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Kata Pengantar

Puji Syukur kehadirat Allah SWT karena atas limpahan rahmat-Nya sehingga
Penyusun dapat menyelesaikan modul untuk tugas pendalaman materi Program
Pendidikan Guru, Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Modul ini berjudul English
for Public Information, dengan learning activity Infographic yang bertujuan untuk
membekali peserta didik akan teks yang berkaitan dengan English for Public
Information. Modul ini juga dilengkapi dengan latihan, dan tes formativ untuk menguji
pemahaman peserta didik terkait dengan materi yang terdapat pada modul.

Penyusun mengucapkan terima kasih kepada ibu Dr Tri Rosita, M.Pd yang telah
membantu proses penyelesain modul ini

Penyusun menyadari masih banyak kekurangan dalam penyusunan materi ajar

ini. Oleh karena itu, penyusun sangat mengharapkan kritik dan saran demi perbaikan dan
kesempurnaan modul ini. Semoga modul ini dapat bermanfaat bagi kita semua,
khususnya para peserta didik

Sungai Sirih, 26 Juli 2021

Yeyen Novita, S.S



KATA PENGANTAR ................................................................................ii

DAFTAR ISI .............................................................................................iii.

ENGLISH FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION ...................................................1

A. Introduction .........................................................................................1

LEARNING ACTIVITY : INFOGRAPHICS .................................................2

A. Introduction ..........................................................................................2

B. Main Section ..........................................................................................6

C. Closing Section ......................................................................................14




This module entitles English for Public Information. Based on its name, this
module is arranged to make you, as the English learners and as the students know and
understand on how to learn English for public Information.

This module will also explain about comprehension and ability of short functional
texts. You will be introduced texts of info graphic. You will be asked to observe kinds of
sample of infographic in Indonesia. You have to make a product infographics


1. Short Description

In this teaching material you will learn infographich This part provides materials
related to the definition of infographics, the structure, the language features, as well as
the information to create effective infographics. Infographics are used as a powerful tool
to allow people to easily digest information through the use of visual data, charts, and
statistics. With the proper use of color, proportion, and negative space, information can be
transformed into memorable, attention-grabbing and even persuasive graphics.

2. Relevance

When you need to give someone a really quick rundown on something that can be
hard to explain in words alone, an infographic is a good way to go.

The technological devices of information and communication are developed to

deliver valuable knowledge quickly, regardless of the place and time, novel media
demonstration formats emerged. Infographics are examples of this format, which use
graphic visual pictures to show the information, knowledge or data effectively

Presenting information through visual components enables you to display a

certain condition in an organized way. The visualisation plays an important role
regarding the purpose and characteristics of the information being conveyed, and of
course the characteristics of learners. Meanwhile, graphics are among the visuals
components used to bring information.

3. Learning Guide

This Learning Activity is divided in three parts. They are: (A) Introduction that
introduces Infographics , (B) Main section that leads readers to observe and study: 1.
learning outcomes, 2. learning material and learning activities, and 3. discussion about
Infographics , (C) Closing section that expects the readers to make summary of
Infographics ,and make reflection, then do formative test as an exercise after doing each


3. Learning Outcomes

In this chapter, you are expected to learn the following competencies:

a. Attitude

To uphold and apply religious values, moral values, ethical values,

personal and social values (honesty, discipline, accountability,

independence), care and respect for differences and diversity, tolerance, peace,
collaboration, and nationalism.

b. Knowledge

To analyze the social functions, text structures, and lexico-grammatical

features of report texts in regard to the contexts of situation.

c. Skill

After learning this chapter, you are expected to be able to:

 comprehend infographics meaningfully

 compare the social functions of infographics regarding the context of situation,

the target readers, the points of interests or importance

 comprehend the structure of infographics

 comprehend the language features of infographics

 create a good and effective infographics

4. Learning Materials and Learning Activities

a. Definition of Infographics

Do you know this picture?

Task 1

1. What is the picture talk about

2. What information is presented in the text?

3. Is the media is simple way?

After you answer the task you can conclude what is an infographic

An infographic is made from graphic information, representation of visual

graphic information, knowledge or data words, which aimed to show complicated
information fast and clearly (Newsom and Haynes, 2004). It may be called as data
visualization, information design or architecture of information based on its target. The
cognition can enhance the graphics by using the system of visual human to see tendencies
and patterns (Heer et al, 2010).
b. Characteristics of Infographics

There are a number of things that should be taken into consideration when
creating an infographic. Here are nine key characteristics to keep in mind:

Visual Interest.

Think about the sorts of things that catch your attention. When you’re walking
past a rack of magazines or scrolling through a web page, take the time to notice the
colors and formats that grab and keep your attention. If you want people to pay attention
to your infographic, you can’t just do the same old thing – you have to be engaging and


Be as specific as you can be when it comes to theme. Just like when you write
blog posts, if you keep your facts too general you won’t attract as much attention. A
targeted theme that combines your company’s interests with a creative flair is always a
great choice.


The ability to share a lot of information in a small amount of space is part of what
makes infographics so powerful. Be sure to invest equal amounts of time and
consideration into both the data you share and the manner in which you share it.


There are a lot of ideas that could have insightful visual representations, but not
all of them are relevant to your business and what it is trying to convey. Give your design
some weight by relating it back to your company and its goals – anecdotal evidence is a
great way to get people to listen and relate to what you say.

d. Action.

An infographic that just repeats information without putting any spin or analysis
on it is not something that people will be interested in. In order to be interesting, a design
has to have “action” – it has to do something. It can compare or define or teach or list, but
it must serve some sort of interpretive function.

e. Color.

Color is a powerful thing. An easy go-to color scheme will include colors that are
already in your company’s logo or website design, but in different shades and tones so
they won’t blend in too much with your website, blog or print media. If you want to go
further, consider that different colors are known to convey different moods. Blue, for
instance, calming  – if your goal is to communicate a calm vibe, then a blue color scheme
could work for you.


Fonts can go a long way toward supporting different themes. For example, a font
like Courier New is great for a graphic that uses a lot of technical information, because it
has a clean look and is legible even at very small sizes. As you would with color,
experiment with typography to find the right blend for your infographic.

g Distribution.

Throughout the entire creation process, keep in mind how you plan to get your
infographic onto the web and make it easy and appealing for people to share..


Social platforms may be the best way to share your infographic once it has been
published – tweeting, bookmarking, sharing, and posting to B2B social media platforms.
There are a number of different social channels that can serve as vehicles for your
infographic, from Facebook to Twitter to Tumblr to Flickr and beyond.

c. Generic Structure of Infographics

Task 2

1. What is the point of the infographic above?

2. Where can you find the short explanation of the point?

3. What details can you find in the above infographic?

4. What can you conclude about the information provided in the above

5. How can you be sure that the information is valid?

6. After responding those questions, can you mention the generic structure
of an infographic?

So, when you are about to make infographics, the followings are the structure of
an infographic:

a. Headline/ Title

Your headline should tell about the whole gist of your infographic. It is better for you to
make it short yet interesting.

b. Beginning/ Introduction

This part contains sentences describing your infographic. Your introduction

should grasp your reader’s attention.
c. Middle/ Main Infographic Content

This is the main focus of your infographic. Here, the main idea of your message is
broken down into smaller sections by using subtopics, subheadings, supporting sentences,
and data visual elements.

d. End/ Conclusion

You summarize and reinforce your argument in this part. You can write what you
want your readers to do.

e. Sources and Footnotes

Do not forget to cite your sources if you are using sources apart from your own, for
finding relevant data for example.

d. Social / Language Function of Infographics

According to the use and the goal, the followings are some major types and
functions of infographics:

1. Statistical Infographics

Visual elements are perfect for inducing certain emotions in your social media
audience, which is why infographics are great for storytelling.

2. Data Visualizations

A popular way to use infographics is to visually represent complex data. Through data

visualization, dense information can be shared witt the audience faster and more
3. Anatomy

Using visual elements is a great way to break down technical information, making
it easier for the audience to comprehend. Use an infographic that breaks down
information into its core components.

4. Processes and How-To’s

process is quite similar to a timeline. They both follow a single flow and are
typically accompanied with directional cues like arrows and numbers.There is, however,
a key difference between the two. Unlike timelines, processes do not depend on the
progression of time. They focus on the actual events instead of when they occur.

5. Comparisons

It means you can utilize different elements such as charts and tables. This allows
you to perform comparisons in more creative ways.
Here is an example of a comparison infographic:

6. Lists
a list infographic do not follow a specific order – with the exception of “top” lists that
arrange items based on a set criteria. Regardless, everything in a list must collectively
form a cohesive thought or relate to a single topic.
7. Maps

Map infographics are exactly what they sound like. They make it easy to share
information tied to geological locations. The visual elements you can use range from
heatmaps, color codes, icons, and other data visualizations

e. Language Features of Infographics

Some language features that you can follow to make a good infographics are as follow:

1. Informative

You need to be informative, accurate, and revealing the message. You need to
make sure that through your infographics, you can add values that a text alone cannot
communicate. In general,your aim is to bring clarity and understanding where there is
complexity and confusion.

2. Engaging

Use the language that invites people to explore the information and help them find
relevance and context. Stimulate them so that they will want to spend time reading your

3. Accessible

You need to communicate to the readers with the clearest language and the
simplest techniques.

Task 3

Answer the question below

1. What is the text about?

2. What is the author’s purpose for writing the infographics?

3. would you classify this type of infographic?

4. Who are the target readers

Discussion forum

Since you have learned this topic and involved in some learning activities, it is
necessary for you to confirm your understanding, share your knowledge and
experience, and improve your comprehension on this topic, either with other
participants or instructor. Therefore, you should get involved in this discussion forum.
C. Closing Section

1. Summary

An infographic is made from graphic information, representation of visual

graphic information, knowledge or data words, which aimed to show complicated
information fast and clearly

Characteristics of Infographics are visual interes, theme, detail, meaning, action,

colour, Typography, Distribution and social

Generic structure of infographics are Headline/ Title, Beginning/ Introduction Middle/ Main
Infographic Content, End/ Conclusion and Sources and Footnotes

Social function of Infographics are, statistical infographics, data visualization,

anatomy, process infographics, comparison, list and map infographics


To review your understanding about infographics, consider the following


a. How can you define infographics?

b. What are some social functions of infographics?

c. How is an infographic structured?

d. What are the language features of a successful infographic?

e. How will you design a good infographic?

Formative test

1. Using visual elements is a great way to break down technical information,

making it easier for the audience to comprehend. Use an infographic that breaks
down information into its core components.

a Process infographic
b. Anatomy infographic
c. Geographic infographic
d. Statistical infographic

2. What Type of infographic below

a Process infographic

b. Anatomy infographic

c. Geographic infographic

d. Statistical infographic
3.What is the main functio of anatomy infographics

a. to share a collection of tips

b. Use an infographic that breaks down information into its core components.

c. to provide a summary/ overview of steps in process

d. as enumerating quick tips and top lists

4. The following is NOT one of the characteristics of successful infographics

a. visual interset

b. the clear coluur

c. no action

d. action

Question number 5-8

5.What is the purpose of the text?

a. to explain about the increase of obesity among the children

b. to campare and contras about the increase of obesity among the children

c. to discuss about the increase of obesity among the children

d. to inform readers about the increase of obesity among the children

6. What measure is used to define obesity in the text?

a. Children age

b. Childrena position on the growth chart

c. children body mass index

d. No information is available

7. the infographic can categorize to

a. Comparison infograph

b. Anatomy infographic

c. Geographic infographic

d. Statistical infographic

8. Based on Infographics, which statement can be inferred

a. The largest increase in children obesity is found in most states

b. There has been a dramatic increase in children obesity since 2004

c. The largest increase in children obesity is found in Missipi

d. Obesity is defined based on children's position on the any chart

Text for number 9-10

9. how does informatioon is presented

a. Using categories of activities one can do to help saveour planet

b. By persuading people to do the recommended actions listed

c. By presenting a list of short articles describing actions

d. By inviting readers to protect our planet by starting from them

10. why can planting trees help protect our planet?

a. Trees are sources of natural energy

b. Trees can keep soil from sliding

c. Trees play a role as a natural condition

d. Trees help combat climate change

Kunci jawaba Tes Formative

1. B

2. A

3. B

4. C

5. D

6. D

7. C

8. C

9. C

10. D

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Allaby, M., Day, T., Dipper, D. F., & Morgan, B. (2009). Everything on Earth. New York,
NY: DK Publishing .

BBC. (2018). Graphs and charts. Retrieved from Skillswise: English and Maths for Adults:

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