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Analisis of how to increase children learning motivation during the pandemic

In here l will present about

Learning is a process experienced by each individual through interaction with the

surrounding environment which results in changes in behavior. While learning is said to be a
process of student interaction with teachers and with learning resources in the learning
environment (Suardi, 2018).

Motivasi merupakan dorongan psikologis untuk melakukan sebuah tindakan dalam mencapai
tujuan yang telah ditetapkan (Badaruddin, 2015). Motivasi belajar sangat erat kaitannya
dengan prestasi yang diperoleh individu. Motivasi belajar dapat memaksimalkan hasil belajar
peserta didik dalam dirinya. Motivasi dan belajar merupakan dua hal yang saling
mempengaruhi siswa akan giat belajar jika ia mempunyai motivasi untuk belajar. ENGLIS 2
sebaliknya motivasi yang rendah akan membuat siswa kehilangan semangat dan gairah untuk
belajar sehingga motivasi harus ditanamkan dalam diri siswa sejak dini agar siswa merasa
senang dalam mengikuti setiap proses pembelajaran tanpa adanya tekanan dan paksaan.
Motivation is a psychological urge to take an action in achieving the goals that have been set
(Badaruddin, 2015). Learning motivation is closely related to individual achievement.
Learning motivation can maximize student learning outcomes in themselves. Motivation and
learning are two things that influence each other, students will study hard if they have the
motivation to learn. Conversely, low motivation will make students lose their enthusiasm and
passion for learning so that motivation must be instilled in students from an early age so that
students feel happy in participating in each learning process without any pressure and


Adanya pandemi covid-19 membuat sistem pembelajaran di Indonesia dialihkan menjadi

pembelajaran jarak jauh, atau lebih dikenal dengan pembelajaran daring. Berbagai satuan
pendidikan melaksanakan pembelajaran secara daring, hal ini bisa membawa perubahan
dalam kegiatan belajar. Baik itu dari diri siswa, guru maupun lingkungan belajar. Dari
fenomena yang ada peneliti ingin melakukan analisis terkait cara menumbuhkan motivasi
belajar siswa di masa pandemi covid-19.

The Covid-19 pandemic has shifted the learning system in Indonesia to distance learning, or
better known as online learning. Various educational units carry out online learning, this can
bring changes in learning activities. Both from students, teachers and the learning
environment. From the existing phenomena, researchers want to conduct an analysis related
to how to grow student learning motivation during the covid-19 pandemic.

Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, di
mana penelitian dilakukan bertujuan untuk memahami subjek secara mendalam, meneliti
kondisi objektif tertentu, serta peneliti sendiri yang menjadi instrumen. Penelitian ini
dilakukan pada orang tua yang memiliki anak usia 9-12 tahun.

The approach used in this study is a descriptive qualitative approach, where the research aims
to understand the subject in depth, examine certain objective conditions, and the researcher
himself becomes the instrument. This study was conducted on parents who have children
aged 9-12 years.

Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian ini menggunakan metode sebagai berikut:

This research data collection technique uses the following methods:

(1) metode kepustakaan (library research), di mana metode ini dilakukan dengan mengkaji
buku dan teori-teori yang berhubungan dengan tema penelitian sebagai referensi atau rujukan
untuk mendukung penelitian.

(1) library research method, where this method is carried out by reviewing books and theories
related to the research theme as a reference or reference to support research.
(2) observasi, Observasi yang dilakukan peneliti adalah observasi nonpartisipatif, yaitu dalam
pengumpulan data peneliti tidak terlibat secara langsung.

(2) observation. Observations made by researchers are non-participatory observations,

namely in data collection the researchers are not directly involved.
(3) wawancara mendalam, Wawancara dilakukan melalui telepon dengan pertimbangan-
pertimbangan yang beralasan sehingga tidak memungkinkan untuk bertatap muka secara

(3) interviews, interviews are conducted by telephone with reasonable considerations so that
it is not possible to meet face to face.
(4) dokumentasi, Dokumentasi pada penilitian ini berupa gambar.

(4) documentation. Documentation in this research is in the form of images.


1. Motivasi Belajar

Hasil yang ditemukan dari variabel motivasi belajar anak dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan
bahwa setiap anak akan memiliki semangat yang tinggi jika pelajaran yang dipelajari
merupakan mata pelajaran yang digemari. Setiap anak memiliki mata pelajaran favorit yang
bermacam-macam dengan ketertarikan yang bermacammacam pula, Kesulitan dalam
mengerjakan tugas-tugas memang kerap ditemui pada anak. Hal ini pun juga tetap ditemui
meskipun pada tugas-tugas mata pelajaran yang digemari anak. Berbeda dengan anak lain
yang kurang semangat mengerjakan tugas.

The results found from the variable of children's learning motivation in this study indicate
that every child will have high enthusiasm if the lessons learned are favorite subjects. Every
child has various favorite subjects with various interests. Difficulties in doing tasks are often
encountered in children. This is also still found even in the tasks of subjects that are favored
by children. In contrast to other children who are less enthusiastic about doing the task.

bbbbbbbbbb Dengan begitu dapat dilihat bahwa setiap anak memiliki pandangan dan
kemampuan yang berbeda dalam menghadapi kesulitan. Dari hasil temuan di atas dapat
diketahui bahwa salah satu indikator yang dapat memacu semangat anak dalam belajar adalah
anak menyukai atau memiliki ketertarikan pada pelajaran tersebut. Jadi dapat dikatakan
motivasi anak tumbuh karena adanya ketertarikan atau perasaan suka pada mata pelajaran

That way it can be seen that every child has a different view and ability in dealing with
difficulties. From the findings above, it can be seen that one of the indicators that can
stimulate children's enthusiasm in learning is that children like or have an interest in the
lesson. So it can be said that children's motivation grows because of an interest or feeling of
liking in certain subjects.

2. Peran Orang Tua dalam Motivasi Belajar

Menurut hasil yang ditemukan oleh peneliti dari penelitian ini, orang tua dalam memberikan
motivasi pada anak yang mampu mengerjakan tugas yang terbilang sulit cenderung akan
memberikan pujian dan memberikan reward. Sedangkan jika anak tidak ada kemajuan dalam
belajarnya orang tua cenderung memberikan sanksi, tetapi juga tetap belajar mengapresiasi
pencapaian anak. Selain itu, bentuk motivasi yang cukup efektif dan populer di lingkungan
ibu yang menjadi subjek penelitian dalam meningkatkan kegemaran anak pada pembelajaran
juga adalah pemberian hadiah dan membantu anak saat menemui kesulitan belajar.
According to the results found by researchers from this study, parents in motivating children
who are able to do difficult tasks tend to give praise and give rewards. Meanwhile, if the
child does not make progress in learning, the parents tend to give sanctions, but also continue
to learn to appreciate the child's achievements. In addition, a form of motivation that is quite
effective and popular in the mother's environment who is the subject of research in increasing
children's interest in learning is also giving gifts and helping children when they have
learning difficulties.
bbbbbbbb Secara khusus pada masa pandemi ini, orang tua banyak menemui keluhan anak
dalam sistem belajar daring. Namun dalam menanggapi hal tersebut orang tua banyak
menyemangati, mengajari dan membantu agar bisa memahami materi pelajarannya, dan
memberi les tambahan.

In particular, during this pandemic, parents often encounter children's complaints in the
online learning system. However, in response to this, parents encourage, teach and help so
that they can understand the subject matter, and provide additional tutoring.

3. Strategi Pemberian Motivasi Belajar


in the opinion of the experiences of other mothers that to motivate children in the
implementation of online learning can be done in the following ways or strategies:
(1) for children who feel bored with one-way learning, parents ask the teacher to
occasionally provide games or other activities that can raise children's spirits, in addition,
parents also invite children to refresh by doing their children's favorites after learning is over.

(2) For children who feel tired with tasks, parents encourage and help children's difficulties
and give rewards both with verbal statements and small gifts.

(3) And for children who are addicted to playing games, parents give understanding
beforehand if they do not stop, they will take strict action by limiting playing time and
securing children's devices.

4. Pembelajaran Daring

tanggapan beberapa orang tua dalam penelitian ini yang menunjukkan bahwa sistem
pembelajaran daring ini masih kurang efektif dengan alasan bahwa sistem tersebut membuat
anak bermalas-malasan dan bahkan sepenuhnya bergantung pada orang tua. Menurut Sikirit
(2020), kendala paling signifikan yang dihadapi siswa saat belajar di rumah adalah kurangnya
akses internet dan perangkat elektronik. Karena tidak semua siswa memiliki fasilitas
pembelajaran tersebut, terutama bagi keluarga yang orang tuanya mengalami kesulitan
ekonomi, kehilangan pekerjaan, dan daerah yang masih sulit dijangkau untuk akses internet
ENGLISH 3. Berbeda dengan pernyataan tersebut beberapa orang tua pun mendukung
pernyataan yang berbunyi “sistem pembelajaran daring membantu anak untuk lebih mandiri”.
Selain itu, juga terdapat orang tua yakni Ibu Stefani yang merasa cukup terbantu dengan
sistem pembelajaran daring ini karena bisa mendapatkan pengalaman baru dengan keluar dari
zona nyaman dan amannya serta memiliki tatanan hidup yang baru.

Online Learning

the responses of several parents in this study which showed that the online learning system
was still ineffective on the grounds that the system made children lazy and even completely
dependent on their parents. In contrast to the statement, some parents also support the
statement which reads "online learning systems help children to be more independent". In
addition, there are also parents, namely Mrs. Stefani who feel quite helped by this online
learning system because they can get new experiences by getting out of their comfort and
safety zones and having a new life order.

So, it can be concluded that the online learning system is indeed quite helpful for various
parties during this pandemic, although it cannot be fully called optimally successful. In every
case, there will definitely be advantages and disadvantages, for that is our joint task,
especially parents, to assess and support related parties, in this case educational institutions,
to develop this online learning system for a longer period of time.


The findings above indicate that the lack of involvement in learning activities is a factor that
causes children to be unmotivated to learn. In online learning, elementary school students can
become less active in conveying their aspirations and thoughts, which can result in boring
learning. Students who experience boredom in learning will get progress in learning
outcomes. So it takes motivation to move students so that they are enthusiastic about learning
so that they can have learning achievements. Then in overcoming difficulties in providing
motivation and support for children's learning, parents not only fulfill the facilities needed
and with verbal support, but the parents themselves are the motivation for children through
providing support in various aspects, namely not scolding children when asking for help. in
learning, giving children a sense of security and comfort, establishing harmonious
relationships with children, always willing to help if children encounter difficulties, and being
a model that children can imitate.

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