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Judul Jurnal:
Empowering Rural Society Through Non-Formal Environmental Education:
an Empirical Study of Environment and Forest Development Community
Projects in Ethiopia

Disusun untuk Memenuhi Tugas Mata Kuliah Analisis Data Penelitian

Dosen Pengampu: Prof. Dr. Mahendra Wijaya, M.S.

Disusun Oleh:
Nama : Yonna Esty Kusuma
NIM : S632208002


Identitas Artikel
Judul Artikel : Empowering Rural Society Through Non-Formal
Environmental Education: an Empirical Study of
Environment and Forest Development Community
Projects in Ethiopia
Penulis : Mekonnen Hailemariam Zikargae, Amanuel Gebru
Woldearegay, dan Terje Skjerdal
Nama Jurnal : Heliyon
Tahun Terbit : 2022

Analisis bagan 6W dan 1H pada artikel kualitatif ini adalah sebagai
1. Why (Mengapa penelitian ini perlu dilakukan?)
Penelitian ini perlu dilakukan dengan alasan untuk meneliti lebih
dalam terkait Environmental Education (EE) yang digunakan sebagai
pendekatan dalam memberdayakan masyarakat pedesaan di Ethiopia. EE
non-formal tersebut diselenggarakan melalui proyek bertajuk Environment
and Forest Development Program (EFDP) yang dilakukan oleh sebuah
lembaga non-profit bernama The Organization for Rehabilitation and
Development in Amhara (ORDA). Sehingga, perlu dilakukan penelitian
untuk menganalisis bagaimana ORDA memanfaatkan EFDP sebagai alat
untuk melibatkan dan berkomunikasi dengan para stakeholder, serta untuk
mengidentifikasi tantangan yang dihadapi oleh ORDA dalam melaksanakan
EFDP sebagai bagian dari participatory environmental communication
(PEC) pada pelaksanaan proyek masyarakat.
2. Who (Siapa yang melakukan penelitian ini?)
Penelitian ini dilakukan oleh Mekonnen Hailemariam Zikargae dari
Bahir Dar University (Ethiopia), Amanuel Gebru Woldearegay dari Addis
Ababa University (Ethiopia), serta Terje Skjerdal dari NLA University
College (Norway).
3. Where (Dimana penelitian ini dilakukan?)
Penelitian ini dilakukan di tiga wilayah yang mewakili Zona Gondar
Tengah, Gondar Selatan, dan Wollo Utara di wilayah Amhara (bagian Barat
Laut Ethiopia) yang meliputi masing-masing wilayah yaitu distrik Gondar
Zuria, Libokemkem, dan Gidan. Berikut adalah peta wilayah penelitian ini.

4. Whom (Kepada siapa penelitian ini dilakukan?)

Peserta penelitian berasal dari pakar dan masyarakat komunitas
proyek Enfiranz, Derita, Muja, dan Eyella, yang mewakili Zona Gondar
Tengah, Gondar Selatan, dan Wollo Utara di wilayah Amhara (bagian Barat
Laut Ethiopia). Secara keseluruhan terdapat empat puluh enam informan
berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini.
5. What (Apa yang akan diberikan oleh penelitian ini?)
Penelitian ini mencoba menggali beberapa hal, antara lain:
a. Bagaimana ORDA memanfaatkan EFDP sebagai alat untuk melibatkan
dan berkomunikasi dengan para stakeholder?
b. Bagaimana tantangan yang dihadapi oleh ORDA dalam melaksanakan
EFDP sebagai bagian dari participatory environmental communication
(PEC) pada pelaksanaan proyek masyarakat?
6. How (Bagaimana penelitian ini dilakukan?)
a. Desain Penelitian
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus
eksplanatori dan deskriptif.
b. Metode Penentuan Lokasi
Lokasi sengaja dipilih berdasarkan kemungkinan durasi intervensi.
Intervensi telah terjadi sejak tahun 2000. Zona digambarkan sebagai
pegunungan dan memiliki lahan komunal yang tepat untuk Environment
and Forest Development Program (EFDP). Intervensi telah berlangsung
selama hampir dua dekade di desa Eyella, sedangkan proyek Muja
dilaksanakan setelah tiga tahun intervensi yang intensif. Sisanya
mengikuti intervensi Eyella dan Muja.
c. Metode Penentuan Informan
Informan diambil berdasarkan pengalaman, catatan partisipasi,
artikulasi, jenis kelamin dan usia, kemauan, dan peran dalam masyarakat.
Berikut adalah perinciannya.

d. Sumber dan Jenis Data

Penelitian ini menggunakan dua jenis bahan empiris. Jenis pertama
terdiri dari analisis dokumen laporan ilmiah, proposal, dan rencana
strategis ORDA serta berbagai perjanjian internasional dan protokol EE
non-formal yang ditinjau. Kegiatan utama pengumpulan data dimulai
dengan telaah dokumen. Eksplorasi data awal ini menjadi lebih mudah
karena ORDA memiliki pengalaman dalam mendokumentasikan rencana
strategis, laporan, dan proposal proyek. Semua dokumen menjelaskan
bagaimana EFDP telah membantu mencapai tujuan organisasi dan
menjelaskan bagaimana EFDP digunakan untuk meringankan tantangan
lingkungan bagi masyarakat. Jenis materi lainnya adalah analisis data
empiris berdasarkan wawancara mendalam, FGD, dan observasi
e. Teknik Pengumpulan Data
Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan dialog dan observasi
terhadap informan yang terlibat dalam program penghijauan, daerah
aliran sungai, dan livelihood. Sepuluh wawancara mendalam dilakukan
kepada tujuh masyarakat dan tiga pakar, serta enam FGD dengan tiga
puluh enam anggota masyarakat dilakukan untuk memungkinkan tim
peneliti mengumpulkan informasi sebanyak mungkin.
7. When (Kapan penelitian ini dilakukan?)
Penulis tidak menyertakan data terkait waktu pelaksanaan penelitian
dalam artikel jurnal ini.
Keterlibatan Stakeholder dalam Proyek Environment and Forest
Development Program di Provinsi Amhara, Ethiopia
Pihak yang
Realisasi Peran dalam
Terlibat dalam
Peran yang Dilakukan Environmental Education
Education (EE)
ORDA (The Melakukan dialog Melakukan pendekatan
Organization for dengan masyarakat kepada masyarakat Amhara
Rehabilitation and Amhara. melalui dialog sehingga
Development in masyarakat mulai terbuka.
Amhara) Mengisi kekosongan atau Pembangunan lingkungan,
gap yang belum pelestarian hutan,
dijangkau oleh pembuatan DAS,
pemerintah di wilayah pembuatan irigasi,
Amhara dalam bidang pembuatan jalan antardesa,
pelestarian lingkungan. pengelolaan pertanian,
mitigasi bencana,
kewirausahaan oleh pemuda
dan pengembangan sektor
swasta, dan kesetaraan
Mengembangkan Pelatihan dan lokakarya
kapasitas staf ORDA untuk staf bidang
Masyarakat Sebagai sasaran proyek Terlibat dalam pelatihan
Amhara Environment and Forest pengembangan kapasitas
(termasuk Development Program (termasuk tentang
perempuan, (EFDP) untuk kewirausahaan), lokakarya
penyandang ditingkatkan pengelolaan hutan dan
disabilitas, serta pengetahuan, sikap, dan agroforestri, pengelolaan
pemuda) keterampilannya dalam DAS terpadu, pelatihan
melestarikan lingkungan. kompor hemat bahan bakar,
dan sosialisasi tentang
adaptasi perubahan iklim.
1. Pertanyaan
a. Dari Apa (Latar Belakang)
1) Kondisi Faktual
Pertanian menjadi penggerak ekonomi di Negara Ethiopia,
namun lambat laun mengalami penurunan produktivitas pertanian
sehingga negara ini terancam mengalami krisis pangan dan
masyarakat yang kehilangan mata pencaharian. Penyebab penurunan
produktivitas pertanian (terutama di wilayah Amhara) antara lain:
a) Adanya eksploitasi sumber daya alam yang memicu kerusakan
b) Terjadi kerusakan lingkungan berupa penggundulan hutan yang
memicu bencana alam misalnya banjir dan kekeringan.
c) Terjadi degradasi lahan pertanian.
d) Lahan pertanian sebagian besar di wilayah pegunungan sehingga
lahan garapan tersebut terbatas.
e) Ketergantungan terhadap curah hujan tinggi.
f) Inovasi teknologi pertanian yang rendah.
2) Kondisi Ideal yang Diharapkan
Kondisi yang diharapkan dari berbagai permasalahan di wilayah
Provinsi Amhara yaitu:
a) Adanya kelestarian lingkungan sehingga sumber daya alam dapat
terjaga eksistensinya.
b) Hutan yang lestari sehingga wilayah Amhara tidak terancam
bencana alam.
c) Suburnya lahan pertanian sehingga produktivitas pertanian
menjadi optimal.
d) Lahan pertanian yang aman dan jauh dari ancaman bencana.
e) Tidak tergantung terhadap curah hujan.
f) Adanya inovasi pertanian yang digunakan oleh masyarakat.
3) Gap atau Masalah
Pengetahuan masyarakat yang masih rendah terkait pelestarian
lingkungan, sehingga masih terjadi banyak kerusakan lingkungan
yang berdampak pada penurunan produktivitas pertanian di Ethiopia
khususnya wilayah Amhara.
b. Ke Apa (Solusi yang Ditawarkan)
Melalui proyek Environment and Forest Development Program
(EFDP) yang dijalankan oleh ORDA menjadi pembuka jalan untuk
mempromosikan kesadaran lingkungan, perilaku dan tindakan melalui
pendidikan serta pelatihan para stakeholder tentang pelestarian
lingkungan di Amhara.
c. Untuk Apa (Implementasi Program dari Kesimpulan)
Proyek EFDP yang dijalankan oleh ORDA telah cukup mampu
meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang pelestarian lingkungan,
termasuk telah terjadi perubahan perilaku dan peningkatan keterampilan
masyarakat dalam pemecahan masalah di lingkungan hidup di sekitar
mereka. Keberdayaan masyarakat dalam melestarikan lingkungan juga
telah mampu meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat di Amhara.
2. Analisis Jaringan (Analisis Linier)
Upaya peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat terkait kelestarian lingkungan dilakukan melalui proyek EFDP yang
dilaksanakan oleh ORDA dalam rangka mengatasi kerusakan lingkungan di Provinsi Amhara.
Urutan kegiatan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Penelitian dilakukan dengan latar belakang penanganan masalah kerusakan
lingkungan di Amhara yang dilakukan oleh sebuah NGO lokal bernama
ORDA. Peneliti ingin mengetahui bagaimana ORDA memanfaatkan proyek
Environment and Forest Development Program (EFDP) untuk melibatkan
masyarakat dalam pelestarian lingkungan dan untuk mengetahui tantangan
yang mereka hadapi selama pelaksanaan proyek.
2. Peneliti kemudian menentukan informan berdasarkan keikutsertaan dalam
proyek, jenis kelamin dan usia, kemauan, dan peran dalam masyarakat.
Hasilnya sebanyak 43 masyarakat dan 3 pakar dipilih menjadi informan.
3. Metode pengumpulan data yang dilakukan sebagai berikut:
a. Wawancara mendalam dilakukan kepada 9 masyarakat pada rentang usia
30 – 60 tahun.
b. FGD dilakukan sebanyak 4 kali di masing-masing desa (Enfiranz, Derita,
Muja, dan Eyela) dengan peserta 6 orang pada setiap FGD.
c. Wawancara mendalam juga dilakukan kepada 3 pakar dari ORDA.
4. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ORDA menggunakan pendekatan
kepada masyarakat di Amhara dengan dialog, sehingga masyarakat terbuka
dan mau menerima proyek EFDP. Kegiatan yang dilakukan ORDA antara
lain kampanye penghijauan, peningkatan keterampilan kewirausahaan, serta
meningkatkan keterampilan dan pengetahuan masyarakat untuk menangani
kerusakan lingkungan.
5. Tantangan umum yang dihadapi oleh ORDA selama melakukan proyek
EFDP antara lain adalah keterbatasan dana, keterbatasan staf, serta
rendahnya pengetahuan masyarakat terkait lingkungan.
Implementasi Environment and Forest Development Program dalam
Pelestarian Lingkungan di Provinsi Amhara, Ethiopia
Proyek ini berangkat dari masalah kerusakan lingkungan yang terjadi di
Ethiopia, khususnya di Provinsi Amhara. The Organization for Rehabilitation
and Development in Amhara (ORDA) kemudian membuat sebuah proyek
bertajuk Environment and Forest Development Program (EFDP). ORDA
merupakan salah satu Non-Governmental Organization yang bergerak di bidang
pengentasan kemiskinan di Amhara. Dalam perkembangannya ORDA kemudian
juga menangani keamanan lingkungan yang bermuara pada mata pencaharian
Peneliti dalam riset ini mencoba untuk menggali bagaimana ORDA dapat
memanfaatkan EFDP untuk berkomunikasi dengan para stakeholder dan
meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat dalam pelestarian lingkungan. Penelitian
ini juga bertujuan untuk menganalisis tantangan yang dihadapi ORDA selama
pelaksanaan proyek. Penelitian dilakukan oleh Mekonnen Hailemariam
Zikargae, Amanuel Gebru Woldearegay, dan Terje Skjerdal. Informan dalam
penelitian ini adalah sebanyak tiga pakar dari ORDA dan 43 masyarakat lokal.
Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan indepth interview, FGD, dan observasi.
Proyek EFDP yang diselenggarakan oleh ORDA di Provinsi Amhara,
khususnya di Desa Enfiranz, Derita, Muja, dan Eyella mengalami berbagai lika-
liku sejak tahun 1997. Pada awalnya masyarakat menentang peluncuran proyek
sejenis yang dicanangkan oleh pemerintah setempat, karena selama tahap
perencanaan tidak satupun masyarakat dilibatkan. Kemudian ORDA mulai
mengusulkan proposal kegiatan, setelah proposal diterima lalu ORDA
melakukan pendekatan melalui dialog bersama masyarakat. Masyarakat
mengaku bahwa mereka khawatir pelaksanaan proyek akan mengambil status
kepemilikan lahan komunal milik mereka, karena tidak ada kebijakan tentang
itu. Lambat laun akhirnya ORDA mampu menyadarkan masyarakat terkait
pentingnya pelestarian lingkungan.
EFDP dilakukan melalui kegiatan pembelajaran bersama, pelatihan,
diskusi, dan lokakarya. Proyek ini dilaksanakan dengan membuat rencana
strategis lima tahunan sebagai berikut:
1. Renstra I (1997 – 2003)
Fokus pada perlindungan SDA, pengembangan pertanian, pemulihan
pasokan air di desa, pembangunan jalan penghubung antardesa, bantuan
pangan, dan pembangunan toko makanan. Pembangunan mulai
diintegrasikan dengan masalah lingkungan. Namun kurangnya personel
menyebabkan program-program itu tidak sepenuhnya dapat dilaksanakan.
ORDA juga masih disibukkan dengan memberikan bantuan makanan,
sehingga perlindungan SDA dipindahkan ke daftar prioritas bawah.
Partisipasi masyarakat masih minim karena belum adanya kerangka kerja EE
non-formal yang jelas, jumlah pelatihan juga masih terbatas.
2. Renstra II (2004 – 2008)
Program prioritasnya yaitu pengembangan pertanian dan
perlindungan lingkungan, pengembangan sumber daya hutan, pengembangan
sumber daya air, peningkatan kapasitas dan pengembangan masyarakat, serta
pencegahan bencana. Pada Renstra II ini dilaksanakan kegiatan untuk
memberdayakan masyarakat miskin, perempuan, orang-orang yang tidak
memiliki lahan pertanian, pemuda pengangguran, dan penyandang
disabilitas. Partisipasi stakeholder mulai meningkat (masyarakat, pemerintah,
dan donatur). Tantangan yang dihadapi yaitu terkait pengetahuan teknis
petani masih rendah serta masyarakat juga masih kurang berpartisipasi.
3. Renstra III (2009 – 2013)
Pengelolaan air dan SDA lainnya, ketahanan pangan dan kegiatan
pertanian menjadi prioritas. Bentuk kegiatannya berupa pelestarian SDA dan
sumber daya hutan/perkebunan, promosi energi alternatif, promosi teknologi
hemat bahan bakar, konservasi keanekaragaman hayati, pengelolaan DAS
terpadu, pengelolaan hutan sosial, dan rehabilitasi lahan terdegradasi.
Kerangka kerja EE non-formal sudah mulai terlihat jelas sehingga partisipasi
masyarakat menjadi lebih baik. Pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan
masyarakat lokal dalam pengelolaan SDA dan perubahan iklim telah
meningkat. Tantangan yang dihadapi pada periode ini adalah:
a. Kurangnya partisipasi masyarakat dan stakeholder terkait baik dalam
pelatihan, konferensi, lokakarya, dan lain sebagainya.
b. Masih rendahnya tingkat pendidikan masyarakat.
4. Renstra IV (2014 – 2018, direvisi menjadi Renstra 2016 – 2020)
Pada Renstra IV dimasukkan pula isu SDGs ke-13 tentang climate
action dan SDGs ke-15 tentang pelestarian ekosistem daratan. Rencana
strategisnya meliputi pembangunan lingkungan dan hutan, air dan irigasi,
pengelolaan pertanian, mitigasi bencana, kewirausahaan pemuda,
pengembangan sektor swasta, dan kesetaraan gender. Kegiatan dilakukan
dengan memberdayakan masyarakat miskin dan menguatkan
kelembagaannya untuk menjamin keamanan lingkungan, kompor hemat
bahan bakar, teknologi tenaga surya, biogas, dan pengelolaan DAS.
Tantangan yang dihadapi adalah perencanaan dan pelaporan yang belum
optimal, keterbatasan staf, terhalang COVID-19, serta adanya kekurangan
Berikut adalah manfaat dari pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang diperoleh
masyarakat Amhara dari proyek EFDP.
1. Pelestarian Lingkungan
Banjir bandang dan tanah longsor menjadi tantangan dalam proses
pemulihan lingkungan. Untuk memitigasi ini, masyarakat diberikan
pengetahuan dan keterampilan terkait pengelolaan DAS dan pembuatan teras
bangku. Masyarakat memperoleh pengetahuan selain dari pelatihan juga dari
saling berbagi informasi. Pengetahuan yang diperoleh selama lokakarya
pelatihan, forum, serta kunjungan lapangan dapat memberdayakan anggota
komunitas proyek untuk menemukan cara baru penghijauan, pengembangan
DAS, dan pertanian. Dengan bantuan ORDA, masyarakat berhasil membuat
terasiring, membentuk asosiasi masyarakat adat, melindungi lahan komunal,
dan membentuk komite pengelolaan DAS. Hasilnya produksi pertanian
perlahan meningkat dan kelangkaan air dapat sedikit teratasi.
2. Mata Pencaharian Masyarakat
Lingkungan yang mulai pulih menyebabkan pendapatan masyarakat
meningkat. Banjir tidak lagi seintensif dahulu. Kondisi hutan, tanah, dan air
mulai membaik. Orang-orang mulai menanam pohon kayu putih. Degradasi
menyebabkan hutan hilang dan lebah mati, setelah adanya rehabilitasi
lingkungan maka kemudian dapat dimungkinkan untuk berternak lebah
kembali. Peternakan lebah menjadi sarana kewirausahaan bagi pemuda di
Amhara. Pemanfaatan kotoran untuk mengembangkan pupuk kandang dan
sistem irigasi untuk mengatasi masalah kekeringan tampaknya menjadi salah
satu strategi untuk menyiapkan tanah dengan PH rendah untuk hasil panen
yang tinggi.
Home Analisis Bagan Analisis Matrik Analisis Jaringan Analisis Refleksi Analisis Deskripsi

Jurnal Kualitatif
Empowering Rural Society Through Non-Formal
Environmental Education: an Empirical Study of
Environment and Forest Development Community
Projects in Ethiopia

Yonna Esty Kusuma (NIM. S632208002)

S2-Penyuluhan Pembangunan Universitas Sebelas Maret

Home Analisis Bagan Analisis Matrik Analisis Jaringan Analisis Refleksi Analisis Deskripsi

Identitas Artikel
Judul Artikel : Empowering Rural Society Through
Non-Formal Environmental Education:
an Empirical Study of Environment and
Forest Development Community
Projects in Ethiopia

Penulis : 1. Mekonnen Hailemariam Zikargae

2. Amanuel Gebru Woldearegay
3. Terje Skjerdal

Nama Jurnal : Heliyon

Tahun Terbit : 2022

Home Analisis Bagan Analisis Matrik Analisis Jaringan Analisis Refleksi Analisis Deskripsi

Analisis Bagan
1. Why
Penelitian ini perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui
bagaimana program Environmental Education yang
dirintis oleh ORDA dapat melibatkan masyarakat di
Provinsi Amhara dalam pelestarian lingkungan,
serta menyelami apa saja tantangan yang mereka
hadapi selama pelaksanaan program.
2. Who
a. Mekonnen Hailemariam Zikargae
b. Amanuel Gebru Woldearegay
c. Terje Skjerdal

Analisis Data Penelitian

Home Analisis Bagan Analisis Matrik Analisis Jaringan Analisis Refleksi Analisis Deskripsi

Analisis Bagan
3. Where
Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Enfiranz, Derita, Muja, dan
Eyella (Ethiopia)
4. Whom
informan dalam penelitian ini adalah tiga pakar dari
ORDA dan 43 masyarakat.
5. What
Penelitian ini akan memberikan informasi mengenai
bagaimana ORDA memanfaatkan EFDP sebagai alat
untuk melibatkan masyarakat dalam pelestarian
lingkungan dan tantangan yang mereka hadapi.

Analisis Data Penelitian

Home Analisis Bagan Analisis Matrik Analisis Jaringan Analisis Refleksi Analisis Deskripsi

Analisis Bagan

6. How
• Desain penelitian: kualitatif, studi kasus
eksplanatori dan deskriptif.
• Teknik pengumpulan data: indepth interview,
FGD, observasi.
7. When
Penulis artikel tidak menyertakan waktu
pelaksanaan penelitian.

Analisis Data Penelitian

Home Analisis Bagan Analisis Matrik Analisis Jaringan Analisis Refleksi Analisis Deskripsi

Analisis Matrik
Keterlibatan Stakeholder dalam Proyek
Environment and Forest Development
Program di Provinsi Amhara, Ethiopia

Aktor Peran dalam EFDP Output Peran Aktor

Melakukan dialog dengan Masyarakat Amhara mulai terbuka untuk menerima program
masyarakat Amhara. terkait pelestarian lingkungan.
ORDA Mengisi kekosongan yang belum Pembangunan lingkungan, pelestarian hutan, pembuatan DAS,
(The Organization for dijangkau oleh pemerintah pembuatan irigasi, pembuatan jalan antardesa, pengelolaan
Rehabilitation and dalam pelestarian lingkungan di pertanian, mitigasi bencana, kewirausahaan oleh pemuda dan
Development in Amhara) Amhara. pengembangan sektor swasta, dan kesetaraan gender.
Mengembangkan kapasitas staf Pelatihan dan lokakarya untuk staf bidang agroforestry.
Berpartisipasi dalam berbagai Terlibat dalam pelatihan pengembangan kapasitas (termasuk
Masyarakat Amhara
kegiatan proyek EFDP. tentang kewirausahaan), lokakarya pengelolaan hutan dan
(termasuk perempuan,
agroforestri, pengelolaan DAS terpadu, pelatihan kompor
penyandang disabilitas,
hemat bahan bakar, dan sosialisasi tentang adaptasi
serta pemuda)
perubahan iklim.

Analisis Data Penelitian

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Analisis Jaringan

Analisis Data Penelitian

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Analisis Refleksi
3. Peneliti melakukan FGD dan indepth interview
1. Penelitian dilakukan dengan latar belakang dengan melibatkan total 46 informan
penanganan masalah kerusakan lingkungan di Amhara
yang dilakukan oleh sebuah NGO lokal bernama ORDA.
Peneliti ingin mengetahui bagaimana ORDA 4. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ORDA
memanfaatkan proyek Environment and Forest menggunakan pendekatan kepada masyarakat di
Development Program (EFDP) untuk melibatkan Amhara dengan dialog, sehingga masyarakat terbuka
masyarakat dalam pelestarian lingkungan dan untuk dan mau menerima proyek EFDP. Kegiatan yang
mengetahui tantangan yang mereka hadapi selama dilakukan ORDA antara lain kampanye penghijauan,
pelaksanaan proyek. peningkatan keterampilan kewirausahaan, serta
meningkatkan keterampilan dan pengetahuan
masyarakat untuk menangani kerusakan lingkungan.
2. Peneliti kemudian menentukan informan berdasarkan
keikutsertaan dalam proyek, jenis kelamin dan usia, 5. Tantangan umum yang dihadapi oleh ORDA selama
kemauan, dan peran dalam masyarakat. Hasilnya melakukan proyek EFDP antara lain adalah
sebanyak 43 masyarakat dan 3 pakar dipilih menjadi keterbatasan dana, keterbatasan staf, serta rendahnya
informan. pengetahuan masyarakat terkait lingkungan

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Implementasi Environment and Forest Development Program dalam
Pelestarian Lingkungan di Provinsi Amhara, Ethiopia

Proyek ini berangkat dari masalah kerusakan lingkungan yang terjadi di

Ethiopia, khususnya di Provinsi Amhara. The Organization for Rehabilitation Proyek EFDP diselenggarakan
and Development in Amhara (ORDA) kemudian membuat sebuah proyek oleh ORDA di Provinsi Amhara,
bertajuk Environment and Forest Development Program (EFDP). ORDA khususnya di Desa Enfiranz,
merupakan salah satu Non-Governmental Organization yang bergerak di Derita, Muja, dan Eyella.
bidang pengentasan kemiskinan di Amhara. Dalam perkembangannya ORDA Pemerintah setempat sempat
membuat proyek sejenis, namun
kemudian juga menangani keamanan lingkungan yang bermuara pada mata
ditolak oleh masyarakat. ORDA
pencaharian penduduk. lalu menggunakan pendekatan
dialogis sehingga masyarakat
mulai terbuka.

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Renstra I (1997 – 2003) Renstra III (2009 – 2013)
ORDA masih disibukkan dengan Pengelolaan air dan SDA lainnya,
memberikan bantuan makanan, ketahanan pangan dan kegiatan
sehingga perlindungan SDA pertanian menjadi prioritas.
dipindahkan ke prioritas bawah.
Renstra IV (2014 – 2018, direvisi
menjadi Renstra 2016 – 2020)
Renstra II (2004 – 2008) Memasukkan isu SDGs ke-13 dan ke-15
Pengembangan pertanian, ke dalam Renstra. Rencana strategisnya
perlindungan lingkungan, meliputi pembangunan lingkungan dan
pengembangan sumber daya hutan, air dan irigasi, pengelolaan
hutan dan air, peningkatan pertanian, mitigasi bencana,
kapasitas dan pengembangan kewirausahaan pemuda,
masyarakat, serta mitigasi pengembangan sektor swasta, dan
bencana. kesetaraan gender.

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Pelestarian Mata Pencaharian
Lingkungan Masyarakat
Pengetahuan yang diperoleh selama Kondisi hutan, tanah, dan air mulai
lokakarya pelatihan, forum, serta membaik. Orang-orang mulai
kunjungan lapangan dapat menanam pohon kayu putih.
memberdayakan anggota komunitas Degradasi menyebabkan hutan
proyek untuk menemukan cara baru hilang dan lebah mati, setelah
dalam penghijauan, pengembangan adanya rehabilitasi lingkungan maka
DAS, dan pertanian. kemudian dapat dimungkinkan
untuk berternak lebah kembali.

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Heliyon 8 (2022) e09127

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Research article

Empowering rural society through non-formal environmental education: An

empirical study of environment and forest development community projects
in Ethiopia
Mekonnen Hailemariam Zikargae a, *, Amanuel Gebru Woldearegay b, Terje Skjerdal c
Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia
Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
NLA University College, Norway


Keywords: The study examined how non-formal Environmental Education (EE) is used in interventions aimed at empowering
Environmental education rural society in Ethiopia. The study focused on a relatively less explored area of how non-formal EE in the form of
Stakeholders project-based learning was used to equip the community with skills and knowledge. Using qualitative data
Community projects
collection methods and thematic analysis as an analytical strategy, the study produced evidence of the importance
of community programs for out-of-school youth and adults in the acquisition of fundamental skills and knowl-
edge. Green campaigns were found to be essential to sustain the lives of rural communities. As demonstrated in
the study, community projects designed to enhance learning are in sync with the relevant theory of project-based
learning. Assisted by relevant conceptualization, the organization which motivated this study, develops insights
for knowledge management for further implementation strategies. Its main objective is to empower poor com-
munities and their institutions by ensuring environmental security and livelihoods. As crucial stakeholders,
communities received knowledge and technical skills through experience sharing, training, and workshops. The
findings also indicated that most of the members of the project community were illiterate prior to participating in
the project activities demonstrating that they needed to acquire basic knowledge and skills to act. Many com-
munity members became part of the project due to the mobilization and awareness-creation campaign by the local
development organization. However, there have been several roadblocks to the implementation of community
projects. But most importantly, the study shows that the skills and knowledge imparted through EE were
important for implementing community projects, helping to improve community participation in raising envi-
ronmental quality, thus improving environmental performance, farming methods, and livelihood situations. We
suggest that project-based learning could be used as a tool for community empowerment initiatives aimed at
responding to and improving environmental and livelihood challenges.

1. Introduction 2017). Although the country is blessed with natural resources, the benefits
for its people have been limited due to its unsustainable management and
Maintaining and enhancing environmental security and quality of life utilization of those resources, leading to a gradual decline in agricultural
continue to be the major challenges of our time. Unsustainable use of natural production and productivity (Birhanu, 2014; Daley, 2015; Wassie, 2020;
resources is a growing concern, as climate change and human beings have Zikargae et al., 2021; Zikargae, 2018, 2021).
affected ecosystem balance and biodiversity (Umoh, 2010; Dou et al., 2020, In addition, the depletion of natural resources, the low use of direct
2021). Biodiversity loss threatens human well-being and vice versa (Diaz inputs and the dependence on rainfall for the agricultural sector, as well
et al., 2006; Pires et al., 2020). The natural link between biodiversity and as the limited practice in the use of innovative technologies and practices,
human well-being leads society towards sustainable development (SD) have contributed to reduced productivity (Tesso, 2019; Gashaw et al.,
(Naeem et al., 2016). Ethiopia can be used as an example of relevant risks 2014; Villena and Greve, 2017; Daley, 2015; Adegbeye et al., 2020). To
and promises in environmental discourses (Kebbede, 2016; Kassa et al., this end, studies indicate that environmental challenges and climate

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.H. Zikargae).
Received 28 August 2021; Received in revised form 24 October 2021; Accepted 15 March 2022
2405-8440/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
M.H. Zikargae et al. Heliyon 8 (2022) e09127

change problems constitute deep-rooted economic, social and environ- the community. The provision and sustenance of ecosystem services to
mental obstacles in Ethiopia (Gashaw et al., 2014; Zikargae, 2021; project communities is mandatory for the survival of the community.
Wassie, 2020; Daley, 2015). The dependence on rain-fed agriculture, Growing evidence shows how the power of non-formal environmental
adverse economic development, deforestation, land degradation and education advances environmental literacy, leads to environmental and
large-scale as well as dense human settlements are alarmingly increasing social responsibility, ecological integrity and a sustainable future (Teane,
human and environmental vulnerability in the country. The vulnerability 2021). This study intends to understand how the lives of communities
has captured global and local attention. have been improved through the use of non-formal EE as key strategies
In part because it is mountainous and densely populated, the Amhara for community projects. The innovative strategies involve project-based
region is one of the distinct regions in Ethiopia with the most widespread learning, sharing experiences and exchanging creative ideas. The
and chronic food insecurity and environmental challenges. In addition, non-formal EE helps the community to undertake various environmental
the region is located in the Ethiopian highlands. Due to the mountainous activities that boost knowledge and awareness and help to make
nature of the region, farmers in the region have limited arable land. informed choices regarding the environment.
Subsistence agriculture has been the dominant practice for centuries, and These diverse activities underlie PEC with grassroots-level efforts and
the use of farming technology has been extremely limited. To address solutions as opposed to a top-down environmental sustainability
concerns about the sustainability of agricultural systems, particularly approach. Helping communities and their institutions to develop com-
considering the increase in demand for food and other products, several petencies to solve environmental problems goes a long way in respon-
actors have developed global instruments for community interventions in sibly using the environment as a resource. Experiential education and
rural areas (Zikargae et al., 2021; Zikargae, 2021; Ali and Sonderling, capacity building provide experience sharing and mutual learning op-
2017; Godana, 2014). portunities (ORDA, 2019b). Community capacity building in environ-
The contribution of non-governmental organizations (NGO) is one mental contexts helps communities to develop, realize and sustain local
step in supporting the government's commitment improving environ- solutions that would lead to more confidence in the management and
mental security, forest development, challenges of SD, and combating control of ecological issues.
climate change (Zikargae et al., 2021; Zikargae, 2021; Godana, 2014). Project-based interventions may help to expand community partici-
The Organization for Rehabilitation and Development in Amhara pation, strengthen individual and community skills and competencies,
(ORDA) is actively working in the Amhara region to fill the government's promote a shared understanding and vision of the environment, and lead
gaps in addressing environmental and sustainable livelihoods challenges. to community engagement (Mead et al., 2012). Relevant research on
However, studies show that the Ethiopian government lacks coordination non-formal environmental education has been conducted globally, but
and effective communication with different stakeholders, local devel- studies focusing specifically on Ethiopia are limited.
opment organizations, and environmental promoters (Horwood, 2020; The objective of this study is twofold: First, it aims to analyze how ORDA
Mulugeta et al., 2019; Zikargae, 2018; Zikargae and Ali, 2017; MoEDC, utilizes non-formal EE as a tool to engage and communicate with its
1997). This study looks at the sustainability-oriented practices of ORDA's stakeholders; secondly, it seeks to identify the challenges faced by ORDA in
community interventions that make use of non-formal EE leading to an applying non-formal EE as part of PEC on community projects. The empir-
increase in information exchange, environmental awareness and acqui- ical findings reveal the key skills, favorable attitudes, and practical knowl-
sition, and use of skills (Zikargae, 2021). edge (B-MASKA) imparted by the ORDA. The findings can be used to
This study focuses on non-formal EE as a component of participatory support the community's farming methods, livelihoods, and forest and
environmental communication (PEC) used as an instrument to under- watershed management. Training has increased crop yield, water retention,
stand the environment and forest community interventions implemented soil fertility, mountain landscape, and environmental security. The effective
by ORDA in the Amhara region. The nonprofit organization offers management of B-MASKA affects the implementation of community pro-
tremendous experience in the implementation of community projects for jects. Non-formal EE as one of the key components of PEC is overlooked and
rural communities. Thus, the study considered ORDA's practical imple- limited in contemporary academic discourses and research. However, it is
mentation of the Environment and Forest Development Program (EFDP). considered vital in ORDA's community interventions. This study, therefore,
Studies show how non-formal EE is managed as a tool to consider various provides important results for EE and the implementation strategies that
opportunities and combat environmental, development, and livelihood contribute to the sustainable development of a region.
challenges in the rural community (Yeshalem, 2013).
Above all, the current study focuses on non-formal EE to impart 2. The non-formal environmental education
behavior, motivations, attitudes, skills, knowledge, and awareness
(hereafter B-MASKA) in regard the poor communities of Enfiranz, Derita, The integrated theory of EE guides the study by combining partici-
Muja, and Eyella. The interventions are aimed at the alleviation of patory theory with non-formal EE components and concepts. Non-formal
environmental and livelihood challenges through the practice of inte- EE components, particularly B-MASKA, are major concepts in participa-
grated community participation. Scholars argue that it is necessary to tory theory and have been used as frameworks for the current study.
address environmental challenges by enhancing the environmental Two forms of environmental education are highlighted in the litera-
awareness and literacy of participants (Stern et al., 2014). Capacitating ture: indoor education and outdoor education, and non-formal education
the community and their institutions is a prerequisite to effectively used for implementing community projects. Environmental education is
communicating with the stakeholders. In reference to ORDA, relevant a general form of education used to implement community projects.
capacity has been gained through project-based non-formal EE. Across the international system, intergovernmental international treaties
According to the organization's self-presentation, ORDA works to have drawn attention to lending credence to its relevance. As has been
"empower impoverished communities and their local institutions to ach- manifestly made clear, the agreements on EE are aimed at combating
ieve livelihoods and environmental security in the Amhara region" (2019a, environmental and SD challenges (Tbilisi, 1977). Agreements are used as
p. i). The communities have been engaged in forest and greening programs instruments to deal with these challenges. The agreements also provide
in an effort to sustain livelihoods. However, they continue to face the directions on the modalities of intervention as well as a general frame-
challenges of dealing with very small plots of arable land, changing cli- work to improve environmental security in a global context.
matic conditions, watersheds, and rainfall flooding problems. In less formal contexts, the relevant literature shows that non-formal
Given the socio-economic backgrounds, it is challenging for in- EE is practiced in outdoor and environmental contexts (Zikargae, 2021).
dividuals and communities to make ends meet. A way out will require It is further taken as an integral part of SD, stakeholders’ participation,
increased afforestation, greenness, and improved land conditions that and environmental communication (Cox, 2010). The link between EE
would lead to enhancement of environmental security and livelihoods of and SD was emphasized by an EE and SD conference on environmental

M.H. Zikargae et al. Heliyon 8 (2022) e09127

education and found further traction in subsequent periods (Tbilisi, livelihood improvements, remains an effective tool to address environ-
1977). The concepts, goals, and approaches gained momentum at the mental and sustainability challenges. Environmental education repre-
Stockholm UN conference in 1972 (Astrachan, 1972). The conference sents more than just a one-way information flow to develop and enhance
motivated 175 countries to focus on policies that address environmental environmental B-MASKA partnerships, and build skills for engaging
challenges and development issues. Countries were expected to include communities in collaborative environmental learning and actions (Par-
in their policies and demonstrate their action-based commitment to askeva-Hadjichambi et al., 2020; Tbilisi, 1977; Athman and Monroe,
environmental issues as a cross-cutting issue. 2001; Cesar and Ekbom, 2013; UNEP, 1975). Further, EE provides a
The Stockholm conference culminated in a Declaration having prin- system to discuss global environmental challenges and their conse-
ciples relating to the environment and development as well as an action quences, including poverty. The challenges are related to poverty in
plan with a set of recommendations. A particularly relevant subject of the complex ways (Bekalo and Bangay, 2002). Frequent drought and land
discourse of the conference was the realization of the impact of poverty degradation are thought to have affected 169 countries, with the poorest
on the environment as well as the need for environmental education and rural areas suffering the most (IPS, 2021). The expansion of rural pop-
research. These points continue to resonate across the developing world ulation, limited land resources, and reliance on land resources lead to a
as the importance and fragility of the environment have become more further ecological crisis. The Tbilisi Agreement, signed in 1977, defined
pressing issues. There is more recognition of the role of environmental the goal of EE as the formulation of information frameworks at the local
education, reflecting the need for more responsible use of the and international levels that consider B-MASKA and participation to
environment. assist and empower stakeholders in taking practical environmental ac-
In the context of EE, premium is placed on environmental literacy as a tion (Tbilisi, 1977; Athman and Monroe, 2001; Cesar and Ekbom, 2013).
key outcome. Obtaining knowledge and skills relating to socio-ecological The present drive for comprehensive and holistic EE stems from Agenda
outcomes of community projects empowers citizens and engages them in 21, which was approved in 1992 at the Rio Conference. Other assertions
a dialogue about local and global environmental and sustainability issues and official declarations appeared in the Tbilisi Declaration and the
(Dillon, 2018). Environmental education provides information and is an Belgrade Charter (UNEP, 1975), both of which include training and
international learning tool that offers a synergistic public space to take public awareness (1977). Planning and conducting an EE program
action on environmental issues. Further, it is an important tool to require comprehensive frameworks. Such frameworks include main-
implement community projects and more broadly a global instrument or taining a healthy receptive-responsive interaction with key components
tool that influences B-MASKA. EE is also a tool used to shape attitudes of nature as a crucial contribution to human well-being (Bonnett, 2019).
and enhance knowledge, and skills to address challenges (Ardoin et al., In Ethiopian society, subsistence and export agriculture is dependent
2020). It is further argued that EE plays a significant role in poverty on land as a resource. Drought and resource degradation, on the other
reduction in Africa (Umoh, 2010). Thus, EE, as a component of EC, is hand, has had an impact on land productivity for many years, affecting
viewed as an important instrument in filling the gaps in attitudes, many agricultural products (Wassie, 2020; Bekalo and Bangay, 2002).
knowledge, and skills required to establish and maintain the environ- Together climate change, soil degradation, deforestation, loss of biodi-
mental security and the dignity of Ethiopia's poor society. versity and ecosystem services, and exploitation of natural resources are
identified as environmental issues in Ethiopia (Wassie, 2020; Cesar and
2.1. Strategies of environmental education Ekbom, 2013; Tbilisi, 1977; Athman and Monroe, 2001). These issues
result in slower economic growth, and fewer prospects for a livelihood
Some of the objectives of EE are as follows: promoting environmental reflecting extensive ecological catastrophe. The extensive eco-disaster
awareness, behavior, and eventually action through education, and has been described as having the hallmarks of a dystopia in the
raising stakeholders’ awareness and training about their environment worst-case scenario, with no signs of improvement. However, there are
(Hens, 1997; CEgN, 2006; Gough and Gough, 2010). EE may take prospects for reversing environmental degradation and climate change
non-formal and informal approaches. The non-formal strategy targets outcomes (Hope and Sr, 2007). Among the possible strategies for
special project-based programs outside the school system for adults and reversing the spiral is the creation of relevant awareness through envi-
communities (Talero, 2004; CEgN, 2006). ronmental education.
It is an integral component of lifelong learning (Para- Environmental awareness development is a technique for improving
skeva-Hadjichambi et al., 2020) which may be acquired via stakeholders' environmental B-MASKA as well as providing the experience of changing
participation in workshops, volunteering, role plays, field trips, holidays, community beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors (Frantz and Mayer, 2014;
field visits, and environmental days. It is also noted that EE involves the Choe et al., 2020). The environmental B-MASKA gaps have persisted in
dissemination of information without an organized educational structure. the community, and community projects can provide opportunities for
This includes mutual learning about the environment from the media, hands-on learning about how to deal with environmental concerns.
personal reading, everyday experiences, and interactions with other peo- Experiential learning represents a key strategy for acquiring knowledge
ple, and sharing their experiences. Community projects provide a partic- and skills by doing (Paraskeva-Hadjichambi et al., 2020; Efstratia, 2014;
ularly rich educational opportunity in the environment (UNCED, 1992). Falk, 2005) in non-formal EE settings (Ballantyne and Packer, 2005)
The literature indicates that EE is more than knowledge acquisition where community-based organizations take the lead in addressing
about the environment; it has much to do with behavioral modification. human-caused environmental problems (Saribas et al., 2017). Evidence
Thus, EE provides a framework to help a community develop positive demonstrates that non-formal EE can improve environmental quality and
attitudes towards environmental challenges. The acquired positive atti- output by teaching environmental and watershed management skills and
tudes may further lead to the development of a community's problem- imparting knowledge (Paraskeva-Hadjichambi et al., 2020). One of the
solving skills. The ripple effect would be engendering a sense of goals of EE could be to look at how the community is related to nature as
empowerment and legitimacy (Rennie, 2001). Empowerment and legit- a predictor of environmentally responsible behavior (Frantz and Mayer,
imacy could further help promote and achieve the objectives of the 2014). According to Paraskeva-Hadjichambi et al. (2020), such
organization. community-based interventions promote social change in a particular
community. Much environmental education in Ethiopia is academic in
2.2. B-MASKA (behavior, motivations, and attitudes, skills, knowledge, character and discourses on more focused, village/community-centered
and awareness) practical interventions are extremely limited (Bekalo and Bangay, 2002).
The environmental problems in the Amhara region have gone largely
Non-formal EE in the form of B-MASKA development, information unnoticed. More recently, they have emerged partly as a result of polit-
exchange, community empowerment, environmental performance, and ical pressure to address societal difficulties. Nonetheless, in despite their

M.H. Zikargae et al. Heliyon 8 (2022) e09127

emergence as an agenda, they are impacted by a lack of government community members and three experts, as well as six focus group dis-
commitment and funding (Wassie, 2020). However, several local cussions with thirty-six project community members, were undertaken,
non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have attempted to respond to allowing the research team to gather as much information as possible. In
the challenges. In this study, an attempt is made to interrogate the all, forty-six project community members participated in the study.
contribution of non-formal EE skills, attitudes, and knowledge to the The target population comprises all the project communities of
improvement of EFDP in the Enfiranz, Derita, Muja, and Eyella project Enfiranz, Derita, Muja, and Eyella intervention sites (Figure 1). The
communities of Northwestern Ethiopia. population of the study constituted active participants in the community
and experts engaged in community projects. Both convenience and
3. Method purposeful sampling techniques were used in the study.
The scope of the current study is limited to ORDA's active interven-
A qualitative/interpretive approach is used to frame the overall tion sites. ORDA has been working on three intervention sites imple-
research design of the study as a process that determines what, who, how menting EFDP in three zones: Central Gondar, South Gondar, and North
to collect and analyze the data (Creswell and Creswell, 2018; Lune and Wollo, which include the Gondar Zuria, Libokemkem, and Gidan dis-
Berg, 2017). A case study approach is used to circle in on ORDA's ac- tricts, respectively (Figure 1). The sites are purposely selected based on
tivities. The organization is suited for the current study because it has the possible duration of the intervention. The interventions have
community intervention projects on EFDP. It has had a significant impact continued since 2000. The zones are described as mountainous and
on the rural society of the Amhara region's environmental security, contain communal land that could be available and suitable for EFDP.
livelihoods, and SD. Besides, there are three similar community projects The interventions have continued for almost two decades in Eyella
which are included as cases. The rationale for choosing a case study is village, whereas the Muja project was implemented after three produc-
that it systematically investigates an event or set of events by describing tive years of intervention. The rest have followed the Eyella and Muja
and explaining these phenomena (Lune and Berg, 2017; Yin, 2018). The interventions. The findings of this study show that the Muja project
case study also uses multiple methods to provide a full and deep exam- community members have immediate exposure to the Eyella projects.
ination of the case (Creswell and Creswell, 2018). Explanatory and The Muja's intervention project community members socially commu-
descriptive case study designs are used in the current study (Lune and nicate since they are close neighbors and have experience of willingly
Berg, 2017). sharing with their neighbors in the Eyella village. The Enferanz and
Derita intervention sites have been active for a decade. All sites receive
3.1. Population and sampling contexts experience learned from other areas. Key members of the community
have been practicing greening, watershed programs, and livelihood en-
The research participants came from Enfiranz, Derita, Muja, and hancements. Several enhancement tools are used to upgrade knowledge
Eyella project communities, representing the Central Gondar, South and skills. The study obtained views of the Enfiranz, Derita, Muja, and
Gondar, and North Wollo Zones of the Amhara region in the North- Eyella participants through dialogue and empirical observation.
Western part of Ethiopia. The research made use of dialogues and Sampling criteria are developed scientifically based on previous
observation of participants who were engaged in greening, watershed, theoretical and practical experience (Martinez-Mesa et al., 2016; Mosera
and livelihood programs. Ten in-depth interviews with seven project and Korstjens, 2018). The participants were selected because of their

Figure 1. ORDA's intervention sites (Data Mekonnen, Credit: sketched by Fikirte).

M.H. Zikargae et al. Heliyon 8 (2022) e09127

experience, relevant participation record, articulateness, gender and age,

willingness, and role in the community. These sampling criteria are used Table 2. Demographic information of experts and households of project
to select an essential part of the local population (Table 1). Except for the
leading experts’ proportional representation, the specific individual and No of participants Gender Age range Villages/sites
group interviews applied similar criteria for the practical purpose of the M F
comprehensive study. Experts were selected based on experiences, In-depth interviews 2 2 0 30–60 Enfiranz
expertise, and availability. Their respective demographic information of 2 2 0 Derita
experts and community households are indicated below (Table 2). 2 2 0 Muja
The study used two types of empirical material. The first type consists 3 2 1 Eyella
of document analysis of scientific reports, proposals, and strategic plans
FGDs 6 6 0 40–65 Enfiranz
of ORDA as well as different international agreements and protocols of
6 6 0 Derita
non-formal EE are reviewed. However, the principal activities of data
6 5 1 Muja
collection began with document reviews. This initial data exploration
6 5 1 Eyella
was made easier because ORDA possesses experience in documenting
Experts 3 3 0 48–55 ORDA
strategic plans, reports, and project proposals. All the documents describe
how non-formal EE has helped to achieve the organizational objectives
and explain how it is used to alleviate environmental challenges for the 4.1. Document analysis
community. The other type of material is empirical data analysis based
on in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and direct observation. Important information was gleaned from varied sources that included
Besides, we conducted six focus group discussions (Table 1) that several significant scientific documents available locally and globally. Local
revealed current perspectives on issues around project-based learning. The documentary resources included ORDA's strategic plans, project proposals,
discussions provided more insight into how non-formal education annual reports, official proclamations, established constitutions, and policy
impacted communication, information exchange, and management of documents. Further, the study used EE agreements, conventions, and pro-
environmental activities as well as security and livelihood improvements. tocols, which generated important information on the concerns of the study.
Moreover, we collected empirical data through observation of project sites. Information also was generated from the Davos 2020 meeting on the
We visited all the intervention sites and collected pictures of the project sustainability of the environment and development. Another meeting,
sites where nursery, seedling, greening, and watershed management were the African Union Summit 2020 in Addis Abeba, advocated for the
underway. In the document analysis part of the study, project proposals, development of a sustainable Blue Economy due to its strategic impor-
strategic plans, performance reports, and research documents were tance to the implementation of Agenda 2063 flagship projects, as well as
reviewed. As used in this study, document analysis/review is a method of to environmental challenges and SD issues. The blue economy strategy
study involving the systematic interpretation of relevant documentary has enabled Africa to guide the development of an inclusive and sus-
evidence to shed light on issues relating to an inquiry. tainable economy to contribute to continental transformation, growth,
Following document analysis, thematic analysis, as a method that and environmental sustainability. Thus, environmental sustainability,
identifies key themes of interest in textual data through coding proced- social sustainability, and economic sustainability are the three pillars of
ures including thematic coding (Lune and Berg, 2017; Creswell and blue economy (UNECA, 2016). The Davos 2020 World Economic Forum
Creswell, 2018) was further used. discussed the environmental challenges and climate changes that have
Therefore, the analysis section presents results and discusses the data been overwhelming for the global community.
in two complementary phases of documentary and primary data analysis. In the Ethiopian context, there is a strong and ambitious high-level
The study answers two questions: government commitment to a green economy and greening agenda
within the context of accelerated industrialization (Mulugeta et al., 2019).
Q1: How does ORDA utilize non-formal EE as a tool to communicate The Green Economy Strategy may be surpassed by the Green Legacy, which
with and engage its stakeholders? has led to a massive campaign of new plantations across the country.
Q2: What are the communication challenges faced by ORDA in applying Non-governmental organizations have also supported the SD policy and
non-formal EE to EFDP community projects? environmental activities in different ways. ORDA's fourth revised strategic
plan is strongly allied with the Africa Agenda 2063 and UN Agenda 2030. It
4. Results and discussion follows that the newly developed strategic plan will be carried out in 2021.
ORDA, as it implements non-formal EE, has developed mechanisms
Three themes emerged, namely, types of skills acquired through for experience sharing, held stakeholders' workshops and review meet-
project-based learning, use of skills by project members, and improve- ings, and used capacity building and awareness creation strategies
ment of environmental attributes and livelihoods through the acquisition (ORDA, 2017; ORDA, 2019a,b). ORDA's evaluation, monitoring, and
of such skills and knowledge (Figure 2). The challenges are also learning reports indicate accumulated knowledge regarding the
highlighted. status of the local NGO's project from separate operational areas (ORDA,

Table 1. Data gathering procedures (46 participants).

Stage 1: Document Analysis

Reviewed: Strategic plans, project proposals, annual reports, website contents etc.
Stage 2: Project-Community Members
In-depth interviews & focus group discussion: 43 participants from Enfiranz, Derita, Muja & Eyella included
Activities Seven community members participated in the interviews: CI1,CI2,CI3,CI4,CI5,CI6,CI7 Purposive sampling
Activities Thirty-six project community members participated in discussions: FGD1,FGD2,FGD3,FGD4,FGD5 & FGD6 Purposive sampling
Stage 3: Experts in-depth interviews
Activities Three interviewees conducted: EI1,EI2,EI3 Convenience sampling

M.H. Zikargae et al. Heliyon 8 (2022) e09127

Figure 2. Muja greening and watershed development program started at the foot of the catchment (photo during the field observation).

4.2. ORDA's commitments and practical experiences section. Participation, attitudes, poor educational status, insufficient
training, policy, limited capacity building, image building, monitoring,
ORDA is a local NGO that works to fill the gaps in the government and assessment were all listed as problems. In addition, the specifics of
plan of the Amhara region. The Ethiopian Relief Organization, which was the foregoing findings could be discussed in further details below.
formally registered as a local NGO in 1991, was founded in 1984 in
response to rural poverty. ORDA has created learning and communica- 4.2.1. First strategic plan
tion techniques by analyzing its success in the fields of environmental ORDA's first strategic plan was implemented from 1997 to 2003
security and livelihood income enhancement since its inception as a local (ORDA, 2009a,b,c). Natural resource protection, agricultural develop-
NGO in 1991. Acculturation has occurred in knowledge management ment, rural water supply, rural feeder road construction, migrant reset-
systems, experience sharing, information interchange, and communica- tlement and rehabilitation, emergency food relief, and food store
tions as a result of ORDA's participation in the EFDP. This section sum- construction were all part of the strategy. Since then, ORDA has taken
marizes the organization's overall planning and performance in achieving environmental concerns into account and integrated them into the
its purpose of environmental security and livelihoods in the Amhara re- development process. Integration was carried out according to a gov-
gion. The third and fourth strategic plans of ORDA's mission (2016) are to ernment policy that prioritized environmental protection and rehabili-
"empower poor communities and institutions in the Amhara area to tation. Following adoption of ORDA's strategic plan, it was claimed that
achieve livelihoods and environmental security" (P.9). ORDA concen- there was a lack of commitment to the personnel, resulting in a high
trated on displacement and rehabilitation in the Amhara region until turnover rate that was not adequately addressed. According to the
1993. ORDA's development approach during this implementation era is document analysis, the strategic plan document was not fully followed
centered on emergencies, with minimal attention given to engagement in and applied. ORDA was busy providing humanitarian food aid, so pro-
emergencies. ORDA was focused on development efforts from 1993 to tection of natural resource was moved to the bottom of the priority list. In
1997, ignoring environmental security. ORDA is currently focusing on addition, no non-formal EE technique was deployed as a key PEC tool to
community projects. empower stakeholders. It also shows that community participation was
ORDA has been involved in EFDP efforts that align with the govern- minimal during the project's implementation. ORDA's EFDP in the
ment's environmental and development priorities for three decades (EI1, Amhara region was hampered by these flaws. Regardless of its limita-
EI2). In 2020, the fourth revised strategic plan will come to a conclusion. tions, ORDA's intervention was a first, small step toward enhancing the
Another strategic strategy will be implemented in 2021. A five-year region's environmental security.
timeline for community projects is included in one strategic plan. The
strategic plans have been divided into the actions intended for each 4.2.2. The second strategic plan
implementation year. The company prepares an annual performance The focus of the second strategic plan (2004–2008) was determined
report at the end of each implementation year. The organization learns by an evaluation of the performance of the first strategic plan. The or-
about relevant possibilities and problems through these reports (Table 3). ganization identified priorities in agricultural development and envi-
The documented knowledge from the previous year is contained in the ronmental protection, forest resource development, water resource
previous year's activity plan. Some efforts have been made to address the development, capacity building, community development, disaster pre-
issues, which will be detailed in the next plan to improve them. vention, and relief programs during its second strategic plan and
The organization gained valuable experience in terms of environ- implementation years 2004–08. Furthermore, the EFDP's strategic plan
mental security and community livelihoods. The most obvious areas or attracted far more attention than ORDA's initial strategic plan. The EFDP
topics of participation are the environment, natural resources, and strategic plan is likewise marked by significant change and uniqueness,
watershed management. The dangers of each strategic plan addressing giving it the highest level of visibility among stakeholders (public, gov-
non-formal EE as a component of PEC were emphasized in the preceding ernment, donors, and partners). However, new issues arise as a result of

M.H. Zikargae et al. Heliyon 8 (2022) e09127

Table 3. Non-formal EE practices and challenges of ORDA's performance on EFDP.

Strategic plans EFDP works of ORDA Non-formal EE forms: skills & knowledge Practices and challenges
I (1997–2003) None None Absence of rigorous training; lack of short-medium-
long-term training; failure to reveal policies &
guidelines; unable to improve & apply
implementation systems.
II (2004–8) Empowering poor communities and being The period is marked by massive change Dependency syndrome; poor monitoring system,
inclusive of women, landless people, and footprints, enhancing visibility among low technical know-how of farmers; inadequate
unemployed young people, and people the public, the government, donors, and support from the community; low level of
with disabilities. Participation: partners. community participation & low image-building
partnership; Environmental Rehabilitation efforts.
and Agricultural & Forest Resources
III (2009–2013) Natural resources & forest development: Knowledge, skills, attitudes & practices of (1) lack of adequate & efficient participation of
plantations; promotion of alternative the local community regarding natural society & other concerned parties; (2) aid-seeking
energy technologies; biodiversity resources management and climate attitude (reduces ownership & capacity of
conservation; integrated community impacts have been improved. participation); (3) poor educational status of the
watershed & environmental protection; people prohibits ORDA from expanding its
Participatory forest management; activities; (4) absence of rigorous training, lack of
Degraded land Rehabilitation/Area short-medium-long term plans (5) failure to reveal
closure; Promotion of fuel-efficient policies & guidelines; (6) inability to improve &
technologies; Gully rehabilitation. apply the implementation system; (7) not using
training opportunities, conferences & workshops.
IV (2014–2020) Empowering poor communities and their Empowering communities & their Documentation and sharing of good practices and
(2016–20), institutions to ensure environmental institutions; inclusive stakeholder organizational learning; Poor planning and
Revised security; stakeholder participation in participation; system development, and reporting; the difficulty of bringing a behavioral
seedling production and plantation; fuel- application; monitoring, evaluation, and change of ownership, limited capacity of staff;
saving stoves and solar technology; biogas learning; strategic partnerships COVID-19 affected implementation, capacity
plants; watershed establishment & building & program activities; scarcity of funding.
management; system development, and
application; effective support, monitoring,
evaluation, and learning; strategic

the insufficient and inefficient participation of the community and other also been critical in helping the organization institutionalize its approach
stakeholders. Apart from that, the dependency syndrome affected and accomplish its goal. ORDA, on the other hand, has learned through a
ownership and participation. variety of setbacks. A low level of knowledge management and learning
could be a critical input for improving the business's strategic thinking
4.2.3. The third strategic plan and dynamism. There was also a lack of a strategic role for members of
The main focus of the third strategic plan (2009–2013) was based on the regional project community in scaling up organizational capacities in
a positive evaluation of the performance of the second strategic plan project design and planning. Furthermore, the results of monitoring and
(ORDA, 2009a,b,c). Water and other natural resource development, food evaluation were not taken seriously as a management tool for ongoing
security, and agricultural activities were prioritized. According to improvement and strategic execution. These discrepancies were crucial
ORDA's third strategic plan performance report, the implementation for introspection and future organizational improvement.
strategy appropriately emphasized empowerment and meaningful
participation (ORDA, 2014). Non-formal EE was given due attention in 4.2.4. The revised Fourth strategic plan
this strategic plan; and it was employed as an effective tool to empower ORDA's program was aligned with the government's Growth and
and facilitate participation in community projects. Transformation Plan II in the fourth strategic plan (GTP-II). The strategic
As a result, non-formal EE has become one of the organization's plan (2014–2018) was implemented for the first time in 2014–2015,
strategic community empowerment instruments. It aided community before an updated plan (2016–2020) was published to satisfy the Ethi-
initiatives by providing a framework for trainer training in adult learning opian government's new development policy. The ORDA's strategic plan
principles and communication skills, which could be delivered to district reflects the organization's aim to improve the region's environmental
experts, project participants, and project employees (ORDA, 2014). security through a distinctive scientific approach based on the Theory of
Another facet of non-formal EE is its utility as a learning environment for Change (Rogers, 2014). The key ORDA features of thoughts, behaviors,
scaling up. In April 2012, for example, a learning forum was formed with and results were modified for the new method.
the primary goal of scanning ORDA's "development methodologies and The SD goals were addressed in the updated fourth strategic plan.
perceiving the exciting potential of scaling up" (ORDA, 2014, p.72). The Goal 13 is one of the goals, and it requires immediate action to prevent
official report, on the other hand, is criticized for lacking the active climate change and its effects. Goal 15 aims to maintain, restore and
participation of members of the target community initiative. However, promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, manage forests
ORDA's lifetime learning and scaling up strategy, which includes using sustainably, combat desertification, and stop and reverse land degrada-
ORDA's learning forum to capture information and experience of op- tion and loss of biodiversity. Goals 13 and 15 are thus completely
portunities and challenges found during project execution, is a valuable consistent with ORDA's vision and mission. In addition, the fourth stra-
asset. tegic plan aligns well with national and international priorities. ORDA's
Knowledge management, according to ORDA, can increase the program includes environmental and forest development, water and
development of information and data acquisition, as the proper storage, irrigation, agricultural and disaster risk management, youth entrepre-
dissemination, and scaling up. ORDA's inclusion of local women, neurship and private sector development, and gender. The current
particularly in the learning process and dissemination of best practices, research concentrated on the subdivisions of five of ORDA's EFDPs. The
was also praised in the third strategic plan. ORDA's learning forums have goal of the program is to establish environmental security while also

M.H. Zikargae et al. Heliyon 8 (2022) e09127

ensuring the livelihood of the community. Forest development, biodi- study participants confirmed that the program did not prioritize the poor
versity, watershed development, soil and water conservation, and (FGD5, FGD6). Fourth, the ORDA's ability to document and share best
climate resilience are all subcategories of the EFDP. The study looks at practices and organizational learning is restricted (ORDA, 2021a,b).
the project activities of five different programs. Despite the fact that the Fifth, the pandemic has made face-to-face training of specialists and the
theory of change is one of the foundations for implementing the EFDP, it general public impracticable. Some financing partners deactivate project
has received little attention. implementation in unusual instances. The lack of funding for the EFDP
ORDA's non-formal EE activities include stakeholder training in meant that the non-formal EE capacity building was constrained.
forestry and agroforestry, biodiversity conservation, alternative tech-
nology, watershed management, experience sharing on natural resource 4.3. Interview, focus discussions and observation
development, biodiversity workshops, strategic partnerships for mutual
benefit, improved management information systems, stakeholder re- Data was collected from the Enfiranz, Derita, Muja, and Eyella project
lationships, improved monitoring, evaluation, and learning systems community and analyzed thematically. Thematic analysis was based on
through executive and deputy directors, and communication (ORDA, the components of EE indicated in conventions, agreements, and various
2021a,b). Project beneficiaries' experience, knowledge, and abilities in academic discourses that include B-MASKA. The study identified EE in
the environment, forest development, and climate change adaptation terms of training, experience sharing, demonstrations, forums, and field
have all improved as a result of capacity development initiatives. The visits. In essence, EE goes beyond awareness, knowledge, attitude, skills
focus of these educational initiatives is technical support. and participation. It is linked to sensitivity, understanding, motivation,
Community projects face attitudinal problems that make them diffi- solutions and resolution. It also subsumes decision-making and taking
cult to implement. To begin with, the community has been opposed to the actions to respond to environmental challenges (Rahman, 2011). It could
launch of community projects prior to the start of actual implementa- be considered as Cox's (2010) pragmatic function of EE. Therefore, this
tions. During the planning phase of the community project, the character study considered human sources to investigate how ORDA implemented
of the project was not inclusive. As a result, no one from the community community projects and achieved the desired outcomes. Data collection
was consulted. The community was not initially consulted about a techniques included in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and
community initiative that they were interested in. Except for the famil- observation. Observation as a data collection technique was used to
iarization or sensitization of the initiatives to the community, the pre- obtain data from the seedlings, nurseries, watersheds, and greening of
implementation steps are often disregarded. Because the government the Enfiranz, Derita, Muja, and Eyella project community. Agro-forestry
was fully aware of the environmental challenges of the intervention sites, sites which the Derita, Muja, and Eyella project community used for their
the problems were first identified without involving the community. gardens were also observed.
ORDA competes for funding by putting together a project proposal. After The study findings emerged from the six focus group discussions and
receiving the funds, ORDA begins to introduce the initiatives to the seven individual in-depth interviews held at the three study sites.
community through dialogues. After that, the community came to an Moreover, three in-depth expert interviews were conducted. During
agreement. The participants confirmed that the community is opposed to these interviews, participants were invited to ask open-ended questions
the projects implementation due to concerns about the common land's about the opportunities, challenges, and impacts of non-formal EE on
ownership status. They are concerned that the government will deny helping them to deal with environmental challenges and livelihood
them access to the project's benefits. There was no land policy in place to problems.
ensure that the community had access to shared land. However, when the Environmental education is a strategic tool to create awareness and
organization introduced the projects to the community, the community exchange information. It also prepares environment and livelihood
was consulted before they were implemented. The community collabo- knowledge and skills for the SD and well-being of human survival
rates with ORDA on how to mobilize and form committees for the (Mohammed et al., 2006). The capacity building of ORDA in the com-
implementation of ORDA's community projects. Furthermore, whenever munity projects has been provided to numerous targeted participants
implementation challenges arose throughout the project's implementa- who are allowed to support the desired outcome of the community
tion, the project community was consulted. projects. The training is offered to diverse stakeholders, such as the
Second, developing a sense of ownership throughout the imple- project community, experts, and extension workers to empower and
mentation of project interventions is difficult due to the community's boost confidence, knowledge, skills, experience, and attitudes. Specific
inadequate knowledge base and the small number of experts accessible. skills include technical skills, livelihood skills development, biodiversity
Furthermore, the asset-based strategy dominated existing community conservation skills, knowledge management skills, and watershed
programs aimed at improving the environmental security and livelihood development skills. Moreover, entrepreneurial skills have been provided
of the rural community. Except for their cultural approach to environ- to young people and women. Livelihood income generating techniques
mental disputes and environmental communication challenges, indige- were developed over time.
nous practices in relation to community projects were overlooked (CI1, The training on agroforestry is provided to the above-mentioned
CI2, CI5, CI6, FGD1, FGD2, FGD6). Third, there is a serious lack of po- (Table 4) training participants. Training represents an eye-opening
tential inclusion for young people with disabilities in the community. The strategy in rural society. Non-formal EE establishes and maintains

Table 4. Experiences of ORDA's capacity building of staffs and stakeholders.

Participants Themes Descriptions Source

Community Agroforestry, Watershed, Capacity development training was provided to targeted community ORDA, 2019a,b, p.9
Technology members. Moreover, training was provided on forestry and agroforestry
Climate change development…integrated watershed management...fuel-saving stove
technology … climate changes adaptation.
Government staff Agroforestry, Watershed, The capacity development training was provided to government staff on ORDA, 2019a,b, p.9
Energy, Climate change agroforestry, integrated watershed management, fuel-saving energy, and
climate change adaptation.
ORDA's staff Agroforestry Knowledge, Skills ORDA has been working to develop the technical knowledge and skills of its ORDA, 2019a,b, p.9
experts. In this regard, training and experience exchange were organized for
staff on agroforestry

M.H. Zikargae et al. Heliyon 8 (2022) e09127

coexistence between the environment, nature, and human beings. An projects to other sites. We mention sites so they can visit them. We want
expert has been (EI3) deployed to oversee various activities. It is stated our community to study areas with better experience "(EI3). They say
that, "we are often trained in integrated watershed development, soil and that mutual learning is acquired through working together. Collaboration
water conservation, and participatory forest development and manage- is a possible means of "practical training that allows people to acquire
ment strategies" (EI3). The project community at Eyella intervention sites knowledge by working together" (EI3).
has confirmed their participation in ORDA's workshop held at Bahir Dar In conclusion, non-formal training is provided in three environmental
(EI6). However, the majority of participants in the project community areas (EI1, EI2, EI3). One is on-site on the farm itself and involves working
obtained no training except for experts (CI1, CI2, CI3, CI4, CI5). together. This modality enables mutual learning most favorably. It is
Another expert from Libokemkem district explained that ORDA had argued that in a collectivist culture, this kind of learning has a strong in-
various capacity-building methods, mentioning training as a priority fluence on knowledge and skills acquisition. It can also support collabo-
area. In one particular case, ORDA provided a day of discussions and rative learning. The modality is also a particular type of experiential
practical workshops on "how to apply recent research findings, their learning. In essence, learning by doing and engaging in the experience
usefulness, their application, and their handling" (EI3). He further indi- could be crucial to managing community projects. The second strategy
cated that another form of capacity building is provided through an ex- involves providing program training that could involve face-to-face dis-
change of experiences (EI3). However, he added that mutual learning cussions and workshops, while the third category could take the form of
had progressed through working together. Collaboration as "another sharing and exchanging experiences which would lead to mutual learning.
skills development strategy remains to be a practical training opportunity
that allows people to acquire real knowledge by collaboratively working 4.3.1. Benefits of acquired knowledge and skills
and inter-personally sharing knowledge and skills” (EI3).
Further, ORDA improves the capacity of stakeholders through non-formal How did the skills and knowledge acquired help the community to
EE. In this form of diversity, it has impacted short-term and long-term edu- deal with the environmental challenges they experienced?. High-intensity
cation and training (EI1, EI2) conducted in collaboration with agriculture flooding challenged environmental rehabilitation, restoration, and
offices and provided at the administrative and district levels (EI1). The second greening. To mitigate these challenges, the project community-acquired
expert (EI2) mentioned that training is given to surveying community mem- knowledge and skills through various capacity-building mechanisms on
bers. The training was also provided to a basin committee. However, the watershed management and bench terracing. Participant EI1 said: "we
expert explained that not all project community members could receive the identify and train those who have deficiencies. Besides, in the case of soil
training (EI2). He asserted that "it is difficult to provide training for all in the and water conservation, the selection is often based on awareness cre-
community." Thus, selectively, the training addresses target trainees based on ation and supervision considerations". Technical support was provided
capacity limitations. The expert outlined the selection parameters which are as an important area of skills development assistance. In fact, one of the
needs-based. "We identify those who are in need of skills and training. In the objectives and components of non-formal EE is to empower participants
case of soil and water conservation, selection is frequently based on awareness with knowledge (Athman and Monroe, 2001), which occurs through a
creation and supervision needs "(EI1). He further mentioned technical support mutual learning process of participating in community project activities
could be given to the soil and water conservation participants of the project under supervision. The project community could be supervised and
community (EI1). However, in the community project, ORDA uses an inquiry- corrected while they were working in the fields (CI5, CI6). Participation
based strategy that receives a need-based request. "They say we were lacking in experience sharing and training at all levels could be one of the best
capacity. They say we have a capacity gap now. They say that, according to the opportunities to acquire environmental knowledge and skills. The study
training we received from ORDA, we can repair or correct damaged work. indicates that project community members acquire knowledge through
They repeatedly ask ORDA for training " (EI). a variety of experiences and information sharing opportunities. They
General information was provided by an expert regarding the limi- also get a basic understanding of the environment and its related prob-
tations of the training offered to the community (EI2). The expert indi- lems. The knowledge gained during the training workshops, forums, and
cated that short-term training is constrained due to a lack of resources. experience sharing and field visits empowered project community
The resources from donors are limited to the project work but focus less members to invent new ways of greening, watershed development, and
on capacity building. They would rather prioritize activities or imple- farming. The project community members are also assisted to utilize
mentation of community projects having less to do with capacity devel- versatile communication about their interaction with the environment
opment. The expert asserted this limitation as follows: and among their members. With the help of the ORDA facilitator, project
community members managed to secure and sustain bench tracing,
The provision of training is limited as training is associated with re- establish an indigenous association, protect the communal land, and
sources. ORDA does not pay attention to the training because there is form a watershed committee to conserve the environment and biodi-
a lack of funds. Since no organization works without a government versity for livelihood development, forest greening, and farming. Be-
structure, we provide most of the training to government employees. sides, the local indigenous knowledge of the project community
There is no appropriate training for professionals and there are very members is used to manage challenges associated with greening and
little trainings based on strategy. Most training is donor-driven. There watershed management. Knowledge acquired during the field visits,
is limited funding allocated for training. Although there are oppor- dialogues, and training enabled them to come up with an effective
tunities for long-term education, the standard is not good. There are mechanism for dealing with environmental challenges in their sur-
limitations. The parameters are completely different across programs. roundings (Figure 2).
Additionally, quota-based opportunities are provided. The training The project community members have been engaged in bench
focuses on the political supporter rather than the professional (EI2). terracing as the best approach to undertake hillside watershed develop-
Another expert from ORDA explained that ORDA had different ment and to run forest and greening programs. A participant said that
capacity–building methods. He mentioned training as a priority area. “The applied technology improved crop production” (EI1). Another
ORDA provides a day of discussions and hands-on workshops on "how to participant stated that “In our village water is very scarce and we could
apply new research findings, their usefulness, their application, and their not produce enough yield for our families. We thank the NGO for the
handling" (EI3). He further indicated that other forms of capacity borehole and the workshops which enabled us to develop ways to irrigate
building are provided through an exchange of experiences (EI3). "Expe- our farms" (CI7). The workshop also taught the project members how to
riences are often shown and applied here. Community members ask us to enrich arable land. Most of the project members mentioned they used
take experiences of good practices from other ORDA implemented their skills and knowledge to start small business. A participant (CI7)

M.H. Zikargae et al. Heliyon 8 (2022) e09127

states: "the business skills I acquired helped me to engage in business The empirical findings also shed light on the considerable importance
outside the community”. of non-formal EE, whereby prominent community members themselves
come up with practical suggestions and take the lead in addressing their How did the acquisition of skills and knowledge and subsequent fundamental problems. The comprehensive study affirmed the impor-
environmental and forest development activities change the livelihoods of tance of community members taking the initiative to solve problems
households?. Non-formal EE enables project community members to (Saribas et al., 2017). The action, also referred to as project-based
become more productive and effective citizens through livelihood skills learning (Genc, 2015), developed positive attitudes towards project
development. The projects of ORDA are aimed at increasing the pro- community members engaged in improving livelihoods. Through
ductivity of farmers and improving their livelihoods. The objective is to participatory and collaborative learning, the project community mem-
restore the degraded forest, improve groundwater recharge rate, and bers developed competencies related to essential teamwork, communi-
protect downslope dwellers and their farmlands from flood damage by cation, self-management, critical thinking, and problem solving, which
reducing soil erosion. are key skills necessary to attain competitive edge. The project commu-
The participant described how the skills and knowledge they were nity members demonstrated the use of such skills, e.g., they collaborated
received changed types of skills acquired through project-based learning, well as a team and shared opinions in allowing decisions about what
use of skills by project members, and improvement of environmental could work for their project. Unlike government-initiated programs that
attributes and livelihoods. dictate what people must do to improve their lives, the strategies used by
NGO promote ownership of actions, hence they are successful.
I mean, it is life, because previously the mountainous terrain status was Improved skills and practical knowledge have led to improved envi-
very low, with no compacted soil. There was no soil in the area. I mean, at ronmental security and decent livelihoods. The recent EFDP methods
that time, the chances of getting a product were very low. At least when we acquired were extended to project community members' homes where
saw the city, it was surrounded by rivers. There was no such development; backyard gardens were developed. Key participants indicated how the
there were also no institutions in the area. The production was not very backyard gardens invariably led to improved livelihoods of project
effective. And then a mighty river flooded us. It's just that we naturally community members and people in their neighborhood. The strategies
have it. I mean, it is life. People have been a great benefit since then. The they deployed to respond to environmental challenges led to co-benefits
community started using forest resources. They made money from it and which resulted in increasing environmental security and improved live-
began to lead their family; they also began to educate their children in lihoods. Key findings also indicate that the increased crop production and
schools. It is also the beginning of all the deposits of money in the bank. So forest harvesting earned project community members and the commu-
it is our life. Soil and watershed management, greening, and forest nity at large, income to fend for their families and to cover other ex-
development, the mountain soil was conserved and retained water, and penses. The local youth and the community learned entrepreneurial skills
water flow was relatively slow. The flood has subsided, and everything is and knowledge to operate small businesses selling firewood and har-
quiet. After that, the groundwater and soil moisture increased everywhere. vesting honey. Findings also indicate that extending the EFDP to social
The water retention level increased. From then onwards, people began to institutions like schools and clinics not merely increased the number of
plant eucalyptus trees. Institutions are also expanding. So, it means life, business outlets for the project team, but it also promoted healthy living.
ORDA is his clothes, his subsistence, in general, ORDA is the farmer’ life. The selling of forests to community members improved the diet and
One eucalyptus tree can cost up to 100.00, 150.00, or 200.00 birrs; a small prevented the community from acquiring diseases borne from not
eucalyptus tree can also be purchased for 70 or 80 birrs. Again, the branch consuming a proper diet.
itself bears seed; I speak with certainty: a bag of 50 g seed costs 150.00
birrs. Once again, the eucalyptus tree planted with the help of ORDA in 4.3.2. Opportunities and challenges
collaboration with stakeholders in the year 2010 is now harvested and in The study found that there are several opportunities to move the
use. At a certain percentage, half of the product is taken by the district, and organization and the community forward. However, there are also
half of the product is taken by the farmer. In this Eyella village, a farmer remaining challenges relating to implementation and sustainability as
from different districts, such as Gubalafto and Angot, came and worked documented by the organization and witnessed by the community.
here as a laborer. There was a situation where a farmer had worked hard Nevertheless, addressing the challenges has been overlooked, hampering
and earned a lot of money by working in Eyella village. And I mean, ORDA work in several implementation years.
is his life because being ORDA has brought him sustainable development
in the future. Besides, ORDA taught the community's children. CI6. Opportunities. The growing focus on addressing environmental is-
Moreover, beekeeping is a means of income-generating entrepre- sues, livelihood challenges, and other pertinent issues by local, national and
neurial activity for both the young and the farmer. international communities would be a golden opportunity for ORDA's EFDP.
The recent phenomenon of the Green Legacy, a continuing campaign across
Environmental degradation proves that the disappearance of forests the nation, could be marked as an environmental movement that has moti-
leads to the disappearance of bees. As a result, beekeeping was vated all the citizenry for two years and is believed to have a sustainable
stopped for several years. In the current situation, previously dis- impact. It would be assisted by environmental education, as well as key
continued beekeeping is continued after changing the situations stakeholders' meaningful participation and effective advocacy. Moreover,
suitable for beekeeping. CI1. ORDA has emphasized the importance of local government policies and suc-
cessful strategies used to achieve SD, such as agricultural development-led
Findings indicated that the project community members were
industrialization, rural and agricultural development policies, industrial
engaged in greening and watershed programs which earned them income
development policies, environmental policies, climate-resilient green econ-
to feed for their families. The knowledge acquired during project-based
omy, charities and social agency proclamations, youth and women's policies,
learning was transferred to community members who had not attended
and so on. The coexistence of various communities based on society's in-
the workshops. Some members mentioned that they produced more than
stitutions (edir, watershed committee, forest committee, development army,
enough for their personal use, and shared with those who had shortages.
etc.) has been identified as a community opportunity. The gradual acceptance
Beyond the project community, empowerment was expanded to other
of ORDA by potential donors, communities, and legitimate government
community sites. Thus, the development of gardens was realized in other
structures presents an important opportunity for the practical implementation
villages, which means that the knowledge the initial participants ac-
of community projects among the rural Amhara people. ORDA has contacted
quired was transferred to others outside of Enfiranz, Derita, Muja, and
the community and started a dialogue with them through the government
Eyella villages.
structures. The availability of communal lands is crucial (Figure 3).

M.H. Zikargae et al. Heliyon 8 (2022) e09127

Figure 3. Eyella greening and watershed development program started at the foot of the catchment (photo during the field observation).

The prolonged problems of flooding, frequent drought, and soil strategic plan development and implementation. The organizational
infertility have been some of the opportunities for intervention, moti- documents assessed for this study are scientific project papers, strategic
vation, information exchange, mutual learning, experience exchange, planning documents, and annual performance reports. The donors’
field visits, training, cooperation and participation. Participating youth participation in contributions and funding releases has been dependent on
and women in the learning process and dissemination of information the annual performance report. Besides, the organization develops in-
represent valuable opportunities for the project community. sights for knowledge management for further implementation strategies.
The major focus areas of the organization included in the main empow- Challenges. The dynamism of the nonprofit organization's per- erment of poor communities and their institutions aimed at ensuring
formance has been continuous. The coded and tacit knowledge of the environmental security. The stakeholders received knowledge and skills
community project manifests in the project's life cycle and beyond. As for capacity building in forestry/agroforestry, biodiversity conservation,
stated above, there are several challenges experienced by ORDA during alternative energy, and watershed management through experience
the life cycle of the projects. ORDA's intervention implementation stra- sharing, training, and workshops (ORDA 2019a,b, 2018, 2017; 2016;
tegies intentionally include inclusive community participation; effective 2014). Findings indicate that most of the project community members
communication; explicit image building; successful partnership and were illiterate, and before engaging in project activities, needed to learn
fruitful collaboration; the Integrated Watershed Management approach; basic knowledge and skills. More community members were attracted to
and knowledge management. However, limited capacity-building sup- being part of the project because of the mobilization and awareness cre-
port to staff and key stakeholders; low monitoring, evaluation, and ation campaign by ORDA and the community leaders. Initially, there was
learning and database management; limitations in community partici- resistance to the community projects. After various deliberations, they
pation, and deep-rooted dependency syndrome are the main challenges agreed to contribute to its implementation. However, several challenges
encountered before, during, and after the practical implementation of continue to impede the full implementation of the community projects.
community projects. It has been noted that knowledge management is an
important process of capturing, distributing, and effectively using 6. Conclusion
knowledge. ORDA believes knowledge management is a basic tool to
build the implementation capacity of the staff, the target communities, The study focused on a relatively less explored area of how non-
and government stakeholders to ensure project or program success and formal EE in the form of project-based learning was used to capacitate
sustainability. However, there are several non-formal EE challenges as and empower Enfiranz, Derita, Muja and Eyella communities which
adequate training was limited due to funding constraints. Also, the ma- practiced EFDP greening and watershed management with acquired
jority of the training is provided to government employees (EI2). An skills and knowledge needed to improve environmental quality and
expert interviewed asserts that "there is no specialized training for pro- forest production. These conclusions are derived from both document
fessionals". Furthermore, it is difficult to put the weight of fixing sus- and thematic analyses.
tainability issues on local communities if the conditions are caused by The scientific document analysis indicates that ORDA's comprehen-
government policy decisions and extractive practices. sive EE strategy since its official establishment in 1993 could be man-
ifested in many ways. These include training, learning forums used for
5. Summary and conclusion scaling up, documenting opportunities, challenges, and knowledge
management, and institutionalizing the strategy used for scaling-up at-
5.1. Summary tainments, empowerment of the community, and knowledge manage-
ment. These could be considered as inputs for developing other plans.
ORDA uses the term stakeholders' participation in representing the Thus, ORDA has used non-formal environmental strategies: (1) Adult
community, government staff, and donors. Stakeholders are the patrons Learning Principles and Communication; (2) Stakeholder Participation
who participated in the EFDP of ORDA since the organization started Theory; (3) Practical Knowledge Management and (4) Theory of Change.

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