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Kelelahan dan Pemulihan

Disusun untuk memenuhi tugas suatu matakuliah

Fosiologi Olahraga 2 yang diampu oleh Dr. Sugiharto M.S

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Penyebab Kelelahan Pada Olahraga

Kelelahan terjadi pada setiap orang yang melakukan aktivitas olahraga dengan intensitas tinggi.
Kelelahan tidak bisa diatasi hanya dengan istirahat, sebab kelelahan bisa terjadi karena sistem
metabolisme energi. Dalam penyedian energi saat beraktivitas olahraga yang kurang sempurna.
Kelelahan dapat dibagi dalam dua tipe, yaitu lelah mental dan lelah fisik. Lelah mental biasanya
disebabkan karena kerja mental sedangakan lelah fisik karena pekerjaan otot. Pemulihan sangat
penting setelah melaksanakan program latihan atau pertandingan. Kelelahan (fisik) ialah
menurunya kapasitas kerja (fisik) yang disebabkan oleh karena melakukan pekerjaan itu.
Menurunnya kapasitas kerja berarti menurunya kualitas dan kuantitas kerja/gerak fisik itu. Bila
lingkupnya dipersempit pada kualitas gerakan, maka kelelahan ditujukan oleh menurunya
kualitas gerak.

Program latihan khususnya program latihan fisikyang dilaksanakan secara kuntinyu dan
melewati batas-batas pembebanan ini akan menimbulkan kelelahan. Kelelahan bias diistilahkan
dengan banyak sebutan seperti: kepayahan kecapekan, kepenatan,atau dengan sebutan lainnya.
Tidak ada hal yang signifikan yang membedakan istilah-istilah itu. Semua istilah tersebut, secara
umum, mengacu pada kondisi tubuh yang tidak bertenaga lagi karena aktivitas yang begitu
tinggi. Selain itu, ada rasa yang tidak nyaman secara psiologis dan rasa sakit pada otot-otot
tubuh ketika akan melakukan aktivitas yang berkaitan dengan otot.

Ketika seorang atlet melakukan pelatihan dalam volume besar atau pada intensitas sangat tinggi,
kebugaran akan meningkat tetapi kelelahan juga akan meningkat. Maka diperlukan usaha untuk
mengurangi tingkat kelelahan dengan melaksanakan program recovery pada atlet yang
bersangkutan. Recovery aktif adalah latihan dengan intensitas rendah atau ringan . pemulihan
aktif (recovery) mengacu pada pemulihan dari latihan menggunakan intensitas kegiatan rendah
dengan tujuan untuk pemulihan. Pemulihan aktif membantu membersihkan otot-otot dari asam
laktat yang menyebabkan rasa sakit dan kelelahan. Recovery pasif yaitu latihan yang tidak
melibatkan aktifitas atau dilakukan duduk diam atau aktifitas istirahat total. Jadi recovery pasif
yaitu suatu aktivitas fisik tanpa adanya aktifitas fisik, yaitu diam, istirahat total (duduk,
terlentang atau tidur). Kelelahan terjadi pada setiap orang yang melakukan aktivitas olahraga
dengan intensitas tinggi. Kelelahan tidak bisa diatasi hanya dengan istirahat, sebab kelelahan bisa
terjadi karena sistem metabolisme energi.

Aktivitas olahraga yang bertipe anaerobi akan meningkatkan konsentrasi asam laktat dalam sel
otot. Peningkatan jumlah asam laktat menyebabkan menurunya pH dari sel, penurunan pH
menyebabkan penurunan kecepatan reaksi dan menyebabkan penurunan kemampuan
metabolisme dan produksi ATP. Kelelahan otot membatasi kinerja otot. Kelelahan otot dapat
bersifat lokal maupun menyeluruh. Dapat menyertai olahraga enduran maupun olahraga yang
berintensitas tinggi yang berlangsung singkat. Otot yang lelah adalah otot tidak bias
Lampiran Abstrak Jurnal

1. There have been a multitude of reviews written on exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) and
recovery. EIMD is a complex area of study as there are a host of factors such as sex, age,
nutrition, fitness level, genetics and familiarity with exercise task, which influence the magnitude
of performance decrement and the time course of recovery following EIMD. In addition, many
reviews on recovery from exercise have ranged from the impact of nutritional strategies and
recovery modalities, to complex mechanistic examination of various immune and endocrine
signaling molecules. No one review can adequately address this broad array of study. Thus, in
this present review, we aim to examine EIMD emanating from both endurance exercise and
resistance exercise training in recreational and competitive athletes and shed light on nutritional
strategies that can enhance and accelerate recovery following EIMD. In addition, the evaluation
of EIMD and recovery from exercise is often complicated and conclusions often depend of the
specific mode of assessment. As such, the focus of this review is also directed at the available
techniques used to assess EIMD.

Markus, I., Constantini, K., Hoffman, J. R., Bartolomei, S., & Gepner, Y. (2021). Exercise-
induced muscle damage: Mechanism, assessment and nutritional factors to accelerate
recovery. European journal of applied physiology, 121(4), 969-992.

2. Women and men present different metabolic responses to exercise, yet whether this phenomenon
results from differences in fiber type (FT) composition or other sex-specific factors remains
unclear. Therefore, our aim was to examine the effects of sex and FT independently on AMP-
activated protein kinase (AMPK), acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC), Tre-2/BUB2/CDC1 domain
family (TBC1D)1, and TBC1D4 in response to acute exercise. Segregated pools of myosin
heavy chain (MHC) I and MHC IIa fibers were prepared from vastus lateralis biopsies of young
trained men and women at rest and during recovery (0 min, 45 min, 90 min, or 180 min) from
high-intensity interval exercise (6 × 1.5 min at 95% maximum oxygen uptake). In resting MHC I
vs. IIa fibers, AMPKα2, AMPKγ3, and TBC1D1 were higher and TBC1D4 expression was
lower in both sexes, along with higher phospho (p)-TBC1D1Ser660 and lower p-TBC1D4Thr642.
Women expressed higher ACC than men in MHC IIa fibers and higher AMPKβ1, AMPKβ2,
TBC1D1, and TBC1D4 in both FTs. Immediately after exercise, p-AMPKαThr172 increased only
in MHC IIa fibers, whereas p-ACCSer221 increased in both FTs, with no change in p-
TBC1D1Ser660 or p-TBC1D4Thr642. During recovery, delayed responses were observed for p-
AMPKαThr172 in MHC I (45 min), p-TBC1D4Thr642 in both FTs (45 min), and p-TBC1D1Ser660 (180
min). FT-specific phosphorylation responses to exercise were similar between men and women.
Data indicate that sex and FT independently influence expression of AMPK and its substrates.
Thus failing to account for sex or FT may reduce accuracy and precision of metabolic protein
measurements and conceal key findings.

Tobias, I. S., Lazauskas, K. K., Siu, J., Costa, P. B., Coburn, J. W., & Galpin, A. J. (2020). Sex
and fiber type independently influence AMPK, TBC1D1, and TBC1D4 at rest and during
recovery from high-intensity exercise in humans. Journal of Applied Physiology, 128(2), 350-

3. Sixteen female soccer players (age = 20.19 ± 1.52 years; body mass = 56.52 ± 4.95 kg; body
height = 164.81 ± 4.21 cm) with no history of lower extremity injury participated in the study.
The Biodex SD Balance system was used to determine the non-dominant single-leg stability. In
anaerobic exercise, each subject performed four maximal cycling efforts against a resistance
equivalent to 0.075 kg/body mass for 30 s with three-minute rest intervals. In aerobic exercise,
subjects performed the Bruce protocol on a motorized treadmill. After each exercise, subjects
subsequently performed a single-leg stability test and then repeated the same test for four times
with five-minute passive rest periods. In accordance with the results, it was found that the
impairment observed right after the aerobic loading was higher (p < 0.001) compared to the
anaerobic one. However, the time-related deterioration in both aerobic and anaerobic loadings
was similar. The B-pre value was lower than Bpost and B5 (p < 0.01) and B10 (p < 0.05) in both
conditions. Subjects could reach the initial balance level at B15 after aerobic and anaerobic
loadings. The lactate level did not reach resting value even after 20 min of both fatigue protocols.
Although the fatigue after aerobic and aerobic exercise negatively affects a single-leg dynamic
balance level, single leg balance ability returns to the baseline status after 10 min of passive
recovery duration
Güler, Ö., Aras, D., Akça, F., Bianco, A., Lavanco, G., Paoli, A., & Şahin, F. N. (2020). Effects
of aerobic and anaerobic fatigue exercises on postural control and recovery time in female soccer
players. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(17), 6273.
4. To determine the efficacy of 20 minutes of external counterpulsation (ECP) on subsequent 1.2-
km shuttle run test (1.2SRT) performance and perceived recovery following fatiguing high-
intensity exercise. Methods: After familiarization, 13 recreationally active males (21.4 [1.9] y)
participated in 2 experimental trials in a randomized crossover design. At 8:00 AM, participants
completed a 1.2SRT, followed by an individualized high-intensity exercise bout and 20 minutes of
ECP or supine passive rest (control). At 2:00 PM a second 1.2SRT was completed. Completion
time for 1.2SRT (measured in seconds), heart rate, and Borg rating of perceived exertion were
compared across conditions. Total quality of recovery and 100-mm visual analogue scale of
perceived benefit of recovery were assessed at multiple time points. Results: A significantly
smaller decline in PM 1.2SRT completion time compared with AM (baseline) was found for ECP
compared with control (P = .008; moderate, very likely beneficial effect size of −0.77 [−1.53 to
0.05]). Total quality of recovery was significantly higher for ECP than control (P < .001), and
perceived benefit of recovery was higher following ECP (P < .001, very large, most likely
beneficial effect size of 2.08 [1.22 to 2.81]). Conclusions: Twenty minutes of ECP was found to
be an effective recovery modality for within-day, between-bouts exercise, positively influencing
subsequent 1.2SRT performance and enhancing perceptual recovery. ECP may be applied as a
viable alternative to optimize and accelerate the recovery process, particularly in the event of
congested training or competition demands.
Russell, S., Evans, A. G., Jenkins, D. G., & Kelly, V. G. (2020). Effect of external
counterpulsation on running performance and perceived recovery. International Journal of
Sports Physiology and Performance, 15(7), 920-926.
5. Taurine has become a popular supplement among athletes attempting to improve performance.
While the effectiveness of taurine as an ergogenic aid remains controversial, this paper
summarizes the current evidence regarding the efficacy of taurine in aerobic and anaerobic
performance, metabolic stress, muscle soreness, and recovery. Google Scholar, Web of Science,
and MedLine (PubMed) searches were conducted through September 2020. Peer-reviewed
studies that investigated taurine as a single ingredient at dosages of < 1 g - 6 g, ranging from 10
to 15 min-to-2 h prior to exercise bout or chronic dose (7 days- 8 weeks) of consumption were
included. Articles were excluded if taurine was not the primary or only ingredient in a
supplement or food source, not published in peer-reviewed journals, if participants were older
than 50 years, articles published before 1999, animal studies, or included participants with health
issues. A total of 19 studies met the inclusion criteria for the review.

Key results include improvements in the following: VO2max, time to exhaustion (TTE; n = 5
articles), 3 or 4 km time-trial (n = 2 articles), anaerobic performance (n = 7 articles), muscle
damage (n = 3 articles), peak power (n = 2 articles), recovery (n = 1 article). Taurine also caused
a change in metabolites: decrease in lactate, creatine kinase, phosphorus, inflammatory markers,
and improved glycolytic/fat oxidation markers (n = 5 articles). Taurine dosing appears to be
effective at ~ 1–3 g/day acutely across a span of 6–15 days (1–3 h before an activity) which may
improve aerobic performance (TTE), anaerobic performance (strength, power), recovery
(DOMS), and a decrease in metabolic markers (creatine kinase, lactate, inorganic phosphate).

Limited and varied findings prohibit definitive conclusions regarding the efficacy of taurine on
aerobic and anaerobic performance and metabolic outcomes. There are mixed findings for the
effect of taurine consumption on improving recovery from training bouts and/or mitigating
muscle damage. The timing of taurine ingestion as well as the type of exercise protocol
performed may contribute to the effectiveness of taurine as an ergogenic aid. More investigations
are needed to better understand the potential effects of taurine supplementation on aerobic and
anaerobic performance, muscle damage, metabolic stress, and recovery.

Kurtz, J. A., VanDusseldorp, T. A., Doyle, J. A., & Otis, J. S. (2021). Taurine in sports and
exercise. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 18(1), 1-20.

6. The study of the origin and implications of fatigue in exercise has been widely investigated, but
not completely understood given the complex multifactorial mechanisms involved. Then, it is
essential to understand the fatigue mechanism to help trainers and physicians to prescribe an
adequate training load. The present narrative review aims to analyze the multifactorial factors of
fatigue in physical exercise. To reach this aim, a consensus and critical review were performed
using both primary sources, such as scientific articles, and secondary ones, such as bibliographic
indexes, web pages, and databases. The main search engines were PubMed, SciELO, and Google
Scholar. Central and peripheral fatigue are two unison constructs part of the Integrative Governor
theory, in which both psychological and physiological drives and requirements are underpinned
by homeostatic principles. The relative activity of each one is regulated by dynamic negative
feedback activity, as the fundamental general operational controller. Fatigue is conditioned by
factors such as gender, affecting men and women differently. Sleep deprivation or psychological
disturbances caused, for example, by stress, can affect neural activation patterns, realigning them
and slowing down simple mental operations in the context of fatigue. Then, fatigue can have
different origins not only related with physiological factors. Therefore, all these prisms must be
considered for future approaches from sport and clinical perspectives.
Tornero-Aguilera, J. F., Jimenez-Morcillo, J., Rubio-Zarapuz, A., & Clemente-Suárez, V. J.
(2022). Central and Peripheral Fatigue in Physical Exercise Explained: A Narrative
Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(7), 3909.

7. Visual perception and cognitive (i.e., decision-making) abilities facilitate successful avoidance of
obstacles in a person’s environment. However, detrimental changes to cognition can occur after
physical fatigue is induced by strenuous exercise. The purpose of the current study was to
determine if obstacle avoidance behaviors reflect similar negative effects following physically
fatiguing exercise. A virtual reality (VR) closing-gap aperture crossing task was completed by 13
recreationally active individuals to assess the effects of physical fatigue on passability
judgements and response time. Participants approached closing apertures that moved at one of
seven speeds while deciding to either pass through the closing aperture or stop. Participants
completed four blocks of trials over a 7-day period (i.e., pre- and post-tests on the fatiguing day
and control day). No significant differences for passability judgements were found across each of
the blocks, but there was a significant reduction in response time on the post-test exercise day.
Thus, physical fatigue increased the time required to make, and follow through on, a decision.
The current findings suggest that processes requiring more cortical areas and processing (i.e.,
response time) may be more detrimentally affected by physically fatiguing exercise compared to
dichotomous visuomotor tasks (i.e., passability judgements).
Snyder, N. A., & Cinelli, M. E. (2021). Aperture Crossing in Virtual Reality: Physical Fatigue
Delays Response Time. Journal of Motor Behavior, 1-9.
8. Hemodialysis is one of the common therapies in patients with end-stage renal disease. Even
patients who receive regular treatment suffer from fatigue, which is one of the main factors
leading to poor quality of life. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of exercising on
mini-bikes on fatigue in hemodialysis patients. This study is a randomized controlled clinical
trial. Thirty-seven hemodialysis patients participated in the study. The patients were randomly
allocated to either the intervention group (n = 20) or the control group (n = 17). The participants
in the intervention group exercised on mini-bikes for 20 min twice a week for 3 months. The
patients’ fatigue was measured four times during and after the intervention. Multidimensional
Fatigue Inventory was used to measure the fatigue level. The total score in the MFI is 4 to 20 for
each domain, with the resulting total fatigue score ranging from 20 to 100; thus, the higher the
score, the higher the level of fatigue. Data were analyzed by SPSS 18. The repeated measures
ANOVA was used to compare the fatigue scores within each group and between the groups at
different times.

The mean score of fatigue in the intervention group at the beginning was 58.80 ± 15.29, which
steadily decreased to 58.78 ± 13.54, 58.75 ± 14.73, 54.20 ± 15.16, and 54.23 ± 13.60 for the 3 
months of intervention and 1 month post-intervention, respectively. In contrast, in the control
group, this score was 62.53 ± 16.32 in the beginning, increasing to 64.03 ± 13.91, 64.22 ± 13.07,
69.53 ± 9.22, for the 3 months of intervention and 70.34 ± 7.69 one-month post-intervention.
There were significant differences between the intervention group and the control group in the
third month (P = 0.001) and 1 month after the intervention (P < 0.001). The results showed that
rehabilitation through exercising using mini-bikes had a significant impact on preventing further
fatigue build-up in hemodialysis patients, making the mini-bike an effective non-pharmaceutical
intervention preventing the increase in fatigue experienced by patients undergoing hemodialysis.

Salehi, F., Dehghan, M., Mangolian Shahrbabaki, P., & Ebadzadeh, M. R. (2020). Effectiveness
of exercise on fatigue in hemodialysis patients: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Sports
Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation, 12(1), 1-9.

9. Convolution neural network is applied in image processing, and it can also carry out deep
learning according to image classification. Its main advantage is that it can directly convolute the
pixels related to the image, and then extract the main image features from the image. Of course,
this way of processing may be closer to that of the human brain system. In this paper, the design
and parameter optimization of convolution neural network are deeply studied and discussed. At
the same time, the field monitoring and experimental methods are combined with historical data
to further study the rainfall and runoff and sediment yield. Through the research and analysis, it
is found that athletes can appropriately improve their training performance, competitive ability,
and sports ability when choosing more difficult training. High-intensity training can
appropriately exceed the normal psychological and bearing capacity of the human body, but if it
is excessive, it will lead to physical fatigue. In the normal training process, we should consider
the level of training intensity and pay attention to relaxation and recovery exercise. If we want to
make the trainer recover in a short time, we should use effective means to carry out reasonable
training and improve the sports ability. In the training to a certain time, the body organs may
decline in function, so in the daily hard training, we should strictly grasp all aspects of scientific
and comprehensive development, and coaches and athletes should timely solve the problem of
recovery after sports.
Liang, L., & Beina, H. (2021). RETRACTED ARTICLE: Simulation of rainfall process in
mountainous regions and sports athletes’ fatigue recovery based on convolutional neural
network. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 14(11), 1-15.

10. Volleyball is a team sport with high physical and perceptual-cognitive demand, hence, increasing
the perception of physical and mental fatigue during a competition. To alleviate fatigue (physical
and mental), mindfulness and music have been proposed. The aim of this study was to analyze
the effect of mindfulness-based mental versus music training on mental fatigue, physical fatigue,
and recovery in elite competitive female volleyball athletes using a randomized two-controlled
study with follow-up. Participants were 30 elite female Brazilian volleyball athletes. Athletes
were randomly assigned to the following groups: 1) mindfulness-based mental training group
(MBMT); 2) music-based training group (MBT); or 3) control group (CG). Three variables were
evaluated as follows: 1) recovery based on total quality recovery; 2) mental fatigue visual analog
scale; and 3) physical fatigue visual analog scale. Regarding recovery, there was no difference
between the MBMT, MBT, and CG groups (p > 0.05). A difference in mental fatigue was noted
between MBT and CG at follow-up [F(2,26) = 5.71, p = 0.009; large]. Regarding physical
fatigue, there was no difference between the MBMT, MBT, and CG groups (p > 0.05). The
mindfulness intervention effectively attenuated the mental fatigue caused by competition in
volleyball athletes. These results will assist coaches and staff in providing fatigue management
and reinforce the applicability of mental training in sports.

Coimbra, D. R., Bevilacqua, G. G., Pereira, F. S., & Andrade, A. (2021). Effect of Mindfulness
Training on Fatigue and Recovery in Elite Volleyball Athletes: A Randomized Controlled
Follow-Up Study. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, 20(1), 1.

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