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Kompetensi Inti:
KI 1 Menerima dan menjalankan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI 2 Memiliki perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, santun, peduli dan percaya diri
dalam berinteraksi dengan keluarga, teman dan guru.

KI 3 Memahami pengetahuan faktual dengan cara mengamati, menanya dan mencoba

berdasarkan rasa ingin tahu tentang dirinya, mahluk ciptaan tuhan dan kegiatannya, dan
benda-benda yang dijumpainya dirumah dan di sekolah.

KI 4 Menyajikan pengetahuan faktual dan konseptual dalam bahasa yang jelas, sistematis
logis dan kritis dalam karya yang estetis dalam gerakan yang menerminkan anak sehat
dan dalam tindakan yang mencerminkan perilaku anak beriman dan berahlak mulia.

KD 3.3 Menyebutkan kosakata tentang nama–nama hari dan bulan secara lisan atau tulis
melalui teks pendek dalam konteks peserta didik
KD 4.3 Mengurutkan nama–nama hari dan bulan secara lisan atau tulisan melalui teks pendek
dalam konteks peserta didik

Tujuan Pembelajaran:
1. Siswa dapat meniru kosakata tentang nama-nama hari secara lisan atau tulis melalui teks
pendek dalam konteks peserta didik
2. Siswa dapat melafalkan nama-nama hari dan bulan secara lisan dengan pengucapan yang
benar melalui teks pendek dalam konteks peserta didik
3. Siswa dapat membaca kosakata mengenai nama-nama hari,bulan secara lisan atau tulis
melalui media kartu
4. Siswa dapat mengurutkan nama-nama hari dan bulan dengan menggunakan after/before
5. Siswa dapat menulis nama-nama hari dan bulan dalam bahasa Inggris dengan benar
6. Siswa mampu membaca nama-nama bulan dengan pengucapan yang tepat dan benar
melaui teks pendek
1. Days and Months
A. Listen to your teacher then repeat!

(Dengarkan gurumu kemudian ikuti!)

What day is Today is Sunday


What month is
this month? This month is

Kosakata :
1. Monday : Senin
2. Tuesday : Selasa
3. Wednesday : Rabu
4. Thursday : Kamis
5. Friday : Jumat
6. Saturday : Sabtu
7. Sunday : Minggu
8. Today : hari ini
9.yesterday : kemarin
10.tomorrow : besok


I. Answer the question below!

(jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini!)
1. Today is . . . . . (Minggu)

2. Yesterday was. . . . . (Senin)

3. Tomorrow is . . . . (Jumat)

4. Yesterday was Wednesday. Today is . . . . .(kamis)

5. Today is Sunday. Yesterday was . . . . . (sabtu)

6. Today is Monday. Tomorrow is . . . . .(selasa)

7. Tomorrow is Thursday. Today is. . . . . (rabu)

8. Yesterday was Tuesday. Tomorrow is . . . . (kamis)

9. Wednesday in Indonesian is . . . .

10. Sunday in Indonesian is . . .

II. Match with the correct answer!

(Hubungkan dengan kata – kata yang benar!)
1. Monday a. Kamis

2. Wednesday b. Senin

3. Friday c. Rabu

4. Sunday d. Minggu

5. Thursday e. .Jumat

III. Arrange the letters into correct words!

(Susunlah huruf menjadi kata yang benar!)
1. u-n-s-a-d-y

2. e-d-s-y-a-t-u

3. d-e-w-e-n-s-a-y-d

4. o-n-m-y-a-d

5. y-a-d-i-r-f

Kosakata :
1. January :Januari
2.February : Februari
3.March : Maret
4.April : April
5. May :Mei
6. June : Juni
7. July : Juli
8. August : Agustus
9. September : September
10. October : Oktober
11. November : Nopember
12. December : Desember
13. before : sebelum

14. after : sesudah


 Today is Wednesday ( hari ini adalah hari rabu)

 Yesterday was Tuesday (kemarin adalah hari selasa)

 Tomorrow will be Thursday (besok adalah hari kamis)

 This month is June (Bulan ini adalah Juni)

 The next month is October (Bulan depan adalah Oktober)

 The last month was December ( Bulan lalu adalah Desember)

 The day after Tuesday is Wednesday ( hari setelah selasa adalah rabu)

 The day before Friday is Thursday (hari sebelum jumat adalah kamis)



Speak out this dialogue loudly and clearly!

(Ucapkan dialog ini dengan keras dan jelas!)

Kadek : Hay Gus, What day is today?

Agus : Today is Monday

Kadek : How many days are there in this month?

Agus : There are thirty one days

Kadek : Thank you

Agus : Don’t mention it

Let’s go to the classroom!


1. Who are in the dialogue?

2. Where is the dialogue take place?

3. How many days are there in this month?

4. What is “Monday” in Indonesian word?

5. How many person are there in the dialogue?


READING Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,
I. Fill in the blanks with the correct words!

(Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini dengan kata-kata yang sesuai!)

1. Today is Sunday. Tomorrow is . . . . .

2. This month is March. Next month is . . . . .

3. There are . . . . . days in a week

4. There are . . . . .months in a year

5. The first month of the year is . . . . .

6. The day after Friday is . . . . .

7. The day before Wednesday is . . . . . .

8. The last month of the year is . . . . . .

9. Today is Friday. Yesterday was . . . . .

10. This month is July. Last month was . . . . .

II.Complete the names of the month below!

( lengkapi nama-nama bulan di bawah ini)!

1. J - n - -ry =

2. F - br - - ry =

3. M - rch =

4. - pr – l =

5. M - y =

6. J - n - =

7. J - ly =

8. A - g – st =

9. S - pt – mb – r =
10. Oct - b - r

Read this text and answer the question below!

Days and Months

There are seven days in a week, they are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. I go to school five days in a week from
Monday to Friday .I don’t go to school on Saturday and Sunday. As we know, there
are twelve months in a year, they are January, February, March, April, May ,June,
July, August, September, October, November, December. The first month is January
and the last month is December.


I. Answer the questions below!

(jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan dibawah ini )!

1. The title of the text is. . . . .

2. There are . . . . . days in a week

3. There are . . . . . months in a year

4. The students go to school from . . . . . to . . . . .

5. The first month in a year is . . . . .

6. The students didn’t go to school every . . . . .

7. I go to school . . . . . days in a week

8. The last month is. . . . .

9. Are there seven days in a week? Yes , . . . .

10. Are there thirteen months in a year?



I. Arrange the letters into correct words!

(Susunlah kata-kata kedalam kata yang benar!)

1. o-d-t-a-y

2. t-d-r-a-y-e-s-e

3. o-r-r-m-t-o-w

4. f-r-d-a-y-i

5. s-d-y-h-t-u-r-a

6. u-n-s-a-d-y

7. u-n-j-e

8. d-e-w-e-n-s-a-y-d

9. l-y-u-j

10. y-d-a-t-u-r-s-a

II. Fill in the blanks!

1. Today is Sunday

Tomorrow is

2. Yesterday was Friday

Today is

3. This month is April

Next month is

4. Last month was September

This month was

5. This month is September

Last month was

III. Translate into English!

(Terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa inggris)!

1. Today is Wednesday

2. Tomorrow is Sunday

3. Yesterday was Thursday

4. Yesterday was Friday

5. What day is today?


1. A : Today is Thursday. What day was yesterday?

B. Yesterday was . . .

a. Tuesday

b. Wednesday

c. Friday

d. Saturday

2. The eight month of the year is . . .

a. June

b. July

c. September

d. August

3. Wednesday . . . Friday

a. Thursday

b. Wednesday

c. Tuesday

d. Saturday

4. There are . . . days in a week

a. seven

b. six

c. Tuesday
d. Saturday

5. The day before Wednesday . . . .

a. Thursday

b. Tuesday

c. Sunday

d. Saturday

6. The month before May is . . .

a. March

b. August

c. April

d. December

7. The month after august is . . . .

a. October

b. September

c. November

d. July

8. How many days are there in a month?

a. a day

b. seven days

c. twenty one days

d. thirty or thirty one days

9. Yesterday was Friday. Today is . . .

a. Thursday

b. Wednesday
c. Sunday

d. Saturday

10. This month is February. The next month is . . .

a. January

b. March

c. April

d. May

Text for number 3 to 7

Mrs. Made : When do we celebrate Independence day ? 
Ketut : It is on August 17 th Mrs.
Mrs.Made : What month do we celebrate the National Education Day, Ketut?
Ketut : It is on May, 2 nd and when do we celebrate Kartini day?
Mrs.Made : It is on April.
Ketut : Good! Do you know in what date is it?
Made : it is on april the twenty first. 
11. On August 17 th we celebrate the….
a. National Education Day
b. New year 
c. Kartini’s day
d. Independence day 
12.  The National Education Day is in ….
a. May 2 nd    
b. May 21 st
c. May 22 nd 
 d. May 12 th
13.     On April we celebrate the…
a. New year                
b. Independence day
c. National education day
d. Kartini day
14.     Wednesday ,..... Friday
a.    Thursday
b.    Wednesday
c.    Tuesday
d.    Saturday
15.     There are....days in a week
a. seven
b. six
c. ten
d. twelve
16.     The day before Sunday is....  
a. Thursday
b. Wednesday
c. Friday
d. Saturday
17.      The month before January is....
a.    March
b.    February
c.    April
d.    December
18.   The month after October is....
a.    October
b.    September
c.    November
d.    July
19.  The last month is. . . .
a. January                    
b. June
c. July       
d. December
20.  What day is after Tuesday?
a. Wednesday        
b. Saturday
c. Thursday            
d. Friday
21.  Yesterday was Friday. Tomorrow is …
a. Sunday                      
b. Monday
c. Thursday                    
d. Friday
22.  The day after Tuesday is . . .
a. Wednesday
b. Thursday
c. Monday
d. Friday
23.  Yesterday was Friday. Today is . . .
a. Thursday
b. Wednesday
c. Sunday
d. Saturday
24.  This month is June. The next month is . . .
a. January
b. March
c. April
d. July
25.  Nabila : ………………………….?
Aditya : It is June.
a. What month is this month
b. What time is it
c. Is the month June
d. What day is today
26. The First month is.. . .
a. May            

b. June

c. July

d. January

27. Most people don’t go to work on.............and.........

a. Saturday and Monday

b. Sunday and Monday

c. everyday

d. Saturday and Sunday

28. The day after Monday is......

a. Sunday       

b. Tuesday 

c. Friday    

d. Thursday

29. Which day comes before Friday?

a. Thursday                

b. Tuesday 

c. Friday                

d. Saturday

30. Most people work from .......

a. Saturday to Monday

b. Sunday to Monday

c. everyday

d. Monday to Friday

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