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Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching p-ISSN: 2541 -0326

Volume 04, Issue 01, September 2019 e-ISSN: 2541 -0334



Paramita Kusumawardhani

Program of English Department, Faculty of Communication and Language, University of Bina

Sarana Informatika, Jl.Kamal Raya No. 18, Outer Ringroad, Cengkareng Jakarta Barat


The aim of this research is to know about the use of flashcards in improving the English
Young Learners’ writing skills. English has four skills to be learned; they are listening,
speaking, reading, and writing where writing skill is the most difficult skill to be taught
and learned. Flashcard is one of the ways to improve the learners’ skill, especially EYL
writing skill. The participants of this research are English Young Learners (EYL) of the
English Course at Gading Serpong, Tangerang. Classroom Action Research (CAR) was
used as the method of the research and the English Young Learners’ (EYL) story papers
were used as the instruments of the research. The results of the research are: (1) most
learners are excited when they are asked to see the colorful flashcards; (2) learners who
have good writing skill could make the story by completing the missing words and
answer the questions then arrange the answer sentences well; and (3) learners who are
not really master in writing, get some difficulties not only in completing the missing
words but also answering then arranging the answer sentences well.

Keywords: flashcard, writing skill, English Young Learners (EYL)


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penggunaan flashcards dalam
meningkatkan keterampilan menulis para pembelajar muda Bahasa Inggris. Bahasa
Inggris memiliki empat keterampilan yang dapat dipelajari, yaitu: keterampilan
menyimak, berbicara, membaca dan menulis, dimana keterampilan menulis adalah
keterampilan yang paling sulit untuk diajarkan dan dipelajari. Flashcard adalah salah
satu cara untuk meningkatkan keterampilan, khususnya keterampilan menulis.
Partisipan dari penelitian ini adalah para pembelajar muda bahasa Inggris di salah
satu tempat kursus bahasa Inggris di Gading Serpong, Tangerang. Metode penelitian
tindakan kelas adalah metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dan kertas-kertas
latihan para pembelajar muda bahasa Inggris tersebut digunakan sebagai instrumen
penelitian. Hasil dari penelitian ini, yaitu: (1) sebagian besar pembelajar sangat
senang ketika diperlihatkan flashcards berwarna-warni; (2) para pembelajar yang
memiliki keterampilan menulis yang baik dapat membuat cerita dengan melengkapi
kata-kata yang hilang dan menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan lalu menyusun kalimat-
kalimat jawaban tersebut dengan baik; dan (3) para pembelajar yang tidak begitu
menguasai keterampilan menulis, menghadapi beberapa kesulitan tidak hanya dalam
melengkapi kata-kata yang hilang tetapi juga dalam menjawab lalu menyusun kalimat-
kalimat jawaban dengan baik.
Kata Kunci: flashcard, kemampuan menulis, para pembelajar muda Bahasa Inggris

Copyright©2019 35
INTRODUCTION also be fun because usually the flashcards
English has become international are colorful so the flashcards themselves
language which is used in every aspect in can attract the learners’ attention. There
life, such as entertainment, business, are some types of flashcards, they are:
education, and so forth. Because of that imperative and implementation cards,
reason, now many people study English. question and answer cards, games cards
English has four skills which have to be that are used in box games, theoretical
learned and mastered, they are: listening, game or names game and then the
speaking, reading, and writing. Writing is flashcards.
the most difficult skill in learning English. Teaching writing to EYL needs
Writing becomes difficult because what special approach as EYL also has special
we say is different with what we write. characteristics. Teaching writing to EYL
There are some factors which needs step-by-step process. They need to
make English, especially writing skill be taught through step-by-step process as
looks difficult. Writing skill is related to the EYL still does not know how to
vocabulary, spelling, grammar, express the idea well. So, the use of
punctuation, and so on. Writing also flashcard is one way that can be used to
relates to some factors, such as suffixes, teach and to improve the EYL’s writing
prefixes, infixes, ablaut, and reduplication. skill.
It is also related to some linguistics Flashcard is a picture card that
branches, such as Morphology, Syntax, comes with the words introduced by Glenn
Semantics, Sociolinguistics, and Doman, a brain surgeon from Philadelphia,
Psycholinguistics. Thus, before started Pennsylvania. The pictures on the
writing, the learners should master the flashcards grouped in several series:
theories of writing to avoid the mistakes animals, fruits, colors, shapes, alphabet,
that will be made. numbers, professions and so on. The cards
Lately, there are many ways to are played by children and shown to
improve English skill, especially writing. rapidly read out for each card. The cards
The teachers or educators should find are usually displayed with a variety of
appropriate method to teach and to attractive colors because children prefer
improve the learners’, especially English objects.
Young Learners’ (EYL) writing skill. Flashcard is one of the simplest
Flashcard is one of the teaching media to and effective teaching materials for
teach and to improve the learners’, teaching EYL due to the fact that
especially EYL writing skill. Flashcard flashcards are full colored pictures which
can be used to teach and to improve not attractive for EYL. Flashcard consists of
only the learners’ listening, speaking, devices that are grouped by type or class,
reading and writing but also the learners’ for example, groups of pictures of food,
vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, fruits, vegetables, household items,
spelling, and so forth. It is used to teach transportation, and apparel in addition.
and to improve the EYL writing skill Flashcards are a set of cards bearing
because it is usually colorful which can information, such as words, pictures, or
attract the EYL’s attention. Flashcard is numbers, on either or both sides, used in
also attractive as there are many series of classroom drills or in private study (Teng
the flashcards which can be used to teach and He, 2015).
and to improve the EYL’s writing skill. He also mentioned that through
Flashcards play a special role in using flashcards, teachers can help
teaching writing because they are students improve autonomy in three ways:
characterized by originality and eagerness. first, by instructing students how to select
Teaching writing by using flashcards can words. They can self-select words for

36 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol: 04, Issue 01, September 2019, 35-52
study, which is crucial for learners because available pictures then stick them on the
EFL students tend to encounter more cards. Meanwhile, Arsyad (2011) has
words than they could possibly memorize different opinions about flashcard. He said
at short notice. Second, flashcards can give that flashcard usually appears with the size
learners choices of what information to of 8 x 12 cm or it is made based on the
include for a new word. After being size of the classroom. Then those cards
instructed as to the different kinds of consist of pictures of animals, things,
information, e.g., synonyms, antonyms, fruits, and so forth. Izzan (2009) stated that
collocations, example sentences, pictures, flashcard is a teaching tool which is made
that are available, students may be able to from the newspaper with the size of 18 x
choose for themselves which piece of 16 cm which has attractive pictures, words
information is appropriate for their or sentences. Permadi and Suryana (2000)
learning. Third, flashcards can be used to explained that flashcard is one of
facilitate memorization by way of spaced educative games in cards which contains
repetition. The process of creating pictures and words made to improve the
flashcards may exercise the mental learners’ aspects.
processes of active recall. It may also Flashcards can be bright and
present different ways for students to colorful and make a real impact on visual
monitor and evaluate their learning learners. These are simply cards that
processes. display the written word. Flashcards are
Flashcard can also be used to really handy resources to have and can be
teach and to improve the learners, useful at every stage of the class. They are
especially EYL English skill as it is great tools to present, to practice and to
difficult to make engagement with YL in recycle vocabulary and when students
English teaching and learning because become familiar with the activities used in
EYL have different mood, self-motivation, class, they can be given out to early-
and self-confidence which influenced to finishers to use in small groups.
the willingness in grasping the lesson. There are also some benefits of
The characteristic of flashcards is using flashcard to teach and to improve the
a picture that accompanied the words as a learners’, especially EYL skill. The
caption. The goal of the method is to train benefits are:
the right brain’s ability to remember 1. Reading
images and words, so that the vocabulary By using flashcards, love of children
and reading skills that the children can be in reading increases, because their
trained and improved at an early age. In new series of words and new
fact, in infants, the method of flashcards vocabulary knowledge also increase.
will help stimulate the development of Thus, a positive attitude towards
visualization that can enhance the power children’s books as resources can be
of imagination, curiosity, concentration, developed. In accordance with the
and ability to pay attention to a particular development of age, each child will
object. Along with its development, experience several stages in the ability
flashcards are now easily found in book to read as follows: stage magic, self-
stores at affordable prices. This will make concept stage, the stage of the reader,
it easier for every child to learn English at take-off phase, and independent
home and at school. stages.
Susilana and Riyana (2009) stated 2. Listening
that flashcard is a teaching tool which is By using flashcards, children will
made from card and consists of pictures facilitate the mastery of English
with the size of 25 x 30 cm. The pictures listening because children are
are made with hand, photo or by using socialized and are introduced to

37 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol: 04, Issue 01, September 2019, 35-52
pronunciation of a word in the English writing ability such as the production of a
language correctly. Therefore, the variety of genres and rhetorical features,
child will more easily understand what but also including language-specific
the other person means. abilities like the use of a range of
3. Speaking vocabulary and syntactic structures. Some
With a variety of new vocabulary and learners, especially EYL have difficulties
vocabulary are more derived from the to express their ideas through writing. The
introduction of flashcards, then difficulties are sometimes about choosing
automatically, the child will be easier the topic of their writing. Therefore, they
to speak the English language. need some help to find out the inspiration
Children increasingly understand that about what to write so they can express
communication is done verbally their ideas through writing easily. A good
though begins with children’s technique in writing should be chosen to
language simple. ease the teaching learning process.
4. Writing Writing can be said well if it can
By using flashcards, children will be give information or messages clearly and
easier to increase the ability they creates effective verbal dialogue to
wrote. In addition, children will readers. It aims to give point of view of the
understand the concept that writing ideas in text where it organizes in different
can be used as a medium to way of writing such as narration,
communicate. In accordance with the description, exposition, and
development of age, each child will argumentation. When students write a
experience writing abilities as stages: paragraph, they try to explore what they
the stages of strike out and scratch, are thinking in mind, and they also
linear repetition, random letters, concern with the language, meaning, and
phonetic, phase transitions spelling the structural of context related to English
and conventional spelling. language acquisition as second or foreign
The four languages skills and Writing must be related to the
components should be known by the content; the language and grammatical rule
learners or students in learning English. It are related to writing. They should be done
is very important for the learners or well in order to avoid a misunderstanding
students, especially EYL to be able to so the learners have to use correct
write in English for their future life. sentences by creating a well written text
Informal writing can be used as a start to and giving attention to the arrangement of
learn to write, and flashcard can be used to words their composition to express their
accommodate this. idea and to give the value of the writing to
Writing is the most difficult part readers.
in English subject as what it is said Writing is seen as a product
different from what it is written. Ron and constructed from the writer’s command of
Ardnt (2011) stated that writing is far from grammatical and lexical knowledge, and
being a simple matter of transcribing writing development is considered to be
language into written symbols; it is a the result of imitating and manipulating
thinking process in its right. Therefore, models provided by the teacher. For many
before the learners starting to write an who adopt this view, writing is regarded as
English composition, they should master an extension of grammar-a means of
the English pattern correctly. reinforcing language patterns through
Writing is one of the skills in habit formation and testing learners’
learning English. Writing skill is related to ability to produce well-formed sentences.
the learners’ competence. It emphasizes on

38 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol: 04, Issue 01, September 2019, 35-52
Developing writing is related to from an early age, begin to sort out words
the writer’s knowledge of language and involving concrete subjects. It happens
writing exposure, and writing process is when EYL study about vocabulary. They
the way the writers give their ideas and need objects which they can see or handle.
messages to readers in the form of text. EYL do not comprehend abstract subjects
Various ways of writing such as narration, such as grammar. Bourke (2006) notes that
description, classification, comparison and young learners do not have a concept of
contrast, argumentation and so on can be ideas such as parts of speech, discourse or
used to express or share the writers’ ideas. phonology. Cameron (2003) says that
Here are some ways to express and share some differences are immediately obvious:
the writers’ ideas, (1) Narration. It is a children are more enthusiastic and lively
basic writing strategy for presenting past as learners. They want to please the
event or activities. It can be used for a teacher rather than peer-groups. They will
variety of purposes such as to illustrate and have a go at an activity even when they do
to support ideas with anecdotes, to not quite understand why or how.
entertain readers with revealing stories, to However, they also lose interest more
analyze causes and possible effects with quickly and are less able to keep
scenarios, and to explain procedures with themselves motivated on tasks they find
process narrative; (2) Description. It is a difficult. Children do not find it as easy to
strategy used to create a dominant use language to talk about language; in
impression. For example, describing a other words, they do not have the same
place in order to set a scene and to make access as older learners to meta-language
readers aware of its atmosphere and to that teachers can use to explain about
describe people to show a kind of person’s grammar or discourse. Children often
performance; (3) Classification. It aims to seem embarrassed than adults at talking in
classify number of items or ideas into a a new language, and their lack inhibition
small number of classes. In a classification seems to help them get a more native-like
of paragraph, it is important to set up accent.
adequate categories and to define what EYL’s characteristics are
goes into categories; (4) Comparison and necessary to be known and understood by
contrast are to compare similar aspects or EYL’s teachers. It is done because it will
to contrast different aspects of two influence many aspects in teaching English
subjects, people or things, and (5) to EYL. The aspects are: teaching style,
Argumentation. It is to argue ideas or methods, teaching materials, lesson plan
opinion by giving some argues to proof the and the way of getting along with them.
concept or research. A good paragraph The aspects become important to be
must give readers complete information understood by EYL’s teachers as EYL
and unified by a controlling idea. It is usually want to know about everything, as
organized form and can be understood Pinter (2006) says that young learners
what the paragraph is going to be about. have a great curiosity to try new things and
There is a phenomenon in to explore concrete to abstract things.
learning English. Learning English has Harmer (2001) also explains that young
started in the early age. It has happened learners get their understanding not only
since the second half of the century. It is from explanation but also from what they
also happened because now English is see and hear, learn when they have a
used in order to face the global demand chance to touch and interact with
which its emphasis is on the need for (experience it).
communication skills. Juhana (2014) states that teaching
The information process between English as a foreign language to young
EYL and adult is different. Children, start learners needs special approach since

39 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol: 04, Issue 01, September 2019, 35-52
young learners have special characteristics. researcher or the teacher needs to identify
It is stated that the improvement of any problems real found in the classroom
abilities to learn foreign language is started before implementing the CAR.
from the early age. Teaching EYL needs Recognizing, completing the missing
interesting materials. It is done in order to words, answering the questions then
get the EYLs’ attention as EYLs’ arranging the answer sentences were done
knowledge, especially about language, is as the procedures of the research. They
limited. Slattery and Willis (2001) affirm were carried out in order to know about
that young learners have a quite short the effectiveness of using flashcards for
attention span and are easy to get bored. teaching writing to English Young
So, comprehending the EYL’s Learners (EYL).
characteristics and selecting the suitable
materials are important in order to be RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
successful in teaching EYL. Some findings were found in the
research. The findings then were
METHOD interpreted in order to give clear
The participants of this research explanations related to the topic which was
were the English Young Learners (EYL), being discussed. The findings were also
which the age between 10-12 years old, used to teach and to improve the learners’,
from one of the English Courses at Gading especially EYL’s English writing skill.
Serpong, Tangerang. The data for this Based on the results which were taken
research was taken from the learners’ story from the learners’ writing, it can be seen
papers and there were about 5 pieces of the that the learners could make the story well
learners’ story papers used as the samples. as they were given the questions guidance.
The method used in this research is The questions guidance was related to the
Classroom Action Research (CAR). flashcard. The learners were asked to
According to Wallace (1998), Classroom recognize the flashcard given then the
Action Research (CAR) is a type of learners were given and asked to complete
classroom research carried out by the the sentences by using the words given in
teacher in order to solve problems or to the box.
find answer toward context-specific issues. The followings are the EYL’s
It means that before implementing the writing related to the flashcard.
Classroom Action Research (CAR), the In the Kitchen

40 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol: 04, Issue 01, September 2019, 35-52
Figure 1
Anggi’s Story

41 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol: 04, Issue 01, September 2019, 35-52
Figure 2
Carissa’s Story

42 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol: 04, Issue 01, September 2019, 35-52
Figure 3
Alberto’s Story

43 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol: 04, Issue 01, September 2019, 35-52
Figure 4
Alfredo’s Story

44 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol: 04, Issue 01, September 2019, 35-52
Figure 5
Resha’s Story

Based on the results above, it can could not complete the missing words
be concluded that not all the learners could well.
make a story in written well. Some of them

45 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol: 04, Issue 01, September 2019, 35-52
In the Living Room

Figure 6
Anggis’s Questions and Story

46 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol: 04, Issue 01, September 2019, 35-52
Figure 7
Carissa’s Questions and Story

47 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol: 04, Issue 01, September 2019, 35-52
Figure 8
Alberto’s Questions and Story

48 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol: 04, Issue 01, September 2019, 35-52
Figure 9
Alfredo’s Questions and Story

49 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol: 04, Issue 01, September 2019, 35-52
Figure 10
Resha’s Story

There were 2 flashcards used flashcard, she could not

to do the research. Both of them have answer the questions
questions related to the flashcards but and arrange the story
the questions are in different form. The well. The story was by
first flashcards were about completing arranging the answer
the missing words and the missing sentences.
words were provided in the box. Then, Figure 2 & 7: Carissa’s story. Both in
the second flashcards were about the first and second
answering the questions. Next, after flashcards, she could
answering the questions, the learners not only complete the
were asked to arrange into a story which missing words but also
was still related to the flashcard. answer then arrange the
answer sentences into a
The results were: story as well.
Figure 1 & 6: Anggi’s story. In the Figure 3 & 8: Alberto’s story. In the
first flashcard, she first flashcard, he could
could make a story not complete the
well. She could missing words but in
complete the missing the second flashcard, he
words given in the box, could not only answer
but in the second the questions but also

50 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol: 04, Issue 01, September 2019, 35-52
arrange the answer also help the educators and teachers in
sentences well. teaching writing activity. There are also
Figure 4 & 9: Alfredo’s story. He did many ways of using flashcard to teach
the same as Alberto. In and to improve English skill. Flashcards
the first flashcard, he can be used to teach and to improve
could not complete the listening, speaking, reading and also
missing words well. He writing. It also can be used to study and
made some errors. But to improve the learners’ vocabulary,
in the second flashcard, pronunciation, spelling, grammar, and
he could not only so forth.
answer but also arrange There are two types of using
the story well. flashcards in this research, that is, to
Figure 5 & 10: Resha’s story. In the complete the missing words and to
first flashcard, he could answer the questions then to arrange the
not complete the answer sentences into a story. Different
missing words well, but type has different result. In the first
in the second flashcard, type, which is to complete the missing
he made a little words, the learners, especially EYL
improvement. He could could not complete the missing words
answer the questions well. It happened because some of them
then arranging them still did not know the meaning of the
into a story. words well and they still got difficulties
Based on the results above, it in putting the words into the correct
can be summarized that most of the sentence. The second type of using
learners could make a story related to flashcard, the learners, especially EYL,
the flashcards well. Even when they started to show a significant
were given and were asked to make a improvement. They could answer then
story with two types of making a story, arrange the answer sentences into a
the first type is about completing the story well. It could happen because
missing words by using the words in the before arranging the story, the learners
box and the second type is about have given the clues about making the
answering the questions then arranging story. They were asked to answer the
them into a story. questions given then arrange the answer
sentences into a story.
Based on the theories and REFERENCES
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tools that can be used to teach and to 57, 105-112.
improve the learners, especially EYL’s Harmer, J. (2001). The Practice of
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51 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol: 04, Issue 01, September 2019, 35-52
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52 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol: 04, Issue 01, September 2019, 35-52

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