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1. Memiliki karakteristik hidup (ciri-ciri kehidupan)

2. Memiliki property kehidupan (molekul organik kompleks
untuk hidup) à 4 molekul organic kompleks: gula, protein,
asam nuklaet & lipid
Sugar (gula/karbohidrat)

Struktur molekul glukosa:

Simple Complex CHO
Contoh: glukosa, fruktosa Contoh: amilum, glikogen

Fungsinya: membrane sel, selulosa (serat)


Asam amino

SUMBER protein
Fungsi: membranes, enzymes, antibodies, non-steriod
hormones, structural molecules, “MEANS” polypeptide Struktur molekul 3D protein

Struktur fat (trigliseride)

Sumber LIPID

FUNGSI: Waterproof, insulate, steriods, energy, cushion… “WISE


Asam nukleat

Fungsinya: HEREDITY
1. Penciptaan khusus. Kehidupan di bumi
diciptakan dan ditempatkan ke bumi oleh
supernatural atau oleh Tuhan
2. Berasal dari luar angkasa (extraterestrial).
Kehidupan berasal dari luar planet.
3. Spontaneous (dari non-living things).
Kehidupan berasal dari abiotic yang
mengalami asosiasi molekul dan menjadi lebih

à Challenge: keadaan bumi sekarang berbeda dengan awalnya & tidak

ada saksi / witness
Teori PANSPERMIA – meteor/debu
kosmik membawa sejumlah besar
molekul organic kompleks ke bumi
yang memulai evolusi kehidupan


ANGKASA - Ribuan komet dan meteor yang
membawa material organic -

Bukti: ditemukannya air di bawah

permukaan bulan Europa planet
Jupiter, kemungkinan adanya fossil
pada bebatuan Mars
• Merupakan teori yang diterima luas oleh
ASAL USUL DARI • Kehidupan berevolusi dari materi inorganic
MOLEKUL • Energi atau gaya yang menyebabkan kehidupan
adalah SELEKSI
• Perubahan pada mikeluk meningkatkan stabilitas
ADA dan menyebabkan terbentuknya asosiasi yang
(SPONTANEOUS) kompleks serta pada akhirnya menyebabkan
terbentuknya sel pertama
Figure 25.5 Documenting the history of life. These fossils
illustrate representative organisms from different points in time. Although

ORIGIN OF LIFE prokaryotes and unicellular eukaryotes are shown only at the base of
the diagram, these organisms continue to thrive today. In fact, most
Present ▼ Rhomaleosaurus victor, a plesiosaur. These large
organisms on Earth are unicellular.
marine reptiles were important predators from
200 million to 66 million years ago.

100 million years ago

▼ Dimetrodon, the largest known carnivore of its day, was more
closely related to mammals than to reptiles. The spectacular “sail”
on its back may have functioned in temperature regulation or as an
ornament that served to attract mates.

1. The abiotic synthesis of small organic molecules ▼ Tiktaalik, an extinct

2. Small molecules join into macromolecules 1m

aquatic organism that
is the closest known
relative of the

3. Package of molecule into protocells

four-legged vertebrates
that went on to
colonize land

4. The origin of self-replicating molecules 0.5 m

300 270
The first living fossil: 3.5 billion years ago 4.5 cm ▶ Hallucigenia, a

member of a
▲ Coccosteus cuspidatus, a placoderm (fishlike vertebrate) morphologically
that had a bony shield covering its head and front end diverse group of

animals found in
the Burgess Shale
fossil bed in the
Canadian Rockies 1 cm

4.6 billion year ago: the earth as formed ◀ Dickinsonia

costata, a
member of the

510 500
Ediacaran biota,
an extinct group
of soft-bodied

Haldane & Oparin (1920s): about 4 billion years ago, earth was

2.5 cm

likely composed of water vapor, volcanic eruption materials:

▲ Some prokaryotes bind thin films
nitrogen, CO2, methane, ammonia, hydrogen à a primitive soup of sediments together, producing ▶ Tappania, a

layered rocks called stromatolites. unicellular
consists of organic molecules
Present-day stromatolites are found
in a few shallow marine bays, such thought to be

as Shark Bay, Australia, shown here. either an alga
or a fungus
▲ A section through a
fossilized stromatolite

Miller and Urey (1953): amino acid synthesis from Haldane’s
condition (<10) à 2008: more amino acids from various materials chApter 25 The History of Life on Earth 527


Hasil: CH4 à formaldehid (CH2O), hydrogen

sianida (HCN), asam formiat (HCOOH) dan
urea (NH2CONH2), asam amino: glisin dan
as the maintenance of an internal chemical environment

different from that of their surroundings (Figure 25.4).
Figure 25.3 Did life originate For example, vesicles can form spontaneously when lipids
in deep-sea alkaline vents? The first
organic compounds may have arisen in or other organic molecules are added to water. When this
warm alkaline vents similar to this one occurs, molecules that have both a hydrophobic region and
from the 40,000-year-old “Lost City” a hydrophilic region can organize into a bilayer similar to
vent field in the mid-Atlantic Ocean. the lipid bilayer of a plasma membrane. Adding substances
These vents contain hydrocarbons and
Where did the origin of organic molecule? are full of tiny pores (inset) lined with
iron and other catalytic minerals. Early
such as montmorillonite, a soft mineral clay produced by the
weathering of volcanic ash, greatly increases the rate of vesicle
oceans were acidic, so a pH gradient self-assembly (see Figure 25.4a). This clay, which is thought
1) Hydrotermal vents: seafloor, heated water and mineral à ”the black smokers” would have formed between the interior
of the vents and the surrounding ocean
to have been common on early Earth, provides surfaces on
which organic molecules become concentrated, increasing
2) Alkaline vents: seafloor, high pH, and warm
water. Energy for the synthesis of
organic compounds could have been the likelihood that the molecules will react with each other
harnessed from this pH gradient. and form vesicles. Abiotically produced vesicles can “repro-
3) Source from meteorite, e.g. Murchison meteoriteacids(Australia, 1969) contains > 80 amino acids
cannot be contaminants from Earth because they consist
duce” on their own (see Figure 25.4b), and they can increase

of an equal mix of d and l isomers (see Figure 4.7). Organisms Figure 25.4 Features of abiotically produced vesicles.
make and use only l isomers, with a few rare exceptions.
Recent studies have shown that the Murchison meteorite

an index of vesicle number


Organic molecule à macromolecules

also contained other key organic molecules, including lipids,

Relative turbidity,
simple sugars, and nitrogenous bases such as uracil.
Precursor molecules plus

Monomer (RNA/amino acid) à hot sand, clay, or rock à polymers

montmorillonite clay
Abiotic Synthesis of Macromolecules 0.2
The presence of small organic molecules, such as amino acids Precursor
molecules only
and nitrogenous bases, is not sufficient for the emergence of life
as we know it. Every cell has many types of macromolecules,
including enzymes and other proteins and the nucleic acids 0
0 20 40 60
needed for self-replication. Could such macromolecules have Time (minutes)

Protocells formed on early Earth? A 2009 study demonstrated that one key
step, the abiotic synthesis of RNA monomers, can occur spon- (a) Self-assembly. The presence of montmorillonite clay greatly
increases the rate of vesicle self-assembly.
taneously from simple precursor molecules. In addition, by

1) Self replicating + building blocks à need to be separated from dripping solutions of amino acids or RNA nucleotides onto hot
sand, clay, or rock, researchers have produced polymers of these
1 μm

environment: vesicles!
molecules. The polymers formed spontaneously, without the
help of enzymes or ribosomes. Unlike proteins, the amino acid
2) Sintesis vesicles (self-assembly of vesicle) dipercepat dengan polymers are a complex mix of linked and cross-linked amino
acids. Still, it is possible that such polymers acted as weak cata-

penambahan montmorillonite (soft mineral clay from volcano) lysts for a variety of chemical reactions on early Earth.

3) Self-replicating material: RNA. Sekaligus bertindakProtocells

sebagai ribozymes
All organisms must be able to carry out both reproduction and 20 μm
yang mengkatalisis self replication à the possibility
energyhas been
processing proven
(metabolism). DNA molecules carry genetic
information, including the instructions needed to replicate
(b) Reproduction. Vesicles can
divide on their own, as in this
(c) Absorption of RNA. This
vesicle has incorporated
in 2013 (Jack Szostak) à THE PROTOCELLS themselves accurately during reproduction. But DNA replica-
tion requires elaborate enzymatic machinery, along with an
vesicle ”giving birth” to
smaller vesicles (LM).
montmorillonite clay particles
coated with RNA (orange).

4) “daughter” RNAàDNA yang lebih stabil abundant supply of nucleotide building blocks provided by the
cell’s metabolism. This suggests that self-replicating molecules
MAKe ConneCtIons Explain how molecules with both a hydrophobic
region and a hydrophilic region can self-assemble into a bilayer when in water.
(See Concept 5.3.)

chApter 25 The History of Life on Earth 525

Skala waktu geologis

Studi tentang fosil

Rekam geologis

Sejarah kehidupan di bumi

Rekaman geologis (geologic record):

skala waktu standar yang membagi
sejarah bumi menjadi 4 EON:
1) Hadean à 4.5 s.d. 4 juta YA
2) Archaean à 2.5 s.d. 4 juta YA
3) Proterozoikum à 0.5 s.d. 2.5 juta YA
4) Phanerozoikum: era paleozoikum, era
mesozoikum, dan era cenozoikum
YA = years ago
Tampilan rekam jejak perkembangan
makhluk hidup di bumi bersadarkan
informasi dari studi fosil

Phanerozoikum berlangsung 0.5 juta YA

à Beragam hewan
à Terdiri dari 3 era dengan keistimewaan
masing-masing. Mesozoikum = “age of
à Batas antar era menandakan adanya
kepunahan besar-besaran
Teori Pembentukan sel eukariota

Why do we believe in endosymbiosis theory?

1) Membran dalam kedua organel memiliki enzim dan sistem
transport yang serupa dengan membrane bakteri
2) Kedua organel tersebut dapat bereplikasi serupa dengan bakteri
3) Masing-masing organel mengandung DNA sirkuler non-histone,
mirip dengan organisme prokaryotic
4) Masing-masing memiliki aksesoris untuk mengekspresikan gen
5) Ribosom kedua organel memiliki ukuran dan sekuen RNA serta
sensitivitas terhadap antibiotic serupa bakteri

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