cerdas. Pikirkan "efisiensi" daripada "karya

2. Understanding Prepositions which are used in letters

Prepositions are words that connect noun phrases, pronouns, or nouns to other
parts of the sentence. There are no definite rules or formulas for using
Preposisi adalah kata-kata yang menghubungkan frasa kata benda, kata ganti,
atau kata benda ke bagian lain dari kalimat. Tidak ada aturan atau formula yang
pasti untuk menggunakan preposisi.

Specific address Jl. Surya Jakarta; Surya kencana
kencana no.1 Pamulang
Time 5 O’clock Two weeks ; Friday; May 3,20-
5 PM ; Night May; The 80”s ; ; my birthday ;
the Morning; the the weekend

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Choose the best answer of the following sentences.

1. The fish was _______ the Cat.
a. About
b. For
c. After
d. Considering

2. We are going on vacation _______ December.

a. On
b. At
c. In
d. Since

3. Please put the computer ________ the table.

a. In
b. On
c. For
d. Over

4. He received a present ________ his boss.

a. From
b. Of
c. By
d. About

5. The new semester begins ________ Monday.

a. In
b. On
c. From
d. Since

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About Above Across After

Against Along Beside Among
Before Behind Between
Beyond After

1. I heard …………. you

2. I am thinking……………. going on a vacation
3. It is …………… the law to drive without a valid driver’s license
4. You need to have breakfast……… going to work.
5. The mountain is a such beautiful scenery………….his imagination
6. His grades are………..average.
7. Take her……….. just in case you need someone to talk to.
8. I’ll be waiting for you……….that building
9. I will look…………my grandmother.
10. When I was walking down the street yesterday I came……….my old friend.
11. Rina has the highest grade………other students in the class

➢ Focus
The purpose of writing a letter requesting a service is to ask the service
provider what you need. You need to make the letter as clear and precise as
Tujuan dari menulis surat meminta layanan adalah untuk bertanya kepada
penyedia layanan apa yang Anda butuhkan. Anda perlu membuat surat
sejelas dan setepat mungkin.
Clear and exact : We will book for three rooms: one suite room and two
executive rooms.
Not clear : We need some rooms
Clear : We will need a microphone and speakers.
Not clear : We need sound equipment.

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Exercise :
Complete the sentences with “by” or “with”
e.g. My desk is covered with papers.
1. I went to school ______ car.
2. These pictures were taken ______ my sister.
3. This ice cream was made ________ fruit.
4. The cake was made ________ my sister.
5. The room was painted ______ a new kind of paint.
6. The room was painted ______ a friend of mine.
7. The safety box was blown open _______ the robbers.
8. The safety box was blown open _______ dynamite.

Be Concise / Buatlah sesingkat mungkin

Plan what you want to write before you start writing, be sure to gather all
information as to avoid missing information. You may put your main ideas
into paragraphs before you start, so that you can avoid repeating the same
Rencanakan apa yang ingin Anda tulis sebelum mulai menulis, pastikan untuk
mengumpulkan semua informasi untuk menghindari informasi yang hilang.
Anda dapat memasukkan ide-ide utama Anda ke paragraf sebelum memulai,
sehingga Anda dapat menghindari pengulangan ide yang sama.
Find shorter ways of expressing yourself , modal verbs might be used (might,
could, would etc) instead of using longer phrases.
Example :
It is likely to ………….that = We may / We might / it may / it might
It is unlikely to happen = It might not happen
There is a necessity to / It is necessary to = We must / We have to
There is a possibility that = We can / We could
Replace wordy phrases by single words where possible.
"as of the date of" = from
"by means of" = by
"at this moment in time" = now
"for the purpose of" = for
"so as to" = so

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"in the event that" = if

"further to" = following
Avoid words that do not add meaning to the sentence.
For example:
1. "very" can be omitted without changing its meaning.
2. "expensive" can be used rather than "very expensive" without losing any
additional meaning.
3. “Really” can generally be deleted to make your writing more concise
Write using verbs rather than noun clauses Verbs give your business writing
more impact than heavy-sounding noun phrases. For example, use "discuss"
instead of "have a discussion".
Other examples of this are "have a meeting" (meet), "give consideration to"
(consider) and "be of concern to" (concern)
Avoid cliches Cliches make you sound unimaginative. Examples of cliches are
"to all intents and purposes", "to think outside the box" and "to push the
envelope". If you have made a plan before you write so that you only include
relevant information, then you don't need to add cliches to "pad" out your

Hindari kata-kata yang tidak menambah makna.

1. "sangat" dapat dihapus tanpa mengubah artinya.
2. "sangat mahal" dapat dihapus dan gunakan " mahal" tanpa kehilangan
makna tambahan.
3. “Sangat –sangat” yang secara umum dapat dihapus untuk membuat tulisan
Anda lebih ringkas
Menulis menggunakan kata kerja alih-alih klausa kata benda
Kata kerja memberikan tulisan Anda dampak lebih dari frasa kata benda yang
terdengar berat. Misalnya, gunakan "diskusikan" daripada "berdiskusi".
Contoh lain dari ini adalah "mengadakan pertemuan" (bertemu), "memberikan
pertimbangan untuk" (mempertimbangkan) dan "memperhatikan"
Hindari klise
Klise membuat Anda terdengar tidak imajinatif. Contoh klise adalah "untuk
semua maksud dan tujuan", "untuk berpikir di luar kotak" dan "mendorong

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amplop". Jika Anda telah membuat rencana sebelum menulis sehingga Anda
hanya memasukkan informasi yang relevan, maka Anda tidak perlu
menambahkan klise untuk pesan Anda.
How to write courteously / Cara menulis dengan sopan
Polite attitude is important in the business world to improve business relations,
usually in direct communication We use vocabulary which show politeness and
well structured, therefore how the language We use in communicating with
Our business partners can be stated in writing . To ensure that Our writing is
polite, put Ourselves in the reader's shoes to anticipate what readers will think
when they read our letter or email. Can our message be interpreted differently
from the meaning We mean? Does that sound rude or unhelpful?
Sikap sopan adalah penting dalam dunia bisnis untuk meningkatkan
hubunganbisnis, biasanya dalam komunikasi langsung. Kami menggunakan
kosakata yang menunjukkan kesopanan dan terstruktur dengan baik, oleh
karena itu bagaimana bahasa yang kami gunakan dalam berkomunikasi
dengan mitra bisnis kami dapat dinyatakan secara tertulis. Untuk memastikan
bahwa tulisan Kami sopan, letakkan Diri kami pada posisi pembaca untuk
mengantisipasi apa yang akan dipikirkan pembaca ketika mereka membaca
surat atau email kami. Bisakah pesan kita diartikan berbeda dari arti yang kami
maksud? Apakah itu terdengar kasar atau tidak membantu?
Write using polite phrases
Avoid making demands with phrases like I want. Instead write:
"I would like some information on your range of printers."
"I would be grateful for some information on your range of printers."
"I would appreciate your help with an order."
Menulis menggunakan frasa sopan
Hindari mengajukan tuntutan dengan frasa seperti yang saya inginkan. Alih-
alih menulis:
"Aku ingin beberapa informasi tentang jajaran pencetakmu."
"Aku akan berterima kasih atas beberapa informasi tentang jajaran
"Aku akan menghargai bantuanmu dengan pesanan."
Avoid giving orders./ Hindari memberi Perintah
Make suggestions and requests politely, avoid giving orders, such as "Maybe
you can consider ..." or "Can you tell us your ideas about ..." and leave the

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negotiations open. For example, "This price will be too low" rather than "Your
price is too low".
Buat saran dan permintaan dengan sopan, hindari memberikan perintah,
gunakan kalimat seperti "Mungkin Anda bisa mempertimbangkan ..." atau
"Bisakah Anda memberi tahu kami ide-ide Anda tentang ..." dan biarkan
negosiasi terbuka. Misalnya, "Harga ini akan terlalu rendah" daripada "Harga
Anda terlalu rendah".
Use words with a positive focus instead of a negative focus.
"issue" or "matter" (instead of "problem")
"inconvenience" / "inconvenient" (rather than "difficulty" or "difficult")
"misunderstanding" (rather than "argument")
"sensitive" (to describe an issue that you would rather not discuss)
"unfortunate" or "disappointing" (rather than "bad")
Minimize problems by using qualifiers such as "rather", "a little", "somewhat"
or "a slight".
"We have a problem with the account" becomes "We have a slight problem
with the account."

x. Closing
In the closing statement, You need to mention about how you are going to
further the relationship through communication. The communication may
be a phone call, a meeting, a letter, a fax, or an e-mail.
Dalam pernyataan penutup, Anda perlu menyebutkan tentang bagaimana
Anda akan memajukan hubungan melalui komunikasi. Komunikasi dapat
berupa panggilan telepon, rapat, surat, faks, atau email.

Use the expression I look forward to [+ -ing verb].

I look forward to receiving your e-mail tomorrow.
I look forward to meeting you soon.

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Model Letter : Requesting a Service

AZY, Inc.
10 Palace Road, Houston, Texas
Tel :(816)555-5522
Fax: (816)555-5557

January 28, 20-

Terrence Williams
Constantin conference Center
412 Bellevue Lane
Houston, Texas 1423

Dear Mr. Williams :

It was nice talking to you on the phone yesterday, continuing our discussion yesterday
concerning plans to conduct Annual National Sales meeting at your Conference
center, We would like to inform you that we agreed with the term and conditions that
you mentioned on your last email dated of February 2nd .
We are planning to conduct our Annual National Sales meeting on March 15th and
16th. The hours are 1:00 P.M. to 6:00 PM on the 15th and 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. on
the 16th. There will be seventy people attending the meeting and they are coming
different states, Therefore e would appreciate if you could arrange to pick up our staffs
at the Airport o march 14 th.
Please also provide us with a total of four rooms consist of one large room and three
smaller break-out rooms.

As we discussed before, a microphone and speakers will be needed in the large room
as well as computer projection system. In each break-out room, in addition we will
need five tables, and monitor.

We also would like to confirm that on March 16th, we would like to have a served
I would appreciate if you could send me your quotation by tomorrow
You do not need to include the lunch catering costs at this time.

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I will give you final confirmation of our reservation by close-of-business on the 26th of
Thank you for your help in planning our Annual National Sles Meeting.
I look forward to meeting you next week when I come to look over your facilities.

Sincerely yours,
John Howard
Special Project Officer

Useful Language

In our conversation yesterday, we discussed_____________

I would like to confirm___________________________
We will need____________________________
I would appreciate receiving__________________________


Ayuningtyas,(2010) 101 Draft Surat Bisnis,yogyakarta,Gradien Meditama

Baden Eunson (2008) Communicating in 21st Century, 2nd ed

Gallaudet Interpreting Services (June 1999). GIS Web. [Online]. Available: [June 23, 1999].

L.Gartside,(1989) Modern Business Correspondence, Jakarta, Binarupa Aksara

Lin Lougheed(2003),Business Correspondence, 2nd ed,New York,Pearson Education

Maggio, R. (1990). How to say it. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Poe, Roy(1996). Business Letters, New York, Mc Graw-Hill, Inc. (3rd ed)

Webster's New World Office Professional's Handbook. (5th ed.). (1996). New York:

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 107

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

Woro Vidya A.101 Draft Surat Bisnis, Gradient Mediatama, Yogyakarta, 2010

Yate, M. (1997). Cover letters that knock'em dead. Holbrook, Massachusetts: Adams

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 108

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III



After completing the topic , students are expected to understand how to write a
complaint letter by giving a complete and accurate points to avoid damaging
relationship with other party while achieving the objective accurately and avoid
misunderstanding which was created due to lack of detailed information.
Setelah menyelesaikan topik, siswa diharapkan memahami bagaimana menulis surat
complain denga menghindari kerusakan hubungan dengan pihak lain tetapi mencapai
objectif yang diingingkan dengan akurat dan menghindari kesalahpahaman yang
dibuat karena kurangnya informasi yang terperinci.


In the world of business dissatisfaction between the two parties involved in business
may occur, although this should be avoided, but if a complaint needs to be done, the
complaint must be handled properly and avoid the damage to business relationships
in the future, because In making a complaint letter, caution is needed and the use of
good vocabulary and correct grammar are necessary, thereby reducing the negative
impacts that may occur.
Before you write a letter of Complaint, gather all information from the individuals who
are involved in the subject being discussed. Make a list or fill out a form or log to
outline your needs. There are few points that are needed to be closely prepared.

Dalam dunia bisnis ketidakpuasan antara dua pihak yang terlibat dalam bisnis dapat
terjadi, meskipun ini harus dihindari, tetapi jika pengaduan perlu dilakukan,
pengaduan tersebut harus ditangani dengan benar dan menghindari kerusakan
hubungan bisnis di masa depan, karena dalam membuat surat pengaduan,
diperlukan ke hati-hatian dan penggunaan kosa kata yang serta diperlukan tata
bahasa yang benar , sehingga mengurangi dampak negatif yang mungkin terjadi.
Sebelum Anda menulis surat Keluhan, kumpulkan semua informasi dari individu yang
terlibat dalam subjek yang sedang dibahas. Buat daftar atau isi formulir atau log untuk
menjabarkan kebutuhan Anda. Ada beberapa poin yang perlu dipersiapkan dengan

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1. When we write a letter of complaint ?

We usually write a letter of complaint when are unhappy about a service or a
product that we have received.
Kapan kita menulis surat keluhan?
Kami biasanya menulis surat keluhan ketika tidak puas dengan layanan atau
produk yang kami terima

2. Plan your letter of complaint as follows :

a. Regret the need to complain
b. State clearly your reasons for complaining.
c. Ask for explanation and explain what adjustment to seek
d. Refer to the inconvenience caused and suggest how matters could be put
e. Conclude by expressing confidence in the expectation of a favorable and
helpful reply.

Rencanakan surat keluhan Anda sebagai berikut:

a. Menyesali keperluan untuk mengeluh
b. Nyatakan dengan jelas alasan Anda untuk mengeluh.
c. Minta penjelasan dan jelaskan penyesuaian apa yang harus dicari
d. Mengacu pada ketidaknyamanan yang disebabkan dan menyarankan
bagaimana hal-hal dapat diperbaiki.
e. Akhiri dengan mengungkapkan kepercayaan pada harapan jawaban yang
menguntungkan dan bermanfaat.

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3. Structure of letter of Complaint

Making letter of complaint

Opening /
Focus ( cause and
and warning)


4. Model Letter of Complaint

a. Opening

I am writing to inform you that the goods which we ordered from your
company have not been supplied correctly.

I attended your exhibition Fashion 20- at the Leonardo Hotel (22-25

August) and found it attractive and interesting. Unfortunately, I regret to
inform you that we are not satisfied with your services and a number of
organizational problems.

I am a shareholder of Hara Bank and I am very concerned with the recent

report in KPAS on the financial situation of the bank. According to the report
the Bank is listed under government’s list of Banks which do not have
enough liquidity and information can be read in the latest annual report of
the bank, so I am writing to you to ask for clarification of the following

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the food and drinks at the

‘Dragon Restaurant' on 15 June this year.

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b. Focus

we placed an order on May 12 20-to your company for 12,000 very durable
batteries. The shipment arrived yesterday and we only found three wooden
boxes containing 1,200 batteries.

I am actually very interested in attending the event you are holding,

however, I have difficulty to register for attending the event. You made the
registration through the online registration facility, but I found that the facility
could not be used at all.

We have received an invoice of $ 10,532, from your company, but you did
not reduce the 10% discount as we agreed, I hope you will immediately
make an invoice.

After reading the label that you printed , We are very disappointed to know
that We have found 10 spelling errors and 2 mislabeled diagrams in the
manual book.

This typo puts our company in a difficult position, because we want to make
immediate deliveries to our customers, we are actually very disappointed
with the quality of the books you sell, because this will certainly damage
our reputation in the eyes of our customers, we expect that you replace
these books on us with new ones that have been well prepared and
corrected, this action needs to be done immediately so We do not lose our
customer's trust in our store. Please replace the book and send them to us
no later than next week, in order to avoid complaints from our customers.

c. Action
I am writing to remind you to please make up the short shipment of the
product that we ordered a month ago so I would ask your cooperation to
ensure that such errors do not happen again in the future.

I would appreciate if you Could look into these matters

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I am very disappointed with the books that sent me last week, I enclose a
copy of the book with the errors highlighted. Please take immediate action
to re-print the books and send them to us by next Friday.

I'm afraid that if there is no other way to solve the problem, we may be
forced to take legal action.

If the outstanding fees are not paid by Monday, 2 October 2018, you will
incur a 10% late payment fee

d. Closing
I look forward to receiving your explanation of these matters.

I look forward to receiving your payment.

look forward to hearing from you shortly.

e. Important to remember

1. Concise Brief but comprehensive

2. Authoritative Letters that are well written and professionally
presented – have more credibility and are taken more
3. Factual Factual letters concern with what is actually the case
rather than interpretations which enable reader to see
immediately the relevant details, dates, requirements,
etc., and to justify action to resolve the complaint
4. Constructive a positive statement that suggests positive information
- thereby encouraging faster actions and decisions .
5. Friendly Letters that give the impression of attention,
cooperation and no hidden messages - this happens
because the reader responds positively to the author
and wants to help.

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5. Useful Vocabulary
NoN Vocab Meaning
1. Apology Regretful acknowledgment because it has
caused problems for someone
2. Below standard It is not good enough
3. Compensation the action or process of awarding someone
to make up for loss or damage
4. Complain A statement of negative feelings, especially
of dissatisfaction
5. Complain in writing to express dissatisfaction in written form
6. Complaint Astatement that a situation is unsatisfied .
7. Complaint a course of actions that are intended to
procedures achieve results.
8. Crushed broken into small pieces
9. Damage the situation of a change for the worse
10. Damaged Broken, not working
11. Defective broken, not working / syn. faulty, recalled
(taken off the market)
12. Delay The action of putting off an action or a
13. Delayed caused to be later or slower than expected
or desired
14. Destroyed broken down, damaged irreparably
15. Disappeared vanished, got lost
16. Disappointed frustrating one's hopes or expectations
17. Discover detect or determine the existence, presence,
or fact
18. Dissatisfied discontented, unhappy, displeased
19. Handle a complaint Taking care of a complaint
20. Imperfect Defective or having a defect or defects
21. Inconvenience the quality of not being useful or convenient
22. Not yet arrived not yet came to a particular place, not yet
reached a destination

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23. Perishable goods perishable goods - goods which are subject

to spoilage or destruction
24. Proof or evidence something visible or evident that gives
grounds for believing in the existence or
presence of something else
25. Refuse to pay to be unwilling to settle the payment
26. Regret something feel sorry for something

Useful Phrases
1. I am writing to complain about…
2. I am writing to express my concern about the fact that…
3. I am writing to inform you of…
4. Will you please look into this matter and let us know the reason for

5. Thank you for your cooperation in correcting this detail…


88 Pine Street
Spring Valley
June 2, 2013

Disk and Music

24 Dr. Brown Street
Beaumont- Tx 2345

Dear Sir/ Madam:

I am write because I am disappointing with the CDs which I ordered through

Market place

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First of all, you mentioned that you can deliver the CDs without two weeks,
but the CDs arrived about one month late to get to my home. Secondly, one of
the CDs was brake and another one that I ordered was missing .

In addition, I expected that you gave the lowest prices. However, I found that
prices you gave were more expesive than that my local music shop offer

In conclusion, I am very disappointing with the service I received. I would

appreciate a full refund for the missing CDs and also compensation for the
slow delivery and incorrect informations about your prices.

I look forward to a prompt reply.

Sincerely Yours ,

John Watson

Questions :
1. Identify
o Opening
o Focus
o Action
o Closing

Writing Practice :
Pretend that you are the Manager of Agra’s gift shop, write a complaint letter to PT
AMD based on the following situation.

Situation 1 :
Agra’s, a retail gift shop, places a special order with a long-time supplier for key
chain for wedding gifts to PT AMD, and the delivery is promised by May 15. Not only

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 116

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does the order arrive after the wedding; the key chain is wrong type and 20 pieces
are broken.

Pretend that you were John, write a complaint letter to will & co based on the
following situation.
Situation 2 :
Will & Co sells a laptop to John, There is a sale on these types at the Price
Rp.4.500.000 , compared with Rp6.000.000, which is the regular price. However,
when the invoice arrived, the amount was Rp9.000.000, John writes to the store
about the mistake.


Ayuningtyas,(2010) 101 Draft Surat Bisnis,yogyakarta,Gradien Meditama

Baden Eunson (2008) Communicating in 21st Century, 2nd ed

Gallaudet Interpreting Services (June 1999). GIS Web. [Online]. Available: [June 23, 1999].

L.Gartside,(1989) Modern Business Correspondence, Jakarta, Binarupa Aksara

Lin Lougheed(2003),Business Correspondence, 2nd ed,New York,Pearson Education

Maggio, R. (1990). How to say it. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Poe, Roy(1996). Business Letters, New York, Mc Graw-Hill, Inc. (3rd ed)

Webster's New World Office Professional's Handbook. (5th ed.). (1996). New York:

Woro Vidya A.101 Draft Surat Bisnis, Gradient Mediatama, Yogyakarta, 2010

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 117

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

Yate, M. (1997). Cover letters that knock'em dead. Holbrook, Massachusetts: Adams


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After completing the topic, students are expected to be able to write confirming a
service letter such as confirm a reservation, a response to an invitation, receipt of a
various items or services, or travel arrangements.

Setelah menyelesaikan topik ini, siswa diharapkan dapat menulis untuk

mengkonfirmasi surat layanan seperti mengkonfirmasi reservasi, menanggapi
undangan, menerima berbagai barang atau layanan, atau mengatur perjalanan.


In the discussion of confirmation letters used by individuals, organizations and

businesses every day, for a number of different purposes. students will learn how to
use good salutation, opening, focus and closing, so that the delivery of messages is
clear, concise and concise and is generally used to recognize prior agreements or to
verify certain information on request.
Dalam pembahasan surat konfirmasi yang digunakan oleh individu, organisasi dan
bisnis setiap hari, untuk sejumlah tujuan berbeda. siswa akan belajar bagaimana
menggunakan salam, pembukaan, fokus dan penutupan yang baik, sehingga
penyampaian pesan menjadi jelas, singkat dan ringkas dan umumnya digunakan
untuk mengenali perjanjian sebelumnya atau untuk memverifikasi informasi tertentu
berdasarkan permintaan.

1. Use a letterhead.
A confirmation letter is one form of an official letter, therefore in writing a
confirmation letter You must use letterhead as a standard in business ethics. .
This makes the letter an official company document. Right above the greetings,
include the full name and address of the recipient of the letter, including the name
of the person to whom you sent the letter, the correct job title, the department in
which they work. Do a careful check of the name, job title and department where
they are in, Mistakes in name, Job title , and the department of the recipient will
slow down the letter arriving at the destination and it might even be returned, so
this makes you look less professional

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Surat konfirmasi adalah salah satu bentuk sebuah surat resmi , oleh karena itu
dalam penulisan surat konfirmasi harus menggunakan kop surat sebagai stadard
dalam etika business. Hal ini menjadikan surat tersebut sebagai dokumen resmi
perusahaan. Tepat di atas salam, sertakan nama lengkap dan alamat penerima
surat, termasuk nama orang yang Anda kirimi surat, gelar yang tepat,
departemen di mana mereka berada, lakukan pengecekan yang teliti untuk
nama, gelar dan departemen dimana mereka bekerja,Kesalahan pada nama,
gelar, dan departemen dimana penerima surat bekerja akan memperlambat surat
tiba di tujuan bahkan mungkin dikembalikan, sehingga Anda terlihat kurang


2719 Huntington Rd, Dallas – Texas 2315
Phone : 1(907) 2345

a. A confirmation letter to get service can occur regarding a personal matter, or

you are responding to a company, then use paper with the right business
format. Place the sender's address and date in the left margin, or you can
place them along the right margin. Skip one line, then include the recipient's
address along the left margin. You can write this letter by following one of
the formats of business letter
Surat konfirmasi untuk mendapatkan layanan dapat muncul terkait masalah
pribadi, atau Anda merespons perusahaan, kemudian gunakan kertas
dengan format bisnis yang tepat. Tempatkan alamat dan tanggal pengirim di
margin kiri, atau Anda bisa menempatkannya di margin kanan. Lewati satu

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baris, lalu sertakan alamat penerima di sepanjang margin kiri. Anda dapat
menulis surat ini mengikuti salah satu dari format surat bisnis


2719 Huntington Rd, Dallas – Texas 2315
Phone : 1(907) 2345

Dear Mr.Kirkpatrick:
This letter will confirm our arrangements for our daughter’s wedding Pivate
party at your facilities. The dinner will be held on the evening of Friday, July
7, 20- in The Arjuna Room

b. Begin with the appropriate salutation. when sending a confirmation letter,

make sure that you use the correct greetings and the person's name and title
and also use the right letter opening. The format commonly used in general
Business letters is Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms./Dr. followed by the person's last name.
Do not call someone Mrs. unless you know that she is married or that person
wants to be called Mrs. and if you write a more informal personal confirmation
letter, you can use that person's first name.
Mulailah dengan salam yang sesuai. ketika mengirim surat
konfirmasi,pastikan bahwa Anda menggunakan salam yang tepat dan nama
serta gelar orang tersebut serta pembukaan surat yang tepat. Format yang
biasa digunakan secara umum dalam surat bisnis adalah Dear
Mr./Mrs./Ms./Dr. diikuti oleh nama belakang orang tersebut. Jangan
menyebut seseorang sebagai Mrs. kecuali Anda tahu dia sudah menikah
atau orang tersebut ingin dipanggil dengan sebutan Mrs dan apabila Anda
menulis surat konfirmasi pribadi yang lebih informal, Anda dapat
menggunakan nama depan orang tersebut.
Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms./Dr.:

c. Opening/Confirm details of the arrangement made in the first paragraph. In

writing a confirmation letter. No need for excessive introductory information.
After salutation and writing enough opening sentence, convey the

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Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

information in the first paragraph to explain specifically the details of what

you confirmed, including the more specific date, time, and location.
There are several common ways to start this paragraph: I am writing to
confirm ..., I want to confirm ..., or this letter to confirm . or You may start the
paragraph as follow :
Thank you for your January 28 letter exressing interest in JCX conference.
This letter will confirm our subsequet telephone call discussing plans for your

Pembukaan / Konfirmasi detail pengaturan yang dibuat pada paragraf

Dalam menulis surat konfirmasi. Tidak perlu informasi pengantar yang
berlebihan. setelah salutation dan tulis kata pembukaan secukupnya,
sampaikan informasi pada paragraf pertama untuk menjelaskan secara
spesifik detail dari apa yang Anda konfirmasikan,termasuk tanggal, waktu,
dan lokasi yang Lebih spesifik.
Ada beberapa cara umum untuk memulai paragraf ini: Saya menulis untuk
mengonfirmasi ...., Saya ingin mengonfirmasi ...., atau Surat ini
untuk…….atau Anda dapat memulai paragraf sebagai berikut:
Terima kasih atas ketertarikan Anda pada surat pada 28 Januari di
Arrowhead Conference. Surat ini akan mengkonfirmasi panggilan telepon
kami berikutnya yang membahas rencana pertemuan Anda ............

d. Action.Discuss problems, if any

We plan to have a buffet lunch on March 16,Please email us your menu
selections one week before the conference, so we are able to make our
choice for the menu .
Tindakan. Bahas masalah, jika ada
Kami berencana untuk makan siang prasmanan pada 16 Maret. Silakan kirim
email kepada kami pilihan menu Anda satu minggu sebelum konferensi,
sehingga kami dapat membuat pilihan untuk menu.

Focus/ Address other details. Explain all details clearly relating to the
same paragraph or in the second paragraph, usually including agreements,
payment policy provisions, or anything that needs to be confirmed, or

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includes details about the specific duties and responsibilities that are being
carried out.
You should always return on the agreed terms so that there are no
misunderstandings that you have agreed to. Repeating a series of terms
will also help you clarify what is expected.

When you get them to take responsibility for the task, send a confirmation
that what you mentioned favorable adjustments. You can specify whether
you need to write by phone or email.
The confirmation letter serves not only to confirm the appointment, the
agreement or the receipt of the goods, but also as a paper path. The letter of
confirmation is a document for both parties that provides proof of
correspondence. This helps to cover both sides if there is a problem or
misunderstanding arises.

Example :We understand your company would like to reserve our

conference facilities as well as buffet lunch on March 15 and 6.

.sebutkan semua perincian lain yang relevan di paragraf yang sama atau di
paragraf kedua. Ini dapat mencakup perjanjian, ketentuan kebijakan
keuangan, atau apa pun yang perlu dikonfirmasi. Rincian ini juga dapat
mencakup tugas tertentu yang sedang dilakukan.

Anda harus selalu kembali dengan ketentuan yang disepakati sehingga tidak
ada kesalahpahaman yang telah Anda setujui. Mengulangi serangkaian
istilah juga akan membantu Anda mengklarifikasi apa yang diharapkan.
Ketika Anda meminta mereka untuk bertanggung jawab atas tugas tersebut,
kirimkan konfirmasi bahwa apa yang Anda sebutkan penyesuaian yang
menguntungkan. Anda dapat menentukan apakah Anda perlu menulis
melalui telepon atau email.

Surat konfirmasi berfungsi tidak hanya untuk mengkonfirmasi penunjukan,

perjanjian atau penerimaan barang, tetapi juga sebagai jalur kertas. Surat
konfirmasi adalah dokumen untuk kedua pihak yang memberikan bukti

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korespondensi. Ini membantu untuk menutupi kedua belah pihak jika ada
masalah atau kesalahpahaman.

Kami memahami perusahaan Anda ingin memesan fasilitas konferensi

kami dan makan siang pada Maret 15 dan16.

Ask for a follow up if needed. In the last paragraph write a sentence that
encourages the recipient of the letter to contact you if they need clarification
about something that is unclear or if there is a problem, a misunderstanding.

Pada Paragraf terakhir tulis kalimat yang mendorong penerima surat untuk
menghubungi Anda jika mereka perlu klarifikasi tentang suatu hal yang tidak
jelas atau jika ada masalah, kesalahpahaman.

Action . if there are problems, discuss and try to provide the best solution
possible, also explain step by step problem solving, so that your partners feel
calm and trust
These sentences can read as follows:
1) Please inform me if you need additional information... or Please
respond if you need to add.
2) On March 16, We will provide a buffet lunch,Please tell us your menu
selections one week before the conference.
jika ada masalah, diskusikan dan cobalah untuk memberikan solusi terbaik,
juga jelaskan langkah demi langkah penyelesaian masalah, sehingga
pasangan Anda merasa tenang
Kalimat-kalimat ini dapat dibaca sebagai berikut:
1) Tolong informasikan kepada saya jika Anda memerlukan informasi
tambahan ... atau Silakan jawab jika Anda perlu menambahkan
2) Pada Tanggal 16 Maret, Kami akan menyediakan Makan siang
prasmanan. Mohon dapat diinformasikan kepada kami pilihan menu
satu minggu sebelum konferensi.

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e. Close the letter with a thank you to the recipient.

Make sure to close the letter properly. Use a term such as Sincerely, Thank
you, Regards, or Respectfully. Include your name typed and place your
signature above that. Use your full name for business letters.
Tutup surat dengan ucapan terima kasih kepada penerima. Pastikan
untuk menutup surat itu dengan benar. Gunakan istilah seperti Hormat,
Terima kasih, Salam, atau Hormat. Sertakan nama Anda yang diketik dan
letakkan tanda tangan Anda di atas itu. Gunakan nama lengkap Anda untuk
surat bisnis.


1. Pihlah Jordan sent a letter confirming a service. The shaded boxes show ten
places where she made errors. Write the correct word or punctuation above
the errors.

Jethro Planning
P.O. Box 55567
Beaumont, TX745940
September 10, 20-

Dear Mr Ralph:

We are pleased to confirming the arrangements for your November 27- 29

conferance at Brightspot.

As you mention on the phone last week, you are expecting between 200 and
300 people
for the three-day event. We will reserved a room that can be closed off or
up to accommodate the final number of people. You tell us that you will provide
own audiovisual equipment, but if you need anything on the last minute, we
equipments available.

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We understand you will not need any catering. Should you change your mind,
please let us know before November 20?

I have attached a projection cost for your review. Please call me if anything
further explanation.

Again, I want to thank you for to choose Brightspot . I'm sure you will be
with the quality of service we offer.

Pihlah Jordan
Events Manager

2. Write a response to the following requests for service

We would like to have grand product launching at September 21, 20- in Jakarta
, and We are interested in having the grand launching of new products at The
Loh Conference center Jakarta, Mega Kuningan. Please kindly email us at (62)
21 97234444 or email to jktrz.mkt@ your projected cost for a two day
event with approximately 200 guests will be invited to witness the launching of
our new products. The following requirements need to be considered when you
calculate the cost projection for the two(2) day event.
Thank you very much for your attention and We look forward to receiving your
reply no later than August 10, 20-

Sincerely Yours,

John Adams
Marketing director

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• Executive luncheon buffet

• Use of one main meeting room
• Audio visual equipment inclusive of screen and microphones
• Personalized amenities
• Complimentary high-speed wireless internet access
• Conference concierge service
Packages available for you:
• Full Day Meeting Package at IDR 710,000++ per person


Ayuningtyas,(2010) 101 Draft Surat Bisnis,yogyakarta,Gradien Meditama

Baden Eunson (2008) Communicating in 21st Century, 2nd ed

Gallaudet Interpreting Services (June 1999). GIS Web. [Online]. Available: [June 23, 1999].

L.Gartside,(1989) Modern Business Correspondence, Jakarta, Binarupa Aksara

Lin Lougheed(2003),Business Correspondence, 2nd ed,New York,Pearson Education

Maggio, R. (1990). How to say it. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Poe, Roy(1996). Business Letters, New York, Mc Graw-Hill, Inc. (3rd ed)

Webster's New World Office Professional's Handbook. (5th ed.). (1996). New York:

Woro Vidya A.101 Draft Surat Bisnis, Gradient Mediatama, Yogyakarta, 2010

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 127

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

Yate, M. (1997). Cover letters that knock'em dead. Holbrook, Massachusetts: Adams

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 128

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III



After the end of the course the students are expected to be able to demonstrate on
how to write Letters of confirmation which are used by individuals, organizations and
businesses every day, for a number of different purposes and students are expected
to improve their ability in vocabulary and grammatical structure used in writing a
formal letter.
Setelah akhir mata kuliah ini, siswa diharapkan dapat menunjukkan cara menulis
Surat konfirmasi yang digunakan oleh individu, organisasi, dan bisnis setiap hari,
untuk sejumlah tujuan yang berbeda dan siswa diharapkan dapat meningkatkan
kemampuan mereka dalam kosa kata. dan struktur gramatikal yang digunakan dalam
menulis surat formal.


1. Model Letter : Confirming a service


JL. Kapten Arman kav.28 Jakarta

12 January 20-

Mr. Terence Williams

Special Event Officer
PT .Darmo tbk.
JL Bungur 2 no 38
Jakarta Pusat

Dear Mr. Williams:

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Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

We Have received your letter dated of 14 Dec 20—concerning your

plan to hold an Annual Sales National Meeting which will take place
on April 23- 26, 20- at JHCK conference center. This letter will
confirm our previous conversation concerning your upcoming event.

We understand that your company would like to reserve our

conference facilities four days, with the total participants of 90 people
will attend the meeting. You will need 1 meeting room and 3 breakout

As you mentioned to us that you are going to bring your own

computers, however please provide us with detailed information of
the type of computers.

We will provide lunch from April 23 – 26, 20-, and We have sent you
the menu choice for you to choose.

As you requested , I faxed the projected costs last week, after you
have decided which menu would be served to the participants of the
meeting, Please let us as soon as possible, so we can finalize the

We appreciate your interest in our facilities, We look forward to

showing you our facilities this week.

Sincerely yours,

John Kim
Project Planer

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2. Gerund and Infinitives

Gerunds and infinitives depend on the form of verbs used to replace nouns in a
sentence. The following guide and list will help you find out if a gerund or infinitive
is needed.
Gerund dan Infinitif
Gerunds dan infinitif adalah bentuk kata kerja yang dapat menggantikan kata
benda dalam suatu kalimat. Panduan dan daftar berikut ini akan membantu Anda
mengetahui apakah gerund atau infinitif diperlukan.
Following a verb (gerund or infinitive)
Both gerunds and infinitives can replace a noun as the object of a verb. Whether
you use a gerund or an infinitive depends on the main verb in the sentence.
Consult the lists below to find out which form to use following which verbs.
Mengikuti kata kerja (gerund atau infinitive)
Baik gerund dan infinitif dapat menggantikan kata benda sebagai objek dari kata
kerja. Apakah Anda menggunakan gerund atau infinitif tergantung pada kata
kerja utama dalam kalimat. Konsultasikan daftar di bawah ini untuk mengetahui
formulir mana yang harus digunakan mengikuti kata kerja yang mana.
Example/ Contoh:
I expect you to report by Friday. [INFINITIVE]
I anticipate having the report done by Friday. [GERUND]
Some common verbs followed by a gerund :
Acknowledge She acknowledged receiving assistance.
* accuse of He was accused of stealing goods.
Admit He admitted altering the data.
Advise The author advises studying the topic further more.
Anticipate She anticipates having trouble with his supervisor.
Appreciate I appreciated having traffic jam on her way back home.
Avoid He avoided talking to her.
Complete I finally completed preparing my thesis.
Consider They will consider giving you money.
Defer She deferred submitting her report.
Delay We delayed presenting the results until we were sure.
Deny They denied stealing the information.

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Discuss They discussed solving the problems again.

Entail This review procedure entails repeating the test.
* look after He will look after painting the rooms.
* insist on He insisted on reading the article again.
Involve This procedure involves giving each sample twice.
Justify My results justify studyng harder than usual.
Mention The author mentions involving the third person.
* plan on They had planned on going to the conference.
Postpone The committee has postponed inviting the reporters.
Recall I cannot recall having those bad results.
Resent He resented going to the downtown.
Recommend She recommends listening Exercise.
Resist The writer resists giving any easy answers.
Risk She risks losing her viewing time.
Sanction They will not sanction copying without permission.
Suggest I suggest doing the experiment again
* take care of He will take care of delivering it to you.
Tolerate She can't tolerate sitting on the table.
Some common verbs followed by an infinitive:

Afford We cannot afford to buy an expensive car

Agree The professors agreed to postpone the test.
Appear The results appear to support your theory.
Arrange They had arranged to have a meeting this afternoon.
Beg I beg to go with you.
Care Would you care to answer?
Claim She claims to get new data.
Consent Will you consent to run for office?
Decide When did he decide to quit?
Demand I demand to have the results of the survey.
Deserve She deserves to get a fair hearing.
Expect The committee expects to have a decision by tomorrow.

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Fail The trial failed to confirm his hypothesis.

Hesitate I hesitate to implement the experiment again.
Hope What do you hope to achieve?
Learn We have learned to continue with caution.
Manage How did she manage to get the solution?
Neglect The author neglected to list an index.
Need Do we need to look for new subjects?
Offer We could offer to postp0ne the time of the meeting.
Plan They had planned to come the conference.
Prepare He was not prepared to give a lecture.
Pretend I do not pretend to know the answer.
Promise They promise to demonstrate the new equipment.
Refuse She refused to go along any longer.
Seem Something seems to be wrong with your design.
Struggle We struggled to comprehend her point of view.
Swear He swears to explain the truth.
Threaten The team threatened to quit their research.
Volunteer Will you volunteer to control the group?
Wait We could not wait to see the outcome.
Want She did not want to come first.
Wish Do you wish to participate?

Following a preposition (gerund only)

Gerunds can follow a preposition; infinitives cannot.
(Gerund dapat mengikuti preposition, sedangkan infinitive tidak bisa)
Example/ contoh:
Can you touch your toes without bending your knees?
He was fined for driving over the speed limit.
She got the money by selling the car.
A corkscrew is a tool for taking corks out of bottles.
Note: Take care not to confuse the preposition "to" with an infinitive form, or
with an auxiliary form such as have to, used to, going to
He went back to writing his paper. [PREPOSITION + GERUND]

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I used to live in Mexico. [AUXILIARY + VERB]

I want to go home. [VERB + INFINITIVE]
Following an indirect object (infinitive only)
Some verbs are followed by a pronoun or noun referring to a person, and then
an infinitive. Gerunds cannot be used in this position.
Beberapa kata kerja diikuti oleh kata ganti atau kata benda yang merujuk pada
seseorang, dan kemudian infinitif. Gerunds tidak dapat digunakan dalam posisi
Some common verbs followed by an indirect object plus an infinitive:
Ask I must ask you to reconsider your statement.
Beg They begged her to stay for another term.
Cause His findings caused him to investigate further.
Challenge Wilkins challenged Watson to continue the research.
Convince Can we convince them to fund our study?
Encourage She encouraged him to look beyond the obvious.
Expect They did not expect us to win an award.
Forbid The author forbade me to change his wording.
Force They cannot force her to reveal her sources.
Hire Did the department hire him to teach the new course?
Instruct I will instruct her to prepare a handout.
Invite We invite you to attend the ceremony.
Need They need her to show the slides.
Order He ordered the group to leave the building.
Persuade Can we persuade you to contribute again?
Remind Please remind him to check the references.
Require They will require you to submit an outline.
Teach We should teach them to follow standard procedures.
Tell Did she tell him to make three copies?
Urge I urge you to read the instructions before you begin.
Want I do not want you to have an accident.

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a. Find other examples of " Confirming a service letter " and explain about the
following :
• Opening
• Focus
• Action
• Closing

C. EXERCISE 1. Verb + gerund. (Chart 13-1)

Directions: Complete the sentences by using gerunds. Add a preposition after the
gerund if Necessary.

1. It was cold and rainy yesterday, so we postponed going to / visiting the zoo
2. The Porters' house is too small. They're considering Buying/ Moving into a
bigger house.
3. We discussed................................ Colorado for our vacation.
4. When Martha finished.............................. the floor, she dusted the furniture.
5. Sometimes students put off............................. their homework.
6. We had a blizzard yesterday, but it formally stopped........................... around
10:00 P.M.
7. I quit...................................... comic books when I was twelve years old.
8. I'm thinking about................................. a biology course next semester.
9. Beth doesn't like her job. She's talking about....................................a different
10. I enjoy..................................... sports.
11. I'm considering........................................ NewYork City.
12. A: Are you listening to me?
B: Yes. Keep.................................... . I'm listening.
13. A. Do you want to take a break?
B: No. I'm not tired yet. Let's keep on.................................. for another
hour or So.
14. A: Would you mind............................... the window?
B: Not at all. I'd be glad to.
15. A: I'm thinking about not............................................ the meeting tomorrow.

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B: Really? Why? I hope you decide to go. We need your input.


Ayuningtyas,(2010) 101 Draft Surat Bisnis,yogyakarta,Gradien Meditama

Baden Eunson (2008) Communicating in 21st Century, 2nd ed

Gallaudet Interpreting Services (June 1999). GIS Web. [Online]. Available: [June 23, 1999].

L.Gartside,(1989) Modern Business Correspondence, Jakarta, Binarupa Aksara

Lin Lougheed(2003),Business Correspondence, 2nd ed,New York,Pearson Education

Maggio, R. (1990). How to say it. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Poe, Roy(1996). Business Letters, New York, Mc Graw-Hill, Inc. (3rd ed)

Webster's New World Office Professional's Handbook. (5th ed.). (1996). New York:

Woro Vidya A.101 Draft Surat Bisnis, Gradient Mediatama, Yogyakarta, 2010

Yate, M. (1997). Cover letters that knock'em dead. Holbrook, Massachusetts: Adams

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 136

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III



After the end of the course the students are expected to be able to demonstrate on
how to write “ ordering supplies” letter which is used by individuals, organizations
and businesses every day, for a number of different purposes

Setelah akhir mata pelajaran ini, para siswa diharapkan dapat menunjukkan cara
menulis surat "memesan persediaan" yang digunakan oleh individu, organisasi, dan
bisnis setiap hari, untuk sejumlah tujuan berbeda


Ordering supplies letter is also known as an order letter, a letter of order is a document
that confirms the details of a purchase of goods or services from one party to another.
It usually includes more information about what you are ordering, like quantity, model
number, or color, the payment terms, and the matter in which the products are to be
shipped. When the recipient receives this letter, they will process the order and send
the merchandise.

Memesan surat persediaan ini juga dikenal sebagai surat pesanan, surat pesanan
adalah dokumen yang mengkonfirmasi rincian pembelian barang atau jasa dari satu
pihak ke pihak lain. Biasanya mencakup lebih banyak informasi tentang apa yang
Anda pesan, seperti jumlah, nomor model, atau warna, syarat pembayaran, dan
masalah pengiriman produk. Ketika penerima menerima surat ini, mereka akan
memproses pesanan dan mengirimkan barang dagangan.

1. Placing Orders
An order is a contract between a seller and a buyer that can be either a product
or a service. Order Letter is considered as one of the simplest types of direct
request letters. When making an order, you do not need to use excessive words,
but convey the message generally used words in Business so that it does not
cause misunderstanding between the two parties. just state your needs clearly
and directly.

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Many companies use special forms to order goods or services. They can use
their own, called a purchase order, or provided by the seller, called an order
form. This form has free space to ensure all necessary information is entered.
The advantage of having free space is that it allows for companies to calculate
carefully and can write goods that are ordered on the space provided..
However, there are times when an order must be entered in a letter format. At
such times, you must be sure to include ACCURATE INFORMATION because
incomplete orders result in delayed shipments, and inaccurate facts result in
receipt of wrong items.
Here are a few suggestions for writing effective order letters:
Menulis Pesanan
Surat pesanan adalah kontrak antara penjual dan pembeli yang dapat berupa
produk maupun jasa. Surat Pesanan dianggap sebagai salah satu jenis surat
permintaan langsung paling sederhana. Saat melakukan pemesanan, Anda
tidak perlu menggunakan kata-kata yang berlebihan akan tetapi sampaikan
surat pesan secara umum digunakan sehingga tidak menimbulkan salah
pengertian diantara kedua belah pihak. sebutkan saja kebutuhan Anda dengan
jelas dan langsung.
Banyak perusahaan menggunakan formulir khusus untuk memesan barang
atau jasa. Mereka dapat menggunakan milik mereka sendiri, yang disebut
pesanan pembelian, atau yang disediakan oleh penjual, disebut formulir
pemesanan. Formulir ini memiliki ruang kosong untuk memastikan
dimasukkannya semua informasi yang diperlukan. Keuntungan memiliki ruang
kosong adalah bahwa memungkinkan untuk perusahaan menghitung
hati-hati serta dapat menulis barang-barang yang dipesan dengan leluasa.
Namun demikian, ada saat-saat ketika suatu pesanan harus dimasukkan ke
dalam format surat. Pada saat-saat seperti itu, Anda harus yakin untuk
menyertakan , INFORMASI AKURAT karena pesanan yang tidak lengkap
mengakibatkan pengiriman tertunda, dan fakta yang tidak akurat menghasilkan
penerimaan barang yang salah.
Berikut adalah beberapa saran untuk menulis surat pesanan yang efektif:

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a. Give the Information in a Clear Format

To make your letter easy to read, Write on a separate paragraph one space
for each item, use double spaces between paragraphs. make your order in
tabular form that is easier to understand than writing information in the form
of writing.

Berikan Informasi dalam Format yang Jelas

Untuk membuat surat Anda mudah dibaca, Tulis paragraf terpisah satu spasi
untuk setiap item, dengan spasi ganda antar paragraf. Atur pesanan Anda
dalam bentuk tabel yang lebih mudah untuk dimengerti daripada informasi
.berbentuk tulisan.
b. Write Orders, not Just Hints
The order letter is an "offer" of a contract that must be respected, while in
the "acceptance" part of the contract is the seller's obligation to fulfill the
order that must be completed the terms agreed by both parties. This sale
and purchase transaction is deemed completed when the seller has
completed its obligations and the buyer feels fulfilled in accordance with what
he wants in accordance with the agreement. Use specific and direct opening
words like "please send me" or "Please send ..." instead of obscure phrases
like "I am interested in ..." or "I want ..."

Tulis Pesanan, bukan Petunjuk

Surat pesanan adalah "tawaran" dari kontrak yang harus dihormati,
sedangkan di bagian "penerimaan" kontrak adalah kewajiban penjual untuk
memenuhi pesanan yang harus melengkapi persyaratan yang disepakati
oleh kedua belah pihak. Transaksi jual beli ini dianggap selesai ketika
penjual telah menyelesaikan kewajibannya dan pembeli merasa dipenuhi
sesuai dengan apa yang dia inginkan sesuai dengan perjanjian. Gunakan
kata-kata pembuka spesifik dan langsung seperti "tolong kirim saya" atau
"Tolong kirim ..." alih-alih frasa tidak jelas seperti "Saya tertarik pada ..." atau
"Saya ingin ..."

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c. Give a Complete Description of Each Item

When you write order letter , you should Include the following information :
1) Quantity ordered.
2) Catalog (or model or stock) number
3) Name of product
4) Description of product, including as much of the following as is
appropriate (1) colour (2)size (3) material, (4) grade or quality, (5)
pattern, (6) finish, and (7) any other details available.
5) Unit price
6) Total price for desired quantity
7) Any other information that you have, including where you saw the
product advertised.

d. Tell How You Will Pay for the Order

When you write ordering letter, it is important to remember about the
payment method that will be used (Internet Banking, COD, money order, or
credit card). Be sure to add shipping and sales tax which may be part of the
total cost. If you want the item to be charged to the credit card, provide the
credit card number and expiration date, likewise if the payment settlement
via internet banking, make sure that the payment has been received by
looking at the proof of payment or checking directly into the account. If the
payment using a credit card then the name must be matched and the
signature on the credit card.
Katakan Bagaimana Anda Akan Membayar Pesanan
Ketika Anda menulis Surat pesanan, penting utuk diingat mengenai cara
pembayaran yang akan digunakan (Internet Banking, COD, money order,
atau kartu kredit). Pastikan untuk menambahkan biaya pengiriman dan
pajak penjualan yang mungkin menjadi bagian dari total biaya. Jika Anda
ingin barang dibebankan ke kartu kredit, berikan nomor kartu kredit dan
tanggal kedaluwarsa, demikian juga apabila penyelesaian pembayaran
melalui internet banking, pastikan bahwa pembayaran telah diterima dengan
melihat bukti pembayaran maupun mengecek langsung ke rekening, Apabila
pembayaran menggunakan kartu kredit maka perlu kesesuaian nama dan
tanda tangan pada kartu kredit.

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 140

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

e. Tell Where, When, & How you Want the Merchandise Shipped
Provide the delivery address and type the address above (sender's address)
or below (if your address is typed under the signature typed). If you need an
order on a certain date, be sure to enter that date in your order letter. And if
you have a preference for delivery, include shipping methods by air, land or
sea. If not, the seller will choose the shipping method they usually use. For
example, you might need merchandise in a hurry and Willing to pay for
additional air express fees.
Merchandise is shipped to destination known asFOB or FOB shipping
point. The initials FOB stands for "free on board." If the goods are shipped
based on FOB , the buyer pays shipping fees outside the cost of the goods.
If the goods are shipped using CNF prices, the seller pays shipping fees to
the port in the buyer's city and is included in the price of the merchandise.

Katakan Di Mana, Kapan, & Bagaimana Anda Ingin Barang Dagangan

Berikan alamat pengiriman dan ketikan alamat tersebut di atas (alamat
pengirim) atau di bawah (jika alamat Anda diketik di bawah tanda tangan
yang diketik). Jika Anda memerlukan pesanan pada tanggal tertentu,
pastikan untuk memasukkan tanggal itu dalam surat pesanan Anda. Dan jika
Anda memiliki preferensi untuk pengiriman sertakan metode pengiriman
bisa melalui jalur udara, darat ataupun laut. Jika tidak, penjual akan memilih
metode pengiriman yang biasa mereka lakukan. Misalnya, Anda mungkin
perlu barang dagangan dengan tergesa-gesa dan
bersedia membayar biaya tambahan ekspres udara.
Barang dagangan dikirim tujuan FOB atau titik pengiriman FOB. Inisial FOB
singkatan dari "free on board." Jika barang dikirim titik pengiriman FOB,
pembeli membayar biaya pengiriman diluar biaya barang. Jika barang
dikirimkan dengan menggunakan harga CNF, maka penjual membayar
biaya pengiriman sampai pelabuhan di kota pembeli dan termasuk dalam
harga barang dagangan.

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 141

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The Following letter would run into trouble:

Dear Sirs,
I would like to order a weather vane that I saw advertised for Rp. 1000,000
We have recently repainted our garage, and the weather vane will be a
beautiful finishing touch.
My cheque is enclosed.
Sincerely yours,

2. Organization Plan for Orders

a. Direct Statement of the Request
Use sentences that indicate you want to order goods, for example: "Please
send me" or "send" instead of "I want" or "I need," which is not public or
appropriate for making an order for goods on a business letter
Open an order letter with a general description of your order that explains all
the important details
Pernyataan Langsung dari Permintaan
Gunakan kalimat yang menunjukkan Anda ingin memesan barang,
misalnya: "Tolong kirimkan saya" atau "kirim" alih-alih "Saya ingin" atau
"Saya perlu," yang tidak umum atau sesuai untuk membuat pesanan barang
pada surat bisnis
Buka surat pesanan dengan deskripsi umum tentang pesanan Anda yang
menjelaskan semua detail penting
b. Justification, Explanation, and Details
For complex orders, explain the general description of the use of the material
requested so that the seller will better understand what you want.
Also explain all specifications relating to product safety, determine the
amount of demand, price, size, including shipping instructions, delivery date,
place, packing, and then the payment method, and the total cost.
Use a format that presents information clearly and easily.
Pembenaran, Penjelasan, dan Detail
Untuk pesanan kompleks, jelaskan deskripsi umum tentang penggunaan
bahan yang diminta sehingga penjual akan lebih memahami apa yang Anda

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 142

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kemudian jelaskan semua spesifikasi yang berkaitan dengan keamanan

produk, tentukan jumlah permintaan, harga, ukuran, termasuk instruksi
pengiriman, tanggal pengiriman, tempat, pengepakan, dan kemudian metode
pembayaran, dan total biaya.
Gunakan format yang menyajikan informasi dengan jelas dan mudah.

c. Courteous Close with Request for Specific Action

When you write a business letter, make sure that the Include closing section
should still prioritize the courtesy of communication, because, the purpose
of the business letter is to establish a relationship for future business
development, also include a clear summary of the desired action.
, suggest to the reader to keep the order according to the agreement in the
Explain why it's important. Then close it warmly
Tutup sopan dengan Permintaan untuk Tindakan Khusus
Ketika Anda menulis surat bisnis , pastikan bahwa pada Sertakan bagian
closing harus tetap mengedepankan sopan santun berkomunikasi, karena ,
tujuan surat bisnis adalah menjalin hubungan untuk berkembangnya binis di
masa depan, sertakan juga ringkasan yang jelas dari tindakan yang
, sarankan kepada pembaca untuk menepati pesanan sesuai kesepakatan
di masa yang akan datang.Jelaskan mengapa itu penting.Kemudian tutup
dengan hangat.

Look at another Example:

Dear Sir,
Thank you for your letter dated of March 23 along with the catalog for
computer hardware. We would like to place an order for the following
i. 60 pieces of Hard Disk (60 GB)
ii. 60 pieces ofRam (256 MB)
We want the the consignment to be be packed in strong cases. We will
remit the payment to yous Bank Account after we receive the products.
Please make sure to send the consignment before April 10..
Yours truly,

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 143

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

3. Acknowledging an Order
An order acknowledgment does several important functions. A letter
acknowledging an order provides an excellent opportunity to resell your product
and your organization. Some organizations think such replies unnecessary.
However, orders may not be routine for the buyer. The acknowledgment
completes a valid contract between buyer and seller.
An acknowledgment should always be sent promptly and usually sent in the form
of :
i.A postal card.
ii.An acknowledgment form,
iii A duplicate invoice
iv.An individual letter.

Memastikan Pesanan
Memastikan pesanan adalah praktik yang menguntungkan. Pemastian pesanan
melakukan beberapa fungsi penting. Surat yang mengakui pesanan memberikan
peluang bagus untuk menjual kembali produk dan organisasi Anda. Beberapa
organisasi menganggap balasan seperti itu tidak perlu. Namun, pesanan
mungkin tidak rutin bagi pembeli. Pemastian pesanan melengkapi kontrak yang
sah antara pembeli dan penjual. Pemastian pesanan harus selalu dikirim
segera. .biasanya dikirimkan dalam bentuk :
i.A postal card.
ii.An acknowledgment form,
iii A duplicate invoice
iv.An individual letter.

In several situations an acknowledgment letter becomes a must.What we usually

do as follow:
i.Thank/appreciate the customer.
ii.Restate the order to illuminate any likely misunderstanding.
iii.Tell the customer that his order is being processed and should reach you within
the given time frame.
iv.Express your pleasure in serving him.

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 144

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

Dalam beberapa situasi, surat pengakuan menjadi keharusan. Apa yang

sebaiknya kita lakukan adalah sebagai berikut :.

i.Terima kasih / hargai pelanggan.

ii.Restate perintah untuk menerangi kesalahpahaman yang mungkin terjadi.
iii. Beri tahu pelanggan bahwa pesanannya sedang diproses dan harus
menghubungi Anda dalam jangka waktu yang ditentukan.
iv. Nyatakan kesenangan Anda dalam melayaninya


a. An Order Letter should be addressed to the person who has the authority
b. All the terms and conditions agreed upon by both involved parties should
be typed
c. The letter shold typed Since it is an official letter
d. You should use straight forward sentences since it is purely for an order
being placed


1. The word in bold shows what she did wrong. Write the correct word or
XYZ Corporation
Mega Kuningan Kav 27
Jakarta – Indonesia
Phone 62(21) 97845673

June 16, 20-

Ms. Fedelyn S. Hernandez

Purchasing Manager
Dorothy Marketing Corporation

Dear Ms. Hernandez:

I am write to formally place an order for 100 pcs of assorting sling bag as advertise to
Daily Fashion Magazine issue this month. The catalog number is JKT 24. Also, include
your latest catalog with the order.

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 145

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

According to your advertisement, The 100 pcs of assorted sling bag is only
Rp15,000,000 with free shipping deliver charge. A check in this amount is enclose and
send the confirm of receipt of this check at my email address at
Please ship my order to our receive center at:

TRD Building
St. John Street.
BSD City

If there are any additional fees, please let me know and I will work out the payment
details with you.

Thank you very much and more power!

Sincerely yours

Robert Donney

2. Write an ordering supplies letter to Shandong Corporation – China, based on the

following information, and all the items are expected to arrive at the factory no
later than the stock date mentioned below.

Item Quantity Cost Stock date Production

Intel 200 60,000 $5/ pc Feb 28 Mar 14
Cursor 120,000 $3/pc Feb 21 Mar 14

Ship to : Mr Mukhlis
Production Manager

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 146

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III


Baden Eunson (2008) Communicating in 21st Century, 2nd ed

Gallaudet Interpreting Services (June 1999). GIS Web. [Online]. Available: [June 23, 1999].

L.Gartside, Modern Business Correspondence (1989)

Maggio, R. (1990). How to say it. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Poe, Roy. Business Letters, Mc Graw-Hill, Inc. (3rd ed) 1996

Webster's New World Office Professional's Handbook. (5th ed.). (1996). New York:

Woro Vidya A.101 Draft Surat Bisnis, Gradient Mediatama, Yogyakarta, 2010

Yate, M. (1997). Cover letters that knock'em dead. Holbrook, Massachusetts:


Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 147

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III



After the end of the course the students are expected to be able to demonstrate on
how to write Letters of ordering supplies which are used by individuals, organizations
and able to make sure that the letters they write are clear, concise , so this will not
create misunderstanding on both sides in the future.

Setelah akhir kursus, para siswa diharapkan dapat menunjukkan cara menulis Surat-
surat persediaan yang digunakan oleh individu, organisasi dan dapat memastikan
bahwa surat-surat yang mereka tulis jelas, singkat, sehingga ini tidak akan membuat
kesalahpahaman di kedua sisi di masa depan



Look at the different elements of a fax ordering supplies.


Jl. Barito II, No. 48
Kby baru
Jakarta 11001,
Phone :
Fax :
TO : Ms. Jackie Chen
Title : Export Manager
Company : Compoenent outsource Ltd.

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 148

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

Address :50 Orchard Road

Singapore 238865
Telephone : (65) 735 58 09
Fax : (65) 735 58 11
Pages : Cover plus 1
Date : November 24,20-
Ref : Customer number: DC 43223-A

Dear Ms. Chen:

I am sending by fax Purchase Order 113512 for the following chip sets and

Chip sets 100,000 Int 540 SX

50,000 HGB
50,000 Int 600
Drivers 100,000 Ulk ATA/88
100,000 Ara 6L

Please note the expected time delivery of these components must arrive no later
than the date of stock listed on the purchase order. Instructions Using ships by
direct shipment, transhipment is not permitted

In accordance with the November 23 telephone conversation with Mr. Tony, you
offer to give a 10 percent discount. We appreciate the offer and regarding
payment of goods, since we are using letter of credit on FOB term, so after
shipment, payment can be directly received at the Negotiating Bank as in the
previous order after you submit all the shipping documents

If you have any questions concerning our order, please do not hesitate to contact

Sincerely yours,

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 149

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

Mark Wu
Purchasing Manager

Useful Language

I am sending___________
Instructions are detailed in______________
We will pay upon receipt________________
If you have any questions concerning_____________

2. The body of a fax ordering supplies generally has four parts

Part Content Example
Opening Tell what you are doing I am sending by fax
Purchase Order no.
113512 for the following
chip sets and drives
Focus Tell when you need the These components should
item. Tell how to deliver arrive no later than the
the item stock dates noted in the
purchase order. Delivery
instructions are detailed in
the purchase order
Action Tell how you will pay for As you discussed in your
the item November 23 telephone
conversation with Mr.
Tony, you offered to waive
shipping costs and give a
10 percent discount. We
appreciate the offer and,
as with previous orders,
will pay upon receipt of an
invoice and the

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 150

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

Closing Ask them to contact you if If you have any questions

necessary concerning our order,
please do not hesitate to
contact me

3. Model Letter
PT.Teman Kita Sejahtera
Jl. Teratai Sembilan no 7
Pasar kemis – Tangerang
Telephone : (021)- 1345768

December 4.20-

Mr.K. Karakawa
Sendai Corporation
Jl. Bengawan Solo 24
Kebayoran – Baru
Jakarta 110001, Indonesia
Ref : Purchase Order no 3/ AMI/2089

Dear Mr. Karakawa:

Thank you for your September 28 fax and purchase order no. 1234567.
We are pleased to supply the components which you requested on the
dates specified, however there is an exception as explained below:

As we discussed in our previous phone call yesterday, the processor

340dx is not available in our stock at the moment.

Action We will back order this item and will deliver it on January 15.

If you need any further assistance, Please do not hesitate to call me.

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 151

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

Your business is very important to us, we look forward to serving you in

the future.

Sincerely yours,

Johnson Budi
Sales Manager

When you place an order, you must be very precise. Give the reader all the
information needed to fill the order.
• How many items do you want to order?
• How many items are you ordering?
• When do you need the items?
• Who will receive the order?
• Who will receive the invoice?
• When will the invoice be paid?
The opening tells the reader exactly why you are writing. Be very specific.
Pembukaan memberitahu pembaca persis mengapa Anda menulis. Sangat
You must also be very specific with delivery details.
• Before
• By
• No later than
• On or before
Anda juga harus sangat spesifik dengan detail pengiriman.
• Sebelum
• Oleh
• Paling lambat
• Hidup atau sebelum

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 152

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

4. Elements of Fax : ordering Letters

Name of the person to whom order is being placed
Name and address of the organization
Name of the person placing the order
Name and address of the organization
Elemen Faks: memesan Surat
Nama orang yang memesan
Nama dan alamat organisasi
Nama orang yang memesan
Nama dan alamat organisasi

5. Fill in the blank with the words in The brackets

Subject: Order for 100 copies of Mastering Mathematics
Dear Sir or Madam,
As per our discussions on __________ (date of meeting) we are pleased to
place an order for 100 copies of Mastering Mathematics book by _________
(writer) for Class VII for the ICSE Board on the following terms and conditions:
1. The cost of each book will be U.S $.________ (inclusive of all taxes)
2. Payment terms will be a post-dated cheque for 50% advance with order.
This cheque will be cleared on the day of the deliver. The balance payment
of 50% 7 days after delivery and after random inspection
3. Delivery will be done within 7 days from the order date
4. Delivery will be done at ________________ (address of organization)
5. If the order is not delivered as per the above terms and conditions, the order
stands cancelled
Please find enclosed cheque number ________ dated ________ for
U.S$.________ towards advance for the order.
Hoping to have a long business relationship with you.
Best regards,
(Name of signing authority)

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 153

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III


Write an order supplies letter , use the following information to compose your letter.
Item Quantity Unit price/ Cost Cost less Stock
thousand 10% date(month/
discount day)
Intex 440SX 50,000 $100 $5,000 $4,500 06/18
Chip sets
AGB 5/x/233 100,000 $200 $20,000 $18,000 06/18
Ship to:
Mr.Peter Liu

a. This is the fourth assignment for Business Corespondence 1
b. It must be typed on A4 paper and using the Word program
c. The assignment must be sent to file Your name_tugas 2 KMP name no
later than 2 days after learning activities in the tenth meeting took place
d. No tolerance of delay
Assignment :
Write a letter to confirm the orders below
Description Part number Status Action
Keyboard XRP1 Unavailable In previous phone
client agreed for
one month late

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 154

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

Calculator ARH 234 In stock Will be shipped

out next week
Book Case Bk 123 Will be ready in Will be be
two weeks delivered next


Ayuningtyas,(2010) 101 Draft Surat Bisnis,yogyakarta,Gradien Meditama

Baden Eunson (2008) Communicating in 21st Century, 2nd ed

Gallaudet Interpreting Services (June 1999). GIS Web. [Online]. Available: [June 23, 1999].

L.Gartside,(1989) Modern Business Correspondence, Jakarta, Binarupa Aksara

Lin Lougheed(2003),Business Correspondence, 2nd ed,New York,Pearson Education

Maggio, R. (1990). How to say it. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Poe, Roy(1996). Business Letters, New York, Mc Graw-Hill, Inc. (3rd ed)

Webster's New World Office Professional's Handbook. (5th ed.). (1996). New York:

Woro Vidya A.101 Draft Surat Bisnis, Gradient Mediatama, Yogyakarta, 2010

Yate, M. (1997). Cover letters that knock'em dead. Holbrook, Massachusetts: Adams

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 155

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III



Aftercompleting this topic the students are expected to be able to demonstrate on how
to write a confirming an order letter, before you write the letter, make sure that you
can fulfill the order. If there is a problem with availability or schedule, write about it in
the letter.

Setelah menyelesaikan topik ini, siswa diharapkan dapat menunjukkan cara menulis
surat konfirmasi, sebelum Anda menulis surat, pastikan bahwa Anda dapat memenuhi
pesanan. Jika ada masalah dengan ketersediaan atau jadwal, tulis tentang hal itu
dalam surat


A confirmation letter is a formal document that summarizes the verbal agreement

made between two parties. This type of letter is commonly used by businesses to
record and acknowledge specific tasks. There are many variations of confirmation
letters. Each variation corresponds to specific agreements, such as confirming receipt
of an order, confirming reservations, confirming a schedule of an appointment and
confirming travel arrangements When you send a letter confirming an order, be
specific, Give any additional information about the order, such as items that are out
of stock or on back order.

Surat konfirmasi adalah dokumen formal yang merangkum perjanjian lisan yang
dibuat antara dua pihak. Jenis huruf ini biasanya digunakan oleh bisnis untuk
merekam dan mengakui tugas tertentu. Ada banyak variasi surat konfirmasi. Setiap
variasi sesuai dengan perjanjian tertentu, seperti mengonfirmasi penerimaan
pesanan, mengonfirmasi pemesanan, mengonfirmasi jadwal janji temu dan
mengonfirmasi pengaturan perjalanan. Ketika Anda mengirim surat yang
mengonfirmasi pesanan, spesifik, Berikan informasi tambahan tentang pesanan,
seperti item yang kehabisan stok atau pesanan kembali.

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 156

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

1. Order confirmation letter

This is also called an order acceptance letter. Usually, sellers send goods
immediately after receiving an order letter and modes of payment whether cash
or credit depends on the agreement between the two parties involved. However,
in some cases, shipping of goods may be delayed by non-technical matters such
as earthquake, riots, flood , this needs to be written by the seller so that there is
no claim if this happens, therefore the seller must write an order confirmation
letter to the buyer explaining the possible causes of delays and anticipated
delivery dates. This letter is usually written as a sign of business courtesy and to
convince the buyer that he will get the delivery of the goods he wants.
Surat konfirmasi pemesanan Ini juga disebut surat penerimaan pesanan.
Biasanya, penjual mengirimkan barang segera setelah menerima surat pesanan
serta modes of payment apakah cash atau credit tergantung dari kesepakatan
antara kedua belah pihak terkait ,Namun dalam beberapa kasus, pengiriman
barang mungkin saja tertunda oleh hal-hal nonteknis seperti adanya gempa
bumu, riots, banjir , hal ini perlu dituliskan oleh penjual agar tidak terjadi claim
apabila hal ini terjadi, oleh karena itu penjual harus menulis surat konfirmasi
pesanan kepada pembeli yang menjelaskan kemungkinan penyebab
keterlambatan dan antisipasi tanggal pengiriman. Surat ini biasanya ditulis
sebagai tanda kesopanan bisnis dan untuk meyakinkan pembeli bahwa ia akan
mendapatkan pengiriman barang yang diinginkannya.
a. Contents of order confirmation letter
a. Generally, an order confirmation letter contains the following points:
b. Acknowledgment of the buyer’s order letter
c. The date of order letter with reference number
d. Thanking the customers for placing the order
e. Informing the customer that the order is accepted
f. Assuring the customer those goods will be delivered as per the instruction
of the customer.
b. Isi surat konfirmasi pemesanan
a. Secara umum, surat konfirmasi pemesanan berisi hal-hal berikut:
b. Pengakuan surat pesanan pembeli
c. Tanggal surat pesanan dengan nomor referensi
d. Berterima kasih kepada pelanggan karena melakukan pemesanan
e. Memberitahu pelanggan bahwa pesanan diterima

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 157

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f. Meyakinkan pelanggan barang-barang itu akan dikirimkan sesuai

instruksi pelanggan

2. Model letter
Dear Mr. Rohitna:

Thank you for calling me on July 21. This will confirm our telephone conversation
regarding your order of Ofiice partition.
You ordered 100( one hudred) partition XRQ1 for office use.

Wey already shipped out 25 sets of partition last week, and the expected time
arrival(ETA) of the shipment in Hongkong will be on july 23.

The remaining order will be completed and delivered to you next month .

I apologize about the inconvenience, your business is very important to us.

If you need any further assistance, Please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sncerely yours,

Toni Augusto
Export Manager

3. Composing your message

The body of a letter confirming an order generally has four parts :
a. Opening : referring to the specific order and the date it was sent or arrived.
Example : We received your November 24 fax and Purchase Order

b. Focus : State the problem, if any.

Example : As we discussed in our phone call this morning, the chip Intex
440SX is not in stock.

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c. Action : Tell what you plan to do

Example : We will back order this item and will ship it on February 5.

d. Closing : Thank the reader

Example :If I can be of further asistance, please do not hesitate to call.
Your business is very important to us, and we look forward to serving you in
the future.


Exercise 1
Circle the letter of the sentence that is most similar to the sentence in the model letter.


a. Your email ordering office furniture was received.

b. We are pleased to confirm your order for the office supplies listed in your
letter of May 3.
c. We got your order.


a. We don’t have any left.

b. Item number OSD-32 is very popular this year.
c. In our telephone conversation, I offered you a choice between 10 – or 20- poun
copy paper.


a. You will get the item eventually

b. We will subtitute the oak for the walnut desk
c. We will ship the items in stock and will ship the back ordered items no later than
May 15.


a. Our products are the best in the business

b. We are having a special sale at the end of the Month. Please call
c. customer service if you would like a catalog.

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d. If there’s any way we can improve our service, please do not

e. hesitate to tell us.

Complete the sentences in this letter. Use the words below

Additional fax in stock ordered

Anything importnt number requested

Dear Mr. Perez:

Thank you for your (1)_______________and purchase Order 6453. All of the
items are(2)___________________and will be shipped overnight as
You (4)________________100 black pens, stock number 3245. As we
discussed on the telephone, these pens now come in boxes of twelve, We will
send you 10 boxes of twelve no(5)_____________charge.

Your business is very(6)____________________to us.

If we can do(7)_________________else for you, please call me at my toll-
free(8)_______________,(888)555-2323,ext.24, or e-mail me at

Sincerely yours,

Rajan Nair


Active Someone stole his wallet.

Terrorists have kidnapped them.

Passive His wallet was stolen.

They have been kidnapped by terrorists.

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 160

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

a. In forming the passive, the object of the active sentence ( wallet, them )
becomes the subject of the passive sentence.
b. The passive is formed with be + past participle. It can be in any tense:
past, present or future.
c. Dalam membentuk kalimat pasif, objek kalimat aktif (dompet, mereka)
menjadi subjek kalimat pasif.
d. Pasif dibentuk dengan menjadi + past participle. Itu bisa dalam bentuk
apapun: masa lalu, sekarang atau masa depan.

Simple Continuous
Present is delivered is being delivered
Present perfect has been delivered -
Past was delivered was being delivered
Past perfect had been delivered -
Future will be delivered -
Present infinitive be delivered -
Past infinitive have been delivered -
-ing form being delivered -

- Your order, has been delivered to you last month.

- Your order isn’t finished yet. It’ s still being processed.
Your order will be delivered by air tomorrow.


Rewrite the following sentences in the passive. One sentence cannot be

1. You insert the paper into the printer with the smoother side facing up.
2. The MD from the head office in Paris briefed the staff about company
3. The new company secretary has made a serious error and should be given the

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 161

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

4. We are going to update all the office equipment next year.

5. Someone must attend to the matter.
6. I taught myself to use a computer.
7. the local inhabitants on a remote island in the Atlantic made this pottery.
8. A computer marks the exam papers.
9. They say our company is on the verge of bankruptcy.
10. The college authorities awarded every student a certificate on completion of the

Put these sentences into the passive (leaving out someone, they, we):
`e.g.: Someone might steal the car. The car might be stolen.
1. Someone will clean the room.
2. They had to cut down that tree.
3. Someone should tell Ellen what happened.
4. They are going to build a new hospital.
5. We can solve the problem.
6. someone has to finish the job.
7. They may send the man to prison.
8. We must do something now

Put these sentences into the passive, as in the example.
e.g.: I don’t like people shouting at me. I don’t like being shouted at.
1. I don’t like people staring at me.
2. I can’t stand people telling me what to do.
3. I don’t like people interrupting me.
4. I dislike people making jokes about me.
5. I enjoy people praising me.

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 162

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first,
using the word given. You must use between two and five words.
1. Last Monday we appointed a new marketing manager.
A new ………………………………… last Monday.
2. Heavyland Ltd is supplying our company with office furniture.
Our company ……………………………….. by Heavyland Ltd.
3. William the Conqueror built the castle in the 11th century.
The castle ………………………… William the Conqueror in the 11th century.
4. No decision has yet been made.
Nothing …………………………………… yet.
5. People believe that someone murdered Harrison.
It ……………………………………. Murdered.
6. Your hair needs cutting.
You ought ………………………….. cut.
7. The police were following the suspects.
The suspects ………………………………….. police.
8. No one has seen Alex since the day of the party.
Alex ……………………………. the day of the party.
9. We put up a notice about the trip on the notice board two days ago.
A notice ……………………………. up on the notice board two days ago.
10. People think an apple a day is good for you.
An apple a day ………………………………… for you.

Exercise 6 : writing Practice

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 163

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

Write a letter to confirm an order of the following items

Mr. Ronald received an order from Mr Williams of the following items :

Description Quantity Price USD
4 X 4 table 4 @ USD 100
Chair 10 @ 50
Whiteboard 4 @ 50


Ayuningtyas,(2010) 101 Draft Surat Bisnis,yogyakarta,Gradien Meditama

Baden Eunson (2008) Communicating in 21st Century, 2nd ed

Gallaudet Interpreting Services (June 1999). GIS Web. [Online]. Available: [June 23, 1999].

L.Gartside,(1989) Modern Business Correspondence, Jakarta, Binarupa Aksara

Lin Lougheed(2003),Business Correspondence, 2nd ed,New York,Pearson Education

Maggio, R. (1990). How to say it. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Poe, Roy(1996). Business Letters, New York, Mc Graw-Hill, Inc. (3rd ed)

Webster's New World Office Professional's Handbook. (5th ed.). (1996). New York:

Woro Vidya A.101 Draft Surat Bisnis, Gradient Mediatama, Yogyakarta, 2010

Yate, M. (1997). Cover letters that knock'em dead. Holbrook, Massachusetts: Adams

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 164

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III


Ayuningtyas,(2010) 101 Draft Surat Bisnis,yogyakarta,Gradien Meditama

Baden Eunson (2008) Communicating in 21st Century, 2nd ed

Gallaudet Interpreting Services (June 1999). GIS Web. [Online]. Available: [June 23, 1999].

L.Gartside,(1989) Modern Business Correspondence, Jakarta, Binarupa Aksara

Lin Lougheed(2003),Business Correspondence, 2nd ed,New York,Pearson Education

Maggio, R. (1990). How to say it. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Poe, Roy(1996). Business Letters, New York, Mc Graw-Hill, Inc. (3rd ed)

Webster's New World Office Professional's Handbook. (5th ed.). (1996). New York:

Woro Vidya A.101 Draft Surat Bisnis, Gradient Mediatama, Yogyakarta, 2010

Yate, M. (1997). Cover letters that knock'em dead. Holbrook, Massachusetts: Adams

Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris Dasar 165

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III



Program Studi : D-III Sekretari Mata Kuliah/Kode : Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris

Dasar /SKR03220
Prasyarat : -- Sks : 2 Sks
Deskripsi Mata : CapaianPembelajaran : This course is designed for the
Kuliah Develop both written and oral communication students to improve the ability to
skills to produce clear, complete, accurate write letters and communicate well
messages. Develop effective communication by following the right order of
through the use of accurate grammar, spelling, grammar , spelling , and
punctuation, and letter form. Understand message understand the rules used to create
strategies and formats appropriate for professional letters and communicate well in the
communication situations. Develop and apply workplace as well as to cope with a
critical thinking skills when determining competitive global environment..
solutions for communication-related problems.
Create successful human relations through
effective communication. Analyze various
types of actual business correspondence
currently used in the business field. Sharing of
ideas, experiences, and knowledge whereby
relevant course material may be expanded.
Constructing written assignments that will
demonstrate ability to use the fundamentals of
effective communication. Prepare and present
materials that will demonstrate ability to use
the fundamentals of effective oral

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

Penyusun : Anugrah Sapto Hadi B.Sc., MM

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Students are expected to be There are many different Class discussion, Assignment Checking 7%
1 able to : kinds of business letters, conducting lectures complete
1. Understand types of each identified by the in class answers
business letters reason for which it was
2. How to fold letters
3. Envelope format
Keep in mind that an
effective business letter
always communicates with
a person first and a
business second.

The purpose of the cover Class discussion, Assignments Checking the 7%

2 Students are expected to be letter is to demonstrate conducting lectures answers and
able to Write a cover letter your organizational and in class giving
writing skills to future comments
employers while
distinguishing yourself
from the other applicants.

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

Students are expected to be Applicants should receive Class discussion, Assignments Giving 7%
3 able to understand how to timely communication from conducting lectures comments to
Reply to a job applicant(1) the search committee in class students’
chair to inform them of their answers
status in a search process
Students are expected to be - Acknowledging Class discussion, Assignments Giving 7%
4 able to understand receipt of applicants conducting lectures coments to
1) The methods of - Exercise in class in class students’
contacting applicants by answers
phone, sending them
written letters, or asking
the search administrator
to use the email
notification options in
the online system to
notify applicants

After the end of the course - Parts of letters Class discussion, Assignments Exercise in 7%
5 the students are expected - Useful language conducting lectures class
to be able to understand in class
the importance of making
a good and correct letter
in relation to meet the
objectives of the company,
students are able to
explain and describe the
steps in Designing letters

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

by following the rules that
have been learned. .

. After the end of the - Identify grammatical Class discussion, Exrcise in class Checking the 7%
6 course the students are errors conducting lectures answers
expected to be able to - Sample of the letter in class
practice how to write
Letter of inquiry by working
on the writing of leter of
inquiry and also do
exercise on the topics
given to the students .

. After completing the course - Model letter : Class discussion, - Exercise Questions 7%
7 , students are expected to requesting a service conducting lectures in class. and answers
understand how to right a - Identify the body of in class - Usefull
formal letter for requesting a parts of requesting
service by using correct a service
- English
grammar and precise
vocabulary used in the letter

After completion of the - Model letter : Class discussion, - Exercise Checking the 7%
8 course, students are requesting a service conducting lectures in class. students’
expected to be able to - Identify the body of in class - Usefull answers
right requesting letter that parts of requesting a

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

avoid misunderstanding - English
betwn two parties. structure

. After the end of the course - Model letter : Class discussion, Assignment - Exerci 7%
9 the students are expected to Confirmation letters conducting lectures se in
be able to demonstrate on - Elements of the in class class
how to write Letters of letter
confirmation which are used
by individuals, organizations
and businesses every day,
for a number of different
purposes. Broadly speaking
they are used to recognize a
previous agreement or to
verify certain information
upon request
In the tenth class meeting - Model letters Class discussion Assignment Practice in 7%
10 we expect the students to - Gerund and Exercise on clas
work on exercise using the infinitives Grammar
- Direct and indirect
knowledge that they have
learned in the previous
class meting
After the end of the course - Model letters Class discussion Assignment Writing letters 7%
11 the students are expected - Do’s and don’t s in Exercise on in class
to be able to demonstrate the letters Grammar
on how to write ordering
supplies letter which is

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

used by individuals,
organizations and
businesses every day, for a
number of different

In the twelveth class - Grammar Class discussion Assignment Checking 7%

12 meeting we expect the - Usefull language Exercise on sudetnts’
students to work on - Model Fax letter Grammar answers
exercise using the
knowledge that they have
learned in the previous
class meEting.

After the end of the - Contents of order Class discusion. Assignment Practice in 8%
13 course the students are confirmation letters Exercise Complete class
expected to be able to - Composing sentences
demonstrate on how to
- Grammar
write confirming an order
letter, Before you write the
letter, make sure that you
can fulfill the order. If there
is a problem with
availability or schedule,
write about it in the letter

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III


- Contents of order Class discussion Assignment Checking 8%

14 The main objective of a confirmation letters Complete students’
confirmation letter is to - Composing sentences answers
ensure the concerned message
- Grammar
parties are on the same
page to avoid possible
confusion with respect to
time, location or venue,
dates and any other
relevant details of the


Lougheed lin,2003. Business Correspondence.White plains, NY 10606. Pearson Education, Inc.

Schrampfer Azar Betty, 2006. English Grammar. White plains, NY 10606. Pearson Education, Inc
Poe Roy W,1994. Business Letters.The McGraw-Hill Handbook of business letters, 3rd ed., ISBN 0-07-113589-8
Ayunintyas Woro Vidya, S.PSI, 2010. 101 Draft Surat Bisnis. Yogyakarta: Gradien Mediatama.

Universitas Pamulang Sekretari D-III

Tangerang Selatan, Februari 2020

Ketua Program Studi Mata Kuliah : Korespondensi Bahasa Inggis
D-III Sekretari Dasar

Dr. Rr. Dewi Anggraeni S. H, M. H Anugrah Sapto Hadi BSc., MM

NIDN. 0405058002 NIDN. 0414125901


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