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a. Identitas Penulis Modul

Satuan Pendidikan : SMAN 10 Padang
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Tema : Hortatory Exposition Text
Kelas/Semester : XI /Genap
Tahun Pelajaran : 2022/2023
Alokasi Waktu : 2 JP (2 x 45 menit)

b. Kompetensi Awal
o Murid mampu memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur
kebahasaan dari teks hortatory
o Murid mampu menyusun teks hortatory sederhana sesuai dengan
karakteristik dan kondisi murid dalam kehidupan sehari hari.

c. Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter (PPK) / Profil Pelajar Pancasila

Melalui pembelajaran ini peserta didik diharapkan dapat memiliki karakter :
Penguatan Pendidikan Profil Pelajar Pancasila (Propela)
Karakter (PPK) 1. Beriman, bertakwa kepada Tuhan yang
a) Disiplin Maha Esa dan berakhlak mulia
b) Percaya Diri 2. Mandiri;
c) Kerjasama 3. Bergotong-royong;
d) Tanggung Jawab 4. Berkebinekaan global;
e) Materi 5. Bernalar kritis;
Pembelajaran 6. Kreatif.

d. Sarana dan Prasarana / Media / alat, Bahan, dan Sumber Belajar

1. Tes Sumatif pada Worksheet google form
2. Laptop, speaker, video, handphone, JobSheet/LKPD,
Whatsapp/g- Form/Quizizz dan E-Modul, Gambar

Sumber Belajar
1. Buku Pathway to English Kelompok Peminatan kelas XI hal
153-182. 2017. Penerbit : Erlangga
2. Contoh teks hortatory Exposition
3. Materi pada power point
4. Buku dan sumber lain yang relevan

e. Target Peserta Didik: Reguler

f. Model Pembelajaran
Model : Problem based learning
Pendekatan : Saintifik
Metode : Diskusi, tanya jawab, penugasan

g. Materi Pembelajaran Reguler

1. Fakta : Ditunjukan contoh teks berbentuk hortatory exposition
2. Konsep :
- Social Function (Fungsi sosial) : to persuade the readers or
listeners that something should or should not be the case or be
- Generic Structure (struktur teks):
• Thesis
• Arguments
• Recommendation
3. Prinsip
• Tata bahasa: Simple Present Tense, Passive Voice, Modals and
Adverb, Subject Pronoun, Temporal and Causal Connectives,
evaluative words
• Kosa kata misalkan : suggest, recommend, think, important,
advantageous, reason dll
• Ungkapan yang sering dipakai : the following reasons why…, based
on the arguments above…, I think we should…, it is important to…,
4. Prosedur
• Menyusun paragraf acak menjadi teks hortatory exposition yang
benar sesuai struktur teksnya
• Menyajikan hasil diskusi dan analisis teks berkaitan dengan fungsi
sosial dan struktur teksnya


a. Tujuan Pembelajaran
i) Melalui pengamatan gambar peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi
fungsi sosial dan struktur teks hortatory exposition dengan cermat dan
ii) Dengan disajikan materi melalui power point, serta diskusi dan kerja
kelompok, peserta didik dapat memahami makna secara kontekstual
terkait fungsi sosial dan struktur teks hortatory exposition dengan
cermat dan kritis
iii) Dengan disajikan teks hortatory exposition melalui power point serta
melalui diskusi dan kerja kelompok, peserta didik dapat menjelaskan
teks berbentuk hortatory exposition yang berkaitan dengan fungsi
sosial dan struktur teksnya secara kreatif dan bertanggung jawab.
iv) Melalui diskusi dan tanya jawab secara berkelompok, peserta didik
dapat menunjukan informasi terkait fungsi sosial dan struktur teks
Hortatory Exposition secara benar dan sesuai konteks
penggunaannya secara teliti dan mandiri
v) Dengan disajikan sebuah teks acak, peserta didik dapat menyusun
sebuah teks acak berbentuk hortatory exposition secara kritis dan
vi) Melalui presentasi, peserta didik menyajikan hasil diskusi dan analisis
tentang teks acak hortatory exposition
vii) yang telah disusun berkaitan dengan fungsi sosial dan struktur
teksnya secara komunikatif dan sistematis.

Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi (IPK)

Kompetensi Dasar (KD) Indikator Pencapaian

Kompetensi (IPK)

3.9. Membedakan fungsi sosial, 3.9.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi

struktur teks, dan unsur sosial, struktur teks dan unsur
kebahasaan beberapa teks kebahasaan teks hortatory
hortatory exposition lisan dan exposition sesuai dengan
tulis dengan memberi dan konteks penggunaannya
meminta informasi terkait 3.9.2 Memahami fungsi sosial,
pandangan/pendapat mengenai struktur teks dan unsur
topik yang hangat dibicarakan kebahasaan dalam teks
umum, argumentasi pendukung, hortatory exposition
serta saran, sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya.

4.9 Teks hortatory exposition Menjelaskan

4.9.1. menangkap makna sebuah teks hortatory exposition
secara kontekstual terkait fungsi berdasarkan fungsi sosial,
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur struktur teks dan unsur
kebahasaan teks hortatory kebahasaannya sesuai dengan
exposition lisan dan tulis, terkait konteks penggunaannya
isu aktual Menunjukan
4.9.2. menyusun teks hortatory informasi terkait fungsi sosial,
exposition lisan dan tulis, terkait struktur teks dan unsur
isu aktual, dengan kebahasaan teks Hortatory
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, Exposition secara benar dan
struktur teks, dan unsur sesuai konteks penggunaannya
kebahasaan, secara benar dan Menyusun sebuah
sesuai konteks teks acak hortatory exposition
berdasarkan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks dan unsur
kebahasaan secara benar dan
sesuai konteks penggunaannya Menyajikan hasil
diskusi mengenai analisis fungsi
sosial, struktur teks dan unsur
kebahasaan teks acak berbentuk
hortatory exposition yang
b. Asesmen: Individu dan Kelompok (Tertulis dan Presentasi)
● Assessment as learning (sebagai pembelajaran): Mendiskusikan teks
hortatory bersama guru dan kelompok
● Assessment for learning (untuk pembelajaran): Mengerjakan LKPD 1/2
bersama kelompok dan melakukan presentasi
● Assessment of learning (setelah pembelajaran): Mengevaluasi hasil
presentasi dan post test bersama guru

c. Pemahaman Bermakna
● Kebebasan berpendapat adalah bentuk dasar dari perwujudan hak
asasi manusia.
● Memahami cara menyampaikan saran yang baik melalui teks hortatory.
● Hortatory Exposition text adalah teks yang bertujuan untuk mengajak
pembaca memahami dan yakin akan pemikiran penulis

d. Pertanyaan Pemantik: (Menampilkan judul awal tentang hortatory tentang

school delayed)
a. What will the text be about?
b. Who will be the reader?
c. When should you write this text?
d. Where will it be written?
e. Why would you write the text?
f. How to find the arguments in the text?

e. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran

Teknik KSE Kegiatan Pembelajaran (Pertemuan 1) Waktu

Orienta Kesadaran Kegiatan Pendahuluan

si pada diri dan 1. Mengucapkan salam dan berdoa
masala pengelolaan bersama
h emosi 2. Mengecek kehadiran siswa dan
mengulang materi sebelumnya
3. Memastikan siswa sudah mengenal 20
Pengelolaa perbedaan hortatory dengan teks menit
n diri - lainnya
mengelola 4. Memperlihatkan contoh fungsi sosial
emosi dan pada hortatory exposition text
fokus 5. Memperlihatkan struktur teks pada
hortatory exposition.

Mengo Kesadaran Kegiatan Inti

rganisa sosial - (School Should Start Later)
si keterampila 1. Memperlihatkan power point tentang
siswa n hortatory text.
untuk berempati 2. Mendiskusikan tiga penggalan gambar
belajar tentang isi argumen yang akan ada dalam
dan thesis statements.
membi 3. Meminta beberapa siswa untuk
mbing menyampaikan opini mereka tentang
penyeli penggalan gambar yang akan jadi hortatory
dikan text.
individ 4. Memperlihatkan satu persatu penggalan
u gambar yang sudah dilengkapi supporting
maupu details dalam arguments.
n 5. Mendiskusikan isi supporting details pada
kelomp masing masing arguments.
ok 6. Memperlihatkan paragraf terakhir tentang
recommendation dan reiteration pada
hortatory text.
7. Meminta siswa bekerja dalam kelompok
dengan teks yang berbeda.
8. Membagi siswa kedalam 7 kelompok
secara heterogen dengan menunjuk siswa
unggul sebagai ketua kelompok.
Keterampil (Diskusi Kelompok)
an 9. Membagikan teks yang telah dipotong lalu
Menyaj berhubung menyusun kembali sesuai dengan tabel
ikan an sosial - thesis arguments dan supporting details
hasil daya yang ada pada outline.
diskusi lenting 10. Mengunjungi masing masing kelompok dan
(resiliensi) memeriksa hasil kerja kelompok
11. Meminta salah satu anggota kelompok
mengumpulkan hasil diskusi kepada guru

Menga Pengambil Kegiatan Penutup

nalisis an 1. Mendiskusikan kegiatan yang akan
dan Keputusan dilakukan di pertemuan selanjutnya.
menge yang 2. Membimbing siswa menyusun outline
valuasi Bertanggun hortatory yang telah ada atau dengan 10
proses g Jawab materi mereka sendiri yang akan dirancang menit
pemec di pertemuan kedua

Sintak Wakt
Teknik KSE Kegiatan Pembelajaran (Pertemuan 2)

Orient Kesadaran Kegiatan Pendahuluan

asi diri dan 1. Mengucapkan salam dan berdoa
pada pengelolaan bersama 20
masal emosi 2. Mengecek kehadiran siswa dan menit
ah mengulang materi sebelumnya
Pengelolaa 3. Memastikan siswa sudah memahami
n diri - generic structure dalam hortatory teks
mengelola 4. Pertanyaan Pemantik: (Menampilkan
emosi dan judul awal tentang hortatory tentang
fokus school delayed)
a. What will the text be about?
b. Who will be the reader?
c. When should you write this text?
d. Where will it be written?
e. Why would you write the text?
f. How to find the arguments in the

Mengo Kesadaran Kegiatan Inti

rganis sosial - (Types of Reading Questions)
asi keterampila 1. Memperlihatkan power point tentang
siswa n berempati hortatory text.
untuk 2. Mendiskusikan generic structure dalam
belajar hortatory.
dan 3. Meminta beberapa siswa untuk
membi menyampaikan opini mereka tentang
mbing bentuk pertanyaan dalam hortatory text.
penyeli 4. Memperlihatkan satu persatu bentuk
dikan pertanyaan dalam hortatory teks yang
individ sudah dilengkapi teks contoh.
u 5. Mendiskusikan isi supporting details
maupu pada masing masing arguments yang
n ada didalam teks.
kelom 6. Mendiskusikan jawaban dari pertanyaan
pok dan cara menemukan jawabannya
dalam teks. 50
7. Meminta siswa bekerja dalam kelompok menit
dengan teks yang sudah didiskusikan di
pertemuan sebelumnya.
8. Membagi siswa kedalam 3 kelompok
besar sesuai dengan teks yang sudah
Keterampil mereka kerjakan di pertemuan
an sebelumnya. Ketua bertugas membantu
berhubung teman kelompok dalam menyusun
Menya an sosial - materi presentasi.
jikan daya
hasil lenting (Presentasi dan Diskusi Kelompok)
diskusi (resiliensi) 9. Siswa menampilkan hasil pemahaman
mereka berdasarkan teks yang telah
disusun kembali sesuai dengan tabel
thesis arguments dan supporting details
yang ada pada outline.
10. Siswa menyusun pertanyaan untuk
kelompok pendengar
11. Siswa yang tidak melakukan presentasi
bertanggung jawab menulis jawaban
mereka dari pertanyaan yang diberikan
12. Meminta salah satu anggota kelompok
untuk mengumpulkan hasil diskusi
kepada guru

Menga Pengambila Kegiatan Penutup

nalisis n 1. Mendiskusikan kegiatan yang akan
dan Keputusan dilakukan di pertemuan selanjutnya.
menge yang 2. Membimbing siswa menyusun
valuasi Bertanggun pertanyaan dalam hortatory yang telah 10
proses g Jawab ada atau dengan materi mereka sendiri menit
pemec yang akan dirancang di pertemuan
ahan kedua

f. Refleksi Pendidik dan Peserta Didik

Tabel 1: Checklist observasi kolaborator untuk kegiatan guru melalui SQ3R
No Aktivitas Komentar
Ya Tidak

Guru menampilkan model pertanyaan

1 reading pada hortatory sebagai tahap
awal memahami hortatory teks.

Menjelaskan cara menggunakan SQ3R

Method kepada peserta didik dengan
mencari jawaban di teks berdasarkan
model pertanyaan.

Menampilkan teks hortatory dalam

bentuk PPT

Mengarahkan peserta didik untuk

4 membaca dan memahami isi teks
hortatory yang telah ditampilkan.

Meminta peserta didik mendiskusikan

5 pertanyaan terhadap teks yang diberikan
oleh guru.
Mengelompokan peserta didik dalam
grup heterogen untuk mendiskusikan
pertanyaan yang sudah diberikan oleh

Membagikan text yang telah disiapkan

kepada masing masing kelompok

Membimbing peserta didik memahami

teks menggunakan SQ3R Method

9 Memonitor kerja peserta didik

Menunjuk kelompok peserta didik untuk

menjelaskan isi teks yang telah dibahas

Membimbing peserta didik menyusun

rangkuman teks sebagai tugas individu

Mengevaluasi hasil rangkuman teks

yang telah dilakukan oleh peserta didik

Tabel 2: Check-list observasi kolaborator untuk kegiatan peserta didik melalui

SQ3R Method.
No Aktivitas Komentar
Ya Tidak

Peserta didik membaca dan memahami

isi teks hortatory yang telah ditampilkan.

Peserta didik mendiskusikan pertanyaan

terhadap teks yang diberikan oleh guru

Peserta didik berpartisipasi dalam

3 membahas isi teks dari model text yang

Peserta didik berpartisipasi dalam

4 menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan
oleh guru secara berkelompok.

Peserta didik memahami isi teks

5 menggunakan metode SQ3R yang telah
dijelaskan oleh guru.

Peserta didik menemukan topik dan

6 gagasan utama setiap paragraf dalam
Peserta didik menyajikan hasil kerja
7 kelompok di depan kelas berupa
rangkuman dari teks yang didiskusikan.

Peserta didik berpartisipasi dalam

diskusi kelas.

Peserta didik menulis rangkuman dari

masing masing teks kelompok penampil.

Peserta didik berpartisipasi dalam

10 mengevaluasi hasil pembelajaran dan
hasil rangkuman teks.

ppt sebagai bahan bacaan peserta didik:



Everyone has always hated getting up super early to go to school. In many places,
it is the same way that middle schools and high schools start earlier than elementary
schools. As children get older, the start times get earlier. Schools start so early in the
morning that it is hard to focus, and students tend to miss their earlier classes.
Adolescents and adults need around 9 hours of sleep daily. Adolescents stay up at
least two and a half hours later than younger children do. Students and teachers both
have issues with school hours and both of their sleep patterns are negatively influenced
by the morning shift. Even though they are at school around the same time, their sleep
patterns are different. Students and teachers get up earlier on the weekdays. Students
get up around 5:09 and teachers wake around 4:56. Since schools are starting so early,
they cannot get the needed sleep time, eight to nine hours.
Students are either staying up very late doing homework and school-related
activities or they are waking up very early to go to school. Most of the time adolescents
stay up late for homework, sports, and jobs. Since students do not get a lot of sleep on
the weekdays, they catch up on the sleep on the weekends. Students spend so much of
their weekends sleeping because they do not get sleep on the weekdays. As the school
year is coming to an end all students want to do is sleep because school gets harder and
harder and it gets harder and harder to focus on no sleep.
Sleep deprivation is the condition of not having enough sleep. There are many
effects of not getting enough sleep, impaired performance, fatigue, decreased the ability
to handle complex situations, memory deficits, and leads to them waking up later
weekends. Since students are staying up late for school work, they tend to be very sleep
deprived. Adolescents often push aside sleep to do social, academic, and extracurricular
activities. Adolescents are sleep deprived when high schools begin classes much before
8:15 a.m.
It is like cause and effect when students and teachers do not get enough sleep, all
these things can happen to them just by not getting enough sleep at night because of the
way schools are designed. It is important to get sleep, but it is more important to get a
good sleep. There is not really a point in sleeping or trying to get sleep when it is not a
good sleep because no matter what students will be tired during the day. While the
quality of sleep is important, so is the amount of sleep a student or teacher is getting on
school nights. When students do not get a lot of sleep, their performance is not as good
as it could be.
A student's performance in school has a lot to do with their attitude and motivation
to go to school. The causes of early start times are students are absent or late, students
are moody and sleepy, students are inattentive in class, students reported feeling sleepy
between 8-10 when in the classroom, and it is linked to reduction in student performance.
No matter if it is a student or a teacher, the quality of sleep is very important for
everybody. Students need a good amount of sleep to be able to focus and get through
the school day. The quality of sleep is not only important for the students, but it is also
important for the teachers. The quality of sleep affects the way students and teachers act
throughout the day. Daytime sleepiness and poor sleep quality on school days in
students and teachers may comprise school and work performance.
If schools started later, everyone will have more motivation to go to school
because they will have the sleep they need, and they will be able to have everything
done that needs to be done. Early start times can take away from an adolescent's sleep
schedules and requirements. If starting school later means better performance out of the
students, then the schools should do something about it and start school later.
The causes of later start times are attendance rates for all students improved,
student's achievement improved, better academic achievement makes jobs tend to be
In the past years the use of the television and the internet has increased; this
situation has caused many people to change their likes and the way that they enjoy their
free time. Because of television and the internet, many people spend less time reading,
so the purpose for this essay is to present reasons why people should read just for
There are a lot of good books in which you can find history, novels, tragedies,
comedies and a variety of other themes. You can see that people who read more
frequently have a bigger knowledge of life and also a bigger perspective of their
environment. I think that fact gives them an advantage over all others who do not read
Children have not yet lost the ability of getting into their dreams, and because of
this, in their first years the parents read a lot of tales in which they use their imagination.
Adults should try to keep this ability, so we do not forget the importance of the use of the
imagination. The imagination also represents a tool that could help you to develop your
professional career in a creative way.
By the time you can improve the kind of books that you read, there are a lot of
categories, so you will never stop learning from the pleasure of reading. People who
know how to choose a book generally have the capability of choosing a formal book in
which they can find formal grammatical structures and obviously a formal vocabulary. All
these things allow them to gain greater fluency in their communication.
You should start reading at least a page a day or start with the topic that you love
the most. In the end you don’t realize that you have already finished one book and you
had fun with it.
I am sure that you know that smoking harms your body. Then why do you continue
smoking? Maybe you do it because you haven’t really become conscious about all the
effects that smoking has.
If you smoke, your physical condition will be negatively affected, so it will be very
difficult for you to succeed in sports. Also, smoking produces lethal diseases like cancer
and reduces the length and quality of your life. Maybe you don’t notice all the physical
effects of smoking immediately, but you surely will be sorry one day.
Maybe you start smoking only when someone offers you a cigarette, but there will
be a day when you will feel the need for a cigarette. By this time, you will pay whatever to
smoke, and each time you will smoke more, so you will spend more money. All the
money you would spend on cigars could have been spent on something better, don’t you
When you smoke, you not only harm yourself, but you also harm all the people
around you. So you mustn’t be selfish; you should at least avoid smoking in front of
people who don’t smoke. Also, many people don’t like the cigarette’s smell, so they won’t
enjoy your company. Would you like that?
I have said just some reasons why you shouldn’t smoke, so I hope that now those
of you who smoke, you should be able to think a little and try to make a smart decision. In
addition to all the reasons I’ve said, I would like you to recommend that you should think
about how much you love yourself and then whether you want to continue harming
yourself. Think also about all the people who love you, like your family who don't want to
see you suffering or sick. If you decide to continue smoking, what a pity. But if you decide
to stop smoking, congratulations! Remember that "If you can dream it, you can do it."
Establishing and developing effective communication is important in order to be
heard and change your environment according to your own thoughts. No one will guess
what you want or what you think if you don’t tell them, and nothing is going to change if
you do not propose a change.
Anytime you need to say something, go ahead and do it. Most of the time, people
are afraid of speaking because they are not sure if it is the right thing to say and/or the
right moment to say it. Be sure, say what you want to say, and do not regret it. If you
speak you will be heard and taken into account. You are important so you need to be
heard. There is one thing you should not do somehow: Do not say something that will
hurt somebody’s feelings. Unless that something has to be said inevitably, say it, but as
softly and gently as you can. Never hurt anyone intentionally. Always think twice before
saying something. You choose what to say, just be sure to say the right thing at the right
time. If you do that, you won’t regret a thing.
Once you have said something you can never go backward; you must back it up.
The worst thing that you can do when speaking is to hesitate. Hesitance means
self-insecurity and this means weakness. The strength of your words will surely
determine their effect on the listener. The way that you speak and the content of your
speech tell a lot about yourself and your personality. A conversation allows speakers and
listeners to get to know each other better. Besides, people will only know what you say;
they cannot go any further if you do not let them. It is only by means of intelligence,
strength, and security that you will be able to change the world around you. And, it is also
by means of intelligence, strength, and security that you will be heard and taken into
Pick up the words that will express exactly what you are thinking of. Do not forget
that one half of a word belongs to the listener and the other to the speaker. The listener
gets his or her own version of what is said. However your job is to express yourself
clearly, so that you can avoid misunderstandings. Although, avoiding misunderstandings
is a hard task (not impossible), when it is achieved you will be expressing yourself
effectively. Everybody will be able to identify exactly what you say, what you think, and
what you want. Words are double edged weapons which can be used either to defend or
to attack. If you make good use of them, you will be able to do almost everything.
Listen and do not interrupt when it is no longer your turn to speak. You will surely
learn new things from listening to others. If a person is speaking, it’s because she or he
wants to be heard. Effective communication is based on both listening and speaking. If
communication were based only on speaking, it would be an absolute tyranny.
Nevertheless, communication is the means through which you express yourself in order
to be heard and change your environment according to your own version of reality. Thus,
it would be impossible to change anything if there were no one to listen, learn, and
accept new ideas. Listening is a gift, and good listeners are always very appreciated
because there are only a few.
Words inspire no fear. Speak to them. Words make you strong. Support them.
Words show what you are and what you think. Do not let yourself be misunderstood.
Words are valuable. Listen to them!
Why You Should Not Smoke
Later School Start Time THESIS STATEMENT:
There are a lot of reasons why
THESIS STATEMENT: you shouldn’t smoke. Some of them
The three main reasons why schools are that smoking affects your health,
everywhere should start later is that you spend a lot of money on
because it would benefit the students cigarettes, and that when you smoke
and teachers’ sleep, health and you are not respecting people around
performance. you.

1. The amount of sleep students 1. The first reason why you
and teachers are getting is not shouldn’t smoke is that smoking
good. affects your health.
2. Sleep deprivation is extremely 2. The second reason why you
bad for health, but both teachers shouldn’t smoke is because of
and students tend to have it. all the money that you spend on
3. The performance during school is it.
impacted by the quantity, 3. The last reason why you
regularity, and quality of their shouldn’t smoke is out of
sleep respect for the people around
Therefore, schools everywhere should RECOMMENDATION/REITERATION:
start later because it would benefit the You should be able to think a little and
students and teachers. There are some try to make a smart decision.
schools that have made later start times You should think about how much you
and they have benefitted from it very love yourself and then whether you
much and as the years go by schools want to continue harming yourself.
should realize that it is better for Think also about all the people who
everyone. love you, like your family who don't
want to see you suffering or sick.
Why You Should Why People Should Read for
Communicate Effectively Pleasure


The purpose of this essay is to The reasons are quite simple: to
discuss four important skills that will improve your knowledge, to expand
help you communicate effectively. your general culture, to have more fun,
Such skills are not to be afraid of to make your imagination fly, to find
speaking, always defend what you new ways to express your ideas, and
want to say, express exactly what you finally to expand your vocabulary.
mean to say, and listen while you are
not speaking. ARGUMENTS:
1. The first reason to enjoy reading
ARGUMENTS: is that when you read, you can
1. The first aspect to communicate expand your knowledge and
effectively is not to be afraid of also your culture.
speaking. 2. The second reason to read
2. Second, if you want to more often is that through books
communicate effectively, defend you can have fun and even
what you say travel in your imagination.
3. The third main aspect of 3. Finally, the third and the most
effective communication is to important feature that reading
express exactly what you mean offers you is that it does not
to say. matter the age that you have,
4. The fourth main point to you can always expand your
effective communication, and vocabulary and express your
probably the most important of ideas to the others in a simple
all, is the listening part. and correct form.

Effective communication will Therefore, reading for pleasure
help you to express yourself better, is good for your brain, for your general
allow you to let other people express knowledge about the whole world and
themselves, and help you to change last but not least, it is perfect for your
your environment toward your own wild imagination.
thoughts and beliefs.


Text 1: Later School Start Time
Everyone has always hated getting up super early to go to school. As children
get older, the start times get earlier. Schools start so early in the morning that it is
hard to focus, and students tend to miss their earlier classes. Schools everywhere
should start later because it would benefit the students and teachers’ sleep, health
and performance.
The amount of sleep students and teachers are getting is not good.
Adolescents and adults need around 9 hours of sleep daily. Students and teachers
both have issues with their sleep patterns that are negatively influenced by the
morning shift. Even though they are at school around the same time, their sleep
patterns are different. Students and teachers get up earlier on the weekdays.
Students get up around 5:09 and teachers wake around 4:56. Since schools are
starting so early, they cannot get the needed sleep time, eight to nine hours.
Adolescents stay up at least two and a half hours later than younger children do.
Students are either staying up very late doing homework and school-related activities
or they are waking up very early to go to school. Most of the time adolescents stay
up late for homework, sports, and jobs.
Sleep deprivation is extremely bad for health, but both teachers and students
tend to have it. Sleep deprivation is the condition of not having enough sleep. There
are many effects of not getting enough sleep, impaired performance, fatigue,
decreased the ability to handle complex situations, memory deficits, and leads to
them waking up later weekends. Since students are staying up late for school work,
they tend to be very sleep deprived. It is like cause and effect when students and
teachers do not get enough sleep. No matter if it is a student or a teacher, the quality
of sleep is very important for everybody. There is not really a point in sleeping or
trying to get sleep when it is not a good sleep. It is important to get sleep, but it is
more important to get a good sleep. While the quality of sleep is important, so is the
amount of sleep a student or teacher has. When students do not get a lot of sleep,
their performance is not as good as it could be.
The performance during school is impacted by the quantity, regularity, and
quality of their sleep. A student's performance in school has a lot to do with their
attitude and motivation to go to school. The causes of early start times are students
are absent or late, students are moody and sleepy, students are inattentive in class,
students reported feeling sleepy between 8-10 when in the classroom, and it is
linked to reduction in student performance. Students need a good amount of sleep to
be able to focus and get through the school day. The quality of sleep affects the way
students and teachers act throughout the day. Daytime sleepiness and poor sleep
quality on school days in students and teachers may comprise school and work
performance. If schools started later, everyone will have more motivation to go to
school because they will have the sleep they need, and they will be able to have
everything done that needs to be done. If starting school later means better
performance out of the students, then the schools should do something about it and
start school later.
Overall there are many reasons for changing start time. It benefits the
students the most, but it also benefits the teachers. Therefore, schools everywhere
should start later because it would benefit the students and teachers. There are
some schools that have made later start times and they have benefitted from it very
much and as the years go by schools should realize that it is better for everyone.
The causes of later start times are attendance rates for all students improved,
student's achievement improved, better academic achievement makes jobs tend to
be easier.
Post Test Questions (Reading Indicator): TEXT 1 SCHOOL
General 1. Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?
Information A. School should start sooner so students will get enough sleep
B. School should delayed start times because both teachers and
students need a quality of sleep
C. School should delayed start times because it's better for both
teachers and students
D. Should should start later because it was too early
E. Students must come later because it is important to get a quality of
2. What is the best title for the text?
A. School delayed start time for students' sleep deprivation
B. Students need to come on time to school
C. The important of sleep on students performance
D. The reasons why everyone hates school start earlier
E. The reasons why delayed start time is better for everyone

Specific 3. How many hours does a person need to sleep?

Information A. Less than 6 hours
B. 4 hours
C. Around 8 to 9 hours
D. Usually 6 hours
E. Between 8 - 10
4. From the following questions, which option is related to the text?
A. Sleep deprivation means a good quality of sleep
B. Sleep deprivation means lack of sleep
C. Students performance is not impacted by the quality of sleep
D. Students and teachers hates coming later to school
E. Students need to improve their performance

Word 5. The word "deprivation" in paragraph 3 is similar to…, except

Reference A. Quality
B. Corrupt
C. Less
D. Lost
E. Decrease
6. What is the similar meaning of fatigue?
A. Dizziness
B. Vomit
C. Headache
D. Throw up
E. Tiredness

Conclusion 7. What will the writer conclude from the last paragraph?
A. There are three reasons why people should start earlier
B. There are three reasons why people should delayed start time
C. Students and teachers should persuade school to start later
D. School should consider delayed school start time because of
the benefits
E. Everyone should come later to school so they get a quality of sleep
8. What is the cause of sleep deprivation from the text?
A. Paired performance
B. Fatigue
C. Increased the ability to handle complex situations
D. Memory lost
E. Walking up later

Inference 9. The sentence It benefits the students the most, … The word it refers
A. School
B. Students
C. Teachers
D. Time
E. Reason
10. Who will be impacted by this passage?
A. School
B. Students
C. Teachers
D. Everyone
E. Parents


Establishing and developing effective communication is important in order to
be heard and change your environment according to your own thoughts. No one will
guess what you want or what you think if you don’t tell them, and nothing is going to
change if you do not propose a change. The purpose of this essay is to discuss four
important skills that will help you communicate effectively. Such skills are not to be
afraid of speaking, always defend what you want to say, express exactly what you
mean to say, and listen while you are not speaking.
The first aspect to communicate effectively is not to be afraid of speaking.
Anytime you need to say something, go ahead and do it. Most of the time, people
are afraid of speaking because they are not sure if it is the right thing to say and/or
the right moment to say it. Be sure, say what you want to say, and do not regret it. If
you speak you will be heard and taken into account. You are important so you need
to be heard. There is one thing you should not do somehow: Do not say something
that will hurt somebody’s feelings. Unless that something has to be said inevitably,
say it, but as softly and gently as you can. Never hurt anyone intentionally. Always
think twice before saying something. You choose what to say, just be sure to say the
right thing at the right time. If you do that, you won’t regret a thing.
Second, if you want to communicate effectively, defend what you say. Once
you have said something you can never go backward; you must back it up. The
worst thing that you can do when speaking is to hesitate. Hesitance means
self-insecurity and this means weakness. The strength of your words will surely
determine their effect on the listener. The way that you speak and the content of your
speech tell a lot about yourself and your personality. A conversation allows speakers
and listeners to get to know each other better. Besides, people will only know what
you say; they cannot go any further if you do not let them. It is only by means of
intelligence, strength, and security that you will be able to change the world around
you. And, it is also by means of intelligence, strength, and security that you will be
heard and taken into account.
The third main aspect of effective communication is to express exactly what
you mean to say. Pick up the words that will express exactly what you are thinking
of. Do not forget that one half of a word belongs to the listener and the other to the
speaker. The listener gets his or her own version of what is said. However your job is
to express yourself clearly, so that you can avoid misunderstandings. Although,
avoiding misunderstandings is a hard task (not impossible), when it is achieved you
will be expressing yourself effectively. Everybody will be able to identify exactly what
you say, what you think, and what you want. Words are double edged weapons
which can be used either to defend or to attack. If you make good use of them, you
will be able to do almost everything.
The fourth main point to effective communication, and probably the most
important of all, is the listening part. Listen and do not interrupt when it is no longer
your turn to speak. You will surely learn new things from listening to others. If a
person is speaking, it’s because she or he wants to be heard. Effective
communication is based on both listening and speaking. If communication were
based only on speaking, it would be an absolute tyranny. Nevertheless,
communication is the means through which you express yourself in order to be
heard and change your environment according to your own version of reality. Thus, it
would be impossible to change anything if there were no one to listen, learn, and
accept new ideas. Listening is a gift, and good listeners are always very appreciated
because there are only a few.
Effective communication will help you to express yourself better, allow you to
let other people express themselves, and help you to change your environment
toward your own thoughts and beliefs. Words inspire no fear. Speak to them. Words
make you strong. Support them. Words show what you are and what you think. Do
not let yourself be misunderstood. Words are valuable. Listen to them!
Gener T / F 1. There are four main reasons why people should develop effective
al communication
Infor T / F 2. The first important skill is confident in speaking

Specif T / F 3. Speak up is not one of the effective communication skills.

ic T / F 4. People need to use double-edged weapons to defend themselves.

Word T / F 5. The word hesitance also means not sure if it is the right thing to say.
Refer T / F 6. Inevitably in paragraph 2 is similar to need to be avoided.

Concl T / F 7. The same benefit from communicating effectively for yourself and
usion others is the ability to express your thoughts.
T / F 8. The writer suggests the reader to attack others in order to defend
your beliefs.

Infere T / F 9. Listening is the main skill you need to communicate effectively.

nce T / F 10. Once you say something, you can undo.


In the past years the use of the television and the internet has increased; this
situation has caused many people to change their likes and the way that they enjoy
their free time. Because of television and the internet, many people spend less time
reading, so the purpose for this essay is to present reasons why people should read
just for pleasure. The reasons are quite simple: to improve your knowledge, to
expand your general culture, to have more fun, to make your imagination fly, to find
new ways to express your ideas, and finally to expand your vocabulary.
The first reason to enjoy reading is that when you read, you can expand your
knowledge and also your culture. There are a lot of good books in which you can find
history, novels, tragedies, comedies and a variety of other themes. You can see that
people who read more frequently have a bigger knowledge of life and also a bigger
perspective of their environment. I think that fact gives them an advantage over all
others who do not read frequently.
The second reason to read more often is that through books you can have fun
and even travel in your imagination. Children have not yet lost the ability of getting
into their dreams, and because of this, in their first years the parents read a lot of
tales in which they use their imagination. Adults should try to keep this ability, so we
do not forget the importance of the use of the imagination. The imagination also
represents a tool that could help you to develop your professional career in a
creative way.
Finally, the third and the most important feature that reading offers you is that
it does not matter the age that you have, you can always expand your vocabulary
and express your ideas to the others in a simple and correct form. By the time you
can improve the kind of books that you read, there are a lot of categories, so you will
never stop learning from the pleasure of reading. People who know how to choose a
book generally have the capability of choosing a formal book in which they can find
formal grammatical structures and obviously a formal vocabulary. All these things
allow them to gain greater fluency in their communication.
Therefore, reading for pleasure is good for your brain, for your general
knowledge about the whole world and last but not least, it is perfect for your wild
imagination. You should start reading at least a page a day or start with the topic that
you love the most. In the end you don’t realize that you have already finished one
book and you had fun with it.


General 1. Choose two correct answers from the following options that the
Informati author mainly discusses in the passage!
on A. People should read for fun
B. People should buy many books
C. Children should not read more often
D. People should train their brain by reading
E. People will have fun with reading because the will travel to their

Specific 2. Choose two correct answers from the following options that the
Informati following passage is true, except ...
on A. The reason to enjoy reading is to expand your knowledge
B. People should expand vocabulary in order to express ideas
C. People should train their brain by expand your culture
D. People should read in the library
E. People will get into their imagination from reading

Word 3. Choose two correct answers from the following options that the might
Referenc refers to the word 'pleasure'
e A. To have more fun of something
B. To fly your imagination
C. To enjoy something
D. To express your ideas
E. To expand your vocabulary

Conclusi 4. Choose two correct answers from the following options that might be
on the possible recommendation of the passage?
A. People should enjoy reading because reading for pleasure is good
for brain
B. People should read for pleasure because of three reasons, such as
cultural expansion, traveling, and expand your vocabulary
C. Children should learn to read so they can travel to their imagination
by reading
D. People should enjoy reading because it helps them express
their ideas in a simple way
E. People should think that reading is fun because reading a page
a day with your favorite topic made you finally finished one book

Inference 5. Choose two correct answers from the following options that we can
imply from the text?
A. There are six reasons why people should enjoy reading
B. The first reason to have fun with reading is expanding your
C. Children can travel to their imagination by reading
D. People should enjoy reading because it helps them
communicate simply
E. Reading a page a day with your favorite topic made you finally
finished one chapter


I am sure that you know that smoking harms your body. Then why do you
continue smoking? Maybe you do it because you haven’t really become conscious
about all the effects that smoking has. There are a lot of reasons why you shouldn’t
smoke. Some of them are that smoking affects your health, that you spend a lot of
money on cigarettes, and that when you smoke you are not respecting people
around you.
The first reason why you shouldn’t smoke is that smoking affects your health.
If you smoke, your physical condition will be negatively affected, so it will be very
difficult for you to succeed in sports. Also, smoking produces lethal diseases like
cancer and reduces the length and quality of your life. Maybe you don’t notice all the
physical effects of smoking immediately, but you surely will be sorry one day.
The second reason why you shouldn’t smoke is because of all the money that
you spend on it. Maybe you start smoking only when someone offers you a cigarette,
but there will be a day when you will feel the need for a cigarette. By this time, you
will pay whatever to smoke, and each time you will smoke more, so you will spend
more money. All the money you would spend on cigars could have been spent on
something better, don’t you think?
The last reason why you shouldn’t smoke is out of respect for the people
around you. When you smoke, you not only harm yourself, but you also harm all the
people around you. So you mustn’t be selfish; you should at least avoid smoking in
front of people who don’t smoke. Also, many people don’t like the cigarette’s smell,
so they won’t enjoy your company. Would you like that?
I have said just some reasons why you shouldn’t smoke, so I hope that now
those of you who smoke, you should be able to think a little and try to make a smart
decision. In addition to all the reasons I’ve said, I would like you to recommend that
you should think about how much you love yourself and then whether you want to
continue harming yourself. Think also about all the people who love you, like your
family who don't want to see you suffering or sick.


General Information 1. What is the main idea of the passage?

Specific Information 2. What are the author's arguments from the text?

Word Reference 3. Why should people not harm themselves and others?

Conclusion 4. What are the effects of smoking for your health?

Inference 5. If you were the writer, what might be the recommendation

you will say to the reader?

Tittle :

Thesis Statement:

1. ….
2. ….
3. ….


Question Based on 5W + 1H






Or Based on Reading Indicator

Reading Indicator Question

General Information

Specific Information




Summary of the text



TEXT 1 : Humans Are Being Turned into Robots

I think contemporary modernity is turning humans into robots because

of the three essential reasons: Firstly, we have to follow the chain of repetitive
and emotionless string of actions every single day and this completely
contradicts the self-creating and self-directed essence of what it means to be
human. Really, we just go through our days without giving any thoughts to what we
are doing or being exposed. Not surprisingly, the modern world makes us robots,
conditioned and programmed. For example, recently, when I called the bank, I
realized that it’s really hard to say whether the one talking on the call-center is robot
or human at first.
Secondly, humans are under the control of a kind of digital ecosystem.
When we undergo any kind of negative transformation or are simply unable to do
what we are asked to do routinely, the ecosystem turns on us in disgust, indignation
and humiliation. For example, my brother, as a worker, does not have to think to
perform his task, but rather continues to follow his monotonous motions instructed
from his boss. Nobody cares about his satisfaction, desire or feelings. Once his
complaint about his unhappiness to his boss, the boss says: “You don’t have to worry
about what to feel, I’ll take care of it. Just continue your work”. I think we have been
spending our days working to make another version of ourselves routinely and
unconsciously as there will be no need for robots anymore.
Thirdly, we are losing human-to-human contact and communication
ability and moving into more robotic communication. Recently, I saw Robot
Sophia interviewing a journalist on TV. Its communication ability is limited to the
words it is given when it is programmed. We are becoming exactly like this, trying to
fit ourselves within 140-characters. What’s worse is that we are losing our freedom to
express ourselves in any way we want, for example with autocorrect mode in
phones. It pushes us to use the most common words or phrases which eradicate
individuality, care or thoughtfulness, the hallmarks of human communication,
completely. Similarly, we only aim to reach the result that we want to say within the
shortest possible way just like robots that are programmed to follow scripts quickly
providing information. We’ve already adapted the IFTTT (if this, then that) process
that robots use which I learned in my psychology class. Namely, we are automating
our expressions and feelings. In my phone, I’ve already added lots of shortcuts for
very common phrases like “Fine, what about you?”, “I am so sorry”, not to waste time
when talking with my friends on WhatsApp to think about how I should respond to
them. Do they really reflect how I feel, what I like to say? Not possibly.
Therefore, when we really meet with someone and talk face-to-face, we are
not able to grasp deep humanistic feelings like empathy, sympathy, pity or affection
that the person is trying to show us. No worry, though. There will be no need soon as
human communication is evolving and becoming more botified/robotic.

1. In paragraph 1, why does the writer say 6. world ‘its’ in paragraph 3 refers to?
contemporary modernity is turning humans into A. The robot Sophia
robots? B. Journalist
A. To show how humans differ from C. Interviewer
contemporary modernity. D. Television
B. To demonstrate how close it is to humans’ E. Robot
C. To show the relation between humans and 7. What is the possible inference for IFTTT from
robots. the text?
D. To prove that it relates to robots. A. Automating expression and feeling
E. To show that human like robot B. Autocorrect mode
C. Eradicate Individuality
2. What is the main idea of paragraph 2 based on D. Hallmarks of human communication
the passage? E. Shortcuts
A. Humans are autopilot by the repetitive
routines 8. What can be inferred about contemporary
B. Humans can control digital ecosystem modernity? EXCEPT
C. Humans are able to fix the digital A. It is the chain of repetitive and emotionless.
ecosystem B. It loses human to human contact.
D. Humans are emotionless C. It is a way of communication.
E. Humans are doing monotonous duty from D. It is humans’ controller.
the boss E. It is human's helper

3. The following words are the impact of the digital 9. From the passage, paragraph 4 concludes that
ecosystem, except… …
A. Disgust A. Human communication is devolving and
B. Humiliation becoming more botified/robotic
C. Indignation B. The contemporary modernity releases deep
D. Monotonous humanistic feeling
E. Undergo C. The humanistic feelings are no longer used
D. Humans shouldn’t follow the modernity
4. What is the writer's view on human robots? E. Human have changed into robot
A. Happy immediately
B. Irrational
C. Optimistic 10. This passage doesn't have a recommendation
D. Realistic yet. What would be the possible recommendation
E. Afraid for the reader based on the text?
A. People should stop working and make a
5. The word “monotonous” in paragraph 2 is robot
closest in meaning to B. People should buy a robot for their life
A. Bright helper
B. Light C. Human needs to consider to change their
C. Clear habit into a robotics like
D. Dreary D. Human should not worry about humanistic
E. Boring feeling because it would be replaced by the
E. People should be able to have non human
contact because of the robot
Reading Indicator: Human Robot
General Information 1. In paragraph 1, why does the writer say contemporary
modernity is turning humans into robots?
A. To show how humans differ from contemporary
B. To demonstrate how close it is to humans’
C. To show the relation between humans and robots.
D. To prove that it relates to robots.
E. To show that human like robot

2. What is the main idea of paragraph 2 based on the

A. Humans are autopilot by the repetitive routines
B. Humans can control digital ecosystem
C. Humans are able to fix the digital ecosystem
D. Humans are emotionless
E. Humans are doing monotonous duty from the boss

Specific Information 3. The following words are the impact of the digital
ecosystem, except…
A. Disgust
B. Humiliation
C. Indignation
D. Monotonous
E. Undergo

4. What is the writer's view on human robots?

A. Happy
B. Irrational
C. Optimistic
D. Realistic
E. Afraid

Reference 5. The word “monotonous” in paragraph 2 is closest in

meaning to
A. Bright
B. Light
C. Clear
D. Dreary
E. Boring

6. world ‘its’ in paragraph 3 refers to?

A. The robot Sophia
B. Journalist
C. Interviewer
D. Television
E. Robot
Inference 7. What is the possible inference for IFTTT from the text?
A. Automating expression and feeling
B. Autocorrect mode
C. Eradicate Individuality
D. Hallmarks of human communication
E. Shortcuts

8. What can be inferred about contemporary modernity?

A. It is the chain of repetitive and emotionless.
B. It loses human to human contact.
C. It is a way of communication.
D. It is humans’ controller.
E. It is human's helper

Conclusion 9. From the passage, paragraph 4 concludes that …

A. Human communication is devolving and
becoming more botified/robotic
B. The contemporary modernity releases deep
humanistic feeling
C. The humanistic feelings are no longer used
D. Humans shouldn’t follow the modernity
E. Human have changed into robot immediately

10. This passage doesn't have a recommendation yet.

What would be the possible recommendation for the
reader based on the text?
People should stop working and make a robot
People should buy a robot for their life helper
Human needs to consider to change their habit into a
robotics like
Human should not worry about humanistic feeling
because it would be replaced by the robot
People should be able to have non human contact
because of the robot

TEXT 2: Physical Education Is Vital for All

Physical education is required in every American high school and for a good
reason too. Many kids argue that P.E. classes aren’t important. These claims are false
and are an example of the laziness of today’s youth. There are many reasons why
physical education should be required, but perhaps the most important are that P.E. is
good for one’s health, that it teaches students about exercise and nutrition, it
helps relieve stress, and it helps students develop healthy habits that they can use
now and in the future.
It is true, however, that there are some negative effects of having physical
education in high school. For example, students can take six classes during the regular
school day, but if a student takes P.E., at the most, a student could only have five
academic classes. For some healthy students, physical education might be viewed as a
waste of their time, since they exercise on their own anyway. For these individuals, they
would rather spend the hours they have at school learning about history, math, science,
and literature. Therefore, having a P.E. class would cut into their schedule and would take
an hour away from another potential academic subject.
Another point is P.E. classes, like others, are offered throughout the day, so some
students would have P.E. in the morning while others would have it in the afternoon. A
person could argue that while exercising during some random period of the day, the
student could become excessively fatigued and this might make the student forget
information he or she is trying to remember for a test. Also, if a student worked out hard
on a hot day and could not take a shower afterwards due to lack of time or
embarrassment in shedding clothing in front of peers, he/she would have to sit through
the rest of his/her classes smelling sweaty and offensive. These reasons may all be true,
but they are not strong enough arguments to support the notion of eliminating P.E.
classes from American high schools.
Statistics show that the youth of America today are becoming overweight and out
of shape, factors which can lead to diabetes. America is a nation which leads all others in
the number of obese individuals living within its borders. Poor physical choices in high
school can develop into something life threatening when students reach adulthood. Some
may not care about the future; however, by maintaining a healthy lifestyle now, students
can enjoy life without being ridiculed for carrying around extra body fat which can ruin
their self-esteem. Staying physically fit will ultimately have a tremendous positive
effect on the individual who does not want to watch his weight creep up year after year
while going to the doctor’s office for his insulin shots to control his blood sugar.
In addition to healthy affects for the body, physical education can also have
positive effects on a person mentally. Studies show that physical exercise reduces
stress and releases beneficial chemicals into the body called endorphins. This means
that while exercising, the body is actually repairing itself by releasing chemicals that help
to burn away the toxicity in the body caused by stress. Therefore, taking a P.E class can
help relieve the stress from home or from school work and can be an easy class to have
when a student doesn’t want to have to think.
In addition to being a stress reliever, scientists say that exercise increases
blood flow, which in turn stimulates the brain. This means that even if a student has
to go to class with a glistening forehead from working up a bit of a sweat, it’s still worth it
because the student will be more alert and ready to learn since his blood is flowing
vigorously though his brain and vital organs. Most students would also agree that P.E. is
needed for the mental break from memorizing formulas, remembering dates, and writing
essays; it’s also needed for the boost. It will give in burning calories and stimulate the
body. In the end, P.E. helps to balance out a person’s hectic schedule and allows a
person to get out of the classroom and play.
Another argument for physical education is that it helps students develop
good eating and workout habits. One unit in P.E. class teaches students about the
nutrition pyramid and about how the body utilizes carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
When individuals reach adulthood, the good habits they learned when they were young
will most likely inspire them to stay healthy and physically active. If physical education
were taken away, where else would people learn about nutrition and about their
metabolism? Students are already overwhelmed with homework and stress from their
busy schedules. If P.E. were not a part of the curriculum, no one would take the time to
investigate what it takes to live a healthy lifestyle. Overall, P.E. can help foster habits that
will reduce serious health risks and in turn P.E. can also make people’s lives happier in
the long run.
In conclusion, physical education classes should be mandatory in schools.
Students need to learn from an early age how important exercise is in their daily lives and
by having a P.E. class teachers can help to foster this love of sports into becoming a
lifelong habit. In addition to the basic instruction students will receive in how to play
various sports and games, students will learn about how their bodies work and about how
to maintain a healthy weight through proper food choices. All students need to take P.E.
since their bodies were made to move, not to sit still all the time.

TEXT 2: Physical Education EXCEPT:

Choose two correct answers for A. It develops good eating and
number 1 - 3 from these following workout habits
options! B. It makes students physically fit
C. It gives mental illness
1. What is the main idea of the passage? D. It dillydallies
A. Some positive effects of having E. It helps people reducing stress
physical education in high school
B. Physical education classes should 4. The word “Vigorously” in paragraph 4
be mandatory in schools is closest in meaning to
C. Many reasons why physical A. Uncertainly
education should be required B. Strongly
D. P.E. is good for one’s health C. Weakly
E. P.E is better for obesity people D. Lazily
because it makes them in a good E. Surprisingly
5. What is the writer's suggestion for the
2. According to the passage, how are the text?
youth of America today becoming A. Physical education should be
overweight and out of shape? applied at school
A. They have bad physical activity B. Physical education should be
B. They care about their future omitted at school
C. They don’t like to consume a lot of C. Physical education should not be
sugar. applied at school
D. They have low blood pressure. D. Physical education is harmful for
E. They have bad eating habit students at school
E. Physical education is a tiring
3. All of the following are mentioned as lesson to study at school
the advantages of physical education
1. Where should Physical Education take place for the most effective outcome?
2. When should Physical Education be used?
3. Why do we have to take care of our physical health?
4. Who will be impacted by the text?
5. How do good habits inspire students to be healthy and physically active?
Reading Indicator TEXT 2: Physical Education

General Information 1. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Some negative effects of having physical
education in high school
B. Physical education classes should be mandatory in
C. Many reasons why physical education should be
D. P.E. is good for one’s health
E. P.E is better for obesity people because it makes
them in a good shape

Specific Information 2. According to the passage, how are the youth of America
today becoming overweight and out of shape?
A. They have bad physical activity
B. They don’t care about their future
C. They like to consume a lot of sugar.
D. They have high blood pressure.
E. They have good eating habit

Reference 4. The word “Vigorously” in paragraph 4 is closest in

meaning to
A. Uncertainly
B. Strongly
C. Weakly
D. Lazily
E. Surprisingly

Inference 3. All of the following are mentioned as the advantages of

physical education EXCEPT:
A. It develops good eating and workout habits
B. It makes students physically fit
C. It gives mental health
D. It dillydallies
E. It helps people reducing stress

Conclusion 5. What is the writer's suggestion for the text?

A. Physical education should be applied at school
B. Physical education should be omitted at school
C. Physical education should not be applied at school
D. Physical education is harmful for students at school
E. Physical education is a tiring lesson to study at
Reading Indicator Essay TEXT 2: Physical Education

What What can be inferred from the text about the positive of P.E?

Where Where should Physical Education take place for the most effective

When When should Physical Education be used?

Why Why do we have to take care of our physical health?

Who Who will be impacted by the text?

How How do good habits inspire students to be healthy and physically


TEXT 3: Why Medical Marijuana Should Be Legal

Drug addiction is something societies all over the world rarely tolerate. Although
almost every culture has a tradition of consuming narcotic substances—alcohol, in the
first turn—not all of them are seen as acceptable. A person saying, “A glass of beer after
a long working day is my small weakness, you know” looks normal; but an almost similar
phrase, “A shot of heroin after a long working day is my small weakness, you know” will
sound suspicious, to say the least, will it not?
Double standards or not, narcotics are a taboo—and still there are several kinds of
drugs that societies turn a blind eye to: tobacco, the aforementioned alcohol, and
marijuana. The latter is illegal in many countries, but people’s attitude to it is rather
benevolent—more than to any other drug. Besides, there have been talks that marijuana
is not only a relaxing, but also a recreational drug, and that in some cases, it can be used
for medicinal purposes. The Internet is full of controversial studies, either claiming that
marijuana is bliss and should be legalized everywhere, or stating directly the
opposite. And although total legalization might not be the best choice, there are reasons
to believe that in medicine this drug can be used rather effectively.
To start with, marijuana is not totally illegal: a number of states in the USA
(Colorado, California, Washington, Arizona, New Mexico, and 16 other states), as well as
several countries such as the Netherlands have made it legal to smoke weed. This was
not done on the basis of pure fun and carelessness, of course: the distribution of
legalized drugs is easier to control, they are taxed, and their chemical compounds can be
standardized to minimize health risks and side effects. At the same time, numerous
studies prove that marijuana—in its medical form—can be beneficial for patients suffering
from serious diseases, such as cancer. To be more precise, there are several groups of
diseases with symptoms that can be alleviated by marijuana:
1) In case of various inflammations, marijuana is great for treating chronic pain.
Unlike opiates, which are better when there is a need to quickly alleviate acute
pain, weed is safer and more effective in decreasing long-term pain.
2) The symptoms of arthritis and other autoimmune diseases can be reduced or
even eliminated with the help of marijuana as well.
3) Patients with such neurological disorders as multiple sclerosis or spinal cord
injuries would appreciate weed for its painkilling effect, and its ability to reduce
muscle spasticity caused by damaged nerves. There have been studies about the
beneficial effects of medical marijuana in patients with epilepsy.
4) Patients with cancer having to undergo numerous chemotherapy sessions often
suffer from severe nausea after them; marijuana can not only eliminate this
nausea, but also prevent the spreading of some forms of cancer.
5) HIV/AIDS patients often experience significant loss of weight and
appetite—both due to neurological factors and multiple antibiotics taken;
marijuana can increase appetite and alleviate neurological symptoms.

According to a survey conducted by an authoritative website about medicine,

WebMD, American doctors of 12 different specializations approved the usage of
marijuana in medicinal purposes. During the course of the survey, more than 1,500
doctors from 48 states responded that they would advocate the legalization of medical
marijuana to make it an option for patients who need it. In addition, the American
Epilepsy Foundation appealed to the Drug Enforcement Administration to relax its
restrictions on marijuana in order to conduct more proper studies on it. Michael W. Smith,
MD, WebMD Chief Medical Editor, says that “The medical community is clearly saying
they support using marijuana as a potential treatment option for any number of medical
problems. In fact, many doctors already prescribe it. But health professionals are still
unclear as to what the long-term effects may be. The findings would indicate a strong
desire to have the DEA ease the restrictions on research so that additional studies can
be done to conclusively show where medical marijuana can help and where it might not”.
Yet another positive effect that might come out of the legalization of medical
marijuana is the decrease of opiate consumption and prescriptions. The problem
with opioid painkillers is that they can cause addiction, and although they are extremely
effective in alleviating pain, there have been cases of death due to overdose. The usage
of marijuana as a painkiller could fix this situation—at least partially; according to one
NIDA-funded study, there is a connection between medical marijuana legalization and the
decrease of deaths caused by opioid overdose, opioid prescribing, self-reports of opioid
misuse, and treatment admissions for opioid addiction, as well as the reduction of doses
of prescribed opioids. Although additional studies on this subject are still required, it can
be seen that medical marijuana can be a healthier alternative to traditional opioid
Drug consumption is always connected to the risk of developing an addiction.
Even such “harmless” and legalized drugs as alcohol and tobacco annually cause
millions of deaths worldwide. However, in the case of marijuana, there might be
exceptions—given that it is prescribed for medicinal purposes, and under the control of a
doctor. This drug can ease pain, help seriously ill people alleviate or eliminate their
symptoms, and can even become an alternative to traditional opiate painkillers.
Therefore, under certain conditions and regulations, marijuana can be used as a
recreational drug.

TEXT 3: Marijuana C. To prove that alcohol is not

1. Why does the author mention alcohol? acceptable
A. To give an example of a type of D. To compare alcohol with another
drugs drug
B. To provide the effect of drug E. To show that marijuana is as
addiction illegal as alcohol
2. According to paragraph 3, how is D. Moderately
marijuana legal in some states in E. Surprisingly
A. Their chemical compound can be 5. All of the following sentences are true,
standardized to minimize health EXCEPT
risks and side effects A. Alcohol is seen as acceptable in
B. They can be beneficial for patients some of the countries in the USA
suffering from serious diseases B. Alcohol and tobacco annually
C. The distribution of legalized drugs cause millions of deaths
is easier to control worldwide
D. They are high taxed C. Every country should do double
E. They can be useful for the person standards for using drugs
who need it D. Marijuana is taxed
E. Marijuana is good for sick people
3. The word ‘they’ in the fourth paragraph
refers to Essay:
A. The survey 1. Why should medical marijuana be
B. The course legal?
C. Doctors 2. Who said that they support
D. States marijuana a potential treatment
E. Drugs option for any number of medical
4. The word ‘extremely’ in paragraph 5 is 3. Which country has already legalized
closest in meaning to marijuana based on the passage?
A. Exceedingly 4. Who will be legal to use marijuana?
B. Incompletely 5. How marijuana beneficial to others?
C. Little

Reading Indicator TEXT 3: Marijuana

General Information 1. Why does the author mention alcohol?
A. To give an example of a type of drugs
B. To provide the effect of drug addiction
C. To prove that alcohol is not acceptable
D. To compare alcohol with another drug
E. To show that marijuana is as illegal as alcohol

Specific Information 2. According to paragraph 3, how is marijuana legal in

some states in America? (except)
A. Their chemical compound can be standardized to
minimize health risks and side effects
B. They can be beneficial for patients suffering from
serious diseases
C. The distribution of legalized drugs is easier to
D. They are high taxed
E. They can be useful for the person who need it

Reference 3. The word ‘they’ in the fourth paragraph refers to

A. The survey
B. The course
C. Doctors
D. States
E. Drugs

4. The word ‘extremely’ in paragraph 5 is closest in

meaning to
A. Exceedingly
B. Incompletely
C. Little
D. Moderately
E. Surprisingly

Inference 5. All of the following sentences are true, EXCEPT

A. Alcohol is seen as acceptable in some of the
countries in the USA
B. Alcohol and tobacco annually cause millions of
deaths worldwide
C. Every country should do double standards for
using drugs
D. Marijuana is taxed
E. Marijuana is good for sick people

What What is the positive effect that might come from legalizing marijuana?

Where In which country Marijuana is legal?

When When should medical marijuana be legal?

Why Why should medical marijuana be legal?

Who Who said that they support marijuana a potential treatment option for
any number of medical problems?

How How marijuana beneficial to others?

What What are the writer’s arguments based on the text?

Where Which country has already legalized marijuana based on the passage?

When When should Marijuana be used?

Why Based on the passage, why do some US countries legalize weed?

Who Who will be legal to use marijuana?

How How marijuana beneficial to others?

A. Rencana Tindak Lanjut
1. Remedial
Peserta didik yang belum mencapai KKM (80) diberi tugas untuk membaca dan
membandingkan beberapa teks hortatory dalam bahasa Inggris. Setelah dua
minggu guru mengevaluasi kemajuan kompetensi peserta didik dalam menangkap
makna. Kemudian guru melaksanakan penilaian remedial.
2. Pengayaan
Bagi peserta didik mempunyai nilai di atas 80 diberi pengayaan berupa tugas
mandiri dan kelompok untuk membaca dan membandingkan beberapa teks
hortatory dalam bentuk produk bervariasi sesuai minat, Kemudian mempublikasi
dengan ditempel di mading.


Kompetensi Indikator Soal Bentuk NO
● Disajikan sebuah  teks
Peserta didik membaca dan hortatory audio visual, peserta Match LKPD
merespon teks hortatory. didik dapat melengkapi teks the 1/2
Mereka membaca untukrumpang dengan benar. ideas
mempelajari sesuatu atau ● Disajikan sebuah  teks
untuk mendapatkan hortatory peserta didik dapat
informasi. Mereka mencari menentukan informasi rinci T/F LKPD
dan mengevaluasi detil
dengan memilih pernyataan 1/2
spesifik dan inti dari berbagai Benar atau Salah.
macam jenis teks. Teks ini ● Disajikan sebuah  teks
dapat berbentuk cetak atau hortatory peserta didik dapat PG LKPD
digital, termasuk diantaranya menentukan informasi rinci dan 1/2
teks visual, multimodal atau informasi tersirat dengan benar
interaktif. Pemahaman (HOTS)
mereka terhadap ide pokok, ● Disajikan sebuah  teks
isu-isu atau pengembangan hortatory, peserta didik dapat Essay LKPD
plot dalam berbagai macam menentukan inti cerita (main 1/2
teks mulai berkembang. idea), informasi rinci, tujuan
Mereka mengidentifikasi penulis dan informasi tersirat
tujuan penulis dan (HOTS) dengan benar
keterampilannya untuk
melakukan inferensi
sederhana dalam memahami
informasi tersirat dalam teks.
Jika pilihan jawaban benar @ benar 1 1
Jika pilihan jawaban salah @ Salah 1 0

Nilai = Total jawaban benar  x 100     

             Total keseluruhan
B. Penilaian Observasi
Penilaian observasi berdasarkan pengamatan sikap dan perilaku peserta didik
sehari-hari, baik terkait dalam proses pembelajaran maupun secara umum. Pengamatan
langsung dilakukan oleh guru. Berikut contoh instrumen penilaian sikap

Aspek    Perilaku 
NoNama Siswa   yang Dinilai Jumlah Skor Kode
Skor Sikap Nilai
Format di atas dapat diubah sesuai dengan aspek perilaku yang ingin dinilai
Keterangan :
•   RE : Religius
•   BS : Bekerja Sama
•   PD : Percaya Diri
Catatan :
1.     Aspek perilaku dinilai dengan kriteria:
100 = SangatBaik
75= Baik
50 = Cukup
25 = Kurang

C. Asesmen Diagnostik Non Kognitif Awal 

Kegiatan Pertanyaan Kunci Deskripsi Hasil asesmen
Persiapan  Menyiapkan aplikasi Google Form, Quiziz ,
Kegiatan  ● Mengirimkan link quiziz kepada
peserta didik untuk melakukan tes
diagnostik non kognitif awal 
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group WA mata pelajaran
● Meminta peserta didik
menyelesaikan quiziz
● Meminta peserta didik menuliskan
hal yang paling menyenangkan dan tidak
menyenangkan dalam proses
Evaluasi Melakukan analisis Didapatkan informasi
terkait kognitif dan non
D. Jurnal Asesmen Sikap Profil Pelajar Pancasila
No Hari/Tanggal Nama Peserta didik Sikap Positif Sikap negatif Ket 

E. Penilaian Diagnostik Kognitif

No Nama Peserta Didik Jumlah Betul Jumlah Salah Nilai Presentase


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