Anda di halaman 1dari 1


Which is the correct disposal method for the  4 Ahmad carried out an experiment to compare
following chemicals? the rate of corrosion between an iron nail
Kaedah pelupusan manakah yang betul bagi bahan and a steel nail. Which of the following is the
kimia berikut? responding variable for the experiment?
A Throw solid wastes into the dustbin Ahmad menjalankan satu eksperimen untuk
Buang sisa pepejal ke dalam tong sampah membandingkan kadar pengaratan antara paku besi
B Pour the dilute hydrogen peroxide dengan paku keluli. Antara berikut, yang manakah
directly into the sink pemboleh ubah bergerak balas dalam eksperimen ini?
Tuang hidrogen peroksida cair terus ke dalam A The presence of iron and steel nails
singki Kehadiran paku besi dan paku keluli
C Keep the sulphuric acid in a closed B The presence of water
labelled plastic container Kehadiran air
Simpan asid sulfurik di dalam bekas plastik C The rate of rusting
tertutup yang berlabel Kadar pengaratan
D Dispose hydrocarbons and organic D The type of nail
solvents directly into the drain Jenis paku
Buang hidrokarbon dan pelarut organik terus ke

Paper 2
Section A
 1 The diagram below shows an experiment conducted in a school laboratory. The aim of the
experiment is to study the rusting of iron and stainless steel nails.
Rajah bawah menunjukkan satu eksperimen yang dijalankan di sebuah makmal sekolah. Tujuan eksperimen ini adalah
untuk mengkaji pengaratan paku besi dan paku keluli nirkarat.


Iron nail Stainless steel nail

Paku besi Paku keluli nirkarat

Stainless steel is a mixture of 70% iron and 30% chromium.

Keluli nirkarat ialah suatu campuran 70% ferum dan 30% kromium.
(a) What is the hypothesis of this experiment?/Apakah hipotesis bagi eksperimen ini?
A stainless steel nail does not rust but an iron nail rusts./Paku keluli nirkarat tidak berkarat tetapi paku besi berkarat.
[1 mark/markah]
(b) For this experiment, state the/Bagi eksperimen ini, nyatakan
(i) manipulated variable/pemboleh ubah dimanipulasikan
The types of nails/Jenis paku
(ii) responding variable/pemboleh ubah bergerak balas
Rusting of nail/Pengaratan paku
(iii) fixed variable/pemboleh ubah dimalarkan
Presence of water and air/Kehadiran air dan udara
[3 marks / markah]
(c) After five days, predict the results that can be observed. HOTS Analysing
Selepas lima hari, ramalkan keputusan yang dapat diperhatikan.
The stainless steel nail does not rust but the iron nail rusts./Paku keluli nirkarat tidak berkarat tetapi paku besi berkarat.
[1 mark/markah]
(d) Give the conclusion of this experiment./Berikan kesimpulan bagi eksperimen ini.
The hypothesis is accepted, the iron nail rusts but the stainless steel nail does not.
Hipotesis diterima, paku besi berkarat tetapi paku keluli nirkarat tidak berkarat.
[1 mark/markah]

Modul F4 Chemistry(1).indd 6 25/10/2021 4:48 PM

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