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Is National Examination Necessary?

Issue :
National examination has become a hot topic to discuss in Indonesia. The main
controversy regarding to national examination is whether or not it is necessary to continue
the national exams (UN). Some other debates focus on whether the quality of Indonesian
education depends on the national exam and whether the quality of the Indonesian
education system will worsen without national exam.

Argument Pro :
For those who support the national exam, they believe that the quality of the
Indonesia education system will get worse without the national exam, so they try to defend
the current system. They also believe that national exam can be used to measure how far
educational program designed by the government works.

Argument Cons :
However, for those who disagree with national exam, the result of national exam
can’t give the clear image of students’ ability in general since the issues of cheating always
happen. Furthermore, the national exam only measures a small portion of students’
competence in specific subjects, and does not measure students’ competences throughout
the semester.

Conclusion or Recommendation :
Above all, the national examination can still be used as an instrument to evaluate the
level of students’ cognitive competence in certain subjects, on a national scale.

Apakah Ujian Nasional Dibutuhkan?

Ujian nasional memang tengah menjadi topik yang hangat untuk dibahas di negara
Indonesia. Kontroversi utama terkait ujian nasional yaitu perlu atau tidaknya untuk
melanjutkan program ujian nasional (UN). Beberapa perdebatan lain juga fokus pada
pertanyaan apakah kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia bergantung terhadap UN serta apakah
kualitas dari sistem pendidikan di negara Indonesia akan memburuk jika tidak ada ujian

Untuk yang mendukung diadakannya ujian nasional, mereka percaya akan kualitas sistem
pendidikan Indonesia akan semakin buruk jika tidak ada ujian nasional, sehingga mereka
berupaya untuk mempertahankan sistem yang sekarang. Mereka juga yakin bahwa ujian
nasional bisa dipakai untuk mengukur sejauh mana program pendidikan yang sudah
dirancang oleh pemerintah.

Tetapi untuk mereka yang tidak setuju dengan program UN ini, hasil dari UN belum bisa
memberikan gambaran yang jelas terkait kemampuan siswa secara umum sebab isu
kecurangan yang selalu terjadi. Lalu, ujian nasional juga dinilai hanya mengukur sebagian
kecil dari kompetensi siswa terhadap mata pelajaran tertentu, serta tidak mengukur
kompetensi siswa di sepanjang semester.

Di atas semua pendapat tersebut, UN masih bisa dipakai sebagai instrumen guna menilai
tingkat kompetensi kognitif siswa terhadap mata pelajaran tertentu dalam skala nasional.

Pertanyaan diskusi :

1. what are the reasons for disagreeing with the UN program ?

 the result of national exam can’t give the clear image of students’ ability in general

since the issues of cheating always happen. Furthermore, the national exam only measures

a small portion of students’ competence in specific subjects, and does not measure students’

competences throughout the semester.

2. Is there a way out of this problem ?

There is a way out, that is the national examination can still be used as an

instrument to evaluate the level of students’ cognitive competence in certain subjects, on a

national scale.

3. In the pro argument there is support for holding UN, what is the reason ?
they believe that the quality of the Indonesia education system will get worse

without the national exam, so they try to defend the current system. They also believe that

national exam can be used to measure how far educational program designed by the

government works.

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