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Sulia Ningsih(2019)
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi penggunaan android yang tidak bisa dipisahkan dari kehidupan
manusia, termasuk mahasiswa. Android menjadi kebutuhan primrer seperti halnya kebutuhan
manusia akan makan, pakaian dan tempat tinggal. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui
persepsi mahasiswa terhadap mobile learning berbasis android di Program Studi Teknologi
Pendidikan FKIP Universitas Baturaja yang dilihat dari: 1) Pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap
mobile learning berbasis android; 2) Manfaat android dalam pembelajaran mahasiswa; 3)
Kesiapan mahasiswa dalam penggunaan mobile learning berbasis android. Penelitian ini
merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Sampel penelitian adalah mahasiswa Program
Studi Teknologi Pendidikan tahun akademik 2018/2019. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini
menggunakan angket yang dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian
ini menunjukkan 72,97% memahami mobile learning berbasis android, 75,67% mengetahui
manfaat mobile learning berbasis android dan 81,08% menyatakan kesiapan pada
penggunaan mobile learning berbasis android. Hasil analisis tersebut memberikan informasi
yang cukup penting pada keputusan dosen untuk menggunakan mobile learning berbasis
android pada pembelajaran di Program Studi Teknologi Pendidikan..
2. “ Pemilihan Handphone dengan analisis Konjoin berdasarkan preferensi siswa SMA di
kabupaten Bekasi untuk sekolah online”(september
2021) tgl 6 juni 2022
Feri Prasetyo*1, Agus Dendi Rachmatsyah2, Wahyu Tisno Atmojo3
1Program Studi Sistem Informasi Akuntansi, Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika, Jakarta
2Program Studi Sistem Informasi, Institut Sains dan Bisnis Atma Luhur, Kepulauan BABEL
3Program Studi Sistem Informasi, Universitas Pradita, Banten Indonesia (2021)
Tingkat daya saing produsen ponsel semakin ketat setelah munculnya banyak produk China,
dimana masing-masing produk memiliki keunggulan masing-masing, preferensi loyalitas
pengguna adalah kunci keberhasilan suatu produk, di masa pandemi saat ini, ponsel menjadi
andalan. kebutuhan utama khususnya dikalangan pelajar, karena kondisi saat ini media tatap
muka sudah beralih ke media online, untuk mengurangi penularan covid 19 diambil dari
preferensi para pelajar produk mana yang paling banyak diminati, sehingga produsen
handphone dapat bersaing untuk menciptakan produk yang paling diminati, pengolahan data
dengan menggunakan analisis conjoint diharapkan mampu mengolah stimuli menjadi sebuah
pilihan sehingga dapat diketahui utilitas kebutuhannya berdasarkan preferensi responden
dalam hal ini adalah siswa SMA yang menggunakan handphone sebagai media pengganti
pembelajaran tatap muka di sekolah, Permasalahan yang ditemukan adalah bagaimana
handphone dapat menunjang kegiatan pembelajaran online , dari hasil penelitian olahan yang
pemeringkatan paling banyak di minati oleh konsumen melihat suatu hasil produk
berdasarkan faktor harga. Diperoleh dari 60 responden dengan persepsi harga 28,112%
berada di urutan pertama kemudian Ram 19,931% Kemudian kamera 16,972% Kata kunci:
analisis konjoin, ponsel, siswa sekolah
(Studi Kasus Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Di MTs Zia Salsabila Bandar Setia)
Nana Mahrani
STAI Sumatera Medan
Anton Ritonga
STAI Sumatera Medan
Misri Kholidah Hasibuan
STAI Sumatera Medan
Sukhron Efendi Harahap
STAI Sumatera Medan
Keywords: Moralitas, Pembelajaran, Online
Penelitian ini bertujua untuk menganalisis: (1) Sisi moralitas negative siswa selama
pembelajaran jarak jauh, (2) latar belakang munculnya perilaku negatif siswa selama
pembelajaran daring. Penelitian ini dilaksanaan di MTS Zia Salsabila Bandar Setia.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitaif berbasis studi kasus. Penelitian ini
menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa memang terdapat penyimpangan perilaku pada siswa MTs
Zia Salsabila sebagai akibat dari sistem pembelajaran daring, beberapa perilaku menyimpang
itu antara lain: (1) Ketergantungan dengan android, Rendah minat belajar, Kurang disiplin,
Curang dalam mengisi absen, Curang dalam keikutsertaan pembelajaran. Penyebabnya
dilatarbelakangi oleh kurangnya pengawasan dar guru dan orang tua, di tambah lagi memag
dikarenakan sistem pembejaran yang diterapkan memang memberian peluag untuk dapat
melakukan peyimpangan perilaku.
4. “Online Learning Challenges in School” (7-12
2021)diedit tgl 6 juni 2022
Haerul Haerul(1*), Andi Agustang(2), Andi Muhammad Idhan(3), Rifdan Rifdan(4),
(1) Mahasiswa Program Pascasarjana UNM
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(4) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author
This policy forces the government and leaders of educational institutions to be able to present
alternative learning activity options that can accommodate the COVID-19 pandemic situation
while still trying to maintain good quality learning....
...The learning process is carried out through the implementation of Learning from Home) as
stated in the Circular Letter of the Ministry of Education and Culture Number 4 of 2020
concerning the Implementation of Education Policies in the Emergency Period for the Spread
of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19), reinforced with Circular of the Secretary-General
Number 15 of 2020 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of learning from home
During the Covid 19 Emergency....
...Online learning is considered to be the only medium for delivering material between
teachers and students, during a pandemic emergency....
...In these conditions all teachers or educators are required to replace learning using Elearning
or through online media....
...All students are required to use communication tools such as mobile phones wisely to
support the learning process....
...Face-to-face online learning through applications is the most profitable thing to break the
spread of Covid-19 and maintain the mental health of teachers and students from exposure to
the virus (Jamaluddin et al., 2020)....
...As expressed by Sobron et al., (2019) which states that online learning makes students
happy, they can listen to learning through an android cellphone, laptop, or computer, not just
listening to books....
...Agree with that, (Goddess, 2020) said that online learning is an innovation in the world of
education to answer the challenge of the availability of a variety of learning resources....
...Improving the quality of education is a development goal in the field of national education
and is an integral part of efforts to improve the quality of Indonesian people as a whole
(Idzhar, 2016)....
...The quality of education is an important factor that must be realized in the educational
process (Jannah & Nasaruddin, 2016)....
...The policy of the educational revolution is to form a superior and modern educational
character with various activities designed for learning both in the classroom and in the school
environment, to give birth to super students and innovator teachers who are supported by IT-
based facilities and infrastructure....
...The educational revolution will answer the challenges and the carrying capacity as well as
provide solutions and alternatives in improving the quality of education twice as well in
Makassar City.
.By the results of observations by researchers in the field that several education programs in
schools have not been able to be implemented because they are constrained by the lack of
supporting facilities and infrastructure and competent human resources to implement and
support the concept of independent learning during the COVID-19 pandemic with online
learning models, it was also found several constraints, according to the information received
and observations by researchers, see that the use of online learning has a double value,
namely, some advantages and disadvantages occur in its implementation activities, in
addition to the value of effectiveness that has been stated there are also disadvantages,
namely; not all students have online learning support tools (mobile phones (gadgets),
...Some have gadgets but do not support access to tasks because they do not have internet
...Some students usually use their parents' or older brother's cellphones but at the same time,
parents go to work, which generally has to bring cellphones so that children don't take part in
...Some students were also overwhelmed by the questions given by the teacher because some
teachers gave material via WhatsApp groups without any explanation....
.....In qualitative research, data analysis means arranging data logically and systematically,
carried out continuously from data collection in the field until the entire research process is
completed, and the researcher himself as the main instrument, who from the beginning must
stay in the field interacting with the setting and subject....
...The teacher is the main key in learning achievement because it is the teacher who designs
the learning process starting from determining the material, media, model, to the evaluation
of learning....
...Therefore, it takes teachers who have professional skills or become driving teachers
according to what is expected by the minister of education which was initiated through the
independent learning program....
...This distance learning is done online (in the network)....
...According to Ferismayanti, (2020) online learning has several benefits including increasing
learning interactions between students and teachers; allowing learning anywhere and
anytime; reaching out to students in a broad scope; facilitating storage and refinement in
learning; build community....
...By this view, online learning is an appropriate model to be carried out in the distance
learning process....
...There is no reason that the learning process stops even though there is a coronavirus
outbreak, but in its implementation, various problems arise as stated by "MA" a teacher from
SDN 1 Mankura Makassar that online learning in elementary schools has not been effective
because of students' understanding of the use of technology in the learning process. what's
still lacking is that students who are at the level of grades 1-4 except for grades 5,6 are quite
understanding and even then their understanding is not maximal....
...MN, an SMP 54 Makassar teacher that online learning for us is not optimal because there
are many factors including teachers who have not been maximally preparing online teaching
materials, only giving many assignments through WhatsApp groups and also some students
are lazy to follow online learning....
...In the concept of independent learning, the teacher not only acts as a resource person but
also acts as a learning facilitator....
...As a learning facilitator, of course, the teacher must design fun learning so that students can
achieve the expected learning objectives....
...With this online learning model, teachers are required to be more creative and innovative in
preparing learning materials so that students are more motivated to participate in distance
...According to Helmiyati, (2013: 43), 8 basic teaching skills must be mastered by teachers
and need to be integrated into the form of online learning, namely the skills of opening and
closing learning aimed at teachers being able to prepare mentally, physically, psychologically
and emotionally from students; teachers can focus students' attention on learning activities;
the teacher can attract students' interest in the subject matter; teachers can create a pleasant
...Then the next is the skill of explaining which aims to guide students in exploring, finding,
and understanding information on the subject matter; to obtain feedback from students'
understanding of the material studied by students; involve students to think and solve
problems; encourage students to think logically and systematically....
...Questioning skills that aim to arouse students' interest and curiosity; generate motivation
and encouragement of students to participate actively in learning activities; focus students'
attention on the subject matter; activate and make students productive in learning activities;
explore good things that are already known or not known by students; diagnosing students'
problems in learning; provide opportunities for students to assimilate information; evaluate or
measure learning outcomes; provide opportunities for students to repeat the material; develop
critical thinking skills....
...Skills provide reinforcement such as increasing the attention of students; generating and
maintaining learning motivation; making it easier for students to learn; minimizing negative
behavior, foster positive student behavior....
...Then the skills of guiding small groups, current learning tends to give students an active
role in finding information independently....
...Therefore, learning is set to provide opportunities for students to be in groups....
...In addition, if the teacher's performance is still lacking and the class facilities are not
supportive, then learning in the classroom becomes the least favorite learning....
...As a result, if students themselves are not comfortable and do not like learning activities, it
will be difficult for them to absorb any information on the learning material....
...Based on the theoretical concept above, it is ideal to carry out the offline or face-to-face
learning process, but online also needs to be integrated so that learning objectives are
achieved effectively....
...However, the reality in the field is according to observations and various statements that
some teachers only give assignments to students to do and there is rarely any enrichment or
explanation of the material....
Learning Facilities
Facilities and infrastructure are essential elements that are very supportive in achieving
learning objectives. If the facilities and infrastructure are complete in schools, the learning
objectives will be easy to achieve, but otherwise, it will be difficult to achieve learning
outcomes, especially during a pandemic that requires students to study remotely so that the
use of technology facilities is automatically more effective. It is as what was said by
Wahyono et al., (2020) that the aspect of success in online implementation is seen from
human resources, availability of infrastructure, and technical implementation of learning.
Online learning is inseparable from the use of technology. Technological facilities that
support the implementation of online learning are the use of education management
information systems. according to Rochaety et al., (2006) The educational information
system is a combination of human resources with the application of information technology
to select, store, process, and retrieve data to support the decision-making process in the field
of education.
The existence of a distance learning policy or online learning that forces changes to every
element of the school, both teachers, students, and parents of students, which significantly
undergoes sudden changes that must adapt to current conditions, therefore the readiness of
facilities to support the learning process on facilities and infrastructure used should be
considered to see the characteristics and readiness, the availability of facilities that will
support the learning process.
The change in learning patterns from face-to-face to online experienced many problems as
stated by Mrs. FR, a three-story INPRES Elementary School teacher who said that online
learning was something new to do, it was due to this pandemic so students studied at home,
but on online learning is not effective because there are still many of our teachers who are not
proficient in using technology, for example, to teach using the zoom application, or google
meet and not only student teachers are also overwhelmed because they do not understand that
so what is commonly used is the Whatshap application for send assignments to students
(Monday, June 21, 2021).
This statement is in line with what was stated by the MA, Teacher at SDN Mangkura 1
Makassar saying that the understanding of elementary school students in the use of
technology facilities in the online learning process is still very low, we are overwhelmed to
force the will to maximally use applications for online learning, we are in the early stages of
learning remotely trying to use the zoom meeting but only a few were able to follow the
lesson so we tried the application and in general what teachers use is the WhatApp
application (Tuesday, 6 July 2021).
Lack of knowledge about platforms that support learning will certainly have an impact on the
learning process. Students will feel bored because learning only uses the Whatsapp
application continuously. As a teacher, you must be able to create a fun learning for students.
Online learning is required for teachers, whether you like it or not, like it or not, you must be
able to use technology in the teaching process because the concept of distance learning
requires students to use technology in the form of laptops and gadgets to support the learning
This is very well realized by SMP 6 Makassar, As stated by Ms. MH, that we prepare gadgets
at school to be borrowed to students who do not have gadgets to use during online learning.
because they do not have facilities (Thursday, July 1, 2021).
However, it is very different from what was experienced by SMP 54 as stated by Mr. MN
that in our school, many children cannot afford their parents, some of them work as
fishermen, motorcycle taxi drivers and other jobs that fall into the lower middle category so
we are not able to maximally teach online because some of the reasons are students don't
have laptops, cellphones are used for learning while we also manage BOS funds are still very
limited, most of which are intended for spending on honorary employees because at school
only 3 three people have ASN status (Tuesday, 22 June 2021).
Teachers have a vital role in increasing students' motivation to achieve learning objectives,
therefore teachers should be able to interact effectively and efficiently with students....
...During this pandemic, there has been a change in the pattern of interaction that used to be
effective for communication between teachers and students in the classroom or school
environment, but with distance learning policies, communication is carried out through
cyberspace or online so that the change experiences various obstacles....
...This distance learning does provide new challenges for teachers in the learning process
compared to when they are face-to-face because in the actual learning process the teacher is
not able to effectively control the activities of student activities. because the teacher is not
able to provide feedback and solutions such as face-to-face learning....
...Teachers can only monitor through class groups by motivating and reminding students who
have not made the practical assignment....
...The student learning environment during the current pandemic is their respective home....
...Because online learning becomes a student at home with parental supervision, teachers
must be able to understand students' conditions....
...The economic level of students does not necessarily mean, some students come from
families with disadvantaged economic and educational backgrounds, so some of these
children take advantage of their time to study at home by helping their parents work or earn
their own money and what is even worse is that some students wander around places. public
places such as coffee shops (Warkop), malls, markets, etc....
...This condition is in line with what the parents of SD I Mangkura Ibu ID students said that
we are very concerned about the behavior of our children since learning online, their behavior
is getting more and more out of control, especially when cellphones should be used for
learning, but I have noticed that they play more games. online so that the quota runs out
quickly, the eating pattern is also not controlled because since there is a lot of activity at
home it feels like the children want to eat all the time, so we are also bothered by adding
quite a lot of assignments given to the teacher so sometimes I help some of my children to do
( Tuesday, July 6, 2021)....
...Students are already bored with online learning, especially teachers who only use the
Whatsapp application continuously in teaching....
...Today's students miss being at school more to interact with their friends and meet face-to-
face with their teachers....
...The survey found that 75.8% of the public agreed that face-to-face learning should be
opened soon....
...For those who agree to face-to-face learning as much as 48.3% think online learning is not
optimal, then many students are getting tired of studying at home (31.8%), the trend of the
spread of Covid-19 has tended to decrease (9.7%), and there has been vaccine (8.9%)....
...Meanwhile, 20.6% of the public who did not agree that face-to-face learning was open
thought the Covid-19 spread rate was still high (39.7%), only a few were vaccinated (21%),
students preferred to study at home (17.8%)....
...The results of a Makassar City Education Office survey of 429 respondents consisting of
teachers, parents, and school children noted that 81 percent of teachers felt overwhelmed with
online learning, and 98 percent of parents felt the same way....
...Many things need to be well prepared so that the learning process can run optimally, for
example by paying attention to an adequate internet network and the readiness of teachers as
teachers who are expected to be able to carry out online learning optimally....
...In online learning, teachers are required to be able to design the learning process that is
usually carried out in the classroom into learning that is carried out through cyberspace....
...Of course, this brings changes for teachers in carrying out their learning process during the
current Covid-19 pandemic....
...Where the teacher must design the learning system well, starting from the preparation of
lesson plans that integrate online learning, choosing strategies and learning methods that
adapt to student conditions, ...
...Based on the findings of these various problems in online learning, it can be concluded that
online learning is less effective due to some teachers who are less skilled, less prepared for
Learning Facilities
Various statements related to the problems experienced in using online learning facilities so
that it was concluded that assignments could not be delivered effectively to all students
because not all students had facilities in the form of laptops or cellphones. Some parents have
cell phones but take them to work, some have cell phones but they don't support access to
Research result Purwanto et al., (2020) there are several obstacles experienced by students,
namely students are required to study remotely without adequate facilities and infrastructure
at home. Facilities and infrastructure are considered very important to help smooth the
teaching and learning process which should be provided with facilities such as laptops,
computers, or cellphones to make it easier for students to listen to the online teaching and
learning process. The impact on parents is the increase in the cost of purchasing internet
quota because one of the needs for facilities to support online learning is the internet network.
The next impact is felt by teachers who are not all adept at using internet technology or social
media as a learning tool.
According to Eze et al., (2018), the results of the study identified several main problems
related to the implementation of e-learning facilities. The findings show that 72% show the
attitude of e-learning users to the problem of inadequate internet facilities. Availability and
adequacy of facilities are some of the requirements to support the success of e-learning.
According to Fauzi & Khusuma, (2020) research results from survey responses of 73.9% of
teachers consider online learning to be ineffective because there are many obstacles found,
for example, the availability of facilities; network and internet usage; planning,
implementation, and evaluation of learning, and; cooperation with parents.
Based on the statement from the informant by juxtaposing several previous research findings
that various obstacles experienced during distance learning, especially in the use of elearning
facilities are still limited by students such as; computers, laptops, cellphones and the teacher's
preparation is not yet optimal in providing online teaching materials.
Teacher and Student Interaction
Teachers who are too clumsy in delivering online learning make some students bored and
bored. Moreover, students are currently experiencing problems with less focus on
understanding the material given by the teacher. Because some teachers only provide material
without giving much explanation, students have difficulty learning to understand without any
other demonstration or some kind of video display that can explain clearly what the content
of the material is so that students are overwhelmed in finding and understanding themselves
when the material presented is not very clear.
Based on this statement, it can be understood that interaction between teachers and students is
very necessary to improve and accelerate the achievement of learning objectives, but during a
pandemic with proper learning, communication interactions are more intensive and proactive,
bactice, it is still found polemics or challenges experienced by teachers include; lack of
online teaching skills, lack of learning facilities, lack of teacher interaction with students. ut
experience many obstacles even though online learning can facilitate teachers in design
teaching materials and can develop themselves in broadening their horizons about online
learning. In online learning, the teacher has plenty of time to properly control student learning
activities, evaluate student learning outcomes, and even know whether students are learning
or not.
Freedom to learn is a program from the ministry of education and culture, Research and
Technology that expects a transformation in the learning system to be more effective and
efficient, during the COVID-19 pandemic, schools are required to carry out distance learning
or online, but in pr
5. Android-Based Multimedia Learning for Vocational High Schools
Nurhikmah H., Nurhikmah H. and Gani, Hamsu Abdul and Hatta, Sukarno (2020) Android
Based Multimedia Learning for Vocational High Schools. Journal Of Educational Science
and Technology, 6 (2). pp. 193-204. ISSN 2477-3840
Official URL:
This This research is developing multimedia based on Andorid for vocational high school
students in Makassar city. The development model used is an interactive multimedia design
development model developed by StephenaM. Alessi & Stanley R. Trollip consists of
planning, design and development, as well as attributes that are always present in every stage.
The data collection techniques used questionnaires, interviews and documentation which
were analyzed descriptive qualitative and quantitative statistics. The results showed 1) the use
of the internet in learning has not been maximal, including the use of smartphones, while the
development of information and communication technology demands the use of information
teccnology in learning, 2) Android-based multimedia that has been developed has been
validated by content expert and media expert and declared valid and very proper to be used,
3) the trial results in the individual test are in a score with very proper qualifications so that
they are declared valid meanwhile the small group trials are in the very valid and practical.
Based on the stages that are passed in Android-based multimedia development in physic
subject, product development can be continued at the next stage, namely large group testing
and implementation
6 (2021)
Pengaruh Penggunaan Handphone Berbasis Android Terhadap Aktivitas Belajar Siswa di SD
NEGERI 107826 Pematang Sijonam
Eka Nadia Aprilia
Universitas Muslim Nusantara Al Washliyah Medan
Arrini Shabrina Anshor
Universitas Muslim Nusantara Al-Washliyah
Advances in the era of technology produce various sophisticated communication tools and at
affordable prices. Currently, the most popular means of communication are mobile phones,
especially the Android system. In its use, currently all circles of society are able to operate it,
be it children to the elderly. SD Negeri 107826 Pematang Sijonam is one of the places
affected by these technological advances, this can be seen from the results of initial
observations, where many of them are able to operate cellphones. The findings in the field
made researchers want to see how the influence of using Android-based cellphones on
student learning activities. The method used in this research is correlational quantitative
method. With the research subject, namely the fifth grade students of SD Negeri 107826
Pematang Sijonam, totaling 20 students, using saturated sampling technique as a sampling
technique. And collecting data taken by using a questionnaire (questionnaire).
7. Ina Magdalena, Annisa Rachmadani, Mita Aulia “Penerapan pembelajaran dan penilaian
secara online di masa pandemi SDN Karang Tengah 06 Tangerang”diedit tgl 6 juni 2022
This study aims to determine whether or not it is effective in implementing the learning
design, the final assessment in SDN KARANG TENGAH 06. Implementation is a carefully
structured and detailed implementation. In simple terms, the implementation of learning can
be interpreted as the implementation or application of learning in general. Summative
assessment is an assessment activity that produces a value or number which is then used as a
decision on student performance. This assessment activity is carried out when the learning
experience unit or the entire subject matter has been completed. Diffusion is the process by
which new ideas / ideas are communicated to members of the social system, innovation is an
idea, practice, or product that is considered new by an individual or group. In implementing
instructional designs at this time, it is very different from the previous year, where there was
no Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, the central government and teachers made innovations for
the current education. It is nothing new to do online learning or E-Learning.
8. Tya Ayu Pransiska Dewi, Arief Sadjiarto “ Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran daring pada masa
pandemi COVID-19”diedit tgl 6 juni 2022
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan pembelajaran daring di SMA Negeri 1
Gabus, Kab. Grobogan pada masa pandemi covid-19. Metode penelitian yang digunakan
adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan analisis data interaktif yang meliputi 1)
pengumpulan data, 2) reduksi data, 3) penyajian data, 4) penarikan kesimpulan. Teknik
pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik 1) observasi, 2) wawancara, 3)
dokumentasi dengan sumber data guru, siswa, orang tua, dan sumber pendukung waka
kurikulum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses pembelajaran di SMA N 1 Gabus,
Kab. Grobogan selama masa pandemi covid-19 berlangsung secara daring dengan
mengadakan pendampingan atau bimbingan guru. Guru melaksanakan proses pembelajaran
dengan tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran daring
menimbulkan problematika yang kemudian mendorong adanya upaya untuk mengatasi
problematika yang dilakukan oleh guru, siswa, orang tua / wali murid, beserta waka
kurikulum untuk mensukseskan pelaksanaan pembelajaran daring
Analysis of Online Learning Implementation and Student Learning Activities in the Covid-
19 Pandemic Era and Its Problems
Nurul Zuriah, Fahdian Rahmandani
Corresponding Author
Nurul Zuriah
Available Online 6 February 2021 to use a DOI?
Online Learning, Learning Activities, COVID 19 Pandemic, mixing method
Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been declared by WHO as a pandemic and the
Government of Indonesia based on Presidential Decree No.11 of 2020 concerning
Determination of Public Health Emergencies. COVID-19 is a public health emergency that
requires efforts to overcome it. In the education sector, the Covid-19 pandemic has
accelerated education 4.0 with a distance learning system by utilizing information
technology. In the education sector, teaching and learning activities, which usually take place
face-to-face /offline, this time must be done online. The research aims to analyze the
application of online learning at the Agricultural Development Polytechnic (Polbangtan)
Malang and student learning activities in the application of online learning both from the
aspects of independence and the development of critical thinking. The research method used
is a mixed-method (mixing method). A qualitative approach is used to determine the
implementation of online learning. A quantitative approach is used to determine student
activities in online learning. The sample in this study were 105 students. This research was
conducted in the Citizenship course. The results showed that the implementation of online
learning at Polbangtan Malang was carried out through various platforms such as Google
Classroom, LMS Moodle, WhatsApp, Gmail, and YouTube. In its application, there are
several obstacles and problems faced by students such as internet network factors, internet
quotas, and learning platforms that have not been mastered. Students in online learning
activities are classified as very good in the interval X ≥ 11.7, the level of independent
learning and critical thinking of students is also classified as very good. The findings above
indicate that student learning activities in the Citizenship course are classified as very good
even though they are carried out online. The application of online learning must pay attention
to several factors of constraints and problems faced by students. With these findings, the
application of online learning in the future can be carried out wisely by paying attention to
the effectiveness of activities, the efficiency of internet quota, and the substance of the
material being taught.
Kontrol Diri dan Kecanduan Gadget pada Siswa Remaja (2021)
Layli Mumbaasithoh
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Fiya Ma'arifa Ulya
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Kukuh Basuki Rahmat
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Keywords: kontrol diri, kecanduan gadget, belajar dari rumah
Penggunaan gadget yang tidak terkontrol pada siswa saat belajar dari rumah dapat
menyebabkan kecanduan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kontrol
diri dan kecanduan gadget pada siswa remaja di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta yang belajar
dari rumah selama pandemi. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 30 siswa remaja. Penelitian
kuantitatif korelasional ini menggunakan pearson product moment dalam analisis data. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan kontrol diri berkorelasi secara negatif terhadap kecanduan gadget.
Semakin tinggi kontrol diri yang dimiliki maka semakin rendah kecenderungan remaja untuk
mengalami kecanduan gadget. Selain itu data yang didapatkan melalui open ended questions
menunjukkan sejumlah strategi yang dilakukan siswa agar memiliki kontrol diri yang tinggi
yaitu melakukan manajemen waktu, mengerjakan kegiatan selain menggunakan gadget, dan
mendapatkan pengawasan dari orang tua selama belajar dari rumah
Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Daring (Online) melalui Aplikasi Berbasis Android saat
Pandemi Global (2020)
Agus Wilson(1*)
(1) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(*) Corresponding Author
This study is based on the global pandemic experienced throughout the world, especially
Indonesia. The presence of the Covid-19 Virus pandemic has an impact on various fields, one
of which is education. In Indonesian education, for 14 days, even more, the whole teaching
and learning activities were suspended, and the implementation of the National Examination
was also postponed. Changes in teaching methods must also be made online. Many social
media applications that can be used, but not all of these applications have a feature and
appropriate facilities and attractive to be used as teaching materials to the students. This study
used quantitative and qualitative methods. 30 students were chosen randomly at one of the
private universities in Jakarta. Collecting and analyzing data directly from respondents
through the questionnaire is a quantitative method that the author used. While, qualitative
methods used was library research techniques to support the results of collecting data through
questionnaires on the use of applications based on Android. This study is expected to present
a selection of the proper application to assist the learning process so that it has implications
on improving the students' understanding and activities.
12. School Policies on the Use of Android Devices in Students Learning Activities during the
Covid-19 Pandemic Condition (2021)
Nashruddin Nashruddin, Novalia Tanasy
The present study aims at analyzing school policy toward the use of Android devices in the
students learning activities during the Covid-19 pandemic condition. The research method
used is a qualitative approach with the type of empirical phenomenology research. Six
participants were taken using purposive sampling technique as research subjects, consisting
of teachers and students’ parents. Data obtained through WhatsApp application. Data was
analyzed using empirical phenomenological analysis technique. The results showed that there
were 3 aspects analyzed, namely advantages, weaknesses, and expectations of students’
parents towards learning based on Android devices for students. This research concluded that
schools should (1) provide opportunities for students to take advantage of Android devices as
a learning tool, (2) mediate periodic meetings among teachers and students’ parents to
evaluate the behavior and learning outcomes of students, (3) facilitate the learning process so
that students and teachers easily access the internet to carry out learning, and (4) guide
teachers to improve their digital pedagogy competence to present interesting learning lessons
during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Students’ Perceptions About the Use of Android-Based Learning Media in Physical
Education Learning 2021
Ayu Haryanti, Munawir Yusuf, Leo Agung
The purpose of this study was to determine students' perceptions of the use of android-based
learning media in physical education learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research
method uses a qualitative survey method on all fourth-grade students of SD Muhammdiyah
PK Baturan selected as research samples. This data collection uses a google form containing
a questionnaire distributed to students, and then the results are analyzed quantitatively with
percentage results. The findings of this study indicate that students are familiar with the use
of android-based learning media in physical education learning. 66.7% of students have used
android-based learning media in the form of videos, and only 33.3% use Android-based
learning media in the form of images. Student perceptions positively affect learning media
based on Android Physical Education and Physical Education with a percentage of 80.0%. It
is recommended that every teacher in the school be more creative in creating online learning
content to be not bored and more effective
TENGAH (2020)
Carona Elianur
Kementerian Agama Bengkulu Tengah
Keywords: Media Pembelajaran Daring, Guru PAI
Abstract: This research was conducted to find out the learning media used by islamic
education teachers in implementing online learning. This online learning is carried out
throughout schools in Indonesia, to prevent the spread of coronavirus (covid-19). The
formulation of the problems in this study are: (a) What is the media used by islamic education
teachers in Bengkulu in teaching online ?; and (b) What is the response of islamic education
teachers in Bengkulu Tengah to online learning ?. This type of research is a descriptive study
with a quantitative approach. The research subjects taken were islamic education teachers in
Bengkulu Tengah district. Data collection techniques using online questionnaires. The
conclusions obtained in this study are: (a). The media used by islamic education teachers in
Bengkulu in teaching online is the Whatsapp application and zoom cloud; and (b) islamic
education teacher responses in Bengkulu Tengah to online learning the majority of teachers
said that online learning was not effective.
Keywords: Online Learning Media, PAI Teachers
Effectiveness of Use of Smartphone Communication Technology as Mobile Based Learning
Media for STKIP Weetebula Students in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period(2020)
Ferdinandus Bele Sole, Desak Made Anggraeni
Corresponding Author
Ferdinandus Bele Sole
Available Online 3 December 2020.
DOI to use a DOI?
Effectiveness, Smartphone, Learning Media, Covid -19 Pandemic
The spread of corona virus which is well-known as covid-19 in all over the world gives
impact to various sectors of life. In the field of education, especially in higher education,
learning activities is shifted from face-to-face to online learning. This is intended to prevent
the emergence of a new cluster of transmission of the covid-19 virus spreading in the campus
area. The implementation of online learning at STKIP Weetabula is by utilizing the
communication technology which is smartphone to operate some application such as email,
WhatsApp and messenger. This study aims to describe the role of smartphone as learning
media used by students in the pandemic of the Covid-19 virus situation. This study uses
survey as the research method with descriptive qualitative and quantitative approaches. The
data collection technique is by using google form application. The result shows that the use of
smartphone communication technology is considered very effective as a media of learning in
the covid-19 pandemic situation. The indicator of effectiveness is divided in four component
such us program success, the target success, the program satisfaction, and achievement of
overall goals. The score gained is 81.6 and it belongs to very effective category.
Aji Permana Putra
Universitas Cokroaminoto Yogyakarta
Learning during the pandemic is carried out online (in a network) by paying attention to the
situation and conditions when the Covid-19 outbreak hit the whole world. Online learning
began in 2020 to be precise in March so that up to this research it had been exactly one year.
However, in its implementation, there are many discrepancies, this is indicated by several
problems that occur in the field. From the research results, it was found that the online
learning models that were widely used were WAG (Whatsapp Group), Google For Education
(Google Form, Google Classroom, Google Drive), Youtube, Zoom Meeting. The obstacles
experienced were unstable communication signals, exhausted internet quota, parents'
cellphones brought to work, students accompanied by their parents working on assignments
at night. Meanwhile, the advantages of online learning are flexible, complete reference
sources, and adaptive to technology. Of the student activity level, only 50% are fully active in
online learning, 32% are active and the remaining 28% are inactive
Published: May 20, 2022
Cicik Kristiana
Haning Hasbiyati
Benny Afandi
Pembelajaran online bukan suatu alasan untuk guru tidak menggunakan media dan model
pembelajaran. Media yang dipakai penelitian ini yaitu e-book berbasis smartphone dengan
model pembelajaran problem based learning. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh
terhadap ketuntasan belajar siswa. Jenis penelitian quasi experimental design. Sampel
penelitian yaitu kelas VII B 23 siswa dan kelas VII C 19 siswa dengan menggunakan metode
tes dan di analisis menggunakan uji Mann Whitney. Hasil analisis data penelitian diperoleh
nilai Asymp.Sig sebesar 0,151 maka “hipotesis ditolak” artinya tidak ada perbedaan
ketuntasan belajar pada kelas control maupun kelas eksperimen. Oleh karena itu, penelitian
selanjutnya dapat memperluas materi serta tidak hanya mengukur ketuntasan belajar tetapi
juga unsur lain yang mempengaruhi.
Kata kunci: E-book berbasis smartphone, ketuntasan belajar, problem based learning
The effect of problem based learning learning model with smartphone-based e-book media on
student learning mastery.Online learning is not an excuse for teachers not to use media and
learning models. The media used is a smartphone-based e-book with a problem-based
learning model. This study was to determine the effect on student learning completeness.
This type of research is a quasi-experimental design. The research sample is class VII B
collecting 23 students and class VII C collecting 19 students using the test method and
analysis using the Mann Whitney test. The results of data analysis obtained that the Asymp.
Sig value of 0.151, it can be said that the "hypothesis is rejected" meaning that there is no
difference in learning mastery in the control class and the experimental class. Therefore,
further research can expand the material and not only measure learning mastery but also do
not affect other factors.
Keywords: Smartphone-based e-books, complete learning, problem based learning
Pentingnya Asesmen Berbasis Android Sebagai Alternatif di Masa Pandemi Covid-19: Studi
Kasus Sekolah Dasar Negeri 1 Sukoharjo (2021)
Article Sidebar
Published: Sep 19, 2021
Main Article Content
Ahmad Subarkah
SD Negeri 1 Sukoharjo
Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pentingnya asesmen berbasis android
untuk kegiatan pembelajaran sekaligus memantau perkembangan belajar siswa. Penelitian ini
menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui tiga
tahap yaitu observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. subjek dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari
orang tua siswa, kepala sekolah, guru kelas, dan guru mata pelajaran SD Negeri 1 Sukoharjo.
Setelah dilaksanakan penelitian ini diperoleh hasil bahwa dengan menerapkan pembelajaran
daring berbasis android pembelajaran menjadi lebih efektif karena mempermudah siswa
untuk mendapatkan materi pelajaran beserta tugas sekolah dan mempermudah guru dalam
memberikan materi pelajaran, tugas sekolah, dan dapat melakukan penilaian terhadap siswa.
Selama melaksanakan BDR (Belajar di Rumah) aplikasi yang digunakan adalah whatsapp,
classroom, dan google meet. Kekurangan pembelajaran daring ini yaitu sinyal tidak stabil,
tidak adanya kuota untuk mengakses internet, belum faham teknologi, android digunakan
oleh orang tua yang bekerja sehingga tidak mengikuti pembelajaran daring tepat waktu, atau
bahkan tidak punya android sehingga harus meminjam kepada orang terdekat agar dapat
mengikuti pembelajaran daring.
Pengembangan Learning Management System (LMS) Edmodo Berbasis Android Sebagai
Media Pembelajaran Untuk SMA Negeri 7 Lhokseumawe (2022)
Aklimawati Aklimawati, Erna Isfayani, Yeni Listiana, Wulandari Wulandari
Kegiatan penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pentingnya mengoptimalkan pembelajaran
menggunakan teknologi di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0 dan Society 5.0 yang mengharuskan
pembelajaran berkonversi dari manual menuju digital. Tantangan guru menghadapi
keterbatasan situasi pandemi Covid-19 untuk berlatih pembelajaran secara daring.
Pengembangan Learning Management System (LMS) berbasis android bertujuan untuk
melihat kelayakan media pembelajaran yang dikembangkan berdasarkan penilaian ahli materi
dan ahli media, kepraktisan berdasarkan angket respon peserta didik serta keefektifan modul
berdasarkan ketuntasan belajar peserta didik. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain ADDIE.
Hasil penelitian ini antara lain: (1) validasi ahli materi bernilai 96,25% dan reliabilitas
bernilai 85,71% dengan kategori sangat baik, (2) validasi ahli media bernilai 90% dan
reliabilitas bernilai 76,19% dengan kategori sangat baik dan (3) nilai respon peserta didik
sebesar 89,06%, dengan kriteria sangat praktis dan ketuntasan hasil test bernilai 88% dengan
kategori memenuhi kriteria pencapaian ketuntasan. Sehingga didapat Media pembelajaran
(LMS) Berbasis Android (edmodo) dinyatakan layak, praktis dan efektif untuk digunakan
Analisis Pelaksanaan Ujian Sekolah Berbasis Android (USBA) (2021)
Ricky Putra - Universitas Negeri Padang
Menik Siwi - Universitas Negeri Padang
This study aims to determine the implementation of the Android-Based School Examination
(USBA) at SMAN 3 Sungai Penuh. This type of research is descriptive with a qualitative
approach. Data collection techniques by interview and documentation. The data sources used
were primary data and secondary data, which were analyzed by using triangulation
techniques. The number of informants in this study were 6 people, namely USBA operators
and class XII students of SMAN 3 Sungai Penuh. The results showed that the USBA
implementation process at SMAN 3 Sungai Penuh was the same as the conventional exam
implementation process, but at USBA students were more independent. The advantages of
USBA include exams that can be done anywhere, USBA costs are more efficient than paper
exams, test results can be seen after students have finished taking exams, with this USBA
minimizing the occurrence of cheating by students. Constraints in implementing USBA are
the low capacity of the internet network. Comparing conventional exams with USBA, there
are many differences between the two, this can be seen from the equipment used, the form of
the questions, the time for taking the questions, the place and the operational costs of the
Pengaruh Media Belajar Smartphone Terhadap Belajar Siswa Di Era Pandemi Covid-19
(The Influence of Smartphone Learning Media on Student Learning in The Era Pandemi
Covid-19) (2020)
Jauharil Maknuni Sulaiman
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
The era of the Covid 19 pandemic has changed the teaching and learning process from the
face-to-face stage at school to distance learning at home. This effort is to break the spread of
covid 19. Of course a means is needed to support an effective teaching and learning process,
this study aims to see the influence of smartphone learning media. on student learning in the
Covid 19 pandemic era.The formulation of the problem in this study is to determine the effect
of smartphone learning media in the covid-19 pandemic era, the benefits of smartphone
learning media in the pandemic era and the obstacles faced by students in the teaching and
learning process using smartphones in the current pandemic era . The methodology in this
research is descriptive qualitative, with a phenomenological approach. By collecting data
using observation, interviews and documentation. From the research results, it was found that
smartphone learning media was very influential in the teaching and learning process in the
pandemic era, and this is one of the effective media for distance learning as it is today, and
the benefits that students get by using smartphones a) as student learning media b). As an
information center c). Adding student insight d) and tools to facilitate communication. And
the obstacles faced by students a) students have to spend money to buy internet packages
when studying b) students who do not have smartphones c) students lack motivation when
studying at home. The benefit of this research is to provide information on learning media
using smartphones which are very effective in the era of the Covid 19 pandemic.
Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh di Era Pandemi Covid 19: Studi Terhadap Pembelajaran PAI di
Kelas VIII SMP Islam Prestasi Al Mubtadi-Ien 2022
Muhamad Mujib
UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Dimas Ahmad Rizal
UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia
This research is a descriptive qualitative study, which explains a recent phenomenon through
open interviews to examine and understand the events that occurred during the
implementation of Distance Learning (PJJ) at Al Mubtadi-Ien Islamic Junior High School,
Bantul during the Covid 19 pandemic. The results showed that the selection of the lecture
method as an effective learning method to be applied in distance learning in class VIII
Islamic Junior High School Prestasi Al Mubtadi-Ien. Several stages that must be considered
in the use of the lecture method are conveying the learning objectives, adjusting the accuracy
of the method, managing the attention and condition of students, presenting material,
providing conclusions, and conducting evaluations. The use of the lecture method in distance
learning of Islamic Religious Education at SMP IP Al Mubtadi-Ien, especially in class VIII
emphasizes students' understanding of the material presented by the teacher, with the help of
additional platforms to optimize the teaching and learning process
The application of WhatsApp to support online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in
Herri Mulyono
Gunawan Suryoputro
Shafa Ramadhanya Jamil
Open AccesPublished:August 212021DOI:
The current study aimed to evaluate university students' technological acceptance and
connectedness to online learning with WhatsApp support. A total of 202 students from three
different courses at an Indonesian private university participated in an online survey.
Quantitative data analyses using Rasch modelling technique were conducted to evaluate the
survey data. Findings show that most students accepted social media use to support learning
and felt connected to the learning. The findings also have identified several drivers that
promoted the high level of acceptance and connectedness to learning, such as students'
perceived usefulness, availability of learning support, motivation, and connectedness with
their friends. Implications for further research and practices of WhatsApp usage to support
online learning are discussed.
Muhammad Choirul Kamal, Evi Sugiana Purnamasari
This paper aims to know the learning motivation of android-based mobile learning
application usage as a medium of long distance learning (PJJ) for grade VII students SMPN
11 Pekalongan. This paper is implemented at SMPN 11 Pekalongan in grade VII E, VII F,
and VII G students through whatsapp and google classroom. The method used in this paper is
qualitative method which is descriptive analysis. The data collection is used open and closed
questionnaires and interviews to students of grade VII E, VII, F, VII G SMPN 11
Pekalongan. Based on the questionnaires and the interviews conducted by researcher, it
shows 86.5% of students have high learning motivation in PJJ, and the usage of android-
based mobile learning applications also can be an alternative for students to study and to
understand the learning materials well.
Mobile Learning; Distance Learning; Motivation Learning
Surveying Online Platforms Used in Higher Education During Covid-19 Pandemic in Riau-
Asyti Febliza1,*, Zul Afdal2, Jimmi Copriady3, Dedi Futra3, Sri Wilda Albeta3
1: Universitas Islam Riau, Riau 28284 Indonesia
2: Universitas Negeri Padang, Sumatera Barat 25171 Indonesia
3: Universitas Riau, Riau 28293 Indonesia
*Contact email:
The use of online platforms was inevitable since almost all educational institutions closed due
to the COVID-19 outbreak. This study identifies how conducted teaching and learning
activities for a year after the university's closure in Riau-Indonesia. An online questionnaire
was designed on a google form survey, and the link was shared with 341 students of the
Teacher Training Faculty from the three most prominent universities in Riau-Indonesia. As
additional data, 15 lecturers were interviewed via WhatsApp chat with open-ended questions.
The Survey revealed that video conferences (zoom and google meet), google classroom, and
instant messaging (Whatsapp and telegram) were the most widely used platform for online
learning. The lecturers interviewed mentioned that they usually combine some media: Instant
messaging, video conferences, and LMS platforms, to conduct online teaching. The
combination of three kinds of those platforms was more effective in online learning than
Keywords edmodo e-moodle google classroom online learning platform; video conferences
Published 2021-08-27Publisher EAI
Agus Hidayatullah
Keywords: Efektivitas; Pembelajaran online; Aplikasi zoom.Abstract
The government's policy to stop the Covid-19 pandemic has a huge impact on the education
system in Indonesia. The teaching and learning process should not be done in class directly
as usual but must be carried out by a distance learning process or online learning. The
massive development of science and technology emphasizes students especially to be able to
improve their performances. One aspect here is the ability to think creatively. The online
learning requires students to think creatively about how to run the learning process
effectively. The effectiveness of online learning really considered so that students can
comprehend the material as well as offline learning. The purpose of this research is to find
out and understand how the effectiveness of online learning using the Zoom Meeting
application. This study uses a qualitative method. The data collection technique was carried
out by interviewing via Google Form and Whatsapp to third semester classes in the Islamic
Education Department of STAI Syekh Manshur Pandeglang. By using online learning, it
encourages students to be more active in their learning processes. Many features in Zoom
Meeting make learning process more interesting. In addition, the learning materials conveyed
by the lecturers can be grasped by the students.
Optimizing Online Learning during Covid 19 Pandemic in Junior High School (2021)
Rojif Mualim, M Fachdir Saputra
Covid 19 pandemic has changed people's life, including education, in Indonesia. This
research aims to describe Islamic education (PAI) teachers’ efforts to optimize online
learning during pandemics. Descriptive qualitative was chosen as the method of this research.
The research subjects were Islamic education teachers at SMPN 7 Sukoharjo, and the
informants were teachers, principals, and students at the school. Data were collected by using
observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The trustworthiness of data was tested
by doing triangulation. Then, the data were analyzed by using an interactive model which
consisted of data reduction, display, and verification/concluding. The result of this study
indicated that to optimize online learning during the covid 19 pandemics, PAI teachers used
various platforms such as Whatsapp, google form, and google meet. The teaching and
learning process was done interactively and evaluated by having the mid-term test, final test,
and portfolio. Furthermore, the teachers also coordinated with parents about students’
difficulties in online learning, and whenever necessary, the teachers did home visits.
Maison Maison, Dw Agus Kurniawan, Lika Anggraini
Abstract: Learning that initially took place traditionally (face to face) has shifted to virtual
learning or online learning. This study aimed to identify online learning's influence on
students’ awareness of doing assignments during the Covid-19 pandemic. The mixed-method
research with the sequential explanatory design was used to collect and analyze data with a
total sample of 305 physics education students at Jambi University. The results showed that
students' perceptions and awareness in carrying out tasks online are in a good category. There
is a significant effect of online learning on student awareness in doing assignments with a
contribution of 72.1%. The remaining 27.9% was influenced by other variables not found in
this study.
COVID-19 2020
Najila Indah Nurani
Din Azwar Uswatun
Luthfi Hamdani Maula
The purpose of this research describe the analysis of the learning process of mathematics
online based using the google classroom application in IVB grade at elementary school
Aisyiyah, Sukabumi City. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Data collection
techniques using interviews and documentation. The writer acts as an instrument for
collecting data. Data analysis techniques using the analysis model according to Miles and
Huberman which consists of data reduction, data display and conclusion
drawing/verificication. The subjects of this study were students of class IV B in the academic
year 2019/2020. The number of students is 20 people. The results showed that the google
classroom application can help and facilitate teachers and students in implementing the
distance learning process. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that online
learning using the google classroom application proved effective carried out during the WFH
consequence covid-19 pandemic. Utilization of Google classroom is acceptable and further
developed even though it still requires revamping the availability of supporting resources.
30.The Use of Smartphone in Improving the Students’ Speaking Skill
Paiman Paiman, Audi Yundayani, Suciati Suciati
Technology has already had a significant impact on many aspects of life, including education.
As a learning tool, the Smartphone has become indispensable for system implementation. The
study's goal is to investigate how smartphones can assist students in improving their public
speaking skills. The study employed classroom action research in three cycles. This study
included 39 second-grade students from a junior high school in West Java. Interviews,
observations, and questionnaires were used to collect qualitative data. Furthermore,
quantitative data from speaking tests were obtained. According to the findings of this study,
using a smartphone during a course activity can keep students' attention and interest. They
also gained the confidence to speak up and actively participate in class. Furthermore,
smartphones help students stay engaged while learning. The speaking test results revealed
that the students' speaking abilities had improved. The mean score for students in cycle one
was 70.4, 77.6 in cycle two, and 82.2 in cycle three. As a result, because smartphones are
compatible with student characteristics, they can be used as a learning media to assist
students in improving their speaking skills, broadening their knowledge, and developing their
other English practice.

The Results of the Research

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan 72,97% memahami mobile learning berbasis android,
75,67% mengetahui manfaat mobile learning berbasis android dan 81,08% menyatakan
kesiapan pada penggunaan mobile learning berbasis android.
Diperoleh dari 60 responden dengan persepsi harga 28,112% berada di urutan pertama
kemudian Ram 19,931% Kemudian kamera 16,972% .
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa memang terdapat penyimpangan perilaku pada siswa
MTs Zia Salsabila sebagai akibat dari sistem pembelajaran daring, beberapa perilaku
menyimpang itu antara lain: (1) Ketergantungan dengan android, Rendah minat belajar,
Kurang disiplin, Curang dalam mengisi absen, Curang dalam keikutsertaan pembelajaran.
Penyebabnya dilatarbelakangi oleh kurangnya pengawasan dar guru dan orang tua, di tambah
lagi memag dikarenakan sistem pembejaran yang diterapkan memang memberian peluag
untuk dapat melakukan penyimpangan perilaku.
j.By the results of observations by researchers in the field that several education programs in
schools have not been able to be implemented because they are constrained by the lack of
supporting facilities and infrastructure and competent human resources to implement and
support the concept of independent learning during the COVID-19 pandemic with online
learning models, it was also found several constraints, according to the information received
and observations by researchers, see that the use of online learning has a double value,
namely, some advantages and disadvantages occur in its implementation activities, in
addition to the value of effectiveness that has been stated there are also disadvantages,
namely; not all students have online learning support tools (mobile phones (gadgets),
.Some have gadgets but do not support access to tasks because they do not have internet
Some students usually use their parents' or older brother's cellphones but at the same time,
parents go to work, which generally has to bring cellphones so that children don't take part in
Some students were also overwhelmed by the questions given by the teacher because some
teachers gave material via WhatsApp groups without any explanation....
The results showed 1) the use of the internet in learning has not been maximal, including the
use of smartphones, while the development of information and communication technology
demands the use of information teccnology in learning, 2) Android-based multimedia that has
been developed has been validated by content expert and media expert and declared valid and
very proper to be used, 3) the trial results in the individual test are in a score with very proper
qualifications so that they are declared valid meanwhile the small group trials are in the very
valid and practical. Based on the stages that are passed in Android-based multimedia
development in physic subject, product development can be continued at the next stage,
namely large group testing and implementation
Advances in the era of technology produce various sophisticated communication tools and at
affordable prices. Currently, the most popular means of communication are mobile phones,
especially the Android system. In its use, currently all circles of society are able to operate it,
be it children to the elderly. SD Negeri 107826 Pematang Sijonam is one of the places
affected by these technological advances, this can be seen from the results of initial
observations, where many of them are able to operate cellphones.
berdasarkan dari hasil peneleitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam penerapan pembelajaran
online itu sangat sulit karena seorang giru tersebut tidak memantau hasil pembelajaran siswa
tsb secara lsg, apakah seorang siswa benar2 mengerjakan suatu pelajaran dengan sendiri atau
dikerjakan oleh ortunya. Guru juga sulit menilai keaktifan siswa dalam belajar dan apakah
siswa tsb bisa memahami pelajaran dengan baik atau tidak.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses pembelajaran di SMA N 1 Gabus, Kab.
Grobogan selama masa pandemi covid-19 berlangsung secara daring dengan mengadakan
pendampingan atau bimbingan guru. Guru melaksanakan proses pembelajaran dengan tahap
perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran daring menimbulkan
problematika yang kemudian mendorong adanya upaya untuk mengatasi problematika yang
dilakukan oleh guru, siswa, orang tua / wali murid, beserta waka kurikulum untuk
mensukseskan pelaksanaan pembelajaran daring
The results showed that the implementation of online learning at Polbangtan Malang was
carried out through various platforms such as Google Classroom, LMS Moodle, WhatsApp,
Gmail, and YouTube. In its application, there are several obstacles and problems faced by
students such as internet network factors, internet quotas, and learning platforms that have
not been mastered. Students in online learning activities are classified as very good in the
interval X ≥ 11.7, the level of independent learning and critical thinking of students is also
classified as very good. The findings above indicate that student learning activities in the
Citizenship course are classified as very good even though they are carried out online. The
application of online learning must pay attention to several factors of constraints and
problems faced by students. With these findings, the application of online learning in the
future can be carried out wisely by paying attention to the effectiveness of activities, the
efficiency of internet quota, and the substance of the material being taught.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kontrol diri berkorelasi secara negatif terhadap kecanduan
gadget. Semakin tinggi kontrol diri yang dimiliki maka semakin rendah kecenderungan
remaja untuk mengalami kecanduan gadget. Selain itu data yang didapatkan melalui open
ended questions menunjukkan sejumlah strategi yang dilakukan siswa agar memiliki kontrol
diri yang tinggi yaitu melakukan manajemen waktu, mengerjakan kegiatan selain
menggunakan gadget, dan mendapatkan pengawasan dari orang tua selama belajar dari rumah
The results showed that there were 3 aspects analyzed, namely advantages, weaknesses, and
expectations of students’ parents towards learning based on Android devices for students.
This research concluded that schools should (1) provide opportunities for students to take
advantage of Android devices as a learning tool, (2) mediate periodic meetings among
teachers and students’ parents to evaluate the behavior and learning outcomes of students,
(3) facilitate the learning process so that students and teachers easily access the internet to
carry out learning, and (4) guide teachers to improve their digital pedagogy competence to
present interesting learning lessons during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The findings of this study indicate that students are familiar with the use of android-based
learning media in physical education learning. 66.7% of students have used android-based
learning media in the form of videos, and only 33.3% use Android-based learning media in
the form of images. Student perceptions positively affect learning media based on Android
Physical Education and Physical Education with a percentage of 80.0%. It is recommended
that every teacher in the school be more creative in creating online learning content to be not
bored and more effective
The conclusions obtained in this study are: (a). The media used by islamic education teachers
in Bengkulu in teaching online is the Whatsapp application and zoom cloud; and (b) islamic
education teacher responses in Bengkulu Tengah to online learning the majority of teachers
said that online learning was not effective.
The result shows that the use of smartphone communication technology is considered very
effective as a media of learning in the covid-19 pandemic situation. The indicator of
effectiveness is divided in four component such us program success, the target success, the
program satisfaction, and achievement of overall goals. The score gained is 81.6 and it
belongs to very effective category.
From the research results, it was found that the online learning models that were widely used
were WAG (Whatsapp Group), Google For Education (Google Form, Google Classroom,
Google Drive), Youtube, Zoom Meeting. The obstacles experienced were unstable
communication signals, exhausted internet quota, parents' cellphones brought to work,
students accompanied by their parents working on assignments at night. Meanwhile, the
advantages of online learning are flexible, complete reference sources, and adaptive to
technology. Of the student activity level, only 50% are fully active in online learning, 32%
are active and the remaining 28% are inactive
Sig value of 0.151, it can be said that the "hypothesis is rejected" meaning that there is no
difference in learning mastery in the control class and the experimental class. Therefore,
further research can expand the material and not only measure learning mastery but also do
not affect other factors.
Setelah dilaksanakan penelitian ini diperoleh hasil bahwa dengan menerapkan pembelajaran
daring berbasis android pembelajaran menjadi lebih efektif karena mempermudah siswa
untuk mendapatkan materi pelajaran beserta tugas sekolah dan mempermudah guru dalam
memberikan materi pelajaran, tugas sekolah, dan dapat melakukan penilaian terhadap siswa.
Selama melaksanakan BDR (Belajar di Rumah) aplikasi yang digunakan adalah whatsapp,
classroom, dan google meet. Kekurangan pembelajaran daring ini yaitu sinyal tidak stabil,
tidak adanya kuota untuk mengakses internet, belum faham teknologi, android digunakan
oleh orang tua yang bekerja sehingga tidak mengikuti pembelajaran daring tepat waktu, atau
bahkan tidak punya android sehingga harus meminjam kepada orang terdekat agar dapat
mengikuti pembelajaran daring.
Hasil penelitian ini antara lain: (1) validasi ahli materi bernilai 96,25% dan reliabilitas
bernilai 85,71% dengan kategori sangat baik, (2) validasi ahli media bernilai 90% dan
reliabilitas bernilai 76,19% dengan kategori sangat baik dan (3) nilai respon peserta didik
sebesar 89,06%, dengan kriteria sangat praktis dan ketuntasan hasil test bernilai 88% dengan
kategori memenuhi kriteria pencapaian ketuntasan. Sehingga didapat Media pembelajaran
(LMS) Berbasis Android (edmodo) dinyatakan layak, praktis dan efektif untuk digunakan
. The results showed that the USBA implementation process at SMAN 3 Sungai Penuh was
the same as the conventional exam implementation process, but at USBA students were more
independent. The advantages of USBA include exams that can be done anywhere, USBA
costs are more efficient than paper exams, test results can be seen after students have finished
taking exams, with this USBA minimizing the occurrence of cheating by students.
Constraints in implementing USBA are the low capacity of the internet network. Comparing
conventional exams with USBA, there are many differences between the two, this can be
seen from the equipment used, the form of the questions, the time for taking the questions,
the place and the operational costs of the exam.
From the research results, it was found that smartphone learning media was very influential
in the teaching and learning process in the pandemic era, and this is one of the effective
media for distance learning as it is today, and the benefits that students get by using
smartphones a) as student learning media b). As an information center c). Adding student
insight d) and tools to facilitate communication. And the obstacles faced by students a)
students have to spend money to buy internet packages when studying b) students who do not
have smartphones c) students lack motivation when studying at home. The benefit of this
research is to provide information on learning media using smartphones which are very
effective in the era of the Covid 19 pandemic.
The results showed that the selection of the lecture method as an effective learning method to
be applied in distance learning in class VIII Islamic Junior High School Prestasi Al Mubtadi-
Ien. Several stages that must be considered in the use of the lecture method are conveying the
learning objectives, adjusting the accuracy of the method, managing the attention and
condition of students, presenting material, providing conclusions, and conducting
evaluations. The use of the lecture method in distance learning of Islamic Religious
Education at SMP IP Al Mubtadi-Ien, especially in class VIII emphasizes students'
understanding of the material presented by the teacher, with the help of additional platforms
to optimize the teaching and learning process
Findings show that most students accepted social media use to support learning and felt
connected to the learning. The findings also have identified several drivers that promoted the
high level of acceptance and connectedness to learning, such as students' perceived
usefulness, availability of learning support, motivation, and connectedness with their friends.
Implications for further research and practices of WhatsApp usage to support online learning
are discussed
Based on the questionnaires and the interviews conducted by researcher, it shows 86.5% of
students have high learning motivation in PJJ, and the usage of android-based mobile
learning applications also can be an alternative for students to study and to understand the
learning materials well.
The Survey revealed that video conferences (zoom and google meet), google classroom, and
instant messaging (Whatsapp and telegram) were the most widely used platform for online
learning. The lecturers interviewed mentioned that they usually combine some media: Instant
messaging, video conferences, and LMS platforms, to conduct online teaching. The
combination of three kinds of those platforms was more effective in online learning than
By using online learning, it encourages students to be more active in their learning processes.
Many features in Zoom Meeting make learning process more interesting. In addition, the
learning materials conveyed by the lecturers can be grasped by the students.
The result of this study indicated that to optimize online learning during the covid 19
pandemics, PAI teachers used various platforms such as Whatsapp, google form, and google
meet. The teaching and learning process was done interactively and evaluated by having the
mid-term test, final test, and portfolio. Furthermore, the teachers also coordinated with
parents about students’ difficulties in online learning, and whenever necessary, the teachers
did home visits.
The results showed that students' perceptions and awareness in carrying out tasks online are
in a good category. There is a significant effect of online learning on student awareness in
doing assignments with a contribution of 72.1%. The remaining 27.9% was influenced by
other variables not found in this study.
The results showed that the google classroom application can help and facilitate teachers and
students in implementing the distance learning process. Based on the results of the study it
can be concluded that online learning using the google classroom application proved effective
carried out during the WFH consequence covid-19 pandemic. Utilization of Google
classroom is acceptable and further developed even though it still requires revamping the
availability of supporting resources.
According to the findings of this study, using a smartphone during a course activity can keep
students' attention and interest. They also gained the confidence to speak up and actively
participate in class. Furthermore, smartphones help students stay engaged while learning. The
speaking test results revealed that the students' speaking abilities had improved. The mean
score for students in cycle one was 70.4, 77.6 in cycle two, and 82.2 in cycle three. As a
result, because smartphones are compatible with student characteristics, they can be used as a
learning media to assist students in improving their speaking skills, broadening their
knowledge, and developing their other English practice.

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