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Hi kak,

How's your day? Everythingis good?

Can i have your time for a while? I'll tell u a
aku mungkin ga pernah bilang ke kakak
tentang gimana awalnya aku bisa jatuh
suka sama kakak, you're so kind, lovely,
carring, and the most important thing that
made me fall for you is your sweet word.
Sepele memang, but it always make me
fall for you over and over again. And there
is a lot a little things that keep me fall for
you. I like your presence.

Its almost 8 months after the first time we

decided to start our relationship. Banyak
banget moment yang terjadi di dalam
waktu itu, suka, sedih, seneng, sakit, we
already going through all of that.
mungkin kita memang belum pernah
ketemu but my feelings for you is real.

Aku nulis ini bukan untuk minta ataupun

memohon sama kakak, aku nulis ini to let
you know that i really love you, really love
you, maybe sometimes I'm so selfish,
childish, it because all i want is your

Ini mungkin cuma perasaan aku aja tapi

belakangan ini kakak terlalu keras dan
kasar. Aku tau mungkin aku yang sensitif
dan baperan sama kata² kakak, kata² yang
sepele but it really hurt me, mungkin juga
kakak ga sadar udah ngomong kaya gitu.
Aku juga udah pernah ngomong sama
kakak soal ini kan, thats way kenapa setiap
kakak marah atau apapun kata² kakak
yang kakak ucapin pas lagi marah aku
selalu iyain, karna aku ga mau makin sakit

Tapi aku ga nyalahin kakak atau apapun

karna aku tau everything happens by
reason, kakak pasti punya alasan kenapa
kakak bersikap kaya gitu.
But honestly, aku kangen kakak yang dulu
yang lembut, yang perhatian, sweet talker,
kakak yang buat aku jatuh cinta.

Aku nulis ini buat minta maaf sama kakak

bahwa selama ini aku belum bisa jadi
pacar yang baik, pacar yang bisa mengerti
kakak di setiap situasi, pacar yang bisa
kakak banggain.I'm sorry if i hurt you by
any chance.
I don't really meant it. I'm sorry that i failed
as your girlfriend.
But you will always be my first love. Not
like the first person I liked or the one who
took my breath away or my first kiss, but
my first strong feeling.
I knew from the moment I met you that my
heart belongs to you. And I will never
regret loving you.
Even if we can't be together, I will love you
in this life and in another one.

Dan kalo setelah ini hubungan kita

beneran berahir cukup sampai disini, aku
berharap kita masih bisa jadi
temen, sahabat or apapun itu.
Because i don't wanna lose you.

Once again, I love you, sorry, sorry, and

thank you.
Sorry that i love you so much.

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