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SEMESTER 2020/21.1 (2020.2)

Nama Mahasiswa : Dhias Afri Nugroho………………………….

……………………. Nomor Induk Mahasiswa/NIM : 031070975.………………....

…………………………………….. Tanggal Lahir : 15 April

1990……………………..……………………………….. Kode/Nama Mata Kuliah :

ABDI4201 / Bahasa Inggris Niaga.....…..….…………….…..… Kode/Nama Program Studi

: 54 / Manajemen……………………………….………………….. Kode/Nama UPBJJ

: 48 / Palangka Raya…………………...…..……..……………….. Hari/Tanggal UAS THE

: Minggu / 20 Desember 2020………........……………………….

Tanda Tangan Peserta Ujian


1. Anda wajib mengisi secara lengkap dan benar identitas pada cover BJU pada halaman ini.
2. Anda wajib mengisi dan menandatangani surat pernyataan kejujuran akademik.
3. Jawaban bisa dikerjakan dengan diketik atau tulis tangan.
4. Jawaban diunggah disertai dengan cover BJU dan surat pernyataan kejujuran akademik.


Surat Pernyataan
Kejujuran Akademik

Yang bertanda tangan di

bawah ini:

Nama Mahasiswa : Dhias Afri Nugroho

NIM : 031070975

Kode/Nama Mata Kuliah : ABDI4201 / Bahasa Inggris Niaga

Fakultas : Ekonomi

Program Studi : Manajemen

UPBJJ-UT : Palangkaraya

1. Saya tidak menerima naskah UAS THE dari siapapun selain mengunduh dari aplikasi THE pada
2. Saya tidak memberikan naskah UAS THE kepada siapapun.
3. Saya tidak menerima dan atau memberikan bantuan dalam bentuk apapun dalam pengerjaan soal
ujian UAS THE.
4. Saya tidak melakukan plagiasi atas pekerjaan orang lain (menyalin dan mengakuinya sebagai
pekerjaan saya).
5. Saya memahami bahwa segala tindakan kecurangan akan mendapatkan hukuman sesuai dengan
aturan akademik yang berlaku di Universitas Terbuka.
6. Saya bersedia menjunjung tinggi ketertiban, kedisiplinan, dan integritas akademik dengan
tidak melakukan kecurangan, joki, menyebarluaskan soal dan jawaban UAS THE melalui media
apapun, serta tindakan tidak terpuji lainnya yang bertentangan dengan peraturan akademik
Universitas Terbuka.

Demikian surat pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sesungguhnya. Apabila di kemudian hari terdapat
pelanggaran atas pernyataan di atas, saya bersedia bertanggung jawab dan menanggung sanksi akademik
yang ditetapkan oleh Universitas Terbuka.

Sampit, 20 Desember 2020

Yang Membuat Pernyataan

Dhias Afri Nugroho

1. Every country in the world must have certain policies issued officially by the government, including
in Indonesia. The purpose of regulation is so that all activities carried out in the country can run smoothly and
there are laws that apply if citizens do not obey them.
Government policy also covers various activities related to business. Manpower laws, for example,
are made so that employers and employees can carry out their duties according to their respective rights and
responsibilities. On the other hand, there are also several other policies that can have an indirect impact on
your business.
Tax regulations
One of the policies issued by the Indonesian government is fiscal policy, which is an economic
policy that is used to manage the country's economy for the better. The trick is to focus on government
revenues and spending. Indirectly, fiscal policy can affect business in Indonesia, namely in terms of taxes.
This is because one of the sources of government income comes from taxes, including business
taxes. Businesses are required to pay a tax of a certain percentage of their profits. Not to mention the
building tax if you have an office. As a result, in order to pay taxes to the government, business people
increase the price of the products they sell. That's why when consumers buy a meal at a restaurant, for
example, they are required to pay a tax of as much as 10%.
Indonesian Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati published about the impact that could occur if
the import duty obligation was eliminated. Based on his explanation, if the import duty is eliminated, imported
goods will easily dominate the Indonesian market so that domestic production activities are threatened. As a
result, a customs policy was imposed on goods carried by passengers from abroad which is the authority of
the Directorate General of Customs Excise Ministry of Finance
On the one hand, this is actually a good impact for business people who sell local goods.
However, on the other hand, business people who sell imported goods, especially online businesses, are at
a loss. The amount of tax imposed inevitably makes imported goods businesses increase their prices. If the
price of the product is not increased, the import goods businessman can only make little or no profit.
The continuity of a business is also greatly influenced by the Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG),
especially for businesses that have gone public and allow the public to invest in their business. If the Jakarta
Composite Index (JCI) declines, businesses can be confused because they are worried that the public will
not buy back their investment shares. If there is not enough investment, business can certainly stagnate.

2. Advantages to being a first mover :

a. Have the potential to make a lasting impression on customers, which can lead to brand recognition and
brand loyalty.
b. Have more time to refine their processes and to perfect their products or services.
c. Have an advantage in controlling resources, such as a strategic location or an exclusive contract with key
suppliers or talented employees.
d. Have a sustainable advantage when there is a high cost involved for customers to switch brands at a later
3. Human capital is important for a country especially to developing country. Policy makers
acknowledge the critical role of a strong human resource base in complementing other investments and
policies to boost productivity and economic progress. Yet while these countries report lower average levels
of educational attainment than industrialised countries, in some countries significant numbers of those with
high levels of formal qualifications end up unemployed, working in jobs that under-utilise their skills or
emigrating to other countries. The result is a misallocation and waste of resources that these countries can
ill-afford. Developing countries are therefore in urgent need of new strategies and approaches that focus
more explicitly on the links and coherence between investments in skills development and employment and
As indicated previously spending in the areas of health and education are directly related to
economic growth. Research indicates that education spending should focus less on creating more schools,
providing up to date schools through resource investment, vocational or tertiary schools, and instead focus
on improving the quality of schools. School quality (not through resources) could include evaluating and
structuring curriculums that focus on building and solidifying basic skills, utilizing the most effective tested
learning theories and teaching methods, and improving teacher to pupil ratios. Investments in education take
longer to effect economic growth than spending in health. A healthier population though is more capable of
utilizing opportunities in education. Future studies should investigate what constitutes effective health
spending, and how that can set up developing countries to take advantage of increases in education
spending. It is important to note that a lack of governmental support can impede human capital investment
which is a major issue for many developing countries.

4. Example of a laissez faire policy :

a. Trade in goods without taxes (including tariffs) or other trade barriers (e.g. import quotas or subsidies for
b. Trade in services without taxes or other trade barriers.
c. There is no "trade-distorting" policy (such as taxes, subsidies, regulations, or laws) that provide benefits
for firms, households, or factors of production.
d. Access to unregulated markets.
e. Access to unregulated market information.
f. The inability of firms to distort markets through government-imposed monopolies or oligopoly power.
g. Trade agreements that encourage free trade.

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