Anda di halaman 1dari 36


Pengaruh Pelaksaan Program Darmawan,

Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerj a(K3) Luthfi Agung
Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja kARYAWAN & Muhamad,
(Studi Kasus CV. Bhakti Insan Persada) Maulana

Pengaruh Keselamatan dan Kesehatan

Rosento RST,
2 Kerja (K3) Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja
Analisis Pelaksanaan Program
Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja dalam Nugraha, Heri
3 Upaya Meminimalkan Kecelakaan Kerja & Yulia, Linda
pada Pegawai PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (2019)

Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Program Susanto, Yudi

4 Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) Di & Nopriadi
Rumah Sakit (2021)
Astri, Rima
Pengaruh Pengetahuan dan Sikap
Suci &
5 Terhadap Kesadaran Berperilaku
Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja

The Effect Of Occupational Safety and Sinollah &

6 Health Management (K3) On Work Zaki, Achmad
Productivity Of Employees (2022)
Implementation of Standards
Sari, Mirna
7 Occupational Safety and Health at the
Wulan, dkk
Public Health Center in Banda Aceh

Differences in the Effect of Occupational

Safety and Health on Employee
8 Performance in the Production and Non- Yenita (2021)
Production Divisions of Manufacturing
Company “X” in Cikupa District
Effects of Gasoline and Smoking on Lipid M,
9 Profile and Liver Functions among Mohammed
Gasoline Exposure Workers in Iraq Chinar, dkk

Occupational Health and Safety, Work

10 Discipline, Leadership Style Affect Rostina, dkk
Employee Performance
Evaluating the quality of corporate social
11 responsibility reports: The case of
Thomas, at all
occupational health and safety disclosures

The Impact of the Implementation of Bassam Al-
Safety Measures on Frontline Workers’ Arnous &
12 Safety Accountability: A Saudi Arabian Nadia
Case Study of a Well Intervention Abdelhamid
Business Model Abdelmegeed

Safety Culture: A Retrospective Analysis

Emily J.
13 of Occupational Health and Safety Mining
Tetzlaff, at all

Terdapat permasalahan terkait dengan produktivitas

kerja karyawan CV. Bhakti Insan Perasa yaitu
Untuk melihat pengaruh pelaksanaan
mengenai Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3).
program keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja
Karyawan kurang menyadari pentingnya untuk
terhadap produktivitas kerja karyawan
menerapkan program K3 ini yang mengakibatkan
tingginya tingkat kecelakaan kerja dan banyaknya
jumlah pekerja yang mengalami sakit akibat kerja.

Sumber daya manusia bagi perusahaan sangat

Untuk mengetahuipengaruh keselamatan
diperlukan untuk menjalankan aktivitas organisasinya
dan kesehatan kerja (K3) terhadap
sebagai pelaksana krusial dalam mengelola produksi
produktivitas kerja karyawan PT Restu
supaya tercapai tujua yang telah ditetapkan
Prima Mandiri Bekasi
Pegawai Depo Lokomotif bekerja dalam 3 shift dan
Untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan
berhadapan langsung dengan mesin diesel, sehingga
keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja dalam
pentingnya penerapan prosedur keselamatan dan
upaya meminimalkan kecelakaan kerja di
kesehatan kerja untuk meminimalisir terjadinya
PT. Kereta Api Indonesia
kecelakaan kerja

Program Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3)

rumah sakit belum sepenuhnya dilaksanakan di RSUD
Untuk mengevaluasi pelaksanaan program
Bangkinang, seperti evaluasi lingkungan kerja,
K3 RS di RSUD Bangkinang
pendokumentasian, pemeriksaan kesehatan khusus
dan berkala, resiko terjadinya Penyakit Akibat Kerja
Ditemukan beberapa unsafe action dan unsafe
condition yang ada di pabrik. Unsafe action yang
terjadi yakni perilaku pekerja yanng tidak
menggunakan alat pelindung diri ketika kontak Untuk mengetahui pengaruh Pengetahuan
dengan cairan panas dan cairan asam dan unsafe dan sikap terhadap kesadaran berperilaku
condition yakni lantai licin dan debu yang ditimbulkan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3) di
dari hasil pembakaran tungku pemasakan yang terjadi pabrik Tahu Kota Bengkulu
sering membuat karyawan di tiap pabrik baruk dan
menghirup udara dan bisa memberi efek gangguan
pernafasab pada karyawan

Work accidents that occurred in PG. Ngadirejo Kediri

for example fell, pinched, exposed to electric currents
and others that caused employees to experience
temporary disability, while work-related illnesses that
often occurred were allergies, infections, respiratory
problems, hearing loss, radiation and others that
could affect health and work productivity. employees, This study aims to determine the effect
so that occupational safety and health is a top priority of the implementation of Occupational
that must be considered by the company. Employees Health and Safety management (K3) on
need a healthy body condition and a comfortable employee productivity at PG. Ngadirejo
working environment in order to work optimally. If Kediri
employees feel they are protected from work
accidents and occupational diseases, and there is
attention from the company regarding Occupational
Safety and Health (K3), of course, employees will
work harder so that the production produced is in
accordance with the company's targets.
During a pandemic such as Covid- 19, currently,
health care facilities have a high risk of occupational
accidents and occupational diseases. Vigilance
regarding the application of OSHA during a pandemic
is increasing compared to everyday situations. In
The study aims to determine occupational
addition, the availability of PPE and other supporting
safety and health standards at the Public
equipment must be a significant concern, for now,
Health Center in Banda Aceh city.
considering that health workers are the central
element in handling Covid-19. Therefore, it is
essential to apply PPE in preventing transmission of
infection when carrying out actions taken by health
workers, especially nurses

Company "X" is engaged in the manufacturing

The purpose of this study was to determine
industry that produces a series of cables to
the effect of occupational health and safety
companies that produce household electrical
on the performance of employees in the
appliances in Indonesia. Most employees have direct
production and non-production divisions,
contact with the production process every day, so
either partially or jointly.
they have the potential to experience health problems
The rapid and recent rise in the pandemic of
cardiovascular disease im- plies that the environment
plays a significant role. Numerous biological systems,
such as the cardiovascular, blood-forming organs,
liver, and kidneys, can be affected by gas- oline and
smoking. Because filling station employees, repair
The purpose of this study was to determine
service workers, gasoline truck drivers, and refinery
the effect of Gasoline and Smoking on Lipid
workers are all at a greater risk of being exposed to
Profile and Liver Functions among Gasoline
gasoline fumes. Even though gasoline and smoking
Exposure Workers in Iraq
have been investigated for so many years, few studies
have looked into the effects of gasoline exposure
combined with smoking on a variety of physiological
mechanisms. As a result, we propose that combining
gas- oline exposure with smoking is a risk factor for
cardiovascular diseases and impaired hepatic function.

Human Resources is one of the most important things This study aims to analyze the effect of
in managing an existing system within an organization occupational safety and health, work
or company. Therefore, human resources must be discipline, and leadership style on
managed as well as possible to improve quality in the employee performance. This type of
company. research is a quantitative descriptive study.
A good and safe workplace is a big challenge for the
business community. Different stakeholder groups
are placing pressure on firms to demonstrate their
commitment to the continual improvement of
The aim of this section is to identify the
working conditions. In the light of society’s demands,
attitude of firms toward OHS disclosures.
firms design and implement Occupational Health and
The second section analyzes the current
Safety (OHS) actions as an integral part of the general
methodologies and techniques which have
corporate strategy and they also use various
been developed to evaluate CSR reports
communication channels to inform stakeholders
regarding OHS issues and the third section
about OHS performance. CSR reporting is a popular
places emphasis on a set of institutional
communication tool whereby stakeholders can be
factors which might affect the quality and
informed about firms’ performance in various aspects
the content of OHS disclosures.
of corporate social responsibility. However, a
standard accounting methodology to evaluate non-
financial information, such as OHS information, does
not yet exist.

Safety communication (SC) helps to inform the

frontline workers about the worksta- tion, its likely
hazards and how best to eliminate them. Technical
communication is the best means of informing frontline
workers about safety concerns. According to, safety
management systems can improve safety
performance. Moreover, there is a positive correlation In this study, the researchers aimed to explore
between SC, SIs and SA and safety performance. It is the effect of safety measures on safety
recognized that sometimes energy firms’ frontline accountability (SA). Therefore, this study
workers do not follow the safety rules. However, safety captures the frontline workers’ attitudes and
includes creating the most appropriate work behav- ioral responses.
environment where the frontline workers can be safe.
To achieve effective SC with their frontline workers,
firms employ different modes and methods such as
performance evaluations, group meetings, information
memos and standard operating procedures and
In the mining industry, various methods of accident
analysis have utilized official accident investigations to the overall objective of this study was to analyze
occupational health and safety (OHS) reports in
try and establish broader causation mechanisms. An
mining to investigate if/how safety culture has
emerging area of interest is identifying the extent to
historically been framed in the mining industry, as
which cultural influences, such as safety culture, are it relates to accident causation.
acting as drivers in the reoccurrence of accidents.

Pegawai CV. Bhakti Insan

Kuantitatif melalui pendekatan eksplanatif 47 Wawancara

Seluruh karyawan PT Restu

Kuantitatif 40 Dokumen
Prima Mandiri
Karyawan yang bekerja di Depo
Kualitatif Lokomotif DAOP 2 Bandung PT. - Dokumen
Kereta Api Indonesia (PERSERO)

Informan terdiri dari 10 orang

yang dipilih secara purposive,
Kualitatif terdiri dari 9 orang informan 10 Dokumen
utama dan 1 orang informan
Karyawan pabrik Industri Tahu
Kuantitatif 38 Dokumen
di Kota Bengkulu

The population in this study

Kuantitatif were all employees at the 83 Dokumen
Ngadirejo Sugar Company
The study was conducted in all
public health centers in Banda
Kuantitatif 39 Dokumen
Aceh, totalling six health

The population in this study

were all employees in various
Kuantitatif 124 Dokumen
divisions working in
manufacturing companies
The study included 95 male
adult volunteers who worked
with gasoline and were exposed
- to different fuel derivatives as 95 Dokumen
study group and age and sex-
matched seemingly healthy non-
exposed people as the controls.

The population in this study

were employees at PT.
Kuantitatif 261 Dokumen
Perkebunan Nusantara III
To accomplish the objectives of
this research, a random sample
of CSR reports was gathered
through GRI’s Sustainability
- - Dokumen
Disclosure Database (SDD)
(available at
org/, 20/ 04/2016).

This study focuses on collecting

information from the Saudi
Kuantitatif 242 Dokumen
Arabian Aramco Com- pany’s
frontline workers


Observasi, kuesioner Regresi Linear (Uji Parsial)

Observasi, wawancara,
Univariat dalam variabel
kuesioner, dokumentasi
Observasi, wawancara,
Analisis Interaktif

Wawancara, observasi,
Content analysis
telaah dokumen
Kuesioner Regresi Linear berganda

Multiple linear
Questionnaire Univariat

Questionnaire Univariat
Questionnaire Univariat

Questionnaire Multivariat
Study Literature -

Literaruter Review -

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Melaksanakan program K3 tidak hanya

variabel keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (X) menawarkan efek perlindungan dari
mempunyai pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan keselakaan serta kesehatan kerja pada
terhadap produktivitas kerja karyawan CV. Bhakti karyawan, K3 ini sebagai upaya
Persada, hal ini ditunjukkan melalui hasil uji t pencegah terjadinya kerugian yang
ditemukan t hitung > t tabel (7,237 > 2,021) dan nilai lebih besar untuk perusahaan dan bisa
signifikan t lebih kecil dari alpha sebesar 0,05 (0,000 < menambah produktivitas kinerja
0,05) pegawai.
1. Berdasarkan output perhitungan koefisien korelasi
diperoleh hasil yaitu sebesar 0,775 yang membuktikan
bahwa adanya interaksi positif dan erat antara
pengaruh keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3)
terhadap produktivitas kerja karyawan PT Restu Prima
Mandiri Bekasi. 2. ari output perhitungan koefisien
determinasi melalui R Square yaitu sebanyak 0,617
atau 61,7%, yang memperlihatkan bahwa pengaruh
keselamatan dan kesehaatan kerja (K3) terhadap
produktivitas kerja karyawan pada PT Restu Prima
Mandiri sebesar 61,7% dan sisanya 38,3% ditentukanv
oleh faktor lain pada luar penelitian seperti pelatihan
Dapat dikatakan adanya imbas yg positif
dan motivasi. 3. Mengetahui output uji hipotesis
atau searah antara keselamatan &
variabel K3 terhadap produktivitas kerja dapat ditinjau
kesehatan kerja (K3) terhadap
berdasarkan hasil perhitungan koefisien regresi
produktivitas kerja karyawan dalam PT
sederhana yaitu nilai signifikansi untuk konstanta
Restu Prima Mandiri Bekasi.
sebesar 0,006 dan untuk K3 sebanyak 0,000, hal ini
membuktikan bahwa nilai tersebut lebih kecil dari
0,005 maka keputusan yang diambil H0 ditolak
sedangkan H1
diterima. 4. Berdasarkan output persamaan regresi
diperolah persamaan sebanyak Y=12,261+ 0,716X yg
berarti bahwa imbas K3 sama menggunakan 0, maka
produktivitas kerja merupakan 12,261 tanpa ditentukan
variabel K3. Angka koefisien regresi sebanyak 0,716 yg
berarti bahwa buat setiap penambahan 1 nilai K3 maka
nilai produktivitas bertambah & sebaliknya, apabila K3
mengalami penurunan maka produktivitas berkurang.
PT. Kereta Api Indonesia harus
memperbaiki dan mengevaluasi
kembali segala bentuk pelaksanaan
program keselamatan dan kesehatan
Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa, pelaksanaan program
kerja (Penyediaan Alat pelindung diri,
keselamatan dan kesehatan kerj a di PT. Kereta Api
pengelolaan sarana K3, sosialisasi
Indonesia tidak dilakukan secara maksimal karena
keselamatan dan kesehatan, jaminan
terdapat kekurangan fasilitas dan minimnya jumlah
kecelakaan kerja, medical check up)
peserta yang mengikuti pelatihan
agar tentunya memotivasi lagi
karyawan menjadi lebih aktif dan peduli
terhadap k3 untuk meminimalkan
kecelakaan kerja.

penerapan K3 di RSUD Bangkinang

telah berjalan baik, namun belum
semua sesuai standar penerapan K3
Hasil penelitian diperoleh komponen input: masih
menurut Permenkes No. 66 tahun 2016.
kurangnya ketersediaan SDM K3, sarana K3 dan
Standar yang sudah dilakukan antara
anggaran. Pada komponen proses: sudah baiknya
lain, pelaksanaan standar manajemen
manajemen risiko, upaya keselamatan, keamanan
resiko, pelayanan kesehatan
rumah sakit, pengelolaan B3 dan pelayanan kesehatan
pengeloaan bahan berbahaya dan
kerja. Sarana pengendalian dan pencegahan kebakaran
beracun (B3) pengelolaan prasarana
yang belum mencukupi. Pengelolaan prasarana seperti
dan pengeloaan peralatan medis sudah
sumber air, listrik cadangan dan pemeliharaan berkala
dilakukan dengan baik. Masih terdapat
sudah baik. Sudah baiknya pengelolaan peralatan
kekurangan jumlah SDM, anggaran
medis dan kesiapsiagaan bencana. Pada komponen
serta prasarana K3. Saran bagi pihak
output: Pelaksanaan pengawasan K3 sudah
manajemen RSUD Bangkinang
dilaksanakan oleh internal Rumah Sakit dengan masih
menambah SDM di bidang K3,
ditemukan kasus kecelakaan kerja seperti tertusuk
mengikuti pelatihan ahli K3, menambah
jarum di RSUD Bangkinang
prasarana K3, serta pengawasan
pelaksanaan program K3 yang sesuai
aturan yang berlaku.
Pengetahuan berpengaruh positif dan
signifikan terhadap Kesadaran
Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3)
pada Pabrik Tahu di Kota Bengkulu.
Artinya semakin baik pengetahuan yang
terdapat pengaruh positif antara pengetahuan dan
dimiliki karyawan maka semakin baik
sikap terhadap kesadaran berperilaku K3. Besarnya
pula tingkat kesadaran berperilaku
koefisien determinasi sebesar 0.861 atau 86,1%
dalam menerapkan Keselamatan dan
terhadap kesadaran berperilaku Keselamatan dan
Kesehatan Kerja (K3). Sikap
Kesehatan Kerja (K3) (Y). Hasil hipotesis (uji t) pada
berpengaruh positif dan signifikan
variabel pengetahuan (X1) terhadap Y mempunyai nilai
terhadap Kesadaran Berperilaku
tsig 0,018 < 0,050 dan variabel sikap (X2)terhadap
Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3)
Kesadaran Berperilaku Keselamatan dan Kesehatan
pada Pabrik Tahu di Kota Bengkulu.
Kerja (K3) (Y) mempunyai nilai tsig 0,000 < 0,050
Artinya semakin baik karyawan dalam
menjelaskan bahwa adanya pengaruh yang signifikan
bersikap maka semakin baik pula
antara pengetahuan dan sikap terhadap Kesadaran
tingkat kesadaran berperilaku dalam
Berperilaku Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) (Y).
menerapkan Keselamatan dan
Hasil uji F menunjukkan nilai Fsigα 0.000 < 0,050 yang
Kesehatan Kerja (K3). Pengetahuan dan
menjelaskan bahwa secara simultan variabel
Sikap secara bersama-sama
pengetahuan dan sikap berpengaruh signifikan
berpengaruh positif dan signifikan
terhadap kesadaran berperilaku Keselamatan dan
terhadap Kesadaran Berperilaku
Kesehatan Kerja (K3) (Y).
Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3)
pada Pabrik Tahu di Kota Bengkulu.
Artinya semakin baik pengetahuan yang
dimiliki dan semakin baik sikap yang
dilakukan maka akan semakin baik dan
meningkat pula kesadaran berperilaku

In order to maintain occupational

1) The effect of work safety on the work productivity of safety and health, training for
employees at PG.Ngadirejo employees is deemed necessary so
Kediri. Based on the calculation results, it can be seen that employees can better master
that t count > t table where t count 2.761 > t table the use of tools in their work
1.9996 so that there is a significant between work environment, where better mastery
in the use of tools in the work
safety on employee productivity at PG. Ngadirejo Kediri.
environment can help carry out tasks
2) The effect of occupational health on the work
more safely. Reducing the risk of
productivity of employees at PG.Ngadirejo Kediri.
accidents such as fire piles of mill
Based on the calculation results, it can be seen that t residues containing flammable
count > t table where t count is 2,411 > t table 1.9996 chemicals, PG. Ngadirejo Kediri
so that there is a significant between work safety on should strive so that the remnants of
employee productivity at PG. Ngadirejo Kediri the mill can be immediately utilized /
From the results above, it is hoped that
This study indicated that the application of
the head of the Public Health Center
occupational safety and health standards at the Public
will continue to support staff in
Health Center in Banda Aceh city was in a suitable
improving occupational safety and
category, with as many as 36 respondents (92,3%)
health in the work environment.

The results showed that there was an effect of

occupational health on the performance of employees The company must implement a work
in the production department, and there was also an accident risk reduction policy through
effect of safety on the performance of employees in various occupational safety and health
the production department. On the variables of programs that are able to make a
occupational safety and health together in the positive contribution to increasing
production section, the results of the study indicate employee productivity. There is a need
that there is an effect of occupational safety and health for standardization of personal
on employee performance. The results of data protective equipment and early
processing using independent sample t-test on the knowledge of work risks, for example
variables of occupational health in the production and during an earthquake or fire. Employee
non-production divisions indicate that the average health needs to be considered, for
occupational health of the production and non- example by building a smoking area in
production divisions is different. For the occupational the office. Companies also need to try
health variable in the production and non-production to provide better motivation to
divisions, it shows that the average Occupational Safety employees by providing health
in the production and non- production divisions is insurance, old age insurance, setting up
different. While the performance variables of a comfortable workspace to interact
production and non-production employees indicate with coworkers, and rotating
that the average performance of employees in the employees to avoid work saturation.
production and non-production divisions is the same.
This research concluded that the liver
Our data suggest that smoking with gasoline exposure
enzymes (ALP, AST, ALT) were higher
causes an increase in total and bad cholesterol levels,
among workers who smoke and are
as well as a significant shift concerning the control
exposed to gasoline than in control
group in lipid profile and liver enzymes. the exposed
subjects, similarly, the bad cholesterol
group had higher levels of ALP, and AST and
also increase. Therefore, people who
significantly increased. In the nonsmoker exposed
smoke and are han- dled with gasoline
group D-bilirubin de- creased in comparison to the
are at a higher risk of having heart and
control and exposed smoker group.
hepatic diseases.

The results showed that in partially the occupational

safety and health variables have a significant effect on
Considering the factors of leadership
performance which can be seen from the t-count(-
style, safety, and work discipline, both
2.876) higher than t-table (1.65), the work discipline
simultaneously and partially, have been
variable has a significant effect on performance can be
proven to have a significant effect on
seen from the t-count (11,177) higher than t-table
employee performance, therefore the
(1.65), and the variable leadership style has a
company needs to pay attention to
significant effect on performance which can be seen
these factors so that employee
from the t-count(3.849) higher than t-table (1.65). The
performance is maintained. It is
variables of occupational safety and health, discipline,
expected that in providing work safety
and leadership style simultaneously have a significant
to employees it should be done with
effect on employee performance, as seen from F-
the principle of appropriateness so that
count (84,116) higher than F table (2.65) and a
the quality desired by the company will
significance probability of 0.000 smaller than 0.05. it
be in accordance with what employees
can be concluded that occupational safety and health,
work discipline, and leadership style simultaneously
have a significant influence on employee performance.
Based on this paper, some conclusions
can be drawn concerning OHS
disclosure practices. First of all, the
proposed assessment metho- dology
substantially reduces the subjectivity of
the evaluation process which was a
Sustainability reporting is an effective communication disadvantage of the previous
tool which appears to be gaining in popularity with benchmarking-scoring tech- niques.
different stakeholder groups using the sustainability Due to its structure, the proposed
report in order to be informed about firms’ methodology overcomes ob- stacles
performance in the three aspects of sustainability. This associated with the clear definition of
paper focuses on OHS by introducing a new scoring scale levels. In other words, the
methodological framework to evaluate OHS issues suggested scoring system (i.e.
through CSR reports. Accountability Index) stipulates exactly
when an indicator takes zero points or
one point and so on. Thus, this scoring
scale could be the basis for future
bench- marking techniques which aim
to evaluate the quality of non-financial

The empirical evidence, which the

researchers obtained from the Aramco
This study’s findings show the benefits of opening Company’s frontline workers, adds to
avenues of research to concentrate on safety measures the depth of knowledge on this subject;
such SP, ST, SC, SCT and SIs in order to create the validates the environmental science
frontline workers’ responsibilities for safety and management literature; and
accountability (SA). provides road maps for other
companies to investigate safety
Journal Of
Engineering and
Vol. 17, No. 1.

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Nol 9, No. 2
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dan Manajemen
Sains, Vo. 2 No. 2

Journal of
Economics and
Research, Vol. 1,
No. 1
Journal of Health
Sciences and
Research, Vol. 6,
No. 4

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Business and
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Safety and Health

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