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Daftar Isi
Peta Konsep
Identitas Modul
Kompetensi Dasar
Petunjuk Penggunaan Modul
Materi Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran I
1. Tujuan
2. Uraian Materi
3. Rangkuman
4. Latihan Essay
5. Latihan Pilihan Ganda
6. Penilaian Diri
Kegiatan Pembelajaran II
1. Tujuan
2. Uraian Materi
3. Rangkuman
4. Latihan Essay
5. Latihan Pilihan Ganda
6. Penilaian Diri
Kegiatan Pembelajaran III
1. Tujuan
2. Uraian Materi
3. Rangkuman
4. Latihan Essay
5. Latihan Pilihan Ganda
6. Penilaian Diri
Kegiatan Pembelajaran IV
1. Tujuan
2. Uraian Materi
3. Rangkuman
4. Latihan Essay
5. Latihan Pilihan Ganda
6. Penilaian Diri
Kegiatan Pembelajaran V
1. Tujuan
2. Uraian Materi
3. Rangkuman
4. Latihan Essay
5. Latihan Pilihan Ganda
6. Penilaian Diri
Daftar Pustaka

e-Modul 2019
Direktorat Pembinaan SMA - Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
Daftar Pustaka

e-Modul 2019
Direktorat Pembinaan SMA - Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

Congratulation and
Penyusun :
Retno Susanty
SMAN 2 Percontohan Karang Baru

Reviewer :
Seprah Madeni, M.Pd.

Validator :
Dian Kusumaningrum, M.Pd.

e-Modul 2019
Direktorat Pembinaan SMA - Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
Peta Konsep

Gambar 1 :
Peta Konsep (Sumber: Dokumen Pribadi)

⌂ Daftar Isi

e-Modul 2019
Direktorat Pembinaan SMA - Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
Adjective adalah kata sifat atau kata yang
menunjukkan bentuk, rasa, sifat yang dimiliki oleh suatu

Generic Structure adalah susunan, pola, alur atau

tahapan dalam penyusunan teks.
Language Feature adalah ciri-ciri kebahasaan yang
sering ditemukan dalam teks.
Opening adalah pembuka percakapan.
Response adalah balasan yang diberikan sebagai
umpan balik dari sebuah ungkapan.
Social Function adalah tujuan dari sebuah teks.

⌂ Daftar Isi

e-Modul 2019
Direktorat Pembinaan SMA - Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

Nama Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester / Alokasi : X /Ganjil (1) / 4 JP
Judul eModul : Expression on Congratulation and


3.2 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan
memberikan ucapan selamat dan memuji bersayap (extended), serta
menanggapinya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
3.2.1 Memperkirakan waktu dan kondisi yang tepat dalam
memberikan ucapan selamat dan memuji.
3.2.2 Membedakan dengan baik mana tindakan memberikan ucapan
selamat dan mana memberikan ucapan pujian.
3.2.3 Menentukan ungkapan dan respon yang tepat sesuai dengan
konteks dalam sebuah percakapan.

4.2 Menyusun teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis sederhana yang
melibatkan tindakan memberikan ucapan selamat dan memuji
bersayap (extended), dan menanggapinya dengan memperhatikan
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan
sesuai konteks.
4.2.1 Melengkapi percakapan dengan menggunakan ungkapan dan
respon yang tepat.
4.2.2 Menyusun teks percakapan sederhana dengan menggunakan
ungkapan dan respon yang tepat.


Selamat datang di modul Bahasa Inggris!

Anandaku yang penuh semangat, modul ini dikreasikan

untuk memfasilitasi anandaku sekalian mengenai materi dalam
pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang terkenal sulit dan
merepotkan. Dengan adanya modul ini, diharapkan anandaku
sekalian dapat memperluas wawasan tidak hanya dari
penjelasan yang didengar oleh guru ataupun sumber lain,
melainkan juga melalui skill membaca yaitu melihat dan
memahami isi dari modul ini.

Salah satu materi dari pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di kelas X

adalah mengenai ekspresi atau ungkapan. Ekspresi merupakan
ujaran-ujaran atau ungkapan yang acap kali diucapkan oleh
seseorang ketika menghadapi kondisi atau keadaan tertentu.
Ekspresi memang selalui kita temukan di kehidupan sehari-hari.
Memuji dan mengucapkan selamat adalah contoh-contoh dari
ekspresi yang sering kita ujarkan kepada orang lain. Lalu,
apakah ujaran kita itu sudah tepat pada tempatnya? Nah, itulah
yang akan kita bahas di modul ini.

Anandaku sekalian, pasang mata dan selamat menikmati

suguhan dari isi modul berikut ini!


Berikut langkah-langkah yang harus diikuti dalam penggunaan

modul ini:

1. Baca dan pahami Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator yang

akan dicapai pada pembahasan dalam modul ini.
2. Pamahi secara perlahan pembahasan materi yang
3. Apabila terdapat masalah yang menyulitkan, maka
mintalah guru pembimbing mata pelajaran untuk
menjelaskan secara rinci guna menyelesaikan
permasalahan tersebut.
4. Selain penjelasan dari guru, dianjurkan untuk mencari
sumber informasi lain yang berkaitan dengan materi
sebagai referensi.
5. Ikuti aturan dan runtutan yang terdapat pada modul,
termasuk menyelesaikan latihan dan evaluasi.

"Do not ever let anyone make you feel like you don't matter" – Michelle
"Sekolah maupun kuliah tidak mengajarkan apa yang harus kita pikirkan
dalam hidup ini. Mereka mengajarkan kita cara berpikir logis, analitis dan
praktis." – Azis White.


The materials are as follows:


⌂ Daftar Isi

e-Modul 2019
Direktorat Pembinaan SMA - Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
Kegiatan Pembelajaran I


Adapun tujuan pembelajaran pada modul ini adalah:

1. Siswa dapat mengkondisikan waktu yang tepat

dalam pemberian ujaran memberikan selamat dan
2. Siswa dapat membedakan dengan baik mana
ungkapan selamat dan mana ungkapan memuji.
3. Siswa dapat menentukan ungkapan dan respon
yang tepat sesuai dengan konteksnya.
4. Siswa dapat melengkapi sebuah percakapan dengan
ungkapan ataupun respon yang tepat.

Look at the following video!

Video 1:
Congratulation's Dialogue (Source:

Gambar 2 :
Congratulation (sumber: (Source:

" Setitik embun dapat melembabkan daun daunan, sederas hujan dapat
membahasi daun beserta dahannnya sungguh ilmu yang kamu dapat
pada kami bagaikan hujan deras yang tak pernah berhenti membahasi
kami. kami tumbuh dan berkembang dan selanjutnya memekari seluruh
sekitar kami dan akhirnya membuat mahluk ciptaan Tuhan menjadi
bahagia dengan keberadaan kami. Terima kasih telah menjadi hujan
deras buat otak dan akhlak kami."


2.1. Sub Uraian Materi 1: Congratulating

Expression of congratulation is expression that is used to

congratulate someone when he or she has achieved
something. Every text of expression has function, structure,
and also language features to guide us to build a good text.
Before we create a certain text, it's better for us to
understand those items and try to follow the rules one by
one. Let's check it out:

1. Social Function is to congratulate someone

about his/her achievement. The achievement is not
only about winning something but also in other kind
of condition, like graduating from a certain education,
celebrating something, and getting something new.
2. Generic Structure or structure text of congratulation
has the same structure like other expressions. We'll
find only two structures in expression, they are:


The beginning of expression (in this case, in the

For example: Congratulations on your winning,


Response is the feed back of expression.

The feed back can be positive (accepting the
expression) or negative (declining the expression).
For example: Thank you, Megan. You're so kind.

The following table shows the Expression of Congratulation

and Responses.
Table 1 :
Expressions and Responses of Congratulating (Source:

3. Language Features

The using of the word "Congratulation!" to

congratulate people.
The using of adjective, for example: awesome,
great, nice, fantastic, and many others.

Let's take a look at the following video:

Video 2:
How to Express Congratulation in Daily Life (Source:

2.2. Sub Uraian Materi 2: Complimenting

Look at the following video:

Video 3:
Complimenting Dialogue (Source:>
Social Function
The social function of compliment is an expression used to
express our praise to someone. It is used by us everytime
we find something good of someone to make him or her
happy and improve his or her performance.

Generic Structure
The structure of compliment expression is:


The beginning of expression (in this case, in the

For example: How beautiful your new hair is!


The feed back of the expression.

For example: Thank you for saying so.

The following is the expression of complimenting and its

Table 2 :
Complimenting and Responses

Language Features

The use of adjective, for example: beautiful, nice,

clever, smart, amazing, and many others.

For Example:
Picture 3 :
Dialogue of Complimenting and Responses (Source:


Congratulation is the expression to represent the

happiness of seeing someone's achievement.
The culture of Indonesian and foreigner in giving
response to the expression of congratulation is different.
Indonesian usually tend not to accept it directly. They
will try to refuse it in a good purpose.
Compliment is the expression to appreciate or praise
Both of congratulation and compliment are used to
express something good that happens in someone's

“ Jika kamu tidak mengejar apa yang kamu inginkan, maka kamu tidak akan
mendapatkannya. Jika kamu tidak bertanya maka jawabannya adalah tidak.
Jika kamu tidak melangkah maju, kamu akan tetap berada di tempat yang
sama ”

⌂ Daftar Isi

e-Modul 2019
Direktorat Pembinaan SMA - Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
Latihan Essay I
Complete the dialogue with the suitable sentences!

01. What is the social function of congratulating and

complimenting people?
Alternative answer
02. What are the generic structure of expression on
congratulating and complimenting?
Alternative answer
03. What are the example of the expression on
Alternative answer
04. What are the example of expression on complimenting?
Alternative answer
05. Write one dialogue by using the Expression on
congratulating and its response!
Alternative answer

⌂ Daftar Isi

e-Modul 2019
Direktorat Pembinaan SMA - Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
Latihan Pilihan Ganda I

1. Siti has just got the first prize in the "Bakiak race" to celebrate the
Independence day of Indonesia. Beni congratulates her.
Beni : "__________________"
Siti : Thank you.
A Sure, good luck.
B How are you, Siti?
C Congratulations, Siti.
D Thanks, I will do my best.
E It's okay.

2. The following sentences are expression of congratulation, except...

A Please accept my warmest congratulation.
B I congratulate you on your succes.
C I'm sorry to hear that.
D Congratulations!
E Well done, congratulations for you.

3. The following sentences are responses of congratulation, except ...

A I'm sure I can do it.
B Thank you very much
C Thank you
D It's very good of you to say so
E How nice of you to say so.

4. Megan : Susan, your new shoes are so pretty.

Susan : ____________
What is the best response of the expression?
A Why not?
B Thank you.
C I have to go now.
D My mom go with me.
E Sorry to hear that.

5. Rea : ___________________
Lisa : I'm glad you like it.
What is the suitable expression of the dialogue above?
A I got headache.
B I have to go now.
C The home work is so difficult.
D Your painting is so beautiful.
E You know I like it so much.

⌂ Daftar Isi
e-Modul 2019
Direktorat Pembinaan SMA - Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
Penilaian Diri I
After you learn this chapter, ask yourself with the following

No. Questions Responses

Have you got the idea of expression of

01. Yes No
congratulation and complimenting?

Can you identify the generic structure of each

02. Yes No

Can you write down the example of

03. expression on congratulation and its Yes No

Can you write down the example of

04. expression on complimenting and its Yes No

Do you gain some benefits in learning these

05. Yes No

If you answer "No", you have to review the material, especially

on the question for "No" answer.
If you answer "Yes", you may continune to the next material.
⌂ Daftar Isi

e-Modul 2019
Direktorat Pembinaan SMA - Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
Question 1.

Which statement is true?

Congratulation is the act of expressing joy or acknowledgment,

as for achievement.

B. Congratulation is the feeling of being grateful.

C. Congratulation is something that you say or do to greet.

D. Congratulation is the feeling of being sorry for somebody.

E. Congratulation is an arrangement, a promise.

Question 2.

Dear Sarah,

Congratulation on passing your examination.

By Kattie

What can we learn from the card above?

A. Sarah failed her exam.

B. Kattie passed this exam.

C. Kattie congratulated Sarah for her exam.

D. Kattie passed her exam.

E. Sarah congratulated wini Kattie for her winning.

Question 3.

The word “ passing your exam” has similar meaning with ...

A. fail the exam

B. success in the exam

C. trying an exam

D. preparing an exam

E. doing an exam

Question 4.

Didin : What makes you always smile ?

Nuri : My house became the winner of the cleanest house in our


Didin : ... .

What is the most appropriate response to say next ?

A. Congratulation for you

B. We are very happy

C. Are you sure

D. Don’t you think so

E. Wow, you are so clever

Question 5.

Man : Is that your car ?

Woman : Yes, it is.

Man : Wow, that’s wonderful.

Woman : Thanks.

What does the man compliment ?

A. The woman.

B. The woman’s father.

C. The woman’s talent.

D. The woman’s car.

E. The woman’s bag.

Question 6.

Jihan: I bought a new bag yesterday.

Jihan: Let me show you! (go and bring the new bag)

Dian : Wow... the bag is so cool. You're great in finding the

beautiful thing.

What expression can be found in this dialogue?

A. Thanking.
B. Congratulating.

C. Asking permision.

D. Complimenting.

E. Argumenting.

Question 7.

Bella : _______________

Gadis: It's very kind of you to say so.

What is the best expression to complete the dialogue above?

A. Stay in your house. I'll come.

B. My mom will accompany me to go to your house.

C. You can use my car.

D. May I borrow your note book?

E. You're the most clever student in this school.

Question 8.

Qori : Your house is so comfortable.

Syasya: __________________

What is the best response of the dialogue above?

A. It's okay.

B. Thanks for mentioning.

C. I'll go with you.

D. I'll be fine.

E. I'll make yours.

Question 9.

Bob : Happy aniversary my dear wife.

Sussie: _____________

What is the best response of the dialogue above?

A. I'm glad you remember it.

B. Are you kidding?

C. I'm sorry to hear that.

D. It's okay, babe.

E. Let me handle it.

Question 10.

Grace : ____________

Kelly : Thank you so much.

What is the best expression to complete the dialogue above?

A. Today is happy day.

B. I'm happy today.

C. I'm happy for you.

D. Happy birthday.

E. This is my happiness.

√ Score Evaluation

Score Description

⌂ Daftar Isi

e-Modul 2019
Direktorat Pembinaan SMA - Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

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