Anda di halaman 1dari 19


1. Rita adalah guru Bahasa Daerah di sekolah Sejahtera Bersama. Suatu hari ia
mendapatkan tugas untuk mendampingi siswa untuk mengikuti olimpiade matematika.
Hal terbaik yang dilakukan oleh Rikka adalah …
A. Menjalankan dengan sebaik-baiknya sesuai dengan yang diinstruksikan oleh kepala
B. Menjalankan tugas sebisanya karena tugas itu tidak sesuai dengan minat dan bidang
C. Menjalankan tugas sebaik mungkin yang dimampu termasuk mengajar materi,
memantau kepercayaan diri, dan kesejahteraan siswa yang didampinginya.
D. Mengajar dan mendampingi siswa tersebut dengan baik hingga memperoleh hasil yang
E. Menolak tugas yang diberikan oleh kepala sekolah karena adanya pekerjaan yang belum

2. Anda ditunjuk sebagai koordinator dalam sebuah kegiatan dengan program kerja yang
sangat padat, tetapi salah satu anggota kelompok anda memperlihatkan sikap yang
kurang peduli terhadap program kerja. Sikap anda …
A. Menegur dan mengancam mengeluarkan salah satu anggota kelompok tersebut jika
tidak mengubah sikapnya
B. Bekerja sendiri agar program kerja dapat terealisasi
C. Menegur serta menasehati salah satu anggota kelompok tersebut
D. Melaporkan kepada kepala sekolah sebagai penganggung jawab kegiatan
E. Membiarkan dan mengabaikan salah satu anggota kelompok tersebut

3. Saat anda dituduh dan dimarahi oleh atasan sedangkan hal tersebut tidak sesuai dengan
keadaan yang sebenarnya, yang akan saya lakukan adalah …
A. Menanggapi pertanyaan dari siapapun tentang isu-isu tersebut
B. Saya akan berusaha menemukan penyebar isu itu dan membuat perhitungan dengannya
C. Saya akan membiarkannya saja karena nanti juga akan hilang dengan sendirinya
D. Berusaha menjelaskan keadaan yang sebenarnya
E. Meminta pertimbangan teman dekat saya

4. Anda sedang mengerjakan tugas di perpustakaan dan 1 jam lagi harus selesai. Tiba-tiba
ada teman anda yang menanyakan letak sebuah buku. Apa yang anda lakukan?
A. menyuruhnya untuk bertanya ke petugas perpustakaan
B. menyampaikan kalau anda sedang sibuk
C. memberitahukan hanya letak rak dan posisi bukunya saja
D. meninggalkan pekerjaan anda sebentar untuk mengantarnya menunjukan buku yang
dimaksud, dan kembali melanjutkan pekerjaan anda.
E. pura-pura tidak rnendengarkannya

5. Saat sedang banyak antrian, seorang bapak salah datang ke tempat saya dan meminta
pelayanan. Padahal pelayanan yang diperlukan terletak di bidang lain di kantor saya.
Yang saya lakukan...
A. Menutup pelayanan sebentar dan mengantarkannya ke bagian pelayanan yang
B. Memintanya untuk segera ke ruangan yang diperlukan, karena saya harus segera
melayani antrian lain
C. Meminta teman menggantikan tugas saya, dan mengantarkan bapak tersebut ke tempat
yang diperlukan
D. Meminta tolong kepada teman yang sedang tidak melakukan pelayanan untuk
mengantar bapak tersebut
E. Memberinya petunjuk jalan ke arah ruang pelayanan yang dibutuhkan

6. Tahun ini akan ada kompetisi dalam bidang yang saya senangi, maka saya....
A. Tidak perduli
B. Saya tidak mengikuti, karena lawannya pasti kuat
C. Ikutin saja, kalah menang urusan belakang
D. Ikut karena saya yakin lawannya mudah
E. lkut saja karna panitianya saudara saya

7. Dalam kaitannya dengan perubahan, secara umum saya dinilai orang lain sebagai orang
A. Mudah menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan yang baru
B. Butuh waktu untuk bergaul dengan secara akrab dengan orang lain.
C. Mempunyai keinginan tinggi untuk mengetahui kegiatan orang lain.
D. Cenderung kurang adaptif terhadap perubahan.
E. Mempunyai pergaulan yang tidak luas di masyarakat.

8. Kita hidup di Negara yang memiliki ragam kepercayaan, budaya, dan adat istiadat yang
berbeda-beda. Ditempat anda bekerja banyak yang beragama muslim mengeluhkan
sulitnya beribadah karena ketersediaan tempat atau pada jam untuk beribadah mereka
harus tetap bekerja, sikap anda sebagai pimpinan adalah …
A. Akan memfasilitasi tempat untuk beribadah mereka di lingkungan bekerja
B. Mendiskusikan hal ini dengan jajaran pimpinan untuk dicarikan solusinya
C. Menerima aturan tersebut dan ikut mematuhinya
D. Memberikan kebijakan yang bersifat toleran kepada pekerja yang muslim untuk
E. Bersifat toleran dan menyediakan fasilitas ibadah pekerja

9. Anda menggunakan kendaraan dinas, tanpa sepengetahuan Atasan, kendaraan yang

Anda gunakan tidak sengaja menambrak. Tindakan Anda adalah:
A. Diam, diam menyimpan kendaraan tersebut karena tidak seorang pun yang tahu, kalau
Anda menggunakan kendaraan tersebut.
B. Mencoba memperbaiki sendiri kendaraan tersebut
C. Membawa kendaraan tersebut ke bengkel, melaporkan kejadian tersebut kepada Atasan
serta menyerahkan segala keputusan kepada Atasan
D. Melaporkan kejadian tersebut kepada Atasan, siap menerima hukuman dari Atasan
E. Membawa kendaraan tersebut ke bengkel dan membiayainya dan mengembalikan
kendaraan tersebut secara diam down.

10. Suatu ketika kantor tempat saya bekerja mengadakan kegiatan darmawisata bersama
seluruh karyawan. Sebenarnya, saya tidak menyukai kegiatan wisata. Saya sebaiknya ...

A. Mengikuti kegiatan darmawisata dengan mengajak keluarga agar lebih menyenangkan

B. Tidak mengikuti kegiatan darmawisata

C. Mengikuti kegiatan darmawisata dengan berat hati

D. Memohon izin kepada atasan untuk tidak mengikuti darmawisata disertai dengan

E. Mengikuti kegiatan darmawisata dengan didasari rasa tanggung jawab dan


11. Saya melihat ada jalan berlubang yang membahayakan para pengendara jalan. Sebagai
pegawai yang bekerja dalam bidang tersebut saya ...

A. Segera mengajukan usul kepada atasan saya untuk menangani kerusakan jalan tersebut

B. Membiarkannya karena masih banyak pekerjaan lain yang lebih penting

C. Berkoordinasi dengan rekan kerja saya untuk memasang tanda hati-hati pada jalan

D. Tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa sehingga saya diam saja

E. Berkonsultasi dengan atasan saya tentang apa yang harus saya lakukan

12. Marisa adalah seorang guru BK di sekolah. Hari itu ia sedang melayani seorang siswa
yang nilainya turun drastis di tahun ini. Alasannya adalah karena orangtuanya yang
bercerai membuat ia tak fokus belajar. Sebagai guru BK, Marisa seharusnya...

A. Meminta orangtua siswa tersebut untuk rujuk demi kebaikan anak

B. Menyuruh siswa tersebut untuk tenang dan meminta orang tuanya untuk rujuk kembali
karena cerai membuat psikologi anak terganggu

C. Menenangkan siswa tersebut, memberinya nasihat, serta menyarankanya untuk

memfokuskan diri agar proses belajarnya berjalan dengan baik

D. Memintanya untuk tidak berlebihan dalam menanggapi masalah

E. Menurunkan kelas siswa tersebut agar ia bisa fokus belajar sesuai dengan kemampuan

13. Saat Anda melakukan verifikasi dokumen administrasi pendaftaran PPPK, ada seorang
oknum yang mengaku staf panitia seleksi PPPK menawarkan bantuan kepada Anda
untuk lolos ujian seleksi PPPK dengan memberikan sejumlah dana tertentu. Di satu sisi
Anda belum memiliki pekerjaan tetap namun memiliki tabungan yang cukup untuk
imbalan jasa bagi orang tersebut. Status Anda sudah menikah dan memiliki dua anak
sehingga tuntutan kebutuhan hidup cukup besar. Sikap Anda...
A. Terima tawaran tersebut karena Anda harus segera mendapatkan pekerjaan dan
penghasilan tetap untuk menafkahi keluarga. Selain itu persaingan dalam seleksi
PPPK cukup ketat dan kesempatan lolos sangat kecil.
B. Mempertimbangkan tawaran tersebut karena hal tersebut cukup membahayakan
bagi saya karena dapat ditindak secara hukum bila terbongkar dan kelulusan dapat
C. Melihat dan melihat potensi diri terlebih dahulu sebelum menerimanya, bila masih
mampu menjalani semua rangkaian prosesnya tidak perlu lagi berbuat curang
seperti itu
D. Menolaknya secara tegas dan menyampaikan kepadanya bahwa hal tersebut
melanggar hukum dan ketentuan dalam proses seleksi ASN dan saya ingin menjadi
ASN dengan cara yang bersih
E. Menolaknya secara tegas dan menginformasikan kepada panitia seleksi instansi
bahwa ada seorang oknum yang menawarkan cara curang dalam proses seleksi

14. Menurut Anda pekerjaan yang bertanggung jawab dan Menpunyal integritas adalah
orangyang ...
a. Bekerja dengan penuh ke hati-hatian,teliti, tetapi juga tepat waktu.
b. Menyelesaikantugas denganoepat.
c. Bekerjasesuaidengantataaturanyangberlaku.
d. Mengacupadaperintahatasan.
e. Bekerja berdasar pada skala prioritas dan tuntutan kondisi

15. Jam sudah menunjukkan waktu pulang kantor, rekan kerja sekantor Herman sudah
bersiap-siap untuk pulang. Tentu saja pe kerjaan Herman hari itu juga tidak sesibuk
hari-hari biasanya. Jika Anda menjadi Herman, sikap yang Anda lakukan adalah....
A. Tentu saja, ikut bersiap-siap untuk pulang kerja
B. Masih tetap di tempat duduk tetapi memainkan gawai sembari menunggu jam pulang
C. Tentu saja masih tetap di tempat duduk saya sambil membaca buku pengembangan
D. Sembari menunggu jam pulang kerja, saya mengobrol dengan rekan kerja yang masih
di kantor
E. Mengevaluasi tugas yang dikerjakan hari ini, yang selalu menjadi kebiasaan saya

16. RidwandimintamenyimpandokumenpenilaiankinerjaseluruhkaryawanPTMajuLancar
oleh manajer SDM karena mendadak harus pergi, dengan pesan jangan dibukakarena
datanya bersifat rahasia. Tidak ada seorang pun yang tahu bahwa Anda
an tersebut. Jika Anda sebagai Ridwan, tindakan yang akan Anda lakukanadalah

a. MelihatdokumentersebutkhususdokumenyangberkaitandengandiriAnda.
b. Melihatseluruhdokumenpegawaiyangdicalonkanuntukpromosisekadarun
c. Tidakmembukadokumenkarenasudahdipesanuntuktidakmembukanya.
d. Mengajak satu temanyang Anda percayauntuk membuka sekedaruntuk
e. MenanyakanlangsungsecarapribadikepadamanajerSDMtentangkesempat

1. Kegiatan pembelajaran yang mengelompokkan benda sesuai bentuknya merupakan bagian dari
proses berpikir dan dimensi pengetahuan ....

A. konseptual – menganalisis
B. konseptual – menerapkan
C. konseptual – memahami
D. faktual – mengingat
E. prosedural – menganalisis

2. Guru bermaksud mengembangkan ide peserta didik, sehingga meminta peserta didik membuat
karya tulis dengan tema “Pengaruh gadget pada peserta didik abad 21”. Penilaian yang tepat untuk
kegiatan tersebut adalah ....

A. tes lisan
B. Observasi
C. penilaian produk
D. tes tertulis
E. penilaian praktik

3. Contoh penerapan teori behavioristik yang dilakukan oleh guru saat ini dalam media digital dalam
praktik pembelajaran adalah....

A. powerpoint dan microsoft word

B. google dan youtube
C. internet dan powerpoint
D. powerpoint dan multimedia
E. internet dan media zoom

4. Unsur-unsur komunikasi berdasarkan definisi dan model komunikasi dalam konteks pesan dalam
bentuk simbol-simbol dilewatkan dari komunikator ke komunikan di antaranya melalui pancaindera
yaitu yang merupakan ….

A. penyadian ulang atau decoding

B. pesan atau message
C. penyandian atau encoding
D. pengirim atau komunikator
E. saluran dan media

5. Perhatikan pernyataan berikut.

- Keterampilan, kolaborasi, dan interpersonal.

- Tanggung jawab pribadi dan social.
- Komunikasi interaktif.

Sebagai bagian dari keterampilan enGauge Abad ke-21, pernyataan tersebut merupakan ciri-ciri dari

A. effective communication
B. efficiency learning
C. digital age literacy
D. inventive thinking
E. high productivity
6. Perhatikan contoh soal HOTS di bawah ini!

Pemerintah Indonesia pernah menerapkan program transmigrasi, terutama dari dalam Pulau Jawa
ke luar untuk mengatasi masalah kependudukan. Kini, transmigrasi dianggap sudah tak relevan lagi.
"Dulu karena kita menganggap penduduk itu beban maka yang kita pikirkan adalah transmigrasi dari
Jawa ke luar. Hari ini itu bukan lagi solusi yang efektif," kata JK di Istana Wapres, Jalan Kebon Sirih,
Jakarta Pusat, Jumat (24/8/2018).

Berdasarkan kasus di atas, apa yang anda lakukan untuk mengatasi masalah kependudukan
tersebut? Jelaskan alasanmu!

Manakah indikator soal yang paling tepat untuk soal di atas?

A. Disajikan kasus tentang kependudukan, peserta didik dapat menjelaskan terjadinya ledakan
penduduk di suatu negara.
B. Disajikan teks tentang kependudukan, peserta didik dapat menyebutkan faktor-faktor yang
menyebabkan terjadinyan ledakan penduduk.
C. Disajikan permasalahan kontekstual tentang kependudukan, peserta didik dapat
menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut menggunakan konsep kependudukan.
D. Disajikan teks tentang masalah kependudukan, peserta didik menyadari pentingnya
“Keluarga Kecil Sejahtera”.
E. Disajikan teks, siswa dapat menjelaskan pengertian kependudukan.

7. Dengan komunikasi, mengutarakan siapa diri kita kepada orang lain atau kepada rekan-rekan kita.
Peserta didik yang aktif di kelas dapat dipandang sebagai kenyataan yang “berbeda” dengan peserta
didik lain. Pernyataan tersebut merupakan bagian dari fungsi komunikasi, yaitu ....

A. menyatakan eksistensi diri

B. pembentukan konsep diri
C. memupuk hubungan
D. melangsungkan kehidupan
E. Pembentukan eksistensi diri

8. Indikator kunci dari kompetensi dasar “Menghubungkan gaya dengan gerak pada peristiwa di
lingkungan sekitar” adalah ….

A. mengklasifikasi tentang gerak pada peristiwa di lingkungan sekitar

B. menganalis ekosistem di lingkungan tempat peserta didik
C. menganalisis hubungan gaya dengan gerak pada peristiwa di lingkungan sekitar
D. menguji hubungan gaya dengan gerak pada peristiwa di lingkungan sekitar
E. menjelaskan tentang gerak pada peristiwa di lingkungan sekitar

9. Teori belajar yang menyatakan bahwa belajar adalah perubahan tingkah laku. Seseorang dianggap
belajar jika ia telah mampu menunjukkan perubahan tingkah laku. Pentingnya masukan atau input
yang berupa stimulus dan keluaran atau output yang berupa respon ….

A. kognitivistik
B. humanistik
C. konstruktivistik
D. rekonstruktivistik
E. behavioristic
10. Pak Adit seorang guru SMP X, ketika melakukan proses pembelajaran menghadapi peserta didik
yang berasal dari berbagai latar belakang kondisi keluarga, seperti ada yang berasal dari keluarga
mampu, kurang mampu, yang orang tuanya menjadi pejabat atau sebagai buruh atau pegawai
swasta. Namun Pak Adit memberikan perhatian dan pelayanan yang sama kepada peserta didiknya.
Hal ini sebenarnya Pak Adit memperhatiakan karakteristik peserta didik terutama ….

A. etnik
B. minat
C. status sosial
D. kultural
E. motivasi

Read the following text and answer the question.

Pablo Ruiz Picasso (25 October 1881 - 8 April 1973) was a Spanish painter, sculptor, printmaker,
ceramicist and theatre designer who spent most of his adult life in France. Regarded as one of the
most influential artists of the 20th century, he is known for co-founding the Cubist movement, the
invention of constructed sculpture, the co-invention of collage, and for the wide variety of styles that
he helped develop and explore. Among his most famous works are the proto-Cubist Les Demoiselles
d'Avignon (1907), and Guernica (1937), a dramatic portrayal of the bombing of Guernica by German
and Italian air forces during the Spanish Civil War.

Picasso demonstrated extraordinary artistic talent in his early years, painting in a naturalistic manner
through his childhood and adolescence. During the first decade of the 20th century, his style
changed as he experimented with different theories, techniques, and ideas. After 1906, the Fauvist
work of the slightly older artist Henri Matisse motivated Picasso to explore more radical styles,
beginning a fruitful rivalry between the two artists, who subsequently were often paired by critics as
the leaders of modern art.

Picasso's work is often categorized into periods. While the names of many of his later periods are
debated, the most commonly accepted periods in his work are the Blue Period (1901-1904), the
Rose Period (1904-1906), the African-influenced Period (1907-1909), Analytic Cubism (1909-1912),
and Synthetic Cubism (1912-1919), also referred to as the Crystal period. Much of Picasso's work of
the late 1910s and early 1920s is in a neoclassical style, and his work in the mid-1920s often has
characteristics of Surrealism. His later work often combines elements of his earlier styles.

(Source: Assemblage (art) - Wikipedia)

1. Which sentence is the CORRECT one?

a.He had radical styles in his young age.

b.His work was dynamics due to times.

c.He influenced arts in the 18th century. .

d.His work was naturalistic in all ages.

e.He passed away in his young age.

2. The tsunami ... by an underwater earthquake. a large wave generated

b.the large wave generated

c. is generated

d. a large wave is

e. a large wave generated

Look at the following infographics.

3. The word "you" in the infographics above refers to ....





e. consumers

Read the following text and answer the question.

Kenduri is a traditional ceremony in Java in which some people gather to pray for the safety and the
blessing on the host's demand.

Usually, this ceremony is attended by the whole family, neighbours, colleagues, spiritual figure and
so on.

The main point to hold kenduri is to pray for the safety and blessing to the God.

The process of kenduri is first the host prepares everything such as place and food, and then the
host invites the kin, neighbours, colleagues, and spiritual figur or religious leader to guide the

When the invited guests come, then the ceremony begin.

To close the ceremony, the host gives the gift (souvenir and food in common) to all the guests of the

4. Based on the text above, the following is occasions in which Kenduri may be held, EXCEPT ....

a.after one's graduation

b.the son's circumcision

c.the deceased of a relative

d.after landslides and big floods ceremony

Read the following text and answer the question.

Thailand: Forty-two passengers were injured and two were missing after two boats carrying Thai and
foreign tourists collided in the popular island beach party, police said Sunday.

The speedboats were ferrying tourists to Pha-Ngan island for a "Full moon"party, a monthly event
that attracts thousands of young, mostly western tourists.

Provincial police officer Adipong Tapee said of the 42 travelers injured, 39 were hospitalized
including four Britons, four Australians and four Singaporeans. Also among them were Irish,
Norwegian, Malaysian and Thai tourists, he said.

The boats collided and overturned before midnight Saturday, throwing the passengers into the
rough sea water just off the island, the website of The Nation newspaper said.-AP

5. What is the news about?

a.An accident on a speedboat.

b.A full moon party on a tourist boat

c.A beach party in Pha-Ngan island.

d.The missing tourists in Thailand.

e.A collision between two boats.

6. Rudi: How do you feel, Bonny?

Bonny: I don't feel well. I think I'm going to throw up.

From the dialogue, we can conclude that

a.Rudi and Boni will play baseball game.

b.Rudi plans to see a dentist.

c.Bonny is unwell.

d.Bonny gets the rubbish.

e.Rudi feels sick.

Read the following text and answer the question.

Kenduri is a traditional ceremony in Java in which some people gather to pray for the safety and the
blessing on the host's demand.

Usually, this ceremony is attended by the whole family, neighbours, colleagues, spiritual figure and
so on.

The main poin to hold kenduri is to pray for the safety and blessing to the God.

The process of kenduri is first the host prepares everything such as place and food, and then the
host invites the kin, neighbours, colleagues, and spiritual figur or religious leader to guide the

When the invited guests come, then the ceremony begin.

To close the ceremony, the host gives the gift (souvenir and food in common) to all the guests of the

7. The reason that may trigger the writer to write the text "Kenduri" above is that ...

a."Kenduri" is a precious national culture

b.some people are not familiar with it

c.the ceremony is waited by people

d.younger generation do not practice it

e.the writer is eager to preserve "Kenduri"

Read the following dialog and answer the question.

Vita : How was your holiday?

Rany : It was cool. I visited some countries.

Vita : That's awesome. So which country is the best?

Rany : Well, I visited 3 countries. In my opinion, Italy has practically everything better than France,

but the most perfect when I visited is Spain.

Vita : Yes, I agree with you that Spain is the best place.

8. What is the topic of the conversation?

a.Climate Action.

b.Wonderful Places.

c.Impressive Vacation.

d.Interesting Scenery.

e.Hard Practices.
Read the following card and answer the question.

My lovely sister Kiran,

Congratulations on your winning at the National Poetry competition!

Your hard work has been paid off.

Wishing you the best result in the international level.

Good luck!


9. The bold words "paid off" in the sentence "Your hard work has been paid off" has antonym of

a. gave back



d.put on

e.put over

10. Pay attention to the following brochure.

How should the people get the information if they are only able to visit the office?

The people should ...

a.go to the website. the website.

d.the website.

e.the website is.

11. "If we go to London, we will visit the tower."

It can be concluded that ....

a.It was a fact that we were in London

b.It is probable that we visit the tower

c.We are already in London

d.It could be that we visited the tower

e.We stayed at home

Read the following text and answer the question.

Thailand: Forty-two passengers were injured and two were missing after two boats carrying Thai and
foreign tourists collided in the popular island beach party, police said Sunday.

The speedboats were ferrying tourists to Pha-Ngan island for a "Full moon"party, a monthly event
that attracts thousands of young, mostly western tourists.

Provincial police officer Adipong Tapee said of the 42 travelers injured, 39 were hospitalized
including four Britons, four Australians and four Singaporeans. Also among them were Irish,
Norwegian, Malaysian and Thai tourists, he said.

The boats collided and overturned before midnight Saturday, throwing the passengers into the
rough sea water just off the island, the website of The Nation newspaper said.-AP

12. We know from the text that. ...

a.the boat carried forty two passengers

b.the two missing passengers were westerners

c.the passengers were mostly foreign tourists

d.the boats collided on the way back to Pha-Ngan island

e.forty two passengers were badly injured


Anybody who is over the age of six knows that there is nowhere safe for skateboarders to skate. This
prevents young people from enjoying an active, energetic and adventurous pastime.

Just watch a local street for a short while and note the steady stream of skaters speeding up and
down the footpaths. Toddlers can be trampled on and old ladies can be knocked down as they
struggle home carrying their cat food from supermarkets.

Skateboarding is a serious sport that improves young people‘s health. It increases fitness, improves
balance and strengthens the joints in knees and ankles. Although it appears to be a solo sport, when
groups practice together and compete to perform stunts or runs they form firm friendships.
Young people should be prevented from becoming overweight couch potatoes. If they are actively
involved in skating, they do not smoke, take drugs or break laws for fun.

Kids will always seek thrills and excitement. They need to practice their 180s, 360s and Ollie‘s free
from restrictions. We must build skate parks in the suburbs so that streets are safe for small children
and senior citizens and skaters have spaces where they can race, chase, speed, and soar towards the

13. One word/phrase in the text above that most possibly helps characterize it as an analytical
exposition text is ....






Look at the following invitation.

14. Based on the the invitation above, if you are likely to attend, you can

a.come to Madison Annie

c.address it

d.send a letter

e.go to the house


There are many reasons for both sides of the question, "Should we have printed advertisement'?"
Many people have strong views and feel that ads are nothing more than useless junk mail, while
other people feel it is important source information.
There are some reasons why we should have advertisement in newspaper and magazines. One
reason is ads give us information about what is available. Looking at ads we can find out what is on
sale and what is new in the market. This is an easy way of shopping. Another reason is that
advertisement promotes business. When shop owners compete against each other the buyer saves
money, more people come to their shops and they sell more goods.

On the other hand, some people argue that ads should not be put in newspapers and magazines for
these various reasons. Firstly, ads cost the shopkeepers a lot of money to print onto paper. Also
some people don't like finding junk mail in their letter boxes. Ads also influence people to buy items
they don't need and can't really afford.

Ads use up a lot of space and a lot of effort has to be made the ads eye-catching.

After looking at both sides of issue, I think we should not have advertisements because they cost a
lot of money and take up a lot of room in the papers. I don't think I find some of them interesting. I
mainly disagree because it's junk mail.

15. Why does the writer present two sides of opinions of advertisements?

a.She/he uses the opinions to emphasize her own stance.

b.She/he wants to be in the affirmative side.

c.She/he wants the readers know the opinion about the issue.

d.She/he wants to take side.

e.She/he wants the readers to understand her stance.

16. Solar eclipses occur ... between the Earth and the Sun, covering the latter.

a.the moon is

b.the position of the Moon

c.while the Moon

d.the Moon positioned

e.when the Moon is positioned

Read the following text and answer the question.

Drug users are actually ill people who need help. Rehabilitation is one of the main things they should
get. Instead of punishing drug users in prisons, the government should provide rehabilitation for

Most users are actually victims of persuasive peddlers and they suffer from consuming the drugs.
Therefore, by rehabilitating them, we are actually helping them out from traps, which they might
accidentally step on.
If we only arrest drug users and send them to jail, this doesn't solve the problem as drug users will
still be addicted unless proper rehabilitation is imposed to them. Providing rehabilitation programs
for drug users and forcing them to participate in the programs is better than only arresting them and
doing nothing to their illness. Only drug dealers, traffickers, and wholesalers should be imprisoned.

17. "...drug users will still be addicted unless proper rehabilitation is imposed to them." (Paragraph

The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....






Promoting Tourism: Good or Bad?

Lots of tourists visit our town, but many people argue whether this is good or bad for the
community. Each side has their own viewpoints.

Those in favor of the tourist industry argue that tourism brings money to the town and creates
employment. Business owners also supports this saying that tourism promotes development in
town. Moreover, everyone benefits from having better facilities and more shops. Others also argue
that tourism develops a better understanding of other cultures so people become more tolerant.

People against tourism, however, say that most of tourist's dollars are spent in international hotels
owned by foreign interest groups. Consequently, the town receives little financial benefit. In
addition, they point out that the new developments have caused traffic and water supply problems.
They argue that several unpleasant incidents in the community indicate that the local community
resentment towards tourists.

Undoubtedly, the local council should please both sides. Not only should it promote tourism, but
also restrict new development that would cause traffic and water supply problems.

18. "Not only should it promote tourism, but also restrict new development ...."

(Paragraph 4) The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....





Read the following text and answer the question.

Drug users are actually ill people who need help. Rehabilitation is one of the main things they should
get. Instead of punishing drug users in prisons, the government should provide rehabilitation for

Most users are actually victims of persuasive peddlers and they suffer from consuming the drugs.
Therefore, by rehabilitating them, we are actually helping them out from traps, which they might
accidentally step on.

If we only arrest drug users and send them to jail, this doesn't solve the problem as drug users will
still be addicted unless proper rehabilitation is imposed to them. Providing rehabilitation programs
for drug users and forcing them to participate in the programs is better than only arresting them and
doing nothing to their illness. Only drug dealers, traffickers, and wholesalers should be imprisoned.

19. Sending the drug users to prison is not a good solution because ....

a.they can be freed as soon as possible

b.they are given the whole recovery program

c.they may still be infected with harmful drugs

d.they are treated normally

e.they can't consume harmful drugs

Read the following text and answer the question.

Drug users are actually ill people who need help. Rehabilitation is one of the main things they should
get. Instead of punishing drug users in prisons, the government should provide rehabilitation for

Most users are actually victims of persuasive peddlers and they suffer from consuming the drugs.
Therefore, by rehabilitating them, we are actually helping them out from traps, which they might
accidentally step on.

If we only arrest drug users and send them to jail, this doesn't solve the problem as drug users will
still be addicted unless proper rehabilitation is imposed to them. Providing rehabilitation programs
for drug users and forcing them to participate in the programs is better than only arresting them and
doing nothing to their illness. Only drug dealers, traffickers, and wholesalers should be imprisoned.

20. Most drug users get drugs from ....




d.Rehabilitation center

21. Read the following text and complete the sentence.

If you want to separate garments, follow the instructions below:

check the tags for special washing instructions

... your laundry by "colour"

sort your clothes by fabric weight

... delicates into mesh wash bags, and

separate stained clothing. - colour

b.separate - put

c.colour - put

d.spoil - spot

e.put – separate

Read the following text and answer the question.

Last weekend, I visited my friend's house. His name is Yanto. There were many activities I did there.
In the morning, Yanto and I had breakfast. We had traditional food. I liked it very much.

After breakfast, he took me to the garden behind his house. The garden was very big and beautiful.
There is a big bird cage in the garden. There were many kinds of birds in that cage. I spent a long
time feeding the birds. I also took pictures with those beautiful birds.

After visiting the bird cage, Yanto and I went to the flower garden not far from his house. We took a
rest and had lunch under a big tree and watch butterflies flying above colourful flowers. In the
afternoon, we swam in the pool in the backyard. It was so fun. I really enjoyed my time with Yanto.

22. The bold word " spent" in the sentence "I spent a long time feeding the birds" is closest in

meaning to ....



c.used up



Read the following text and answer the question.

Last weekend, I visited my friend's house. His name is Yanto. There were many activities I did there.
In the morning, Yanto and I had breakfast. We had traditional food. I liked it very much.

After breakfast, he took me to the garden behind his house. The garden was very big and beautiful.
There is a big bird cage in the garden. There were many kinds of birds in that cage. I spent a long
time feeding the birds. I also took pictures with those beautiful birds.

After visiting the bird cage, Yanto and I went to the flower garden not far from his house. We took a
rest and had lunch under a big tree and watch butterflies flying above colourful flowers. In the
afternoon, we swam in the pool in the backyard. It was so fun. I really enjoyed my time with Yanto.

23. What did they do in the garden? They ....


b.took pictures

c.took a rest

d.fed some birds

e.returned home

Look at the following poster.

24. The following is NOT the target reader of the poster based on the information written in the
poster above.

a.Police Officer

b.Parents and teachers

c.Primary School Students

d.Administrative Staff


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