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Contoh Surat Pengunduran Diri berikut ini akan kami sajikan buat anda semua yang akan mengundurkan

diri dari pekerjaan. Di mana dalam surat pengunduran diri ini memang sangat mudah sekali membuatnya beda dengan melamar pekerjaan. Nah dalam membuat surat pengunduran diri dari memperhatikan beberapa hal. Contoh Surat Pengunduran Diri ini isinya lengkap dari mulau bekerja sampai pengunduran diri serta ucapan terima kasih kepada perusahaan. Nah di bawah ini contoh surat pengunduran diri buat anda semoga bermanfaat : Kepada, yth, Dir. HRD PT..... Di Tempat Dengan Hormat, Melalui surat ini saya selaku karyawan PT......... berdasarkan Surat Kesepakatan Bersama ( SKB) tentang kekaryawanan dan Undang - Undang tenaga kerja maka saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini. Nama : ......... Departemen : Jabatan : ........ No Karyawan : Mengajukan pengunduran diri dari PT....................... dengan alasan kesehatan dan keluarga.....(sebutkan alasan lan sesuai dengan kondisi anda).... Surat ini saya buat sesuai prosedur hubungan indistrial dan tanpa motivasi negatif. Saya berharap perusahaan dapat memahami kondisi saya dan memberikan hak -hak saya sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku. Demikian surat pengunduran diri ini saya buat dengan sesungguhnya. atas bantuan dan dukungan yang telah diberikan selama ini, saya ucapkan terima kasih.

Hormat Saya, Yogyakarta, ...,......, 2009 (........................)

Jakarta, Kepada Yth. HRD .. Jakarta Dengan hormat, Melalui surat ini saya ( Nama Terang) mengajukan permohonan mengundurkan diri sebagai karyawan (PT. .) terhitung tanggal ... Saya menghaturkan terima kasih atas kesempatan yang telah diberikan untuk belajar dan bekerja di PT sebagai suatu perusahaan besar di bidang .. selama kurang lebih 5 tahun. Tak lupa saya mohon maaf kepada jajaran manajemen PT. .. apabila terdapat hal-hal yang tidak baik yang telah saya lakukan selama bekerja di PT. . Saya berharap dan berdo'a agar PT. dapat terus berkembang dan selalu mendapatkan yang terbaik. Hormat saya, (Nama Terang)

Dear Mr. xxx,

It is with both regret and anticipation that I submit this letter of resignation. As required by my contract of empoyment, I hereby give you one month notice of my intention to leave my position as Front Desk Agent, effective 18 March 2011. I have decide that it is time to move on and I have accepted a position elsewhere. This was not an easy decision and took lot of consideration. However I am confident that my new role will help me to move towards some of the goals I have for my career. It has been my genuine pleasure to work for [company name] during these last 21 months. I have enjoyed working with [company name] fine staff of professionals and colleagues. The association I have made during working here will be truly memorable for years to come. I wish [company name] continued more success in the future. Thank you for allowing me to serve [company name] and for all the opportunity, experience, knowledge and new skill I have during my employment. Once again I wish you and all staff in [company name] every good fortune.

Yours truly,

[your name]

Surat lamaran kerja Dear Sir/Madam Having heard that there is an excited vacancy for Sales Manager, I am interested to join at your established organization and a copy of my curriculum vitae is enclosed. I am currently working as a Sales Executive and completely have previous background at Sales Department in one of Asia chain resort. With impeccable standards of hotel and villa experience, have an excellent eye for detail and the ability to bring out the best in your team. Though it would be my third experience in the hospitality industry, the kind of work in which your consulate is engaged particularly interests me and I would welcome the opportunity to join your excellent company. I shall be pleased to provide any further information you may need and hope I may be given the opportunity of an interview.

Yours sincerely,

Your Name

7 Jobs Interview Tips

| Artikel, Tips Interview | 1 comments Before going for a job interview, it is important to prepare for it. I know it sounds obvious but you have no idea how many job applicants do not do any homework in regards to the company they are applying for. Here are 7 job interview tips that you should take into consideration when you are applying for your next job. 1. Know Yourself It is important that you know your strengths and weakness as your potential employer will likely ask you this question. Also your current skill sets and character traits and think about how you can add value to the company. 2. Know the company You should find out as much information you can about the company you are applying. Interviewers like job applicants who take an initative to find out more about their company. You can research online, check company brochures or do some research at the local library for more information. 3. Your Job History Prepare your work experience ahead of time and in details. All your education references as well as letters of references and samples of your work should be arranged before you attend the job interviewer. This step is important as most employers will probably ask you about their previous job experiences anyway.

4. Know The Questions There are certain questions employers will most likely ask such as Introduce yourself, your job experiences and why did you left your previous company. It is best to prepare these questions mentally ahead of time so you do not choke on the spot when you are being questioned. 5. Punctuality Make sure you arrive at least 10 minutes before the job interview. Give yourself some allowances for traffic delays and unexpected circumstances. Being punctual gives a good impression and can help calm your nerves. 6. Your Attire Your attire should also be appropriate for the position you are applying. If you are not sure, you can always call and ask. 7. Body Language When you are being interviewed, your body language can tell a lot about you. Be firm and sit upright and be confident. Lastly, wear a simile on your face.

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